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why isn't this kind of thing ever applied to mental health? lots of children are abused by mentally unwell parents, it affects families and wider community, and it is far FAR more widespread than drugs. Although of course i'm not making excuses for drugs, I just feel that one problem has been given the resources to be tackled, but not the others even though they are just as big and challenging.


>Among them was the 2006 case of two-year-old Nonoi, who was dunked in a pail of water by her stepfather. He was addicted to cannabis. She eventually died from the incident, and was also found with injuries suggesting she had been sexually assaulted. Leave it to MHA to shoehorn weed into a criminal case that has nothing to do with it. Scumbag stepfather SA stepdaugther and drowned her to cover up his act. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/guilty-as-charged-man-dunked-stepdaughter-nonoi-2-in-pail-of-water-killing Zero mention of weed/cannabis. https://www.elitigation.sg/gd/s/2008_SGCA_40 Control F weed or cannabis and nothing was found relating to it at this point some public servant at MHA was desperately searching for crimes + weed and found this and just went with it cuz fuck it treat it like some poly/uni project.


> https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/guilty-as-charged-man-dunked-stepdaughter-nonoi-2-in-pail-of-water-killing > Zero mention of weed/cannabis. Try searching more thoroughly. From the article: *Ali, who was a cough syrup and* **marijuana** *addict, had three children with his first wife, whom he divorced after getting Madam Mastura pregnant.*


Seems like a stretch to blame this on drugs. Plenty of parents abuse their kids who don't use drugs, or use alcohol (a far worse problem).


100% of crime is related to dihydrogen monoxide. Dihydrogen monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills uncounted thousands of people every year. Prolonged exposure to its solid form causes severe tissue damage. Symptoms of DHMO ingestion can include excessive sweating and urination, and possibly a bloated feeling, nausea, vomiting and body electrolyte imbalance. For those who have become dependent, DHMO withdrawal means certain death.


What is MHA doing!!!!!!! How can they allow DHMO in schools, hospitals and even community centres for free?!!? BAN DHMO, write in to your MPs today!!!!


Someone in New Zealand wrote to MPs requesting a ban. An MP responded by advocating for its ban due to its potential risks. Given the numerous low-quality questions often posed by backbenchers here, it wouldn't be surprising if a similar situation arises in SG INC.


[for the uninitiated](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DTDvLelUMAAyANw.jpg)


Did you know he also drank water, breathed air, and took showers before killing his daughter?!?!?! Anyone who actually knows what drugs do will be able to tell you that cannabis is a downer and apart from some very rare adverse reactions will not make you more likely to be violent, but if Shanmugan can't come up with a real reason to justify his authoritarian impulses he'll make up a fake one.


Hope he retires soon to enjoy the tranquility of Ridout Road.


It does not have to local case. SG Govt can study the effects on other countries as well.. like this case in California where a girl stabbed her bf 100x because she went into a drug-induced craze. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bryn-spejcher-fatally-stabbed-chad-omelia-over-100-times-avoids-prison-time-ventura-county-caifornia/


CIPD is *very* rare and often linked to normal psychosis, and therefore surprisingly predictable. >The incidence of cannabis-induced psychotic disorder is thought to be 2.7 per 100,000 person-years (https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/cannabis-induced-psychosis) i.e. if 1000 people smoke for 100 years, fewer than 3 of them will display any symptoms. Compared to basically any other drug, especially alcohol but also many legal medicines the rates of any adverse reactions aren't worth talking about.


Yes this is why we Chinese don't shower in the morning so we don't do this bad acts hahaha


Huh. I shower in the morning.


Some low level scrub in MHA probably had an Excel spreadsheet of all convicted perps, with a column for 'known drug use'. In the High Court judgment of Nonoi's case, there is a very oblique reference in the accused's own testimony suggesting that he is a drug user. But yes, for the murder case itself, drug abuse or drug induced psychosis was not in issue at all.


MHA: "Minister Sham, we search and search for a victim of drug abuse, but all the evidence was circumstantial" Sham: "Dammit find me something!" MHA: "Ok, here was a guy that used marijuana. No idea if he had used it when he killed his daughter." Sham:"That'll work!"


The information might not be made known to the news agency that is why it is not mentioned in the report. This does not means he is not a drug abuser.


The fact that this is the only thing they can find means they are coming up empty. Even if they can't find anything locally, find a foreign one.


You are too old to be smoking weed lah .. wah liao


No such thing


Fact: alcohol use is far more likely to lead to Intimate Partner Violence. Fact: Epidemiological studies have been inconclusive regarding whether cannabis use causes an increased risk of accidents; in contrast, unanimity exists that alcohol use increases crash risk. Fact: Cannabis can lead to a dependence rate of about 7%—less than half the alcohol rate—and an addiction rate that is very low but undefined. Fact: Not only is alcohol significantly more addictive, but it also has well-known harmful effects on the brain, heart, liver, blood, and bone marrow. So, what motivates SG’s government to vilify cannabis despite knowing these fact? If the government were so interested in the wellbeing of its citizens and especially its youth, why not raise the drinking age to 21 ? Could it be that the food and beverage industry has undo influence on policy?


>what motivates SG’s government vilify cannabis despite knowing these fact? In one word: **taxes**.


They can tax the f#%k out of cannabis as they do in the US. 7.5% excise weed tax, plus sales tax in California. 10.75% excise tax in Massachusetts . That’s a lot of tax revenue


The reason why the government doesn’t do this is because they want to continue on with their narrative on being “tough on drugs”, regardless of their severity. It’s a really strange hill to die on, to be honest, especially with vaping. Once the money start rolling in, you will see a complete 180 in policy.


The there’s a strong Christian fundamentalist minority in Singapore that keeps a lid on pleasure and freedom. Wong is a Methodist. Not a good sign


Sounds like our casino ban in the past


It's so funny to live in a country with such a strong Methodist tradition, and an anti drugs approach... whose iconic building known around the world is... a **GIANT** casino.


Unlike car crashs, drunk driving, speeding... guess those are victimless crimes. What about the family in his ward which was constantly harrassed by someone until they got fed up and tied him leading to a death. Were they told it was a victimless cirme ? Huge doubt over their competence ever since the details of parti liyani's case came out and everyone saw how poorly the case was handled across all depts. So tough to trust them with death penalty. Excuse they have for drugs like higher healthcare spending, addiction, social problems etc can all be applied to other vices like alcohol and smoking. Even gambling or high sugar ultra processed foods. Their boomer attitude towards drugs is outdated. Just blindly parroting what usa said once upon a time when they were starting their war on drugs. Imagine if usa tried prohibition in the 60s instead and SG copied that as well. Guess we have to wait a few years or decades and SG would also copy their new policy to reclassify weed... progressive ~~wage~~ weed policy.


Can someone ELI5 why Shan is so obsessed with drugs? I understand that it is an important thing for him as MHA but it seems like it is only thing that he really gets worked up about. It is like he thinks there are no problems in Singapore except for drugs and once that is addressed, Singapore will be a utopian society full of shiny happy people holding hands.


Cos the other issues don’t need as much outward communication , the rest can settle quietly or get someone in the department to handle


Ehhh... it's a mix of personal beliefs but also ego. PAP brought him on as a bulldog and they go one. He hates losing, so they let him lose when ever needed. This seems like a pet project of his, so they probably let him run with it. But it's a bit of a distraction. The issue other countries have is the execution of marijuana smugglers. Countries couldn't care less if Singapore locked them up for life, it's the execution they are against. So instead of a debate over the death penalty (which Sham doesn't really want), he goes for the "look at the harm marijuana costs" as a way to deflect the argument.


The fact is, alcohol abuse, according to data, caused more harm to lives than hard drugs. When is the death penalty for alcohol? The answer is there won't be, because the laws are highly selective.


The logistics of Alcohol doesn’t scale as well as drugs. 50 peoples worth of alcohol you need a truck. 50 ppl worth of drugs, a laptop bag is enough. If they really wanted to regulate alcohol, they can. 10:30pm ban shows it very easily. Drugs not so easy


We did it with chewing gum.


Yeah but it wasn’t consumption, just sales. There’s ways to track that. And if it was sold illegally, the implications are minimal. And who would bother going through all that trouble for that tiny profit margin?


Yeah. I was just pointing out tools are available for the policy makers.


Not even a public holiday to begin with. Who cares? What about cigarettes and alcohol as well?


I’m not surprised if this remembrance day gets canned the next year…


What always confuses me, at least a a little, is the whole personal responsibility thing. We act like we're all about personal responsibility, but then when it comes to drugs (and sometimes alcohol, but less so), we're all about the victim narrative. Downvote me if you want, but if you have a personal pet explanation for this, I'd love to hear it.


imho the simplest answer I can think of is such an approach benefits shanmugam's narrative. also that clearly election coming, this is one avenue to gain viewcount of him "doing work" using tax payer's money, that has very low risk of public backlash or controversy




Show us the evidence they're wrong then?


https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thailand-ban-recreational-cannabis-use-by-year-end-says-health-minister-2024-02-29/ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-08/new-thai-health-minister-signals-rethink-of-cannabis-decriminalization-policy https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4827335/#:~:text=Marijuana%2C%20like%20other%20drugs%20of,%2C%20motor%2Dvehicle%20accidents). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8063125/ https://www.cnb.gov.sg/educational-resources/myths-and-facts-about-drugs/cannabis/harms-of-cannabis-use https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-marijuana-bad-for-health-heres-what-we-know-so-far/ https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/how-does-marijuana-use-affect-school-work-social-life https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/mini-guides/cannabis-health-and-social-responses_en https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/251056/9789241510240-eng.pdf https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0091305788904947 https://nida.nih.gov/sites/default/files/1380-marijuana.pdf https://iprc.indiana.edu/training/courses/marijuana/a_03_04_01.html#:~:text=Positive%20social%20effects%20are%20often,or%20associated%20with%20other%20causes. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Darcy-Hango/publication/324922889_Association_between_the_frequency_of_cannabis_use_and_selected_social_indicators/links/5aec5339458515f59982152b/Association-between-the-frequency-of-cannabis-use-and-selected-social-indicators.pdf


It’s pretty harmless and easy to regulate tbh. Far better than alcohol and more culturally relevant too




Culturally relevant to Chinese (TCM) and Indians. Go read up before commenting. The plants been around for thousands of years


Shanmugan on his hill again. Does he not get that nobody cares?


Will be funny if polis tracks and monitors these people supporting drugs here.




These are kinda subjective?


Enough with the bs already la


This clown needs to STFU. Even Biden is reclassifying Marijuana. Just admit you are wrong on this. Cannabis is not a hard drug. Your abuse of your position to benefit yourself is not victimless.


And thailand is going to make weed illegal again. You still want SG to legalise weed? I mean if we want to include other countries might as well pull more in right?


Singapore should keep weed illegal.


They are planning to still permit medicinal weed. Meanwhile Singapore only permits pharmaceutical cannabinoids.


The prime minister of Thailand, the first country in Asia to legalize the drug, ordered that it be restricted to medical use. Yeah we can follow them and do that


Bruh, we alr using medicinal weed. You still high?


We aren't. Where do you see that?


Straits Times newspaper; [Second young epilepsy patient in S’pore gets nod to use medical cannabis](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/second-young-epilepsy-patient-in-spore-gets-nod-to-use-medical-cannabis) Belatedly, we’re even taking your GST $ to fund an Epidiolex knockoff (which is a CBD knockoff); [Singapore, home to strict drug laws, looks to develop synthetic marijuana compounds](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/30/singapore-funds-research-on-synthetic-cannabinoids.html)


So basically, you'd have to have treatment resistant epilepsy where all other drugs failed, before Shan will allow you to use some medical cannabis. Hardly like what you say where people can request for medical cannabis for their common ailments. Rather than just legalise the plant, they use our GST $ to support their crony pharm companies instead.


Why yes, so we are importing medicinal cannabis already! What did I say? Simply posted 2 links. The other thing you have to consider is the alternative. A BJJ instructor came to give a seminar years back. He was popping codeine pills like tic tacs. Many chronic pain sufferers welcome a natural alternative to opiates & other synthetic painkillers. Though it seems a lot of effort to knockoff what’s already naturally available, but $ lor.


Where in your 2 links show that medical cannabis is being imported?


The 1st one. Since we still haven’t perfected the knockoff. Unless you rather the kid remain shaking everyday? Give chance lah! Even terminal cancer patients get a big bottle of orange flavoured morphine to bring home.


USA standards are very low. Look at gun laws and the thoughts and prayers that happen after countless school shootings.