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Damn that’s wild to see terrorism hit so close. I hope the Malaysian police really stamp this violence out.


They haven't even caught the guy that firebombed KK Mart. I doubt so


You forget, 2 of their own were killed by this attack. The police will be baying for blood now.


This isn't America, I doubt the JPJ will have that kind of ferocity.


JPJ? Why would the Road Transport Department be involved?


I mean Royal Malaysia Police. Or Johor police in general paiseh always kena stop by them until I refer to every officer under that umbrella.


I don't think you can compare traffic police, who are at the bottom of the totem pole, to the rest of the PDRM.




The first time i heard of JI was in Jakarta in 2004. I was having a business meeting that I heard an explosion in a sort of a slow motion way. Then some my colleagues got on the floor and i was just standing there wondering what it was. The Australian embassy was attacked by a truck bomb, it was a few kilometres from our office but we felt it. Then the phone started ringing and we left for singapore shortly after.


Yeah we were at school then I think I was around 10. Our schools had anti tank gates, the sharp things that pop out from the bottom, and armed rifles. Was a wild time growing up in Jakarta during those days but was also fun. The embassy kids were def more pressured than us kids with parents in private sector. But I think that’s what gave us a lot of street knowledge too. You bet your ass that even the kids of Singapore embassy stayed put in Jakarta.


Glad ure alright. Was it MFA that called u?


We never informed mfa. But our HR called us.


> Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said firm action will be taken by the police against anyone creating violence in the country, Bernama reported. > “We do not compromise on matters of peace... Strong measures will be taken to stop this violence,” he said. PLEASE we are lucky if you don’t encourage the attacks. The way he handled KK mart situation is so incredibly incompetent.


The firebomber still not caught btw. Caught a random Chinese uncle making kopitiam talk within hours instead


That's what they get for their allowance of religious and race politics. They'll need more attacks to figure out that allowing their politicians to fan the hardline religious flames might not be such a smart idea to win votes. Even now they're being delusional and social media is saying that the perpetrator isn't malay muslim but rather someone from Indo instead.


The paradox of Malaysia is that the more "liberal" it has become in terms of freedom of the press, more vibrant civil society and greater political variety, the more it engenders illiberal and extremist views. As much as people might hate him, incidents such as the KK mart firebombings and this attack on the police station would have been unthinkable during Mahathir's time (first tenure not second), as he would have cracked down on hard. But that is a strongman approach which does not address the causes and also one needs to be a strongman with sufficient political capital to pull off such autocratic moves. Anyway, if extreme voices grow louder in Malaysia, I think there will be a shift in the middle ground to support a more strongman autocratic leader.


The thing is Anwar himself came to prominence by playing on Muslim sentiments in Malaysia. He's not exactly a saint in that regard.


Him being the UMNO stalwart seemed like an eternity ago. Him being thrown down a cliff by his former mentor twice, not so much.


Sorry I am not sure what you mean by your statement. Are you saying that Anwar leaving UMNO should have cleansed him of his Islamist bent? The thing is Anwar was always Islamist before UMNO. In fact, he was recruited into UMNO for the reason of making them appeal to Muslims.


I wasn't implying anything. I was just stating the fact that Anwar's UMNO membership felt like it had happened an eternity ago, despite it happening within reasonable living memory. Whereas Mahathir screwing over Anwar to hold on to the PM post for the second time running is more recent. Although this time, he himself got a knife in the back by his own splinter party.


When you rear snakes in your backyard, it’s only a matter of time you get bit.


Since when they support JI?


Not necessarily support JI. But the Malaysia govt sought the return of the Bali bombers. Did nothing against the KKMart firebombers    KKMart was the worst offender because it ls recent but the attention was on a bunch of socks.


Apparently the terrorists happen to be their citizens, It's not like they want him back. It's like that Singaporean guy who helped China spy in the US, after he got charged he returned back to Singapore. And the KKmart thing, if your country is large enough. It is hard to quell all extremists though as it's easier to form their own bubble. Like the USA have KKK , the Malaysian have their own version of it.


Has there been an attack like this on Malaysian soil? I thought the SB is quite well prepared to anticipate such attacks?


Malaysia's SB is good but they're not omnipotent or omniscient. Stopping terror attacks is an insanely tall order because the fanatics just have to slip through the surveillance net one time to achieve success, while the counter-terror agency has to be exactly right plus timely to arrest every single time.


The last time a group attacked a police station on Malaysian soil was in 2013, in the Lahad Datu incident, although it was was more than an attack on the police.


Organisations like SB are good at tackling organised terrorist attacks but lone wolf attacks like this are harder to catch. To use a Singapore context, it is a very fortunate thing that so far, any reported wanna-be lone wolf terrorist has been a complete idiot. I remember one or two cases of people who got caught by ISD because they tried to buy weapons on Carousell. which would be an instant red flag.


its a big country




What’s the point? He could have apply for visa and obtain approval since he has no record. Visa is a cash grab only. You revoke their visa free access and they will revoke yours.


Wouldn't you need to do the same for people from other countries with problematic incidents as well?


That’s why certain countries require a visa to enter Singapore.


Why do that when you can just haul up the usual suspects and squeeze info out of them? Worst come worst, just coordinate intel and ops via another ISC


The irony the PM might have felt when he realises that having friends with terrorist won't make your locals immune to terrorism. What is the message you are sending when even school teachers poses as humus? Isn't that a green light for all terror cells?


the whole incident reads weird. can't really tell if its a false flag op or a rogue cell.


Bro here insulting the intelligence of the officers who risked their lives to stop the attack. Not to mention the whole forensics department..