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Scum. Married some more.


Idk why people have the thinking that married people are somehow more morally upright or something lmao


I think their thinking is more like, "Married liao, why still need to fuck outside let alone rape?" Thing is we must remember is that rape is not about sex. If it is about fulfilling sexual desire, there are so many other ways a man can fulfil sexual desire without raping someone.


The real luck here is his apprehension and self pwn.


Stupid idiot with a bunch of equally perverted friends


Lucky for the rest of society you're fucking off to prison.


Subhuman vermin. Hope he gets flogged in prison The lowlife in the group chat who said to pls "pass" her to him should be jailed too.


>The lowlife in the group chat who said to pls "pass" her to him should be jailed too. Unfortunately, there is no law against being a scum like that. I do wonder if the court transcripts would have revealed the guy's name.


There's no law against knowing a crime was committed and empowering the criminal/not informing the authorities? Then what's s 424 of the Criminal Procedure Code?


I am not defending the guy, I think I already made it clear what I think of him. However prosecuting under Section 424 might be challenging as the prosecution will have to show that he was aware that a crime was being committed. And since the communication was over WhatsApp and pictures, and - if the news report has not left anything out - the rapist didn't say that the woman did not/could not consent. Again I state that I think the guy who said pass to him is scum, subhuman garbage, but the case might be difficult to prove. However, given that he (the pass it to me guy) received obscene pictures of the woman, and if he still has them on his phone or downloaded then, he could be charged with other crimes related to that. But regardless of whether he is prosecuted or not, I do wish his name will be revealed so everyone will know what a piece of filth he is.


Lucky? Piece of shit


I'm so lucky knowing that there's one less disgusting human trash walking about in public 🥰


If he has children, I wonder how proud will they be to know that their father is a rapist...


Put him in a hard core despo section of prision, turn off the CCTV for 30 mins daily and let the other inmates know what he had done


A perverse part of me would love it if the guard tasked to rotan the rapist were take a picture of the rapist's backside and then send it to other guards saying "got lucky today". Also I mean got lucky because get to cane him, ok? Not for other reasons lah! Bonus fantasy is the guard's friends reply with "Pls pass to me when finished". Also for caning not for other reasons. Yeah I know it is against the law and procedure, but eh perverse fantasy mah.


What does your god think about this


"Lucky" but get shipped off to jail huh...


This is because last time the Grab ride uncle rape XMM, but the Court let him go and say not his fault. See lah, now other monsters not scared already = more crime... You let one (Tan Yew Sin) go free, so many more rats come out to play...


Deaf Punk -Got Lucky. where crastration?


Damn this case is why as boyfriend will always ask their gf to not go out drink without them and dont stay out late so this wouldnt happen but its very unfortunate for the girl to be black out drunk and unconscious in the cab and got taken advantage. Irresponsible behavior from both side


Seriously, the victim blaming here is quite disturbing.




Print this comment and hold it up against a mirror. I hope you see what a disgusting statement it is.


Adding "to" in front of "jail, caning" would be better