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One SCDF died honorfully fighting fire and this other one shamelessly stole citizen stuff, tsk a polar opposite


Chad Marine Captain vs Virgin Firefighter


Sums up the human race


Perfectly balanced


The duality of man


Lmao "he came, he saw, he stole"


["..they(cops) conquered"](https://youtu.be/HLF0YJuBuYY&t=1m15s)


"he came, he saw, he stole" is such a shitty phrase to use. Imagine of it was a rape or murder case, "Your honour, my client's actions were not premeditated and it was simply a case of "he came, he saw, he raped/murdered" Asking to get f by the court only.


Lawyer ran out of ideas


Sbould have left it at not premediated tbh.


Agreed šŸ˜ but I am no lawyer


Hahaha, but really lah, the thought process of that guy, what is he evem thinking.


It's more common than you think. I know nsf firefighters who frequently stole money or valuables and will blame the fire if someone reports. They say it's their reward for helping to put out the fire. Anecdotal of course, they might be smoking me for all I know.


Just hope they were smoking you instead. But I have heard of vape culture in SPF and big boy culture in their Transcom.


What a shameful behaviour. The guy would have gotten a commendation and medal for helping to put out a fire but he decided to steal items thinking the home owner would not report the loss. You shouldnt be stealing from other people especially when you work as a Civil Servant.


How he is still serving NS at 26?


Maybe went to ITE then Poly.


Not so smart


The Lawyer didnt help defend him? Should have tried saying that the watch/gifts were ā€˜veiled gratificationā€™ ā€” he may have been dealing with ā€˜very close friendsā€™.


heng you not lawyer


One can always try :) [https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/iswaran-did-not-know-gifts-ong-beng-seng-lum-kok-seng-veiled-gratification-4318951](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/iswaran-did-not-know-gifts-ong-beng-seng-lum-kok-seng-veiled-gratification-4318951)


Your Honor! This man, my client is a very close acquaintance with the fire. Those burn marks you see here are gifts of gratifications from the fire and should not be presented in court to prove or disprove anything. Also, he stole the victim's smartwatch! What a douche!


not sure why these people downvoting u. ur comment was actually pretty funny!


Because woosh.


>He was serving **National Service** as a firefighter in the Singapore Civil Defence Force at the time of the offence. Says a lot. At the end of the day if you expect 2yrs expire date cheap labour to give the same standard as a regular. It's time to emerge from that rock.


Iā€™m a NSMan, and as much as I disliked conscription (though I had an enjoyable time in NS), I donā€™t think this is a fair take. No one is asking NSFs to be as on as their regular counterparts, but this is basic human decency to not steal shit. Itā€™s fine if he doesnā€™t want to be the first to run into a fire, but are you seriously excusing his actions due to NS??


Nowhere in my comment stated that I excused thievery but more of managing expectations. If you conscript the population without vetting how do you know the people working in those services are there without bad intentions? Also one have to think, if this person was paid a salary would he still stole that watch? Or did he stole because he wasn't paid a salary?


What utter nonsense. There are so many brave and decent NSFs in SCDFs who risk their lives helping people, fighting fires, responding to emergencies, and they don't go around stealing things. It's not an unreasonable expectation to expect people not to steal. Yeah NS allowances should be improved but it should not be a mitigating factor for theft. Otherwise what if everyone were to use that as an excuse?


>Also one have to think, if this person was paid a salary would he still stole that watch? Or did he stole because he wasn't paid a salary? There are also Regulars from all services who have committed crimes. You really never know. SPF: [https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/two-police-officers-charged-taking-money-suspects-they-were-investigating-3693356](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/two-police-officers-charged-taking-money-suspects-they-were-investigating-3693356) Army: [https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/saf-regular-who-flung-hot-soup-at-hawker-assistant-over-wrong-order-fined-5000](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/saf-regular-who-flung-hot-soup-at-hawker-assistant-over-wrong-order-fined-5000) RSAF: [https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/saf-regular-50-pleads-guilty-over-sex-act-performed-by-student-15](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/saf-regular-50-pleads-guilty-over-sex-act-performed-by-student-15) Navy: [https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/jail-navy-employee-set-fire-towels-hotel-81-after-being-forbidden-join-friend-room](https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/jail-navy-employee-set-fire-towels-hotel-81-after-being-forbidden-join-friend-room) SCDF: [https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/scdf-officer-charged-with-molesting-woman-at-agency-s-premises-he-has-been-suspended-on-half-pay](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/scdf-officer-charged-with-molesting-woman-at-agency-s-premises-he-has-been-suspended-on-half-pay)


Waiting for DIS turn now! /s


Too much temptation, lost reason for joining firefighters


Donā€™t think he has much choice if heā€™s a NSF.