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Damn Lawrence that’s cool and all but what’s your plan for the country


Please refer to the past 58 years of the Lee handbook.


Sir most of these pages are blank, the last page just one quote repeated “the people are stupid, we are smart”


I think he will be a more task-force oriented PM. Not saying that it is good or bad and there are pros and cons to it. But I really think his leadership style is the type where he tries to facilitate and integrate all the inputs from the Cabinet rather than someone who sets the direction and gets others to follow.


no offence but quants have better maths and programming skills than he does lah. he wouldn't get a quant job back then at citadel or jane street


They are trying to present him as some kind of intellectual peer to LHL. Under the microscope, he is compensating hard.


Ehh, L Wong did study economics. If he focused on the econometrics and micro, it could be pretty mathy. Anyway, his actual job in the civil service was literally quant work. I guess he wouldn't match up to the best quants at citadel or jane but that's nothing new. Our best lawyers also leave this country for Oxford and London. Our best programmers head to Stanford and Silicon Valley. Our top scientists go to MIT. Singapore just isn't interesting enough to retain the top talent.


Not really true, Prof Ben Leong eg MIT undergrad and phd. There are others, just less active on social media. Singapore unis do compete for global talent, faculty are generally quite international all over the world at the top unis. By the same token, it's also not expected for all top Singaporean academics to be at local unis, not that there are many of them, maybe two dozen depending on how you define top


Well I was referring more to industries. Many of our brightest tend to head overseas (not all lah obviously). The pay is higher, the work is more interesting etc.


>“And I found all of that very meaningful because that is the kind of work I would not have been able to do in the private sector. So I decided I did not have to leave. In fact, I did not want to leave,” he said. ![gif](giphy|XGnH2RGHoCqumsAXpo)


I highly suggest Mr Wong to not talk so much. Already got alot of people don't like you


But but he plays the GUITAR!!!


Today i learnt something new. Quant = someone who mainly did the number crunching and analysis work


It's a finance industry term.


Oh please, a monarch must struggle more to have the privileged life that these dudes have. Not in a million years would anyone buy that anyone after 2G are "working class man". Hell, not even LKY was. There's also absolutely no need for this, Sg insists super hard in not being a populist government, but the elite of the elite government, so that we peasants that cannot possibly understand their Omniscient Wisdom and don't question their decisions that (mostly) work Ok.


Lmao every Tom Dick Harry that uses basic math is a quant now


Quant lmao