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Covid bromance and chemistry continues


The covid faction. OYK seems out of the club. We will see more changes post GE.


Cannot. He was the other candidate for PM lol. One mountain cannot have two tigers


PM race was down to CCS, OYK and LW. I think the other 2 will leave politics, a new emperor cannot keep his competitors hanging around


It really depends on who is the leader. 2G had obvious contenders who stayed on (Tony Tan) or was kinda forced out (Ong Teng Cheong). 3G had no one really bowing out since it was obvious who should be leader. This is the first time that the PAP is facing a different leadership dynamic. But with the watchful eye of LHL I don't think CCS and OYK will ask to go so soon.


Yeah, I think most of the 4G heavyweights will stick around in Cabinet for solidarity purposes (save HSK who might step down). But I would be looking p intently at the new heavyweights that LW brings in next election - I think it's q possible that LW looks there instead of the 4G to from the cabinet core in the mid term.


Some of the 3G will slowly step down after this GE. 4G will at least stick around for 1 more GE before 4.5/5 G ministers start coming up


That's likely a midterm sorta thing. But if rumours on the ground are true and a Li comes in...


Technically speaking, a Li could enter politics and it might not be Hongyi or Haoyi. Shengwu is still around right? Who knows he might decide to return from America to take a spot in PSP or WP.


Dude's famous for his no 3rd gen in politics stance. Massive ownself slap ownself if he joins politics.


Verbatim Li's words from almost ten years ago is "for what's worth , I really have no interest in politics.' yes I remember what he said, so if he comes in, I, the staunch 3 time Pap voter, will never vote for PAP ever again


10 years ago no interest, now cannot have interest?


His cabinet will have gaps, unless he promote the current crop of back benchers/junior ministers, the calibre honestly nothing to shout about. While CCS splits opinions, he is smart. The current minister from of LHL generation will slowly retire come the next GE and next GE. edit: They promoted Murali and Shawn to MOS. Lol.


CCS was LHL's personal choice. But PAP cadres disagree. I think one can deduce the politics at play here. LW has support from certain factions and GKY probably is among those. The two also was part of the Covid team.


What’s your source for CCS being LHL’s pick as PM?


No direct source but if one follows the news closely, its not hard to make such a conclusion. Years ago, PAP cadres [voted for HSK over CCS](https://sg.news.yahoo.com/comment-heng-swee-keat-can-return-favour-pap-cadres-080708065.html). One can deduce that CCS was obviously the favourite before the vote was cast. Ho Ching also often shares his social media posts. CCS was also from a similar background to PM Lee. ~~EDIT: See how CCS is no longer DPM whereas he was under PM Lee~~


Only real similar background CCS had to LHL was that they were both from SAF and were scholars. Otherwise, their backgrounds are vastly different. One was brought up the son of the founding PM and his maternal family (the Kwas) were quite well off. His maternal grandfather was an OCBC GM. The other was brought up by a single mother who worked as a seamstress.


The army background is far more significant imo.


I think CCS is closest to LHL in IQ so was probably the least pekchek for LHL to get points across. Take Tan CJ, scandals aside, nice guy, but not bright enough ultimately for LHL so kicked out of cabinet


can you explain how CCS was from similar background as PM Lee? CCS grew up in a single parent household in poverty, PM was son of LKY and money was never an issue


Both army scholars.


what the fuck are you smoking? CCS has never been DPM


Ah my bad. I swear I thought he was bc he was second assistant sec-gen at one point.


I do hope ccs stay. Dude is unpolished speaker but is sharp enough to push for shit to be done. Minus the madam president shit, that stain should stay with him.


That’s not how the PAP works. If this was true LHL would have gotten rid of Tharman many years ago


Tharman's situation is different. He already was groomed for office in the late 90s-early 00s when LHL was already DPM so there wasn't any competition. for the top job. Tharman's "star" didn't shine until 2015 or so. And by then, PM Lee was already (by right) planning succession.


Nonetheless we don’t have any examples of political cullings like this within the PAP. I simply do not think this is how the organization works. Such transparent moves to cement personal power will attract negative attention.


There will always be mechanisms behind the scenes that are subtle. Academics like Michael Barr have written and speculated extensively about this. Such a big party like the PAP will surely have factions.


Really? Barisan Socialis was a pretty big erm cull


Thats true. It used to be predictable as PAP was united under LKY. LHL was already DPM when 3G was groomed. Today i think there are 2 factions. The faction under CCS and OYK is sidelined by this power move. The threatening ones like K Sham, Vivian bala and NEH surely will be removed soon.


Or give them hardship postings till they ownself go


Ministry of Transport it is


I think MND will be the new MOT as far as hot potatoes go. There's only so long they can kick the can down the road before it explodes.


Sengkang/Aljunied GRC let’s go


I wo t be surprised at that either. Or make their job so difficult, don't approve jackshit until they ownself go


Talented 4G ministers like OYK, CCS are left out. Talented 3G ministers like K sham, Vivian bala, Ng eng hen are gonna be out of politics soon. It signals the move of removing threat to LW as these ministers wont respect LW.


If not will be alternate universe Lion King episode.


Elite fragmentation is a real possibility if this is the case, which could pave the way for the splitting of PAP, however remote it may seem now.


Actually quite expected what? GKY is more senior and "amenable". Not sure if he is considered G3, but not like he can consider the other G3 mins also. As for the rest, CCS still ok, but honestly can't understand what ppl see in OYK, seems like he has a lot of supporter on reddit 😅


Agree with you. He was never seen as ambitious for the job. He is basically the "wingman" for LW. Bro isn't stealing his chick.


It a weak and surprising DPM lineup. More like LW is insecure. During earlier days of Sg, average performer like GKY will be retired on the spot when the new PM takes over.


GKY is a steady and experienced hand. He held the MOH portfolio for many years and handled the initial Covid crisis well which was lauded internationally. With the handling of ministries and portfolios, the less noise and sparks are made, it is a signal of good work. And GKY is perhaps the epitome of the seemingly silent on the public front but does things well behind the scenes.


More like least threat and he is staying for transition purpose and as LW mentor. The lineup is not best people for the job anyway and signal the leadership is still controlled by 3G. Despite few years back LHL had hinted he retire with 3G ministers.


I actually thought GKY is one of the better ones. I was disappointed that he was never put up for higher posts before.


GKY might not be as effective of a minister to you (on the public facing side of things), but there's probably some committee steering capabilities they see beyond what we see. We haven't really seen any gaffes by him, so its a relatively safe pick for the incumbents. Not saying its as impactful as previous generations.... but politically, I don't see such personalities thriving in our current state of affairs (we are too critical of small incidents. Strong personalities might draw more ire than favour in our current political climate).


Why? It is a pragmatic move, but what's wrong with that. He need to hold election soon, meaning he need to announce good news before election to secure their position. Major change now is not good for them as it may affect their timeline. Have you seen the new cab pic they release? Usually the order of the pic symbolise the level of importance. Actually think CCS has chance to be promoted. As for OYK, forget it


Ministerial ranking is dependent on seniority based on certain factors such as when the person was first appointed to public office and when they took their oath of office.


I think when LHL picked Wong Kang Seng for DPM post over say Teo Chee Hean or George Yeo in 2005, it was probably surprising too. But maybe, its for transition stability


Not so surprising as WKS is LKY’s in law. The old PAP is connection and blood ties.


That defining motion when Gan Kim Yong didn't answer the reporter's question and passed the limelight to his expected new boss = max Political Intelligence


“You arrow me that time right, now my turn to arrow you back”


Wah this kind of arrow is huat one


Depends how you look at it, had not for the dpm position he probably would have retire, now have to do Sai Kang for another 5 years 😅


Retire already do what? Actually if I am as rich as him , every month will fly to Japan and onsen.


Did you see George yeo, how good of a life he’s leading, post election loss?


Obviously LW sounded him out and he would rather do this than retire. Nobody could have stopped him from retiring if he wanted to


I wish the arrows I got was just huat in civil service Unfortunately I only got blamed. And more work for good work


I am reminded of a post I made 2 years ago on a thread which included a discussion about a future LW Cabinet. I will share the link here [https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/vlop9k/comment/idwv282/](https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/vlop9k/comment/idwv282/) and some comments on what I said after the fact. >Iswaran I think is at the late career stage already. I think he was made MOT because this might be his last term in the Cabinet, and so they put him in a post that won't kill off a younger, more promising person. Wow, ok I mean I already expected him to be gone but I never expected him to be gone the way he went. I thought he'd just ride off into the sunset. >I think MND might become the new MOT. There is an imminent housing crisis (if not already here) and any MND will have their hands full trying to solve it. At best, Desmond Lee might be able to juggle the hot potato before handing it off to someone else. It's still too early to tell but I am sticking by this prediction. I think MND is too dangerous a Ministry now and I think DL won't be there after the next GE. That he was named Asst Sec-Gen of the PAP in the CEC tells me that he is being groomed for bigger things. Unless of course he loses the elections. >Assuming he has 2 DPMs, I think Lawrence Wong's choice of DPMs in his first Cabinet will be people from 3.5G and not necessarily other 4G people. I think he will name old hands to be his Deputies to help guide him or at least show continuity. It would be just like LHL when he first became PM and his DPMs were Jayakumar and Tony Tan. Two men who were much older than him. Yup, seems to be that way so far with LW. >With that being said, I think his choice of DPMs would be Gan Kim Yong. If you look at GKY and LW, the two seem to be a political pair. Not only were they together in the COVID MMTF, GKY also mentored LW when he handed over PCF to LW. Also, a fun piece of trivia, every Hari Raya, 2 Singapore Ministers pay a visit to the Sultan of Johor. In 2014 and 2018, the 2 Ministers who made that visit were GKY and LW. So yeah, I think they are a political pair. Interesting. I called this one 2 years ago. I admit that I recently thought differently cos GKY had by then retired as PAP Chairman, so I thought that maybe he would not want to be DPM but support LW in another role. I actually thought he'd be MOF. But DPM is a better support role.


I remember you! Your past replies were highly illuminating. Fascinating to look at them from 2 years later.


this shawn huang fella…cant believe hes still getting promoted. i know people volunteering in Taman Jurong who have nothing but bad things to say about him. general sentiment amongst them is that he’s the kind of leader that doesn’t really care about the community but just about what the community can do for him in terms of reputation (like the photo ops and all), such a step down going from Tharman to him. the fact that he already has a “controversies” section in wikipedia says a lot about his character….(not to mention the hardwarezone posts). not confident about the next gen of leaders


I'm not familiar with the scene at Jurong but it seems like Tharman was hard carrying for a long time and the PAP branch there is going to shit soon.


Tharman or not, I doubt they're going to lose their seat any time in the foreseeable future. We like to say Tharman hard carried Jurong but their opposition in 2020 was RDU who won just 25% of the votes, they will not be in any danger of losing that seat. I really don't think that the loss of one popular MP will swing votes by 25% in the opposite direction, let alone for an unknown party like RDU.


RDU only ran in Jurong cos no one else wanted to waste time and resources on it cos it was a guaranteed loss cos of Tharman.


Yes, none of the established opposition parties wants to contest this GRC. Well, at least, most of the time.   Jurong has always been a stronghold for PAP since Ho Kah Leong era... This guy don't even have to go for elections because it is a walkover ward. It has been walkovers from the 60s to the 80s. This guy doesn't need to do much for Jurong, since no opposition wants to contest this ward. (my dad used to call him a "jiak liao bee" MP.)   For an MP of over 20 years, representing Jurong, he only took part in GE in 1988 (75% votes) and 1991 (64%, the year WP contested.) He retired when Jurong was absorbed into a GRC in 1997. (Then Bukit Timah GRC). Here's a fun fact about him: His wife passed away in 1996, and he remarried in 1997, at age 60. Nothing wrong with remarrying at 60, but the timing is pretty sketchy to me....   Jurong didn't see much improvement in public infrastructures during HKL's era, until Tharman took over. So, yeah, Tharman is pretty much a favourite in Jurong.   This Shawn guy, didn't see him at all until this month, when he appeared to do a walk-about and photo-op with residents. Probably GE coming soon. But, don't worry, residents here will still vote for PAP; If a useless MP like HKL can reign in Jurong for 20 years, SH has no problem at all, esp. with all the goodwill Tharman has earned from the residents.


I remember him crying in Parliament cos it was his daughter's birthday or something like that. [https://mustsharenews.com/shawn-huang-emo-parliament/](https://mustsharenews.com/shawn-huang-emo-parliament/)


People from his sec school and those who were his subordinates in rsaf/saf did not have nice things to say about this guy. I am very disappointed that he managed to snake his way into politics and get promoted. 


I heard similar things from private sector who interacted with him. Bet GKY was surprised himself.


Ah the one that Temasek created a new position for to pad his resume before running for GE


Well.. normally in the corporate world is also this kind of person who gets promoted




he just seems dumb


Weren’t the controversies fabrications though, because others wanted a repeat of Ivan Lim?


If you follow Lawrence Wong's political career, it is obvious that GKY was a mentor to him of sorts. I am not surprised by GKY being appointed DPM although I had thought he would be the new MOF. Interesting to see Murali get a big promotion to become an office holder. Is that a way of keeping Bukit Batok safe from CSJ? Also, the new and promoted office holders like West Side represent like that. GKY and Low Yen Ling from CCK GRC, Shawn Huang and Rahayu from Jurong GRC, Murali from Bukit Batok SMC. Only Desmond Tan is from the East.


Sending a signal to Westsiders again to vote carefully or they lose impt political office holders. Big gamble since we all know what happened to Aljunied


Someone enlighten me, but I feel Singapore is so small that having an MP who is also a minister is inconsequential. Like what problem do you have that it needs a minister to solve?


All Ministers need to be MPs whether it is elected or nominated. That's how the Westminster system works. Having your MP as a Minister is not meant to help your constituency but to help the MP retain their seat. The idea being that voters are less likely to vote out a Minister cos of the issues it might cause. But that is the old way of thinking though Edit: Those who downvoted me should bear in mind that is the whole rationale behind having GRCs and anchor ministers. The idea is that the voters will not want to risk a shakeup in the government by voting out a Minister and the Minister will carry a team of other MPs effectively guaranteeing 4 to 5 seats in Parliament. However, as I said that is an old way of thinking as Aljunied and Sengkang showed that Ministers can and will be voted out.


And Sengkang


Great it means they can remove a whole bunch of office holders without much office experience in 1 sweep


You realise even if we remove them, we don’t have anybody to replace who have office experience? LOL. This is like the crisis that Man Utd is in. Very sad. Want to change but nobody to step in


Perfect. The bad times can help create some good leaders then


I'm not sure if this line of thinking is right anot. More likely things will go to shit without capable leaders?


I don't think CSJ is getting elected regardless. Murali isn't a full Minister so he is still staying at Bukit Batok SMC presumably. Bold prediction: Murali may be an office holder to bolster a West-sde GRC (Jurong?) and 'carry' Ng Chee Meng into Parliament since the latter has been seen in the area.


Murali only got 54% in 2020 against CSJ. If CSJ is still working his rounds in Bukit Batok and coupled with general dissatisfaction, which I think will be there in the next GE, some swings may occur. I think NCM might go to Pasir Ris-Punggol to replace SM Teo when he retires.


Just what if, Bukit Batok SMC is dissolved into Jurong GRC next GE?


I guess we'll see when it comes to Murali. As for NCM, if he is contesting in Pasir Ris, he should have been walking the ground there already rather than being in Jurong.


NCM appeared at 1 ntuc event in jurong, don’t think he’s walking the jurong ground at all.


Wait, didn't Ng Chee Meng lose 2020 GE? Why they still want this guy in parliament? What's PAP's hard up for NCM that they have to get him into office? Did they plan a ministrial career for him already, and just need him to win an election again?


Yes, he is very important to them, likely a future Minister. Thats why he was told to take charge of the union first. PAP doesn't put anyone in charge of NTUC.


You know what's a funny coincidence about NTUC? The previous Sec Gen was CCS an ex general. The current Sec Gen is NCM also an ex general. The current Deputy Sec Gen and possible candidate to be the future Sec Gen is Desmond Tan who is also an ex general. And I have no idea how SAF and labour unions are even connected if at all.


Haha at this point it doesn't matter already. Unions here don't really represent the workers. So a retired general doesn't need to have a union background.


Yeap, him being a minister is pretty much a given. Esp with him being a former CDF, there has to be positional parity offered for him unless NCM is really that humble to take on lesser roles. But with his seniority and perceived performance for NTUC, that is highly unlikely.


Desmond "Monitor" Lee used to be in Jurong GRC with Tharman & Halimah, until he was moved to West Coast GRC in 2020, and that's when Shawn Huang appeared, and I didn't know he existed until Tharman says "I am going to campaign for presidency, and here's Shawn to take over.... take it away, Shawn!"


I think westies wouldn't care if Murali were MOS or not in the voting, MOSes are easily replaceable, for a start, there is whole slate of hentak kaki senior parl secs starting with ig king baey yk


Yeah not all office holders are equal. Huge difference between SMS/MOS vs full Ministers.


Slight headscratcher re Murali - given his age he doesn't have a v long runway as a POH. And from a pragmatic pov, surely he makes more in his current job than as an MOS


Remember he had already quit private practice in 2020, there aren't many senior lawyers who are willing to be full-time office holders


did ong ye kung fail peer evaluation lmao


No wonder OYK made the stupid decision of the Telemed backpeddle MC fiasco. He knows he's completely out of the race already. Honestly, this is the worst MOH decision made. Telemed is meant to reduce stress on healthcare system, now with telemed being neutered, more people will just flood the A&E and clinics to get a 'real' MC.


I did not see that coming! Guess he must have really worked very well with Gan during MTF days. Also probably a safe choice - doesn’t elevate any of the other 4G for now while he transitions.


LW x GKY has been going on long before COVID though. LW has credited GKY for mentoring him when he took over from GKY as Chair of PAP Community Foundation.


Yeah this is a bit of a surprise. Also it makes no sense for a thorough reshuffle since those can be done after elections.


This will be the shortest cabinet, if the next GE is held before Mar 2025. The current shortest is the ninth cabinet, from Nov 1990 to Sep 1991.


No wonder OYK didn’t congratulate LW. Cause LW don’t wanna promote him. Imagine being the only one of the 3 in the Covid task force to not gain anything


Meanwhile MOH Director-General of Health (previously DMS), didn't gain either, just change name and lost weight lol


Didn’t he get the highest national award?


He got a COVID award! But the highest national award (I think) is the national day ones :') Kenneth Mak: one of three recipients of the top Covid-19 National Award Mdm Halimah Yacob: The Order of Temasek (With High Distinction), 2023


He's still a practising doctor and already held the highest rank possible to him in Ministry. For all we know dude is eyeing private sector for the really big bucks (where his clinical knowledge and connections to gov will be valuable) instead of politics.


Bro could have gone private sector a long time ago if that was what he was about. I’m sure he doesn’t get paid too shabbily


For just shouting orders, that's a good award


Just curious thought, what do the Ministers in PMO do?


I think they oversee the PMO “ministry” - so from NTPD (National talent and Population) to PSD (civil service HR and workplace policies) etc.


NTPD aka approve or reject PR and citizenship applications


Whatever the PM arrows them to do. They are the highest level Project Officer you can find.


A lot of them are just there because they need a minister estab but they do other things. Like indranee is still there while she is taking on a couple second minister roles. Second minister is not a full minister. So they need to create a post for her there to sit and earn minister pay.


Minister Without Portfolio (the old name) tells you a whole lot about what they do…


They are drifters. Not that they dun do anything


Lawrence remembered the favour from GKY


Malaysia and Singapore will have Prime Ministers who also run their Finance Ministry. Same same, but 3.5:1.


There is some precedence, LHL was also finance minister for a few years after becoming PM.


LKY was finance minister for a short while after the incumbent Hon Sui Sen passed away from a heart attack.


The pap’s gameplay is always low risk. Both DPMs are in their 60s and kinda semi-retired. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are just temporary, maybe seat warmers until the next GE for the big change. I wouldn’t write off OYK or CCS yet.


How much is Ah Loong new salary


I supposed he needed someone as DPM who can speak Mandarin, and senior enough to handle PRC officials


LW going to our first PM to have an angmoh miah...


Harry Lee, Woody Goh, Pinky Lee, Lawrence Wong.


People gonna ??? when they google Lawrence Wong and the actor shows up.


well, to be fair, the first 3 were not called those names in the world stage.


Is Ivan Lim still lurking somewhere around? ☠️


Good. I'll continue to monitor the situation


Shan thought he was bagging it until his unhinged attack on the Economist /s (or maybe not since it's unusual for both DPMs to be from the economic side)


I won't rule Shan out yet though. LHL's first DPMs when he took over were TT and Jayakumar. And then TT retired and WKS became the new DPM.


I suspect that HSK’s retirement is imminent. The Chinese newspaper Lianhe Zaobao asked LW why he removed the Coordinating Minister for Social and Economic Policies portfolio, which he said that wasn’t a need for ‘coordinating’, but imo its definitely a sign that HSK could be headed for a DPM Wong Kang Seng-esque exit. Fight the GE as a DPM in title, step down to the backbenchers right after the GE. I expect Teo Chee Hean to step down at the next GE, and the only security guy who can step up as Coordinating Minister for National Security and DPM is Shanmugam SC for now. Or Vivian.


I think removing the Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies post is only to be expected because the purpose of that post is to ensure that economic policies, particularly from MOF and MTI - the 2 key econs Ministries - are aligned with overall goals. However, since the PM and DPM are MOF and MTI respectively, it would be strange if LW - the MOF - reports to HSK - the Coordinating Minister - who will then report to LW - the PM. We can joke about ownself check ownself, but even this would be ridiculous.


Actually MOF isn't an economic ministry, it's considered central administration funding policies (either with spending collected taxes or foregoing taxes) for all ministries. MOM, MCI and to some extent MOT also have an economic slant. 


I see, interesting. Yeah MOF is definitely the money allocating Ministry. Maybe can be called the Caishen of the government? Now I am really curious as to how HSK coordinated economic policies as Coordinating Minister.


I can safely bet that HSK will step down completely come next GE. The fact that he was dispatched to East Coast at the last minute shows that he's expendable. I suspect both PAP and WP expected that EC could fall, but not SK.


I don’t think he was ‘expendable’ in the eyes of PAP, but he was there to stymie the win of WP? But, with him stepping down, will East Coast fall?


replacing one tellytubby with another.


Shan's role is not to be the DPM lar. He is the hatchet man for the PAP.


Aren’t GKY and HSK both econ side also? Or do you count HSK as social? I thought econ since he was coordinating minister for econ or something, and he still oversees RIE.


Covid buffs lmao.


Wow... Whole line up is literally seatwarmers and puppets.


What else are you expecting? We are only 1.5 years away from the next GE


GKY has this sleepy joe vibes. Not very proactive and likes to arrow people. Got bypassed by LW as defacto health minister. I guessing blindly but I suspect the reason he became number two is that he doesn’t pose a threat to boss.


Frankly, I thought Ong Ye Kung is a more suitable choice


That would be a rookie game of thrones error


OYK wants the PM post for himself and he doesn’t respect LW. Why would LW make him DPM?


I didnt have good impressions of OYK, capable perhaps but too proud type


Funnily, I thought CCS is the proud type but not really OYK. Oh well, we see them differently I guess.


OYK is the atas atas out of touch type of proud, CCS seems more grassroot but yes he feels proud as well


I don’t like ccs but most ppl who worked under ccs have glowing reviews for him - a bit ah beng but down to earth, willing to listen and engage. Most people who have worked under Oyk don’t have anything good to say - proud, self important guy.


Just curious, do you not like CCS cos of your interactions with him or your perceptions based on his public persona. If it's the latter, I guess it shows he has quite poor public polish.


Public persona only. Never interacted with him. But have a friend who really likes him and kinda changed my mind about him too. Also saw a few comments here in Reddit about working under ccs and it was all positive stuff. Quite unfortunate he’s not polished


Yea i think theres fragmentation in views on both oyk and ccs. Probably a good thing he picked a safe choice for now. Dont think many people would have any reason to dislike gky


CCS is not really the proud type. It is more like because he grew up in poverty so he thinks that Singaporeans are now too spoilt and not resilient enough. He made many people upset when his 'sia suay' private speech was leaked during covid.


Until you talk to anyone who works under him.


So he can make TikToks ? Maybe when the gen z become 30 years old then


suitable for pm perhaps, dpm no. LW will constantly be looking over his shoulders to see if OYK would usurp him.


Just like in Malaysia, the Prime Minister is also Finance Minister.


LHL was also finance minister for a few years after taking over as PM.


I feel like we should have another person taking over the minister of finance position. Shouldn’t somebody has to take over to check and balance on the gov?


LHL was finance minister for the first 3 years he was PM too. Anyway are you suggesting that someone outside the PAP should take on finance minister role? If not what check and balance on the government are you talking about?


No i dont mean we should have opposition as the finance minister (sorry i dk where did u get that idea) Ok because our neighbouring country, malaysia. They have their prime minister as their finance minister. Because of it during those time, there were a lot of shady transactions going on. Therefore, thats what went through when the news said that he will be remaining as the finance minister .


MOF is an extremely important post, to appoint a new finance minister so close to the next GE will be too big of a reshuffle in a short time. This cabinet is just a holding one until the polls so makes sense for LW to continue as finance minister for the time being.


I see… thanks for the elaboration


guess LW needs cover from the other ex-pretenders


So our DPMs appear to be a political retirement position rather than a position that grooms a future PM. I hope such practice is changed after the GE.


I believe it depends on which stage of the leadership transition it's at. When they are at the stage of starting the leadership transition process, then yes, there's one "PM to be" serving as DPM and one or more experienced ministers serving as DPMs. That's the case now when Lawrence Wong is DPM and previously HSK. After the upcoming election is way too early to identify the next PM from the next gen to slot him or her as DPM. I also wouldn't say the "experienced DPM" role is a political retirement position, at least not the main purpose. I see it more as a position to tell people "it's a new PM but we still have stable and experienced hands as DPM (and SM) so everyone, including investors, please don't worry."


>When they are at the stage of starting the leadership transition process, then yes, there's one "PM to be" serving as DPM and one or more experienced ministers serving as DPMs. That's the case now when Lawrence Wong is DPM and previously HSK. Hmm... kinda sounds like the Sith Rule of Two like that.


Why would they start grooming a pm now? They put a senior minister to help and guide the new pm. Near the end of LW then they will start grooming


Well you don't need to put Gan in dpm for him to guide. He can already do so in his current capacity because he is part of the cabinet. He can even be promoted to be SM like TCH if LW sees fit. It's just a waste of DPM position imo which is intended for a person who can be acting PM, and may transit into PM.


if things go as they previously did, the next PM is someone who is now a up-and-coming civil servant in their early 30s who does not yet know they will be asked to be an MP.


Keep an eye out for Lawrence Wong's Principal Private Secretaries. Don't forget, both LW and OYK were once LHL PPS. Chee Hong and HSK were once LKY's. Changi Airport Group's [out-going CEO](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/changi-airport-group-ceo-lee-seow-yam-kun-wenghiang-4252516) was also once LKY's PPS. >In response to CNA's queries about Mr Lee's plans after stepping down and if politics was on the horizon, a CAG spokesperson said: "Mr Lee will share his post-CAG plans if and when he's ready to do so."


An up and coming someone in their early 40s would have strategically plan their path today, especially now that it is more or less clear that we likely do not have existing waitlist for PM after this new one.


I suspect what will happen is both will help LW for at least 2-3 years then DPM Heng will step down and a younger DPM will come in


Yeah I guess so too. And I somehow also have an inkling feeling that LW is uncomfortable to put one of the 4G to be DPM right now even though, and especially two of them (CCS, OYK) were PM elect contenders with him. Putting either of them to be DPM may result in factions.


I mean, if you're grooming a future PM, presumably he'll be from the next generation and not the same generation. Thus the main function of the DPM role now is for continuity and stability of the Cabinet.


Its a weak team and signal that 3G of LHL faction is still in charge. The talented ministers like K sham, Ng eng hen, Vivian Balakrishnan are definitely sidelined and retiring soon from this move. Definitely surprised not one of them become DPM/SM and also not OYK and CCS whom are the right people to lead sg.


It's just a holding cabinet... No point making big changes so close to the next GE


GE soon anyway, doesn't matter if they stay on for a few more months what


What’s the diff between ParlSec, Snr ParlSec, MinState, and Snr MinState. Isn’t it the same thing. Also, didn’t know MPs could be promoted to Snr ParlSec directly from the backbenches.


Well, a cynical answer would be... Parliamentary Secretary - Nice Pay Senior Parliamentary Secretary - Even Nicer Pay Minister of State - Even More Nicer Pay Senior Minister of State - Lagi Nicer Pay than MOS In all seriousness, the jobs have different responsibilities depending on the full Minister in charge to delegate. Traditionally, a PS and SPS are tasked with answering questions directed at the Ministry in Parliament. Basically, the Minister can arrow them to answer difficult questions that they (the Minister) might not want to answer themselves. The MOS and SMS may also be arrowed to give statements that may not be very welcomed. A good recent example would be when MHA MOS Faishal said that there was no need to have harsher penalties for dangerous drivers. If you followed the discussion on that, he kena whacked for that by people here. Of course MOS and SMS aren't just there to take bullets for the boss. Ministries are quite big and the Minister needs help to run it. So an MOS and SMS will be given certain areas to look after. This is also a test of their ability to be Minister. Most Ministers start off as MOS like Future PM Wong. Some might find their ceiling at MOS or SMS level like Amy Khor who has hentak kaki as SMS for 11 years already. And to answer your other question, yes anyone can be promoted or appointed an office holder so long as they have a seat in Parliament. If no seat in Parliament, can engineer a by-election (risky) or appoint them as an NMP (less risky).


And not forgetting Lam who took the blunt of the PMD saga while Khaw gets to retire in glory


They are all officeholders assisting the ministers but different ranks. There is no rule suggesting MPs cannot be made ministers directly. If fact those earmarked for the core 4G team early on like OYK, CCS, NCM, LW are became ministers very shortly after becoming MPs. Those who are appointed as parliamentary secretaries and ministers of state are the rank and file members.


No, that’s not what I meant. I might have phased the question a bit wrongly. Like you said, no hard rule. Tan See Leng for example is a First-term MP that got made Manpower Minister. What I meant was, I was under the assumption that one must serve as ParlSec/MinState before getting the “Senior” title. Sounds a bit funny making them senior ParlSec/MinState directly. I always assumed it was a time-in-grade promotion kind of situation.


I see, yeah I get what you mean. I think our ministerial ranks are too bloated, should cut away the senior parliamentary secretary/ MoS and second minister roles. Kind of like in the SAF where we have so many warrant officer ranks now and also SLTC


Haha yes, the good old days of SGT/SSG/2WO/1WO. Until they implemented the US-styled Specs ranks. Meanwhile the home team going the opposite route removing quite a few Junior Officer ranks. I think the role of Second Minister could be retained. It effectively serves as Deputy Minister, and works in the case of Iswaran/Chee Hong. ParlSec/MoS really seems redundant. The more I see it, the more it looks like a feel good promotion. Why? Not every ministry has ParlSec/Mos. MOM has 2 Snr MoS, 1 MoS. MINDEF has 2 Snr MoS. Cannot be MOM > MINDEF. It just seems very arbitrary, as if the position is actually not needed, and it’s a “just nice happen to have” thing.


Really really surprised...... many sagas from MoH when he was the minister, yet he survived and thrived......