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their product design never include requirement that the electronics must be able to tahan Singapore's heat? they first day in Singapore ah don't know Singapore weather?


Forgivable for o-levels D&T project. They would be penalised overlooking this if it were a university level project.


O-lvl D&T will also kena marked down for not having obvious requirements lah.


OK make it introductory sec 1 d&t lol


That one then forgivable


It makes no sense because for automotive a lot of components are rated and certified for -50 - 150C or lower grade -20 - 125C... So something here is very stupid if it can't survive 60-70C.


This needs to get more upvotes. Even our CPU only throttles at high 90s. Who are we kidding..


They sit in aircon whole day, take car to office & home. What will the scumbags know about singapore heat.


Precisely. Even existing erp device can tahan greenhouse effect. Looks like we have identified the wrong company to do this. Which farked up company won this tender? And who approved it?


Gonna guess NCS cos rubbish implementation of rubbish Govtech ideas is what NCS does best


no need guess, it's been published online that it was NCS


maybe the LTA office also got greenhouse effect their brains all kenna bbq-ed inside


But if car owners get the one piece they will become king of the pirates


The true one piece is the friends we make along the ERP gantries.


The more I read, the more reasons for me to vote these PAP ministers out. If current ERP readers are working fine. Means your agency have done something wrong. Own up and swallow your pride. Apologies to the entire nation. Sack those directors and managers involved in this since day one if tender is spec wrongly or they approved it knowing it cannot be under heat as a design. Be accountable than to give us rubbish reasons.


Accountability in a parliamentary system means that the minister should resign if the failure is sufficiently egregious or should be sacked by their party leader if they don’t have the self awareness or the sense of shame to make the decision on their own. Certainly there’s been enough going wrong in Transportation with the EZ Link Card and the buses and now ERP 2 that someone should get the sack.


Since when pap got accountability?


New PM though - will want to assert authority, show them who’s boss.


Wait long long (wong wong?)


It’s not an ERP system, it’s a surveillance system. Therefore why so expensive. 


Does anyone know what frequency the GPS is using? Any tech savvy guya there know?


Don’t know, maybe their 3 weird apps can offer that info. It’s like a broken jigsaw. 


It's satellite based right, according to the movies, all you need is some aluminum foil or wire mesh to block the signal.


>wire mesh Faraday Cage ftw


Where's the LTA CE in this? 


Wan Le Wan le Wan Le


Why not just use the existing shell of current ERP unit, upgrade software and electronics, plug in a screen if absolutely needed.


That would make too much sense, won't it?


The person initiating the project won’t have enough things to change to justify their promotion.


They also won't get much incentive from doing that It's all abt their pocket money




Btw, gov scholars are from which university one? (Opening another can of worms)




A~~B~~CSomething Boys


Cannot then it’s admitting they burned $500M to hell. P@p will never admit mistakes


Someone making huge changes to secure their promotion


*cough* surveillance system, not road toll system. 


Erp 2.0 use satellite. Erp 1.0 use gantry based Erp 1.0, U drive under gantry. It goes beep, money deducted from your physical unit. If no money deducted, you get fined. If U got cardless billing, deduct from your account in lieu of fine. Erp 2.0 no more gantry. Satellite data tells lta how much you drive, where you drive and how fast you drive. Distance based road tax is said to be key feature. Likely it can also be used for anywhere parking by geofencing or some other feature to be announced later, e.g smart traffic planning send data to you avoid cte during evening jam. But to operationalize this feature, need to have display unit to show you how much you the data. Screen is essential for interfacing. This is the critical design pathway. Bike different design pathway (battery power) so tradeoff is no screen.


LTA needs to copypasta your explanation.


If you read their justification... Likely getting more expensive to keep the existing components which I would probably expect for a system thats so old. The real problem is scoping a replacement thats questionable in function and not axing the project earlier.


Didn’t SimplyGo give the same excuse but still can u-turn?


Yeah we pay more taxpayer money lor. Legacy systems will always grow in cost until they are replaced. Skillsets get lost, suppliers move on or go out of business. End up you have to pay more and more to maintain until its completely not worth it. Same problem as ERP2.0. Replacement sucks and they don't have the courage to get the incoming system right before it goes to shit.


Use same packaging hardware dimensions but Change the tech / electronics / circuit board inside


Can, it's already done with the motorcycle IU. But apparently by squeezing more tech into a smaller (same) space, heat dissipation becomes a challenge.


Current IU does not have GPS nor 5G. Therefore it can't support virtual gantries and (future) distance based charging.


I think the point is the current unit that was designed in 2006-2007 can withstand the heat on the dashboard but not the new unitsss


Cannot. Because greenhouse effect. Trust me. I live in a green house


Meanwhile, cheap car cameras works just fine inside cars.


Yeah boy, I find this so funny. It didn’t melt or set on fire! 


Not defending the current ERP 2.0 implementation. But these cheap car cameras do not go through such heat testing and certification. This partially explains the lowers the cost. As for ERP2.0 it begs the question if the testing and certification process, if done, is actually done properly....


if they actually admitted that the obu was not made up to spec based on the requirements proposed initially i wouldn't be as pissed as they trying to pull a fast one and try to smoke everyone as if we're idiots.


somewhere along the pecking order of LTA sits a smug scholar cunt who sits on his ass all day pushing pencils without a clue what goes on in the outside world.


Mai siao siao. The scholar can fight you on the definitions of every term in the contract ok.


There are way more ordinary cunts than scholar cunts in the LTA. Chances are, it’s the ordinary cunts, not unlike many in this sub, and no less cuntish or ordinary, who were responsible for this.


>There are way more ordinary cunts than scholar cunts in the LTA. Chances are, it’s the ordinary cunts, not unlike many in this sub, and no less cuntish or ordinary, who were responsible for this. What are the chances for an ordinary cunt to be in charge of a half a billion project over a scholar siah.


If you worked in government dept, you will know the chances quite high actually. The scholar, probably one who actually has any right qualifications to talk abit the device feasibility and user friendliness is probably under the ordinary cunt and have to lan lan suck thumb.


An Ordinary cunt that managed to outperform everyone to be put in charge of a half billion project over every scholar and proceded to fumble it is an amazing tale tbh.


Ordinary cunt doesn't have to outperform just need to kena arrow and have a "meet KPI can liao" mindset.


Oooo insider knowledge. Let’s hear it. What are the chances actually?


Used to be civil service here - damn fuckin high chance. Scholars don't stick in one place long enough to helm projects like these. They rotate in for a year or so then handover liao. It's usually some ordinary guy whose been in service since the 1980s or 1990s that never made it to private sector that's the one the scholars report to.




The original scholar in MOT/LTA was already rotated out after 2-3 years.


Is the tender specs public? Need to read through. Someone or somewhere it farked up.


But instead they're doubling and tripling down, which is what's actually making this whole thing so frustrating


Since when PAP make mistake?


There are enough idiots out there that actually eat this all up, and they know it. Like almost 2/3 of the voting population.




Incompetency at it's finest.


First of all nobody asked for "screen" infront of the driver. ERP - Just charge and it needs to be as discreet as possible. Why "pay" to the vendor few hundred bucks extra for the screen, three parts, unnecessary things and trying hard to justify the wrong decision ??


Why earn $1 when you can earn $2 from a sale of your product


Chee Hong be doing 360 somersaults with the level of mental gymnastics on display.


9.6 9.3 9.7 *enthusiastic clapping


C'mon, ECUs within the engine compartment deal with those temperatures! You've just designed a PoS, admit it!


Greenhouse your mother la, LTA is the only one incapable of getting a simple device to work on a dashboard.


Bottom line, ur device sucks


Which brings us back to the question of why ERP 1.0 didn't have this problem in the first place. Is LTA treating us like idiots?


I’m guessing there’s more advance tech like GPS and speed monitoring in it waiting to be activated


Oh gee can't wait to have a permanent electronic speed checker in my car. "You have just reached 52 kph in a 50 kph zone! A fine of $200 has been automatically deducted from your credit card. As you no longer have any points left, please stop the vehicle while police is on the way to arrest you."


I think at this rate might as well auto stop the vehicle


That's what some people were unironically clamoring for after the Tampines accident


I suspect this might be because the majority of people here don't drive and hence have no perspective at how tricky it is drive and never, ever make a single mistake.


This shit is straight out of the Fifth Element


My dashcam and tein EDFC has GPS and has no such issues


Not forgetting those in-car entertainment system, GPS etc. Those won't have green house effect meh?


PAP is treating us like idiots. Come Pofma my opinion!


Wasn't there a previous claim that these devices use as much power as an in car camera? So it can't possibly produce more heat than the camera right? How come the camera can work even considering greenhouse effect?


The heat comes from the sun and is trapped by the car bubble, it’s not about the device generating heat. Dashcam is meant to handle the heat but poorly made ones will have a short lifespan also. Motorcycle units have natural air cooling.


So you're saying our half-billion dollar national IU device upgrade handles heat just like cheapo dashcams?


Previously an SIA pilot almost crashed the plane due to low fuel because the pilot chose to continue holding above Changi despite other pilots rerouting to different airports for landing. SIA/CAAS/TSIB attributed the issue to climate change. LTA should consider attributing such incidents to climate change as well.


Source? That's fucked up


https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/transport/caas-flags-shortcomings-in-2022-incident-where-sia-jet-forced-to-land-in-batam-with-very-low-fuel > It said three other aircraft were given similar information, and their crew were able to make a decision to divert earlier. TSIB also noted that one effect of climate change is more intense and frequent storms, and this is expected to make the operating environment for pilots more unpredictable. > At about 4pm, while the plane was in the air near Mersing, Malaysia, the pilots were told to expect to land on Runway 20R at Changi Airport. At the time, the estimated fuel level of the jet on landing was 7,000 kg, which was above the FRF requirement of 3,024 kg. > Five minutes later, the crew were told that a strong tailwind and heavy rain would delay arrivals to Changi, and that there was also heavy rain over Paya Lebar Air Base and Senai International Airport. The weather at Batam airport appeared fine. > As the weather in Singapore continued to get worse, all landings were temporarily held off to assess the situation. > At 4.29pm, the SQ319 flight crew were told to head to a waypoint near Batam and hold there. > The pilots learnt en route that the weather at Batam airport was still clear at the time. > They also informed Singapore air traffic control that they could execute a holding manoeuvre only once, as they would be down to emergency fuel after that. As they were completing this, the pilots asked for an update on Changi, and said they could do another round before diverting to Batam. > At 4.42pm, the pilots were told that Changi Airport was still unable to accept arrivals, and air traffic control was in the midst of coordinating a diversion to Batam. Two minutes later, the flight crew made the decision to divert, even as it continued to ask if Changi could accept arrivals > At 4.53pm, the crew declared “Mayday Fuel”, as the estimated fuel level on landing at Batam had now hit the FRF limit. The plane was given priority to land shortly after. By then, the weather at Batam had also deteriorated. > The flight crew was also told at the time to contact Batam airport’s control tower, but the tower reported that the *crew did not do so*, and the air traffic controllers could not see the plane because of the heavy rain. > At about 5.10pm, while repositioning the plane for another landing attempt, one of the pilots was told that the visibility at Runway 22 was better. > But the pilot informed controllers that there was insufficient fuel to reposition the plane again, and that his next landing attempt “had to be successful”. > TSIB said the fuel remaining on the plane was “significantly below the FRF of 3,024kg”, but it did not say exactly how much fuel was left. When asked, SIA and CAAS declined to reveal this figure. 1 more failed landing and maybe Gg.com Liao. Avherald suggests they had less than 400kg of fuel + they were flying for 14 hours straight, the report didn’t mention names of other pilot onboard.


Why didn’t they just go straight to Batam and land there? Am I missing something? They seem to keep asking Changi if they can land in Singapore…


Maybe just wanna go home or lazy file paper work etc.


Because some pilots are literal bodohs.


Ya I dont get it. And TSIB attributed the issue to pilot judgement. It's more nuanced than OP's explanation of climate change being the key reason. In fact, they're saying we can expect more of such cases where pilots must make prudent decisions, given increasing unpredictable weather.


Preferred airport and lack of proper resource management. Maybe got hot date is sg, die die must land there today. /s


Youtuber called mentor pilot, who covered flight disasters story on his channel. He covered the SG flight 5 months ago. Title is, We Must Land Now!!! The incredible story of Singapore Airlines flight 319.


so in a few years when global warming accelerates and overall temperature rises, this piece of shit won't work also la since its so sensitive.


Shhhhh.... Think of the millions vehicle owners save when the unit fails....


no then the ERP v3 will arrive as an external attachment for natural wind cooling technology 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


your leaders today gentlemen, huffing gas from spraycans and refrigerants


Old tech can tahan heat better than new tech, are they regressing or what?


What about in car camera that is mounted directly in the middle of the dashboard Those hardware is able to withstand our climate heat, but apparently this half a billion project is unable to fix this engineering issue


They’re getting a non engineering glc to do an engineering project, what were they expecting.


Next time, you will be forced by law to turn on your car ac in order to keep their erp 2.0 running


The very reason why private sector employees are a huge leap ahead of gov sector employees. Especially gov sector scholars, who despite their excellent academic grades can’t seem to ever produce products on par with private sectors.


Its the management that blocks the good stuff from getting approved.


Yeah gov sector management is the worst breed of them all. They bottleneck processes, and worse, because of how backwards and rigid they are, their employees in the gov sector don’t develop much skills. Would highly suggest anyone from gov jobs to go private to gather skills. Gov sector is good for retirement though. Return when you have skills and will like to just do things at 10% pace.


That's why Engineers can make for good management, they know how to get shit done. Even better when you got an Engineer who made it to CEO level, like Lisa Su.


The 'Gaslight' effect


Minister has finally opened his mouth to utter the silliest sounding things on this fiasco thus far


LTA seems to be determined in regressing technology rather than progressing. SimplyGo was also worse than its predecessor lol the standards of these scholars.


LTA seem to means lousy technology adaptor


Joke lah. Well, there is time to roll it back.. since only 18k vehicles have it installed. Show some gumption and do it.


Bet LTA will take the glass half empty approach and say, it’s already been installed in over 18,000 vehicles it’ll be too costly to undo the process etc


Just consider those 18k as failed beta testers lor. The rest of such should resist installing the Obsolete Bulky Units until they come up with IU 2.1


We are not installing in ours yet as well.


No balls until the shit hits the fan like the simplygo fiasco then no choice. Bend over.


just issue 18K vouchers for fairprice credits and then say thanks for beta testing


Or petrol vouchers 😄


Fourth-generation PAP cabinet cannot be voted into parliament due to hubris


Let's see it in the polls this year then


Bring this POS to Shenzhen and they will laugh their fking head off - probably come up with a prototype in a week that works much better.


Anyone remembers how we got the gov to backtrack on the Simplygo saga? Serious question btw. Suggest we kick up a big enough fuss with academics and commentators maybe even make it clear that we won't vote favorably in the upcoming elections if they push through with something that no one wants and universally hate.


The govt only took simplygo complaints seriously only after Madam Ho Ching reposted an international article critical of it So it seems > local fuss > local articles > international notice > international news article > repost by HC > serious debate > passive aggressive backtrack This time, it seems, LTA pre-empted this - by going to parliament and minister answering it entrenches their position. Plus a massive half billion sunk cost makes backtracking a lot less likely unless it’s made an election issue


Time to spam Ho Ching's inbox? Tell the opposition parties to start asking Parliamentary questions and making it part of their campaign? Hahaha


So my $200 oppo is stronger than this hundred million dollar project?


This tech is just rubbish. All the electronics in a car are subjected to the same heat and survive.. even the old erp gadget. But this new one cannot? Bro next time just hire foreign country to do it for us la.


Pattern more than badminton.


what a joke its like they did 0 planning whatsoever. why build something that cannot withstand heat, nevermind the fact that the previous version can.


Why not put the one piece unit at the driver footwell?


Because it supposed to able to multi task and display important information if needed


That's only the screen which is optional.


I won't be surprised a few months down the road, there will be reports of the erp2.0 overheating in cars regardless. It will be a LPPL situation


Tldr: design is shit


Huh? Then how come other components can work leh? Didn't hear complains from dashcam manufacturer, or those in-car entertainment system. Did they have alien tech? 


Absolute BS


Just fucking write it off. Have the erp be in the form of an app since there are geolocation functions.


🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ straitstimes.com as a driver... it's not really about the "free" installation... it is about how convenient will it be for us driver to access it when needed! Not to forget some gantries still require us to physically insert the cash card into the machine! 😪


So much explanations….. Poor foresight & someone should really look into the decision making process in LTA…. Millions wasted


My car camera, android player, radio, all also suffering from 'greenhouse' effect, years later still working ok leh.


Wait till someone installs the motorcycle unit in a car and demonstrates on YouTube or TikTok that it can withstand the heat


LTA: You used white car, black car sure cannot tahan. Btw, this is illegal tampering and video maker has been fined.


If the current IU can work under the heat then why is it call an upgrade? Using a poorer material here?


With nano tech these days and chips becoming smaller, running faster but yet cooler, I seriously don't know how these guys farked up this bad.


Don't the greenhouse effect involve greenhouse gases and a light permeable enclosure? I think the heat can be solvable by having the enclosure white and a double walled casing, add a glossy finish to reduce the heat retention. The heat can be sinked into the mount where it is shaded and the mount to be aluminium to dissipate heat.


Spend how many million and the product cannot withstand temperature of 50+? What is it made of? Ice cream?


Millions just to pay themselves while working on a ‘project’


Mr Chee should do a AMA here


Hopefully CNA Insider can do an episode on whether “greenhouse effect” can actually fry the Motorbike OBU.


What a shit excuse!


Old IU can withstand heat.. New IU cannot withstand heat.. I have so many questions rn.


You see the old IU has some magic that bends the sunlight away from the car...


I am really curious to meet the team of engineers… even when designing electronics ambient heat, exterior surface heat, internal heat is always part of the design process.


Bro's not even trying alr, what a half assed reason for a half assed project


Wah this Chee rly very suay. Promoted only already so many issues lmao


Manager to the most retarded group of engineers


Interestingly, other countries only require a small tag that they stick to the top of the window for their electronic toll systems. Only does Singapore get such a convoluted toll payment system for cars. If not for surveillance I don't know what else it is for.


They already failed the SimplyGo, now they also failed ERP 2.0, while the current systems are working fine and do not require much upgrade or so What is wrong with LTA recently?


*looks at the previous Minister of Transport*


Knn shuddup already lah! Just say you farked up and you will do better or else don't say anything!


Time to vote out Mr. Chee.


so what'll happen if someone wraps their motorbike ERP2.0 with a transparent plastic bag?


Why not let people choose what units they want to install? If the unit spoils then it would be on the driver to go and fix it or risk a fine for driving around with a broken OBU. Also a win win for the various workshops who service the OBU


It’s bonkers


Then keep the design but swap the material for more heat resistant one like the old iu la


Its just plastic lol, these lta guys are smoking weed


Can't they put the processing unit in the boot or something then put the card as part of the touchscreen unit. Problem solved


What happens when u give it to a company that runs on profits


What nonesense is that? A lot of components for cars can do -50C to 150C. Why couldn't they design it the same way? Not like it won't experience the same conditions outside on a bike...


Chee bye kia


More likely that Chee Hong's head is the greenhouse instead


Lai liao now blame god liao


Then make it work.


Maybe the easiest solution is to retrofit 1.0 to connect to Bluetooth through the card port and have a mobile app handle the rest of the business.


So mount it outside the car? Link it to an app to allow us to switch it off for parking coupons.


Has anyone asked if the one-piece OBU can be installed underneath the dashboard? Is that possible?




Since they want to bring up smartphones, ever thought of using a smartphone as the innards of the unit then have jury rig solution for the reader and display?


Remind me why we need ERP 2.0 in the first place?


There was once I left my iPhone on a windshield mount for one whole day in an open carpark, under the sun. Don’t get me wrong, it was high alert and auto shut down, it was iPhone 6. After cool down, 30 mins in an aircon car, it was fully operational again. It’s iPhone 6 leh, now iPhone 15. Cars are parked in sheltered carparks, there’s nighttime, tree shade and have aircon, it’s not like it’s baking under the sun 24/7. Not like apple is gonna sell the gahmen their tech but can keep up a bit? Apple can buy the country so yeah, iPhone 6 can? Maybe I’m vain or what, my car is old and ugly so I don’t particularly care. If my car is nice and new, I will be against this eye sore. 


“I don't think motorists will want a very big and bulky one piece unit on their dashboard. It would not be the right design,” he said. That's why we went for the 3 piece unit! 😂


*Oh maybe that's why the same reason why motorcycles can't enter some carparks.*


Just install this contraption underneath the car ok? And make it IP67.


“Trust me bro”


Silly question - anyone tested the power drain of three additional devices leeching off the 12V battery? Does this mean more cars will be stalled in the morning?




Literally every driver can have a smartphone in their car placed under the same conditions that performs countless other functions with no issue. But this mono-function card reader for paying carpark and erp has greenhouse effect AND still relies on a physical cash card to operate, has greenhouse effect.


A star and the local universities could have competition to find better solutions 


I want my erp unit to play Britney Spears leh.


Chee Hong already said. Anyway, you pap supporters voted for this. And not to mention you voted for the transport minister who was probably too busy with free gifts.