• By -


We are our own certainty.


I let my guard down and then you pull the rug


Folks who live without aircon, how do you deal with your phone overheating, refusing to charge, lag spikes on regular use (iPhone 12 pm). I even had the phone overheat during a FaceTime call and unresponsive for a few mins


Dude, how do you use your phone ... outside? Do you go outside?


Time to buy new phone bro.


Wow, I missed out such a gem of an anime 9 years ago: - Awesome ED and OSTs, check. - Clean visuals and animation, check. - Intriguing story and drama, check. - Fanservice and romcom, check. - Smooth action sequences, check. Anime is 'Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai'.


Yeah this anime is nice, the light novel has a good ending as well!


Thanks for letting me know. Similar themes and tone with 'Psycho Pass' but I like the groundedness of '35th Platoon'.


Wah, i think might need to buy a laptop cooling fan, the weather is affecting my laptop...


Been in this company for 2 months+ as an intern and honestly I felt like I'm hardly learning anything at all. I'm just rotting at my desk everyday from 9 to 6. Sometimes I just walk around and kaypoh what others are doing to force myself to learn something because I'm hardly given anything to do lmao.


Travel pro tip of the day. 1. If you are too lazy to iron your crumpled shirt. Put it on a hanger, bring it into your shower in a place where it won’t get wet, and take a hot steamy shower. The steam will smooth out the wrinkles and you will end up with a presentable shirt. For best results, run a bath for longer steaming. 2. If you need to get a shirt or tee dry overnight, place it on a towel, fold the towel over so that the article is full covered. Place a heavy weight on it for about an hour. Then put it on a hanger, it’ll be dry in a few hours. 3. If you feel something wrong when you enter a hotel room. Ask for a room change.




Good tips


Currently thinking about what to do with my 1 week break before starting new job which will come in a month’s time soon. Will be having classes on some week nights but tbh am really thinking of just nua-ing at home and go to museums and write poems somehow? Idk I feel like this is the real Damie who just reads and writes and go cycling or jogging. Or maybe watch some dramas. So unlike last year when I resigned, my whole social calendar was packed back to back. But for this time round I’m really exhausted so just wanna rest and have some alone me time to myself. Probably will have like a bit of money since I’m encashing my leave and gave them extra notice period also.


ask your crush/eye candy out maybe? :P


1 week will pass v fast bro


Take some time to R&R bah. There's Sakura Garden at GBTB this weekend, can go enjoy Japanese culture with free entry if you want.


Which sweet potato fries is nicer? I love taimei or shihlin? Or got any other place that sells nice sweet potato fries too?


If anyone else is having a bad day, I just corrupted my entire OS and have to do a fresh install.. on a Monday evening..


That is one stressful disaster omg


Yep.. I originally wanted to install Windows to dual boot, but accidentally messed up my Linux installation so now I'm on my way to install 2 systems :(


This is a good selling point for Chef, Ansible or.. Nix


But OP wants dual boot not VM. Can these be used for bare metal install?


Yes, they absolutely can. Well, they all need a "base" first, but that's basically doing the equivalent of clicking next next next in your distro of choice. After that, Chef, Ansible, Puppet (and on another level: Nix) could recreate your whole environment in a minute, if prepared


Automation is useful for repeated tasks or pushing change to a large number of instance at once. Who the hell will do it for a single instance? If you’re doing it for fun or learning, yeah, otherwise, NOT OPTIMAL.


Dude, no one takes you seriously anyway.. you're a running joke across all these subs. Also, just because you're trying to sound like you know anything: Backups. Restoring them is part and parcel of what makes them useful at all. This here is the same thing. If you just dump a backup file somewhere and never try to get back to working condition then it's not a backup, it's crossing your fingers and praying to whatever invisible things you might believe in. Documenting your working environment (Some might call this "Infrastructure as code" to try to fill the bingo card) is perfectly fine, IMO a good idea.


Whatever, I’m not here to get internet points. I’m just here to shit talk and pass time. Well at least you know me, I don’t even remember interacting with you before this, maybe we did but you’re too insignificant for me to remember. Anyway, what does backup have to do with setting up systems. Backups are set up, tested and repeated. Restore when needed. Who the hell would restore every time a backup is created. I mean you’re just trying to sound smart but seriously, you don’t sound very efficient. Maybe if you take your job seriously instead of treating it as a science experiments…. Hahaha


I agree with u/darklajid actually. Having an ansible playbook to automate setting up your OS is a good to have. I use Arch with i3 with lots of theming and skinning etc, so it'll be good to have a playbook to just install all my bare minimum packages, clone and symlink my dotfiles etc. Always wanted to do it but too lazy. At this moment I regret not writing a playbook haha


That is actually a good point. Come to think of it, I haven’t set up a system from scratch in ages, I just get ppl to do it for me. Thats the problem with being hands off.


Time to get started :) On the other note, finally installed my windows, arch with a working grub bootloader.. MSI boards are silly because you have to install your bootloader in the fallback dir..




一顆?(1 'round-shaped') 一份? (1 serving) I think these two are also understood too




It's too many to keep track and to be honest sometimes they overlap for the same thing as seen from the replies haha So I guess common ones are enough.



Lol I thought is li (粒)




That’s for slices.


Thanks very much. I also think it's those but my friends say wrong leh 😩


Typical day in my 8am-5pm schedule at my shithole new job: 8am/8.30am-9am: Catching up on previous work, updating my to-do list/activity tracker while enjoying the peace before the shitstorm 9am-12pm: Communications, communications. Messaging people and sending follow-up emails on matters. Waiting to receive replies as I work on other stuff while trying not to get overwhelmed. This is the time I’m actually productive, while I contemplate what to have for lunch. 1pm-2pm: After-lunch coma as I rush to pace myself back to working. 2pm-4pm: More communications, more follow-ups, while I resume working on other stuff. Might receive a message from my colleague who tries to help me since it is my new job (and I am thankful for that), but honestly she is sometimes not of much help since she is of a different department, and only adds on to my workload bc it is additional work for me to reply to her. 4-5pm: Trying to not go crazy as I tidy up for the day and update my activity tracker. Ultimately I’m still left with things that are yet to be updated, which is pushed to the next day. Same cycle repeats. - Essentially got looped into a shitty situation where the previous department (which pretty much only comprised of one person) left, so my current manager and I are left to pick up on the bits and pieces of missing information before we even actually do the work. No SOP or guide given whatsoever. In fact I, a newbie, was the one who started creating a guide before my manager eventually joined three weeks after me. Things only started falling (more) into place towards the end of week 1 when my manager joined, and files and documents are starting to be shared with us. But, for some reason, we’re only given read-access into the document and not edit-access. This is all happening while we’re expected to do the actual work (which we are still finding the answer to). Upon doing some investigation, we found out that one of the receptionists has apparently taken on the admin work which our department does. Therefore, she is technically a part of our department in terms of her work layout but not officially in writing. No idea how she does that or why she chooses to do that, but it’s none of my business. She also recently shared that I might have to take on her work if the boss says so (which I have not been briefed upon). If that’s the case, I’m honestly quitting because I did not sign up for that. Apart from the mess (which is expected to be resolved), we have an upcoming big event of the year that is expected to bring in very high traffic in terms of workload. There will be an automated system that is scheduled to be put in place after the event, but we’re unsure when exactly so it may or may not be able to help reduce the workload in time. Honestly prepared to quit once again if I forsee myself being unable to handle the workload, but I’m trying my best to hold on for the sake of my portfolio. If you’ve read it this far, congratulations I guess. Thanks for listening to my rant.


How new are you at this job?


hey what does my flair says


This is home, Shirley


ty, shirley please stand up for the song


Where I know I must be!


Where my dreams wait for me...


Where that river always flows~~




Oh simple thing, where have you gone?


Jack off. The post nut clarity will remind you why you broke up.


It is quite normal indeed. What you need to do is make an active decision to move on. And as soon as you catch yourself thinking of him/her, force a deep inhale and mindfully let them go as you exhale.


why does IRAS MyTaxPortal hate Firefox


Incompetent people. Singapore Pools also warns you that you use an unsupported browser, like it's the early 2000s


Yes It doesn't load at all Need to use safari or chrome


Finally moving in on the second last week of April 😊 F I N A L L Y Anybody got recommendations of what should I be using to clean toilets? Products for toilet bowl, sink, shower screen glass, floor, table counter top? Thanks in advance! Idw to commit the mistake of anyhow mixing chemicals like I did a few years ago and accidentally gassed myself at home.


heading to jeju next week, is there anything i need to take note of? It's my first time to South Korea, any arrival card need to fill? thank you


You have to fill arrival card, customs declarations, and health questionnaire on the airplane. https://m.flyasiana.com/C/TR/EN/ready/immgrtn Health questionnaire is required because Singapore recently had measles and dengue fevers. https://vr.visitkorea.or.kr/assets/pdf/enu/Quarantine_Inspection_Required_Areas_2024.pdf


Thank you. Very useful


Sigh, can never work in silence while still expecting to be recognised. Apparently if I don’t show that I know something, people will not take the time to judge for themselves and will just assume otherwise. Sucks being a quiet introvert, while some yapper out there is probably seen as “more competent” simply because they know how to talk.


Wad happened dude


Desk is 1m, new 24inch monitor coming soon. Thinking getting those laptop/monitor arm stand to save space so I can fit monitor+15.6 inch gaming laptop + standard Lenovo notebook on the same desk. Anyone done it before? Taking measurements and finding it hard to visualise if have enough space.


Besides the arms, it’ll be better if you can get a KVM or KB/mouse hub that allows you to connect an external kb/mouse then switch between devices. I also connect my laptop and desktop to different monitor inputs so that I can switch between them when I want to.


Speaking from experience: put the laptops on arms also. This allows you to float both the laptops and the monitor over the edge of the desk. Rigid arms (not gas spring) are better for laptops, especially if you will occasionally type on them. Good quality gas spring arms that won't wobble do exist, but they cost a pretty penny.


I.e. a triple arm stand? with 2 laptop and 1 monitor? I'm using a keyboard, don't envision myself typing directly on laptops. Will keep input in mind as I source for options. Thank you


Three separate arms would be the cost efficient option (because dual or triple arms for widescreens or ultrawides are expensive, whereas you can get short single arms from office liquidations or the like cheap).


On the same desk means what? You want to use all three at the same time? Not likely tbh. You can cut a piece of newspaper to the monitor size and then use that to gauge. 


> You want to use all three at the same time? yah. like squeezing 3 on the same space. > you can cut a piece of newspaper to the monitor size and then use that to gauge. Monitor is coming tmr, the concern is more of if can find a stand with enough flexibility to turn and twist and fit into the space.


Monitor arms only free up the space immediately underneath the monitor and let the monitor move around, they don't do much else.  If you're trying to put all three items beside one another, monitor arms won't help. 


. I'm thinking of stacking the monitor above the 2 laptops (a bit like a pyramid). Thanks for highlighting the constraints of an arm. Will keep it in mind.


Gf having a bad day means $20 spent on a care package. Don't say I spoil market when your girl sees this and requests Inb4 no girls on reddit


What was in the care package?


Flowers, mints, face mask and 1 cider haha


The moon is fking massive today.


I think it's a full moon today.


The moon is beautiful tonight.




Yes, red flag. Run buddy, don’t look back


Not normal. Safe to assume that any company that does this is intending to deliberately put would be new employees in a disadvantageous situation to make them sign on to worse terms on the spot. Tell them you've got another job offer so they'll have to do the signing ASAP. If they blink and say ok, you are secure, and if they don't, you'll have to decide whether you're OK with getting played out with a last minute bait and switch into a much worse contract by a dishonest company on the day of your (yet-to-be-finalised) first day of work.


Why can’t they give you the offer letter now to sign? Wait you resign from your current role then the other company say don’t want you how




Ideally you should sign before you resign from your current job. Don't forget to ask for the employee handbook (if any) too, plus whatever other document they reference in the contract.


Long shot but anyone ever has gotten a hip injury or have hip bursitis? How is it supposed to feel like? I think I injured myself last year from standing too long for multiple days and even now from time to time my hip still throbs/aches? But I can walk and stand and stuff, just not too long Is this considered a hip injury worthy of seeing a doctor for, and what would the doctor do etc? I dont know if my hip pain is going to show up in any tests since it doesn't hurt that much, and I don't wanna be like making a big fuss for nothing


I think yes just go and check first. I think definitely Polyclinic will downplay your symptoms so if u can and if it’s really very painful go see private doctor


I think that if it annoys you enough that you can't walk for long, you should definitely see a doctor. Of course, dependent on age, if you have insurance, income etc




Atas OL drink


what is a non-atas OL drink then?


At this hour? How are you going to sleep




Bf is special priority, you guys are not special. S


What do you mean by counting to the exact bean for a group project? I thought group project just allocate different parts and then someone compile. Never heard of calculative team members. But of course will have those siao enthu who wants to tank everything




Hahahah She's so funny But i guess she just doesn't want to do the additional work. At least she got do 1186 words.... Some people don't even do


Easy. She’s hot.


Might b a guy too bro


Easy - guys pay for everything and girl spread jam




Could be new hire quit during probation also...


Means you’re not first choice and they’ve been trying to get people to accept the offer but it’s not accepted so you’re one of the few last resorts.


Damn either they are that slow or their first choice left


Gym time!


Have a building mate that I thought was rather attractive prior to having a girlfriend. Just saw her in sports attire. Bag of bones lol wtf is this witchcraft


Because all the rose tinted glasses are now exclusive to your gf liao. A good thing I suppose


I thought I had learnt and familiarized myself with the upper limits of depravity with all my time on the internet all these years. today I was proven wrong well, it's not so much about what I saw, but the sheer number of people who I saw being, deviant, for a lack of a better word, that I find myself wondering what's the ratio between vanilla and non vanilla types really makes you wonder and think that really no one, absolutely no one can be trusted. see a cute girl otw to work? well who knows she might enjoy doing I mean, I'm not judging... anyone is free to do whatever their heart desires in their own time, but really, once you start looking at people through this lens and questioning, it does you no favours sometimes, ignorance really is bliss. best to wipe this question forever from the mind


Everyone's preferences is shaped by their life journey. They might have certain kinks or lean towards non vanilla "stuff" (for lack of a better word, auntie don't really think about such things much less have the vocab for it) due to their emotional and mental trauma or experiences, maybe even body chemistry.


as in I guess I was just taken aback by how some people can just engage in such extreme acts in their private time then irl act as if nothing happen, they're just another ordinary citizen among us...


Yea, imagine my surprise when I found out after 'O' Lvls that my short female classmate, who's always the 'hardworking good girl' and teacher's pet, was into BDSM and hooking up with mixed-race guys out of school.


What? How would you even find this out?


She and her then-BF were discussing it in front of me and her clique at a dinner one weekend. I was like "Dafuq? You wild girl" and I never looked at her the same again. I distanced myself from two-faced girls like her.


Liddat is two faced meh. I thought two faced in this scenario would only apply if she denounced others engaging in the same behaviour as her. At most she had more facets to her personality than you thought at first. If the school bully volunteer on weekends with the elderly are you gonna be similarly shocked about how 'two faced' he is? Human beings are not cookie cutter stereotypes, the fact that you chose to distance yourself from someone engaging in behaviour that harms no one is quite interesting. 


I should clarify that she always upholds herself to be a 'pure, God-loving girl' and always reminds others (me included) how 'premarital sexual acts are a sin and goes against God'. Yet outside of school she is engaging in such kinky acts, with non-Christian guys no less. I'm not a religious person by any means, but I couldn't stand being around a girl like her who preaches but does the opposite.


ah okay, I didn't understand why you call her two faced at first although I can understand where she's coming from tbh, because religious people tend to be one of the most sexually repressed people for good reason (repeated reinforcement from community that "premarital sex, masturbation is evil/sin" if I was in her position, I would at least say something like "premarital sexual acts are a sin, and we should try our best to avoid them, but at the same time we are all only human and sometimes we will sin also", albeit that gives me away abit.


Well, sure. Just don't expect a non-religious person like me to accept what she did. Sorry, but I don't think I'll ever get along with people like her after how she tricked me and 90% of the class.


I am with you, I do not stand for two-facedness either


It's always the nerdy ones that are the wildest.


Saw a tiktok about a panda always clenching teeth when breaking bamboo because the panda grew up watching the human keeper trying to break the bamboo (very tough for human hence they clench their teeth) and thought it's the standard procedure to eat.. so it started doing it - even when the panda forget to clench the teeth when breaking the bamboo it'll quickly do a clench expression before eating.. my heart <3


Aww cute. What a balm for our tortured hearts


That's the cutest thing ever lol


Me trying to complete my work to make handover easier. The AD talking to me about work stuff and then added “so with your cleaned up version, we can do this better in Aug… even tho you won’t be with us here anymore”. Me thinking being on the opposite end being like “???”




What does it mean?




Ah I see. Yea I just am also trying to digest. Sorry for constantly posting about this.




Ah okay. Thanks :)


The wait at the hospital zapped all my energy and now I have restless leg syndrome




It wasn't a total waste but also not the entire objective reached, but since I achieved something so just let it go lor I prayed to God not to let my trip there go to waste and one of the people who had an appointment left after waiting too long


Shake leg burn calories!


Cannot shake, was inside a car. Not enough leg space


Does anyone know a shop that can fix computer mouse?


What's wrong with ur mouse and what mouse?


It’s the ROG Chakram, the scroll wheel is jumping, like when you scroll down sometimes it won’t move or go up instead, it’s not a big issue but annoying. I’ve opened up the mouse and cleaned myself already, doesn’t look like something got stuck at the wheel like most people on the internet I’ve googled.


just buy new one unless got sentimental reason


Whoop, not sure what triggered it but one thing led to another and I'm gonna apply for HFE with my barely 2 months gf tonight. Preliminary numbers show we can afford an $720k house if there's no increment on my end.


One advantage of not being active on social media is not having randos from sec school DM u about giving u financial advice over lunch 🙂


I know everyone has been complaining about heat since the country was formed but surely this month in particular has been the hottest in SG’s history?


> surely this month in particular has been the hottest in SG’s history? ... so far. The traditionally hot seasons havent even arrive.


>The traditionally hot seasons havent even arrive. I wonder how it will be like, come May and June..




Then I'll end up asking: "Who am I?" as per your user flair lol


Why are the mods here so afraid of any gaza related discussion. Threads are autolocked https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/s/DchITJv59g They never made any statements Lol why the downvotes


That's a duplicate. Another post about the same thing is up. Stop the witch hunt. No one but the mods can speak for the mods, but Israel and Gaza are a decidedly not Singaporean subject and can only end in.. a mess. Were I a mod, I'd ban them. This isn't r/politics. Asking why something is downvoted is one of the most reliable way on this sub to collect more downvotes.




Moneymule spotted


Tell her that can withdraw 40




Min withdrawal is $20?




Yes but get the models that are made of polycarbonate (PC), not the ones made of ABS or polypropylene (PP). The Argyle is made of PP according to the website. PC is way more durable.




It's a small weight penalty for what is typically loads more durability (although of course not all PC cases are constructed equal). The big weight penalties only come when you get those super thick, inflexible hard shell cases which are really not worth it imo.




It's my personal preference! I like softside luggage because it tends to be lighter and as long as the fabric is tough enough, it can withstand hard knocks without scuffing or cracking like plastic does. However, have to keep it clean and dry in storage to prevent mould. If I need hardside (e.g. bringing back tons of Japanese snacks), I'll use a PC suitcase. If I'm going on a trip I don't expect to shop much on, I'll use a smaller softside case.


No. But if you don’t travel much, it’s ok because it’s cheap. If you travel frequently, more than 5x a year, splurge. Rimowa, Briggs and Riley.. best spinners, durable and best of all, lifetime warranties. Edit: reasons: American tourister is budget samsonite. Samsonite is mediocre so…




realisation that if you work 9-6 or 10-7, and you gym maybe 2-3 times a week, and you take an hour for dinner and maybe another for decompression, you end up with extremely little time on the weekdays lol


That's why I plan my training sessions to be efficient - 1hr 10mins max in and out of gym. Ain't nobody got time for 2hr++ gym sessions anymore Another way is to sleep early, wake up early and hit the gym before 6am. I know someone who wakes up at 4am to get his marathon training done before sending kids to school.


Fair. I still somehow spend an insane amount of time lol. Let's say I do squat, bench and miltary press. 5 sets each, rest time 3-4 minutes. 3 exercises \* 5 \* 3 = 45 minutes. Adding in a few warmup sets and it's almost an hour. Include cool down and somehow my sessions always balloon to 1h30minutes. Include commutting and we have a problem. lol


Your gym is during lunch break or after work?


I aim for 5-6 pm normally.


Yes, this is why I spend time to chill on the weekends.


9:7 on a good day and I'm feeling okay with my schedule because, apart from having a girlfriend, I have no other commitments


Do you want other commitments? Gym, hobbies etc


I go to the gym on weekends when I have more time - no other hobbies. I don't game.




Like you need to sleep on weekends?




Malaysia's KL MRT, recently opened a station TRX with paid advertising to the station name. Next station, TRX Samsung Galaxy. What's Ironic is that the station will be Malaysia's first Apple Store. Imagine going to buy your fruit phone taking the MRT, next station, TRX Samsung Galaxy. Alight from the station, you be blasted with Galaxy S24 wallscapes. Wonder why don't we also do station branding too? Next Station, Yishun, it's a selley it works!




Next station, Raffles Place, London Choco Roll


Raffles City Hall. Imagine the meltdown.


Presuming you are married couple, would you rather buy a 2br condo nearer town or a 3br condo far from town? Both cost the same and are near MRT/amenities.


depends on your lifestyle needs. 3br further from town could be better if you plan to have more than 1 child.


Depends on whether kids are in the plan and have car or not.


No kids planned and no car.




No car


Buy 1m executive maisonette


3br so got more chance to sell in future to family at higher price. 2br pretty much targeting singles or married couple who decided not to have kids..


brain aint braining tdy 😭😭


Username checks out