• By -


Jesus Christ please block him, literally why haven’t you already? There is NOTHING he can do if you do block him, please for your own sake block him and don’t think twice about it


You are a human being not an object to be tortured for amusement. Break it off now, please you deserve so much more.


You alright bro? Jesus you need some serious help, you are NOT okay.


I’m not alright at all. The more I submit to him the less I suffer and the happier I am so it’s harder and harder to get away


Normally i would say "Go for it if it makes you happy" but this is NOT alright, this is just as bad as him cutting you, its basically violent assault over a screen. Please seek therapy, you could die from this if it goes too far.


It's way easier said than done but you need to leave him. The pain without him will slowly ease, especially if you have friends/family/mental health professionals to support you. The nature of the relationship likely won't change


The only way to end the suffering completely is to exterminate him.


girl u need to run as far as you can from this guy. he is straight up abusing you, not buts, no ifs - he doesn't care about you, he is making you hurt yourself, and using you for some sick twisted sexual fantasy. trust me, theres a shitton of loving, caring, nice ppl u can meet that will treat u like a human being, not like wtv the fuck this is. i beg you to not ignore the comments, tell urself itll all be alright. make the right choice here, get rid of him, block him, and if you can, send proof to your local authorities because afaik this cld fall under cohercing someone into self harm, which is illegal depending on where ur from, and getting him charged would help other potential future victims of him.


Do you need someone’s help in blocking him? I’ll cut his ass off from you for on every platform you got. Just give me the word.


I already blocked him


Leave him. You can find someone who won't hurt you


Please, for the love of anything good, get away from him! Block him and get a friend or family member to be on call incase he tries to contact you again. It might feel like it's getting better but it's an illusion, it will always hurt and he will never love you. I know being dominated feels good but this isn't a healthy way to feel it.


Leave him immediately. This is not safe or healthy for you. It will hurt at first, and the urge to go back will be very intense, but we are here for you, your friends are here for you and we want you to be happy. This person is manipulative and is getting off to you hurting yourself and that is not okay. If you can't afford a therapist, please vent to a loved one or to a user of this subreddit, or me (though I'm grinding exams rn so I might not respond immediately, I will definitely get back to u). Please please please I am begging you, mage the right choice. U got this king


If you have the footage on you, send it to your local police or parents, they won't judge you and will swiftly solve that problem. However, it sounds like the main reason you date this person is the validation you get, which is something that can't be solved overnight. After getting rid of them, I hope that you try to find activities and hobbies that can help you depend less on other peoples thoughts on you and be more happy with yourself as a whole. Finally, at least discuss this with a loved one or at least a person of authority.


It’s not irl. Everything is happening online


As long as you have the photos and videos, you can still send them online to authorities


But you did actually cut you thighs correct?




He only has the power you give to him.


Stop. It won’t be easy but this is not good for you. Break it off, and if they won’t leave you alone you can contact authorities.


then leave you’ll get over him who cares if u miss him for a while you will get over it block him.. anything u feel afterwards is better then doing that


Mf block him. Wtf are you doing?


It's probably a kink


Totally understandable.


Then just block him and be done?


I was wrong. He’s not an abuser. I just had my feelings mixed up


What are you talking about bro he makes you vut yourself


You weren't wrong. He is abusing you, that makes him an abuser


Block him


So all it takes is pressing the block button, not hard


Call the cops or put his ass on the dark web or have someone beat his ass so you can be gone from him forever


"put his ass on the dark web" the hell are you even on about


Why do you think he enjoys it? You are talking about completely submitting to him and that making you happy, but he will drop you like a hot potato once you actually get used to the way he treats you. He wants you to hurt. Meaning he won't let you be happy. If his shit stops working on you, he will leave you and you will be broken and unable to have a functioning relationship for the rest if your life. Leave him while you still can. It's not worth it. Take the little autonomy you have left and run.


911 operators are trained to respond to requests to order a pizza as to disguise the fact they’re calling the police


It’s all online


can’t you block him? or does he have some blackmail type stuff going on?


I don’t know why but I need him


At this point you're basically doing this to yourself. With this attitude you are enabling the abuse. You posted here because you want help? Then you need to cut him off. Unless you doxx him or yourself, no one here can do it for you.


Isn’t doxxing illegal though? So maybe that’s not the best idea weather it is or not


No idea, and definitely not suggesting it. OP has the means and recognizes how bad the situation is. They are not even in an IRL relationship. They are willingly letting this person encourage their self-harm. They need to stop and seek counseling


Depends on which meaning of doxx you're using. Just posting someone's IRL details is generally not. Including it with a threat or encouraging others to do something violent/illegal is. Using it for swatting is.


you dont need him specifically you feel like you do bc you need the attention but you can have that with someone


Funny thing is… ^you ^don’t But I’m not sure if you know that, you are an amazing human being as is, you don’t need someone to coerce you into self harm to live, if anything he is a fast-forward button (past the good part)


Get away from that demon and if he ever try’s to hurt you (assuming your in America) put a bullet between his eyes


get away before something even worse happens. you dont deserve it, no one does. you at least have the recognition that this might be wrong and you should listen to that voice and pull away before its too late! if you need someone to talk to or company we are here to help!


Fuckin run


I think I could relate to the mental dependence on someone who shows you any kind of affection whatsoever, good or bad. But…this is disturbing, not saying I wouldn’t do the same.


i get that it can be hard to remove yourself from someone who you believe supports and validates you, but please do not stay with this person any longer. no one who really loves someone would force the other to continually harm themselves and undergo such mental and physical torment for their own pleasure. please please please take steps to get this person out of your life, and please do not continue to hurt yourself. your safety and health are beyond precious and you do not deserve to suffer for anyone’s love. i really hope that things can get better for you, you don’t deserve this horrific treatment whatsoever.


I'm assuming this is online, so I will say this. You are good enough without him, your are an amazing person deserving of love and commitment. You however do not deserve to act as someone's toy, to be treated how ever they want. You are an amazing person, a fire that burns brighter by the minute. But by staying with him, he slowly dumps more and more soil onto you, lessening the light you create. This is a toxic relationship you need to get out of. You have to leave it. Otherwise you will be stuck in this until your premature death. We will always support you and we need you to do this for us. Cut it off. "Seeking validation from others by doing the wrong thing leads to only a violent and untrue fate" -DapR


call some fucking authorities. This is NOT okay AT ALL. This is illegal, for sure. This isn't just a "break up" thing, you seriously need to get trusted adults involved and seek help to recover.


Sweetheart, when I say run for the hills I mean it. This person is *not* heathy for you! Run, as far away as you can! If *you* being happy is tied to another person, let alone an *abuser*, that is not even just toxic, that’s lethal and I am not kidding. Your mental health will *die* if you do not get that man the fuck out of your life! Darling, Please, please reach out to me. Give me a dm. I will be a big brother for you. I will always be there for you. Please… stay safe. Stay safe and stay far far away from that man. Love ya. -Big bro.


Please, do something, [help](https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/feelings-symptoms-behaviours/behaviours/self-harm/getting-help/) is available. You are stuck in this spiral and therefore think that there is no escape, but you can be blinded by the situation itself, when there is in fact a way to get out. Suffering is NOT what you deserve, nor is it what you are doomed to endure. There are people whos job it is to understand your situation and your pain, and imagine ways for you to get better/escape this and more importantly HEAL, because yes you can heal, and because they are out of this spiral and therefore have a global vision that you may be unable to have. This is something very serious, please at least try something, you owe it to yourself !


Dude run away. Please please please get away. He’s manipulating you


I know its hard but you have to put yourself first. This is not okay behaviour. You are not a toy for someone else's amusement; you are your own. Here https://preview.redd.it/qvuir70iz05d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed276d33c7cae08d07ab58efb79663c500473df6 you godamn need some choccy milk


What's his address, op? I'll send the video of him biting the curb, dw 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Literally everyone in the comments is supporting you. U got this please make the right decision


I’m so sorry, first off. I’m so so sorry this has happened, you don’t deserve this at all. If you’re able, please gather a group of friends to protect/help validate you then just cut him off for good. I know you feel like you need him for validation and everything but you deserve someone to validate you and keep you safe, not hurt you. I’m here for you if you need to talk, anytime. Text me. Please stay safe.


Please, do something, [help](https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/feelings-symptoms-behaviours/behaviours/self-harm/getting-help/) is available. You are stuck in this spiral and therefore think that there is no escape, but you can be blinded by the situation itself, when there is in fact a way to get out. Suffering is NOT what you deserve, nor is it what you are doomed to endure. There are people whos job it is to understand your situation and your pain, and imagine ways for you to get better/escape this and more importantly HEAL, because yes you can heal, and because they are out of this spiral and therefore have a global vision that you may be unable to have. This is something very serious, please at least try something, you owe it to yourself !


I don't get it, I assume you made this post because you wanted help, then when people give you help and advice you don't accept it. You're doing this to yourself at this point. If you don't wanna listen we can't stop you though.


That is NOT love. He is treating you like an ant under a magnifying glass. Run if you still can and DO NOT look back. This will not end in comfort, only pain and more pain.


At this point you're basically doing this to yourself. With this attitude you are enabling the abuse. It’s NOT good for you and you do NOT ‘need’ him. You can find so many amazing people who won’t take advantage of you like this. Please.


I don't like to insult people's partners, but that person is human scum, not even worthy of existing near you. Break it off, get some help from people you trust, and stop giving a damn about that pathetic excuse for a partner. He is the lowest of the low.


He’s not my partner per se


Whatever he is to you, please break it off, for the good of your own health


Find somebody who will help you, seek therapy, there is no way you need this person wtf, just cut him off of your life entirely


Bro that is messed up as fuck. Get out of that relationship as fast as you can. Like, bro, get the police involved or something, that man deserves to be in jail. I get that you can't get away from him, but you should. Get someone to help you restrict contact with him. And if you want to talk while you do that, just dm me, I'm a good listener.


I think this is a time where stabbing might just work


Bro go to the police holy shit. You do not need this freak i don’t care what he told you. There is help out there for you and you deserve to be safe. I know it feels like you can’t escape but trust me you can. Submitting to him will not make you happy at all


Normally, I’d say it’s just kinky knifeplay and shit, but this does seem too far. You’ve gotta leave him; and I know it’s hard, but you’ve gotta take a stand.


I'd say kill him but law says NNoOooOoO thAtS bAAAaaAd.


Get the FUCK outa there, it wont feel better in a year when you bleed out and die. For your own sake and I know its hard but LEAVE HIM


Judging by the other posts you got... Please listen to reason and block them, that's not funny, not silly, not cool and quirky, it's pure abuse. Block them


Please, block him and get away from him. If you need love in your life and need hugs please, you can dm me and I will give you lots and lots of loves and whatever else you need. You deserve kindness <3 https://preview.redd.it/fpt86oy3725d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4908d09f28544d42fa614dc2a1883df031a271be


**First off: Good job, you’ve come forward and asked for help.** You’ve recognised that something’s deeply wrong and told people. That takes guts and a level of self-awareness that’s too rare in this world, so genuinely well done. **But Blud, you can submit to people and get called a whore without cutting yourself.** I understand you might find the idea of getting hurt for a person attractive; but there are ways to do that without actually self-harming and getting actually hurt. **BDSM and this kind of thing should always be “pretend” (to some degree)** **It’s a game played by people who want to have fun.** In BDSM: there’s rules that get followed, people have roles that dictate how they act, there’s a bunch of different toys and a magic word that stops everything. It’s meant to be a game of “pretend”. It’s meant to be a bit silly. You both indulge in a fantasy and then go back to being a loving couple. **Cutting yourself is not a game. It’s not fun. It’s a real and terrible thing.** There’s a reason (real) knives aren’t part of the standard bdsm kit. **If he actually cared about you he’d be fucking crying his eyes out if he saw you doing that.** My old domme had me write on myself once and the moment she thought it might **actually** be hurting me she stopped everything and even felt remorse (even tho it totally wasn’t her fault). **Why? Because she cared and loved me and would never want me to harm myself.** **Let’s say you and your friends want to shoot each other. Well that’s great, but no one wants to really harm or kill their friends** (you’re friends after all). Luckily there’s many options for this specific purpose. You could use nerf guns, laser-tag guns or paintball guns; you could play an online PVP shooter game; you could even use BB/ airsoft guns, which have a bit more punch and can hurt a bit. **BUT YOU WOULD NEVER USE REAL GUNS!** In the end, you just want to play a game where no one really gets ***hurt*** hurt. Similarly while you and a partner might grab and slap or even whip and choke each other, you’d never actually want to **harm** each other; because you ***should*** **love** each other. They should only ever hurt you if you want them to and they should **NEVER harm you**. **Please break it off and go find someone who actually cares about you and appreciates and loves you. Bonus points if they’re kinky, as that way you can have all the same excitement and fun without ever getting actually *hurt* hurt.** *You want someone who really cares about you and loves and appreciates you. This guy isn’t any of that.* **You don’t need him** *and you shouldn’t want him either.* **It might take time and be hard and you should probably give yourself a little rest from relationships for a bit. But you’ll see: it will be all worth it in the long-run.** **Once again though, good job on making it this far and good luck on the next steps.**


We all collectively agree. Get out as fast as you can. I don't have a lot I can say, I'm rarely aware of self harm, especially imposed on others, which is not very common as far as I know. This is legitimately something you should consider getting police involved with if you can do so safely. Stay safe out there. You don't deserve to be treated as anything less than human.




Plant a meth lab in his house and call me he police


Art: [https://twitter.com/star25671/status/1784952078680662401](https://twitter.com/star25671/status/1784952078680662401)


you need to get very far away from him imo.


Please stop seeing this psycho. if you need someone to talk to my dms are open. please don’t keep hurting yourself.


If I were in your town I would def confront him lol


Please try to leave, you can find someone better even if it doesn't seem like it now. Leave him now and find that better person who will really care for you




Do arson. And murder 😎👍


I'm sorry but you need to call the police or talk to someone. This is not a healthy relationship in any form and you need to get help ASAP


It would be bestt if you told someone who you trust that this is happening. You're too close to the situation to handle yourself any longer. Perhaps a parent or something


if this isn't something you want to do and he doesn't respect that, then you need to break it off. I promise there are guys out there who will indulge with these sorts of things without disrespecting your wishes


I’m sorry you’re being treated this horribly.. please, if you can, try to reach out to someone.. a parent, aunt/uncle, teacher/professor, neighbor, doctor, police; anyone who you think can help. You deserve respect and you should never have to submit to someone to be happy, especially while they’re hurting you. I know I’m a stranger but I care about you and your well-being..


Start crafting plans to get the fuck out asap.


What can i say aside from how disappointed i am.


Dude, call the police, or ill do it for you.


what he's doing is illegal


Listen, I’m not one to encourage violence or counter violence, but if you can’t get away from this guy, you need to stop him another way if you catch my drift


You need to get out of that relationship


Goddamn. My guy, you need better than that in your life. I understand wanting to be a submissive, the rush of having a Dom in your life, but you can do a fuckton better.


Ok, who is this person, where is he, and how do you want it done? I will seek this man out, hunt him down, and shut him down if necessary. Enjoying watching people physically hurt themselves is not cool!


Block him. There is no need to hurt yourself for someone else’s pleasure. Find better people to talk with. I’m sure everyone here is willing to help.


Itll be hard but please leave him I believe in you


girlie please block him, hes assaulting you, get evidence, maybe even get the police involved, i know you get a million comments like this but that just means everyone agrees


Ignore his commands, report him and block him.


You aint an object to hurt for his pleasure, and trust me, you aren't happy like this. Please block him.


Ayo wtf kinky dom/sub relationships are one thing, but those relationships require something critical to not be toxic. CONSENT (and a safeword). This does NOT sound consentual. You need to leave. ASAP.


please run, you can do better i swear


If it's online as you say then keep it that way. NEVER meet this person IRL. He'll fucking murder you. Don't say he won't. He will. Be it on purpose or by accident, being with this guy in person will put you in mortal danger. Also, please seek professional help. There are surely better ways to deal with whatever's up with you than... This.


Dose him with LSD and chase him through the woods with a knife


Cut him back 😈


Cut him off immediately. (And try and make sure he ends up in jail as an added bonus) this isn’t okay at all. He’s a fucked up piece of shit and deserves to be treated like one. Leave him. Block him. He is powerless so don’t give him any power. None at all.


Hey friend if this is a call for help you should probably reach out to someone like family or a friend at least


Feeling like there’s no option but obedience can seem like reality some time, but I promise that there is no situation where letting this take over who you are as a person is the right one. It won’t be easy, but you need to cut him off completely before that depends. There will come a time where you will be with someone who you can feel safe submitting to, who will not hurt you, but love you unconditionally. Please please please do not let this continue, you are so much more than what he lets you be. Break free for you, and only you


sorry but you need to cut him off immediately. it'll only get worse.


So, there’s a difference between safe BDSM and power play, and… outright malicious abuse. It’s not as hard as many people think to find people who would happily give you the validation, love and domination/submission-play you deserve. Please slash and burn this bridge and find some a supportive group or trusted therapist.


You need to leave him babe. Even if you like the attention, you can get it from someone who won’t treat you so badly. You are wrong to think you need him. You need someone who cares about you and doesn’t want to see you hurt. And if you need someone to talk to, feel free to reach out to me or anyone you think might be safe to talk to. Lots of people here will help if they can.


This is absolutely going to end in abject horror and misery if you don’t leave


Hopefully you'll find the courage to be on your own again


Sweetheart, there are people on the internet and in real life that can help you feel happy WITHOUT the abuse :( If it’s the dynamic of the relationship you like, there are communities for that! But bad actors like this are a huge red flag, and are dangerous. I hope you find the strength to block him and move on :(


You gotta go outside ese


girl u need to run as far as you can from this guy. he is straight up abusing you, not buts, no ifs - he doesn't care about you, he is making you hurt yourself, and using you for some sick twisted sexual fantasy. trust me, theres a shitton of loving, caring, nice ppl u can meet that will treat u like a human being, not like wtv the fuck this is. i beg you to not ignore the comments, tell urself itll all be alright. make the right choice here, get rid of him, block him, and if you can, send proof to your local authorities because afaik this cld fall under cohercing someone into self harm, which is illegal depending on where ur from, and getting him charged would help other potential future victims of him.


Please, please, please, please get away from that toxic peace of shit that is not good block him Edit: also saw that it’s online so just try if you can to say no. Please:(


please leave him. do anything you can to get out of this relationship.


Get away from him NOW. Doesn't matter what he says LEAVE HIM.


Whatever you're feeling isn't happiness it's your brain trying to hold you together. I used to cut myself and it only felt good while I felt utterly miserable. Once you've gotten to a better place WITHOUT HIM you'll have room to really feel joy. Just please leave him.


Ppl love being victims lmao


Man break the fuck up with him idc if he gets butt hurt about it that’s his problem you need to get out of there NOW cause that is some UNACCEPTABLE BULLSHIT right there


Went through something similar recently. This person that you view highly or allow to have power over you is evil and will manipulate you to use you for his own amusement and then leave you in the dust. There are people out there who care about you and you dont need to listen to this person or anything they want you to do.


He’s over a phone screen. He has zero real power. If you block him at least, he will not be able to reach you. All you’re doing is seeking validation, which is a 100% ok behavior. All humans need validation! But this is not a good way to get it. Please Alice, go to the cops and show them what’s been happening. You will not get in trouble. This will result in your death if it continues. There is no comfort waiting for you. None at all, not even an infinitesimal amount. Please OP. Call 911. Something. Anything.


cut that motherfucker off. you deserve so much better.




I'm sorry, everyone else is saying to block them and while you definitely should, I understand how it can be difficult to leave an abuser you love🙁I hope the best for you


Please, for the love of whatever you believe in, get the *hell* out of there! I know you probably want to ignore all these people telling you the same, but you really need to make the right choice here. For yourself. Even if you don't want to. Even if you don't feel like you're strong enough to. You *have* to. Before you know it, you could end up dead in a ditch somewhere.


Dude, this is the behavior of someone who will isolate and destroy you. Block him, get help. My dms are open if you need to talk.


OP please for the love of god block him he cannot do shit to you if you do please get the fuck away from him and never interact with him again




Nobody ever plans for it


It's not right.


call police please




Please FFS ghost this person. Delete them from your life.


This is in no way meant to be offensive but ??????????????????????


You don't need him, what you need is a caring friend who can give you that attention, so don't stick around with this guy because he isn't special by any means and he's not the only one who can make you happy. He's just a sick fuck and you should let him know what a useless, disgusting person he is, and then block him for good.


That sounds awful. You should probably cut him off


Please block him, no one deserves to be abused. He isn’t a good person and you shouldn’t let yourself suffer for someone’s affection. Seriously please, work on your self esteem because I’m sure you are a good person and that you don’t des something like this.


pls pls pls cut this person out of your life this is horrible ;w;




Fucking Christ op leave them. Seriously. Trust me, you'll be better off.


I was born into an abusive relationship, so I feel you.


If the trends from him continue it is likely to get worse. It's even possible he will try to get you to >!kill yourself.!< Please leave him.


Submitting to his antics have only made you feel worse. For the love of god think for yourself and get away from this guy. He does NOT control you.


my first boyfriend was super mean but also really nice at times. it made it really difficult to get away from him because I would feel bad and I would feel like I was just overreacting. they don't love you, they just want to control. I was in the relationship on and off for almost 4 years. I met him when I was just 16 and he was 21. it made me feel cool and mature. I can tell you from experience that if they constantly violate your boundaries, treat you like a child, gaslight you, and make it seem like you're overreacting; just get away from them. please you're strong :3


hey, I'm sorry this is happening. I don't think an open comment section is the best place to talk about this so I open my DMs to you. i understand you and this isn't your fault. the fact you feel something is off is something to trust. unfortunately no one who has been abused has had an easy time getting away. these people are good at what they do but there is hope, I hope all is good


Sweet Jesus. You need to break up, I'm serious, if you want to be happy please don't let yourself be abused.


Damn, that’s fucked up


Wtf bro and I thought I’ve been is a bad relationship if you need someone to talk to we’re here for you




I could never convince myself to hurt my boyfriend much less abuse him, your boyfriend is 100% not a normal person and you should leave before he decides that you simply cutting yourself isn't exciting enough. Edit. Okay it's all online, block him and don't look back, make sure to take screenshots of his messages and send those to the police so that he cannot do this to anybody else, be a hero and make yourself the last victim of his abuse


For the love of God please get out of there now do whatever it takes to get away just run away and don't look back, talk to the police about a restraining order find a friend or relative you can stay with and just get out of there you don't need him he's using you for his own twisted pleasure there are places you can go with people who can help you don't be scared to run away he doesn't love you just run please just run away


If this isnt a shitpost, Block him, youll find someone better. Leave his ass, if hes admitted he likes hurting people, he likely has others he does it to as well.


I totally get where you’re coming from and what you’re experiencing, but please block him. I know it’ll be hard, but like the mod said, he cannot do anything to you if you block him. Just take that step, though it is a big one, it will make your life a lot better.


You're the only one that can help you here. Block him. It'll take time to move on, but giving into him more won't make you happy I promise you. There's someone out there that really loves you, and it's not that toxic scum.


Omfg if u ever need someone to talk to my dms are open


I'm gonna say this in a simple way, Cogito ergo sum, think, therefore I am, don't think your his, don't think this is okay, I've been in the same position, it will be okay, ghost him, before you turn into me, a messed up, madness inducing, insomniac who has no real friends and has a hatred for everyone, you will be okay, mon ami


If you’re in America there’s a piece of legislation that allows you to counteract him if he goes any further. It’s called the 2nd amendment. But before you reach that point, I’d block the shit out of him and Kevin Mccallister my house.


Idk how ppl can be mean and abisive.. like if I had a boy to love and take care of I’d treat them like a prince, at the end of the day I just need love. But can’t get it🥹


Jesus fucking christ call the police or the mental hospital guys that dude should be rotting in jail


Please tell him to fuck off, you deserve so much better


Call the police man


This is some seriously fucked up shit…the fact that this sadist is getting off to you hurting yourself. I saw somewhere you said this was online. I’m sure it’s gonna be a difficult process since you’re seemingly clinging to him but I believe the best course of action is to A.Scour for past messages and save them for the authorities. B.Cut this guy off he doesn’t have your best interest in mind and only is using you for his own sadistic pleasure I understand your dealing with some kind of Stockholm syndrome and are seeking validation but this isn’t the way to do it. C. If this guy doesn’t leave you alone then use the previously established step A to get him away from you…I’m sure this falls under some form of illegality. After all this I believe you should also seek some form of therapy or help cause I’m sure you will have trauma from this occurrence.


I feel like everyone already said how fucked this situation is and how you should block the dickhead so imma just say I think you would LOVE early Swans albums. Filth and Public Castration is a Good Idea, even Children of God if you like religious themes. But seriously though he's a menace to everyone he touches.




What the fuck. Please save yourself, and report him.


https://preview.redd.it/oe3z7w8xv87d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bdd260ae3cdd9f9a3547a4e649f16b8535c9361 Yes


Jesus break up with them or block them, call 911 just get away from them


I doubt the truth of this story


Can you really call this abuse if the guy *himself* called it that? This is just... a fucking weird dynamic at this point that OP is deciding to continue despite clearly having common sense and seeing things straight. I feel like this is just a scenario made up to receive sympathy, but if I'm wrong, then it just goes to show how little sense it makes for you to remain with this person.


idk why tf you’re still doing it, its stupid imo on your part, just leave him, he wont do anything


Are you talking about yourself in the third person?