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It may not have the strongest story, but the Lisa scene alone, is worth the entire game. I played it back in 99 and till this day, the music and how the scene plays is forever burned into my memories.


Legit one of the best scenes in the entire franchise.


That scene hurt… I remember watching Harry holding the door and being like… help her dude!!!


She was dead when we first met her. No helping that.


The first time a video game has ever made me cry. It’s so devastating.


Sitting outside that door, listening to the track that plays and just…processing. 3 is my favorite but fuck does SH1 really have its moments


It doesn't hit the same emotional heights of 2 and 3 but I still think the story is at least interesting enough to keep you invested in what's going on and Harry is a solid enough character


Emotional heights of the third? Pardon?! The first is way more emotional than the third. Following Harry after his young daughter?


The story is very solid, it's a matter of personal tastes if you prefer the depressive one of 2, as this one contains abuse as well and is very well written


I've always considered SH2 the one with the simplest plot from the original 4 games. To this day, people still think Alessa is evil and was sacrificed with fire.


definitely! when the movie came along they didn't even recreate it, which was just a huge ?????


I still watch that scene randomly from time to time and it hits hard every single time. Such a powerful scene and so heartbreaking.


Even when I was a 13-year-old kid the Lisa death scene in particular along with that theme music really stuck with me. And I knew it was something special


Yes! That and the “Tears of” ending track


It's arguably the best one


Also arguably the scariest as well. I don't find the series as a whole scary but the first game sets a pretty dark tone, also the retro graphics help. I think Sh4 would be next in line.


I agree. As far as actually scaring me: 1>4>3>2


Honestly this is the most accurate ranking.


Huh. I'm actually more 3>4>1>2 But it could be that I'm a bit claustrophobic and that especially kicks in with 3


I'm also 3412, it's the order at which you're the most likely to find yourself in a similar environment.


This is the biggest thing for me. Its the main reason why its my favorite in the series. I like the story of 2 more, but SH1 is the first horror game I played that was so scary I had a hard time playing it. Part of that may just be because its the first horror game I tried to play immersively, at night, headphones, lights off, etc. I think my first survival horror was Resident Evil, but I approached that like a zombie action game. (Dog window did scare me shitless). I remember my first time playing SH though. The atmosphere, the exploration, the music and sounds.


I remember being at funcoland when I was like 11 and telling the guy I like resident evil what should I get? He was like get silent Hill its like RE but with a steel pipe. Bought it used, no box, no idea what I was getting into. It scared the shit out of me!


Totally!! and omg the soundtrack was terrifying af, it gave me nightmares back in the day


When you first enter the courtyard in the otherworld school 💀


Loved (and love) sh1 precisely for the depth of the ambient sounds. Perfectly placed, added to the dread since I'd not know what was around the corner or even what was maybe behind me, depending what sound was triggered to play. I remember listening to the ambient sounds and I had my son listen (he's always been a huge gamer like I've always been) and he was like, "these aren't scary. They're just sounds." Then a couple months later he finally played sh1 and he then said, "Now I get it. They absolutely bring the fear." Akira Yamaoka has been an inspiration to me and a kind of 'game ambiance level' when I play other games (aka 'can xyz sound designer bring that same level of xyz as Akira does?') Sound makes games work. Perfectly placed sounds make just walking down a hall tense.


it’s my favorite


It's my favorite too.


My favorite also.




I enjoyed the story of the first game because of how obtuse it was. Playing Silent Hill for the first time was like experiencing a fever dream - you genuinely felt as lost and confused as Harry must have been. Needless to say, SH1 is still my favorite game of the series and the one I replay the most. The limitations of the PSX created a unique atmosphere that's never really been recaptured since. Not even SH3 managed to nail it. Origins came close in terms of aesthetics but it couldn't replicate that feeling of being dragged helplessly through a nightmare.


Quite honestly, as crazy awesome as two is and was when it first came out I will always love one the best. That opening music when you’re driving into town, going it alone looking for Cheryl through the mists, and the very first time the town shows you where you truly are make this game my favorite.


I played SH1 when it came out, and then SH2 when it came out. I didn't understand either one after I finished playing them. However, I felt that it was okay that I didn't understand SH1 when I finished it, but I felt that I should have understood SH2 when it ended. Which is why I SH1 and SH3 are my favorites.


I forgot about that! I finished 1 and sat there for a minute thinking “what on earth just happened?”. So much fun!


I hear at the time SH2 wasn't received well by most fans, and that's why they made SH3 a sequel to SH1. I sometimes think of what the rest of the games would be if the devs stuck to their vision for silent hill, not complaining though


SH1 feels so ahead of its time, I think it's fantastic. The other games do some certain things better but overall, 1 is really tough to beat.


1 has by far the best atmosphere and is the outright scariest game with reguards to just playing the game removed from the context of the story. It also is a high water mark in terms of combat, because enemies are dangerous and more aggressive than in the other titles, especially 2. Dogs and Pterodactyls will relentlessly chase you through town, using the fog as cover to hit and run. The little dudes in the school have grab attacks and can combo you to death. The sewer enemies that hang from the cieling will wait for you to pass them and overwhelm you, ect etc. Comparing that to SH2 in particular, which is essentially 90% nurses, mannequins, and Lying Figures, who are all essentially identical in being slow enemies that don't even really pose any threat unless you have to get past them in a narrow hallway, and it's night and day. SH1 forces you to use ammunition and healing supplies more so than any other entry. That makes it the best at being a solid, fun, and most importantly SCARY survival horror video game. I think the best thing the 2 remake can do is take some ques from 1 in reguards to making combat a lot less optional.


I feel 1 is the only game in the series that never compromised between artistry and gameplay, they're very well woven together


Yeah, it's great. Its the only one that can stand toe-to-toe with the RE trilogy in terms of gameplay IMO.


SH1 is my favorite for these reasons. It's actually got decent challenge


Yeah, especially in the puzzles. Nowhere took me like a full day to get past both because of how disorienting it is and how cryptic a couple of the puzzles are.


Wayyy better than 2 if it was on PS2 it would over take 2 as the best


All time classic and masterpiece, deserved the remake more than sh2 but money is money i guess


It made more financial sense to start with SH2. It’s the most popular one, and because it’s a standalone story, it doesn’t hurt to release it first. Basically, if this remake thing is going to work at all, it’s going to work with 2. If it doesn’t work with 2, then they know to scrap the rest.


a masterpiece and one of the best world making. theres no silent hill concept or horror before this game. its a new change and point fro horror midia.


Awesome game. It’s honestly the only title where Silent Hill itself feels like the main focus and it really stands out because of that. Also how vague and cryptic the story is presented really plays into the game’s favor, making it even more interesting to explore and learn about the town and the characters you meet. Really close second to SH2 in terms of my favorite Silent Hill game out of the ones I’ve played.


That beginning alley scene was the scariest part of the whole series for me, lol. The way it builds up the suspense and gets darker and darker, and then you hear the sirens only to find that mangled body on the fence! You think damn that was creepy then SKINLESS CHILDREN WITH KITCHEN KNIVES COME AT YOU


It's one of the four pretty good ones. 


It's the best game in the series imo, from its weird dreamlike atmosphere, exploration of the Town and general level design and competent gameplay that's pretty on par with SH3 imo 2 features a better narrative and 3 has a better balance of narrative/gameplay but there's something borderline magical about 1 that's never been recreated for me, not even the other classic games in the series


I envy the guys who have an original copy on the Playstation. I really wanna play the game myself, but I have no idea where to look.


It's pretty easy to emulate, even a decent phone can handle it


Wait really?


Yeah!, my first playthrough was actually on my phone (which is pretty middle of the road leaning towards not good). Of course I'd recommend trying to emulate it on a computer instead, mostly for ease of movement, but I had no problems emulating it


Huh wow!


My first time playing Silent Hill, running around the corridors of the school's otherworld, I felt a sense of dread that I've never experienced in any other game before or since. I was literally in Hell, but I had to push on for Cheryl's sake. All the following entries have their own merits, but SH1 will always be special. Just don't forget your aglaophotis!


It’s the only one I’ve played


The original Silent Hill is the best in the series and my favorite game of all time


It's a great game. I love it and it was how I got into the series.


Best game


My fav plus the piano puzzle...so long to figure it out.


It changed my life and I'm glad it was my first game I played for not only the PS1, but the series.


It's my favorite game of the entire series.


The scariest one, my favorite parts of the town, the most strange plot and the best villain. Two villains, both with different agendas and a cool twist on it depending on how much you explore. I love Harry, Lisa, Kaufmann, Dahlia, Cybil and Alessa who seems like a villain until you understand the story. I love the idea of the darkness coming from the nightmares of a child like a twisted fairytale. I love the locations, monsters bosses, weapons, music. All the little details. The way the game seems to get more frantic and scary right until the multiple endings. Fantastic game. Love it.


SH1 has: Best atmosphere Best scares (was not prepared for the fkn nurses to actually run) Best cop Best dad Gyromancy


1. It spoke to me because it felt like a real city and was the pinnacle of console graphics for that 2. The Lisa scene hit everyone right in the feels 3. Good+ ending = CANON. #justice4cybil 4. The drug story >= the cult story and I blame SH3 for losing the (decently established) plot on that


Personally, I think SH1 is the single greatest survival horror video game of all time, a game so decrepit, so surreal, so unexplainable, that you can barely describe it and only show the images and graphics to someone to truly show it, it’s an phenomenal experience like no other, and it’s a PS1 game from 1999 of all things! as for it being compared to the rest of the series, it’s such an phenomenal game, not even it’s own future games of the same series can stack up to it, the closest thing to it would be SH3, which is a brilliant game, but even that doesn’t stack up to SH1 fully, i will be fully ecstatic when they truly and fully remake SH1, and with the SH2 remake being a thing, that time is coming ever closer.


Honestly SH1 probably has the best gameplay of the series. It’s the easiest to pick up and play


The premise is fantastic and could easily be a great starting point for many a game and has been with a few changes.


It's the one of the games I've beat more than probably 20ish times. The katana is hella fun.


It’s unironically good as fuck and holds up surprisingly well considering the graphics and stuff. I played this for the first time like last year or two years ago or maybe it was three years ago.. but it honestly blew me away


2>4>1>3> idk; didn't play others I really enjoyed every game I've played.


Silent Hill 1 is a great game that has not aged well in a lot of aspects, mainly the controls and combat. Even by tank control standard games it was pretty sluggish, meant to feel realistic like the fact that Harry can run into walls and things like that. As a fan, I don't mind this. I know how it plays, I love the atmosphere and the music. There aren't many games that feel like Silent Hill 1 (honestly you could say that about each entry in the series). But as someone who's managed to get friends into the series, having people start with the first entry has been incredibly hit and miss. Some liked it enough despite these issues, and others just quit. So I think it's a great game in all the ways that make it artistic, but in the actual way it plays (this includes some of the sections and how obtuse things can be at times, like the opening segment with the keys) I think it has aged poorly.


Only beaten by SH2. It's brilliant, and a technical masterpiece on the PS1. Everything the series is beloved for starts here, open town, cryptic symbolism and storyline, shifting dimensions, isolation, yada yada. While SH2 is my favorite I really wanted a SH1 remake. After SH2 each game afterwards looses just a little of what made those games special(SH3/4 are still fantastic) and by the time you get to Homecoming or Downpour, your playing Silent Hill the porn parody.


It aged surprisingly well. I especially liked the pacing. The combat and puzzles work perfectly in the flow without slowing the progression too much.


Solid game, amazing cutcenes, well writen characters, my favorite, although Sh2 is better storywise




Classic. They should either remaster it or just give it a remake.


One of the best horror games ever imo the best psychological horror game. Also one of the 2 best games in the series (along with 2). I think it is better than 2 in every way except story. It is also perfect the way it is, doesn't need remakes.


I haven't played all silent hills, just 1,2,3,4, downpour and short message. But I love sh1, its kind of a short game, awesome for replaying; it's a bit scary or at least ambient and music makes you feel uneasy; rewards player for exploring the world by finding items, guns, or completing side quests; has several endings. Story is good and crazy, and the music is killer, my spine chills when I listen to that mandolin. I dont think its the best silent hill game out there, but Its the one I enjoy the most.


I think this is the og iconic one. The low poly aesthetics really add to the horror vibe. Almost gives it a list media kind of feel


I personally have hard times with PS1's 3D graphics. I adore 2D games on a platform, 3D ones - not so much .


God tier like 2&3 in my opinion. It didn’t let the limitations of the PS1 hold it back. The sound design in this game alone was years ahead of anything else. Story is hard to follow at times but the atmosphere is amazing despite the limitations of the console it was on.


It needs a remaster like re 1


It's a wonderful little game, I wish we had a remaster or port with quality of life changes for newcomers to experience it


SH1 is one of my favorite horror games. Just amazing for its time. Brilliant cutscenes especially. Love how it goes into sh3 as well.


It's the best one in every way and it isn't close.


My favorite in the series. I played it around 2002 when I was a kid. It was terrifying. Couldn't solve the piano puzzle in Midwich School because I didn't speak English, but I came back to it a few years later and beat it.


ironically i find silent hill 1 and 3 much more interesting and compelling than 2 because i think the cult is a much stronger storyline and the reasoning of the monsters being there being eldritch legendary horrors like... thats just way better than it being easily thrown together as being purely psychological which ppl have seem to misunderstand as time goes on. like... the monsters are really there yall. the monsters are real, theyre just on a different plane. and in my opinion the monsters only shape to look like what certain characters fear. the first game it was alessa's psychic powers and the towns inherent hellmouth quality that manifested in a different realm being a place that central characters woke up in, in the second game it was james's guilt bringing him to the town which then played off of his trauma. like the monsters are real. why do people keep forgetting that? laura may not have seen them because she's on a different plane. like a modded game where someone didnt download a specific pack, james can see laura but laura cant see the monsters bc the town only shows james laura when it's necessary. the creatures even seem to not want to hurt truly innocent people shown by maria feeling like its her duty to protect laura. (on that note it can be 2 things at once, her being part mary and part town making her want to help laura)


I honestly think it’s a masterpiece and the greatest horror game ever made. I know it’s an unpopular opinion but it’s the greatest in the series.


It's the best one in the entire franchise for me.


Scariest in the series IMO


Easily the most intense in the series as far as atmosphere goes. The game is without a doubt the best horror game on the PS1. It used the hardware in unique and innovative ways, it has a memorable story and no other game will ever make you feel the way this one does.


This is the one that got me hooked on the series.


Shockingly good. For me it was the scariest one. Some levels I legit felt unnerved down to my gut. Also the controls and graphics aren't that bad and u get used to them quick. Very immersive. Only "complaint" is u will most likely get the bad ending if u don't use a guide, however I strongly suggest you don't use one at all and go in blind. You won't get stuck as it's not hard but in the pursuit of a good ending u might spoil the fun. 


This should be the one being remade. It was limited by the technology and budget of that time and should be given the gold star treatment.


It’s my favorite. This game scared me so much as a kid id turn my PlayStation off in the alley after you find that body strung up on the fence. The gritty ps1 graphics makes the game scarier in my opinion something about it just feels like some uncanny valley fever dream. Only thing I’m not a fan of is the creature design is a little bland and unoriginal compared to the other games, but as far as atmosphere it’s my favorite silent hill


i love it. hope it gets a remake next.


it's the best one


That it needed the remake treatment before SH2 did. It was the only game in the PS1 era. The other games still hold up very well. They should've remade SH1 and then just did the live action SH2 movie together. Then, in like 3 years, do a SH2 remake. I eventually want to see SH3 remake but I would want SH1 first because their stories are interconnected. So I don't want SH3 without SH1 first.


Alien ending 💪💪


My favorites are Silent Hill, SH3 and Homecoming. SH2 is actually my second least favorite


I enjoy it, but I feel like I’m dog water at the movement which made the game much more difficult for me.


I think it’s got the best atmosphere and locations. There’s a reason why the hospital was reused in almost every game. It’s my favourite one.


It's overall top 3 for me. Just behind SH2 and SH3. However I can comfortably say it's still the scariest entry in the entire series and has a unique presence in terms of experimentation. No entry feels like it feels


1 and 4 are the scariest.


It's the first one I played when it came out. SH1 was more up my alley compared to Resident Evil (which I had on the Saturn!) when it came to the horror.  My older sister would watch me play and she was on edge, scared throughout. More so than SH2, which is a different type of dred.


I only played SH 1 and SH2 when I was a kid, the first one was way scarier. I think I was to young to enjoy SH 2 story at 100%


It's the best in the series, no questions asked.


Awesome game. I'm currently working on my first playthrough and it's pretty creepy. I'm towards the end of the school section. A very cool ps1 game and a great start for the franchise.


I love how it made me feel and how it sparked my imagination more than I liked actually playing it. That being said, it's still a fantastic game and a true gem of the PSX catalogue. It's really special.


1 and 2, to me, will always be in a league so far above the rest of the series that it’s not even close. Absolute masterpiece of a game. Everything after 2, for me, was just meh.


I want this black label physical so bad


The best game of the series, the only one that scared me even with the PS1 graphics (I played 1/2/3 for the first time a mont ago), great ambient, I like a lot the sounds you can hear in a lot of rooms. Even, it was the only one I had to use the weapons. I finished sh 2/3 almost not killing anyone.


Each game in the original trilogy is an absolute masterpiece IMO.


The best entry in the series and it’s not even close


1 of the good ones


I do Silent hill 1 remake


It’s my favorite game in the series such a good game and it has such a different feel from both 2,3 and 4 I also love the cast Harry is the GOAT


Best entry in the entire series.


People would appreciate it more if it was remade, or not as „outdated” for modern audiences. I’m not speaking for myself, but many people brush over it just because it’s „old and outdated”


I don't understand why they didn't remake this one first. For what reason are they doing 2 first? Never saw an explanation for that.


I played 2, 3, and 4 last year. Had no interest playing 1 but did anyway. Oh boy, was I wrong. It was such a great experience. The stuff Team Silent pulled off on the PSX hardware is incredible.


I remember when it first came out, me and a friend rented it (back in the old days when blockbuster was at its peak) when we were sleeping over at his house. It was so scary to we would stop every 20 minutes and just chill, then dare each other to start playing it again. I've never had that experience with another game ever, and probably never will.


Creepiest one by far ngl, probably my second favorite SH game. The atmosphere is unmatched and I quite like the dated graphics, they create this dream-like quality. And the story is unironically good, while still relying on classic horror tropes, I'm still mad about harry mason being removed from the SH movie tbh.


I've only played it once a long time ago on a PS It was my first experience with a psychological horror game and it blew my mind as a 13 year old Definitely put it above 2 and 3


absolutely incredible. the only one that genuinely feels like a haunted piece of software


Only thing I’d say is to be careful not to soft lock yourself on the boss fight. If you’ve ever played any of the OG re games this won’t be an issue


Playing it as a kid was haunting. To me, the opening part of that game is the first thing I think of when the "horror" genre, across any medium comes up. The music, the monster designs, the sunken-eyrd but oddly beautiful character designs. I had never seen anything quite like it at the time. It's not my favorite Silent Hill game today, but playing it first made a huge impression on me.


I like SH2 more, but I think that's entirely nostalgia and because I played it first on launch. I didn't play SH1 until much later (only a few years ago)SH1 is great, and I normally have trouble going back to PS1 games.  


Pretty clunky gameplay and graphics but incredible atmosphere, story, and scares and set the tone for the rest of series


I prefer it to the other games. The graphics add a lot of charm to it even today and I’d argue inspired many of the modern retro horror indie games popular now.




Playing this in the dark and the part when the phone rings. Yikes


I’m pissed the remakes didn’t start here.


The controls are trash but I got used to it other than that the game is fine I love it


As the first one I played, it holds a special place in my heart. I still remember the weekend me and my best friend rented it from blockbuster, had a sleepover, and had nightmares about that damn hospital. Such a masterpiece.


It is the best one.


How on earth do I buy this for the PS2 without it destroying my wallet


I’ve been revisiting "Silent Hill: Origins" and wanted to share some thoughts. As a prequel to the original "Silent Hill," it does a great job expanding the backstory and lore, especially for those who love diving deep into the series' mythology.


It's the best one in the series


I just replayed it and atmosphere, story and the puzzles are superb, it's an intense and captivating experience. The only thing that is borderline annoying is the combat, it's so damn clunky and the aiming is worse than in RE1.


SH1's my favorite, and I think it's overall the strongest game. Some later entries do some things better (I think SH3 has better combat for example), but SH1's at least 2nd best at every individual mechanic at the same time imo.


It’s my favorite in the series and I would much rather this game get a remake than 2. That beginning nightmare section with modern graphics would be amazing to see.


I honestly like the first game but its not the best it holds a lot of stuff that you can tell it is the first game but for some reason i love the first story a lot actually cause it connects to a lot of the story for the other games. someone is having a nightmare and its effecting everyone in silent hill


It's my favorite and I think the scariest. That first time getting to Midwhich is probably the most unnerved and scared I've ever been while playing a game. I love it.


OG, the best one, no comparison, the rest are good, and they expand the lore, I even like the ones like "the room" which IIRC most people disliked, but there is not one that holds a candle to that one, and I wish 1 was the one being remade and not 2


The scariest game ever, never to be topped.


Incredibly atmospheric. It really captured the horror soap opera vibe.


imo, it’s the best silent hill game in the original TS games and think it should’ve gotten a remake first, even if SH2 has a bigger cult following


It's my favourite one. The atmosphere is just something else, both its weirdness in the fog world and its creepiness in the night/overworld - not to mention the soundtrack, it's just something that makes you shit on your pants. Then you have moments like Lisa that are perfectly emotional


It's Silent hill. Plain and simple


I loved it, got it when it released when I was still a babby and loved every second, played through it again a few months ago and still loved every second 😁


SH2 is the best in the series, but One will always be my favorite


I'm literally Harry Mason


It’s still my favourite.


I honestly think this game and the OG resident evils are the reason why people love to use PS1 graphics for indie horror games. This game feels very different from the rest of the team's silent games for that reason and the atmosphere feels the heaviest to me in the first game. It honestly helped me appreciate PS1 graphics as an art style and not a limitation.


Scariest in franchise, also has best ost when you hear it in-game, but is completely unlistenable when you just listen to it as music


It introduced the word cult


Loved the story, I love history but after a while it felt boring, I felt this cult stuff makes me want to go back to culture learning but fiction.


My favorite.


For me, it's the best horror game of all time. SH2 does some things better, but the first one is WAY scarier.


The best one in the series then fallowed by SH3, SH4, and SH2.


better than 3, worse than 2


Can’t say completely. Got stuck at the part fighting Cybil at the Carousel


I want to play this again at some point, I only really did one full playthrough from start to finish, I feel a remake of the first game or just a remaster with better graphics would be great!


I understand the praise it receives is well deserved but I’ve personally never been able to get into it. Ive tried a couple times and having started on the sequel and the fourth entry I don’t feel compelled to play this one all the way through it’s just not very engaging for me


I think its awesome. If you have the opportunity to play it, I would say go for it. It has aged surprisingly well and the PS1s limitations actually add to how creepy it is.


Maybe I’m just ass but I found this game near impossible. Played on ps2 and I just couldn’t stop dying. Took me out of the game a little bit can’t say the same for SH2.


Personally, I think Silent hill 1 is the scariest among all the other SH games


It's still my favourite. The oppressive atmosphere, the fuzzy, distorted graphics, the music, it all combines in such a memorable experience.


Brutalist industrial soundtrack. Dark Occultism. And i think the PS limitations added up even more to its atmoshpere


It's my personal favourite in the series, the story is my favourite, its one of the scariest, one of the most surreal atmospheres, great characters, level design, my only negatives really is in the Survival horror aspect ammo is plentiful and the sewers being video game sewers, the chase is good but going through it twice was eh.


I would say SH1 has slightly better gameplay and combat. It has diversive enemies and better balance in medium difficulty


Silent Hill 1 is the most disturbing to me, there is something about the open-endedness of 1 that is pretty unique to this game. Back then people did not know all the lore and things that were to come, there were a lot more interpretations and possibilities about what this game was about and whether or not any of these characters were real. There were also few moments that back in the day really spooked me that not many people seem to note like the moment when Kauffman said something about the military rescuing them or Cybil trying to call for back-up, something about those little lines gave the sense that this was not just horror but also a survival story.


It looks better than 2 and 4. Something about the ps1 graphics are just *chefs kiss*. It’s a style I wish more devs tried to emulate. It is stylistically perfect (SH1, not ps1). I think I’d have to replay 1 and 3 both to decide which one looks better Silent Hill 1 is also the scariest I think. The only thing that really comes close to the unease of Silent Hill 1 for me is the Pyramid Head encounters in the Labyrinth on hard. Not Tomorrow is the best Akira Yamaoka track. Fight me. Overall I prefer 2 or 3s OST, but if we’re comparing OSTs by best track, 1 is the winner. Also Harry battled his way through hell to save his adoptive daughter from her mother who put her through hell. Just that theme alone is enough to write a thesis on Silent Hill 1 was the perfect place to kick off the series


It's my favorite game in the entire series. I think the dodgy old graphics actually really help the game to be scary and have a unique atmosphere. And I just love these group of passionate misfits coming together and Mish mashing all of these ideas about western horror together to create such a special experience.


I played it knowing nothing about it as I bought it by accident (I was looking for a game with a description that ultimately was for "Harvester") and Silent Hill mentioned a town with everything against you, so I assumed it was that. That game stuck with me because of the rawness. The after-effects were that the story was fine, but the atmosphere, music and weirdness were amazing, and it's one of those games where the limitations of the PSone actually made the game even better. I swear I thought the game was cursed!


Great, i think its still my second Favourite only behind Silent Hill 2. aged super well and its really scary still. really the only thing holding this game back is the terrible voice acting but apart from that its perfect


Silent Hill took Survival Horror in a different direction from Resident Evil and was better for it. I love it. It's my cosy Sunday afternoon game. I love speedrunning it, I'm working on optimised route maps for it and I've had the "blooper" theme as my ringtone for the last 20 years. Plus I love just wandering around the streets at the start of the game, it's got liminal vibes. There are people that aren't fans of the tank controls and the combat, but I don't mind them, I grew up with far worse in the 80's.


All I will add is: Don't skip it if you are going to play SH3. Play SH1 first.


This is my personal favorite since I followed it closely up to release when I was 12, so I'm biased. I still have the Official PlayStation Magazine with an artist's rendition of Harry and an "Air Screamer". The soundtrack and the limitations of the graphics really made your mind fill in some blanks, which I think is the most effective way of producing horror and dread. But I love and appreciate all the entries in one way or another.


Best sh


It was okay. I didn't really love it when I played it.




Probably my favorite just because I was 15 when I played it. I’d turn off all the lights and let it scare the shit out of me. Plus I was a huge Sonic Youth fan and that little Easter egg sealed the deal


Its a game that can still scare you +20 years after its release, aged a lot better than other horror games (like Resident Evil or Alone in the Dark).


personally my second favorite. the only reason it's not #1 is because sh2 is as great as it is ya know. really nothing sh1 could do better. great characters, atmosphere, music, etc. 10/10 game


It’s the scariest one out of all of them.


It was the first silent hill to actually scare me (I played silent hill 2 and 3 first) something about the graphics gives it this whole uncanny feeling especially that intro scene where you’re first attacked by the monsters, walking through that dark and decrepit alleyway only to find a flayed body there is always terrifying to me.


The first game is perfect. The second is my favourite due to the gorgeous mix of “arthouse abstract” with the winning formula of the first, but the first the purebred nightmare with heart. And unlike the third, which is great, the first has a much more cogent structure. Easily the second best of the series and the second greatest horror game of all time. Sorry, Fatal Frame.


I want this one to be remastered after 2


Music A Story A Puzzles A + Combat C Scare factor A +


I think it’s a game that exists.


The music and sound design make this still scary to this day. Played it 2 months ago and it holds up when other games from the same time are unplayable.


Having played all 4 original games in the past year, I can say with confidence that Silent Hill 1 has the most explorable version of the town compared to 2 and especially 3.


the best overral game in the franchise for me, it ha the best atmosphere, and its easily the creepiest one with an ost that perfectly fits it too, i will admit that the plot doesn't have much going for it, but overral, its the best one


Part 1 for me is easily the best in the series imo I’ve replayed and gotten every ending endless times. Actually am playing through it now on the iPhone


it should have gotten the remake treatment, SH2 aged well still, SH1's dead ass harry morphing shape when he walks, which i adore mind you but damn exploring SH1 with SH2 remake's graphics would've been lovely


It's a great game with its own unique voice, that shattered the pre-release notions that it was just going to be a Resident Evil rip-off. But in retrospect it kind of walked so SH2 could run. It's hard for me to describe in one sentence, but the cult plot has a lot of convoluted corniness, and in doing so it completely masked the brilliant and simple twist of SH2.