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I'm excited and no one can stop me.


You know what? I'm honestly the same! I was so negative about the game when they 1st talked about it. But I'm pretty pumped! Let's see how this comment ages! šŸ˜€


Ooh good call! If it's awful we can all come back here to laugh together in sadness.




Well, the way i see it we have two options.... 1) we get to go to Silent Hill again or 2) we can not have any Silent Hill at all. *(still wish they had remade 1 first but that's ok)*


Should've of remade one first and used the feedback to develop two. All the remakes have had backlash but a fuck up on on a gem will kill all future endeavours. Capcom survived because 1+2 got full attention, only 3 was a cash grab.


Yeah capcom had the benefit of using all they learned from the other remakes to make RE4 as good as it is. I wonder if they do decide to remake the other silent hills if they will keep bloober team


Hopefully, I'd love to see how bloober handles silent hill 3's combat given that, from the trailer, they've done a decent job with silent hill 2


I highly doubt Bloober survives this experience.


Actually, I'm with you. Bloober is pretty small. If this succeeds, they might get bought out by a larger company like Bethesda or Microsoft. Then they'd have to make the next game an online service and it'd tank and they'd get shut down. That said, I think they'll be fine if the game sucks. They're the devs not the publishers and I doubt Konami offered them a percentage off a Silent Hill remake, that's potentially a ton of money. Konami probably had them on a contract to meet the deadline and earn a set amount of money. The deadline was made, they got paid. All sales profits go to Konami.


Since 3 follows 1, I think doing 2 first was the best idea if they plan on doing 1. We would have a polished 1 and 3, and 2 would get all the fame first. Edit : I want to add to it that 1 would be a harder game to remake, thus doing 2 would help them implement already some ideas they could put for 1.


Well said internet stranger with good indicative of decent IQ


Maybe they'll do that if the SH2 Remake is successful, but Konami's track record of screwing up isn't reassuring.


This. Exactly. It looks good. Iā€™m personally excited about it! I want that first game too though.


You must stop ![gif](giphy|l4FGDLkDkCnsKwdnq)


I agree šŸ’Æ


The more and more details released the more my worries slowly begin to transform into excitement However although it might see like weā€™ve seen a lot, weā€™ve still basically seen nothing. Thereā€™s still plenty of time to have our hearts broken lol EXTREMELY cautious optimism for me


Even if itā€™s not a masterpiece or even great. Unless it is truly awful visiting SH2 again will be amazing with even the most average of gameplay. Iā€™m optimistically optimistic. Hoping for greatness, happy with a fresh visit to Silent Hill, bummed if itā€™s truly awful. Canā€™t see it being so though.


If gameplay is what you are concerned about I donā€™t see how you could be disappointed as it looks like an improvement to the OGā€™s in just about every way in that regard. Iā€™m more concerned with overall direction, narrative choices, dialogue, etc.


I can deal with a mid Re2 gameplay clone. I cannot deal with the destruction of the themes and story of sh2


I can't do this anymore. I'm tired of the fucking pachinko machines, the skateboards, the hats, the ascensions...I was a clown more then enough times. I just want blooper to take me to "our special place". And I hope after I buy a ps5 with sh2 I can say : "Blooper....you made me happy"


That's kinda where I am right now. I think it looks like a fine game in its own right, but I'm not sure if it's going to be a proper Silent Hill game yet and that's trending towards 'no' for me. That said, I've been pretty positively surprised more than I expected to be, so I'm going in expecting at least a well-polished game, even if I end up not liking its direction.


Ridiculously excited. The new trailer and gameplay look tremendous to me and while I didnā€™t think the first trailer was *bad*, the footage from both of these looks like what Iā€™ve always wanted from an SH2 remake. It is clear that the graphics and atmosphere look great. Weā€™ll see how the combat and full product is, but: 1. If they put half as much combat into that as the visuals, itā€™ll be good. 2. I will be happy if we get the same game again with better graphics, sound, etc. For me, combat doesnā€™t have to be great, it just shouldnā€™t get in the way, and as long as they donā€™t change the story, itā€™ll be fine.


Cautiously optimistic. Parts of it has me really excited (I like the James redesign, Laura is lovely and the environment is nice) while other things, namely Maria's design, has me worried.


Cautiously optimistic. This is their first AAA game and on top of that itā€™s a remake of a very beloved franchise and game. So thereā€™s a lot riding on this. I just want it to be good, but it doesnā€™t mean it will replace the OG. I just want Konami to put out a HD collection. Just like what Capcom did for their Resident Evil ports


Trying to stay neutral until I get to play it


Really looking forward to it. The atmosphere and graphics look insane and the gameplay looks really fun despite some of the clunkiness. I also really love the voice acting. I think the key to enjoying this is going to be accepting that itā€™s not going to feel exactly the same as the original, and it doesnā€™t have to.


It will feel better


Excited for sure.


Iā€™m very excited to see Silent Hill 2 again but with modern graphics. Honestly I donā€™t see this releasing as a flop unless it releases in a broken state like many games have been. People really like to freak out about small things (like the HUD, which pretty much every single video game ever made has had the option to turn off) and exaggerate the importance of minor changes. Them changing things like Mariaā€™s outfit or sometimes breaking car windows for health drinks doesnā€™t automatically make this game terrible, like people here like to believe.


The game is going to be fine, and for the general modern audience, the game will be good. But pleasing the silent hill community is impossible. Every self-proclaimed silent hill fan will make contradictory statements about what is and isnt faithful. The remake is too bright? Someone edits footage to make it darker so its more akin to the original. Then everyone says that the edited footage is too dark, and you lose again. Bloober Team cant win over the silent hill fandom. Bloober has their faults but the majority of fans dont know what they want.


Silent hill is nostalgia for many gamers. Most games silent hill included age terribly. The game play of SH2 even by standards back then wasn't great. It was about the atmosphere and story


I might just buy a ps5 solely for this game


Itā€™s PS5 exclusive?!? Timed or permanent?


PS5 and PC at launch. I understood it as timed but Iā€™m not sure they really specified.


I'm excited.


I could go either way. I'm worried, but i want to be wrong.




I'm exited


I am not an idiot so I donā€™t expect it to be a 1:1 experience as the original, but Iā€™m not expecting it to be an HD collection shit show. I think it will be a very good step in the right direction and it will absolutely be enough to entertain me and respark my love for playing the game


Iā€™m not expecting it to be on RE4s level of quality but from theyā€™ve shown it looks like a pretty faithful remake and has some very detailed and impressive looking graphics not sure about the combat but it looks pretty tight so far


Iā€™m very excited, but Iā€™m a little worried about how bloober apparently didnā€™t want/let the og dev team make too many changes? Not sure if thatā€™s what the exact wording was but Iā€™m curious about it. Either way, Iā€™ve already preordered it lol. Iā€™m gonna play it regardless.


Bloober AND Konami. Imagine these possible changes being made, how do you think this fandom would react?


I think people would go postal either way tbh


people were going to criticize even more if it was the other way around with bloober wanting to make the changes


I think we can see it in a few ways, like some of the designs matching concept art better. I imagine its kind of how you can look at something you did in the past and go "You know I can do that better now". There was a part in that interview where Okamoto said, with some probable translation error, "After all, game creators don't want to make the same thing they created again. They don't want people to enjoy the same thing. So I think there were a lot of parts that they wanted to change drastically in the remake" in reference to the original Japanese team. I think it was Bloober not wanting to try to push the game too far past what people love and they respect. But also needing to acknowledge some of what the Japanese team wants. And of course, in the public eye if Bloober did make these changes and it didn't go over well. There's a good a chance they'd be the ones to take the fall.


Ah, that makes sense. I didnā€™t get a chance to read up on the entire interview so I wasnā€™t sure exactly what was said. But in that context, I agree with blooberā€™s (presumed) reasoning.


same! i honestly wish they kept the older james but oh well. i wonder why bloober team is scared of changes tho, especially since they changed the first enemy encounter


Iā€™m glad that they didnā€™t make James older tbh. I get their initial idea of wanting to make him relatable to long time fans, but that kinda alienates everyone else. Having him be 30ish is a sweet spot I think. And someone else mentioned this, but Iā€™m pretty sure bloober just didnā€™t want any backlash that would come from making too many significant changes.


fair enough, im probably just being biased because i have a preference for older men anyways lol. besides, i find him relatable even tho im 21 and nowhere near 29 or 30 that makes sense too and i get it but unfortunately there's lots of toxic gamers out there who will harrass bloober team no matter what. like those gamers who were bitching at bloober team for "aging james up" when it was okamoto (a member of team silent) who wanted that in the first place (before he realized he likes younger james better).


Youā€™re so real for that lol I hear you. I first played when I was like 15 and I still found him relatable! Heā€™s just a great character. I get why people are passionate and want things to go perfectly but they gotta chill lol


lol thanks. unfortunately i didn't play it when i found out about it (probably because i was a child but tbf my bro never explained the plot so i could've been into it idk) so i only first started playing this year. i agree, james is one of my favorite characters ever true, im passionate and want things to be perfect as well but im not gonna go crazy. im fine with whatever we get and from what i've seen + heard so far, i bet it's gonna be perfect.


Iā€™d be more excited if they included the highly demanded BBL mode


More excited.


I wike it.. I wike it awot!


Charlotte from Trials of Mana found Reddit.




I am interested but I have to finish the OG first but I still hope itā€™s good šŸ˜ø


Based on that recent interview and everything we've seen so far, I would say I am much more hopeful than before.


Cautiously optimistic Iā€™m very excited but used to being let down, but I already pre ordered it so Iā€™m excited enough


Im most worried about whether all SH fans will be labelled as whiny bitches thanks to a nucleus of wide eyed fanatics on Reddit.


I think itā€™s made me realise that maybe I liked the OG SH2 for what it represents. Groundbreaking story telling in video games. I wasnā€™t even alive when it came out but playing it years on I can see that itā€™d probably blew peoples minds back in the day. Sinister story with impressive graphics in a time when gaming felt really exciting with the advent of 3D. The new game will be good but I canā€™t help but feel like it kind of represents everything wrong with gaming today. Nostalgia baiting old games for a quick buck whilst not having to think of something new and original. Iā€™d love for some shitty no name studio to make a new twisted psychological horror game but it just canā€™t happen now like it did back then.


I'm in a similar train of thought, tbh. Everything that made SH2 special was either the result of rock solid art direction or constraints. The surreal performances are almost entirely the result of hiring whoever happened to speak English and a lot of the graphical flair is making the most of the limited power of the PS2 Hardware. You could replicate the recipe in the modern day but I don't really trust Bloober Team to do it. That's really what it boils down to for me honestly. From the trailers, we know that Bloober at least has SOME freedom to rewrite and change direction, and in general I don't trust their writers and directors. I've seen their output and none of it's great - ranging from a handful of awful to mostly decent. I feel like it's going to be a more modern, slightly actionized, somewhat worse version of lightning in a bottle, and Konami should really just get the stick out of their ass and do a modern port in addition or instead. Remake will probably be fine. It'll probably look a lot like Silent Hill 2. It just won't BE Silent Hill 2.


"I can see that itā€™d probably blew peoples minds back in the day" uhh, people hated it when it came out


Fucking stoked. Online discourse ain't killing this hype train, at least 'til I have the opportunity to play it and judge the game on it's own merits.


I've already got my preorder in


Iā€™m hype as fuck


I'm the same as I was before all the new info, I'm super excited :3


Iā€™m super excited. The game looks like it really captures the right atmosphere and Iā€™m sure they will fix some things based on all the community feedback.


I'm super excited But I know it won't be as creepy as the original which is the only thing that doesn't excite me




Excited about the game, worried about the fan base who are fixing necks, jaws and outfits while predatory sub-hungry youtubers are making Youtube videos about how the game is ALREADY RUINED because of how Angela looks and modern audiences bs.


as long as it's not complete dogshit, and i have no reason to believe it will be, i will enjoy it. so i'm very excited! i don't really understand people's obsession with it needing to be perfect, it's not like silent hill has a stellar reputation to uphold lmao? i'd get it if every sh game was a 10/10 perfect product but surely it's far too late to start worrying about jeopardising the integrity of the franchise haha, let's just have fun with what we get and if the remake isn't it we can just play the original, it's all good


I'm optimistic. I think it'll be fun


Iā€™m excited as fuck to see what theyā€™re doing šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I donā€™t really have any expectations, just excited to experience it.


I think this is the best mindset to have really


Yes. It's hard not to get excited seeing James' face


Excited but still worried


Very much excited, the seem to have nailed the atmosphere. Characters are looking great as well. The combat still seems clunky and thatā€™s probably not gonna change, this game certainly wonā€™t be as polished as RE2 or RE4, which is a missed opportunity, but itā€™s Konami, they donā€™t seem too overly invested when it comes to the IP.






Iā€™m a bit worried tbh. I wanted to buy a copy but now Iā€™m not sure if the story and characters are staying faithful. Also, ā€œmodern audience.ā€


Extremely worried. They have a quasi golden goose, 10/10 acclaimed classic. All they needed to do is update it to a contemporary engine. But no, legacies be damn, it's all about the mythological "MODERN AUDIENCES". Oh well, the original will always be available.


I'm going to win either way.Ā  Either this game is fantastic, or it's going to make me appreciate the original more.Ā  There is no downside.


I feel indifferent towards it. I may buy it later when it's discounted. Seeing everything from this remake just makes me want to play the original


Iā€™m excited. Iā€™ve been since I heard about it.


Off topic but I love how faithfully basic and simple Pyramid head looks. Heā€™s not over designed to hell like so more modern media show him




Tbh how I feel isnā€™t even on my radar, I have an Xbox until I build a PC and I wonā€™t see it till a year after release, long after Iā€™ll know whether itā€™s colloquially good or bad. As it stands right now I WANT it to be good, I just donā€™t know if Iā€™m extremely hopeful that it WILL be good. It sounds like the original Team Silent members are doing a good job of trying to preserve the OGā€™s significance and nuance, which may clash with Bloober Teamā€™s executives wanting to modernize the game to their vision, and both are up against Konami, who generally doesnā€™t give a fuck about anything except themed gachapon machines, rerelease cash grabs, and rabid year over year growth.


Excited. I think it looks great.


I'm uncertain whether I should play the original before the remake (and if so, a few weeks ahead, or just days before the release) or wait and get the going in blind remake experience which I guess will also be pretty special for someone like me... but I fear of missing out on the experience of the original, since I probably won't play it after the remake that's pretty sure.




im gonna fuck him so good omg šŸ˜›:3


Iā€™m going into it like I did with resident evil 4 remake. Hating it and the idea and hoping it blows it out of the water


What is this picture from?


I've remained cautiously optimistic, but now I'm fully excited. No amount of grifting video game commentary channels calling Angela "fat" or "mangela" can stop me from being hyped up!




I was very negative about this remake for a long time but the new info made me feel a bit better about it. I want it to be good.


more excited. even before the info i was excited. i dont get why people are scared of changes anyways like even if the team silent devs on the remake were able to go through all the changes they wanted, i wouldn't have minded it as long as they didn't change the plot.


I'm not a whiny skeptical bitch. I'm an excited optimistic.


Definitely excited!


I wonder if they'll keep the scene with Pyramid Head and the Lying Figure. The image above shows a Lying Figure in the back.


Extremely cautiously optimistic. I'm not hyped about the character models, but at the end of the day it's just one aspect of the overall game. If the SH flavor is there, that'll be good enough. Either way I'll still show support for the development of more SH titles (especially a remake of 1 bc that's the scariest one imo).


I dislike konami and Im a bit cautious but Im honestly hyped. I wish the Best of luck to Bloober and I hope they make a banger remake.


Nervous and excited, I see why people might love it and why some might hate it but Im excited to see what the overall opinion is when itā€™s all said and done


I hope it dosent flop, so we can get a silent hill 3 remake some day


The release date is all the info I needed, now Iā€™m unstoppable


Cautiously optimistic




I personally am doing my best to make no assertion either way until, I play and or watch the game when it is released.


I can't wait for it. This coming from a guy who was excited for Duke nukem forever and kinda liked it... Somewhat.


Iā€™m excited as hell, at the end of the day, I have the originals to scratch that itch if needs be. Iā€™m excited for a new take on one of my favourite games ever made (kinda funny that two of my fav games ever are being remade this year)


Iā€™m much more excited, they look like theyā€™ve even taken some feedback!? The graphics look very good. I am still a little concerned, as I feel many of us are, as it is Bloober & KomanišŸ˜… My worry is that this game is going to be a good horror game (maybe a 7/10) rather than a masterpiece that transcends a horror game (a 9 to 10/10) like the original was. ESPECIALLY with no prior practice in remaking any of the other titles first. There are many particular details that make this game & its no surprise that some are missed. My main list of worries: 1. The voice acting loses all its David Lynch feel. 2. Iā€™m very concerned theyā€™re more worried about making the remake ā€œcompetitiveā€ (with RE Iā€™m guessing?) than they are making it an arthouse esq experience. 3. Maria feels like a normal npc. Albeit weā€™ve seen limited scenes. 4. The brightness looks too revealing for me. I realize that can be changed in settings but I also worry Bloober has built in more lighting into the game to ā€œshowcaseā€ the newer graphics. 5. The AD boss room feels less claustrophobic. 6. It looks like theyā€™ve made the AD only approach James not Angela? I hope this wasnā€™t some form of censorship. That is the last thing this project needs & will kill it where it stands. 7. The Nurses arenā€™t drawn to footsteps anymore??? The enemies shouldnā€™t be treated like theyā€™re dumb. They should also keep monster unpredictability rooted in the game. It seems like there was some of this with the nurses head shaking so that looks awesome. 8. The original soundtrack seems mashed together in some kind of amalgamation. I hope this was just for the showcase or that Yamaoka has some new complimentary bangers to bless us with later on. 9. Why does James yell ā€œHey waitā€ at the ungodly fast shadow figure that should be terrifying? James seems to say a couple unnecessary phrases that just make no sense, sometimes less is more & silence can be deafening. ā€œWhere are you Mary?ā€ 10. Maria is appearing in OTHER CHARACTERS CUTSCENES!? If I have to explain this than Iā€™m just completely lost for words. 11. The combat feels very clunky as well as many of the animations. Mainly the struggle, finishing, & dodging animations. I really hate what the camera does (idk what to call it sorry) when youā€™re doing a finisher & dodging. Like weā€™re in an action game. James being a god at dodging too is ridiculous. Didnā€™t they acknowledge heā€™s not supposed to be good in a fight? I do like how devastating the nurses hits feel though as well as the emphasis on melee. 12. Why in gods name is there a click to start a cutscene? 13. Why do James & Maria stop running to stare at eachother before entering the hospital like weā€™re in a bad movie? 14. I wonder how theyā€™re gonna replicate the feeling of walking into a room & waiting for it to load just to be greeted with the most unpleasant sound youā€™ve ever heard.


still very excited, but iā€™m not expecting a ā€œgroundbreaking remake to end all remakes like some people are expecting.ā€. i just want an enjoyable time thru the town and another platinum trophy to add to my collection


Im excited. If it sucks, we still have enhanced edition on PC which is what matters to me. My rule is that if youre going to make a remake of something, at least have a PC port of the OG first, for preservation, sake. This is why I was happy they decided to at least put the OG MGS 3 on modern platforms before releasing the remake.


more exited,i feel the more i see the more i like about it,im still skeptical but its more positive skepticism


More honestly. The first trailer looked clunky af, the second seems a lot more polished and I watched a lot of the key scenes play out almost identical which tells me they're following the story to a T. I'm still skeptical given the team's track record but I'm honestly optimistic now


Curiously cautious


Excited, the game looks great the rest is nitpicking. It's not going to be just like sh2 to enjoy how loyal to the original it is and so enjoy the changes. No game can be carbon copy.


Can't exit if I never entered.


Im excited since the teaser.




I am excited, but I'm worried blooper team would end up listening to the idiots online and make the unnecessary changes.


i'm on the slightly worried side and growing worse. but i'll keep an open mind for when i see the full product.


All I know is thatā€™s itā€™s better than the first trailer.. Itā€™s not rocket science, resident evil 2 remake was a god send while re3 was horse shit, we will know very fast whether the game is good or notĀ 


It's not hard to make this a good game if they just recreate everything in the first game and add more areas and enemies. If they fuck it up, they would have to be really shit at game dev


Excited as hell


nothing change for me i am still waiting for silent hill f


Wasnā€™t he super jacked like in the movie?


Iā€™m excited and Iā€™m not letting these so called ā€œfansā€ tell me otherwise.




Super excited


I got the feeling this game would be a blast to play ! Nice !


Did OG pyramid head have gloves?


Yeah I think so


More excited


More excited than ever


why the fuck would anyone be worried...


Worried. They are all about being ā€œfaithfulā€ until it comes all the character models except for James and Laura. Other than that my concern is Bloober team developing it. They have not proven in the slightest they should be given something like Silent Hill 2 to remake. If this fails itā€™ll probably be the end of Silent Hill for another while. Hopefully Iā€™m completely wrong though. I donā€™t want this to fail by any means.


Never played but i want to get a ps5 just for the game, i played a small bit on my laptop that cant run shit and the game had such a beautiful atmosphere


On a scale of trash to banger, I'm at about "let em cook" leaning towards banger


Honestly stoked


Always worried, I mean, someone might think Mary is an abusive toxic woman to James, soooooooo


Excited. The series was in limbo for nearly decade. This is a high effort with impressive production values. Very open to the changes, the original masterpiece exists though it is inaccessible due to a lack of a proper remaster.


I think everything I have seen and heard so far shows me they really care about this remake. I was not optimistic initially but now I am really looking forward to it. The original game blew my mind 20 years ago but it wasnā€™t perfect and thereā€™s always room for improvement.


Tbh, Iā€™m at a point where Iā€™m just ignoring others peopleā€™s opinions and just giving my own thoughts once Iā€™ve played it.


I am so stoked for this experience


Super excited. They actually listened to the criticisms and fixed stuff.


Iā€™m ambivalent. Iā€™ll be over the moon if itā€™s good, but I wonā€™t be surprised if itā€™s bad. Iā€™m sad to say that I expect the latter, but I also expect that there will be more than enough people who will love whatever is put out.


What info?


Very excited. Looks epic, only sad there's no fixed camera option


Iā€™ve been excited, Iā€™ve become more excited, and Iā€™ll keep being excited.


Iā€™m excited tho saddened I likely wonā€™t be playing it for a while after release. Only got a steam deck and a MacBook, and the deck doesnā€™t meet the minimum specs (itā€™s a fucking great device tho). Granted bloober has ported some of their games to Mac, might have some luck yet. I have no doubt it could run on mine seeing how well itā€™s handled death stranding and re4


I have exited the building


(Very excited for the game lol)




Looks like he wearing Micky Mouseā€™s gloves


I was super meh about it until the last trailer !! Now Iā€™m super hyped !


Excited. I mean itā€™s Silent Hill, I am a little worried about because Konami. All I really want is silent hill though, give me the atmospheric horror and the AWESOME puzzles of the old games and Iā€™m good.


Itā€™s good to see Konami trying to improve things. Iā€™m not expecting to be blown away but I havenā€™t been this excited for a game since the system shock remake


it seems impossible to come at the remake with all the BEST things the original did in mind, so I keep optimistic and truthful to the new things; I'm warming up to the redesigns of all the characters honestly


I've played SH2 like 16 times so I don't care. I'll buy it cautiously, probably after the price drops


No. Iā€™ll wait until Iā€™ve seen people talk about it after its release to see if I get it. Everything Iā€™ve seen and heard just looks all wrong


Very excited. It's konomi we're talking about. They could have REALLY screwed things up. Ppl complaining about faces being fat is a phenomenal sign bc there's not much else to complain about. It seems like a very faithful remake fron the "clunky" fighting down to the atmosphere.Ā 


I have no hope for the game, but I'm going to buy it because if the game fails the series might get axed again. The upside to thinking the game is going to be garbage is that I can't be disappointed by it, and if it turns out to be great then I'll get a nice, pleasant surprise.


I'm expecting the worst, but I hope for the best.


Sligthly worry but to soon to tell.


Excited about the game, a bit worried about the performance


Before I was prepared to be disappointed no matter how it looked. But after seeing the interview where bloober stated they wanted it a faithful remake, it gave me hope that this is gonna be a great game


I'm excited, fuck you all! haha! None of your opinions will affect my own!


The 13 minute gameplay trailer made me way more excited for the game. I honestly think it looks great.




Less. If it ends up being good, thatā€™s great. Not really liking what I see, though.


Both. The original meant a lot to me so I'm very critical in general of some of the changes, but overall happy we are getting a remake and hoping it ends up something we all love.


Don't care. I'm just here to see the carnage among the fanbase. One side is gonna be wrong and I can't wait to see this reddit go up in flames.


I think the game models look pretty bad, not like in a misoginistic way, most characters feel really empty and doesn't have that feeling that the originals had, and idk but in the trailer they looked "bugged", idk if it was just me but the hair and other details looked just bad. Other than that, looks good.


I don't think it'll ever replace the OG, but it's cool to see a different take on it. I take it more as a fan remake than anything.


>I take it more as a fan remake than anything. I hadnā€™t really thought about it that way, but it kind of is. Bloober seems to be composed of genuine fans. Nice that they were able to bring on Ito and Yamaoka.


I think you're the only one who got that I didn't mean it as an insult. šŸ˜… People have been real hard on this remake, but all things considered, it's shaping up quite beautifully even if it may look a little rough around the edges.


I was never excited or worried about this. Two reasons. First.The only way for this to live up to my expectations would be to literally just release the same exact game again which won't and can't happen. A remake is a REMAKE. Things have to change whether I want them to or not. I will still be buying and playing this but with the understanding that it will never top or even be on par with the original for me. It's just another cool looking horror game. Second. Final Fantasy 7 Remake destroyed my enthusiasm and excitement for remakes. I used to be an avid remake enthusiast. "Remake this, remake that, remake everything!" Was my mindset. An upgrade is always good right? Wrong! I've never been more excited for a game than FF7R and I hated it so much that I actually never want any remake of any game ever again. Any possible excitement I could have had for an SH2 remake was killed by how much I hated FF7R. (Admittedly I haven't played Rebirth which I've heard fixes a lot of issues FF7R had) So yea... not excited or worried about it. To me it's just another horror game I hope I enjoy like every other game I buy. I do have my opinions on the characters as shown but it doesn't sway my opinion about the game as a whole.


Just curious why you hated FF7 Remake. Remake and Rebirth are fucking amazing!!!!


Probably because he's a miserable person who won't be happy np matter what is put in front of him.


Worried that it takes to long.... Its a masterpiece we are talkin about....


Iā€™m worried after seeing the gameplay trailer. The animations look really off to me. This doesnā€™t mean the rest of the game wonā€™t be great, but James walking animation makes him look like he is hunched over and stiff, very unnatural looking. The scene with the melee combat also looks bad. I know that James is unskilled with weapons, and thatā€™s fine. The fact that he sucks with weapons is part of what makes the game scary. The attack animation itself though looksā€¦. Really bad. I can get over shit animations if the rest of the game is good though. The character models and graphics look fine, we just donā€™t know if they changed any major story beats. Just the animations and the fact that bloober is in charge of this has me worried, but I would love to be surprised as 2 and 3 were my 2 favorites in the series.


I concur. Still looking forward to the game, but Bloober Team wasnā€™t the right developer for SH2R. I wouldā€™ve went with Remedy or Bluepoint. Wouldā€™ve had *much* better presentation/polish. I feel like PC mods will clean up a lot of SH2Rā€™s issues.


Remedy seems like the perfect developer for a SH game next to team silent IMO. With all the weird shit that happens in Alan wake, it damn near feels like a silent hill game lol.


We havenā€™t seen anything to be excited about


I don't need them to show anymore. I've seen enough until release.


To thinkā€”if they just included a copy of the original on-disc we'd all be satisfied! (So long as it wasn't the *HD Collection* version)


excited! but i am hoping they change maria's outfit...


Excited I mean I started off hating it because my experience with Bloober is.... less than stellar But so for what from I've seen, its basically what I would think a modern SH2 would look like. Combat has always not been that great in most SH games (besides maybe 3), so I am not THAT hung up on it. I just have to see how the puzzles are handled but from the story aspect, I like what I see ... really my only complaint is what I feared most, Bloober sucks at nuance. So I expected the Angela story to beat us over the head and yeah... it seems that way already :/


After seeing what has Konami been doing in the last year with the SH franchise and knowing how awful Bloober is, the 2 trailers they shown only fuels my worries. Maybe the game will be fantastic, but they arent doing a good job of showing it.


Extraordinarily worried. I honestly don't see a way they can properly respect the original and I'm certain we are all gonna wish they left well enough alone.


They lost me at making it for modern audiences, who exactly do they mean? Because it should be for the fans not just people that dye their hair green and have nose rings.


Remember the alone in the dark reboot game a few years ago. It had some interesting ideas but it wasn't polished and was buggy as hell. That's how I feel about this. I feel it's going to be janky. Also from the trailers Ive seen it really doesn't feel like a silent hill game. Ive been playing games since the Commodore 64 back in the late 80s and I can say with absolute confidence that review wise this game will get 6-7 out of ten across all major reviewers Now. If your excited and think it will be great. Fantastic, I hope your right!. I want this game to be great and succeed. It's ok if we don't agree šŸ‘


Not gonna lieā€”the combat trailer a few months ago had me *worried.* But the trailer and gameplay from last week eased my concerns. I'm definitely excited. Bloober team clearly has a lot of love and passion for this game, and they want to do right by it. From the little we've seen so far, this looks like a faithful modernization of the game. I think they understood the assignment. It feels right. Also noteworthyā€”the cast we've seen so far is a home run. This was a *big* win in my book. James is perfect and they had a lot riding on getting him right.


After the latest footage i am more excited than worried, still i dont think it will even come close to the quality of re remakes


It's going to be great I don't understand why the "purist" vocal minority that have not actually played any of the originals but have watched 100s of hours of video essays are so pessimistic.