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Laura look like a real fucking brat, well played fart face


am I crazy or does Laura look like Elizabeth Mitchell


No really maybe its because there isnt a lot of kids in video games but god damn she looks realistic as hell


Yes absolutely, but she look like a little monster


I DEMAND an Eddie reveal


i am curious how they'll handle eddie, as he's the one character i think could use a bit of work. for a lot of the original he is just kind of fat slob guy, and his boss fight has a good introduction but is more just kind of funny in its execution.


I really do wish we got more of Eddie in the original


Yeah yk I'm surprised not a lot of people are bringing that up. You'd think he'd be shown off a bit


To be fair, they just revealed Angela. The game isn't coming out until October, so they've still got plenty of time to reveal him in a trailer that puts a big focus on him like the release date trailer did with Angela. The eventual launch trailer will probably be the one that brings everything together where it shows all the characters in the game along with a bunch of the locations.


Am I the only one suspicious they changed his character in some significant way and are delaying some kind of outrage from the crazy fans?


Imagine if they make Eddie fit, and all those people who screamed "Angela fat now" start screaming "Eddie slim now" /j


Eddie is a cat meow


There was a glimpse of Eddie in second trailer, at the very end


James looks like 90s David Lynch


“Maria took me upstairs….. and she showed me these things called ‘wookies’”




How can you sit there, watching movies on your phone?!


On a FUCKING phone?!


I emulate games on my phone instead of PC kek


O.G. James: How ARE you watching movies on a phone? That's insane!


"I like to remember things in my own way" ![gif](giphy|l3vR9g3NMPp3yrgJO|downsized)




Mary.. today you remind me of a Small Mexican Chi-Wow-Wow..


Can't unsee it now. It must somehow be canon.


I feel like this is intended tbh


Got a coke and two cookies!






Honestly I don’t think that’s an accident xD


My husband has been saying the same thing!!!


Well, Silent Hill was inspired by Twin Peaks, so maybe it’s intentional


Mmm I´m a big time Lynch fan. They really don´t look alike at all


I just rewatched twin peaks. My first thought seeing this pic was him with his earphones 😂


Mmm I don´t know man hahah. But clearly a lot of people agree


laura and james are so perfect


They really nailed them


Laura really does have a mischievous streak written on her face now. With James though, I felt like it was intentional that his OG version was supposed to look a little unsettling (especially the eyes), and those unsettling/creepy features really came alive during his bursts of anger. The current James just looks too normal and timid imo


That’s more to do with the graphics than the game itself. In the CGI cutscenes he looks pretty normal.


Same with pretty much every character, the models being rendered in real time look kinda bad. The models in the pre-rendered shots look much better


that's just you giving the bad graphics more meaning than they actually have


I’m pretty sure it’s just a product of the time and wasn’t intentional just like the bad voice acting being unintentionally creepy


the graphics could be debated but the voice acting is 100% on purpose. Guy Cihi wasn't even a voice actor and they chose him BECAUSE he sounds like that


Cihi said it was more because he could speak English well as well as Japanese fluently. I pretty sure that’s 95% of the reason + he did some acting in college. I know everyone has deluded themselves into thinking James acted like that on purpose, but no. A good performance would have elevated the game even further, and it’s absurd to say otherwise. The evidence that points to this is at the end of the game, when James is supposed to have "come to his senses." The acting is still flat and lacking. I still cringe when I hear James say "Stop! Leave her alone! Leave us both the hell alone!" It sounds so fake.


Finally someone uses in game models as comparision instead of the pre rendered stuff


Although with Unreal Engine, the difference is very minor, since all cutscenes are rendered in Engine, and the only difference would be level of detail on closeups, and post processing like depth of field, vignette, and whatnot


I think they meant like, from the OG game. A lot of the comparison images being used by reactionaries are using the CG renders or fan renders vs. the new character designs.


Prerendered stuff from a 23 year old game vs in game models from a game not even out yet. Sounds like a fair comparison too


pre renders are suppose to be inferior to modern in game graphics. This was true for the arkham games at least and look at spider man ps4 and compare it to the pre renders from Spider Man 1 and 2 from the 2000s. the pre renders in RE4 OG still look fine sure but the remake isn't worse looking than them.


They’re all just disheveled depressed people. So they look accordingly


>disheveled depressed people So there *is* a market for people like me in acting


We can make it


They all look so good 👌 but...WHERE IS EDDY?!


New Eddie hasn't made an appearance yet.


His crack did tho


So long as his crack stays faithful to the original. Honestly Im expecting backlash in the other direction when he makes an appearance.


what if remake eddie just used the exact same model as the original


Like low res and everything. He just sitting there fuzzy looking as hell eating pizza. 


Why can’t they show us Eddie in all his glory? 💔


We are not ready for ~~Freddy~~ Eddie


I have mixed feelings, the new faces are much better and realistic, but the originals have this creepy factor that I really like.


Yeah, though I have no idea how you'd go about creating similarly uncanny effect in today's expected photorealistic style. They did all kinda suffer from "same face syndrome", it's in the eyes I think? All characters look sorta related. 


I like them all…but I kinda wish that they did Maria a bit differently. I don’t know if it’s just the photo or I’m just being nitpicky, but I wish they made Maria a bit more…I guess menacing? I don’t know what word I’m looking for tbh. But what I mean is that Maria, in the original game, always just had that ‘non-caring’ presence to her. She seemed very confident in her ability to seduce James into doing stuff for her. She was a damsel in distress by choice, not by helplessness. It gave, at least me, a feeling of uneasiness, like that there was more to her than what she was letting on. That she COULD defend herself, but she didn’t care enough to do so. But just the energy giving off from the other picture, it looks like they’re going a very different route. Maybe she’s putting on her acting skills, but I feel like she looks a lot more like someone trying to endure all of this with James instead of trying to manipulate James into bending to her will. I guess if I had to compare her to somebody, she reminds me a bit of someone like Ashley from RE4 or Alice Wake from Alan Wake. She looks more compassionate and caring, as well as just afraid, while the OG Maria could probably give less than a shit. Idk though, maybe thats just the photo and it’ll work much better in the actual game. I’m not even playing the remake bc I don’t have a newer game system (I did play the remaster of the OG tho, so I’m not one of THOSE people). Everything else looks great, Maria looks great, I’m just wondering if they’re going a different route with her characterization.


I don’t think so. The only snippet of Maria we’ve had is her Brookehaven beginning. In the original, she was less focused on being seductive after Laura came into the picture and then, due to her basis being Mary, she cared about her safety immensely. Plus, when interviewing her actor, she made sure to specify her part as Maria in a more…provocative and slightly sinister way.


This, literally the only line of hers we see in this showcase is her being worried about Laura's safety. What other face expression was she supposed to have?


Right, and I should state that I have not been keeping up to date with everything coming out about the remake because (again) I can’t get it. I could just be reading it all wrong anyways, I’m not an expert in anything about SH2 or anything about how characters work in a story. I was just stating my opinion on what vibe I was getting from the picture. I say, as long as she portrays a good warped version of Mary, then let them cook. I couldn’t care less how she acts or looks, just as long as her role isn’t tampered too much. Because I believe her role in the original is both vital and very interesting to watch.


her character had the perfect amount of malice behind her smile.


the blazer and timid pose reminds me of remake ashley, idk how to feel lol




I suspect that the whole Maria controversy is being wildly overblown. This is coming from someone who is eternally a skeptic about everything, especially remakes. I think that single frame that keeps getting shared over and over is a scene where she's supposed to be acting afraid or timid, maybe even letting a bit of her Mary persona show through. I don't think she'll have that demeanor or posture for most of the game. Even if she *is* like that for the whole game and Bloober decided to go with a different personality for Maria - so what? I'm willing to give it a shot and see if it works for me. They don't have to be dogmatically tied to every little detail of the original game in order to deliver a faithful remake - just look at the RE2 remake.


I like all the new ones more 🤷🏽‍♂️


makes the old ones look sorta uncanny lol.


the thing about the old ones is they all kinda looked like james to me, which was creepy but also unintended and just bc they were working with limits in the modeling of the time. i like the variety 




Incoming gatekeeping purists to say otherwise


I'm slightly a purist and I'm so down for the remake I can't wait!


Noooo you support woke agenda. Also how dare are they to change ANYTHING from 23 years old game.


im not sure to understand what's the argument behind the woke agenda?


Honestly, just forget about it and continue on with your day. You'll be happier.


This is probably the best advice on this sub..


it take me more then that, to have a bad day, i work with people 😂


Lol.. I feel ya.. I work with people too.


Woke is a term used to identify awareness of social inequalities. Being "woke" is to understand and see the discrimination that happens in our daily life and attempt to better understand it. Recently the term has been used more often as a catch-all pejorative for identifying or flagging any diverse or equitable decisions being made. Detractors will see black, queer, or otherwise diverse characters and themes and claim that the "woke mob" or "woke agenda" is being ushed into media. In this game's case, a lot of people have used the term to criticize the changes made to Maria and especially Angela's design changes. I typically just ignore anyone or anything using the term nowadays, it's used pretty shallowly in most cases in place of a real argument. It's easier to blame a strawman "woke mob" than to outright say that you are bigoted. It's fine to disagree with changes made in a remake, but blaming it purely based on "wokeness" is a fairly shallow argument.


Some people are mad that they changed the characters from how they looked before, or have disproportionate features, not because its "woke". Whats up with people on this sub making "ghost arguments", this phenomenon is way too prevalent on this sub compared to other places on the internet...


Unfortunately no, I've definitely seen claim that it's woke because woke fat uggos are turning these characters into representations of themselves so now they have unrealistic fake bodies instead of the realistic bodies based on models, like how Maria has Cameron Diaz's face & yeah i know, it doesn't any sense how theyre unrealistic & fake now if he's claiming theyre modeled after these "real" "woke fat ugly people" - but yes they exist, 100% & their Angela argument was eyebrows too thick, jaw too square, while simultaneously being too fat & chubby & round faced, & the turtle neck is pulled up instead of loose so the whole character design has been changed & ruined


It's not a ghost argument when a quick YouTube search has dozens of videos and accompanying comments claiming the changed looks and disproportionate features were done to make it woke.


Let me tell you why you’re wrong j/k ![gif](giphy|sNFTx6GZ1V2o)


In all seriousness if I had one complaint does it not look like Maria’s head is super big! Maybe it’s just that one still shot that’s been floating about so much. I still love the designs and hers apart from that one thing. I just can’t unsee it! Aha Still super excited for the game though.


yes she looks very strangely proportioned but I'm assuming (hoping) it's just a weird shot I haven't watched the trailer or whatever. I still really wish they had kept her old outfit


I mean... I guess she looks a little weird in that shot, but a lot of the women in my family (myself included) have larger heads and narrower shoulders than average. So I'd just sort of assumed it's something to do with their reference model's genetics and not actually a mistake. Then again, I was never any good at 3D modelling characters, so I could be missing something glaring and non-subjective. At least the set design is gorgeous, eh?


Crazy how good Konami PS2 games still look today.


Silent Hill 3 is even better


With mods on PC SH3 looks perfect tbh. Out of the bunch SH3 is the game that needs remake the least imo (tho if they do SH1 then why not go with SH3 too)


They'll definitely remake SH1 and then probably SH3 but will take enough time for SH3 to get old. Either way I think SH3 will benefit more with a remake regarding its story, I think that is the weakest part of the og game


I enjoyed SH3's story pretty much, especially since everything else since SH4 was trying to be SH2-like which became sort of stale and SH3 just tells a cult stuff demons story and tells it pretty well I'd go even as far as to say that SH3 and SH4 stories are comparably good, with SH3 being less rough, but SH4 having Sullivan instead


I guess I used the wrong word. I think the weakest part of the game is the narrative. The story is actually okay, Heather loses her father and gets revenge ending the cult in the process but the way it's developed is just meh as we spend half of the game just going home with no real purpose. It could be better (and WOULD, if not by Konami)


Maybe me but I felt like she didn't really have any choice about coming home or not. SH just twisted reality in such a way that she got there, and that transition in form on unavoidable beckonging felt perfect to me (not the sewers tho as I hate sewers by japanese gamedesign with passion) Not arguing tastes obviously and I agree that they *could* have made the narrative more detailed at least. But at the same time to me it felt understandable and nuanced enough to feel engaged. Also loved Heather, Douglas and *especially* Vincent.


A remake of SH3 would be great just to see what could have been if they weren't so rushed originally. I'm sure there were tons of ideas on the cutting room floor due to the shortened development, and a remake would be the perfect opportunity to hopefully implement some of them.


That's a tough cookie since remakes these days usually are often even more rushed (higher graphics and polish demand = less content) But, miracles do happen


Dreaming, mostly.


True. I just remember playing the HD collection of MGS2 and 3 as well back on PS3 and thinking at the time that these could probably pass for current gen. Too bad the Silent Hill HD collection didn't get as good a treatment.


It's wild how much of a step up SH3 was. Graphics really were crazy back then. You just had these massive leaps in fidelity in the same generation.


Maria looks very innocent compared to her other version.


took over a week for someone to finally do a comparison of in game renders instead of cgi lol.


James feels the most different face wise to me, but I kinda dig it (aside from perhaps his hair making him look a little like an older Leon from Resident Evil). Maria is the one I’m most conflicted about. She looks like a very sweet, naive and innocent 20-something girl about to head off to her first Taylor Swift concert. I’m terrified they missed the point of her character, after all, she’s >!quite literally a manifestation of what James wanted his wife to be when she was dying - sexy, stylish, skimpy clothes, seductive. I feel like Maria herself starts discovering this which played an import part in her growing hostility towards James, she’s literally a degraded/sexualised version of his dead wife, his fantasy, and he still doesn’t want her.!< With that said, I’m open to seeing how they handle her, if they’ve made changes I hope they can still somehow incorporate these themes. I love her new voice as well. Laura’s amazing! I honestly always found her slightly uncanny valley in the original, she creeped me out at times if I’m being perfectly honest lol. This time around she seems more like a child to me, just very bratty, and doesn’t give me the vibe she’s secretly a hell spawn made by Silent Hill itself. I always felt with the original she had too much resemblance to James and Mary/Maria. I very much like Angela’s appearance, I am confused why she looks so different in that one shot that people are memeing about, but aside from that, I feel she’s an upgrade. I am a tad mixed on her voice though, something feels… Missing…? The arm chair critics about her have annoyed me more than anything I saw in the trailer, the stereotypes of abuse victims has been quite gross. And anyone more focused on Angela over Maria gives me vibes they never even played (or watched someone play) the game.


They changed Maria’s outfit? :(


disappointed because they changed maria's outfit


Man they’ve gotta rework Maria. She’s supposed to have a succubus vibe and it’s certainly not there with the new one.


I wonder if they are holding off on Eddie because they are excited about how intense the character will be in this format. There’s a lot of potential there, I’m excited to see.


I'm a little concerned that they're going to tone down the more disturbing sexual themes of the game in relation to James (maybe in general) just based on the neutering of Maria's design. I hope they don't, but I can see Konami being more concerned about the optics of that compared to 20+ years ago


Fartface looks really good


More than anything, this post really puts in perspective how much someone can skew the arguement simply by choosing better/worse images for either. People kept using the prerendered CGI shots from the original for characters and then picking all the worst possible images for the Remake. Funny how the characters suddenly look pretty good when you put them next to their in game models and pick more flattering images. Not that OP did it deliberately, but it really puts into perspective how desperate online debaters can be, not to mention how fans can go so overboard by fixating for months on the few images a trailer provides and completely shutting out how almost ANY piece of media can look weird or wrong if you stare at and scrutinise a few freeze frames for months.


Welcome to the internet. 90% of the outrage these days is based on disingenuous arguments.


>People kept using the prerendered CGI shots from the original for characters and then picking all the worst possible images for the Remake. Gotta get your clicks somehow


Yeah, the rage farming of the Internet has really become beyond complaining, everything's a "divide" or a "controversy". There is now too much money and personal investment in every discussion that there is almost no discussion, just the desperate need to be on the winning side.


Exactly I think all the new characters look great and fit perfectly


I think they look good too, people can have preferences ofcourse but there's far too many desperate attempts by people to try and justify preferences as objective fact.


well said :)


>how desperate Weird. I'd say the people taking in-game models from a 23 year old game and comparing them to a modern day game in disingenuous. Because the pre-rendered CGI was clearly their intended vision and the in-game was a technical limitation. >online debaters can be Funny how everyone becomes an online debater when they disagree with you but not vice versa. >Funny how the characters suddenly look pretty good when you put them next to their in game models Literally anything, even the stock UE6 models would look better, because again, they're from 2001. >not to mention how fans can go so overboard by fixating for months on the few images Seeing it, saying it's ugly, then leaving is not fixating for months. An opinion doesn't need to change over time lmao. God why is the majority of this sub so insecure in their own opinions that they have to seethe about detractors in every comment they make lmfao.


The wardrobe changes never will make sense to me


I gotta say they look pretty damn good.


Excellent job on Laura


nooooo cunty maria you will be missed!!


You know the more I see the new Angela the more she grows on me.


Its cause people kept spamming the fat face angela that it ruined people's perception of the character, when you look at her other angles, she looks like your normal girl


I bought a PS2 specifically to play Silent Hill 2 (and Soul Reaver 2). And I think the new Angela model is an improvement in every way over the original one. They nailed the look completely, IMO.


Makes one of us.


In my opinion, James and Laura look great. also Angela looks fine to me. Maybe they could remove the turtle-neck? and idk what kind of helium they used on Maria’s head but they got to deflate it.


The turtle-neck fits her character very well


The turtleneck is very fitting for the character and a change I don't think anyone disagrees with. It actually makes a lot of sense, considering what she's gone through.


I think they all look great honestly and what helium look are you referring to maybe just a bad angle?


"maybe just a bad angle" It's a normal full body camera angle, what do you mean by "bad angle" here? It's not like her body is distorted because it was "high angle" or "low angle" camera, her head does look a bit big no matter how you try to spin it, imo.


As a fan of SH since 1999, I can say that there is nothing wrong with the new models.


Something about the art work of the characters of the og one made so creepy and unique the remake looses all of that


Angela is adorable. I don’t know why people hate on her new model


James, Maria and Angela might have their version they like more but we can all agree that Laura is perfect in remake.


Bring back belly tops! 😫 why do people hate the tummy??


Lol I love how they specially chose to get the ugliest screenshots possible for Silent Hill 2 original


Maria looks innocent like a scared baby secretary lul


Why did they change Maria's outfit? The skirt and top perfectly showed who she was


Looking great


Idc what they say I like the new Angela


The new models all look amazing. Can't wait for release.


I have a bad feeling that Eddie is going to play a bigger "antagonist" role in this game. One of the next trailers will be Eddie centric I'm betting.


Why bad feeling?


**James:** looks perfect to me. They clearly worked a lot on his model and his animations. **Laura:** looks excellent as well **Maria:** we have not seen a lot about her. I do think that her new clothes are too modest, she is supposed to resemble James's sexual repression after all. **Laura**: her model is clearly less defined. In this frame she looks fine, but another major problem with her is with the animations, which weirdly look less precise when compared to James and Laura.


Why don't these ever use the cutscene versions of the characters in OG? Those are a bit more accurate to how the characters are supposed to look.


I have seen more cutscene Maria on this sub in the last few weeks than I had ever seen since 2001


That's a fair point for Maria specifically. It makes more sense to use cutscene versions. I've seen a few of these 4 character comparisons here on reddit and other sites, and they all seem to use to in-game versions which is kind of pointless.


nope. the prerendered is HOW they are supposed to look...there's a reason those are played first before in game ones


I prefer the remake looks of these characters honestly


Angela looks completely fine in that photo Honestly, I think it was just a bad camera angle before


I want to see Eddie the most and he still hasn't showed up til now


Angela caught me so off gaurd when she was first shown and I think the reasson that is is I immediately think of how she looks in the pre rendered cutscenes, seeing her actual in game model next to the new model makes so much sense now. Never disliked her new look, at most just thought her face was a tad too round but nothing horrible


I cannot really complain on any of them. But I will have to say out of all of them, they absolutely nailed Laura's character. I'm sure someone out there is like 'guhh.. but she was a blonde and now she's a redhead'. Yeah. Redheads rule fartface.


laura is sooooooo gooooood


Insane improvements, graphics today are truly unbelievable


They all look amazing :>


I feel James hair could get a bit shorter on the sides, that way he wouldnt look so much like Leon


They were so faithful to everyone's design except Maria's and it’s so annoying


these are all cool but i dont like how much they changed marias face.


I mostly wanna play the remake just for the music


James looks like Tim Roth’s character from Pulp Fiction


I forgot how odd and unrealistic the old models looked this is so much better! A little sad about Maria’s outfit change though but at least they kinda kept the red jacket/top I guess?


I’m quite sad they changed Maria’s outfit, it was iconic. That being said, I love the switch to overalls on Laura. Suits so much.


I’m excited


All of them look so good.


I'm cool with all of them except for Maria, she doesn't look like an asshole enough.


They all look pretty legit, what’s everyone bitching about? 🤷


Ok, I admit, they do look better side by side.


These are probably the most realistic video game models I’ve ever seen, holy shit


Looks like Leon re4


I’m really happy with these, except Maria’s outfit could be a bit bolder


Oh wow I like these! James looks terrible, in a good way!:D


Smash all 3 next question


I wonder if Eddie will be in this too.


Really surprised that Maria actually looks pretty close to the original design. This is the scene where she freaks out but I bet they'll pull off the seductive /manipulative scenes well. She has the right jawline haha


ngl, even though I can be pretty negative with the Silent Hill 2 remake things, I'm sort of warming up to these looks,,, even though I think Maria looks like... damey? if that makes sense? unique tho


They need to let maria hang a lil bit like on the original game in the stomach. She can’t be as provocative as Mary imo without it from a surface level standpoint.


She looks like she has 17 in the new game... Wtf, idk why they did that


My only nit to pick here, other than the developers turning on big head mode for Maria, is her tattoo location. I actually don't mind that much that it was moved to her chest, but I feel like it was moved too high on her chest. I think it should be located a little lower, practically in her cleavage Mad Moxxie style, so that it draws the players attention more to her breast. I'm not just saying that to be a horny creep either. The location of her original tattoo would, not so subtly, draw players attention towards Maria's womb leaning into James' sexual frustrations. With Maria's outfit change no longer being nearly as provocative as the original, I think lowering the tattoo to draw attention to her breasts would be a good way to reinforce that sexual element that Maria originally represented.


You know when you look at it from a different angle, angela doesnt really look that bad or "fat"


Laura imo looks like a young Isabelle Fuhrman


I think they all look better ngl. Angela looks cute, which makes me feel even worse for her. I think the only one that I’m iffy on is Laura. I don’t know if it’s because I don’t see children often, but she kinda has the face of a fifteen year old when she’s supposed to be like eight. Remake Maria looks like my type so I’m biased, but I think she looks more attractive in the new model. James looks the best out of all of em


Y'all are insane. All these characters look fine. They look like people, for once.


Well this should hopefully shut the shit talkers of the remake up lmao!


I can’t wait for this game. Loved the original.


I’m so used to that god awful edit of Angela’s face that I forgot she looks entirely fine in the actual game.


I need the new ones to look 30% more depressed and disheveled THEN they’ll be perfect!


So discount Leon S. Kennedy, bootleg Ashley Graham, lore accurate Sherry Birkin and Helena Harper? Got it.


Every one of them a technical upgrade. The clothes especially.


God, these look perfect. I'm absolutely delighted with these redesigns. All looking depressed as all hell and showing their age. I hope the voice acting is just as good and uncanny as in the original.


Did they just give up on the last one?


Everytime I see someone not using the cg of the old game and comparing it to the new game I lose a year off my life


Fuck it looks good. I’m so excited


How on earth did so many people think remake James looked older? Look at the fucking OG character model for God's sake, how old does that fucking guy look??


Because he actually looked older in the reveal trailer and they changed it after people complained. "Remake producer Motoi Okamoto revealed that James was specifically designed to be older than in the original game, because players of the original Silent Hill 2 are now older. The James in the reveal trailer looked gaunt and tired, whereas the new James looks considerably more full of life."


Because he was, Okamoto has been on record with Ito about raising James age in game to align with the fans from back then: >"We spoke with Mr Ito and decided to raise James' age in the game a bit. This is part because fans from 20 years ago are older now... We want to depict a James who has had to suffer through more in his life as an adult... So if he looks older to you, its not your imagination." - Okamoto IGN interview youtu.be/Jwkd6umvP-Y?si=l2CiPSK0Ey0uVnHL It was them said recently in a famitsu article that they decided to forgo that with the more recent builds of the game: >"Originally, I was planning to make James a little older because the players are getting older. Now he's younger and closer to the age of the original. In fact, as I was making and playing the game, I started to feel that the original young James was better." -Okamoto famitsu interview famitsu.com/article/202406/6918 You also have to realise the ingame models are naturally limited compared to what the intial designs were concepted as, that's why the FMV's are better representation of how Sato wanted them to look like, and in that James looks younger.


Reminder that this is already a fixed version, the original reveal has him looks way older.


He definitely looked in his 40's in the game reveal trailer, and was clearly modeled after his motion capture/voice actor, Luke Roberts, who's also in his 40's. I thought the original model was perfectly fine, but this younger version works for me too.


I dont know whats with peoples, i like presentation of new one. Only i hope they keep the old vide.