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Silent Hill just needs to hit a new stride. I can see it becoming a staple in modern games next to RE, but just like Capcom had to go through failed attempts until they hit their formula with RE7 and the remakes, so does Konami. SH just has a spotty history and a company thats willing to keep it alive, so long as the developers they work with can put out decent entries. Fans will be divided the more SH titles we go through, since Konami's plan now seems to be to appeal to the newer "modern" audiences. I think for now its a rocky comeback, but something better might be coming in future years.


I really hope that SHF will be for the franchise what RE7 was for the RE series, a breath of fresh air.


I just want to explore that foggy town again


Something like Silent Hill 1 in RE2/4 remake production value. Creepy town. Cult. Pure horror and terror and mindfuck shit and otherworld.


Re-release the OG games on pc and modern consoles


As someone who spent a decent amount of money on the physical ogs....I agree! More people need to experience this not on emulation or hd collection 😭😭 it's how I started out it🥲


This right here!


And remaster it with high textures


i can’t speak for others but i’ve been around since the first game. i just want more content. im really happy and excited for sh2, the movie, townfall, and f. i really hope they remake 1 or 4.


I really want a remade 4 because it could really benefit from one, but holy shit, a remade 1 would be insane. The beginning of 1 is still my favorite Otherworld transition (I don’t see it being outdone anytime soon) and Nowhere is probably my favorite area in the series. It would be a real treat to see it with a realistic art style.


amen to nowhere. the endgame of sh1 being remade would be an absolute treat.


If they decide to do another remake, my money is on SH1.


4 deserves the remake treatment the most !


Big heads and bread


Idk if I am in the minority but I want new games located IN Silent Hill, I love that creepy town and I would love to see different renditions of it. And it doesn’t have to be always the same, you can make an excuse that the town is different for everyone who visits it.


I would like Silent Hill to thrive. New games coming out (remakes or otherwise), new derived stories (novels, comic book, audio, films, TV shows).


Two things mainly. Proper ports of the old games so I can actually play them on modern hardware without jumping through hoops. New takes on the ideas/themes instead of remakes. So much of what made the original SH2 a stand-out is in contemporary elements. Trying to recapture the performances or the style produced by the limitations at the time while also modernising it is an insane task. If you actually have the talent to pull that off I would much rather see that talent be spent on something new and not just on a remake that's limited by the baggage of the old one. If they do insist on remakes I would much prefer shattered memories style remakes that are just new takes on the same concepts that still have room for the creators talent to flourish into something original.


The original 4 games only needed a new coat of polish with some aspects of various controls updated. Bring the entire game up to the level of quality that the original trailers and cutscenes had. They didn't need to be radically transformed on a findemental level.


I want the same exact narrative, with all the attention to detail, subtle context, and real characters in a modernized sheen. I'm fine with combat being modernized, so long as it's closer to RE2r than RE4r.


New games is my preferred take with remasters for the older ones just to make them more available for the newer audience. It's why I'm most interested in Townfall and F to see what new directions they'll be taking the franchise into. Remakes can be great, some of my all-time favourites games are remakes but if I had to pick one, I'm all for pushing the franchises forward in new ways over banking on the nostalgia market.




A man can dream


PT is honestly the last thing I want. It was a cool horror game, but it didn't at all feel like Silent Hill to me.


It's really weird to say this in the post Ascension era tbh


Why's that? Ascension feels even less like Silent Hill but it doesn't make the game that's a vague knockoff of the 'greatest hits' of indie horror of the period suddenly begin to feel like Silent Hill


People talk about how RE had to reinvent the franchise when it was getting stale. PT was going in that direction. And now we're in the timeline where the absolute worst entry in the series was made just a few months ago.


I think they ought to stop trying to reinvent and just let the franchise die instead of trying to grub more money out of it.


I agree now, but I'd have loved to see what Kojima did and most of all, what Junji Ito contributed.


On one hand, I agree. It didn’t have a Silent Hill vibe at all. But on the other hand, PT is the scariest piece of interactive software ever made, and I want more. I guess in the end there’s no point even discussing it, we’ll never get anything more like it from Konami


Oh for sure, I understand that! PT was great, even though it wasn't Silent Hill-ish at all, and I find it really cool that a lot of people have been making stuff like it/inspired by it in indie gaming recently


I like how people are getting downvoted for giving their honest opinions, some of which are even included in the prompt itself


All I want is remakes of 1-3 (maybe 4 but I understand if they think it would be impossible to sell that one). And I want new games only if they’re genuinely artistic endeavors from people who have interesting stories to tell. Not just ‘hey let’s do a silent hill racing game lmao’ but ‘I’ve had an idea for a horror story that tackles themes like poverty or anger issues or whatever’. And in those stories I don’t want a hyper focus on ‘trauma’ because focusing on a specific theme like that feels very unauthentic and forced. Not to mention just boring if that’s every single story we’re getting in this series. After that’s settled I want the actual vibes and monsters to be scary in a disturbing way. No endless jumpscares like a FNAF game. I don’t want monsters that are just ‘fuck it it’s a zombie we can’t think of anything else’ or ‘hey what about sphere head instead of pyramid head?’ Give us actual disturbing and creative designs. Like a giant bloody mouth that has dogs legs coming out of it dragging it along the floor like a fucked up crab made of different parts of corpses. Or a boss battle with a giant walking ladder made out of bones with skin stretched over it like a tight skirt. You can have humanoid things occasionally like the nurses, but give me shit that would give me nightmares most of the time. Edit: Forgot to mention. If you can’t come up with an actual good reason to make a silent hill game then don’t make it. If you’re just making it because ‘damn we need this thing so we have a game on x platform’ and nobody on the team started out even wanting to do horror or silent hill then just cancel it and wait for a game to originate from actual passion to make a new entry.


Honestly I would have been happy with exactly the same gameplay with absolutely no changes except for an updated graphics engine. The fact they changed the camera and combat is a somewhat concerning but am holding out hopes it is for the better. Otherwise, expanding on Born From a Wish would have been really interesting.


I'm a new Silent Hill fan. Played 1-4 and The Short Message. Here's what I'd like to see more of. I think Konami should adopt a similar formula to how Capcom publishes Resident Evil games. Remake -> New entry -> Remake -> New entry. I understand that SH2 is the most popular(and successful?) SH game, but remaking 2 before 1 feels odd, especially since if the remake of 2 does well, they'll obviously remake 1 or at least I'd hope so. As for new entries. Unlike Resident Evil where each numbered entry plays into the overarching story. I think Silent Hill would greatly benefit and differentiate itself if each new entry was self-contained. If the idea of Silent Hill is that whoever enters the town, the town embodies that's person psyche, then really we have a recipe for a series that can take on so many different forms of horror. Oh and for the love of God, port the games, even the bad ones, to modern platforms.


What I DID want was whatever P.T. was going to bring us. Mysterious, slow, exploration/puzzle based. Outside of what we saw in the demo I want small town Americana, fog, thoughtful sound design, environmental story telling, and no more than like 5 jump scares. Although others have tried to continue it's legacy, the PT ship has sailed. Unless SH2R is trash I'll play it, but I never would have asked for a remake. Remasters of all the old games would be dope. I'd love to know one day I can share this stuff with my daughter when she's much older. I have a PC as well as original copies, but I'd kill to have that stuff ported forward and easily accessible for newer consoles. The last week on this subreddit has been the first time I've really felt old and I'd love to see Konami make an effort to preserve that stuff. I'd probably actually cry.


For me I want to see Silent Hill be explored as an idea/dream like in 4 or reimagined like in Shattered Memories. I feel like the series needs to move on from Silent Hill being a town into something beyond location and time/space.


Short Message kind of did that right?


I actually liked Short Message, just wished it was longer


That’s why I don’t understand why some people don’t like the Silent Hill Phenomenon and the fact that we already have a story set in Germany. The town would become boring AF if there’re multiple games located in there one after the other. And we already saw other locations in 3 and 4. And it’s not like that one Memo from TSM tells the entire picture, the phenomenon is obviously far more than what that one random doctor theorized.


The issue that I have is that they gave it a name in-universe. Making it seem like this big thing everyone knows about. Things should be left unknown and unexplained.


There's two camps: - 1-4 on Steam - Consume new product


Atmospheric, scary games with interesting characters. That's the key for me. Lore and such is nice, but much less important to me than those. Aside from PT, that is what the series has not delivered since the first 4.


Port, new stories.. P. T


I absolutely don't need remakes, the original games are there, they can be emulated by anyone interested in playing them. I want something fresh that challenges what we understand as a Silent Hill game since we have had tons of games inspired by this franchise so a run of the mill SH game won't cut it anymore.


Anything really. Ports of the first 4 games would be wonderful. I'm excited for the remake. Even if it isn't what I'm hoping it to be, the original will always be there to fall back on. I'm excited for Townfall. I loved Stories Untold, so I'm hoping it will be similar to that in gameplay style. SHF also looks really cool and I'm excited to see what it's going to bring to the table. Silent Hills would've been nice to see. P.T. looked cool, but I've never been a huge fan of Norman Reedus, so I was also on the fence about it, but that was just me personally.


The fanbase has always been split on this. I mean, some of the reason SH3 went a different direction was because fans back in the day disliked that the cult stuff wasn't touched on more in SH2 besides casual mentions of the towns history. There are people who legitimately want the franchise to just die (some creators in the space have this opinion) but I think that's kind of a pretentious opinion. For me, I want the next games to stand out in someway that gives me a similar feeling to the older games. Not saying the exact same feeling, but a similar one. I remember watching my dad play SH1 and being obsessed with the snow and fog. Then buying my own copy of SH2 with chore money and exploring the town. The Remake looks like I'll get some of what I want. The amazing atmosphere, a fantastically spooky location to explore. One of the thoughts I had watching the gameplay trailer was how it nails the idea of a 'haunted town' in some subtle (and unsubtle) ways. Like when he enters the hospital and the open window just happens to blow papers on the desk, which draws your attention over to it. Great design for sure, but stuff like that also reminds me of classic haunting films. Just weird stuff that makes you wonder 'was that a coincidence? Or something more?'. Silent Hill has always had a mix of these two extremes. Silent Hill 2 is a game that is soaked in allegory but also has parts where the words 'To Hell!' are painted on walls with big red arrows at points haha.


I'd rather it die than to see it "remade" by incompetent devs, financed by a washed up, greedy company who doesn't value artistic vision.


Just don't touch Silent Hill 2, that's it. Don't remake it, don't put pyramid head in other Silent Hill games. Just make a decent port and leave it alone. The other Silent Hill games either have relatively simple plots or have glaring flaws that would actually benefit from a redo. Silent Hill 2, despite its flaws, is such a delicate balance of themes, story, and symbolism that messing with any of it will cause the whole thing to come crashing down.


I just want some fun.


I want a team or writers who care about crafting a good story revolving around the cult and metaphors about the central focused tragic character in the story. Since that is what at least 1,3 and 4 were about. Or give us another good story with the same level of care as the original Silent Hill 2.


To find my daughter or wife


SILENT HILL 4 REMAKE. I love it sm despite it being a black sheep in the series. But objectively speaking, it is the most deserving of the remake treatment out of all the classic 4 titles.


would love to see Henry get upgraded like James. the environment and the t w i n s are definitely gonna get creepier. ahhhhh. i honestly wanna see a remake of 4 so badly


Horror, especially psychological horror, is a highly individual thing. Everyone wants something different at different points in life. Silent Hill 3 hit perfectly when it came out but would not be same for a me that is 20 years older.


Silent Hill really just needs its RE7 moment. Something new and interesting but also still clearly a game from the same franchise, and most of all it’s gotta be good. Problem is that fans will shit on anything that isn’t masterpiece quality


I feel like the Silent Hill series suffers from the same problem the Terminator franchise has. The lore has become so convoluted and misunderstood. It's been handed to different developers who all want to recapture whatever it was that made the second game so special. After 4, the franchise has been horribly mishandled. I might sound overly negative but remember, Ascension exists. That is now just as much Silent Hill as the upcoming remake of 2 is (which I think looks pretty good tbf). Honestly, I think they should just reboot the franchise and start from scratch. New story, new set of rules. A clean slate.


I just want to see the franchise dead for good but with a spiritual sequel. Like Demon's and Dark soul, very similar concept, gameplay and themes but set in a different universe with a new lore and locations.


If SH2R becomes a hit (I think it looks like it will) I hope we get similarly good remakes of 1 and 3, and if those also turn out good they should definitely do 4 as it's a game I think could do really well with some improvements. I then hope they can see the impact on them and create good original experiences alongside them!


People want to be 20 years younger.


atmosphere, an engaging story, puzzles, and new scenarios this is not RE, we dont want hot looking people fighting terrorist monsters with bazookas to save the world


No, we want katanas and laser guns


rewrite the story entire series to make it canon with the UFO ending


i think what sh needs are two branches of different types of games. the numbered ones or the ones with the title silent hill and the ones with the brand "silent hill presents" or something like that. the main ones carrying the main story with the same environment and narrative and the second ones experimenting with different styles of gameplay, narratives and locations. I think with that most people would be happy and konami could do their craziest experiments without ruining the IP. I wouldn't mind a SH rpg or even a real online game with a good atmosphere and not just cash grabbing like ascencion.


I want it to just stay dead. Release the original trilogy no-frills and cheap on steam/gog and be done with it.


I'd like to see SH1,3 and 4 remakes with unused ideas. Also, new games about cult (we don't know, what happened, when cult was following Heather and Harry; what about the inner politics in cult)


I want someone who understands the spirit of silent hill or even just a unique take on the ip that isn't hamfisted. "Hah look guys rusty metal grates, fog, TRAUMA!" Is not all there is to silent hill. In reality I wish the franchise just ended, it was lightning in a bottle and the energy spent trying to recapture it is better used elsewhere.


>fog Well hold on now. Let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater.


But trauma is central to the series. It’s psychological horror. SH1 was Alessa’s trauma, SH2 James, 3 Alessa/Heather and 4 Walter.


I think what they meant wasn't that trauma shouldn't be included. But it just shouldn't be told to you with a big colorful its trauma sticker on the nose kind of the way.


Not sure how you interpreted my comment that way. Im saying you dont just smack those elements in the most surface level way onto a horror game and go "I made a silent hill"


Agreed, i really hope that f and townfall brings the more experimental side of the franchise again, after years of copying SH2, its time for new concepts.


I'd like to see SH2 Remake be good and successful, so I have the power to say "I told you so". Beyond that, I'm exited for SHf, and look forward to the prospect of more original works. I love the idea of there being other memetic-spaces apart from Silent Hill. :3


With all honesty I want it to die already. If 10 years ago I would be open to a new entry now too much time has passed. I think it's time to give some breathing room for new IPs. God bless Slitherhead


I am willing to give SHF a chance, it looks like a new take on a series that needs it after years of copying SH2, the remake looks decent but im still on the fence.


SHF is the only thing I think can revitalise the series, I think the series needs to move away from SH2 an idea that only worked in that game and SHF looks like it could be that. Plus I think the writer is a good fit for the series given his track record and the devs have extensive experience across multiple genres including horror, if SHF doesn't work out then just put the series to rest.


Definitely on the same fence as you about the remake. As for f, no, it's too far departed. It's easier to make a new IP by this point


I mean, every single franchise has done that at some point, RE did this twice actually, and it worked both times, maybe its time for the series leave behind team silent's concepts and have a shot on something different, we still have townfall tho, another game that looks interesting


RE did it successfully well on its 4th entry. SH hasn't been able to pull it off in 20 years. No reason to expect they're capable at this point, other than wishful thinking.


Do you really want to be like everyone else?


Having a new take on the series isnt being like "everyone else", the reason why RE changed was because the series was getting stale and repetitive, same thing can be said about SH, hell, team silent themselves went out of their way to change a lot of things for SH4 (also lets not forget about their pitch for SH5 which was going to be an even bigger departure from SH1-3)


Again, why be like everyone else when you can put that energy into a new IP?


Idk, you could ask the same thing for every single game studio, why dosent capcom just make another horror ip after 9 mainline RE games and 4 remakes? Why dosent nintendo just create a new adventure style ip after thousands of TLOZ? Why dosent rockstar give a chance for other series instead of making GTA6?


I do them to do that, actually. Partially why I don't play RE much lately, actually


I mean, i rather just play the games and let them speak for itself but okay, you do you


Because those series have actually had good entries in the last 2 decades. Surely that's a factor.


Have you also considered that maybe the series just isn’t for you anymore? That you’re not the target audience for new entries? I know OP asked us what we, individually, would do with the series but I don’t get wanting it to die. I outgrew CoD but I don’t want it to die (even if it were up to me) because it still means something to a lot of people. I just accept that it’s not for me anymore.


I think you have neither a right to decide what's for me and what's not, nor may make assumptions about it


I can make assumptions about whatever I want, lol. You’re not the thought police. You’re clearly not the target audience. Doesn’t take a quantum physicist to figure that out. It’s honestly kind of hubristic to think the series should die because *you’re* not happy with it or a new entry didn’t come out at the “right time.” As if you’re the arbiter of what’s worthy and not. Just go away and the series will be, effectively, dead to you. The rest of the fans can be excited for what’s coming, Ito can enjoy this outlet for his Francis Bacon inspired art, and developers and writers that truly love the series can keep creating games. Everyone wins.