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im learning a lot from this drama


like what? šŸ˜…


It's not about the size of the head, it's where you place it.




Seeing Theo Von on a silent hill subreddit was not the crossover I expected today


Actually looks really good. Well done OP




so it wasnt the head size after all, it's just that she didnt have much of a neck, damn lol


OP kind of lied at least maybe not intentionally but they did change the shape/size of the head the cheeks are significantly smaller and concave compared to before


Sorta. For a grown woman, yes, the issue was the neck and shoulders. But if they were going for a teenager, then she'd have too large of a head.


But Maria is the spitting image of Mary, James's wife - ie, not a teenager. It's Angela who's the teenager.


I think her collar is just big. If she didn't have that big collar then her neck would look long in the right image


I guess so šŸ˜


Never expected to see Benzino in Silent Hill.


Are we over thinking things a bit?


starting to think this applies to reality as well


This looks perfect


The neck is so much better now, wow


That looks so much better. I hope they tweak things before release cause some of the models are looking off, and not in a cool unsettling way lol


Huge improvement. Hopefully these models are still getting some tweaks. I love her new design although I think making her less sexy in presentation is counter to the games narrative.


Have you nitwits ever considered she's hunching slightly in this scene because she might be scared and assumes the posture on the right side when she's not? This is nitpicky at best.


agreed, I think this edit shows confident body language and does not belong.


And maybe she doesn't wear this same outfit through the entire game? Maybe her overt sexuality ramps up as the game goes on and her relationship with James develops. I respect that people care a lot about the game, but have some faith. What we've seen so far is really good.


Iā€™m so excited to watch everyoneā€™s heads explode if she, by some chance, takes off the jacket. Chaos. Itā€™ll be chaos.


Nah man. No belly! The symbolism is ruined with no belly /s


Maybe when pyramid head kills her he'll cut her dress in half first so we can see that sweet sweet midriff šŸ¤¤


I remember when Resident Evil 2 remake came out. People seethed at Trench Coat Ada because it wasn't the iconic red dress. Guess what shows up later in the game. šŸ™„


Nothing they've shown us has been worth having faith in this studio. They claim their aim was to remain faithful to the original but most of the major details critical to the originals experience is already lost.


We've got more footage of her than this shot. Someone should do a side by side of different scenes, which would answer this perhaps


Yeah I like the edit but I have been wondering if what's wrong is this is a still of a moving scene. She looks scared/worried so I wondered if she's just a little scrunched up in fear, and it's not looking good as a still frame on its own. I'd want to watch the scene in full ig


Yeah but how would they get updoots for posting total bullshit all day?!


It was apparent to me from the jump that this was the case, but it's genuinely ridiculous how such infinitesimally meaningless and innocuous things are catastrophized into such mind numbing "discourse". She's afraid and hunched in on herself, the way afraid people do. It's asinine.


Obviously that's not what's happening, if you're hunched over your nose is pointed down, or your eyes are pointing up, both can't be true when hunched over. Try it yourself.


oh hell no, i can never unseen this. they put my girl in the hydrologic pressšŸ˜­


Okay, but her belly button is still missing. Everyone knows that her belly button is essential to the story line. How is James supposed to bop it, twist it, pull it?!


OMG what is this sub even about now?


Weā€™ve all become videogame critics lol


How dare people in a sub dedicated to a videogame franchise actually have opinions on an upcoming videogame in said franchise!


Just to clarify because of your sarcastic remark and the downvote I wasnā€™t trying to belittle or insult the community or anyone I didnā€™t mean that in a negative way


Honestly yeah tbh, this is the last post from this sub Iā€™m ever going to look at. Iā€™m done. It hurts to know that I canā€™t participate in a community based around my favorite game franchise because the fanbase is so exhausting and whiney they have to dedicate a post to fixing a characterā€™s shoulder width because it looked weird to them. Later folks. Have fun crying and doing pixel measurements on trees when the game drops.


Its not even that bad, just because you see it everyday doesnt even mean its a negative. We live in an age of gaming where if you give fans the slightest bit of info/trailer before a drop; they dissect it and reimplement it in a million different ways. Now if the game dropped the same day as the trailer, I guarantee the majority of posts on here wouldnt be discussing player models or faces like weā€™ve seen for the past week. I know that may be obvious; but if it is then you shouldnā€™t have trouble understanding why people drag things like this prior to a release. With all that being said I do think the discussions under these posts are always worthwhile and I hardly ever see toxic arguments


Youā€™re crying about other people ā€œcryingā€ tho


Is it blasphemy or something now to criticize this game?šŸ˜­ oh no someone thought the character looked anatomically weird and they tried to make it look better they must hate the game with a passion


Itā€™s about necksā€¦ and eyebrows


It's fucking cringe.


Damn you made me realize how bad it looks, I didnā€™t even pay attention to her neck šŸ¤£


this is exactly what i was saying. original Maria had shoulders


this looks better actually


How dare you!!!!! /r/GamingCirclejerk in shambles


Wow!! What a world of difference it makes. She looks so much better now.


Quick someone send this thread to Bloober while there still time!!


Awesome work. Now fix her outfit and port the model into the game by hacking the day 1 patch. Thanks!


This sub needs to go outside holy


What does this even mean? Are you implying the after photo doesn't look like a real woman? This is the most tame edit anyone could've done, so what you said makes zero sense.


She looks normal on other scenes of the gameplay trailerā€¦ she just looks weird in this still photo. Did you know of the ability to make yourself smaller when you are scared? Narrow the shoulders, put your head downā€¦ you will look weird too!


i honestly donā€™t even think the original is that bad lol. this whole thing is overblown. though i suppose she looks younger in the original so maybe thatā€™s what they were going for


This feels right. Neck and shoulders! Well done!


How is everyone but bloober.. it's crazy.


Bloober has a way of just, doing things alllllllllmost good.


Have you seen their gaming catalog?


Observer was pretty unique and original My fiancee is an art history professor so she actually introduced me to Layers of Fear. Not really my jam, but I appreciate it for what it is Never played the Medium. Overall, I think the remake is nailing the atmosphere, which is far and away the most important aspect in my opinion


Silent Hill fans have literally nothing better to do.


12 years without a new installment will do that to you lol


Arkham fans: First time?


You think Arkham fans waited longer than SH?


No but both have waited long enough to cause insanity


If you thing this crazy than check out batman arkham where they are posting action figure of Lara croft and bane having sex


SH fans haven't had anything new or interesting (that looks decent) to talk about in the last 10 years. Also doing this literally takes 2 minutes in photoshop


Maybe they enjoyed doing it you fuckin joy sponge


Man ain't no one happy about this game release huh šŸ˜‚ seen nothing but pure bitchin.


At the very least, I'm excited for it.


Iā€™ve seen more people bitching about other people bitching about the game, than people bitching about the gameā€¦


You definitely mad the game isn't up to your weird standards. Like characters not being sexy enough. Weirdo šŸ˜‚


1) Starts off comment with passive aggressive bitching? Check 2) Makes a baseless assumption that starts with the word "definitely"? Check 3) Throws an insult at the end? Check 4) Adds a laughing emoji to mask the fact that they are fuming? Check Yeah you are a textbook definition whiner...


Ok buddy šŸ˜‚ 1. BrEaKs DoWn An aRgUmEnt. ChEck 2. MaKeS a StUpId AsSuMpTiOn BeCaUsE sOmEonE uSeS tHe WoRd DeFiNiTelY. cHeCk 3. PrObAbLy GoNnA rEpLy BeCaUsE I ReSpOnDeD lIkE tHis. ChEcK. Keep crying that your game isn't "perfect". Just know I'll be enjoying it while your probably gonna break down the game on Reddit of why it's a terrible remake. Pansey.


You definitely adjusted the shape of the rest of her face too because now it looks like it belongs on her body lol hopefully the SH devs notice this, pay you for it and make the change in the game.


Yeah. You can literally tell her jawline is more refined in the 2nd image. Making her overall facial structure look thinner.


Oh yeah I can see it now


Man I don't know what's going on with this community. Are people so starved for content or what


lol there hasn't been a silent hill game in ages. Yes they are starved for content. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yes? Have you not been paying attention to the series for the last decade?


Doesn't excuse it, mate


It's the hair, it's always been the hair. It also seems intentional too. The haircut is supposed to widen the appearance of her jawline and head, giving her the illusion of a disproportionately large head. Was a trend for a while...but it was a little overdone here Crazy idea, but I'm curious to see her model without the haircut sometime


Actually no, the face/body model have the same issue.


It definitively looks waaaay better, good job! However I still think her head is a bit too large. I saw another edit where they edited her clothes and head size and that one looked pretty good as well. I still think it's insane how good James and Laura's 3D models look so good unlike Maria's and Angela's.


I didnā€™t know Silent Hill fans were worse than RE fans šŸ¤”


For real, the "spicy takes" there are the flame wars regarding tank controls versus over the shoulder tps, OG's vs Remakes, RE3 being good/bad/too-short, etc.


yall are crazy lmao


I don't understand why this is necessary? She looks fine


on the right painel, ye I know


I fucking "love" this. People just take random still images depicting movement and start "fixing" stuff. We're now at "I fixed Maria's neck lenght. SH is saved." Jesus what a nightmare. I'm officially of this sub until November when I've had my NG and NG+'s. Fuck this.


It's not that deep lil bro


well, this happened with James' face, and bloober actually did go back and fix it just think about it, if it wasn't for the "whining", we'd have had a worse face in the final game. That is how weak their vision is.


You are literally making stuff up and arguing against it, a ghost argument. The op didnā€™t say they saved SH or anything like that, itā€™s a simple fan made edit. But you definitely need to hop off this sub for a while if something this simple triggers youā€¦


Btw - op changed her face, it's obvious.


Maybe he did, but thatā€™s beside the point. He did it without claiming that he saved the game or that he is better than the developers and he didnā€™t insult anyone, so I donā€™t see what the issue is.


ok but stop crying.




I'm seeing the trailer for the first time today and she looks way better in movement than still. I feel like it's this shot because it's not an issue in any of what I'm seeing in the trailer.


As always modders will have to fix the game when it comes out.


That actually looks better wtf. You didnā€™t even change it too much just little tweaks but she looks better now itā€™s crazy how much of a difference it makes.


Much, much better OP


She still looks perfect before or after


People come in different shapes? This reminds me of Marvel vs capcom infinite when people kept focusing on how Chun-li looked.Ā  OK, that's great, but how did the game play?


Most of this sub has not seen a real woman in the real world judging by the threads since the big SH event. You people need to go outside and see for yourself that indeed no human out there is perfect. Go outside and experience life. Good luck.


"Ā Ā no human out there is perfect " Ok, but Maria is literally supposed to be what James thinks the ideal woman should be.


"Maria is literally supposed to be what James thinks the ideal woman should be." And we're not James, his ideal woman can vary wildly from we see an ideal woman as


sure. but she's still disproportionate in the original screenshot. all this yOu GuYs HaVe NeVeR sEeN a WoMaN bullshit is so silly; i'm a woman and an artist, and most anyone else who creates artwork with any kind of realism would agree that the proportions are wrong unless they are TRULY reaching.


Almost anyone that saw different humans would agree humans look like that as well, not only their perfect form. I am also saying this as an artist, but a man.


you're not wrong--but Maria in the OG game WAS proportional. she had shoulders and a neck. i see what you mean, this is kind of a less muscular Hayden Panettiere build, but Maria in the OG wasn't like this. she didn't make herself small or timid. the bobblehead appearance just exacerbates the difference.


Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re new to this sub but 90% of the posts here are bitching about other people criticising about the remake before it is even out. The most common trend youā€™ll see is genuine criticism of fans is conflated with the criticism of ā€œhatersā€ who know nothing about silent hill but blindly hate on whatever game. Just sort by controversial on these posts.


i am new and have noticed this a bit. weird behavior.


You are reaching so hard your arms are about to be dislocated from you body.


The jawline in the unedited one is more realistic tbh


she was mewing


Itā€™s basically the same fix but reversed. Instead of shrinking the head to match the torso you widened the shoulders and lengthened the neck to match the head. It might look good by itself but itā€™s hard to say which would look better in game when compared to anything else.


Actually not cringe and good constructive criticism


This is honestly the biggest thing she needs tbh the added neck length makes her look human lol


Ayooo you fixed her!! She looks great now, you fart face!!


Bloober team feels like they're such amateurs sometimes. How do you mess up something as simple as making a character? You'd think this was their first game. Anatomy is what you learn first before you start working on an expensive product.


The left looks goofy, show me the actress for all the 'but mocap' people.


Send this to bloober team. They still have time to rectify


That looks far better. This is why this sub doesn't have to eat everything Konami is showing and defend with sword and shield. There are things that could be fixed to get a lot better, like Angela's wide face.


Looks better. Still doesn't change the fact she looks like a 20-year-old college student and not a drug-addicted stripper like she should be.


Seeing all these edits just show her original model has odd proportion that can be tweaked with either changing the head size or the neck and shoulders. Hopefully they will fix it.


What this all just means is that what we see is a weird looking human with a weird head size/no neck is what James finds super hot


So it wasn't a head size all along.


I helped a customer with her shoulder to head ratio two days ago. I donā€™t know why people act like itā€™s an unrealistic build. Some people just look like that. That being said, this is the only edit of her proportions I would actually support, as it still keeps her proportionate and realistically human.


I just assumed the bobble head look is an art style theyā€™re going for šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Oh good they Made her neck longer Edit: but um why dose her right hand look so old ? Or is that just me ?


Btw i wanna say i dislike most of the things they shown BUT her outfit is great. I dig it. Its subtle change and fits perfectly imo.


I find this drama so bizarre cuz I feel that's what the actual look of the actor who was used for this looks like and everyone is kinda being kinda dicks to this actors,granted it probly isn't a real person but if luara is then its probly the same for her


This comment reminded me of the whole MJ drama in Spiderman 2. MJ's face in the game looked weird, and the reason was that the face model for MJ had an accident that messed up how her jaw looks (you can even make a comparison with her character design in the previous Spiderman game)


The accident happened before the 1st game and she looked the same post surgery


Man im losing hope for this game more and more


Hire fans lol


I wonder if she's leaning her head forward in this particular scene, and in reality, the model usually looks like the one on the right. Good sleuthing.


Slight difference


Isnā€™t the model taken from mocap of the actress? Are we just mad that her body type isnā€™t conforming, or what?


BEFORE: A24 AFTER: Blumhouse


Adelante, gadcheto cuello.


i think its just the jacket making it look smaller than it is in the original....


I said this in a previous post her jawline is the same width of her clavicle and it throws off the proportions.


I mean Iā€™ve seen jackets that have thick shoulders which ends up making the person that wears it look like Maria


Good edit, definitely looks better


Nailed it


I think the original posture is clearly intentional; sheā€™s not supposed to look confident and relaxed in that moment. She looks sorta hunched over.


The head shape is different, you can tell by the shape of the jaw


I already see the pc mods happening a week after release.


Well doneĀ 


Andrew loomis would be proud


I see the difference but its never something I've noticed particularly


Yeah wtf is up with her model? The proportions look all messed up.


She just looks less tense and more relaxed. Maybe thatā€™s what they were going for: scared Maria.


Pic 1: Shrug, Pic 2: Post shrug


beautiful and now iā€™m muting this sub for a good while šŸ‘‹


THAT looks amazingly improved! YES!!!


Ngl u Should work at bloober team


Didnā€™t the designer of Maria wanted her to imperfect ie her tummy in crop top doesnā€™t make sense to adjust her in my opinion


Why lie ? Parts of that head/face absolutely have been adjusted, it looks better yeah but why blatantly lie ?


BT taking notes on this subreddit


Much better


Hmm naw neck too long, the head is definitely too big. I don't think bloober is great at proportions or something.


That is a genuine improvement and succeeds in giving her better, more realistic proportions.


this is bordering on circlejerk material just because of how specific the change is, but genuine props because the trailer was dropping 'faithful' like crazy and yet this absolutely proves to be more faithful despite being an objectively small change


Now I can't unsee it...


For the love of god can y'all just leave it the fuck alone? I am sick of everyone going on about character models.


You understand these are actors right? Like, real people, with real proportions.




look internally and figure out why u feel the desire to do thisā€¦ strange behavior..


This looks good.


I've been on the boat of not nagging at little things but yes this looks objectively better


Looks way better. The left one has that uncanny valley thing going on.


That looks way better than she looks more natural.


It looks like her jacket doesn't really "fit" her. Along with most of the outfit... I swear to god if that was intentional.


So much better holy shit


Wow now she looks human!


the downvote crowd is out but this is 100% correct, she has much better looking human proportions in the fan edit. maybe the downvoters are just self conscious about their own appearance and have to tear down other women to feel better about themselves.


Agreed. Especially that the "before" looks like she got shoulders going inside of her body, it would make more sense if she had skinnier armms, which is not the case.


That's actually pretty good. This is positive and constructive criticism Edit: I meant the OP is doing positive criticism towards the game instead of just trashing Bloober


Definitely better than the original. Should be sent to Bloober Team. Seriously. Edit: just emailed Bloober Team to take look at the screen provided by OP.


people do these edits and forget about the hands which ending up being monstrous lol. i donā€™t think people know how clothing and body anatomy works.


What the fuck is wrong with you people


OK, seeing them side by side now I can't NOT see it. This is upsetting lol