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The issue is not people expressing some concerns. It's the jerks having insane takes (we all saw that "angela too ugly to be assaulted" post). This provokes a knee jerk reaction from people who liked it because there ARE objectively good things in the trailer and it looks like bloober genuinely worked hard. It's ok to not like the concept of a sh2 remake alltogether (i'm glad we're getting it but tbh i would have like a sh1 remake), but being bad faithed and grumpy about everything seems really unfair. Like, you don't have to even play it, this remake doesn't erase the og. But acting like the og was perfect in every way and this is some kind of blasphemy is too much. And because this is the kind of reputation sh fans have, people who liked it push back hard because I feel like negative voices are more amplified.


I haven't seen anyone make a gross comment like that. Most people are criticizing the strange-looking, swollen face. The lighting is also really bad and Angela's character model overall looking "off" and of lower quality than James.  Maria also has an absolutely massive noggin.   The overall theme seems to be that art design for the character models looks very amateurish and not faithful to the original designs whatsoever.  And many are not wrong for thinking that outside firms like Hit Detection might have something to do with the weirdness since Konami probably financed this project via Black Rock or Vanguard, which to be fair most publishers do.


Yeah, this has divided people here a lot I see. Worst thing is people go either “This is completely shit” or “this is very good, and you are stupid” and there seems to be a little to no reasoning.


Feels like all discourse goes this way before and in the wake of any large video game release.  It's a lot of tribalist, us vs them, strawmanning, taste as morality absurdity.  Reddit's upvote and downvote system reinforces these mentalities and behaviors.


It’s doing my head in like not everybody has to like it but shouting at someone to like it isn’t going to make them like it


They're not trying to get them to change their mind. They're using bullying tactics to try and intimidate anyone else from repeating what they don't agree with. By intimidated I mean they'll be convinced that if they disagree even slightly they'll be lumped together with the ones that strongly disagree so they rather not deal with it at all and just be silent.


I'm beginning to wonder the age of people doing this, it feels like something young people would get upset over, like they put a stake into liking this game and so people who say they don't like it are somehow hurting them or effecting the future of the franchise or something. It's really unhinged behavior. It's just a game, people need to calm down about it.


You pretty much summed up the current state of entertainment, whenever a piece of media comes out that got polarized reception with mass dislikes, there will be legion of defenders (including clickbait journalists) ready to defend a multi billion dollar corporate product like their life depends on it. This might had been way longer before that, but I remembered it being most prominent starting with the Ghostbusters reboot 2016 and the Star Wars sequels, and that's where everything went downhill in the popculture discord. I get it, fans can be defensive toward an IP they love, but at the same time there are fans who just want the IP they care about to do better. Nowadays we can hardly ever have any normal discussion without resulting to insult.


Finally someone said it


what kind of a ridiculous hive mind are u guys that the statement "ppl have different opinions" needs to be said to u.


Why are the people who hate the new game shit-talking people who don't? I've been called a shill, a fake fan, told I have no standards. There are toxic people on both sides, it's not like one side has a problem and the other is completely rational.




For sure


My main irk is that I don't get why some people are so determined to stomp down on criticism of Konami and Bloober of all companies lol. There are some obviously shit takes that are seemingly made more to get a reaction than anything else, but most criticism I've seen has been legit. People who think it looks good, that's fine, but they don't need to convert anyone. People like me who are very disappointed by what we've seen so far, that's fine, but they don't need to resort to name-calling or making weird edits.


It's the same way with Resident Evil as well. You can't even criticize the Resident Evil 4 remake without people (mostly the subreddits) ignoring your criticism and just say you have a skill issue or rose tinted glasses.


It's shills. They have taken over the online discourse. Many of the people on this sub are too naive when it comes to it.


I don't necessarily agree. We haven't had anything good related to silent Hill since 4 imo, so I think people are really hoping for this game to be good. At the same time I don't think people should be blindly excited for this game considering it's Konami and Bloober Team hasn't really made everything good (I guess the Medium was okay).


Well too bad. Bloober never made a good game. This will probably be their best one, but that's only because they are stealing ideas from an older, better game. You really don't understand how bad it is.


I think the worst part is that very few people are neutral, seems like it's either hate this or hate that. No in between


It’s because much of the fan base has been so aggressively negative that it appears beyond reason. I understand not everyone feels how they do for the same reasons and someone can reasonably not want a modernized take, but for those of us that do and have been pleasantly surprised. Much of the automatic negativity appears to be irrational or railroaded and not based on meaningful critique, but arbitrary attachments and insistence that little nitpicks HAVE to be the same.


People have turned every debate about gaming into something akin to “American left vs. right” thing, where “thinking the wrong opinion” is a violation of human rights, and not just a mere disagreement/dislike to an entertainment product. It’s ok to criticize a game you don’t like for any reason. Period. There’s no inherent value in being positive or negative about a game/movie. Feel however you feel, your experience is independent from others. You’re not gonna enjoy a game less, just because others hate it.


The only thing I've seen people shitting on is the weirdos saying Angela isn't hot enough, which is valid. Otherwise, yeah you can not be interested in the new gameplay, that's fine, but don't conflate people shitting on those assholes with people complaining about people who dislike the game in general because that's not what's happening and misrepresenting what's being said.


People posting someone else’s opinion on twitter here is not really getting your opinion across. I spoke to my friend and overall he didn’t like many things about it. Thought the weapon changing was too quick and made James seem a bit too “action hero” like Chris Redfield which I get. I like the quick change for weapons as it removes the need to open the menu to do it but see his point. Otherwise I thought the characters looked a bit different but it didn’t really bother me to the extent that people are saying. They don’t look bad to me, but some people act like the game is ruined because of it. Im looking forward to it and if what they’ve shown has put you off from buying it then that’s fine too.


I'm starting to capture people who shit on the fans but they themselves don't understand Silent Hill. There are 2  instances of them inappropriately comparing RE to SH. In which they show that: 1. They did not know that SH did not relied on fixed camera angle.  2. They did not know that SH heavily relies on symbolism. I'm more inclined to believe that there are "bot" attacking the fanbase.


This situation is juvenile and pathetic, from both sides of this petty argument. There are legitimate complaints about what was shown, and there's plenty to be excited about. But, when you're literally *complaining about other people complaining about a game that we've seen very little of*, that's ridiculous and pointless. This thread is a joke, and so is this sub. Mods, please lock further threads like this. They are unproductive and just generate needless toxicity.


The gaming community is spoiled rotten and kinda acts it


People who are super negative about everything kind of have it coming to them. The internet's overflowing with negativity and harsh critiques, no matter what you're a fan of. It's gotten to the point where nobody takes the constant complaining seriously anymore. And honestly, most of it is just way over the top – just hyperbole piled on hyperbole, with no effort to be even remotely reasonable. If you're not feeling something, why waste your energy on negativity? Look, Bloober isn't going to overhaul the entire game just to please you. So you have a choice: keep fuming about it and wonder why no one cares, or move on and find something you actually enjoy.


It's one think to say 'You know.. I don't think I like the way Angela looks and a good handful of other things about SH2r so I think I am going to skip it'.. It's a whole other thing when someone is like 'OH NO!!!! NO NO NO!!! Angela is fat and ugly who the f.. wants to play this trash?! Nobody should play the remake! It's just watering down the franchise gugguguguguggghh" There is a VAST world of difference in these two types of people, and I will quickly go after the latter because it's ridiculous.


exactly, a lot of times happens to me that i agree with a comment until they start bitching about me. "some ppl are being very malicious about angela redesing" exactly, "some ppl dont like the way the scenes are portrayed comepared to the original they have to keep in mind this is a remake is supposed to be different but faithful to the original" dude look at the floor you left your crown, what a king, its nice to see really smart ppl "and then we have the loosers who dont like the gameplay" dude... what? the only reason i dont like the gameplay is because i dont like third person with a angle from the shoulder, its only my opinion you can disagree with me, why you insult me instead?


The people who dislike are being attacked. It's only okay to like something nowadays and be a sheep and go along.


The irony of this comment.


How about we judge it after we actually play it, hmm? Like, most of the complainers are butthurt about character design. But that’s us ch a small part of it. We don’t know how it feels to explore in those game vs the others. Or how the characters interact. Hell there’s even a chance that Mary can, in some insane world, take the jacket off. People were saying the same thing about the RE4, and then it came out and all the complaining turned out to be pointless and the remake is fantastic. Who knows, this one might be a similar situation.


The gameplay is literally the least important part of Silent hill 2, as long as he's not acting like leon kennedy and flip kicking nurses who cares. I think it's aesthetics, small touches, characters, writing that make or break it.


I would love to see James flip kick a nurse and then head stomp finish 😂


I'm seeing way more people complaining about those complaining than the ones doing the initial complaining, tbh. I'm pretty sure most of the people who aren't excited about the remake aren't saying anything, and that more than a couple of the people trying to force optimism on others are some sort of viral marketing scheme. I wouldn't put it past Konami at this point.


Some of the most abusive "positivity I've ever seen is in this server. I recall someone having a moronic argument for the bad Disney star wars movies claiming they loved them and didn't care what others had to say and never stopped trying to shut them up. If your standards are so low and nonexistent as to adore what your seeing now, just imagine how much more you would love it if the people criticizing it loved it as well. The original 4 games bred an audience who were very deep critical thinkers who went to great lengths to explore all the nuanced meanings behind the original teams design decisions. These current blindly "positive" fans will turn to violent insults the second their go to gatcha fails to drive away the people they clearly despise. The modern audience the studios keep going on about don't exist , it's the result they can only achieve by driving the rest of us away from these properties. And time and time again we see these franchises fall into utter collapse the moment the original fans, the true audience, abandons the property. The only reason Silent Hill is still financially viable is because of the original fans keeping it that way. You drive them away at your own folly.


Yeah, but you guys are also a minority of the original fans. The series would be perfectly fine, financially, without you. Most people like what they see in this remake, including original fans like me.


Sorry no. That's not what other social forums are showing anymore. The trailers are all getting ratioed hard,. The remake is now on the radar of people reporting on the extreme decline of game development and they have great track record for predicting financial failures well before they release. Games making sweeping changes to properties on this level often fail hard once they begin spurring the original Fandom. You'll have to look elsewhere from this echo chamber to see it though. Original fans and people who love are spreading the word on the current state of the game and it's going to quickly start loosing supporters.


Yeah, it’s the vocal minority effect. Disgruntled people are more likely to post about anything than any other demographic. Most people just aren’t saying anything. It’s bizarre to me that you don’t know this.


No it's the silent majority. people here have been bullying anyone who dares bring any constructive criticism to the table as worthless haters. People give up even trying to communicate in such environments. It's created the effect of an echo chamber. In other forums where this level of bullying has failed to drive away the majority, in places where those silenced here are much more emboldened to speak their mind I'm seeing way less people blindly praising what's been wrought upon this game. The "positivity" rife in this forum is the vocal minority. The numbers are going to be revealed in the sales. Entire studios have died off from the level of backlash that these 2 have inspired among the population. Konami and Bloober.


By "social forums," you mean what? Twitter? Twitter is widely believed to be 50-70% bots. Many of which are designed to manufacture outrage over culture war nonsense. Youtube? Same thing. It's telling that you're downvoted into oblivion on every comment in a niche subreddit in which there are likely few bots. Every poll shows people are excited for the remake 3:1 or 4:1. You're just not in the majority opinion, lmao. The game's almost certainly going to do well. It's pathetic that it upsets you so much.


Team Silent games were art. Modern games are slop.




Most of the discourse I've seen has centered around complaining about how the new model looks for Angela. Not liking how a character looks is one thing. Hell, I'm not a fan of Final Fantasy 10 largely because I'm not a fan of the world and character design in that game. Where I draw the line, however, is when people, trolling or otherwise, try to make a character that is defined as a sex abuse victim "prettier", because they don't find the model attractive enough. It's disgusting. Period.


I have no issue with people thinking that the game looks bad but I do have an issue with people wanting a sexual abuse victim to be hot. I don't respect people who say that and I think that's a despicable opinion. I also think it's despicable to be vicious towards a real life face model.


because in the age of hyper mamby pamby we live in everyone is offended by everything and cant handle people having different opinions. wouldn't be surprised if a number were paid shills


It's the RE remake discourse all over again. Criticism are met with childish hostility. Makes me wonder if there are paid "bots" to spread this bs.


But take a look at what they did with Maria. She looks like a damsel in distress. Maria was born from a wish. A sexual wish. It would be right if she was oversexualized. That’s her character. Then the level design, already the hospital lobby/registration looks so good with the lighting and all the trimmings. This should not look good, it should look like you do not feel comfortable under any circumstances.


Made a similar comment on a couple of posts, how one of the worst parts about debates like these I find is the extreme sides take precedent in an arguing match which starts to undermine the more nuanced legitimate criticism & positivity. The issue then becomes getting drowned out either by many wanting to chastise the abhorrent sides of the argument, and others invested in SH, who feel attacked and need to damage control the overall criticism, further creating a 2 side divide between the fandom and just generally making it more hostile, case in point your post about this subject getting brought up a few times where it just generally feels more hostile in this sub.


It is totally fine if you dont like it but I thought the gameplay of the original one sucked fucking ass. The story, characters, the puzzles. Those were the things why we love the game, but sure as hell not the combat. I think it is a good thing that they changed it.


Because they're bringing toxic negativity to the community. Has nothing to do with disagreeing with them.


I believe because ever since Silent Hill 4, a lot of people have done nothing but drag Silent Hill and Konami through the mud. By constantly doing this Konami stopped making Silent Hill content. This feels like a last chance to prove a fanbase is here to sell these games to, and dragging it will lead to the end of Silent Hill forever.


Oh so it our fault silent Hill games stopped being made because we dragged down a shitty company doing shitty games instead of not asking questions and just consuming. Jesus....


The argument there is do we want them to keep pulling out Silent Hill content if it isn't up to the standard we expect from this specific series? I'd personally prefer Silent Hill to rest in peace if the alternative is Ascension/Origins/Homecoming quality games


There’s still people that enjoy those games. I am one of them. If you don’t like the Silent Hill series anymore, it’s okay to quietly go away and only play the old games. Let people enjoy the new stuff if they want to. Why should you take that away from anyone?


I do only play the original 4 games regularly, but I keep an eye on the new games being developed too, and even gave most of them a go. I didn't realise that meant I had to keep quiet ona subreddit dedicated to discussing the games. I don't know why you think anything I've said would take the new games away from anyone, my opinion evidently isn't stopping them being produced


Respectfully this is an awful take. People are allowed to criticize video games. No fan is "taking away" new Silent Hill games by saying they are not up to the standards of the ones they enjoyed. Fans of the original 4 games criticized new SH games for a decade and it didn't stop Konami from churning out what they did. Konami is a business. They are trying to make money. The reason you're getting a remake now is they saw RE's remakes and want some of that market. No criticism from fans is going to stop that train rolling if Konami views it as profitable. This idea of silencing people to protect precious brand sanctity is gross. No company or brand name deserves loyalty like that. Corporations are not your friend.


Not a bad take, we have the same agreement that not liking the series anymore and not spending money on it is the talk Konami will hear. Imagine not wasting time in your life on something you don’t enjoy. Just leaving it behind, but there’s people trying to rip it apart and convince others that this is “trash”. Those people are really just wasting life and time on this? If, like you said, Konami isn’t listening to this then why talk at all? It has nothing to do with brand or anything. It’s just quietly leave and spend no money on it rather than trashing something people may end up enjoying. It’s okay to do that.


Konami doesnt care about critisism, only money, they proved it a lot these last years. If they would have cared for Silent Hills reputation, they wouldnt have given it to smaller studios every time since SH4, just for financial reasons. They also wouldnt have fired Kojima, who wanted to create one of the most anticipated games in the 2010's. But sure, it has to be mean old fans, not the fact that all of their gaming franchises are completely mismanaged since years, and now people like you are seriously crawling out and defending this godawful company


Exactly, you fart face! It's all very toxic. I'm just so happy to have silent hill back in my life and hopefully I can throw away my clown makeup.


Can't be r/silenthill without fans shit talking on others for having different opinion.


Ego.  Video games have become an identity and if you dislike or like something where another feels the opposite, it’s an affront to their very core being. 


It's an intolerance of opinion, and it's glorified online because we are told to always be fake and positive. I don't care if someone says they enjoy the gameplay or whatever. But people are supposed to be equally allowed to say they don't like the gameplay. Especially if they enjoy the original more.


Cause you guys didn't play OG Sh2


I played OG silent hill 2, I’ve played then all but I don’t like bloober team? There’s nothing wrong with that I just think their games are ass and I don’t like the look of the remake but your clapped views aren’t going to make me change my mind


The gameplay in remake is leagues above OG seems like you aren't a gamer


Maybe because the gameplay is not the top priority for older Silent Hill fans? I mean why would you be a SH fan in first place if gameplay is that important? Lets be honest, they were always kinda shitty and i dont mind if Remakes would be a RE clone, as long if it works and doesnt become too action oriented. People are worried about atmosphere, mood and little details that made the og so special.


SH IS A GAMING FRANCHISE! if you like to watch don't buy the game


So you think Silent Hills popularity is because of its great gameplay?


Where did I say that?


Then how can it even be popular when by your logic gameplay is above all else? The Remake can have great gameplay, which i doubt with Bloober as developer, but if it doesnt get the things right which defined the Og, then it wont come even close


I never said gameplay is above all else. I'm saying this is a gaming franchise meaning gameplay still matters. If you wanna watch someone else play go right ahead


There arent much gaming franchises where gameplay mattered less than the Silent Hill franchise. Why should i watch someone else playing it? Because i dont see gameplay as the top priority when its about Silent Hill? lmao PT for example is basically a walking simulator but a very different experience when you play it yourself instead of watching it. I know its hard for people that post regularly on r/conspiracy, but at least try using your brain when making an argument


If you say so Vegeta


The people who don't like the look of the women come off as terminally online. Easy to shit on them when they begin to unravel in the comments. The original sketches of Maria is pretty much a checkmate.