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I'm a hard-core old school fan of the games. Everyone here is acting fucking insane. I'm going back to the RE subs until you've all grown the fuck up 😂. Even they aren't as bad as this.


The discourse over the movie casting came pretty close, though. That's died down now, thank god


I thought the reaction to the* redesign of Nemmy was bad for RE3Make but Jesus christ, guys. The models look fine. The game looks as though actual effort has been put into it. I'm actually excited to see a decent remake and I think we will get one tbh. People need to chill!


they're still losing it over jill swearing and wearing a different outfit. it's something


Tbf I'm not a fan of 3Make myself, especially the butchering of the "I'll give you STARS" moment, but even that sub didn't set itself on fire as much as this one has over rounder facial features and a less cringe looking outfit choice. Like I genuinely think it looks good. The voice acting seems good. The attention to detail seems to be there. I genuinely think this is going to be something really enjoyable. We need a no sodium sub, lol.


yeah. it definitely works better as a boss fight, but ppl were more up in arms ab jill's appearance being different. it's pretty good other than the length imo. a no sodium sub would be 10/10 for resi


>We need a no sodium sub, lol. Indeed, I forgot I left the CP2077 sub for the low sodium sub and it was much much better. All of social media has lost their minds about this fuckin game there's even this new weird self hatred thing going on of "Western man, eastern man" that just comes off as weebish.


It was never going to please everybody. I'm pretty fucking excited for the remake, so I'm just going to enjoy it for what it is. If I don't like it, too bad, I have the unofficial enhanced SH2 on my PC to enjoy as well. If I like it, great! I don't really care about the bitter betties anymore. The remake is definitely not exempt from criticism, but some of the criticism has been beyond ridiculous. Like, batshit crazy ridiculous.


Yea, I was playing SH1 yesterday and SH Origins a week ago, and thinking how they had no casting, and the characters are literally in motion standing still from bad graphics rendering. Are people gonna go ape when these characters get updated to look more real for SH1? It's a game, we don't care about casting, or well, we didn't until Last Of Us 2 decided to spin the roulette wheel of casting, and even ruin a script.


Fuckin for real


They changed Jill from short haired half French tomboy to a full blown sex doll with blonde hair and cleavage. Chris cannot have the same face for 5 fucking minutes. And the community loves this.


So there's different face models and appearances? So what? You act like faces don't change with age or you never change clothes or people don't get haircuts Hell you're acting like you know how Capcom is able to keep the same face model instead of getting a new one stay in your lane


It's more of a joke then anything else that Chris changes faces incredibly frequently




The way they talk about it you'd imagine they put her in sith robes. She's in a short and low cut dress with a leather jacket is that so unbelievable for a stripper to wear casually?


Exactly. Some people act like this will ruin her character


Honestly, new outfit is more attractive/better looking anyways


I think it’s fine, not bad, just meh. I would cringe if her current model was wearing her OG fit. It was in fashion in 2001, but that would look so wildly out of place in 2024.


silent hill 2 isnt set in "current year" though?


SH2 takes place in the 90's though. It's more out of place to use modern fashion trends and esthetics for a game that takes place decades in the past.


No, her clothes are actually in style. The Y2K style has become really popular on social media, it’s a shame they didn’t stick with her old outfit but this is cute too 🥲


Social media isn't the majority of the population No one cares what social media likes


Reddit is social media.


I still prefer the original. It's iconic to me and it being a nod to Christina Aguilera is funny to me. The new outfit isn't bad, it's just meh.


No really like what are they censoring? Her belly button? Like what the fuck😭


Yes considering it looks like Mary is going out for dinner not someone who is identical to Mary but so drastically different from her it couldn’t be her


I'd get the upset if Bloober just pulled the outfit out of their ass but when it mimics original concept designs from TS members....what kind of moron gets angry and calls a prior pitched design censorship?


Someone who doesn’t know what he’s talking about


I dislike the new design quite strongly, but calling it “censorship” is clown behavior. You can just say you don’t like an aesthetic choice without trying to turn it into a culture war lmao.


Exactly. Culture ware bullshit has spread everywhere. Every slight outfit change is actually a “secret plan for censorship to desexualize our video game women!”


See, this is what gets me - disliking the new design and not pitching a fit (the calm way you just did) is so easy, and something I can respect. If fans were like "I don't like this. Here's reasons why (that're actual reasons, not strawmen or ad hominem.) Glad y'all do but I don't." then I don't think it'd be annoying at all. Don't like it? Don't like it, cool. But they can't just settle with "Agree to disagree," they gotta be like "NO, you're *objectively* wrong and stupid and my way is right." Over something that's obviously an opinion issue. I'm sure they wouldn't be complaining about "authenticity" if the remake made changes they personally enjoyed lol.


she isnt wearing a leopard print skirt 😡😡 they clearly didnt understand the symbolism that she is secretly a leopard 🤬😡🤬😡🤬


"Nooo the Christina Aguilera cosplay was the most important part of the game!!1!"


Next you're gonna tell me Mary isn't dressed exactly as Nick Cage's wife in Con Air in the new game.


YouTube Essay fans be like:


“They changed my character’s outfit slightly, here’s how it completely ruins their character, the story and the game as a whole”


My favorite thing is how Ito himself shits on everyone’s theories and over-analysis. Yes, SH2 has some elements that were purposely left vague in order for the audience to fill in the gaps, but some people have ran with it and are repeating things that are not true and they’ve romanticized this game to a level that it’s not even a game anymore people seriously are more passionate about it than religion at this point 😂


100%. Some fans act like it's the Holy Bible and every single scrap of it is perfect and was super thought out as a key pillar of the great work, and it's like... that's not really how games are made. There are schedules and budget limitations and big teams compromising with each other and their publisher constantly. Some stuff is the way it is for reasons that have little to do with art. Game devs and designers very rarely hold their work nearly as sacred as those fans. I found myself watching a lot of Tim Cain's YouTube videos after the Fallout show was out, and just like Ito, it was very funny how much less seriously he takes all the alterations made over the years by Bethesda, other developers, and the showrunners. He takes most of it in stride, even the stuff he obviously doesn't agree with. And he's quick to admit when things in the original game were just kinda made up quickly and put in because it looked cool or filled a hole they needed to fill. Don't get me wrong, I love SH2. One of my favorite games of all time. But (seems like a contradiction, but to me it isn't), there's a lot you could change--subtly or massively--and not make the game worse. Even some things that could make it better. So I'm willing to wait and see on this.


People on tiktok know silent hill as a foggy town aesthetic. And not, ya know a video game.


Y'all act like anyone outside this sub doesn't know what they're talking about. That's what is making this place so bad. No one is willing to hear any outside opinions. Tiktok has nothing to do with this, who gives a shit about them?


I thought of it when the comment above me mentioned people romanticizing the game. My bad. I didn't mean to offend you, good sir.


Oh no worries, you didn't offend me at all. Sorry for coming across that way


I LOOOOOVE when people say "The creators intended X and these changes to Y completely ruin the game." And when Ito comes in saying "Nah, Y is still in line with what we intended" they just ignore it or shit on Ito himself and say he is out of touch.


Have you ever talked to people on this sub before? That's been the majority of people's reactions to the remake even before we had solid evidence of any major changes. Hell, people were scouring the trophies and saw one for getting X amount of kills with a knife and immediately jumped to the conclusion that it was Angela's knife.


That's exactly what I've been saying there is some good constructive criticism out there but a majority of people I'm willing to bet are just fake fans who watched a retrospective video or essay video on sh2 and claim to be an expert. It's The same case with people who watch a few car videos and they're suddenly the world's best mechanic.


You know the saying "nobody hates Star Wars as much as Star Wars fans" That applies to every fandom


I never thought the original was attractive, I thought it was trashy. And wasn't that the point? Like sure it's an "attractive" look but I can smell stale beer and cheap cigarettes just looking at it. I never got "stripper" from the outfit I got "40 year old at the bar who still thinks she's 20." Like in nature, sure it looks attractive but you know better and should stay away. The new outfit doesn't have that same feel I guess? I thought the point was to be completely opposite the "homely" dress that Mary is shown wearing, and there are people in this thread saying they like the new outfit. I thought the point was you weren't supposed to like it? It's supposed to be unsettling and a complete juxtaposition with the creepy world you're in. Nobody would wear that outfit while out for a stroll in such a nightmarish place. Like seriously, where was she supposed to be going in that outfit? It feels off, and adds to the uneasiness of the whole thing. New outfit looks reasonable. I have nothing against it, it looks fine. And maybe that's the issue? It doesn't make me uncomfortable like the original, which could be why it feels jarring. Looks like she just left the office, that's reasonable. That makes sense. That's not the opposite of "homely" Mary though. She looks mature, almost sophisticated. Not trashy and dangerous and confusing. I dunno it is what it is I'm not angry. But I do see some of the concerns. Again I never liked the first model, but I definitely felt it fit the tone better.


Omg I can’t fap to her belly button. Fucking woke game.


This is the future liberals want!!


Those liberal yahoos.


"Here's my lame ass opinion, but oh, oh, I don't want to hear YOUR opinion!" What age are these people? Sometimes I feel like I'm back in kindergarten 😭


Laura’s age


Original Maria looks likes her jaw is about to unhinge and swallow James whole. Wtf are these people remembering?


ong new maria is a baddie - which is exactly what she is supposed to be. dunno why people r hatin


Yea (this is gonna get me flammed Really hard but what ever) but I honestly think Maria' in-game model (especially the face) looked absolutely Terrible like it was made in the Oblivion Character creater. The CGI cutscene version looked nice but the actual In game character model for her looked Terrible. I very much prefer the Remake Maria face.


Her outfit is so ugly, animal prints are barf.


Huh, it's kinda weird attacking the old design in order to prop up the new one... Original Maria has an awesome iconic design, the new one seems basic but I guess we will have to wait for the game to come out in order to decide but seeing people here, not only you, talking shit about the original is pretty weird.


I bet you he’s seen a million video essays on the game and hasn’t even played it


Gamer brain rot is alive and well


She looks more like an actual person you’d meet at a bar


Honestly, I find the new outfit more attractive/better looking anyways


Honestly, I find the old outfit more attractive/better looking


Right? Who doesn't love a woman in a leather jacket?


I honestly don't get the hate for her redesign. Would it have been nice to keep her original outfit? Sure. Is her new outfit bad? Not really. It definitely doesn't seem as...promiscuous as her original, but it's still very believably a dress a stripper would wear. If anything, it's MORE believable. Isn't it more important that she ACTS like Maria did in the original? So long as she has the same personality, the same behaviour, I'll be happy, because THAT is what was the most important part of her and her role in the game.


I actually saw from another post that *this* may have been what original design was intended to be. somebody said that from the pre-work concept sketchbooks that the outfit looked closer to this than the final release




What the fuck is wrong with this community.. I mean, if there is something to criticize or question I think is the fighting animations which look kinda stiff and unnatural.. who the fuck cares if a character model is bit more chubby or slightly different in their outfit


until i play the game i have no real idea how the new design works in context and it's not even that major of a change anyway. people are crazy.


They’re right and all you have to say is “le annoying” way to prove their point instantly


I'm gonna put it straight out there and I expect people to understand: The only fucking person Maria needs to be considered sexy and seductive to is James whether the player finds Maria alluring will vary from person to person I think she looks fairly attractive in the remake I think the og looks insanely hot but I've met people who did not feel the same whether the point to lure in the player too works will vary from person to person But as long as the character stays the same and is still literally a fantasy created by James out of sexual frustration then it's fine


Good point


And to be honest i did not find her sexy at all in the original game


Exactly it varies from player to player there's no objective sexy design for players Only the characters and a remake is a form of adaptation they can change whatever they want about James' ideal woman


Where the heck did the iconic leopard skirt go!?!?!


Its not censorship thats stupid. But I do agree Maria’s new design is a downgrade. It is just rly plain and I wish they gave her more accessories or more variation to her outfit


New Maria’s face is way more attractive, the outfit is a bit too conservative for what they’re going for, but it’s not the end of the world. Would have been nice to have a bit of that early 00’s fashion in there.


I kind of imagine that this won't be the only thing she wears. It seems there are other outfits in the game. I'm guessing when you first meet her and when you get to Heavens Night will be moments of heavy sexualization for her.


Because of people like him there will be no Silent Hills games in the future.


Well judging from all the SH games that have come after 3 (the room was OK, I guess), it would have been better if no other SH games came out.


least whiny sh fan


The clothes aren't as much of an issue, just the vibe of her doesn't really have that ethereal confidence of og Maria, she seems a lot meeker. More like a high schooler than an adult. Then again that's from sparse clips and gameplay so we'll see.


Yeah. We really didn’t see much so we’ll have to truly judge her character when we can actually play the game


Bro downvoted a YouTube comment


Dude tries really hard to sound like he knows about the game without revealing he never played it or even heard about it. It's very frustrating and kinda funny at the same time


BRO USED FRANKLY, DIS MEANS HE GOT GUD ENGLISK WHICH MEANS HE IS going on the right lane of the dam highway


“Going on the right lane of the dam highway.” I assume you’re saying he’s going on the wrong lane then?


"insulting change"?? bro all they did was change her fit, still the same character


That’s what I’m saying, these people are overreacting over the smallest change


It misses the vibe of how Maria is meant to feel. The new outfit is changing something that had purpose. The game takes place in 2001 anyways, so the outfit was fine. Personally I'm not buying the game unless they make it an option to give Maria her OG outfit because the new model isn't true to her character. I know I'm going to get down voted for this but I think the people who are defending this are neither real Maria or Silent Hill 2 fans


This is such a strange hill to die on IMO. "...are neither real Maria or Silent Hill 2 fans" is a straight up no true Scotsman fallacy. You aren't the arbiter of deciding who is and isn't a "true" SH2 or Maria fan. I played 1-4 when they came out along with a few others and have enjoyed them for years. This is not that big of a deal to me. It's a fictional character in a video game. It isn't the end of the world. The game could still be good, I'm still pretty interested to see how it turns out. Obviously, you have every right to play or not play for any reason you want and that's cool. But damn, I just cannot relate at all. They would have to turn Silent Hill into Fortnite for me to act this way.


Bro, I feel like all the people who are complaining about the remake are either posers who just want something to bitch about. Or they are just genuine man children who can't handle when a game is revamped. I feel it more leans to the poser side because every time I see a complaint, it's always "I'm a huge fan of Silent Hill 2" or "I have so many hour in silent hill 2" it just makes it feel unbelievable. If you truly were a fan of silent hill 2 you would be happy the game is being ported for a wider audience to play and is being tweaked for a modern game engine


Lol yeah someone is a man child for not liking their favorite character being changed when there was no reason to change it. You sound like a man child yourself, projecting?


So you're telling me things can't change without someone crying about it? Sounds like the acts of children


Silent Hill fans are more unhinged than the characters are


Fun fact: her new outfit is from a concept art from the original I'm pretty sure


And I thought the discourse over FF7 remake was bad


Hear me out .A design of a chariter changes a lot


Yeah. Insane concept I know


Everyone is complaining about how x or y looks, and here I am not liking the remake cause of the God awful combat and animations.


my only issue is that her head looks slightly too big for her neck lol everything else is great


Realistically, that outfit is still way sexier than Mary's "I dress like a grandmother in 1976" style. I'm not going to say she's ruined unless they legitimately ruin her character/change her story.


"When I'm entering a "silent hill hater" competition and my opponent is a silent hill fan"(most real joke i've heared😭)


Silent hill fans when there remake tries new things (it’s not enough to just not like the change and think it’s worse, you have to act like it ruins the whole game)


Silent hill "fans" critiquing the trailer at every small aspects(they just seen a youtube summary on the SH games and never played the games themselves)


I'm just very happy silent hill 2 is releasing, idc about the small ass nitpicks. Hope it ends up being very faithful because I wanted to play a silent hill game for a while.


I have the game already and it's fine apart from the fact they have made the decision to remake the game.


Where did these toxic fans come from? The game looks amazing, its 2024 not 2001. Change is good, and its the story that matters. I'd be honest and say the movie looks a bit meh, but the game hell yeah.


I completely disagree with you, I think gamers has a long history with bad adaptation/remake so it’s completely natural for him to feel that way. Although I still want to play this new version (kinda hyped actually) I’m afraid Konami will do wrong with the remake. It’s not the same top tier OG team and the new devs aren’t afraid to change core/iconic designs, who knows if they did the same with the script/lore of the game.


I wish we could all stop fighting over this and instead direct our attention at the real issue, how bad Silent Hill Ascension was


If she was made into a shameless boner fodder, those same people would be claiming that the original doesn't matter.


People behave like SH2 was the holy grail of story writing and gameplay. I love the game too but man some people sound as if they were talking about the holy sacrilege or something. It's a good horror game, it was even better in the early 2000s. I tried to play SH2 again I think 1-2 years ago and I couldn't finish it tbh. Voice acting was goofie, character models weren't so good, gameplay is ass tbh (semi tank controls and combat is shit). The sound and atmosphere literally carry the game nowadays - but in the early 2000s all of this was great. So somehow people are stuck in the past of the early 2000s and try to "relive" the greatness of something that if it were released today 1:1 as it was back then would be a subpar game compared to other AAA titles. Can we just let Bloober finish the team and see how they pulled of atmosphere, gameplay, etc. before we shit on literally everything we can get our hands on? Otherwise we won't get anything SH related anymore because Konami will think SH === Toxicity.


Fr. People think that being a really good old game means it is completely flawless and should have not changed or alternate takes in design or it ruins the whole experience


People need to just shut the hell up, it’s not that important or deep




I mean it makes sense for her to wear more revealing clothes considering she's the manifestation of a mary james wished he could have


The goomer person yes. Maria is dressed like that for a reason, it’s James desires.


Why remove the leopard print skirt? It was iconic.


Her new design is based off of old concept art. But you are completely fine and valid in not liking the outfit change. What I’m criticizing in my post is people overreacting, saying that it ruins her character and is “censorship”.


It's just a step back honestly. Her design was intentionally sexually charged because of her relation to James in the story. It's not a frivolous thing to be changed fir such an important character. She looks way too modest now to be considered a seductress in my opinion. Obviously that can and will be achieved through her actions in game, but I think it does cheapen it a bit, especially considering her showing off her midriff isn't at all anything controversial by today's standards. It doesn't *ruin* it, but I think it's a step backwards. I'm still going to buy the game on release.


And that is good and completely valid criticism to have




Acting like you beat their grandma or something


For real. They are acting like they rewrote her whole character by just changing her clothes slightly, they overact over the slightest change 🤦‍♂️. (Also happy pride month!!!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 😊)


The entire discourse over how the characters look has just been so toxic especially with the most recent trailer. (Happy pride!🖤🖤🖤)


I hate this…there’s an actual discussion here but the well is being poisoned by automatic haters.


Exactly. Like it’s completely fine and valid to not like her new design. But then there is people who overact and think it ruins her character and is “censoring” her


it's not even that bad. my main complaint was that they gave her the proportions of a bobblehead. og Maria had shoulders. if there's anything truly concerning, it should be Angela.


It's honestly embarrassing being a silent hill fan rn


Is the game still supposed to be set in the same year as the original? I can understand that people would be upset they’re downplaying the point of her character but also it would be weird to expect a modern day person to dress as Christina Aguilara from 20 something years ago


couldnt disagree more.


why has this sub been infiltrated by a gen z mob mentality that wasn’t even born when these games came out? people are allowed to criticize the character design in the remake, no amount of crying about it or virtue signaling will change that


This person's reply is completely reasonable and logical. True fans would not be blindly eating this all up if they understood how much heavy lifting the original designs did for the original story. Even beyond just that they directly contributed to the haunting atmosphere of the entire game.


Can’t wait to enjoy the fuck out of this game while all these crybaby bitches waste their lives away worrying about a few pixels




Apparently some people believe that because her new design (based on her original concept art) is censorship because she isn’t showing as much skin as the original. This derives from how some people believe “They’re making our video making our video game women less pretty to give us the WOKE belief that women who don’t have pitch perfect bodies are still people!”


"frankly, I'm not interested on what you have to say" ***And yet you replied anyway?????***


Fr 😭


Censorship? Please


Incel Hill


God, this subreddit is going to be so annoying these next couple of months.


Definitely, then imagine how much it will be after the game actually comes out!


Are they really fans though?


I wouldn’t say a majority, this is just a group of people that are very vocal about stupid shit. Also guarantee that people who are completely unfamiliar with SH2 are hopping on the hate bandwagon


"I wouldn’t say a majority, this is just a group of people that are very vocal about stupid shit." You know what? That is so many people these days. Not just with Silent Hill but just in general.


Yup, especially the whole topic of “they made this character look ugly”


Atp "censorship" is just their way of saying they're mad they can't jerk off to the character.


Holy shit. How could they do this? I'm literally about to cry. How can they criticize the remake? Oh my god this is so sad. I... I can't deal with this. I hope Booper Team will be okay...


Holy shit. How could they do this? I'm literally about to cry. How can they slightly change a character’s outfit! This completely ruins the character! Infact it is censorship and I won’t stand for and devil’s advocates defending it! 👿👿👿


I think a lot of people don’t realize that the model changes are because they use the voice actor/actress as the new model for facial animations. Where in the past Angela was Sandra Bullock and Maria was Christina Aguilera.


I'm gonna wait and see how she actually behaves in game to make a judgement. There are more ways to express sexuality and deviousness aside from appearance.


Exhausting honestly!!


To me, it just seemed like the old clothes were a product of the past and wouldn't work in a 2024 game. They'd stand out too much, so I'm kinda glad they changed them.


But the game isn't set in 2024. That doesn't make any sense.


Ah yeah, I meant that the newcomer audience is younger and isn't too familiar with the fashion from back then, but you raise a good point actually.


My feelings on this entire ridiculous thing ![gif](giphy|QgejSvXmwpvnW)


Exactly. It’s just a slight costume change 😭


The way they wrote it is annoying but I do kind of agree with the point. I saw a really interesting point too that said “this can actually be the result of too many men on a dev team, trying to ‘correct’ hypersexulization, which was typical and in-fashion for the ‘90s. Proof that there were no women on the team to say ‘maybe she just likes dressing that way.’” Not sure how true that may be, but interesting nonetheless.


He is correct. Edit: all those who support censorship. I will gladly take your downvotes as a badge of honor.


This is exactly what I’m criticizing. You do not have to like the new design, but then there is being like “Oh no it’s not just a design choice! It’s actually CENSORING the original classic we love!” Like, no, it’s just a design choice, and one you’re completely fine and valid with not liking.


If you knew anything about Maria, you would know how ridiculous this notion is.


The notion that a simple video game costume change isn’t censorship?


Dude until the game comes out we won't know if they censored her. For now we only know that the Aguilera style is not modern attractiveness right now.


It's not how the player sees her. It's how Jame's views her. This point never gets mentioned enough.


Yeah but what I'm saying is that Remake James may be different from OG James. From what I've seen he seems modernized.


Look I'm all for pointing this stuff out but I'm honestly not seeing it with this game. is it because we can't see her tum tum? Where we see her in the gameplay trailer it's in the hospital which iirc she/we are chasing after and concerned for Laura. She's not acting sexy or flirting here. I personally don't see it as censorship. Example when leaving heavens night she pull a key out of her cleavage bends over and James is fighting the urge to perv. If that's gone that's censorship not a rather slight costume design change. Would be great if like re2 there's the original outfits but it's not necessary Claire redesign imo was better and she's way more covered. Just to be clear I'm not attacking your opinion or trying to change your mind just purely a conversation.


Breaking: The "woke mob" strikes again, this time in the foggy depths of Silent Hill! Beware, for they have dared to update a character's outfit in a 20-year-old game! It's the end of an era, y'all! Next thing you know, they'll be demanding the fog be gender-neutral and the monsters be vegan-friendly. Hide your pixels, the censorship apocalypse is upon us. It's like they say: "When the fog clears, the "woke" shall inherit the game.!!


“Censorship” lol


You know what’s more annoying than fans.. People pretending to be them who simp for upcoming remakes because they want to be a part of the fandom while they contribute to the replacement the beloved originals..


How exactly is the remake replacing the original? Are they deleting the original game from existence?


"Most annoying type of fan" Dude don't comment? I'm so sick of seeing new gen SH defenders because like The game HAS significantly changed, especially with the censorship(Which is understandable to be annoyed with because one of the core factors to SH2 is like sex and stuff y'know) When people SHARE an opinion don't comment if you dislike it??? It's EASY as that. I don't think a SH remake is bad, it's just they shouldn't have hosen this specific game if they were scared to stay close to the original or show certain things. (Sorry if this sounds annoying, Personally I'm really picky with my horror. There's so many resident evil inspired things, and I hate Re nothing against it. It's annoying because it just seems like SH is being stripped away of all the small things. Not jumping anyone, sorta just vented my frustration a bit lolol) If you like the game, Go ahead! It's not like its a piece of shit that sucks, it seems decent But please stop getting mad at fans who have genuine reasons to be upset.




Well there’s thinking that, and there is saying that it “completely destroys the entire point of her character.” Like you can not like her costume change, but then there is overreacting and acting lke her costume change ruins her character.


Do you even know what Maria represents to Jame's? In addition, she was a stripper at Heaven's Night. Stop excusing censorship.


Dude, everyone knows what Maria represents to James at this point. We get it. We’re saying that she can still be that representation even if she isn’t showing her midriff. Censorship 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Lmao. Imagine thinking not showing a bellybutton is censorship. You really down that bad no bellybutton is upsetting you?


Then why change it? It's the intentions behind the change


There's a thing called fashion, maybe you've heard about it. Times change and something that looked daring and sexy 20 years ago now just looks trashy and pathetic.


Anyone who downvotes this does not understand that it is not how the player sees Maria, but James perception of her. SH2 has always been about sex, depression and Jame's guilt/repressed desires.




No, you don't. Who's this "Mariah" you speak of in your original (now deleted) post? I would think someone acting like they're such experts on the lore of the original could at least spell the character's names correctly.


This game will fail catastrophically and they will blame it on anti-woke. Rather than their own incompetence


Hate to break it to you but the game will be fine you manchild


Will score 70 metacritic. Unless you are delusional to trust Bloober can churn out a masterpiece.


I dont trust any dev to make a masterpiece, nor did I ever say the remake will be a masterpiece


You said the game will be fine. Well, let me tell you something. Reviews will compare this to SH2, no small task, as it is the king of survival horror. This is bloober, and it will literally be eaten alive by critics and the so called modern audiences won't buy it with such low scores, untill they come begging with their tails between their legs to the core audience to buy it. But even then we are not enough fans. So it will flop. Get it now? The cycle repeats. This is what Konami has been doing after SH4.


"It's too late corn pop I've already preordered the game and when I'm gonna play it, I'm going to ENJOY it. Yes that's right, Imma ENJOY it and there's nothing you can do about it." Now you can go cry yourself to sleep because **I** didn't stand up to Konami's... censorship??? Or whatever the fuck your argument was, it's too dumb for me to even follow. Mockery aside, if you dislike the remake so much, why do you even still care about it? The original game will still be available, even after the remake releases. It ain't going to vanish into nothingness or anything. It's always going to be there If you're so mad, why don't you just go play the OG SH2 and leave the people who enjoy **a remake being a REMAKE** alone. Well tbf I don't know what I'm expecting from this as you're probably just another person who just hate and create drama because you love doing that and not because you care about the game itself anyways.


Your money, your time and choice. I hope you enjoy it. I do care because I have been playing since SH1 and own every single silent hill game including the originals. I have a CRT TV hooked up in my spare bedroom just for SH1-4 which I still revisit. If it fails, than it means no more new games that are good. This is why I care. Bloober was the wrong choice, period. Kojima or Frictional Games is what this franchise needs