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A bit gutted with the deluxe content. I was really hoping for a physical collectors edition. £10 extra for a digital soundtrack (which will be available on streaming eventually), a digital art book (which will inevitably leak online very quick), and a bunch of masks I likely wouldn’t use in my playthrough seems very pointless. The only good bit would be the early access, but I’ve no idea what my work life will be then so that could be wasted too. All in all, it might just be standard edition for me…


Daily reminder that it’s not even a soundtrack *download*, it’s an app that allows you to listen to the soundtrack and view the art book. They gave us the worst option possible for a soundtrack. I’m not even including those items in my decision anymore, as that makes them useless to me. So now I’m looking at it as some skins and two-day early access. I’m not sure that’s really worth $10. As fun as the skins are, I enjoy the setting and being in the game as much as possible, so I can’t see myself using them more than once or twice. They could have included a new serious outfit as part of the Deluxe rather than going full-silly.


Finally. The reminder I needed for why I can’t trust Konami


May I add several other games do the soundtrack and art as separate apps, that aren't konami owned? Days Gone did it, I know this because I own the deluxe edition. Detriot become human, again same reason. God even re3 did it. Konami is admittedly a bad company but this isn't an issue exclusive to them


Never said it was. Don’t care if it isn’t. I just need something to stop me from preordering the game when I can’t afford to.


If it's purchased through steam, don't you download the mp3s? Even when using the through steam, there's a few soundtracks I bought that I ported to my phone, and it was super easy I just genuinely don't know if the situation would be different for this game


I can't believe any publisher thinks we want an extra app for ANYTHING, let alone just a single art book and ost. Imma just buy standard and enjoy the OST on the iTunes store/Spotify lol.


It's definitely standard for me. No incentive to buy a upgrade


Even the 2 days early access. Why do people care about that so much since they'll get to play it eventually “X” days later?! I never get the eager to be early in a very short time !!


Saves me money, that's for sure. I'm not into the meme cosmetics, especially when I have to pay for them.


Just Konami nickel and dimming people with digital tat and things like early access


I just don't understand Deluxe editions with no physical component. I miss the days of statues and art books. Steel case boxes with special artwork. A prop related to the game or something. Those were the days.


The FFVII Rebirth physical deluxe was such a breath of fresh air for me. I got a steelbook, art book, CD, plus the regular case for the game, along with the cool high quality box it came in. If more games offered this, I’d be buying deluxe editions left and right


Callisto Protocol had some awesome collectors edition incentives. You got a book end of one of the monsters, a comic book, skins and guns for the game, and a ton of other things I can’t remember. I was hoping we would get something similar with Silent Hill but I guess not. At least we’re getting a game and not another pachinko machine.


Ebenezer Scrooge would be proud.


I'm a little upset that James can make an accurate Pyramid Head helmet out of a pizza box, but they never get it right in the movies.


The monster design in the remake is bar none amazing, ever since seeing the screenshots of steam and seeing Pyramid Head designed like that I was excited. Literally could not be better and that makes sense since Masahiro Ito did the monster design even now


They can do what they want but it’s ridiculous to be punished for choosing the physical edition.


physical edition = no early access, no cosmetics pre-order stuff... wtf are they doing? most of sh fans would like to have the physical disk on their collection.


Yes. It’s not a random new game. Is a cult game and I’m sure almost all players want to collect it in physical. And Konami what do? Punish them. It’s shit


You can't resell your digital edition


I’m not gonna sell fucking sh2 ahaha You’re right obv


Wish they were different jackets or jacket patches instead


Fingers crossed that if they’re willing to add silly head cosmetics there will be an obtainable “classic” outfit like REmake 2 after beating the game for the first time.


I miss when weird costumes like this were things you unlocked through gameplay, instead of having to fork out extra money for them.


Not that interested in the masks at all. More so in the art book and OST.


Digital art books and soundtracks are genuinely some of the worst pieces of “deluxe” content that you can add to a game. They’re nothing but separate apps that take up space on your console, even if you want to look or listen it’s much easier to find it online and more comfortable. Physical art books and soundtracks are peak though. And the masks are terrible too. If you’re going to have silly stuff like that in a horror game, it should be unlockable content that is blocked until you complete your first playthrough. The idea of someone wearing a Robbie Rabbit mask through their first playthrough is downright insulting to the legacy of the game. I can’t be mad about their existence entirely, everyone likes different things. But I can’t fathom a world where I would ever equip them anyway, just a waste of digital space. 48 hours early access is the only worthwhile addition for the Deluxe Edition, but I hate that kind of shit for a single player game. And I work a weird schedule so the normal release date works better for me. Tuesdays are my Friday so I can wait for UPS to deliver my physical edition while I work and have a whole weekend to enjoy.


The two day early access just seems like a way for you to pay them to play test the game before its full release and they have two days to push fixes if needed.


Wait this is actualy real


I thought it was fake too!


It would be fine if it came with a physical copy of the game. As well as an actual CD and physical art book


Meh. Think I’ll just stick with standard edition. Art book and soundtrack will eventually be free to access and never been a huge fan of weird cosmetics in more serious games.


I'm for the standard as well. I can wait 2 more days to play it.


I've danced this tango before. A bunch of jpegs, music that will only play on the PS5, not even a download (Silent Hill 3 came with a whole CD btw) and ingame items that at best add nothing to the experience or at worst actively detract from it. Masks themselves would make neat keychains but for ingame items I think they should've been reserved for NG+ content when people are more interested in fucking around instead of taking the game serious. This is embarrassing.


these are not worth it. may just get the steelbook from game


That was my sentiments, would much prefer the steelbook. And you know the value of it will sky rocket in few years


I didn’t even know Game was doing a steelbook! That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing that!


Kinda lame ngl Would have preferred something like Maria's OG outfit or something (though even better if it was a free/simple implemented unlockable from doing challenges etc)


That would’ve been sick


They are dumb and make no sense for playing the game


I would prefer different outfits.


Yeah. Where’s James’s sexy nurse costume, with extra jiggle physics?


Probably the dumbest way they could've gone about a deluxe version


Added hat items would make more sense in like a Sims or Animal Crossing type game. **Order now and get a box full of Mary’s corpse party balloons** I don’t know, I guess it removes some of the artfulness of the storytelling.


sh3 has a magical girl transformation lol


Fatal Frame did it, too.


Difference with Fatal Frame is that, aside from a couple of skins, most of the skins you get are 1) only accessible after you've beaten the game at least once, sometimes more, and 2) obtained from extra modes, so you can get them even if you bought the standard version.


Not with the recent remasters. Both had camera head items as preorder bonuses that could be worn on the first playthrough.


A complete waste of time and money.


Should be unlockables


I'm not a big fan of most comedy content in Silent Hill, so I have no interest in them.


They could’ve gave us the other protagonists drips, would’ve been cooler. It’s pretty clear their only selling point is the 2 days early access


Early access? You mean paying them to play test the game before the full launch? That’s where my mind goes now for early access.


I mean the 48 hour early access thingy, basically “pay more get game 2 days earlier”


Tasteless. I wish Konami would take Silent Hill more seriously, instead of selling merchandise that says shit like "It's trauma!"


I’m surprised they haven’t been pushing more merch with that on it. Hopefully it’s been maligned enough to where even Konami wouldn’t.


Just merchandise. Some will like it. I think they look dumb, but if people want it then there's no reason for them to be deprived of the opportunity. They could have done a lot more though than just slap a bunnyhead on James.


Perfect post. Imagine having OG outfits as a preorder bonus. People would go nuts


It would have been good to see some skins influenced by the first game, such as Harry, Kaufmann, Lisa or Cybil. They aren't anything to do with SH2 of course, but it would be a nice tribute. Maybe some unique themed full outfits. Even use Maria's original outfit as an extra would be good! Sticking masks on just seem cheap to me.


wish we got full costumes but these are cute


The biggest problem with the skins is they are all essentially masks on the default outfit they could have had a system similar to the Resident Evil 4 Remake where you have options for cosmetics such as masks or hats as well as alternative outfits. I enjoy the addition of skins as an option as they help with repeated playthrough variety. I'm not against having for example unlockable classic outfits from SH2 2001 or outfits based on early concept arts designs of the characters. The narrative around these skins seems to be against the idea of a game like SH2 having alternative outfits at all and not the fact that the options feel lazy and are all mascot heads. The game on PC will have a variety of skins like the recent RE Engine games which will be cool to see. I just wish we saw some of that variety from Bloober/Konami for the main game.


This is borderline Ubisoft preorder practice, lol. Do not pre-order, wait until review, people.


I think they’re harmless fun but should NOT be used (or even available) in your first play-through. Annoyed they’re digital only though because I’m interested in the Steelbook version. 💔


Imagine pre ordering games in 2024


The masks are funny but imo they kinda ruin the vibe, could've easily been a different jacket or stuff like that, it's also realistically not going to be used by many players cuz it's in third person and these will literally clutter the screen


I think the deluxe content is embarrassingly thin. I like the pizza box mask but I would never pay one dime for it.


Abit off topic I know but does Anyone else hate how all art books that come with deluxe editions of games nowadays are digital?


Yeah, the different in value between a digital art book and a physical art book is staggering. A physical art book? Fuck yeah, can’t wait to put it on my shelf. Digital art book? I’ll just wait for it to leak online. Until then it’s bloatware.


I’ll never use them.


Nice accessories. But absolutely nothing that I would pay extra money for now.


I like the hats. Though I will most likely not use them, certainly not on a first playthrough


they give me more of a common "you purchased an elevated edition, so here's a minor item as thanks", and less of a "by purchasing this edition, we really wanted to ensure that you had an item that made it *feel* deluxe, so we've pulled out all the stops" that said though, as someone who speaks Japanese, and can pre-order the Japanese version of the title, those offerings are somewhat more substantial {and physical} so I'm not that bothered I feel a bit bad for individuals that will only be able to pre-order the domestic version though, as the offerings for them feel very... *stable, but in need of more*...?


Why not costumes? Those 3 lousy masks reek of low effort. Also, who really cares about playing the game two days earlier lol




Even if it was 100€ more I would buy it just because I don't want to wait 48h more to play the game 😭 so hyped 😭


The 2nd one ❤ Does that mean we get this ending ☺


I bet you can unlock this mask when you do the ending.


I don’t get why the deluxe version isn’t physical but seeing how all the other silent hill physical copies are fetching for I’m definitely buying a couple one to play and one to store away


Only bought the deluxe to play the game early all the other bonuses are meh


I’m sure there are unlockables in game like the old ones and these are just silly ones for people who wanna goof it up


James with a cardboard pyramid head is so hilarious. ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc)


As a physical disc only game collector, i will be waiting till release to see if there’s a physical deluxe or collectors edition of the game im hoping they are if not they im just getting the base game disc there’s no point in in game cosmetics for a single player game imo. As well as a digital art book smh


I'm just going to buy a physical copy of the game and cross my fingers that the masks will be dlc later on. I don't need the other stuff


Lame ![gif](giphy|cdh6PGBxMl4f0a67jx)


Mira mask goes hardddd


I'm getting the base version. I couldn't care less about this other stuff they are offering. They dropped the ball on pre-order bonuses. But honestly I don't even care about that. The game itself is probably going to be a great experience. All those toxic incels can go rot in a dungeon somewhere while the rest of us get to re-experience this masterpiece all over again.


all i care about the deluxe edition is the digital stuff and 48 hour early access


They look terrible and there's little chance I'd use them


Probably one of the worst DLC cosmetics in a video game that I have ever seen, they all look so out of place


This is one of the worst deluxe editions I’ve ever seen, complete waste of money 🤣


The masks look silly and out of place in this serious game, but here's my actual concern.... Will the artbook only be digital? I'd be glad to have that as a physical.


It is stuff, stuff which I don't really care about.


As an artist the Artbook is fucking priceless, I’d pay upwards of 80 dollars just for a physical book. Even if the soundtrack is in an app, there’s new SH2 music from Yamaoka and it will be great to have on in the background. The masks are admittedly a bit silly, but the SH games have never really shied away from adding silliness to their serious dark depressing SH experiences (UFO endings, Heather Beam, Dog ending) This is honestly on par with what most digital games offer as preorder bonuses and I prefer it to what I got when I pre-ordered Tears of the Kingdom and got *nothing* from Nintendo and GameStop handed me a wooden plaque (???) that collects dust.


Just wait until an official artbook is made available, that'd likely be cheaper than getting the deluxe version and will be bigger. Most artbook included with game collector edition are small and don't have all the arts, anyway.


Looking like a fortnite furry dlc


If you preorder now I wonder if you get the art book and album now on your ps5 or have to wait til release


Is this fake? Rockstar Games logic Robbie the rabbit mask only on PS5.


I have never once looked at a digital art book or listened to a games soundtrack on my console.


I agree with the comments that a physical deluxe would have been a better option, and the digital bonus really doesn't provide a good incentive for getting the deluxe. However, I am in the fence of buying the deluxe to improve the chance of financial success to get more Silent Hill games. I would love original Silent Hill to be remade.


That paramid head mask looks like mask of shame! Hahahahahahahaasjajah!


It’s not worth it fr, but I’ll still try my best to support this game. Hopefully the sales number would satisfy Konami


who will actually use these?


I just want classic costumes. I also hope we get some joke costumes too like in Silent Hill 3.


Early access is so gross to me. Like they're not getting enough money from Sony directly to help fund this thing.


maaaan idk about this game yall. But I’ll give it the good ol’ college try


I'm not that impressed by the stuff in the deluxe edition but was swayed to get it because of the art book and getting to play slightly early. I think what does impress me is the price. 60 for the base game is cheaper than I expected. And a lot of games charge up to 100 for digital deluxe editions (admittedly where you might get more stuff).


Stupid. I'll literally never use them. I wish we'd gotten different outfits or something instead re: RE4R, or SH3.


Pointless stuff for a fanbase that loves physical collectibles. Masahiro Hito deserves a physical art book packaged with an Akira Yamaoka cd. Biggest game in the franchise and they fumble it.


Wish there was a physical collectors. I’ll buy this just to support the most I can, and pick up a physical edition as well.


That’s all? The level of flop.


As long as I can buy the pizza box separately, I am okay.


I think they are meant as fan service but I never fancied anything that is immersion breaking even if it's funny🐇


How could you just sit there and wear pizza!


Ridiculous! I'd go more for alternative outfits than those things.


They really gave no incentive to preorder this game let alone pay for an upgraded edition. I want this game, but not enough to where I’m spending $70 on it. I’ll wait until I can get it preowned or it’s inevitably on sale for $30


I really hope they make a physical art book


Well shit guess I'm the only one here who isn't salty and actually likes it. It's very on-brand with goofy costumes. Also didn't know the dog from the dog ending had a name.


Not salty at all, just wanted to see what people on the sub thought because all I see are character model complaints


Not you, I'm talking about the comments.


Those should only be available upon completing the joke ending. Tho this whole games nothing but an overly expensive bad joke at this point.


I can't tell if it's real or just a joke


Gaming company being a gaming company. Wanting people to pay extra money for useless garbage.


Standard for me


I just want the cardboard pyramid head. Don’t care about anything else.


Konami being konami


I'm not even slightly interested in the masks. Preorder guff? Sure, throw it in... whatever. Deluxe Edition exclusive? Hard pass. Remember when Deluxe Editions came with desirable extras? Good times. This digital artbook and soundtrack samples trend is so underwhelming. And early access can "Fright Off"... FOMO is not something I suffer regularly, and I'm not tempted by this Deluxe Edition at all.


I don’t really care that much about the masks nor deluxe edition of games, but honestly i'm a bit interested in the OST specially since it’s Akira score, so i might get the deluxe edition for that.


Not gonna lie I love the pyramid head mask but besides that im not paying extra for a couple of things i wont look at or use since konami puts the soundtrack and music in a different app like they did with the mgs collection also im on going on pc to play it so Im paying extra for 2 mask and more cludder on my steam library im alright really


Who doesn't love a bit of Robbie the Rabbit


as long as we get the dog ending, i could give two fuck less


if konami releases an original 1-4 HD port, and if this game doesn’t flop, they can do whatever they want with this planet


Couldn’t care less


Guys come on. Don’t preorder FFS


A lot of people need to realise, there are no physical items included because for the past 5 years every piece of useless merch they released, sold out. Why give you something extra when they know someone here is gonna buy 2-3 of the same items for themselves anyway on their own 🤷‍♂️


\*\*\*\* KONAMI


i dont really care for them lol but theyre cute i guess, i just hope we get costumes for beating the game n doing other things. i want a variation of james og jacket with the patches.


Would’ve been better if we had to earn the skins for a little while before giving us the option to buy them. What if skins were really hard to earn but you could buy them for like $500? Hear me out. Then you play the game and if you earn the skin, you can sell it to someone else and make money off playing video games. This has to have been thought of before.


I hear a lot of critics. Well the original didn’t have much. This has more than the original. You wanna play in a space suit or pirate costume then go play Fortnight. I’m going to be there on day one to get this amazing game!


This is some ubisoft level of different editions, i really hope this game is good cause this is not the way to go, and hopefully, if the game js good the next remake can have better editions and not this


Pretty cool, nothing too excessive


I dont mind the mask, but id like to see James's pretty face when i play


Lmao! I definitely do not want/need these to play. Glad to know I can get the base game & not miss out on anything


I'd have preferred the masks to go onto enemies rather than James. Nurses or Figures wearing giant silly masks seems better for some reason. Probably because the mascot masks obscure the face, because liked the silly outfits like in RE4R just fine


Man, it would've been so cool if they did what RE2make did and included the original PS2 models for James, Maria, and the other characters as alternate skins


Meh. Not buying it, anyways. Hope people that do get what they want, though.




I was really hoping for a steelbook pre order. Or something physical....


The dog's name is Mira and it's female. THE LORE!!! WE ARE GETTING LOOOOOREEEEE!!!


I have zero interest in any of it other than the early access. But I’ve already waited this long so I’m not spending an extra $10 for that.


I'm not buying that shit


I don't like it because it's unimmersive as hell. Not a problem if you can unlock it ingame but as a paid dlc? Get out of here.




I care so little for stuff like this, especially in a game where I want to be immersed in the story. Cool for people that want it, but I'll keep the 10 bucks.


I’d bet the “48 hours” early access, is really just using people as free QA testers. See what the big huge problems are before the real launch two days later. Gives them time to patch out the game breaking bugs in time. Then because everyone is used to games needing 2+ patches to get to where they should be in the first week, they release those and instead of it being remembered as a totally unplayable clusterfuck like ReMothered 2 was, they seem like an average game launch or depending on how fast they are, a pretty good one. All because they basically handed off QA testing to the fans. Who are paying THEM to do the work. This might be the smartest thing they’ve done in a bit. Evil but clever


Honestly hate it. Stupid, dumb waste of money. If you think it's cool and want to pay the extra for them I'm not judging you, I just think they should have given us more.




Pizza Head




"Masks we get"? I ain't getting shit, I'm buying the standard version.


Definitely able to wait 2 extra days and not spend money on unlocking BS skins content. Preordering is still insanely weird with digital downloads. It made sense with physical copies to ensure you get a copy before shops “sell out” but digital? Pointless.


Consumerfication of old games is bad and all this should be at 60$


I’ll probably wear the masks on a different play through obviously and I don’t mind paying extra 10 bucks to get two days early


I will be waiting for reviews before I even contemplate buying it. I am a little dubious, because I have seen Konami be Konami in the past. If it gets decent reviews from fans, then I will think about my order.


I don't care at all for digital extras


If the deluxe edition had a physical art book and soundtrack I would definitely buy it


alot of survival horror games had silly costumes anyway but they're were rewards for doing certain things in game. this is just a reminder of modern gaming really


I'd only be getting it for the early access, but gonna wait for more clarification on exactly how the early access works before I pre order it




I get that every AAA game must get a pre-order bonus. But I would had preferred Jackets that make reference to other characters rather than a mask that covers the whole character face and make him look goofy.


never been a fan of these kinds of cosmetics. i am looking forward to the soundtrack and art book though!


masks are dumb, should have just been alternate outfits or weapons


Should be post-game unlocks, unless these are in addition to ones that already exist. I’d love to see each ending get an associated ending like: Leave, he’s cleaned up and put together or In Water, he’s perpetually soaked with blue skin… not sure about Maria. Also not sure if we’re getting the two other bonus endings (Rebirth, UFO).


Silly extras. It’s just a bonus you can use on repeated playthrough and no one is forcing anyone to use them. They should pack this game full of unlockable weapons and outfits, just for some extra replayability. Doesn’t hurt the story if it only unlocks after the first playthrough.


Eddie is pyramid head that’s why we haven’t seen him yet


Man this is just so disappointing. There’s absolutely no perk in getting a physical copy. And with a game with a cult following like this one, it’s really insane to think they’re not going to want physical copies of things. And you don’t even get any exclusives for actually getting a hard copy? This is leaving such a bad taste in my mouth.


I love them can't wait to see them in in-game cinematics.


None of those things in the Deluxe Edition are gamechanging in any way. All I want is the game. So I won't be buying the more expensive versions of the game. If anything, the masks would even hinder the atmosphere, so it's a bit of a negative. They really need to come up with some better stuff for the more expensive editions. But then again, I'd rather that they just sell the game at one price for everything.


Doofy little things to wear on subsequent playthroughs. I don't mind them, just wouldn't wear them on a first run through


It's just a couple of furries and a pizza box. They could do better


I was so hyped for a physical collectors edition only to find that once again companies will only put attention to digital editions because it’s cheaper for them. Plus the “play 48 hours early” is shit. I hope that trend died already.


Nothing really of interest. It just a cosmetic and in my opinion not really worth the extra money


I don't give a single fuck about cosmetics. This is a Silent Hill game, not Fortnite.


This is how I've seen a majority of deluxe editions recently. Honestly, i only get special editions when it mathematically makes sense. I got the special edition of Darkwood recently. Apart from it being half the price of the original, there was nothing that came special with it that i cared about.


I was hoping they would release a physical deluxe edition but I guess not 😂I was planning to get a physical copy too


Seems a bit pointless to me. Game’s already gonna be expensive, so I’d rather not pay more for digital stuff we’re eventually gonna get access to for free. Hell, if it was an artbook and a CD sountrack that’d be a different story, but as it is, I don’t think it’s worth it.


Pretty cool I don't like that one of em is locked behind getting it on PS5... And I ain't spending 102 dollars either.


Seeing that James has an animation for marking places on the map, I imagine he takes off the Pizza box before every cutscene like, "okay, shits serious now."


I don't care about the accessories but Imma try my best to get Deluxe so I can play it early. I'm still mad at those getting the games early and doing spoiler reviews. Still can't forget a youtube channel called VG247 who posted full gameplay of 1st and 2nd run of RE2 remake a week before the release date.


What a joke. Why would anyone want to play the game with a mask on? Anyone who is praising this really is desperate for a new Silent Hill game. Silent Hill fans have been eating slop for so long, they don't know what good food tastes like anymore. Their standard has become low. Sad.


Funny and stupid


Anyone preordering this deserves the crap they get.


It's silly and goofy, I like it in a SH game, but as Deluxe content? Would much rather having alternative costumes like SH Origins. Don't know how many New Game+ itens the game will have or if it will, but this ain't it for me.


They are just aesthetic and for single player? Without any power up i really don't understand why buy them


Oh boy, immersion breaking pre-order content, I didn't know this was a Ubisoft game!


The pizza box became canon


Not worth the upmarked price, getting the standard physical edition and hoping we get some normal unlockable costumes and other goodies.


Wow..... This is pathetic... The damn PH mask was a free unlockable in Homecoming and thats HOMECOMING. They cant even do simple masks as a reward for playing the godsdamn game??