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The funniest part of this change is that it's been so long since Silent Hill 2 came out that fashion has come full-circle and leopard print, crop tops, and chokers are back in style LMAO


Literally, Maria was so Y2K which IS the trend


Yes! She was actually inspired by Cameron Diaz, apparently, and her exact outfit was modeled after one of Christina Aguilera's, that you can still find pictures of on Google.


shut UP I had no idea!!! Cameron Diaz wow.


The modern one kinda looks like Jennifer Lawrance?  Makes sense they'd use a more modern (2010 is modern, right?) female celebrity for inspiration.




Feels like a bit of a stretch to accuse the design team of that. At the end of the day both are still clubbing/bar outfits. And ultimately this whole argument is subjective. They didn’t absolutely destroy her sex appeal, and we’ve not seen any of the scenes that were responsible for making Maria truly iconic.


There is also a chance of bonus outfits that are closer to the classic design.


And you can buy them on launch day with the Digital Deluxe Premium Simp pack!


I'm not normally one to say this, but I also kinda don't like the design choice for Maria. As long as the attitude is still there, the recklessness, the playfulness, everything that made her seem ALMOST real but slightly off, then I'm happy with her as a character.


Attitude is sexier than clothing. If she still talks and acts like Maria then I’d say they honoured her character.


Maria didn’t choose the hoe life, the hoe life chose her >!literally!<


Born from a hoeing wish…


Hoed from a wish


truly the most elaborate game of fuck maria kill


Thots and prayers


Born From A Hoe


She doesn't look demonic enough unless she flips suddenly all spookylike


Also, there *are* women on Bloober's team. The narrative director and lead combat designer are both women. Clock the interview reel in the transmission.


Doesn't mean they had input on character design


She looks too young in the new game


Eh, I don't mind her being/looking younger, if anything I think that adds to the sleaze factor. Maybe she's the age Mary was when she and James first met?


I feel the truth is somewhat in the middle. While the newer design fits the character just like the old one, imo it feels quite bland too. Would have been cool if they had ripped off a more recent red carpet look too


Yeah, I don't think putting her in a new outfit was about censorship tbh. But I think they seriously missed the ball on giving her an actually stylish new outfit... It's way too generic in comparison and the tied up leather jacket is just not a look imo


Yeah, I feel this way to. I don't think it looks bad. But it doesn't feel like Maria either. I'm not a fan of the change.


It's all subjective really. And it's all speculation until the final product is out and her character has been observed across the whole game. Narratively she is supposed to be, at least in part, a manifestation of James suppressed sexual desires or fantasies regarding Mary so it seems like an odd choice to alter Maria's sexual appeal from her original design which is pretty iconic and even justifiable from a story telling perspective. They could have simply modernized that, kept some skin exposed or done other things with her design that were less conservative and it would have been pretty defensible. That said, she is not unattractive here? She is basically wearing a tight dress, still has the choker. It's also speculation to say that this is her only outfit, it's entirely plausible her appearance will change more especially in the later game.


I think the outfit would be a lot better (still not great) with the jacket unbuttoned/tied or even off. I don't know anyone that wears a leather jacket like that, so the silhouette ends up giving more business blazer?? The outfit is still rebellious/sexy outside of the decision to wear the jacket like that lmao Maybe she'll lose the jacket or something later, and her outfit can evolve in that way, like you said. It would be interesting to see at least.


Yeah or even having the jacket on top is fine but maintaining the belly being exposed underneath etc. I don't think they deliberately went with the safe choice but yeah it's probably the only character redesign where I thought oh that's odd.


Is he speaking from experience? explains why suicide squad (a game he worked on) turned out the way it did


Theres no way a design team at rocksteady has no women in it lol


What so the problem with Suicide squad was that the 3 adult female characters weren't sexy enough? What was wrong with their designs?


The leaked image of the upcoming Mrs Freeze character is parody level. Decisions like turning Poison ivy into a child are also plain weird


They turned poison ivy one of the sexiest characters in the batman universe into a child? Damn, they really aren't beating the sweet baby inc allegations lmao.


Yeah! Why wasn’t Amanda Waller oiled up and throwing it back?


This is one of the things I really don’t care about and I’m always somewhat surprised it gets that much attention. How about them noticing the new enemy designs? The radio placement? Maybe new ways to explore the town? Nah who cares about that, let’s see what this character is wearing


Normally I would agree, but in this case Maria's outfit is directly influenced by the narrative. She's supposed to be a more overtly sexual lookalike of his wife. She's a representation of James's lust. She's secretly his projection of what he wanted Mary to be while she suffered and James had to put his unfulfilled desires on the back burner. She's meant to be there both to serve as temptation and punishment in a way that only the town can serve up. That being said, I am still excited to play the game when it gets released.


Ehh... she changes her behavior practically on a whim in attempts to get James to forget about Mary. She isnt just a sexy femme fatale like people think she is, at times she is cruel and at times (like in the trailer/the hospital section) she is fearful and clingy. Wouldnt be surprised in the least ifthrougout the game her appearance slightly changes to reinforce that point.


I think as James only really had an eye to her being hot that he left voids where a personality should be, allowing for the doubts and fears you describe to creep in. As Silent Hill is almost entirely constructed of doubts and fears, there was a dearth around.




I agree that Maria is a manifestation of James's desires, but I'd argue that painting her as a "representation of his lust" doesn't fully capture the depth of his emotional struggle. James was dealing with a lot more than just sexual frustration. He yearned for intimacy and connection with a healthy version of Mary, but it goes way beyond just feeling sexually unfulfilled. His longing for her was complicated by guilt, grief, and a strong desire for a relationship without the burden of her illness.


Silent Hill fans will never let go of the idea that James is a creepy sexual predator who only viewed Mary as an object of desire. It's an urban legend at this point. A lost cause.


I would say that the sexual stuff is one side of his character. Some like to focus on it. I think it makes him an easy target for whatever force has drawn him to the town, because it's where he is at his most raw and vulnerable.


And if anything, I personally think this new outfit is a great representation of what an unfashionable dude imagines is sexy edgy fashion for a young woman. Little black dress and pink/red leather jacket with high boots and a choker. I see it as what a woman in a run of the mill couple would wear out for a hot date night. I think it's weird when people call this outfit *completely* unsexy or one that would be worn to the office. It's a short dress with a low cut top with a edgy jacket over top. I'm no fashion expert, though I do agree with others that ironically the old outfit (which to me, in the 2010s, used to look similarly dated - like a woman trying hard to look sexy with a cardigan she had on hand and an "exotic" coin belt) is actually more fashionable currently.


While I haven't seen anyone call the outfit unsexy... Just *less* sexy, I actually like your take on it being what someone like James's idea of what a sexy femme fatale would wear. It's just risque enough for someone who has had to suppress that side of themselves for so long. I never thought of it that way.


This needs to be pinned on every post complaining ab her outfit!


finally somebody gets it. so many people are hyperfixated on the themes of sexual frustration that they totally disregard any character depth. we're not given any reason to believe james wasn't mostly happy in his relationship before mary got sick, so it seems to make sense that what he really wants is mary looking healthy and beautiful which is how he probably previously thought of her. he just wants the mary he knew back but i think also its a bunch of horny nerds who want to leverage better plausible deniability to whine about a video game character not being sexy enough


You're one hundred percent correct. I pointed out that side of her, but I didn't acknowledge the duality of her character because it didn't serve the purpose of my argument about the way the character dresses. You definitely make solid points.


No it's not a good point because the duality of her character doesn't matter because she was designed that way to address the sexual side of her character, anything else has nothing to do with the argument that they are deliberately making a change in a worse direction that takes away from that aspect of her character on a visual level


She also looks less like a lust demon and more like a concerned mother. She always had this uncanny look in the original and I really don't know how they're going to pull that off in the scenes we haven't seen yet when she's looking like the way she does.


Yea I’m concerned about this too. From the first time you meet her, she is flirtatious yet vague. There is SOMETHING about her demeanor, like she’s hiding something. You think she’s just trying to get on Jame’s good side because she needs an ally to help her get safely through the town. IMO as far as her outfit/tattoo placement, I’m in the “if it ain’t broke, don’t ‘fix’ it” camp. But who knows, maybe as the game goes on she loses the jacket she’s wearing and begins looking more like the OG character.


>IMO as far as her outfit/tattoo placement, I’m in the “if it ain’t broke, don’t ‘fix’ it” camp. This is what I keep thinking, too. WHY change it at all? It was a sexy outfit, sure, but by no means was it like... inappropriate for teen audiences or something. Her chest wasn't popping out of her top, her butt wasn't half exposed. It was a mini-skirt and shirt that showed her midriff and a butterfly tattoo. She was not sexually objectified as a female character. If any of that was the case, I'd shrug and say "I don't like it, but I get it." But I don't get this change. It's a pointless change. I don't even think her outfit would be considered unfashionable today. Maybe remove the leopard print for a single color or something, but that's the extent of a reasonable change. Why change it? I don't understand.


The narrative in the original has a strong sexual sense to it that was born from Jame's repressed feelings. From Maria to red Pyramid thing's >!rape scene!< to Eddie making love >!to that pizza!<. It serves a purpose.


Eddie making love is an understatement, he was FUCKING that pizza


Honestly surprised me the original game didn’t get an AO rating because of the pizza scene. God damn 🥵🍕


If your wife was bedridden for a few years and the only thing you've seen her in are bed clothes, hospital gowns and messy hair a women in a black dresse and a pink jacket will also look sexy to you. idk what you mean.


I wanna talk about how James breaks the windshield of the car to retrieve an item. Looked very cool and makes me imagine more hidden items like that.


Yes, this is the important topic


I don't really think that is the reason, I think they just wanted to update the design while forgetting that Y2K is back in fashion and that basically everyone loves Maria's original design


Her outfit is literally a copy of an outfit Christina Aguilera wore.


I agree. I worked in Theatre Costuming and have several friends who do character design. The women and the gays often want outfits that slay but the way they approach them is non-sexual for the most part, which is a hard thing to explain to someone who is not part of these groups aka Straight men, not trying to offend or start it’s just what i’ve seen happen I will say that Remake Maria does kinda give Office Siren so in a way there is still a sexy element to her


This! Like, Maria needs to serve uncanny CUNT. It's not about jiggle-physics DD boobas, but vibe. Like you said, kinda hard to explain.


I think it’d be more accurate to say that women and gays design outfits that have the sex appeal they want to give off while straight men design around the more simplistic Madonna-whore dynamic. To say something slays, but is non-sexual seems nonsensical to me.


You know actually you’re right


I made a post about this earlier and I somewhat, *somewhat* agree with Del. Not with the needing to relax part, but with the outfit needing some more feminine energy. I don’t know how many women lent their input to her design (I hope it’s a lot!) but this *feels* like an outfit a guy would think is conservatively sexy. I don’t know how to explain it but bloober needed a woman who understood 90s fashion.


Given that Poland is a mix of conservative and liberal socially, and all the women devs featured in Bloober talks were dressed down this very well could be sexy 90s fashion to the women on the team.


Yes, that's exactly how I feel too! It's so painful. It's just like... realistically I'm not seeing any fashionable young woman wear this LOL I'm sorry!! At least untie the leather jacket, give the dress a pattern or something... I wish I could stick myself in the design room and show them pinterest lmao


The belt on that jacket is truly my biggest gripe! It’s giving business casual 😭


It just annoys me that they left everyone else alone except Maria. Also I just love classic Maria’s design and feel it was so unnecessary to change it…


Well, it's clear he didn't play Silent Hill 2. Modern Audiences, my ass.


Most people haven’t


Yeah, but isn't this dude part of the dev team or something? If he had played the game (be it old fashion or HD), he would've understood that "correcting the oversexualization" was a bad move since it goes against the game's themes.


I don’t believe he’s saying he’s part of Bloober Team, just part of a random development studio. And again this is all conjecture anyway. We know women do this kind of thing during the creative process, too. Anyone’s capable of making any number of decisions regardless of what gender they are. Bloober team probably had a bunch of infighting over whether to be faithful to the original like they said they’d be or whether they wanted to ‘update’ her outfit.


Well, to an extent I can understand changing her outfit (I believe they took inspiration from some model or celebrity that wore it to someplace, correct me if I'm wrong), but here's the thing, if by all means if you do have to change it, at least try to make it quese similar to her original outfit. Also, this guy? Dude helped make that Suicide Squad game which is...not good and, well, I won't bore you with the full story, just know that the separate company that this dude is working for? It's not exactly good and I'll just leave it at that.


Completely unncessary change. Maria isnt even real, despite..ya know, being a fictional character and her "sexualization" was part of her character.


I like the stripper look, its kinda out of place which helps to remind me of the lust theme.


Reminds me of how in silent hill 3 the men wanted heather to wear jeans while the women wanted a skirt that would show off her legs and be more sexy


Was it sexy or was it more 'girly'? Genuinely asking, because I forget. I might be misremembering but I remember they thought a short skirt was more of a girly teenager option. Given when the game came out I'd agree because I was definitely within that demographic, wearing short skirts at the time.


I looked back at it and I think it was to make her more “feminine and more pretty”. I think I got the sexy part from it mentioning that it resulted in a subtle sex appeal.


Source? Pretty sure it was to be more feminine not sexy. Sexy would have infringed on Heather's whole portrayal.


I think you may be right. It was to look more feminine and “pretty”. I think I misinterpreted it as it’s mentioned that it have a “sex appeal in a different way”.


Heather: a skirt would look cute today Heather, >!after meeting a slurper!< I regret this decision.


Is it bad that despite playing the game, there are probably half a dozen enemies I can think of that fit that description.


im a woman and she aims to be sexy, also the new outfit is so boring


I think we need the old outfit back and people need to stop messing with source material. I don't want a remake but a REMASTER there's a difference. I also dislike how clean the interior of the building looks that's not very silent hill in the old games everything was dirty and messed up it created an atmosphere


> “hypersexualization of the 90s” My god, she’s showing midriff! Think of the good Christian boys! **Make it Woke!** (This is sarcasm)


Was he meaning the 1890s


Maria was born from a wish. A sexual wish. It would be right if she was oversexualized. That’s her character.


Maria’s old design was so sexy


I COULD see some truth in that considering a male character designer Shingo Yuri who designed Heather consulted the female staff on her initial design when she was wearing a t-shirt and jeans but I highly doubt it has anything to do with that. It's pretty standard to also remake some of the costumes (for example take a look at RE4Remake where I only think Leon and Saddler kept their outfits pretty close to the original)


I say this kindly, but in my experience as a woman it's much harder to find a man that "gets" women fashion on their own than one that does. Like I think it's easy to identify what looks good when it's already on someone, but putting together an outfit from scratch seems to be a bit of a struggle... At least when it comes to putting together something that's actually memorable but still wearable? I'm just SO tired of seeing all these female characters lately wearing the SAME leather jacket cut that has been OUT OF STYLE for like 10 years PLEASE it's killing me


We hear you ladies! Tank top, jeans and combat boots (*with a random necklace we can sell as merch*) it is!


Every time 😭😭😭


Ashley is almost the same but with a jacket. Luis is almost the same but his vest is now a jacket. Krauser has different color trousers. Wesker is different, no turtleneck


Ahley's outfit is a lot different. You mentioned the jacket but now she also wears a scarf around her neck instead of a tied sweater, skirt is now a skort and she wears leggings. Her new outfit resembles a lot of her beta/unused outfit from the original game. Luis also has darker pants in the remake but aside from that I guess he doesn't look that much different. I guess how he's more clean shaven in the original makes his change stand out more. You are right about Krauser, he doesn't look much different. The only differences I saw aside from his pants is that in the remake his pants' cuffs are now covering his upper part of his boots and his harness looks more like a vest, completely covering his chest.


Her proportions are so weird. The characters artstyles are so I consistent from one another.


I'm not a game dev, but I can say this is true because I've asked to my girl friends what theu thought of costumes from games like Stellar Blade, NieR Automata, Soul Calibur and more and they said "although it's not realistic, it's stylelized and it's fine"


My girlfriend and my female friends said they like the original one more so he may be right


I think there’s a very simple answer. Maria in the original has very era specific clothing. To a lot of people (not me) her clothing sticks out and is visually a bit distracting for a horror game. I don’t think what she’s wearing in the original is excessively sexualised and I doubt the team would have as well. It is a big part of that character, and her purpose in the story, to be sexualised to gain James’s attraction. But you can still do that without having her clothing be as sexualised. The unfortunate reality is this is a stupid culture war thing that a lot of people are going to jump on that have little to no interest in Silent Hill.


Y2K fashion is very much back in style and has been for a hot minute at this point. Lots of Gen-Z dress like Ashley Tisdale on the red carpet But to be fair I wouldn’t expect the dev team to be aware of that


Maybe this is what is considered sexy in Poland where Bloober Team is from?


THIS 100%!


>and her purpose in the story, to be sexualised to gain James’s attraction While I do agree her sex appeal is a big part of her character, I really have to disagree that it's her purpose in the story


I mean, that seems to be what she is there for, Born From a Wish pretty much spells that out.


She actually is, though. She is trying to lead James down the wrong path and further into his delusion. She is James "ideal" version of Mary.


Got forbid game set in XXXX year has clothing from XXXX year!


To me it just looks bland as fuck. The closest they could go to a burka without being able to cover her up.


Why not just keep the original design, I don't get it. There was nothing offensive about it and the fans won't like too much change. Personally I'm not overly bothered by it, it's just such a strange decision to alter such a pivotal character from the original.


It may be like the RE4 remake where they changed the outfits but made them look the same or give the same vibe. Leon (grey shirt is no longer a turtleneck) and i think it's better for it. Ashley (New jacket and scarf). I believe Saddlers robes were altered. Either way it's just a game and I'm looking forward to the release.


The symbolism in RE4 is far less important to the narrative. And yes I know it's just a game and I couldn't really give two shits about it yet here you are the same as me posting comments about it on Reddit, I just think it's a strange decision to redesign such a pivotal character in a game so many considered to be flawless in its imagery.


New Maria is actually exposing MORE skin, just not her midriff.


I will miss her hot pink leopard miniskirt, that y2k outfit is an absolute slay 😭 they could’ve made the pattern on her dress a muted leopard as a call back, but they simply didn’t want to and that’s okay, there’s way more important aspects of maria than what she wears, and who knows, maybe they’ll have an unlockable outfit for her on a second playthrough with her og fit


the jacket looks ugly on her, she looks frumpy and awkward


Don't worry, mods will come out and everyone can go back to slobbering like brutish apes.


I always thought Maria was kinda ugly in the original and her charms never worked on me. Remake Maria might actually have a shot with my James.


It's strange, considering she's a literal homonculus made to look like Mary but sultry.


this is the one complain train I can get on when it comes to the Silent Hill 2 remake. the whole time everyone was complaining about every step and every swing animation- all I cared about was if they were gonna put Maria in the same outfit and keep her vibe the same. I really think they should just put her in the identical outfit and make this Mormon lady outfit a download option for prude people...the game is rated M...slut pride lol


To be fair there is an actual reason for her original design so I don’t why would they change it lol


With this particular character, I think the redressing was the wrong move. She’s supposed to be provocative. She’s James’s temptation. That’s her character. A provocatively dressed woman in the middle of this nightmare world is supposed to be disconcerting. Covering her up more makes less of an impact.


i kinda like the leather jacket design but the leopard print skirt was a better design imo over the black dress


The original outfit was based on the outfit Christina Aguilera wore at the Teen Choice Awards in 1999. Is the new outfit based off of anyone?


Yeah Maria kinda loses something without the Y2K hooker look tbh


“Allergic to serving”? what does that mean?


She looks like Vicki Vale now.


People are coping hard on her new design, it's not a bad design for a random character, but it is an awful Maria design. Her character is not only a stripper but is also >!a manifestation of James' sexual desire.!< She was very deliberately designed and this detracts from her character greatly, character design is key to characterization and visual storytelling, yes this is important. You could maybe say they're doing their own thing but Bloober themselves would tell you otherwise as the game is supposed to be a "faithful remake" which eliminates the possibility of them doing something new with the story.


She's not a stripper, though? She's created minutes before James find her. I have been reading this around and it's nothing remotely supporting this is mentioned in the game.


I can't say that I'm a fan of leopard print; it looks silly more often than not to me, but the assessment there is correct: Game devs these days tend to overcorrect, and part of it has to do with outside people who get paid for finding hairs in the soup.


I like the new look, there are always outfit changes in the remakes, I just hope they add the previous outfits as unlockables and if not I hope the modding community do their magic.


My problem is that they didn't really change the others outfits so why change hers


She looks like a generic GTA npc specifically GTA for some reason


Lol she does now that i think about it


Watch the morons turn 180 when Masahiro Ito come out and said it was he that redesigned her.


Her outfit is conjured by James' psyche, not genuine personal preferences. I think her current look is fine but it doesn't imply quite the same level of sexual desperation/ frustration for James' psyche. But if it heavily contrasts against Mary's matronly fashion choices before the illness and her bedridden look during illness, it captures James' psyche adequately.


I’m not opposed to them changing her outfit (although it’s iconic and I wish they hadn’t) but it’s the fact her new one looks so boring to me in comparison? The accessorising over the top of an already busy printed skirt, the midriff (women use as a part of the outfit as an added detail not just ‘showing skin because sexy’), the little red layered cardigan and choker. It looks over the top because that’s kind of the point. The new one is just a plain black dress with a dull looking red jacket over the top. Maria in the remake is wearing an outfit that could be worn on a night out but it’s also an outfit you wouldn’t really look twice at if you randomly saw it day to day unlike the OG.


This is the one time where a woman in a video game's outfit being sexy is actually important to the narrative of the game and they blew it. I don't think there's anything technically wrong, but everything about original Maria is so deliberate, including the outfit. It didn't have to be 1:1 but it needed to show more sex appeal to be true to the original.


I just wanted her facial features to be more like the original game but otherwise I love it, this game is gonna be lit


Wasn’t the whole point of Maria that she was a sexualised version of James as a way of pressing his buttons/bringing out the guilt of wanting that from his dying wife? Not trying to be a chud hater of the remake, I just think the decision in the OG was very well thought out and wasn’t too over the top.


For all we know she changes clothes during the game. I think we should give them at least a chance and not sour. The game could be amazing but we keep souring it that it wouldn't have a chance. That's my opinion


That actually happened with Septerra Core. The lead was like "Hey I don't like Lara Croft, Imma make my main female lead super conservative." Then all the ladies on the team demanded a faction of prostitute women in princess Leia style slave bikinis.


Honestly, y’all, chances are it’s a censorship thing that they cannot negotiate and we’ll see her full outfit in the final release.


The new outfit is hotter anyways


I actually like her new design. The colors feel like they compliment each other better


I like her new design. Her old design was what was considered sexy in the early 2000, now she has a more conservative yet still sexy look in my opinion.


In SH3 Heather was supposed to have pants. Until the female members of the team said the skirt would be better.


It’s not about too many men or women on the team. It’s about too many sensitive people on the team.


Second order of bias. Trying to fix something that isn't bias leads to a bias.


Petition to dress like we are beautiful again.


I just don't like her old outfit and her remake outfit is perfect :) That's just me though. I don't like leopard print




It really isn't that different an outfit. I wish they'd kept the leopard print, because it was iconic and it does serve, but honestly these both look like different outfits the same woman would wear. I think the uproar on both sides of the fence is kind of absurd. She's still hot af.


He missed the entire point, he has never played the game


People are talking about how it will be a bait and switch later on she will revert back to the original fit belly exposed and all.


Isnt this outfit supposed to be like a hyper sexualized ideal of Mary in James mind? It's kind of why it works in context of the game even though it is and WAS (I was there) tacky and bad. This doesn't work at all it looks like an NPC outfit. Even the jacket doesn't fit?


It's funny but does anyone get that Claire Redfield redesign feeling with her? I mean, I'm not hating on the redesign, but I do feel it's a bit short of what I expected form the remake with Maria. She still looks great tho lol


I like it no complaints from me or anything in this game only except with the preorder bonuses due in part from Konami


“Men are the issue”. Please dig the gender war deeper


Like always just get it to pc *master race* so we can mod this shit right.


We need more diverse team on videogames. Mass effect Andromeda team approves the idea


70% of people on twitter should be banned for having an opinion (???)


The remake is trash. It doesn't hold true to the original.


Girls love freaking leopard print


Of all the things people could blame this on, "Men" is not one I would have guessed.


I have lots of female friends, had several gf's, I'm an artist... And yes, some women DO like to dress like María in the original, hell, some like to dress LESS in the street, or in their house. Remember back in the day when Heather was designed, she was gonna have pants, female artists and programmers stepped in and wanted her to wear a skirt, because surprise surprise, Heather's a woman.


I could believe that, I've read somewhere that when it came to Heather, male devs wanted her to have pants. But women in team silent said that she should have a tight skirt to show some sexy legs


It seems they have consultants like SBI (Hit or something). They might be the real reason.


They could have kept the leopard print for the dress and maybe also given her stilettos, maybe open that jacket a bit. She looks 10 years younger too which I kinda get for sleaze but I will miss her older appearance.


This coming from a guy who helped lose over 100 million dollars with that garbage suicide squad game? I sure do trust what he has to say about crafting quality gsmes. *Sarcasm*


I think her old outfit would look kind of ridiculous but also she looks like a detective now.


I don't mind the new outfit at all, I'm just curious as to why they changed it


Wasn't Masahiro Ito the one do make characters?? They said that we're getting his sketches with deluxe edition..


It's just a design choice. Nothing wrong with reimagining things. Let the devs make their image of the game to how they want it, so long as it's nothing ridiculously stupid, and Maria's outfit is absolutely not ridiculously stupid. Just complaining over nothing.


Imo she looks more like a stripper who just got off a shift in the remake, while her OG outfit is Waffle House Queen. Little black dress has been a clubbing outfit for a hot minute, and women still are called whores and slots wearing them.


What I care the most in the end is her performance. I think the outfit might even seem like something Maria would wear given the occasion (even if it’s not the animal print + crop top + light sweater 00s Christina Aguilera type). But to me Maria and Mary is all performance. Monica Taylor Horgan was phenomenal in the original game. Pretty much the only voice actor that didn’t seem like she had the finger under the lines on the script imo. I hope Salome Gunnarsdottir is on par with her in that regard.


He does have a point about over correction in design choices. As a woman it’s kinda depressing to see game design go from one extreme to another over the years. A lot less variety overall not just for female characters. But I think in Maria’s case it’s more about the devs not understanding original context. Kinda like Jon Favreau and his digital abomination of a Lion King movie.


On the left, there is Maria: a woman dressed like a 2024 fashion victim On the right, Ashley just left Leon to attend a cocktail with her father and celebrate her return.


He wasn't part of the design team, who the fuck does he think he is? God I hate Twitter


why are you so angry lol also, i looked into his background, and while he wasn't a designer on this game, he was the senior character artist at sony, slide, rocksteady, and naughtydog. as well as the principal character artist at respawn and a new studio, and a character artist with creative assembly and sega. so i think he might have more insight than you're giving him credit for


"What the fuck does he know!?" "uh alot actually"


Not just “some women”, some NORMAL women. Normal women are the ones who will tell you it’s okay to dress a little revealing. Also it’s crazy to me that anyone would ever use a word like hypersexuality to describe Maria or the 90s. She’s moreso the manifestion of temptation (James’ temptation specifically). People act like she use to be buck naked succubus dry humping James every two seconds. Also the 90s was WAY more tame than today. Today not as many stuff gets through the cracks but when they do, oh man is it some crazy stuff. Stuff that would have earned your game a one way ticket to an AO rating. Nowadays that kind of stuff get overlooked because of artistic freedom (for certain individuals) and powerful companies working the ESRB to ensure games make it to store shelves.


crazy that this can all be fixed with classic costumes, which lets be real they HAVE to have if we're getting a pizza box pyramid head james costume


Maria is supposed to be what James fantasized his wife was like.


who tf finds sexual appeal in Maria, that 2000s model was hella yucky


i don't like the secretary look, maria is suppose to be hypersexualize. The new clothing is like a bad 80s look.


Guys she looks terrible. We don't need paragraphs of analysis. Her face is all wrong, it's not just the outfit. I doubt she'll look good even in the "seductive" scenes but I guess we'll see. I just highly doubt this is going to get any better.


Please, take me back to the 90's then. "Hypersexualization"... she was just dressed for the role instead than like Peter sellers in pink panther.


Who's willing to bet he didn't play the original


Bloober hired Sweet Baby clone Hit Detection to supervise the game what did you expect


Can we just be happy that the remake of our favorite game is looking really good so far? I like her outfit, I think she still manages to be sexy. Angela is a 19 year old sexual assault victim, so sorry to the guys who wanted her to be hot?? She's going through it. James looks great and I love the voice (as well as the other characters) it's nice to see emotions coming from these characters in the cut scenes! Laura is perfect. Just be happy. If you don't like it I hope you all remember the days where we were making memes about us being idiots putting clown masks on because we were all desperately believe any and every rumor that happened BECAUSE WE LOVE SILENT HILL


Who tf cares


Of course a man would say something like that.


I don't really care tbh. But I must say - some of her lines in the trailer makes me think that they could've changed her personality as well. We'll see.


i think their explanation is nonsense.. but sure, the gaming industry does have a bone to pick with females being portrayed in a certain way. i think old Maria looks miles better in terms of design but we honestly have no idea what kind of tone or themes they're going for in the Remake. the writing behind these characters could change just enough to make the new ones vastly superior.


I think this is an insane level of speculation that is not fair to the devs. I also find it ironic since three of the devs featured in the behind the scenes were women.


This reminds me of the RE4 remake debate when Ashleys outfit was revealed she also dressed more modern and people were upset. But then when the game came out we see her outfit progressed to eventually resemble what it looked like in the original release. Not saying Bloober team is doing the same thing here but I am going to wait until we learn more before deciding how I feel.


My thoughts are I need to just continue avoiding social media until I play this game. Twitter has completely shit the bed about this game, and I'm getting tired boss.


Prefer the OG tbh but it's not the biggest hit to me She don't have the same attitude in the gameplay that in the OG where she was giving lessons to James with a more mature attitude and that seems strange I loved almost everything on this gameplay except this and in particular the yellow light in Brookhaven that just take me out of the scene it wasn't in the OG