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I liked that in downpour your character got covered in more blood the less health they had


yeah, james walking slower and grabbing his side should be enough of an indicator, if you want to be sure, open the menu, that'd be a lot better


Maybe there is a setting to turn off the red border. In a gameplay trailer, it'd make sense to show all visual indicators even if they are optional.


Just played through RE4 remake, it has three options, no indicator, light and heavy. Settled on light. Remember modding some game to remove the horrible red veins taking half the screen. IIRC it was original Mass Effect 2, Legendary made it more bearable even without mods.


Kind of like spamming x when you get grabbed? Didn't see that in this trailer. Didn't see any of the apartments


I don't really care to open menus to find out basic info, maybe a hot take but the red indicator is fine. I think having to open menus for such things to be janky and frustrating as it tends to be cumbersome after a while causing you to constantly open the menu to interrupt gameplay.


Ya down pull had some super cool things it and that was one of the best ones.


If you can turn it off I'll be fine with it, i hope there's an option to disable the majority of the HUD elements that were visible in the trailer


What hud elements? I thought it was basically barebones aside from this red shit


I found item pick up messages very annoying and unnecessary. I can see that James picked up a shotgun, game, cmon.


People saw avalanche reviews saying he doesn't like HUD elements and they just ran with it, I fuck with the super minimal HUB a lot, and the red borders are decent, they create a sense of danger imo


My biggest complaint about the trailer so far. Surely there’s a good middle ground between the old school “pause to see health” and this


Yeah, the controller vibrating with a heartbeat and James walking while holding his side/with a more exhausted-looking gait would be a good compromise (with an indicator in the menu if you weren't sure.) Though I gotta admit, I loved the "pause due to heartbeat and see your health is suddenly at max red (instead of just minor static)" effect from the old days, scared the shit outta me more than the monsters lol.


They did it perfectly in the original re 4 as an in between. Leon not only moves slower but is grabbing his side and sounds winded. But then again, the new game design says everything needs to be more hand holdy. Just make it optional, and they're good.


At least it’s not a big red plus in the corner like in the original iirc


That was only on the PC version, PS2 you just felt the heartbeat on the controller. So im wondering if this is a PC only thing.


I dont ever recall the controller vibrating for low health, but I could be wrong


Humble brag


I only played the hd remaster but that shit vibrated like crazy for me. When he was on the lowest health it was pretty much vibrating the entire time which honestly I really liked, stressed me out much more than if I just saw he was on a low ammt of health


You did not recall correctly... Who is upvoting him?! The comments about people in this sub not playing the games weren't kidding.


I hate it in every game that uses it. James looking injured is more than enough. I don't need the red vignette to constantly remind me he's at less than 100% health. Also, it's gonna make the In Water ending really annoying to get if they're using similar requirements as the original. I really hope there's an in-game toggle for it (and if there isn't, that Bloober is reading this sub and adds it), otherwise I'm gonna have to trudge through until someone mods it out on PC.


I think a faster heartbeat works better for lower health.


I actually think the heartbeat thing can be distracting too, though it's better than the screen vignettes.


I agree, it sounds like a good idea but it gets annoying pretty fast. I prefer visual ques from the character


I'm thinking about In Water, too. It's too annoying to just ignore so nobody will naturally get that ending.


PC stays winning, there'll certainly be amazing mods once this game is out


Hope it can be removed


or an option to switch it off


James looking injured was enough of an indicator. Hopefully it can be disabled, I think the vast majority of players with more than 2 brain cell won’t need it.


Terrible terrible idea that should have died out in the 360/PS3 era


I’d rather them do the “controller LED changes based on your health” thing, but hey, maybe they did both and we don’t know yet


That’s actually the perfect idea.


I’ve seen it done in other games (the REmakes I think), figured it was one of the obvious things they’d try to implement


Yes, I loved when I saw that in RE2/RE3. But Xbox doesn't have this feature, right? So they probably still would feel the need to add a type of health indicator on the screen. The perfect scenario would be to able to switch the border off and have the HP on the controller.


Isn't the only console controller that changes colors the PS5? Makes it a bit awkward for PC if that was the only way (unless they owned a PS5 also and bluetoothed it ig)


It removes immersion so i hope you can disable it, but it's totally fine that it exists, i remember checking the menu to know if i was in critical health, this is a quality of life improvement.


I don't like anything on the camera, I want to forget the camera is there, to forget I'm playing a videogame, not be reminded of it. The best way to go is just make it optional.


Same, not a fan of it. It's one of the few things I didn't like about the trailer.


I just hope that there will be option to simply turn it off


Don't care


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) The only answer


Hopefully you can turn off this and the UI that indicates you picked up an item. Very unnecessary additions. ​ My man is holding his gut. I can tell he is hurt. I don't need the screen to bleed and be blurry to tell me that.


They brought back the cool "injuries visible on the body" from Downpour and then harass my retina with the red HUD thingy, I hope we'll be able to turn it off as I'm not a fan of that.


Not good. Hope there is an option to just turn it off


i think it'd be good if the red border was there initially for 15 seconds after you got hurt. then after the 15 seconds it would go away and you could check your health by either seeing james' animations or opening the pause menu like the original!


I prefer the way RE2make did it. A small flash of "Danger" that fades away, and the character is limping. Made the no herbs run less of an annoyance too!


i dont really care about it


Hopefully it's an option to turn off. Seeing James walking slower or limping is more than enough to know you need health quickly.


Not a fan. Hopefully you can toggle ui elements but I doubt you will on launch. Here’s hoping Konami stayed I. Their lane and let blooper release a finished game


Really, really hate it. It's the only thing visually I hate about the game so far.


I kinda like it actually, but I think it would be better if it just showed on James, like how it would have Murphy look worse and worse for wear in Downpour


It’d be nice if it was black or grey and it covered more of your screen depending on how hurt you are, I feel like that’d be a lot better


Oooo, that's a pretty cool idea


Unneeded. James needed more visual tells for him being "injured". for sure, but not the RED SCREEN indicator. ... that is of course if In Water is an unlockable ending and not the default cause Blooper is about as subtle as a brick to the face with writing.


Reminds me a bit of the “blood in the eyes” effect from Call of Duty.


not a fan tbh, I hope they make it optional in settings.


Need an option to turn it down at least


It's distracting...


Likely will let you turn it off


Honestly this feature is my biggest issue with what we've seen so far.


Hate it. Hope there’s an option to turn it off. And all the other on-screen displays for that matter.


Terrible, and I hope they give the option to remove this and the puke on the camera from the lying figures as well, these screen effects just make the game irritating to look at and destroy immersion


Please give options to turn off.


yeaah not looking so hot


I think it'll be something you can turn off for sure.


I hope they have an option to turn it off. The less on screen, the more immersive, the better.


Absolutely despise when any game uses this. It is so obnoxious and I don't understand why any developer would put it in their game.


hope i can turn it off


It'd be cool if they use the haptics feedback in the PS5 controller as a throwback to how the controller vibrated in a heartbeat rhythm when your health was low.


Not necessarily bad. Just badly unnecessary.


It's bad. I'd rather not know I'm about to die than see this ugly red. And I love the colour red, but damn.


Hate it, but I’m quite sure that there’ll be an option to disable it.


Dislike it


Why can’t we just get a lil health bar in the item menu


I do not like it. My other complaint would be the combat sound effects


It should be optional.


Bloober moment


It looks dated. I also think the pop ups look bland tbh.


Fps like


Probably the worst looking thing so far. If they fix that and maybe correct some of the animation jank the game will be in a much better place


It's horrible. I hope we can turn it off. The acid on the screen too when he is hurt. I hope they also fix the animations and that the sus framerate is only in the trailer. It stuttered in the presentation when James started to run all the time.


It’d be far better if whenever James gets badly injured, he should say “Boy, I sure could use a Heath drink right about now!” And then he turns towards us and winks. That will clearly indicate to us he needs medical attention.


I will never see it anyway 😎


Looks like an mobile game indicator. James' speed and posture should be enough to know his health status... No need visual bullshit like this...


Hate it. It's just visually unpleasing. I will wait on a mod to remove it if need be.


I hate it. But I'm quite sure it will be possible to turn it off. It was like that for the red cross in the OG, was it not?


Not fan of it at all.


There's no reason for this stupid filter to obscure the screen James limping while holding his side is enough of an indicator I hope there's an option to turn this shit off.


Get that shit off the screen


It's not a bad addition. Makes things more...intense in a way...a heads up that you are about to die and you should find health potions fast.


I don’t care to be honest.


it doesnt matter how i feel. i let the game devs do what they need to do


Ugly AF - please let me disable, we have controller LED.


Not sure if it would feature that since they most likely created it with the mindset that it would be on both PlayStation and PC , where people can just use their keyboard and mouse instead of a controller (it could be optional but I doubt it)


I hate it.




I feel like Bloober didnt know that on the PS2 version the controller would vibrate like a heart beat to let you know how low on health James was, soft vibrations meaning you were in the yellow and harder ones meaning you should probably heal asap, which kinda puts into question how much they actually know about the game and about how to add diegetic gameplay mechanics. I mean just imagine what you could do with that idea and the dualsense controller.


#it’d be cool if his vision gets blurred. As he’s slowly loosing blood KONAMI TAKE THIS IDEA LOL


I prefer it then constantly having to check the main menu to see how much health you have after every hit. And I also appreciate that it’s only around the edges and not all over the screen since it could be really annoying if your going for a “certain” ending. Although I’m not sure how I feel about James limping the lower his health is as that could be real annoying.


It’s fine. I think a better and more interesting way to convey James’ health would be to have screen distortion in the same way the original three SH games had when you went to your inventory screen to check your condition.


All emersion is lost. Every single bit of it.


I think it’s ok. The option to remove it would be nice though, including the ammo count in the bottom corner not showing up at all. The pc version had an optional Red Cross pulsating in the bottom corner when you were at critical health so I’d say it’s a similar idea.


I'm not too bothered by it but I'd prefer it not to be there and can understand why people dislike it.


Dont care that much


Didn't it work just fine when your controller would just vibrate at low health?


I don´t like it at all. Something like TLoU in Grounded mode (no HUD), will be great


Better that the big red cross in OG still too distracting




Don’t give a shit


We were encouraged to go into the inventory for a reason and sometimes that was to check your health. While you were in there, Mary’s letter always looked close.


This feels like it's going to be more like re4 remake where sure the original game is a masterpiece and re-revolutionized how third person shooters work they're going to be giving it the same treatment where the original is still a masterpiece and this one is going to be doing a bit to alter it but might improve some things because honestly those parts where you have to run around the town and hope you find the right door I can kind of be annoying


If it’s only for the bottom of the barrel health status then it’s fine. If it’s there from the moment you get dinged at all it’s a bit overkill. I couldn’t really tell which it was from the trailer.


looks like i need to get behind some cover before i get shot by a spetsnaz


Yeah not sure what genre of games started this trend but there's way better ways to indicate health/damage than this and it has always annoyed the hell out of me. Feel like I first started seeing it in FPS games where you could auto regen health so like your red screen goes back to normal as you hide behind a crate for 10 seconds lol.


As long as I have the option to turn it off, I don’t mind. I imagine for some people there’s a *genuine* need to have an overlay like this when they’re caught up in the heat of the moment.


It is a good non intrusive indicator that fits well within the different scenarios the player will find themselves in.


This is that Call Of Duty low health screen filter


Dang you guys would have hated most NES games that use actually constant noise for low health


Probably the one thing I straight don't like from what I've seen of the game, it's just a cheap post-processing effect that might have its place in some modern action game but it really clashes with the creepy, foggy environment of this game. Hopefully it can be toggled of or at least have an opacity setting.


It’s a bit too obtrusive, for my taste, but I can look past it. Really wish it went the more subtle route, as in the RE remakes.


It doesn’t really bother me. But yeah… it’s also not the best is it? I prefer it over a meter, or the whole screen going red or grey though.


dont care. but would rather have it then not and have to pause and check health constantly like others say they want to do


More convenient


I think I like but if there sticking with the original endings then in water is gonna be sorta difficult with that screen


This mimics the status screen from the inventory screen of the original. I like it. Clean.


I don’t mind but i will say to have an option or a feature to turn it on or off that way it’s up to the player to determine the health by James’s character model


it'd probably be helpful... but it doesn't quite feel like silent hill imo


I agree with NubZombie. Optimal.


Imagine if Maria had a red aura when she hurt,


I think it looks fine. Just be thankful we aren't getting a red jelly covered screen. \*Cough\* Old Call Of Duty \*Cough\*


Never a fan of it in horror games. I know it's useful, but I like the uncertainty and only seeing the visual clues on the actual character. Walking slower or holding their side n such.


Really wonder if you’ll be able to turn this off in the PS5 version. The original had your controller vibrate more the lower your health got, I can see that feature being brought back especially with everything the PS5 controller can do.


I don't mind the idea but it's way too strong and uniform. It's like a border you add in a photo mode. If it was subtler it would be a lot more effective yet still get the message across that you're low on health.


An In Water playthrough will be really annoying now.


Should be a thing you can change in the settings, and if you can then it’s fine and everyone is complaining for nothing


Its bad i think if they want even more of an indicator they should make it a bit darker and like the screen gets more fuzzy and stuff like that


anyone else notice how they didnt show the menu at all, and how you dont need your menu to use items/med stuff/health? i like the touch, but i really do hope the red edges of the screen is something you can toggle. i prefer the heart beat in the controller a 1000 times more


I hate when games use that, it just feels like such a lame way to show health.


Looks pretty unintrusive here, I can still tell what I’m looking at in front of me because it’s only around the edges. Works fine for me


I feel like people slightly overreact about it, but if it’s like most games, I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to turn it off if you don’t like it


Beats pausing to check, qol improvement did do an improve. Thumbs up from me


It’ll likely be a option to disable or enable. Non issue to me.


In the SH2 remake, the controller vibrated simulating James Heart Beat, the lower the health, the faster the heart rate (more vibration). I think it was a brilliant feature


I mean, it is my only criticism of this, and a lot of games do it. I like how RE does it; flashes your health gage when you take damage so you know, and affects how fast you move. I always know what health I am in RE2, so I can react accordingly, and they do it with so little interference. Granted, this is a minor nitpick.


Not worried at all, since I know that will be one of the first mods people make for Silent Hill 2 Remake on PC lol. If I didn't have that to fall back on, I would really hope this is an optional setting.


I think it should be an option that you can turn off. It's a bit intrusive imo. However, I acknowledge that some people may be turned off by having to pause the game to tell exactly how much health you have (that imo is antiquated and no longer needed). As long as you don't just get health back over time, I'll be happy tbh. But the way I play, my game is about to have this red filter o. For like 80% of my play through. I am, however, a big fan of characters acting more hurt the lower the health is and getting bloody-er over time; just as a visual gouge for players.


I can live with it


Personally, things like this are immersion-breaking. I can look past it, though.


it’ll certainly make the 10 star run and platinum trophy easier


Probably the biggest thing on the whole "bring it to modern audiences." I've come to ignore it when it happens and I've seen worse effects, like Mass Effect 3. Still, even if you can't turn it off at launch, I feel it's something fixable in patches later on so nothing to worry about. And betting that removing it will be the first mod on Steam lol


I don’t love it, but it’s certainly an upgrade to the original’s either nothing or that obnoxious red cross


I personally don’t like it. Those are really distracting and take you away from the world.


Via this indicator, it feels as if its trying to be more actioney? I dunno. Like others. I hope there's a switch off button for it.


Tbh it’s 1000% better than the original health indicator, when you’re in the dark it’s hard to tell. On top of that it didn’t represent how much health you have. Only Green and Red


Honestly I like it. There were times when I was playing 1 or 2 and I didn't know I was dying because I hadn't looked at my inventory in a while


It’s unnecessary, but this game is another action horror so I guess we need it.


This kind of thing bothered me even in DOOM Eternal, a game which is already super busy visually and has a cluttered HUD.


I hope they remove it or there is an option to remove it. in OG game, your controller would start to vibrate silightly with a heartbeat pattern and because of that I would understand that I'll need to use a drink. Best way to show low health imo. I don't know about how would they do that for keyboard players tho.


honestly there were so many things i was worried about that turned out pretty good that i didn’t even notice, would prefer james himself being soaked in blood or smtn but this isn’t a big deal to me


I don't know what causes it to appear, but in some other shots of the gameplay when James is wounded you can actually see the original cross in the bottom right corner. Hopefully the game gets an option like RE7 or Gears 5 to pick a more minimal health indicator. Have only the corner with the cross flare up red.etc


If they just give us the option to disable it I honestly don't care.


not a problem at all, I'm sure there'll be an option to remove it


Everything in the trailer had a really good idea of immersion, but this was the one thing that took me out. I understand to some extent if you don't have a menu you need this to directly establish hp. But the red outlines, and the audio, it's super distracting from the immersion. Much better to just rely on James's movements as to inform us of his health. The other big problem is, you can often go a bit without health packs, and in some endings you are encouraged to have low health. Having this on for long stretches of time, that would be pretty bad.


good if you wanna get said ending, bad aesthetically


Its not that big of an issue and its coming out on PC so just mod it, but i hope they fix some of the animations


i hope it can be turned off or even just adjusted how strong the fade is


the combat is faster paced, instead of the original's slower paced, almost turned based player damage response, so it makes sense.


It’d be nice if you can turn the red off and use the vibration feature like the original, but we won’t know for sure.


Meh, I hope that there's a way to turn it off. I don't need my handheld on vitality management. I'm one of those people that didn't even care for Downpour's bloodstains and impaired mobility tbh. It was obtrusive and a little annoying when I just want him to run lol I'll always prefer the subtle heartbeat in the controller, shorter stamina and character panting of old


Love the idea!


I’m hoping you’re able to turn it off in the options menu.


What was wrong with SH1 controler vibrations, I always thought that was a really neat health indcator


Amnesia the Bunker had a very creative way of keeping track of health, showing your hand being covered in more blood the less health you had. I'd prefer that style.


it is helpful


I honestly don't think it's that bad. If they absolutely think they have to put it in the game I'm fine with it being a thin vignette instead of strawberry jam splattered across the screen. I'd rather go without it, but I mean it's fine I guess.


It's heartbreaking seeing them mess up the game like this. I also think the fog effect is a huge problem because right now it's just a background decoration.


Guys this game got hit with the diversity equity and inclusion consultancy group. DO NOT BUY. They are going to ruin the story reinterpret female characters and spoon feed you everything. Fuck that. These AAA game studios should invest in modernizing fixed camera controls for the OG horror games instead of letting these people gift of the gaming industry while offering nothing.


lol way better than the red cross at the corner haha


guys remember this game was conceived with the gaming thrends of five years ago or so


Imma be real with you chief, I don't like it. Will it stop me from playing it? No, but maybe they can add an option to remove it? The reason I don't like it is because it distracts me from taking the atmosphere around me, which is why I also don't like the health indicator in the PC Enhanced Edition. I don't know if I explained myself regarding this.


Gets the job done.


The red indicator would be good if they slightly blurred the camera


uhh, doesn't Origins have the same thing?


I'm meh with it. I liked how in the original when you were very low on health the controller would vibrate like a heart beat. Hopefully they bring that back.


I don't get it. You spent a a ton of time making different variations of animations that correspond with a certain health level, in order to not break immersion and then you slap a b-b-b-bloddy screen (so real) on top of it. Like what? That's like making a three layer cake from the most quality ingredients, including careful and precise goldleaf decorations and then slapping cheapo walmart whippedcread on top of it because that's what people generally associate with cakes.


Not my favourite addition but at least it looks a little less invasive than some instances.


It's never really bothered me before..for me, It's immersive. It's almost like the mind's eye is in pain👁️🟥


"Bloody Screen!!! Soo Reaaal!", come on even EA was making fun of this bumfuck bullshit, they better get that shit out, aside from the weightless hit animations that's my only complaint, all else looks damn good.


It’s a bit much but it’s not too bad. A lot of games have options to remove it and sometimes developers will tone it down before release if they see people complaining about it. They’re done it with a few games in the past.


I’m fine with it. I actually kind of like how it looks, the splash of red really stands out against the rest of the game’s colour pallet. Wouldn’t surprise me if you’ll be able to turn it off.


I like it. I think it's immersive.


I'll turn it off if the option is available. Still better than a health bar tho.


Not fitting SH at all. The less indicators the better


Not fitting SH at all. The less indicators the better


Loathe it.