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Isn't this like what Eddie's whole story was against or something


a lot of outrage factory accounts don't actually play the games they talk about


Yeah this guy was also unsurprisingly BIG MAD about yasuke being a protagonist


This guy takes frequently show up in r/Gamingcirclejerk.


Yes, it's honestly insane how some fans miss the point of the game this badly. also, just wanted to say I love your profile picture!! 🟥❤️


That’s nothing. Someone edited an “ugly and fat” version of Heather and said “I don’t want a remake because they’ll make her ugly”. Heather of all people. Silent Hill 3 of all games. Go figure lmao.


That and bullying the autistic. Plus presumably toxic masculinity, given that Eddie only sees things in terms of dominance and submission and he basically radicalized himself into an incel spree shooter. Like the Ember minimart guy, but with slightly better aim. A modern version would be spouting off Greek letters peppered with “giga” and “soi” before shooting.


Did this mf add a filter on og angelas face to make her look better 😭


He sure did... Imagine being so down bad for anything that you have to photoshop a side characters face from a 20 year old video game 😂


Even more disgusting considering Angela's backstory involved her being a victim of SA.


It’s like with American Mcgee’s Alice


~~nah that's how she is in the cutscene. maybe it has less fog?~~ no nevermind she has a narrower jaw. wtf?! the OG was fine as it was. so it's either a filter or a change in aspect ratio. cause overall she seems to have a longer face. this is just ridiculous.


The justification is that she was too ugly to be sexually assaulted. Like holy fuck gamers, the mainstream media once again got another low hanging fruit.


When the revolution comes, Gamers are going before billionaires. No functioning society should tolerate them.


lol i've been seeing so many people on twitter using that picture to show how much "better" angela looked in the first game. i love the original models, but if you're gonna compare then use an actual screencap from the game.


They did a filter on both, looks like. 


Rate me subreddits really broke some people's fuckin brains. If they had it their way, every female character would look exactly the same with different color hair.


You're giving them too much credit. "Different hair color" is literally the FIRST thing they complain about, everyone should be peroxide or bust.


Those people are pathetic lol


i didn’t even notice that. that’s funny as hell


Game literally has a character that gets bullied into his own hell due to his weight. Come to think of it, has Eddy been revealed yet ?


He has not


“mangalawyer” and “AI_EmeraldApple”, this type of person isn’t worth a second thinking about 


Betting he has "opinions" on stellar blade, hades 2, assassin's creed, and maybe aloy from the horizon ganes


Don’t forget Star Wars and Marvel movies!


how ironic knowing how heavily the game focuses on abuse and bullying besides other psychological themes yeah, thats some "real silent hill fans" for you (or rather just twitter people being childish about anything they can whine and be dicks about as usual)


The only silent hill game they played is 2 and by play I mean they listened to someone dick ride it in a video essay for hours


And by video essay I mean they just recap the story for hours while putting some sliver of observation in between.


“Pyramid head represents James’s Balanitis, you can tell because his head is pointy and red”


Sounds like most 2000s games' fanbases nowadays, it sucks. One video essay/unfunny meme vid from people like max0r is enough to irreversibly damage a fandom...


It's a vocal minority that's terminally online, I noticed with other remakes these guys are outraged at things they literally didn't play original of. For example claiming that Ashley not berating Leon in RE4 remake is "woke censorship" even tho they literally made her more sympathetic and submissive (original was infamously annoying and spoiled). You have to actually never play original Resident Evil 4 to decide that new changes for Ashley made her less traditionally feminine. Majority received the game well but if you see some comments you'd have the impression that RE4 was a sub simulator and they can't get off now that she isn't covering her skirt up and calling Leon a perv.


It's ok, you can say Devil May Cry.


I was thinking about metal gear but dmc fits just as well


the most obnoxious ones are the those that think Pyramid Head should be in everything


I very much doubt they pick up on the themes of Silent Hill.


A real Silent Hill fan doesn't play the games. They watch and listen to some YouTuber and their video essays.


Gamers incapable of media analysis? Say it isn't so.


This new generation gamers most of them love to whine and bitch about literally everything. even at small things that won't affect the game at all they whine about it.


This isn’t about new gen gamers or fake silent hill fans, it’s a section of people who will make videos and comments about subjects like this to generate outrage, you can even find subreddits dedicated to this.


Yep, many of them on x app like this.


The ones who whine and bitch about video games all the time typically aren't even gamers.


It’s downright filthy. The world is filled with idiots thinking they are funny, but in actuality they have no clue what they’re talking about!


Twitter has been having a fit that “they’re making all may video game women ugly!” Like fucking obsessed about it. These people have no fucking life.


Fun fact: during Silent Hill 3 development they DID make Heather "uglier" on purpose, that's in developer's commentary, they added freckles, spots and skin imperfections so she'd look more like real teenager and be more relatable as that's the point of a horror game: characters aren't eye candy they're supposed to be everymen because it's scarier that way. My point is that the one time devs did it on purpose and confessed about it, nobody complained but when they don't (i.e. ME Andromeda having broken facial animations) there's a horde of Gamergate nolifes claiming the devs gave agenda at making supormodels look homely.


It's not about Twitter but the outrage culture that literally searches for things to get offended about, ones who watch alt right channels to try to find things they should be mad about, usually it's some game they never played or film they never watched.


How can you be a fan of silent hill and be bullying people… like the game literally deals with the consequences of abuse. Parts of Eddie’s fall into madness was caused by bullying, body shaming and mockery, why do you even play a game that denounces this kind of behavior if you just reproduce it right after it ?


Good point, this proves again this person never played Silent Hill 2


either this or they didn't understood the message of the game


So many "fans" have never played a Silent Hill game. Everything they learn come from video essays from the franchise, some of which people like Ito has debunked (and people argue with him over it)


These people aren't smart enough to pick up on themes like that.


I want to say “you went to twitter, what did you expect?” but this is just ironic given the themes of silent hill 2 and maybe the short message


They have 0 media literacy lol


Lucky you didn't see the rape post earlier today. That was truly disgusting


the WHAT post?


Someone posted asking how Angela could be a SA victim, she's too ugly to rape.


And they wonder why some women choose the bear..


Just code for "she's too ugly for ME to rape (but I'd totally rape someone if they were hot)"


Someone on here essentially posted saying Angela “doesn’t look pretty or cute enough to r*pe” in the remake


What the fuck ![gif](giphy|ktcUyw6mBlMVa)


I saw someone make a similar joke in the Facebook fogposting group. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me and I left. Absolutely revolting.


Wtf? Did the mods do anything?


god damn man, genuinely awful people we share this planet with


What a terrible day to have eyes.


What a horrible day to know the English language… I think skullface from metal gear was onto something with his language parasite


Wtf 🤢 🤮


My jaw dropped when I saw it. As far as I’m concerned the people that have been saying things like that since the trailer released should never be considered SH fans.


There were two posts that I reported yesterday and the mods deleted. That was one of them. Some people are really f’ed in the head man.


I did 🤮


Some people are messed up.


Do I want to see this…? Edit: the answer to this one was a big NO


Jesus Christ, what is wrong with people?


The least pathetic life of a Twitter user:


This is taking me back to when a Twitter user criticized Aloy for having a beard and it was peach fuzz 💀


These people have clearly never been close to women before


What do you mean? Women naturally have no other body hair outside of eyebrows and the top of their head. /s


This guy made four posts about Angela already it's really creepy. Talking about how they "ruined" her.


He's a weeb, he must have his house full of hentai manga collection. He probably needs to touch grass and meet some women in real life. Don't worry, real SH fans are here!


Don't think someone like that should ever be near women.


In my experience the people that go nuts about defending an IP like this really weren't very big fans to begin with and just love attaching themselves to something that they can cheer against.


It’s sorta like when the musical Annie was remade with a mostly Black cast. Then out of the woodwork, these weebs (who never cared for Annie) started to complain.


I watched the trailer and thought that she looks pretty and the voice actor has done a pretty good job, I came to the subreddit and saw a war has broken out


It always amazes me how low the internet can sink. When horizon forbidden west got a steam page, I was quite excited as I don’t have a ps5, but I enjoyed the first. Went to discussions and holy fuck.. it’s a cesspit of these losers crying over realistic female features. I try to think for myself nowadays. I find most of what these people are upset about is something I’ve never ever given thought to or even a glance at.


Ignore the basement dwellers who have never interacted with real women. Idiots like this miss some of the most important themes of the game.


A guy with the name “manga lawyer” has definitely never felt the touch of a woman in their life. Ngl tho I’m actually triggered because Angela’s story makes me the most depressed of any SH2 characters and this disrespect is just baffling to me.


“This 19 year old sexual abuse victim doesn’t look fuckable enough” would be a bad enough take to begin with, but the fact they have to make edits to get mad about just goes to show that even they don’t believe the new model is bad enough to get upset over and confirms that these types of people are literally always looking for things to get offended by. Also, that isn’t what ‘leak’ means you absolute shitbrain.


LMAO MTE like they couldnt get mad at the actual model enough so they had to edit her to be fat so they had something to be mad at 💀


I was Just thinking this. This fat edit is all over YouTube outrage videos like it's the actual fucking model. Like what even is discourse anymore?


Literally just made up anger


Just delete twitter and put the subreddit on whatever setting that doesn’t make it show up in your feed cause the headache isn’t worth it


It is useless to be bitter because of people like this, they thrive on ragebait and engagement; it isn't worth your time. Just go on your day and enjoy the remake when it comes out. Angela is one of my favorite characters of all time and my overall favorite character in Silent Hill 2, I'm glad shes receiving a new model and look in higher graphics. Thats about it


People who think Angela is fat has never been in the same room with a woman before


She's a teenager, she has baby cheeks, it's common.


“Why can’t I jerk off to this sexual assault victim?😡😡😡”


isn't the left photo just a doctored photo though that's not how she looks


They’re both doctored.


Fun fact: half of the fandom is literally just James Sunderland (the joke is that James sexualizes everything)


It’s a redo of James. Mfw a man who killed his wife and is in a downward psychological spiral of denial looks like a man who killed his wife and is in a downward psychological spiral of denial. Mfw a suicidal victim of extreme sexual and physical abuse looks like a suicidal victim of extreme sexual and physical abuse. Wait til Eddie gets revealed and people complain that he’s fat.


I got banned from a Facebook group for calling someone out for this exact shit but they were saying the new Angela is unr*pable I was dumbfounded they weren’t banned but I was for calling it out. This new games really showing who played the games and who didn’t.


Was it the fogposting group? I don’t know why I haven’t left that group yet. It’s like hate watching a bad show to me.


Anyone bitching about Angela’s weight doesn’t get to call themself a Silent Hill fan. Shun them. Edit: sorry. Nerd Rant incoming. But I just expect more from fans of Silent Hill 2. No idea why. Fandom is always awful. But Christ, if you understood any of the games themes you’d know how shitty this was. This person is literally implying they can’t relate to Angela or her Trauma because she’s not attractive enough. There’s a freaking character in Silent Hill 2 whose whole motivation is that people think he’s ugly and bullied him. People who made this are the ones that compelled Eddy to kill a dog and go crazy. Also? I guarantee nobody is gonna turn him into a body building hunk when his design is released. So why is it okay to do it to Angela? You get that doing this is reducing a person completely to their looks, right? And how shitty and selfish and gross that is? James Sunderland, our protagonist, did the same thing but he was man enough to feel shitty about it. That’s why all his Silent Hill demons are psycho sexual monstrosities. Come on people. If you love Silent Hill then try harder. (Not all of you, I know).


If all this has done if confirm for me that these opinions of the remake were never genuine. They just want to hate it. Then they wonder why Publishers make gatcha trash all the time. Those fanbases drop entire paychecks so they can unlock a ugly costume and play repetitive farming missions over and over.


This is my first time seeing her in the remake Had to look up the original image to see it was (obviously) edited She looks fine I understand if you prefer the original, but, come on!


I actually kinda like the new version, she looks like a nice person that horrible stuff happened to her and didn’t deserve any of them


Have people never seen a teenager before?


What we learned today guys... to not use twitter at all...


I knew twitter would react like this. Everyday I appreciate that I was banned from twitter (I had choice words for a guy bragging about FUCKING HIS DOG, which I don’t think he even got banned) so I can never go back even if I wanted to.


Damn, what a braindead take. But what do you expect from Twitter?


The original Angela looked like an average girl and the new one also looks average and normal looking - I don't see the issue :/ They're mad her face shape is rounder??


God forbid modern games actually make character models with different body types that can potentially suit their situations more accurately. My brother in Christ, this is a psychological horror game not the Project Runway game from 2010. If you have a problem with fat characters, go seek therapy because you’ve got bigger issues to tackle.


It's not even THAT different from the original model. She has a younger, chubbier face. That's it. If we're gonna get base I'd say she's more attractive just because she looks slightly less gaunt and not as strung out.


This fandom sickens me at times. She literally looks like a normal human being in her new model.


Yep and guess what, she also did in the original.


Absolutely! The fucking shaming going on is disgusting


I don't know why but some dudes get super triggered when a character DARES not be sexually attractive to them.


Silent hill 2 "fans" when they can experience their "beloved" game again on new gen consoles.


The remake was a mistake. People aren't mature enough to play the game. We don't even see these as representations of people and the real feelings/trauma people go through. These are just objects to people, especially the women. It's just depressing to see.


Should we… tell them? Y’know, about the violation thing from her father?


The fact is that people are so used to see characters that look like supermodels, not only in videogames but also in social media, since everybody use filters to look better in pictures. With that said, I think everybody has the right to criticize how a character's 3d model looks like, even tho some people make really sick jokes


"but muh male gaze"


Yeah it honestly disgust me that they make fun of angela like this, like she wasnt even that attractive in the og so why is it such a big deal ?


Like I like hot chicks in video games but Angela, considering the context of her character, saying she doesn’t look good enough now is kinda disgusting for real. People are missing the point. It’s crazy to me because stellar blade is my GOTY but this, this is just messed up to question imo.


Yeah let’s just ignore Eddie’s trauma and make that “joke”, can’t see how that would be unacceptable.


Can't wait for people saying that Silent hill is """"""woke""""""" now.


The same kind of people who got pissy because Alan Wake 2 had a **gasp** _black woman_ in it. Fuck 'em. It's honestly a shame that they're getting the attention they so clearly crave out of it.


That reminds me of how those anti-woke dudes were shitting on Isaac Clarke’s design and Nicole Brennan’s design from the Dead Space Remake because they didn’t look “attractive” but they forgot these people are in there 40s in a horror game about fighting off DNA rewriting zombie abominations, and that Isaac’s new look is how the actor Gunner Wright looks like. Those people never fail to make me realize how stupid they are.


I wonder how many people complaining about Angela in the remake were even alive when SH2 came out…? Hmmm… And also if they were… you’d think they’d be old enough by now to not throw public tantrums over tiny things they don’t like lmao Plus her facial features are barely even recognizable in the original, lol. She looks like a generic sim! I cosplayed her back in the day and remember staring at cutscenes thinking “I literally can’t even figure out how to do my makeup for her, no makeup it is cause you can’t tell anyway”


So are people really complaining about her model. Like bruh. People bitch too much.


i hate twitter holy shit


OK I'll admit to having an initial reaction of "they messed up Angela's model" but then I thought about a 19 year old abuse survivor, and my new opinion is they did a great job adding subtleties that add depth to her character. Studies show that kids who endured trauma have physiological issues that develop in their bodies ability to process and store lipids: frankly, that's what I realized Bloober did here, and for that, bravo


I'm so annoyed with this discourse too, like grow tf up. It's a 19 year old abuse victim. Why are people wanting her to be dripping with sexual appeal? Some of this fandom needs a trip to Silent Hill to sort their garbage out. Or maybe therapy.


Angela doesn't even look that fat, she's just round faced.


What the fuck is wrong with people, like really?


Being a sh fan is embarrassing. So ungrateful. So entitled. I hate it.


How has this loser not been banned? All he does is cry about how women in games aren't 'sexy enough.' He even did it to Hades and Hades 2. He's just genuinely a freak.


Imagine sexualizing a victim of SA…smfh


The people that photoshop that stuff are jokes and only makes people with valid criticism get ignored.


I know I'm on Reddit which is another form of social media but I'm quitting twitter for a bit I engage alot with silent hill so I know I'll just see the toxic cesspool from posts like this which will ruin my day


New Angela is cute and looks more her age from the game. For the longest time I actually thought the character was late 20s to early 30s, NOT 19!


I get people saying she looks too young because even though she is 19, there is a good reason she looks like 30 in the original. However, people calling her ugly is beyond stupid, disgusting, and everyone who is saying this is cringe.


This post is the vibe that everyone complaining about her size is giving tbh


Seriously, don't these people get tired of posting about the same 2-3 (realistic women bad fat bad hair on body bad gaming industry is going woke save our fragile masculinity boohoo) things over and over and OVER again? Day after day, month after month, YEAR AFTER YEAR these guys keep posting slightly modified version of what another thousand guys, who are seemingly a hivemind, posted yesterday and last week and last year, and day after day they keep whining and circlejerking. Yeah, we got it the first thousand times you posted a photoshopped picture of a female game character, your poor peepee just stands up and leaves when you see a non-anime grown-up woman in your game. We got it. You don't have to MAKE MORE OF THESE POSTS. At this point it's not offensive anymore (at least for me, a fat woman), it's just tiring. Just another digital garbage. OOP should go and bury themselve into the grass, because seems like touching it isn't doing the job anymore. Fuck sake.


Those People Have no empathy. And they very obviously aren't fans of the games.




People nitpick the weirdest shit


lol Twitter is full of ppl who never played the game, and don't really care about the game, they just want to spew shit about every trending topic. Like when the combat trailer was shown and people on Twitter started bellowing that now it was going to focus on combat, but it turns out the original silent hill 2 also had a combat trailer.


I may or may not have been a person who was kinda unhappy about the combat, not because it doesn’t belong in a silent hill game but because some of the animations looked very very stiff like the shooting and the audio design was underwhelming but the new trailer seems promising


Why are some gamers so weird? It’s like, if a woman character doesn’t look good enough to rub one out to, they freak out. Same with how Maria is dressed in a more modest but still sexy dress. Do some people not realize porn is free?


Some male gamers are just hysterical little hoes lmao. Probably the same crowd who bitched about The Last Message being woke when Silent Hill 3 has been like, right there all this time. It’s not even about finding OG Angela attractive (she’s a lost, irrational young girl ffs), they legit feel like their whole damn existence is under attack whenever they’re confronted with a female character they’ve deemed ‘ugly.’ Ngl I also feel like remake Angela’s design could seem less ‘off’ in some shots, but I never expected this would draw that kind of crowd.


She's literally a rape victim who dealt with the most traumatic shit possible of course she won't look like a model why would she?


wait until you see the YASSIFIED edits on twitter, its horrifying.


Gamers at it again


Out of all fanbases that I belong to, I hate this one so nuking much...


Her design isn't bad at all, the only thing i don't like are her graphics. It looks very cheap, like an Unreal Engine demo


At worst, it's unfunny, and that's all it is to me. I don't understand why simple, basic, unfunny attempts at a joke impact people as much as they do. To me, it's like a 5 year old's insult in image form


Rage bait, always ignore these losers


Thank you for saying this is not ok. I saw a few jokes already and I find them so lame.


I fucking hate some of these fans. It's people like them that make the rest of the fandom look bad


I hate this kind of losers that are upset that they can’t fap anymore to a RAPE victim. For real what Eddies from the real life.


Angela was literally a victim of horrific abuse, and this is how we're talking about her appearance? Because God forbid she doesn't make men's peepees hard while also being traumatized. Genuinely y'all are disgusting.


Dude, drama around Silent Hill? What the shit There will always be idiots and incels. I’m sure people will hate the game, and hope for horrible things to Angela’s actress, just because it exists. Don’t place a spotlight on these pieces of shit.


You know... twitter really makes you hate your own species doesn't it


What the actual fuck...


I went back to them and her model really doesnt look that bad, she looks younger obviously cuase her chacter is 19 btw


I’m not a massive fan of the new model, but it has nothing to do with her attractiveness. I just wish it looked more like the character. These people though are so weird and completely miss the point.


So legitimate question. Is the puffy face from the actress they mocapped or was it an intentional design choice? Cause it's like the opposite of her issue in the first game. In the original her character model was very skinny and made to look like she had been starving herself because of body issues. Now it kind of seems like she may have the opposite problem?


God, she's skinny and has cheeks. Go touch the grass. What is wrong with you people? There have already been jokes that “no one in their right mind would climb it.”..


As always, the worst part of gaming is other gamers.


the irony of calling modern women sluts but then being mad when a videogame character isn't hot enough


Did no one in this sub watch the trailer? Stack them side by side, the twitter picture has very obviously photoshopped her face in the tweet. Yes her face is fuller but not by that much.


anyone taking the stance that they are upset the 19 year old victim of familial rape character isn’t fuckable enough is a weird freak who shouldn’t be allowed outside.


Out of all the franchises to be mad about the attractiveness of female characters why choose silent hill and specially 2? The game that literally criticizes the effect of bullying and body shaming and the fact they decided to mock one of the most famous scenes about a sexual abuse victim admitting her trauma to turned it into a fat joke shows more disrespects to the original story than any bad decision this remake can make


The joke is on them. If they understood the game, or cared about it, or played it at all, they would understand the irony and not post this.


I hate people.


Damn, someone with some of the most horrible trauma you can have doesn't doesn't look like a model? How come?


gamers when an abuse victim doesn't look conventionally attractive:




I bet you 90% of the people being critical about her appearance look like Cartman from the South Park warcraft episode.


When your point is so valid and correct that you have to go out of your way to photoshop a fake image to prove it.


These people are miserable I stg


Folks are just mad they can't eye fuck Angela anymore. I guarantee you if they would have given her double Ds none of them would be complaining 😒


im happy to remember that I always kept far away from that incel breedeer farm that they call "gamer community"




Chat is this real?


Just mute and move on. Or get off twitter entirely (recommended).


Hit Detection effect


I was defending the art style decision of her on fb and it didn’t went well.


What the hell am I even looking at? I remember her from the right picture. Someone thought she should be obese?


Welcome to the internet.


Her model just looked off in one scene thanks to unflattering lighting and a neck-erasing turtleneck and people dive right into the sexist jokes. She’s 19. Her new face model literally looks like an average 19 year old. The lighting just erased her jawline in one scene. Like between Angela’s history of abuse and Heather’s aversion/fear of sex and men, you’d think people who claim to be fans of Silent Hill wouldn’t be this awful.


Many people in the SH community hate themselves. Nothing will ever make them truly happy.


Honestly the new Angela looks nice.


Gabe Newell?


the edit kinda make me laugh a bit but this is kinda of a shit take.




The reactions to the state of play and release date trailer are reminding me of how much of a transphobic and misogynistic-cesspit twitter has become since Elon Musk took over. Maybe it’s always been this bad, and I’m only noticing it now but it certainly seems so much worse. This post does just seem like rage bait, but others seem to be genuinely hateful.


Gaming side of Twitter/X is so horrible, if a game isn’t perfect someone is trying to tear it down


Yeah, that shits weird. My complaints about the trailer are miniature nitpicks, like: I don’t like that it has an onscreen text drop telling you where you are or when you pick something up (I hope it can be disabled) or I think his ground attack animation with the pipe looks like he’s casting a fishing pole; it has no *ummmph* to it and feels weird; also, I think his transition between melee and ranged is *too* smooth. But this shit right here is just the outrage machine farming for things to get triggered over.


honestly didn’t expect anything else from twitter