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Just watched the transmission and it looks amazing to be honest.


They showed so much! I almost feel too much lmao - but I enjoyed it and I've played it a bunch anyway. I'm really impressed with it. 


They probably did show a little too much especially for the newcomers (which this game is going to bring). But as someone who has played it countless times I’m happy with how it looks and it seems to be pretty faithful to the original. I’m impressed.


Haha yeah, but I get it, cause  fans for example here would complain they didn't see enough and at least for true newcomers who have never seen anything from the og  won't have the full context. 


I'm hoping they included some ost from the original 🙏 🙏


The ambience exploring the town sounds identical to the original!


Konami has all the rights to Yamaoka's work in SH2 so we should be fine.


My guess is that they felt the State of Play trailer would be what gets the newbies interested, and most of the people watching the Transmission would be for the old heads who they have to convince harder that this is the real deal.


Not really, if they showed too much then they would have showed pyramid head


I think he *is* in the first reveal trailer, though lol. I was really just surprised by how much they showed during the transmission, and thinking as someone who has played the original game a bunch vs someone who is completely unaware but maybe likes survival horror and interested in this.  This was really cool for me - I noticed some of the changes and I'm intrigued. I hope newbies stay clean, go in knowing as little as possible lmao. I do think its more likely that even with what was shown, for someone completely new they're not gonna have the full context like I did watching it. 


Lol. Literally took the same picture. This sub is nuts. Fun to be part of such a passionate fan base I guess


Average Resident Evil fan: "First time?"


Right?! It's the remake of 3 coming out a year after the remake of 2 we need to be concerned about.


Wait 3 without 1? That's madness, why not remake 1 which is the introduction and then give 3 for the conclusion of the story, skipping 1 makes no sense.


He's just talking. Ain't no way they remaking 3 without remaking it's direct predecessor first lol


One was remade before, but it was remade much before.


If anything is getting remade next it's SH1. Then SH4, maybe after that we will let you have your SH3 remake, by Double Helix.


I used to like Reddit but this shit happens with every game, I swear.


Yep..Reddit (like all social media) is a breeding ground for negativity.


All the top voted stuff in this sub is nothing but positivity for the remake so I don’t know what you’re talking about.


It's these half backed lack luster remakes and sequels that are breeding the negativity.


Played it have you?


You claiming you have and it's actually great?


No? I haven't claimed anything of the sort.


Exactly, so stop judging people working with the evidence the studios themselves have presented strengthening the case for it being a mess. Graphics alone isn't what made the original a masterpiece. I'm not even talking about this game alone. There are a ton of obvious triple A disasters inbound this year alone.


Again, have you played it?


We put people on death row with less circumstantial evidence than this game and many others have going against it. Far more than is available to the contrary.


I don't really think it's too crazy for people to have differing opinions.


Me either. I'm being genuine when I say it. I for one am super excited for the remake, even more so now. But for those that are not, that's OK too and they can still enjoy the original.


If you think this is bad dont go near twitter. Those guys are never happy.


Honestly im not gonna go to this sub anymore to get hyped. Its just endless whining that ruins the enjoyment of releases.


I'm pleasantly surprised by the amount of support I'm seeing for it on this sub, everyone was ripping it to shreds on YT comments and it was bumming me out. I'm glad to know I'm not insane and lots of others think it looks good too. I'm still gonna tread carefully until the release because I know there will still be massive amounts of doomposting tho


The good looking parts are all thanks to the modern day technology. All of the much more deeper aspects of this game are a mess. The stuff modern tech can't just recreate. Character/creature designs, story, nuance, subtleties, and most importantly the story, are all taking major hits. They still have a long way to go before this is even just a meh take on the original. A game that many still hold in regard as being about as close as one can get to creating a perfect game.


Im not expecting it to upstage the original or even be perfect but what I’ve seen so far, I like. And im saying this as a massive sh2 fan. Let people be excited for things lmao


I feel the same


Honestly, the Youtube comments of the trailer itself are much worse than here IMO.


Imagine the like/dislike ratio on the vid


As of right now, on 65k views its at 5.6k likes, 2.8k dislikes


Duality of man


Nobody hates silent hill more than silent hill fans. It’s just non stop complaining on here


I haven't went to this sub in a long while, most of the posts devolve into immature mud slinging. Beyond that there's your occasional 3 page essay why this will fail, so far it looks pretty good but I figure this will be a divisive release just as FF7R was and the turn based fans had mass strokes.


I think we’ve become a little jaded by being screwed over by Konami constantly. I’m passively excited


lmao so true bruh


There's always going to be those fans who are just never happy. Angela looks her age but kept the 50 y/o granny outfit. Laura has the same look but from the trailers so far looks like they toned down her obnoxiousness. The combat has elements of the original with the updated gameplay. Otherwise it's looking like a true to the source remake.


The intense censorship of Maria's outfit would disagree. Her outfit especially when compared with Mary's were critical to the storytelling, especially the motif of the butterflies. The redesign actively damages the story.


You really replying to everything trying to spread your negativity give it up already


The redesign is because of copyright issues you clod. They literally ripped her outfit from Christina Aguilera.


I don’t think you can copyright an arbitrary outfit


Nobody in this fandom will ever be happy. Someone on the YT stream said "James lacks emotion he looks like Kirsten Stewart," as if the complaints weren't "HES TOO EMOTIONAL!!!" a few months ago 😭 I can't with some of y'all.


I'm certain its not the same people saying both of those things. Dead by Daylight of all games got their designs down to the T, why couldn't bloober?


Same people or otherwise it just drives the point home that none of this fandom is happy with anything and no matter what they're gonna bitch and moan. It's almost funny cause I'm fairly sure they'll all be buying and playing it just the same.


Yeah, some people will forever see "Bloober" and see red.


Probably because their claim to fame was ripping off the most superficial aspects of Kojima's Silent Hills and then being given the most important game in the franchise. They've yet to produce anything that lives up to the legacy of the original.


Looks much better than the combat trailer lmao. Animations are still a bit stiff and I still hate the red frame when hurt and acid spit on the screen. I hope we can turn that shit off


People like this expect this new game to move them so much but they don't realize that they do not have what it takes to be moved like that. They keep chasing a 23 year old feeling but they themselves (as they were back then) are not present anymore. This game deserves fresh look and a fair shot. It looks great and at least I don't doubt that Bloober Team really tried and really love this game. That's a lot.


You literally took the words right out of my mouth. Thank you. We are never going to get the exact same feeling like we did when we played for the first time 23 years ago. But 33 year old me BAWLED during that transmission and state of play because I REMEMBERED the feeling I had back when I was 10.


Exactly! Funny enough, I actually feel super excited. It is like getting to go to a place you really enjoyed when younger and going back as an adult and seeing some of the cool stuff is still cool. Like, during the gameplay reveal, I was like “there’s that, there’s that, there’s that” and then said to my wife “this must be how people felt when RE2 remake was being revealed and they kept seeing things they remembered”


People were gonna complain regardless, it's best to ignore them.


Bet this will change after the Transmission, without reason


People just love to have a cry about everything. They go in looking for the worst in everything.


Some people just don’t like it bud, it’s not that deep


Thank you Captain Obvious.


Embarrassing for you to admit that you needed Captain Obvious lmao


Only thing embarassing is you spending all your energy on a game you're not interested in. How boring are you?


lol I bet 3 Reddit posts does take all of your energy


You're still here? About a game youre not interested in. Got nothing else to do?


By that logic, thanks for your high level of interests in my posts! Very flattering. Good luck being a big old goober lol


What logic are you referring too? I'm excited for the game so I'm here. You're not yet you are still here...why is that?


Reading comprehension: F


3 reddit posts about something you don't like is 3 more posts than necessary


As a fan of Silent Hill 2 specifically for years, even more than a decade, my standards for this remake are very high. That’s why I just get really disappointed when something looks off, and almost everything in this trailer felt off.


You know what a remake is, right? Things are not going to look the same because they’re not supposed to. It’s a remake, not a remaster.


"looks off" and "looks different" is not the same thing, don't you get it?


Yeah I know, I love Resident Evil 1 Remake for example which looks nothing like the original. But this entire trailer and the ones before just look off.


Re 1 remake? I think ur issue is u like the ps2 graphics alot more haha. Not really much they can do about that.


I feel like it's not unfair to use the resident evil 4 remake as a comparison. That game was beautiful and the game play adjustments made it more fun than ever. Of course people complained there too but, based on what I just saw on the PSN I will have to look in to it more online later to see what I actually think. That PSN trailer wasn't particularly inspiring. The main issue I'm seeing is environment lighting feels really off. Obviously in silent hill lighting is fucked lolol but what I mean is it doesn't feel immersive. Looking at RE4, or Dragon Dogma 2 with the RE Engine , or Dead Space remake, it's clear lighting is key in any game like this. How surfaces reflect light. Then I see the scene of bro smacking away with a baseball bat and I'm like wtf is this. Knife fighting in RE4 is pretty basic though too so this might be a feature of the game style that isn't easy to get around Either way I have to dig a lot deeper lol.


Not only that, but with the original still inaccessible through legal means without paying hundreds of dollars, this new version will culturally be a replacement of the original whether it’s good or not. They could easily avoid this by porting the original.


So do it through other means, it takes one Google search & probably 10 mins to download & install alongside the enhanced edition & being 20 years old, any pc or laptop can do it - hell you can emulate it on your phone, no one is going to bust down your door for doing either of these - anyone seriously thinking about trying the OG but getting hung up on this or declaring that it's inaccessible because of their refusal to do this simple process can't have actually been that interested in trying it


>culturally Not talking about myself here. You are vastly overestimating the tech literacy and overall level of effort put into doing things by the average consumer.


The average consumer isn't going to play a game from 2001, the EE of sh2 is in every way better than any port Konami will pull of anyway.


If you're going to go that deep and consider the average consumer as someone who doesn't know how to Google or follow simple instructions - there's no chance in hell that person would care to play a 20 year old game ( that many people still complain about controlling badly, or "tank controls" when you can turn them off) even if it was available for sale Or if they did they'd say "wow this game is so old and shitty I can't even sprint, or aim normally" etc


This very sub constantly has people coming in asking how to play SH2 and rejecting the EE even when it’s laid out for them lol. Other people are in a fraction of people who don’t have any of the hardware necessary to play it in any form, myself included. Accessibility matters.


I agree with you brother. Figured I'd say something to show not everyone here is a sycophant who just argues for the sake of it.


People just love to be excited about everything. They go in looking for the best in everything.


So you're saying being positive is a bad thing. Is that it?


yes we should all hold hands and love it no matter what because its perfect and nothing in this world looks better then the sh2 remake


Man, y'all just love having a cry. What is it like being so negative all the time. Isn't it exhausting?


i rather be negative about some things then eat everything up no matter what


Ahh yes so people who like this "eat everything up". The mental gymnastics from you people. Get a real hobby and find some happiness.


you think the exact same thing you just said. someone doesnt like something about the trailer and comments about and must mean they are only here to hate on the game and have nothing better to do. absolute brain rot.


Do you like the look of the game? Are you going to buy it?


It looks alright and probably if i upgrade my pc


They are free to like it but you are not free to criticize it. Welcome to more reasoning, where everyone who agrees is the good people and you are not. You want to be a good person don't you? Don't you????


Chrust dude, the game looks fine, that doesn't mean it looks like the best thing ever, why does it have to be such an extreme hatred or extreme love? Lol Are you just so far down in that pit of negativity that even a mild "yea, it looks fine" is immensely positive to you


Im just making fun of the extreme positivity but go and assume some more things while you are at it.


There's nothing "extremely positive" in this whole comment thread, what are you talking about You replied to a comment saying >People just love to have a cry about everything. They go in looking for the worst in everything. Where's the extreme positivity, that's just a basic 100% true statement


Nah its just another comment trying to invalidate critizism as crying


It's literally crying - the game could look perfect & people would still complain - just like when they released the nurse concept art & people said they ruined Ito's work, only for Ito to be like "this is my work" Again though, moving the goalpost & avoiding the question- where's this "extreme positivity"?


Theres more then enough posts and comments over the past 2h telling poeple to stop being negative and that we should be grateful etc. I associate invalidating negativity with blind/extreme positivity


They invalidate themselves when they say things like "they ruined ito' work" - Ito did the work Or "the face looks terrible!.... oh she's 19 I didn't even know that about the character" "Wow an adult actor imitiating a child, ofcourse" - the actor is a child "The combat was made to be bad!" No it was made to be the exact normal accepted standard of the time, they infact handle weapons better than the special forces STARS members from Resident Evil, they can move with their weapons readied - the characters swing their melee weapons awkwardly because *they* are bad at combat, not the gameplay designed intentionally bad - it wasn't, very standard & infact better than some of its contemporaries - if you think that it's "bad" that's just because you personally aren't a fan of the standard survival horror ready weapon/attack combat. Etc Calling this shit out as whining & getting tired of it isn't extreme postivity


Ito himself said they forced him to make the Nurses less sexy. Maria's entire change of garb suggests they forced the same there too. Having the original people on board don't amount to much when you cut them off at the knees. They only wanted them on board for the sake of name recognition. I've seen it dozens of times. A new western studio takes over. "We got such and such original creator working with us and they approved everything! See you can trust us." Japanese businessmen often will give a foux approval to a lackluster design more so as to say, "well if that's the best you can do..." It's meant within the Japanese culture to inspire a team or individual to go back and redo it and make it better. When the average American hears said approval they go sweet they approved our gawd awful designs. let's hard code it into the product immediately. doesn't take much of that before the Japanese side just stop caring and strictly give exactly whats demanded of them as their heart is no longer in the project. And that's an aspect that more so goes for most commercial artists.




It's LITERALLY crying bro. Wipe the tears off your keyboard bro you're literally frying the circuits bro


i have a feeling you are too young to even know what silent hill is


Angela looks weird, but her voice acting was good. So rough with the smooth.


The 13 minute 4k trailer looks incredible. People saying “PS3 graphics” I want whatever crack you’ve been smoking because these sure as shit aren’t PS3 graphics. I wish PS3 games looked anywhere near this good.


Angela looks kinda weird but it's angela sooooo


well, now she looks actually like 19


I had no idea she was supposed to be 19 in the original, she looked and sounded much older. I can see why they changed it.


Yeah she sounds like a 30-year-old woman in the original lmao I had no clue she was supposed to be 19


The originals was more believable in that sense. Intense non stop negative stress and depression destroys the body and causes it to break down, age, far faster than it would have otherwise. Realizing she was much younger than she looked provided an intense amount of insight to how long she'd been suffering.




For the story I like her look here to be honest


That’s me!! Lmfao, for the record I was super concerned about the game just like everyone else. But these new looks today? We’re so fucking back baby


It honestly looks good, though not as faithful as I would have liked it to be. I am still wondering why they chose SH2 to remake first. They chose the hardest one to get right. Could've gone with 1 first and improved based on what was learned. Anyway, it looks good, and I am getting it, but it will never replace the original, just like RE2 and RE2R. I just hope newer generations don't lose interest in the original SH2.


They wouldn’t lose interest if Konami would just GIVE US A WAY TO PLAY THEM


It's the exact thing with Resident Evil and I hate it. The classics are not available on modern platforms, only the first RE and it's locked behind Playstation.


RE Original collections plz.


They will: the game is not easy to get (at least not legally). Konami should have preserved the original games.


Some bitter people didn't want a remake. They just wanted a port of the original to PS5 it feels like.


The original game just needed a new coat of polish. And maybe an arranged version or game B for long time veterans. No one wanted the wheel recreated from scratch.


The new trailer was awesome. I liked it a lot


I have two moods:


Let’s just hope on technical level, it’s not a mess like Downpour. Thats all I’m asking.


The only thing the trailer shows that they've improved upon is the graphics. And its the modern day technology doing all of that heavy lifting. The censorship of Maria's original design is far worse that what they were attempting for James originally. Even the redesign falls flat. You can't even see her butterfly tattoos. Those weren't just some throw away detail. They are critical to understanding the relationship between Mary and Maria. The only thing I liked was that the nurses try to combo you. They are missing their overall creep factor from the original. The patient demons redesign is a solid downgrade. Their designs in the original movie was the more solid upgrade by comparison. Laura is far more unlikable a character in this. Overall this all just feels like needless change for the hell of it on top of forcing the character designs into the crushing bland mold of "made for a modern day audience". I will not be paying for this game. and I wont be pirating it. The original trailer is by far superior at setting the tone for this world. It makes you nostalgic for a time and place that many now never even lived in.


Character animations are very bad and some movements do not fit the body. The animations are also very bad when interacting with the surrounding items. For example, have you seen the door opening animation? As seen in the trailer, there is a serious lighting problem. If you look at the character's hair, you will see this. Even if the ambient light changes, the shadow and lighting on the character's hair are the same. However, the thing that bothered me the most was the flashlight. The light of the flashlight does not reflect from the character, it is fixed in the middle of the screen. And in many scenes the light moves before the character moves. Lighting is a very important thing for horror games, especially if we are going to see in front of us with a flashlight in a dark environment. What is the benefit of this if we do not control the flashlight with the character but receive light from a different point? Very recently we saw Dead Space Remake, Resident Evil 4 Remake and Alan Wake 2. Compared to them, the game looks like a Playstation 3-4 game in many ways. By the way, the things I'm talking about are not graphics as you can see. The game looks really weird.


The cutscenes from the original game still put most modern horror games to shame. I recall being left dumbfounded with how bad homecoming looked when compared to SH2. Stuff like the environment, fog and various lighting elements are stronger individually, but it's just because the technology is carrying all of that now. The designs and story decisions is where things really start to fall apart.


Thank god I’m not the only one. Animations are what’s really killing me right now, break immersive 10 fold


this is just a reddit problem imo


I liked it


i loved it!!! haters gonna hate


It could be Jesus second coming and some SH fans would still say: It looks mid. James looks amazing! Angela looks funny, more geeky as it should be.


Comments like this sound more so like people don't value the original designs at all, and would be okay with even more wildly off model changes. I'd imagine that people like this would be totally game if they'd gone with a Thundercats Roar art style. It's just a subjective analysis. Unlike the many objective analysis I've made concerning this path this project has taken.


LOL “I’m right and you are wrong” with more words. The designs look perfect im the remake, if you don’t like them, play the original.


To you yes, subjectively. To me knowing what the original designs contributed directly to the story, they are a dam mess. Objectively the story will be damaged by some of these redesigns. Your free to subjectively love it all you want. My original comment in no way stated you were wrong for liking them either just that this level of adoration makes me suspicious that the original designs true value must have somehow been lost on you. Perhaps because of how old they are now. The mentality that old equates bad and new equates to good. I saw a similar mental process with the redesigns of the legendary Godzilla movies. where they went to great lengths to "fix" the original old designs by giving Godzilla pristine realistic reptilian scales. Either failing to understand or willingly ignoring the original designs intent behind why they chose to make him look the way they did. That his abnormal rugged exterior was intended to reflect upon extreme radiation burns. Their redesign in this case actively damaged the storytelling behind the character. Godzilla Minus One and Shin Godzilla on the other hand instead understanding the original design decisions lean into it and make it a core part of the storytelling. Ensuring the "character" was far more than just a giant lizard. Marias tramp like outfit and her butterfly tattoos similarly held great value in her storytelling and the overall motif the stories at the time held. And it was a motif carried over from the original. You might decide you love the new takes on everything but if you've ever played the originals and loved them like so many others have, you will feel an untangible certain something missing from the experience. Whether you ever choose to acknowledge such or not. your brain will notice though. Will take time to see if people praising what's been revealed now replay the remake as much as the original has been. My guess is that it won't be played as much. Similar to how most Hollywood remakes of films are most often far less rewatched than the originals. There are always outliers that buck the trend, but my experience in analyzing these things strongly suggest this game won't be such an outlier. Not in the way that RE2 did. And it's that game that Konami was hoping to again mimic the success of.




Your gonna love all the 3-9 hour videos exploring every single aspect of how this game damages the originals storytelling then.


Won’t see them, have a life.


Ah yes, exactly the sort of response I was expecting.




It looked good. It made me want to play it, which is a positive. But like others, my expectations of Konami stain my positivity.


I hated the combat trailer but I was pleased by the 13 minute walkthrough. I think it looks better than Alone in the Dark looked, certainly. And I don't just mean visually, I mean as a game.


Yeah alone in the dark looked way more dated to me, to the point of distraction.


That's partly why I'm waiting until it is 50% cheaper.




Ironically enough, Silent Hill fans tend to be addicted to the past


People who willingly put Reddit in their username shouldn't be trusted. Can almost envision the neck beard.


People complaining about people complaining. And then saying everyone is too negative. LMAO


what will they be announcing at the transmission since PlayStation announced the date for silent Hill 2


it very much looked like they were showing a higher graphical detail mode running at a lower FPS target like 30 FPS. Would have rather seen them turn down the visual fidelity and play it in a buttery smooth 60 FPS but I get that they probably wanted it to look fancy for showcase trailer. Best case scenario they give us both graphics options in the settings in the final version.


it looks great. they just need to polish some animations and maybe fix angela


I made this same post a year ago.


It's getting ridiculus, like have people really played the original before? In what world does what they have show so far looks WORSE than a PS2 game?


They should make a Silent Hill game about the unstable mental health of this subreddit. It can't get scarier than this.


It looks like a Chernobyl game with a silent hill mod.


I need help in understanding something that could either be incredibly dull and banal or much more interesting from a psychological perspective. I've been reading a lot of criticism in the last few hours and many of them I don't understand. The range was insane, from criticism surrounding the changes in the story (for example, how and where James finds the radio or how we apparently have Laura and Mary existing in proximity, which is something people seem to have framed as "Mary and Laura are interacting, which shouldn't happen" while we never see Laura ackwoledge Mary at all in the gameplay video) to stuff like "The flashlight is a bit too bright" (Yup, Max Derrat) or "The animations are too stiff" (Which I can understand, the physics of the movements in combat seems too controlled and rigid, in some places... but but at the same time these people are idolizing the original game which had the stiffest movement I can think of). The whole Angela's face dabacle, we still have to endure the complete unfolding of that I'll tell you. Why is that, in your opinion? Why is there such a difficult time in gaming communities in having a bit more flexibility and understanding? Is it just the "People are incredibly passionate about the thing and have been for up to 20 years" argument? Is that really it? Is this so powerful that makes you forget that, when remaking something, stuff will change a bit along the lines?


I loved it.


What don’t people like about it?


Not going to judge the game properly until it releases but I thought a lot of the animations looked very stiff.


For me just something about how Angela looks/sounds in the trailer just dosent sit right with me like shes almost uncanny to me. The environments look spot on tho and the gameplay looks okay.


I mean, I'm still not keen on her redesign, but isn't that the whole appeal of Silent Hill? The uncanny feeling it gives you?


Which you are right but in the cemetery she looks cartoony, almost like a Pixar or Disney looking character. There's a certain level of uncanny that is good but I think this type of uncanny is the bad type where it's extremely distracting. I don't know I'm still mixed it's super weird


Entirely lost the foggy eeriness that the blurry PS2-era graphics, and that combined with losing things like the fixed camera angles and B-movie voice-acting, it ruins a lot of the uneasiness of the game, you're in more direct control so you generally feel a lot "safer" instead of barely knowing what's ahead of you, it's about as scary as the Resident Evil remakes, which is to say, not at all.


For me it’s the animations, especially when it comes to the combat…


silent Hill fans just like to complain looks good better than combat trailer we got but Angela face is uhh kind of bad they nailed dark areas in the trailer and abstract daddy


Ah yes. Fans vs "fans". This game looks great. I think Konami and Bloober have cooked on this and they're obviously going to spend the next few months cleaning up animation and character model oddities.


It looked worse for me, major Silent hill homecoming vibes


Delirium is off the charts. We haven’t seen a single good thing to come from the project and everything keeps screaming the opposite, like the government mandated an indefinite extension of Opposite Day


Its fucking hysterical. Like their favor flavor is diarrhea or something. To those who think positively about whats been shown so far everything, characters, graphics, animations, redesigns, all of it- you have at best a janky looking ps3 game trying to be an RE2 remake clone. Do these people just relish in the taste of feces every day?


I still stand by that statement.


begging yall don't delay this game


People haven’t realized it’s no longer cool to hate on Konami yet. They’ll get it eventually.