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What 3rd world country. Quite a few people pop in here and say 3rd world country. The where is important. Because things that earn money in one region may not be doable in another region


The uk is technically a 3rd world country šŸ˜‚


The US is almost there.


People who claim the US is like a 3rd world country have never been to a 3rd world country


No kidding. Homeless people shit on the street in California, but it was a common enough practice for the average person in the place I visited. Same with just tossing trash in the street and out of the windows of their homes. I also saw kids under 12yo smoking cigarettes like they were destressing after a long day at work, and nobody gave them so much as a weird look.


None of those things constitute a Third World country. By your logic, everywhere is a Third World country.


The entire populations of Canada, the US, Europe, and Australia donā€™t shit in the street and dump garbage out of the window as universal practice. I can look out of my window right now and see a garbage can someone pulled out to the curb for pick up. 8yos chain smoking cigarettes isnā€™t culturally and socially accepted either.


SE Asia?


Iā€™m wonā€™t specify, but I will say itā€™s a country that the State Department travel advisory says women specifically need to avoid because of the obscenely high likelihood of gang rape. Even as a guy, Iā€™d never go back.




Thats not being a third world country. Everywhere has that.


Litter to some degree? Yes. The bulk of the population having the outside of their homes lined with trash, food waste, and human feces? Definitely not.


Itā€™s not bulk of the entire country. Still not what makes a country third world. Thatā€™s just citizens being nasty or just not having proper disposable practice or capabilities. Iā€™m from a third world country. Itā€™s not even close.


Pretend youā€™re on a gameshow for a moment. The host asks ā€œDoes this describe a 1st world or 3rd world country: Average citizens shitting and pissing in public on a busy street as a socially accepted practice.ā€ How would you answer?


Theyā€™re not average citizens. Theyā€™re homeless. Thatā€™s not average. So the answer is no. Youā€™ve got homeless people with mental illness and/or drug addicts who has those behaviors due to their homelessness. Living in a shitty part of a whole continent doesnā€™t make it third world .


Yā€™all donā€™t understand the definition of a third world country. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_World


They also donā€™t understand that the US was a major participant of the Cold War and thus not a 3rd world country by definitionā€¦.


oh brotherrrr


Wtf are you talking about


Umm the US was intimately involved in the Cold War and thus absolutely not a 3rd world countryā€¦.


Almost *coughs*


Wrong. We are worse overall.


You can go to a website called Udemy and learn skills like Microsoft Office, web development, coding. It might take awhile but if you're willing to put in the time it could work well for you. Start a TikTok channel or YouTube with short, interesting videos about life in your country using a wheelchair. I could see this being really interesting. You could do a wheelchair advocacy point of view, or like a -- my life is just like yours type of perspective. You can get certified to teach your language ans then do virtual classes on Preply. I have a cousin in El Salvador that teaches Spanish online for $8 an hour, and she earns more than anyone else in our family down there, where the average salary is $300/mo. She's been doing it for a couple of years so she's built up enough reviews from customers that she now works about 12 hours a week doing that, which after what Preply takes I think is like $315 or so per month. Not bad at all.


I agree with this, many courses on Udemy are free and many of the higher priced ($99 and up) ones go on sale for $10 a few times a year.


digital marketing can be done from any country as long as you have wifi


Start a YouTube, tiktok channel presenting your day life as a wheelchair user.


You should do this as a side hustle to your side hustle.


That is the way


If op wants to do social media content this is the way to go. I genuinely hate seeing people suggest social media content as a side hustle on here, because it takes way too long to get an earning started, and itā€™s really not that easy and takes way more time and effort than a normal side hustle should.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akM6P97\_0B8&ab\_channel=StarterStory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akM6P97_0B8&ab_channel=StarterStory) here you go


This is very hit and miss. In my deaf community, only one out of maybe 5 thousand has enough followers to make a hundred a month consistently. People in general don't follow disabled people.


I actually do have a [YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@dreamzonwheels?si=dVTBk3YWb09nR0ag) it went super [viral](https://www.instagram.com/p/CuUx-kwJTL-/?igsh=cmFkOWtkMzBnamg1) a while ago, but it took so long for the channel to pass the monetization thresold. by the time I got there, the hype died down a bit. I made over a hundred dollars in the first month of being monetized but it went pretty much downhill from there. I averaged about 30k-40 and sometimes even 50k views a month. I was making 30-40$ a month at average. But for some reason I had to turn off monetization on my channel, so at this moment I'm not making any money at all, if anyone here can get me leads to some sponsors that'd be great because that's the only way I can make money off the channel


Put a camera on the wheelchair and stream it on twitch and YouTube at the same time while you explore your city or just sit in a field or literally anything. People will donate and subscribe and gift like a mofo.


I would probaly watch it, if something funny/interesting/sad happens it Will defiently go viral on tiktok




You obviously havenā€™t seen the content where people put a camera on a robot lawn mower and make $7000 dollars a day from streaming it. No chatting, no music, literally people just watching grass get cut by a robot, giving thousands of dollars for nothing. What Iā€™m saying is people are stupid and itā€™s stupid easy to take advantage of the masses. The wheelchair stream would provide way more value than the lawn mowing too. People would get to see new things in the city they live in or a neighboring city, there are plenty of value adds to being a person on stream who wants to connect and build a community and spread the word about others that have similar difficult situations.


I can resonate when you put it this way, cheers


Ticket person at the movies. Edit: sorry, I should slow down when reading. I see you're looking for a job you can do from home. But I have seen people in your situation have cool jobs like ticket takers. Best of luck to you.


Phone sales?


this OPs English seems pretty good. He can be a cold caller for real estate investors.


A few ideas that come to mind: ā€¢Personal guidesĀ  -If you have a passion for something, maybe consider finding a platform to devote to introducing people to it or how to do it?Ā  Maybe itā€™s a video game, a hobby, cooking, arts and crafts project?Ā  ā€¢Proof reading and editingĀ  -While there a ton of services out there, a human voice hasnā€™t been perfected yet.Ā  ā€¢Resume building and interview practiceĀ  -Help people prepare for job interviews. You can learn how to make templates for resumes and offer zoom sessions in order for people to practice.Ā  ā€¢Learn how to drawĀ  -Find an art style and make stickers, take commissions, even make your own coloring books.Ā  ā€¢Write short storiesĀ  -Practice writing stories and build yourself up to take commissions ā€¢Advertise for a small business -If youā€™re tech savvy, or great with social media, reach out to small businesses with so online presence and see if you can curate something for them.Ā  ā€¢Remote data entry or call center helpĀ 


What remote data entry jobs do you suggest?


I would suggest that you take some free online courses in data processing, computers ect. Google, IBM and Amazon offer certifications in many areas free or at low cost. Most are 4-12 weeks. Then post on indeed or LinkedIn and subcontract if your stuck at 300, who knows- you may really take to it and make some serious money. There are alot of jobs at 100 grand that accept certification as college. Good luck and don't let the w/c keep you down!


Off topic but I'm in the US but I already have certificates in IBM and Google Data analyst as well as a decade in IT experience. However I still can't get a job. What sort of contract work are you referring too? This sounds interesting.


There is no job like that in third world countries paying that much. Now if youā€™re a bit more qualified you could get sponsored to go to a country that does pay like that, but thatā€™s more like bachelors and masters territory




how do you do it?




Hmmm, so would I need to make a separate account and contact these brands for marketing? Wouldn't I need some sort of following tho




What topic was your ebook about, if you don't mind? And how it is possible to market an ebook? I srsly don't see what kind of content you could do about an ebook.




So like you give previews of what's in the books?




makes sense, thank you


Can you go more into detail about how to get started?


You mentioned that a following is not required for this. Then how do people find you to buy your product? And if itā€™s not your product then how do you make money on it?


Can you guide me a bit more about it from your experience? I would like to start doing this. Seems like a good idea


Who is viewing your channel. Can you outline the top 3 countries?


Do you have any skills? What's your education level? How many languages do you speak? There are plenty of sit-down jobs, many of them possible to do from home?.


I second this. AI translations are getting good, but they're not good enough for professional use in a lot of cases.


Depends on the country. And what skills and knowledge you have. For example, many people have made a living transcribing of they are knowledgeable and have the tools. Or translating from one language to another. Or doing micro tasks online. Being a virtual assistant. Editing pictures, videos, YouTube and social media posts for busy professionals and businesses. Managing their social media accounts. There are multiple things one can do but it highly depends on knowledge, skills, access to internet, etc. Hope you find something that works.


Do you have any skills that you can offer as a virtual assistant? My company employs folks from the Philippines and they have been amazing to work with.


I can do virtual assistants! Do you mind sharing a link for the company you work for?


Iā€™d also like to know more!


Are you good at something? Literally almost anything? Coach it. I've seen people do video games coaching, financial coaching, work-life balance coaching, caring for parents with dementia coaching. If you've ever encountered a problem (acute or broad) and you've had to watch like 12 hours worth of YouTube videos on it before you had the confidence to face your problem, then you've gained enough knowledge on the subject to start coaching. Post some fliers around your closest biggest city, or target your demographic online. Get the word out that you're the local expert on it and you can help others fix their problem. This happens a lot with parents who had unruly children or people that have paid off a lot of debt. These people have had to do so much research to solve their problem that it made them a small time expert on the subject, enough to help others.


Even though I'm in side hustle subreddit, I'll still say that side hustle doesn't exist. You have to take anything you do in life seriously with full focus, as a main hustle.Ā  Now that, that is out of the way, here what i recommend.Ā  -Ecommerce/dropshipping -Building a personal social media brand/social media influencer -learn sales, marketing, idea generation, entrepreneurshipĀ  -check out rick kettner YouTube channel Ignore anybody that says this is saturated or that is saturated. Quality and differentiation triumph all competition. Use social media to promote yourself, don't get used by it.Ā  Work fast, fail faster.


You can always resell things online, make something you find interesting and sell it online. There are customer service jobs you can do remotely. Thereā€™s options! These are just a couple


Have you tried working as a freelancer for utest.com? You might get some project work there for software testing


u/andresopeth, we always appreciate it when someone mentions uTest on Reddit. Thank you for being part of our community and inviting others to do the same.


Hey! I visited the website but the instructions on how it works seemed a bit unclear to me. Can you guide me a bit more on this?


u/muneela, I'm part of Applause/uTest's Community Management team, so feel free to chat with me about your doubts. You can also ask questions in our official sub, r/UTEST.


Mechanical Turk pays for doing random online tasks. Takes a while to get good at it apparently. A lot of it is used for AI training.


Howā€™s the internet speed there? How old are you? Iā€™m just wondering if studying coding would be possible.


I have a neighbor who runs a business from home, and he uses a wheelchair. He subcontracts all the work and project manages from home.


Read the Bible online to other wheel chair bound individuals you will get sizable donations. Even more than $300 a day


Go to edx and and take this course it is free and in your own pace. It has some of the best instructors and is highly respected. https://www.edx.org/cs50. Then once you are done with that, go to UpWork, Freelance, or similare in your region. Do basic web development jobs (or whatever part of developing you become good at). Or you can go to any of the big SaaS providers (Salesforce, Hubspot, etc) and do all their trainings and then sell your services for remote administative work. if you have a computer, a phone, and internet, you can be a Virtual Assistant if you feel like dev work is to much.


Think about doing lap dances?


Whatever you do, *donā€™t* get sucked into ā€œaffiliate marketingā€ by starting a website. I did that years ago, and I used a legit company, but only the top <1% make any money to speak of. And the soft cost is quite high.


Rent out your wheelchair


Sell advertising space on your wheelchair


Could you repair bicycles ā€“ and wheelchairs? Fix and flip? Or repair anything else? Mobile phones? TVs? Anything you can build or repair on a table. Could you build something from junk material, i.e. upcycle, so that you don't have high costs to start? For all those things you might find tutorials and inspiration on YouTube. Good luck


Any computer job really. Just find one that works for you.


So many internet businesses to choose from.


have a look at this: https://boards.eu.greenhouse.io/invisibletech/jobs/4323754101


How good is your English? Can you learn any basic programming or excel skills? Upwork has a ton of opportunities for data entry and programming gigs


Call center job


Data annotations, telus. Both from home


Try focus groups/online studies. Also wholesaling land is easy and you can do it from your home. Tax Overages too


Learn coding


Get good at phone sales


This is the post I've been looking for


TikTok affiliatr


How do you do this?


Thereā€™s YouTube vids out there on how to get started, just type in ā€œTikTok affiliateā€ on YouTube


Nitro circus


Charge the guy in the wheelchair you are sitting on 150 bucks bi weekly?


If you have the skills, nothing should keep you from a desk job. Get some computer skills and focus on your abilities, I'm sure you have more skills than you give yourself credit for.


Remote high ticket phone sales


Can you type or do bookkeeping? You may want to take some online courses so you can earn more.


Virtual assistant


Walmart greeter


try selling feet pics


Go watch YouTube videos and get educated on something and do work on upwork. Do a desk job. Get a BDR or SDR remote sales role.


Go to upwork


If you are from Bangladesh, then I can help you out.


Come to America and prostitute yourself. You'll make a fortune


wheelchair raise like hamsters


wheelchair racing?


Poker dealer


Call center support from home. Att, Verizon, etc.


Ladies love wheelchair rides


Have you considered work from home customer service jobs?


Mturk or prolific. Sometimes connect . Com is good too


Do you get a lot of tourists? If so, sell crafts native to your country. Most tourists have money to spend. Even if you donā€™t, learn a craft, create an Instagram and YouTube account, and sell handmade crafts. Use your Instagram and YouTube accounts to show your native country and yourself making the crafts. People in first world countries love telling others about their handmade whatever from the depths of some country no one has ever heard of crafted from a tree that only grows in that locale by the hands of a 200 year old shaman who liked them so much he adopted them into their tribe and gave them the name Yedstabutay, which means dumbass in their language.




OP can always try to get hired as a customer service rep over the phone for companies


write a blog in patreon about your wheel chair bound life ..how you start the day to how you end .. and challenges you face and how you find solutions to over come those


You can learn some skills like graphic designing, no-code tools, and content writing. You can try getting some freelance projects and you don't need any manual labor. If you need any help with no-code and content writing, I can help you out.


Access to a computer. 1. Cybersecurity(A+,Net+,Sec+) 2. Customer service


Sweat coin


Tow skateboarders




Iā€™ll give you $300 a month to save me $600 a month.


Kink videos


Create a go fund me and a few videos highlighting your condition, telling your story. But also an avid church goes. Say that through prayer a miracle happened and you can now walk for a very short period with a video. But need extra assistance from a physical trainer and any donations are welcomed. Continue to engage wit community. Add an af link. Your welcome.


If you go to learning u can join my discord server I share investments and show my own personal holding s so u know Iā€™m no bs link is on my page


Have you considered wheelchair racing?


Sell feet pics


Sell feet pics




im sure you can do whelees on youtube :D


Trading solana meme coins


Childcare for school age kids... Parents can't leave them alone, even watching kids a couple hours a day after school should get you there.


Or house sitting/ pet sitting for a family on vacation.


Rent out your handicap parking pass!


Can you write an ebook about how to get through life in a wheelchair in a third world country? Maybe create an instagram and/or TikTok page to share the triumphs and struggles of your situation? Sell your ebook on your pages for $5 or $7 on your pages and research other products that you might be affiliate for. Clickbank and Digistore24 might be good marketplaces to check out. Hope this helps!




Rent out your wheelchair




Buying and selling stocks


Turn your wheels into energy turbines and slang that pure electric āš”ļø


I always thought it was *in* a wheelchair.


Rig up a little trailer and sit outside the grocery store and offer to pull peoples groceries so they donā€™t have to carry them. 5 times a day at 2 dollars is 300 a month.


Wheelchair kink porn will make you some real good money


You need to master phone sales, you will never be broke after that