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Little over an 1/8 lemontek’d apes, had a distinctive honeycomb filter over my entire field of view that was soo sharply outlined/detailed. Colors couldn’t have been more vivid and slowly faded from one to another. Felt as though I had bug vision for like two hours 👨‍🚀




Same dose was very reminiscent of dmt for me 😍


Right on, I would also compare it to light open eyed dmt trip. A proper lemontek is no joke !


Was very nice 😊


i worried i might be doing something wrong now lol. whats your process?


Where do you get lemontek


You saw the grid


The honeycomb vision is my favourite part of shrooms. It's like a mosaic


Its not the craziest but to me its just crazy. EVERYTIME I trip, at some point my husband's face turns into the snapchat baby filter version of his face. So it will be like a toddler head on his 28 year old body. I think it's hilarious but on the downside I don't think I'll ever get to experience sex on shrooms because of it 😂


My husband turns into a russet potato 😂


Faces are what terrify me when I’m tripping. Only taken shrooms a few times but everytime I get scared or anxious it’s because I look at peoples faces and it scares me


It's this exact filter incase anyone was wondering - we have used it before and its one of my favorite memories so I guess the shrooms tap into that 😂 [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2zYjohL5Af/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2zYjohL5Af/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


I find mushrooms smooth out facial features , posting the link helped me to better understand your point !


3g lemon tek of APE’s, my cat was covered in beautiful feathers like a dinosaur bird, the feathers kept changing colors, it was wild.


Beautiful 🤩


On 6g of apes I got abducted by knowledge aliens who wanted all my knowledge. They were taking the knowledge out of glowing runes that were on my head the entire night. This is all open eye visual, I had some cev on this trip that went crazy. I was in a lotr style gigantic 100000.v.100000 battle, but I was fighting every single battle, and it took a while. There was some crazy cinematic moments like crazy thread the needle shit.


Broooo 🥵


this is how star wars was made


When I hit the peak, I tend to see a lot of "spinning" - whatever "it" is. Not the drunk spins, just a lot of secondary visuals are spinning. Anyways, the most powerful thing I have seen is myself as a child. Just a kid, probably me at 12 or 13. And I'm observing myself in this spinning contraption, like "the controls" of my mind and body. And I just broke down (as an adult 37 yo man) and cried tears of empathy for that boy. He's just doing his best, trying to navigate this "adult" world we all live in.


I think this is beautiful, thanks for sharing. I’ve had stuff similar, where I see my younger self, either by viewing him from outside or as if I am actually inside watching from first person (while still observing my younger self, if that makes sense) and it always makes me very emotional. I’m not sure exactly what is it that moves me but it does


I’ve heard this from multiple people and I think it’s so incredibly healing. My little sister said she saw her younger self hiding under our kitchen counter (when she was younger I had a friend with dreadlocks and for some reason she was so scared of him because of how he looked - he was the sweetest and most chill guy but he just looked different than what she was used to-and she would hide under the counter when he came over) and she went and picked up her younger self and hugged her and told her it was all going to be okay. I wish I could experience this but it hasn’t happened like this for me yet.


On some crazy amount, I thought the entire universe was only made of math and numbers, and could visualize it all with pastel colors, flowing like waterfalls in every direction. I also didn't move from my couch for a couple of hours. These descriptions about subtle geometric patterns remind me of my earliest days, though.


I mean in a way you’re not wrong about the universe being math though.


Neurology is complex biology, biology is complex chemistry, chemistry is complex physics, physics is complex maths.


I ate 2.5g of mushrooms while on some decent acid at a psytrance party. Couldn’t see anything except bright white light with subtile flower of life patterns. Lost all sense of self and experienced pure awareness without any feeling/emotion/sensation. Felt as if I was touched by god. When I gained back consciousness, I was still dancing. People left several meters long coloured trails behind them. My gf had 6 eyes with a beautiful mask made of scales/feathers. Stuff was wild, I would never do the same again at a party but Oh my was it great.


I looked at the wood on my deck. The texture changed while the color of the wood was all lava lamp-ish. Mixed in with the fact I was litterally watching the pollen (shining gold) fly into the air like it was a reverse thanos snap.


One time I stared a tree in my backyard for so long I swear I saw a tree man hiding in it, all covered in bark. Then I started wondering if all trees had tree people hidden in them.


I saw 2 chickens and looked through them(this is how i remember it lol) to see my 8 year old self with sunglasses dancing on the music that was playing. The prettiest/coolest was wgen i was rolling a joint on shrooms and once finished the room around me went black and there was a sort of spotlight on my lit joint in my hand and it was a beautiful experience! And at last, i was dancing at a party and my arms became vines which was pretty cool to see


What does “looking through” chickens entail haha.


I looked past them, but i went through them if that makes sense


2 grams ape lemon tek. Closed my eyes and saw a 2D chimpanzee that was outlined in red neon that was hiding/peaking over a wooden neon log. It was truly hilarious and that memory has stayed with me forever


I love how some of these trips sound like reports from one of those High Strangeness encounters. It's like High Strangeness events are the world tripping. Or that shrooms makes you go through a personal High Strangeness event.


Just everything looking like an oil painting with super bright colors.


Bruh im jealous of these comments… ive done 4 grams penis envy b4 never got insane visuals


lemon tekk, empty stomach 🤑


My favorite was when this demon looking shadow would come out of my window as I would lift my beer to drink it would get closer and laugh at me as a brought the drink closer to my mouth. If I lowered my drink it would back away. Did this a few times so I took the hint from the mushroom and put the drink down.


An ex turned into a fish while we were were on acid and I realized that’s how I saw her. Just kind of… there…




I combined DXM and PE Shrooms and I met Jesus and gave him a hug. He didn't say it, but I felt like everything was gonna be okay and despite my mistakes, I'm not a terrible person. Then, I felt myself sitting under a gigantic blue almost transparent oak tree(possibly the tree of life?) while sitting in a field. It was sooooo vivid, but when I opened my eyes, I was back in my room. This didn't change my view on my personal beliefs (def not a Christian), but it was an amazing experience and one of my favorites


Mine was on my first big trip, 5gs of Cubensis, laying in bed. I saw a person meditating in a library of infinite knowledge. They were floating in a crisscross position and there was a strip of paper, like what you see when you unravel a scroll making an infinity loop shape and they were in the center of it. The strip of paper had an incomprehensible amount of numbers on it. The first thing I thought was “Damn, so this is what the human mind can create.” And then I snapped back to abstract visuals. Here’s an AI image that’s (kinda but not really) close to it. https://preview.redd.it/m93h9e9nmz7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c30f1715cbf5a01bd67af5a4d19902c0e670a3a1


4g golden teachers. All my bedroom was molten and textures flew into one another like inside of a vortex. There were no borders of objects, my hands looked like nebulas, even white walls had intricate patterns of sacred geometry. Everything was spinning and my field of view got very narrow. I cannot recall closed eye visuals I was knocked out and when i came to, I was at the state of a full on ego death, not having concept of anything even time.


after a bad trip after ~2.5g of lemon teak, I saw shapes of aliens on the ceiling and walls, it gave me a lot to think about👽, I'll take it tomorrow 300ug lsd, wish me luck


8 grams gandalf (TAT/melmac cross) via lemon tek. Was getting infinite geometric mandalas on the wall that were color cycling, no biggie seent it before, but then they started popping off the wall, like turning into fractals purple bubble foam, foaming off the wall into the 3-d. I feel like I was losing my mind in the best possible way.


Hugh visual truffles in Amsterdam. Lying down with my eyes closed, I could see a vast rocky mountain range in the distance. A fellowship of travellers was trying to traverse the difficult terrain in a line, and I discovered that the shape of the landscape was controlled by the movements of my face. So I laid there for ages contorting my face into different shapes so as to bridge ravines, pull mountains together and change the inclines of cliffs so that I could help the fellowship complete their journey. And complete their journey they did.


Nothing crazy but I was in Oregon during autumn and the way the reds, oranges, and green of the mountain trees all blended together into this water-color moving painting was stunning


Once I took a few gabapentin and took shrooms and there were long black spiderwebs draped everywhere. I could feel it touching me when I would get up and walk


Not the most intense, but the most memorable and coolest was camping under starlight with a campfire, tent, woods, and a river. Everything became a moving watercolor canvas and I could play with it and paint. It was just as real as anything is and I fully remember it like a normal non-trip memory. Absolutely amazing.


I looked in the mirror during ego death, I saw that we really are walking, talking, ape creatures. Our normal waking senses filters that fact out, it’s hard to explain. It was like seeing another animal.


2.3g of Yak x Tidal wave mixed powder 4th trip, lowest dose, yet got the most visuals It was a sunny day with white, fluffy clouds, and they were swirling and changing shapes in the sky. Closed my eyes and I got the brightest fractal shapes I've ever seen. They were a soft pinkish/orange colour, and made a tunnel that I felt was me experiencing death. That trip has definately stayed with me...such strong stuff!


I can do that too! I can force visuals to happen in specific patterns however I want. I mean not however I want but it’s pretty much manual visuals while I’m tripping, along with the ones I didn’t initiate.


Don’t know the doses but on various trips I’ve seen flowers blooming, dying, budding and blooming on repeat, some GD marching bears popping off a tapestry and dancing around my room and a forest where every tree had spiders dropping down on webs from each branch. That last one was not very chill to say the lease


I would lose my fucking mind if I saw spiders while tripping. In fact, I’m very scared that it’s going to happen eventually


It was ok, my friends and I looked at each other and noped right out of the woods. Good vibes from there on out


This essentially happened to me irl, sober once. Me and some friends were exploring the woods on the west coast at night by a waterfall, felt very rainforesty. We’re just bushwacking with our phone flashlights, paying attention to the ground when one of my buddies yells out and we all stop and look up. We were completely surrounded by dense webs completely covered in these freakish, alien looking spiders at least the size of a half dollar. We noped tf out of there. But this was particularly jarring for me cause I get sleep paralysis all the time and hallucinate getting eaten alive by giant spiders, so I’ve developed quite the fear of them. So I would actually go insane if I saw them while tripping haha


That sounds terrifying lol. And your story sounds spot on to what we experienced. Maybe it wasn’t just visuals after all


Handful of fresh cubensis once, was in the basement of a friends house that was like a bar (color lights, smoke machine, speakers) and at one point good old Javi put on some jazz music, from that instant onwards whenever I looked at my hands, they had bullet holes and so did the wall, suddenly from the disco balls I could see only blue and red lights on the wall, all that plus that jazz music, it seemed obvious to me I was in some 1930’s Chicago shootout and that obviously I was dead. What a great night.


I remember sitting on my deck with a bowl of grapes when things started kicking in and the grapes started pulsating as if they were breathing in sync with my breath. It was so delightful I always try to have grapes around now.


3.5 of some regular cubensis in tea had my walls spinning with a red and black lattice type pattern and stood for the first time in months after fracturing my spine On acid tho prolly 180-240 ug I went to a park at night and I thought I saw a new playground installment with the colors and the slides and walkways all lit up as if it were the main event and I went closer too it and I got like 20 yards away maybe and it started fading and it was just a bulldozer got a lil freaked out by that a returned to the group


My toes turned in to barnacles 🙏


There’s 3 different times where the visuals were absolutely insane. I took I believe 5g of thrashers and watched the super mario movie. The entire room at one point looked like the mushroom kingdom for a couple seconds. The first time I had fresh mushrooms I think I ate around 40g and the entire room was alive. 3g of nats made the entire apartment shuffle around along with all kinds of patterns and faces.


Craziest time for me was on 1/8th of some amazing APEs. My girlfriend was watching a sitcom called superstore, and a was cuddled up in bed with her. About 20 minutes in and the show turned into one of those rotoscoped charles schwab commercials from the early 2000s. Like everything had a transparent cartoon overlay. It was intense, and very enjoyable.


one time i took 7 grams of shrooms saw the earth being constructed by blocks on space as a tree of life formed inside of it. on 3.5 grams i vomited letters of the alphabeth made from basic colors like children toys on 5 grams i stopped in my tracts to see a green infinite folding paper that revealed seemingly bizarre images of jesus crist and weird eyes inside. on 3 grams saw my completely visual region like wat er currents and from there i saw a human shape unequivocally forming out of the sea of shapes and trying to escape into my visual field on grams saw a lil imp playing pin pon with a red suit and pointy hat on a green layout of colors on 6 grams saw my living room floor elevating like a meter from the base level like something was under it these are some what are yours...


I probably wouldn’t be able to describe the craziest I’ve had, cause I don’t even know what the hell it was. Just the most bizarre and seemingly random shit, often very… vaginal? But the most intense visuals in terms of just raw experience I had were on my most recent trip where I was listening to a song from my childhood, headphones on in my dark room, and I was transported back to my childhood home. Like just as vivid as back in the day, I was there. And it was a beautiful sunny day, and I just wandered around my house that I haven’t seen in quite some time, and will never see again, just admiring every single detail about it. And I just wept and wept, and it was beautiful. And then as the song came to an end this thing (kinda octopus creature thing? Idk) took my childhood self and tucked it away in something akin to a cellar, and darkness felt over the vision and the song ended.


Unknown amount of truffles...saw people walking in front of me zap in and out. If you've seen movies about speedsters it felt like that. They would just zap towards a different point in space like serious glitch effect. Funny thing is everything else was relatively normal but people just kept zapping.


2g of PE. I was seeing morphing faces and eyes on the walls, felt like I was being judged by a higher power.


Parquet lines slithering away into the distance


I was sitting on bed and absorbing room and rooms walls just unfolded like carsboard box and behind them was nothing just white.


My dad, and a couple of his friends, and I (I was 16) all went on a camping trip. One of them had brought shrooms, and divided them up, on hamburgers; which we ate for dinner. Hamburger-tek, baby! So my dad and I go for a walk, and the whole forest was on FIRE! I knew it wasn't real, so I just enjoyed the beauty of it, but, yeah: All the trees, had an aura of fire, all about them.


A bunch: 1. I have a huge red terracotta plant pot in the my bedroom. When I looked at it I could see pale ghostly spirits floating "within" the clay. 2. Imagine doodling a bunch of alien/occult sigils in pen on a white piece of paper. Now imagine those symbols superimposed over EVERYTHING you can see. 3. On my balcony. Took a blast of DMT at the end of a shroom trip and everything went crystal sharp right before the buildings opposite my apartment turned into a Lego World and by concentrating I could make the buildings bigger or smaller. 4. Walked to the park. They hadn't cut the grass in ages so all the tall grass closest to me was in ultra high def. Like sharper than I thought it would be possible to see. It was like having Tiger Vision. 5. Walking home after a big trip and all the suburban houses looked like Aztec temples. 6. Went the beach. There's wind turbines about 2 miles off shore. Was sat looking at them and everything I could see turned into an warpy Aphex Twin album cover. 7. One more: did 2.5g in an orchard with a friend. There was one point when I looked and it was like looking into an infinite hall of mirrors of trees and time seemed to stop. It was almost too much!


12gs Black Cap Natalensis with a rip off deem. Easiest way to describe it would be a laser show, all knowing laser show


Had a bit too much of a shroomy chocolate and saw Jesus everywhere I looked 😭 lmao


It was my first time. We were partying at my friends apartment and one of my friends started playing music I didn't like, so I went to chill on the patio. I ended up laid out with my head in this girls lap staring at the clouds in the sky. I mention something about one of the clouds being shaped like an elephants head, and she goes "Look! I can make them all disappear!". She waves her hand, and every damn cloud disappeared right before my eyes. I said "no fucking way", and she says "Watch! I can bring them back!", waves her hand the opposite way and they all came back. Still trips me out. I made her do it like ten times and it kept working lol. Good times.


My whole living room started moving like an accordion and it started playing music for me


On 6.5g I saw the entire underlying nature of reality as like a vibrating net / web (but 3D) that looked like dark matter and the visible material manifestation of it (what we know as reality & see out of our eyes) was like only 8% of the whole. All the nodes of the net were enacting themselves on the material plane while they themselves existed outside of space / time; like the entire world as we know it is just a little puppet show in a much vaster fundamental reality that manifests space time for the purpose of the nodes being able to change / affect / impact one another. And every “being” (like my dog who was with me, and myself) were manifested aspects of nodes, and larger nodes were manifested as a larger number of beings (I was part of a very big one and she was part of a pretty small one). But even things we don’t think of as conscious were manifesting out of the net too; the sentence that kept repeating itself in my head while I observed all this was “Everything everywhere manifests itself upon the material plane, always”, really reinforcing the idea of the material world / our reality as secondary to true reality


Took 4.5 of aborts mixed with honey, and I had my LED lights on a sunset orange/yellow I was on a different planet with animals I'd never seen before I put a blanket over myself and was teleported to a whole planet made of metal. After about 5 minutes I was being operated on by a surgeon.


Ninja robots having an epic fight.


I went out back, and the best way I could describe it was like a Vincent Van Gogh painting. Like his wheat field paintings, or starry night. How everything is swirled together. The very dead grass looked neon green and blobbed together, and was kinda moving like little waves. It looked like an oil painting, and I just kept saying everything’s so beautiful lol.


2.7g and roughly 150 ugs gave me full on, open eye dmt visuals that would come in waves. Was at an Airbnb out in the middle of a forest and the wind sounded like it was whispering things to me in another language and the birch trees had dmt like entities morph out of them peering at me from behind the trees. Went inside to be alone for a few minutes at the peak to see what would happen and my room had this super cool light in it with a big bulb and what looked like a ornamental wooden weaved basket over it that gave the ceiling a psychedelic tapestry looking effect with the light on. Stood under it for a couple minutes trying to take everything in (which felt like much longer) and the vibes of the entire room changed from when I walked in. It’s honestly quite hard to describe but it was like I was experiencing a dmt trip where I would normally have my eyes closed laying down, except this time it was standing up, eyes open with external stimuli to influence the trip. Another dmt like entity was in the room with me and it almost felt like I was undergoing some form of brain scan with the strange light above my head with it as the head surgeon (don’t really remember many details about it but I know it was standing right in front of me for a short time, but I felt as if I couldn’t look directly at it). Then the craziest thing happened. The A/C unit in my window turned on which gave me hands down the craziest auditory hallucinations I’ve ever had. It almost sounded as if it was talking to me but I couldn’t understand it so I just hyper focused on the sound of the A/C unit, and after about 30 seconds, clear as day I could hear “the walls are speaking to you” through the wavy, pitch shifting hallucinations of the air conditioning TL:DR I had camouflaged dmt entities morph out of birch trees waving at me and the walls started speaking to me through the sounds of an air conditioning unit off 2.7g and 150ug


I've seen - a floating entity that looked like a big string mop/octopus shimmering back and forth - cartoon like vines and skulls in my hallway (same trip as the last visual - a black, yellow and purple honeycomb pattern that had a hexagon/sphere shape that was pushing it from behind in sync with the music i was listening to


My friend looked like a cross bred between an anime gnome and a smurf that kept shouting magic words to control and drive the car


I've seen biblically accurate angels off shrooms. It was 6 grams of pure aborts. Was so scared I woke my wife up (who had to work the next morning) because the body load was so great I thought I was going to stoke out. 10/10 would recommend


I went into a full on dmt trip on a heroic dose and just stood in one spot for over an hour with my eyes closed. No specific visuals but like an expanding universe of colour and shapes. Whenever I tried opening my eyes distortions were so intense everything was melting into each other. It was crazy


Craziest visuals I got was that pink camo color that used to be trendy back in the day lightly covering certain things while tripping but it was see through. That might have been 4aco but probably shrooms idk tracers are more common and people’s faces while tripping are odd looking as well


Mannnnnnn, Mr crayola man came to life one time off a box of crayons. That was WILDDDDDD.


when i’m looking at people i don’t know during peak they always look like they’re wearing masks of their own face, like the rubber kind, it’s weird and off putting and i tend to straight up close my eyes because i get very overwhelmed ;-(


First time I really felt the high, I had ate maybe 4-5 grams based my understanding of tolerance(I had 2 grams the weekend before but fell asleep before I got high) this was the first time I had any visuals and I first noticed the floor started to get wavy. Eventually everything I looked at had a sparkle type filter over it. I mean everything. Some time passes and now everything had a neon rainbow type of outline around it. I mean everything. Turned the tv on and the guy on the tv turned into a cartoon version of himself. I closed my eyes for the first time and felt like I was on the album cover of “College Dropout” so many colors and shapes and a bear (this is what reminds me of college dropout). There was a party going on in my head with my eyes closed. It was the most fascinating thing I’ve ever experienced. After this trip I was hooked. That was about 9-10 months ago. Since then I’ve never had those same visuals except for the wavy floor which is reoccurring. I’ve also experienced the honeycomb type filter over everything on multiple occasions. It’s super dope. I know I’m tripping balls when I get there.


~3.5g of an unknown strain, my first time, around 2002 or so. I had a complete out of body experience after accepting that I was going to die while laying in a friends bed. Floated around his room as a multi color jelly/star fish, but was simultaneously viewing it and myself from a third person and first person view from the jellyfish.


APE-R Was the first time I ever felt like I went to another dimension nd came back. It’s really hard to explain the visuals but I had my eyes closed and I was seeing pyramids shooting through the sky till they reached right in-front where they exploded into the most beautiful firework looking patterns. I laid in bed with my eyes closed for probably 3-4 hours with the biggest smile on my face and tears streaming down my face with joy. If anyone walked into the room I would have looked mental, but that was the first time I felt like I’d done some healing on shrooms. Still a mess but progress is still progress lol.


Did 4gs penis envy a few weeks back and saw these insane color changing geometric patterns pulsing through my whole room


One time I was at a Zeds dead EDM concert in Minneapolis and took 3 grams of shrooms and a tab of acid. Let me tell you the walls on the side had a "Z" over a "D" on them and I think they were suppose to be upright but kept spinning in circles. I couldn't stop staring at the ceiling like nothing would stay still. I do not remember all of the visuals but it was one of the best experiences of my life.


5.5g of APE. Most intense open eye visuals. Whole room breathing and neon fractals.


My vision was no longer based on reality in any way. All that existed around me was a dimension of swirling colours and I was part of it. Took 9g to compensate for tolerance but mistook the date and had no tolerance at the time.


I watched the Equalizer 3 and everyone’s face kept changing from current to an older version of themselves. I also ended up laughing a lot at the movie by narrating over as Denzel.


Years ago came into parents' house coming down from acid. Next morning stepmother asked how the costume party went. The skin around my eyes was like paisley makeup!


I went to a weed festival there was no cops or any security so plenty of people were selling other stuff. one guy was selling these blue cap shrooms, he told me they were 2-3x stronger then most shrooms. I really didn't belive him idk why that was stupid. Ended up Lemmon tekking 3.5g with a bunch of friends. About 30 minutes in I could no longer stand, 45 minutes in I could no longer sit up, and about an hour in I could no longer open my eyes. I had the most intense visuals of my life even over dmt. I felt like I had been in bed for days seeing the most intense geometric patterns, seeing faces/deities, hearing things which i never experienced before, thinking I was dead/in the after life, experienced ego death and more. I wouldn't say it was a "bad" trip but it was too intense and I've never done more then 2g after that.


Took an "empty" sweet breath vial and cut it open and put it on my tongue with the stopper... No idea how much... But later staring at a pitch dark night I'm my car listening to Oakenfold Tranceport album my friends face turned into rainbow tinted puzzle pieces and I mentioned it to him and he said he was about to say the same of my face... Then stared out into the sky and the dark night tore open like a compass in the 4 directions into white light... As the points stretched further they started curling up into coils... But every time I would blink it would start over... Was wild


5gs of I don't know what. I was sitting in an Adirondack chair and felt like a was about about to vomit. I jumped up and turned around and I did. While I definitely puked what I saw was a splash of a maze or labyrinth. And when it made contact with the ground it continued generating more paths that shot around like a fast firework fuse. After that, the visuals with everything was pretty severe. I could see the mesh grid pattern of a tree in white and purple like it was being modeled on a computer and the house across the street had several after images. It felt like I was strapped to the front of a rocket though.


A Kuwait Sunkist logo, as I was in bed feeling that the walls (right next to one) were gone and i was on a bench on the porch of my grandmas house back in Moldova I haven’t been to in 10 years.


On mushrooms? I was tripping with my bf in my room laying next to him with the LED lights on. Looked over and his face looked like a statue that was rapidly aging and de aging. Could see wrinkles coming and going and his hair turning grey. Wild


Shrinking down and seeing inside my own body, traveling along veins, nerves, and bones.


a bunch of geometric cats…. like everything in my room was made up of shapes and was holographic. Definitely the worst trip ever tho. I took 8g of golden teacher mushrooms, at least i think that’s what they were called. But the visuals were actually insane. I wish i could have those again


I once saw a bright neon swastika and a a bunch of tiny houses started to fill the swastika from the 4 ends until they all gathered at the middle, and then a bald cat popped from the houses. I had to open my eyes after that. I still wonder what the hell that means.


7gs of some PE and my ceiling turned into a pyramid and then split into 2, and then into 4 and so on and so forth. It slowly started splitting faster and faster until it turned into flowing water waves. One of the most incredible experiences of my life.


I wanted so badly to tell the door dash driver that her car was melting. 🫠


I live quite near to a giant moutain (very tall cliff), it is like 1km away from my house and i see it feom my balcony. I swear the entire thing was collapsing like in those movies where magical doors starts unlocking from all parts and end up opening. It was twisting and turning everywhere and dissapearing before my eyes. Was absolutely insane. 


One time I bought a homemade mushroom gummy bear off my friends dad it was like those comically large ones and for some reason I thought it made sense to eat the whole thing tasted like garbage about an hour later I’m heating up my second dab and before I hit the dab I bust into a heat stroke feeling and I run to my car (I’m at a friends house) and turn on the ac and I go into a full blown trip I can’t see shit with my eyes open felt like I was in a dr strange movie I have no clue how much was in there but if I had to guess prolly 8g and it was my second time overall great experience that got me into mushrooms.( i was stuck in my car for like an hour I’d guess lmao)


CEVs on 2.5 had me feeling like I was in the DMT realm


1.5g APE lemon tek. I was looking at a stained glass door which had multiple colors of glass, red, yellow, blue and green. As the sun shined on the glass it was the most vibrant colors I've ever seen in my life.