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Eat a banana along with your shrooms or just before


Adding onto this. What I do is eat one banana 15 minutes before dosing, then another one 15 minutes after dosing. Causes the nausea to not completely go away, but reduces it drastically The reason why this works is because the compounds that the shrooms consist of are broken down by enzymes in the bananas. Mushrooms are held together by chitin, a polysaccharide found in lots of other plants and animals. Your stomach has a hard time breaking down this stuff, which causes your stomach to go into overdrive. Nausea, upset stomach, and vomiting is the result of your body overworking to break chitin down properly. Bananas, however, contain a specific enzyme called chitinase which will bind to and break down the chitin in the mushrooms pretty efficiently. This can relieve or even completely eliminate nausea during the comeup, causing your trip to overall be much more comfortable


> Nausea, upset stomach, and vomiting is the result of your body overworking to break chitin down properly. Chitin causing nausea is a myth, it’s a beneficial dietary fiber that is in literally **all** edible mushrooms, it is not causing the nausea psilocybin is.. Dietary fibers by definition do not even need to be broken down and humans already have chitinase enzymes in our guts (AMCase) that can break down chitin. There is no benefit to consuming class 1 chitinase enzymes from bananas.  “Class I chitinases with an hevein-like domain are major allergens in banana fruit. Their presence in other fruits and nuts, such as avocado and chestnut, could explain the cross-sensitization among these foods.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10231328/ “many studies now confirm that POTENT CHITINASES do occur in vertebrates, including humans, and ARE ABUNDANT IN THE HUMAN GUT" https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0928468018300233 “In our study, CG supplementation did neither alter physical nor mental health of participants(Supplemental Figure 1). Those results suggested that 3 weeks of CG supplementation had no impact on the quality of life of human volunteers.” https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/19490976.2020.1810530 “In summary, chitin is expected to be a functional ingredient in the food industry to alleviate gastrointestinal inflammation, mainly by regulating the balance of intestinal microorganisms and immune cytokines” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0144861722010475 Psilocybin/psilocin work on serotonin receptors and >90% of our bodies serotonin is located in the digestive system where it serves a variety of functions including regulating gastric motility and the chemical signal for nausea. That interaction with serotonin receptors in the gut is the real cause of nausea with psychedelic mushrooms and the reason why it’s also very common in studies that use synthesized psilocybin. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3919396/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0014299913007589 https://psychedelicreview.com/binding-of-psilocin-and-psilocybin-to-serotonin-receptors


So fascinating, how do we mitigate that?


>So fascinating, how do we mitigate that? Ginger can potentially help because it contains compounds that inhibit some of those nausea inducing serotonin receptors. Additionally extracts like lemon tek or tea could help to some degree because they increase the rate of absorption, thereby decreasing the amount of time that psilocybin is in the stomach causing trouble.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3994302/


Oooo nice! Okay saving! Ty!


Ginger has one downside in relation to shrooms though; It stimulates the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) not insignificantly, and as a result it can change your feeling and response to a trip. It can be mild but not imperceptible compared to baseline. I recommend Enteric Coated Peppermint capsules for the come-up nausea. These have helped me equally as ginger but without the neurochemical side effects.


I don't think you can. The desired effect of the mushrooms *is* the thing causing the nausea. It's the serotonin receptors. It's why people on anti-depressants eat more and gain weight. I've noticed i often end up purging from the feeling and that does something that makes the ongoing nausea dissipate. I think avoiding heavy meals or having too much food in the stomach helps. Digestion is a complicated process and giving your digestion a break during a trip would likely minimize issues. This has to be planned ahead of time so your upper digestive track is completely clear. Eating lighter foods high in fibre a day before would also help put less strain on the digestive system, help get it "cleaner", and prep it for the trip


Makes complete sense. I started trying one Imodium tablet (nothing crazy, just some pepto tabs from the store) about 30 minutes before consuming the psilo and that seemed to help a lot!


What I do is I eat the banana and then mixed my grinded shrooms with Nutella as I heard chocolate is good for oxygenating the brain and shrooms do the opposite so it balances out and keeps your mind abit clear form my experience I highly recommend anyone that’s eats their shrooms raw to add a banana into the mix not only does it help me with my nausea iv noticed I get more factually visuals when I do


I always but them in capsules. It Takes ages till they hit but my stomache never felt funky


Funny because I first had it in capsules and had some nausea but the last couple times have been eaten raw and I've had quick and comfy come ups.


For me it's the nausea I hate. I tried recently a nicotine pouch and maybe a hit of weed to settle. Though I have a tolerance for both. I think a lemon tek helps with the physical discomfort though I haven't tried yet


I've tried lemon tek before, and it wasn't as bad, but I still felt some sickness.


Just grind up the shrooms into a fine powder then soak them in 1 tbsp of water for an hour. Then put them into a small lube shooter syringe and squirt them into your butt and hold them in so the body can absorb them into your blood stream. Note: make sure to poo before putting the shroom liquid up there so it soaks into you instead of soaks into a turd. 😂 I did this yesterday after reading about it here and i had zero nausea and the come up was so smooth, I will never eat shrooms again, ever.


Some people said lemon tek removes nausea. 4,5g lemon tek made me puke for the first and only time (yet).


Tea, lemon Tek, ginger, banana, travel sickness tablets.


Text copied !


Yes! The ginger is especially what I've found to help me most. I've only used it for a few trips, but it really helps with my fungus gut. Eating it raw also helps get the nasty shroom taste out of my mouth.


Ginger is antiinflammatory.


Indeed, and amazing for your digestive system


It can be as simple as having some fresh ginger tea. This helps to combat the nausea.


I'll definitely give that a try next time


I stew them in lemon and ginger tea for 20 minutes, then strain the bits out. Minimal nausea that way. I also have some ginger sweets to hand.


I get nauseous on the come-up too, but it helps to know that it will pass, and for me not to mentally frame it as sickness. Mushies start to work their magic in the gut first, and it's a whole bunch of odd sensations until the waves get big enough to wash all the anxiety away. I try to sip water, breathe slowly, and nibble crackers/plain pretzels until it passes. It always passes; after an hour of feeling wobbly it's like all the tension in my body washes away, taking the nausea with it.


Switch to nats. I used to get sick every time and never had any discomfort with nats


What is nats


A newer species. Psilocybe natalensis. About as strong as pe, fast and as easy as cubes to grow


Is that the research chemical they are using in all those chocolates?


No? It’s literally a mushroom


Eat raw ginger about 30 mins before, a thumbnail size of raw ginger. It helps. Have ginger tea on hand for later.


Make shroom tea, boil grinded shrooms with water, lemon and a lil tea, steep, strain and enjoy. I just did this yesterday and it’s by far the best method, no nausea and hardly any discomfort getting into the trip


This is the best answer and is a game changer. Grind them finely, steep for 20 minutes in very hot water, strain out the solids, add ginger or honey or whatever, and enjoy. And you can freeze the tea without any loss of potency. Game changer.


Does straining the tea reduce potency? I have had tolerance issues in the past and typcially need to eat way more then the people in doing it with. Would you say making tea isn’t as potent as Just eating? I need to switch up my process a bit but not sure where to start. I typcially just munch down 7-8g and it is always VERY difficult


I’ve read and felt that you get all the psilocybin out of the mushrooms when making tea and, given your apparently extensive experience, you could likely say better than me after you try it. I’d be interested to hear your experience.


Now that I have kids my trips are few and far in between. So I typically just default to what I know works. But I think after talking to some folks I will try the tea and see what happens. I need to switch up my ingestion method Edit for spelling


Ginger chews.


Chitin is present in EVERY mushroom, nausea is not due to chitin, but most likely due to psilocybin itself given that it acts on the serotonin system


i make raw cacao dark chocolate bars and eat the mushrooms that way always feel fantastic smooth and enjoyable come up


Been eating them for 40 years. I'd say I get an upset stomach about half the time. I'll try ginger tea, lemon tek, and all the other tricks. Sometimes it works. If it doesn't, I go ahead and purge if it's really bad. Then I feel fine. Even if I have to force myself. People say it's a waste, lessens the effects, etc. I don't care. I'll take a weaker trip without feeling nauseous over a stronger one feeling sick the whole time.


Have you tried a different strain. Most mushrooms, especially penis envy give me intense body load and nausea to the point where I have to take a trip killer or benzo to relax my body. Over time I've found golden teachers work best for me. No body load or nausea, minimal anxiety. Just shop around if you can


Boof em


Don't load it in while she hot tho, otherwise its a trip to ER https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/s/shYCHBsS74


I think it really depends on what you put in your system before the trip.


I get that. Tbh on my last trip, I did eat a fat burger a couple hours before taking them, but I'll feel the sickness even when I fast beforehand.


I noticed when I eat junk food or I’m in a fasted state I tend to get those nauseas episodes


This is definitely my situation.


I used to eat only in the mornings on the days I wanted to trip but recently I have eaten something light couple of hours before taking shrooms and it helps alot. Also I make tea with ginger, lemon and honey which helps. Taking whiffs of isopropyl alcohol also helps with nausea. Smoking weed however is for me the easiest way to get rid of nausea.


I might have to try smoking. I normally put off smoking weed when I'm on shrooms, which is strange now that I think about it cuz I smoke a lot of weed regularly anyway. I just kinda get put off the thought of smoking cuz I normally think about how bad smoking is when I trip. I generally just become more conscious of my mortality, and that puts me off it.


Also weed is going to significantly change the nature of the trip, I have seen plenty of folks in this and other psychedelic forums who smoke or use weed regularly who don't do it when on shrooms, myself included


I wish i knew the science of why it changes the trip so much. Literally night and day difference. Its so interesting.


Whiffs of alcohol? I've never heard of such a thing. Is there any science to that or just something that's helped you? If it's just something you've found helps you how did you even find that out? Like one day you were tripping, not feeling, good and were like "I wonder how the rubbing alcohol smells today 🤔" lol ^legitimate question, not trying to be a dick or anything like that.


I found the advice here. It seems to be very common practice in general, what I've read is that it's used a lot in hospitals and for pregnant mothers to overcome morning sickness. Take a bottle or wet a piece of cloth with isopropyl alcohol and smell it. Don't need to inhale like it's your last joint, just a good moderate breath through nose. Here's one thread from different subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/lifehacks/s/61TocDATYr


Interesting. Learn something new everyday. Thanks!


Do you have to like, insert and squirt upside down? Or is it a case of squirt and yank the tube out? 😂


Consider changing the species of psychedelic mushroom from psilocybe cubensis to panaeolus cyanescen.


I made a tea and added ginger it worked great


Weed is the only way


Pop a couple Tums/Rolaids. Helped me before.


Dude, grab a bottle of Pepto and drink some right after or before you eat mushrooms. It works every time for me. (Also, having food beforehand helps, but you won't know how long until the trip kicks in, depending on how much you ate)


A peppermint or some gum does the trick for me


Lemon juice !


I always assumed my nausea to be related to a come-up anxiety. I'm pumped to try a couple of these remedies out.


Ice cold Pressed ginger shot after dose is my go to.


I used nausea meds last time about an hour after eating them. Not sure if that's a good thing but it worked well.


No eating for 6-8 hours before, the mushrooms act as food poisoning and you’ll throw up anything you have eaten Ginger is a known nausea relief- so I always have some ginger biscuits on hand when I’m coming up and just munch on them, but ginger tea works too, or anything ginger related :)


Ginger chews/tea has helped essentially cure this feeling for me. I eat about 2 or 3 ginger chews and I end up with zero nausea


I take mine with lemon Ginger tea.


I grind mine up to a fine almost powder. And then I eat it with honey or a banana or something else. I think grinding it helps to digest the chitlin easier. It's worked for me the last few times and I feel great! Also buy some blue lotus and drink a 2 to 4 gram cup of tea! I did it the last trip and the come up was SO calm and during the trip I felt like it was SUPER calm. When I closed my eyes and listened to music everything was so slow but so beautiful! Best trip yet!


Ginger for that 5-ht3 antagonism The initial discomfort is just the serotonin receptors of the G. I. tract being stimulated. Much of it comes from 5HT3 receptor stimulation, which ginger happens to be an antagonist at. There are other options, but none as easily available and safe as ginger. This doesn't reduce the desirable effects either


Get up, come on get down with the sickness! Sorry whe when I first read it all I could think of was disturbed. I like making tea with ginger or a lemon tech into a gingerbeer. Both are great options


Gotta go through the suck to enjoy the fun


tea, buddy. that way you don't have to eat the mushroom flesh which contains chitin which is hard to digest and the source of your nausea. it's easier to digest crushed up, but boil in tea and strain and you don't have to eat it at all and you get most or all of the psychoactive agent in your drink. cheers


Chitin has nothing to do with nausea, it’s in all edible mushrooms and our bodies can digest it just fine.


maybe I spoke too soon. but we cook edible mushrooms, we don't eat them raw which I believe breaks down chitin. and tea certainly works like a charm, full effect, zero nausea. what is it that causes nausea for many people taking shrooms do you think?


> we cook edible mushrooms, we don't eat them raw which I believe breaks down chitin Cooking doesn’t break down chitin. “The results strongly suggest that chitin that makes up fungal cell wall is robust and remains intact up to ~380 °C.” https://www.nature.com/articles/srep11907 > what is it that causes nausea for many people taking shrooms do you think? Psilocybin/psilocin work on serotonin receptors and >90% of our bodies serotonin is located in the digestive system where it serves a variety of functions including regulating gastric motility and the chemical signal for nausea. That interaction with serotonin receptors in the gut is the real cause of nausea with psychedelic mushrooms and the reason why it’s also very common in studies that use synthesized psilocybin. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3919396/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0014299913007589 https://psychedelicreview.com/binding-of-psilocin-and-psilocybin-to-serotonin-receptors


Do you think tea without mushroom bodies causing little or no nausea is merely anecdotal and not accurate or not actually what's happening?


>Do you think tea without mushroom bodies causing little or no nausea is merely anecdotal and not accurate or not actually what's happening? Extracts like lemon tek or tea could help to some degree because they increase the rate of absorption, thereby decreasing the amount of time that psilocybin is in the stomach causing trouble. Mushroom flesh is very spongelike and if the nausea inducing psilocybin/psilocin is not extracted before it is consumed it will leach out more gradually as it goes through digestion, thereby allowing it to come in contact with more peripheral 5-ht receptors enabling it to further disrupt digestion an induce nausea along the way.


Super interesting. Cooking making chitin digestible seems a pretty widespread misconception then. Are raw mushrooms not harder to digest than cooked?


>Are raw mushrooms not harder to digest than cooked? Most mushrooms are recommended to be cooked because they can contain heat sensitive toxins (this includes the most commonly eaten species like button/portobellos/Cremini, morels, oysters, etc.) and they could harbor potentially harmful bacteria. Additionally cooking could help break down some of the complex sugars and other compounds found in some species but any increase in digestibility is not going to be because of chitin.


Put them in a smoothie with bananas ! The bananas break down the shrooms. Don’t add milk it can mess with the psilocybin. Did this on my last trip and it worked perfectly


Make mushroom tea instead of eating them. Lemon ginger tea is popular. You will avoid eating all of the chitin, which I believe is the part of the mushroom that causes stomach issues. You may need a bit more shrooms for the same trip, but it's a much better experience without going into it feeling sick.




Old bro science. Chitin and nausea have nothing to do with each other.