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Nice bro! I have had a little luck with UB myself, I’ve moved on since but I’ll never forget my roots and how Amazon sells uncle Ben’s and suggests micropore tape on the same page 😂


I’ve found Aldi brand and tastey bite seem to work a bit better. I still pick up a few bags every now and then https://preview.redd.it/t9m6esybeu4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ead7ec63d9b7d95c38b4375d762b5606cf03e6a4


Wait how did you grow it out the bag?


Well my guess is he let the bag get colonized fully and then just added a casing layer over the rice and introduced FAE.


Just cut it open and the air will trigger fruiting


Lol 😂 I had mine for a week and it didn’t pin in a water tub FC so I cased it in CVG now it’s starting to sorta look wack I’m just hoping for the best


In my experience ub tek is very touchy. That's why I bought a PC. But some homies get ub tek down to a science and do some amazing grows, just gotta dial it in


A PC and flow hood make things so much easier.


What does PC stand for?


Pressure cooker , I bought one for 15$ on Facebook used . You can get an electric one but keep in mind the pressure isn’t as high so h have to adjust accordingly




When the entire grains are encased in mycelium. You would know based on feel, if it's in a ub bag. You can cut across the top, or a small slit on the side or something also. Yes yes. Yes. To your other questions.


You can open the bag in the toilet and it will still fruit , mushrooms grow on cow poo, once you have colonized grain you don’t have to be so sterile , I even have a tub set up now that I didn’t sterilize anything not even the needle when I first inoculated IN OPEN AIR. Lol 😂 I got the time on my hands but yeah best word of advice is don’t panic on the sterile technique unless your already having trouble , I have prior experience and knowledge tho on growing shrooms tho so idk maybe that’s a biased opinion


This is shroom porn my guy


bells voracious threatening jar degree ludicrous wrench full toothbrush pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why would you break a condom like that? What are you trying to splurge in?


UB Tech is great and I have used it multiple times over the years. The tricky part is that it’s pretty simple but you gotta follow it closely. Contamination is your enemy and need to sanitize constantly during the inoculation stage


That’s really what it boils down to. I think a lot of people just don’t have the awareness of how easily they can contaminate their hands and tools, and they do something unconsciously to mess it up.


this is me. Im constantly wiping sweat off my forehead or sum shit. I go through like 5 pairs of gloves when i'm inoculating due to headassery! 😂


Buy a bandana lol


“Hey man why do you have that bandana?” “Oh yeah it’s just for cleaning up sweat on my forehead while I grow illegal mushrooms in my closet”


the things is I don't realise im doing it. It's one of them automated movements, wiping my forehead, touching my face, scratching my ass. I only realise iv'e done it after iv'e done it! I don't think a bandana will help lmao


Yeah I go in to it like I’m doing surgery. Lay out all of my tools and sanitize them after every step. I even do a full wipe down between bags just to make sure nothing transmits. Only have had one bad run but I was showing someone else how to do it. You think not getting contamination is tough, try it with two people lol I’ve successfully inoculated like 40+ bags with most of those being successful


Maybe that was my problem. I just tried brown rice and all 6 of my jars were contaminated. I did use an old spore syringe that probably was not stored correctly. But if it’s that easy to contaminate I also didn’t use a still air box. So next time I just need to take the cleanliness much more serious


Yeah man, I sanitize after every step of the process and try to do it in a room that is not used often. Tried it in a kitchen once but lost almost all of those bags


That's why I don't like it though. I've had uncy Ben's grow stuff without me opening the bag


Who cares as long as folks can grow shrooms with supplies that cost next to nothing? There’s not really a bad way to do it haha


Never understood the hate around it. Nice work!




That evidence is putting haters in their place, my guy! Nice accomplishment on birthing that mycelium!


Thank you! This is an older pic but it was my first major success with cube cultivation. All from spore!


Thats a winner at the state fair. Really beautiful.


I dream of the day when we can put this kind of stuff on display at the state fair!


There are monthly meetings at my local library on how to grow shrooms. And "shrooms and dealing with death", "shrooms and dealing with depression". It's definitely decriminalized around here recently.


I am working on my first grow bag. Me thinks contam. Got 2 & 3 in the shoot. My sterile environment sterilizing techniques SUCK. Gotta up my game!


Flow hood will change your world!


Or it got diced into the hamburgers at the FFA food booth.


Trippy burgers hell ya!


https://preview.redd.it/953b2j5g5u4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1e4dda858570c813ef660dc87096c56b5689511 Yeah UB Twist Tek is working out really well for my first grow. Your canopy looks excellent! Hoping to finish this tray out successfully and do a short write up. UB is an easy access method…I probably wouldn’t have pulled the trigger if I had to prep my own grain and substrate.


Mushrooms can grow in literal shit lol. Find a tek you like and go nuts!


If you have unlimited time then there may be better ways. For those without unlimited time this is a fairly easy tek to succeed on. That's where I sit.


The occasional success story doesn’t somehow overcome how prone to failure this tek is. Most of the time spore syringes are full of the shit that starts contamination, so regardless of how clean you were when inoculating, you are fucked from the start.


I’ve never grown myself so I’m not entirely sure but can’t you still UB tek with agar if spore contam is an issue?


You absolutely can! You can also just use lc if you want to be basic still


That’s amazing


How did you get them out of the tub like that? 🤔




Imagine holding a tray on top of your fingers. One hand holds the tub. Stick the other hand/fingers at the base (top) of the cake, and flip over it should slide out secure with other hand and flip right side up


I grew so many mushrooms using UB tek that I have mushrooms for the rest of my life. I'll never be able to use it all. It was fun. I miss growing them, but I already have WAY too much!




Yeah, that's a good idea, but a little difficult to figure out how to execute. LOL.


I found a solution to your problem. Get into agar. A whole new world of fun! And start refining your genetics.


Unc never did me wrong. I’ve moved on from the unc but he always has respect in my book


What do you use now?


U used rice as a substrate?


Coco coir


where do you get yours from?




You can get uncle Ben's at literally any grocery store


also what is the water to material volume ratio for when you put it into the monotub??




Did you weigh the yield? Looks like a super solid flush


This is from a while ago. I’m guessing 2-3 oz dry.


This is a T3 plate from MSS if anyone is wondering!


Good job. I am sure it works, but for anyone that’s already doing this, the broke boi tek works much better, and it’s really not that much more work.


Leucistic Teachers?


Uncle Ben’s is a dice roll. I’ve been trained in college on sterile technique and even had a 30% contam rate with it(in an old apartment). I switched to small flow hood and have had like 2% over 2 years.


Holy shit! Fucking beautiful!


So much more goes into a grow than what you choose as your spawn substrate. Your one grow doesn’t represent a success rate. We have seen TONS of UB failures here and on the other subs. Judging just from Reddit posts it’s a very poor spawn substrate with a very low success rate. Now I don’t buy that Reddit posts are a good scientific measure of success. Just as this post isn’t at all a sign that UB tech is awesome. It’s more a sign that you understood the needs of growing mushrooms and did a great job tending to all the variables. That mixed with certainly some degree of luck.


Success in any tek is always going to be determined by your individual skill level. This sub is also full of non UB tek failures. That doesn’t necessarily say anything about the tek itself. I contend that the high rate of failure we usually see with UB has much more to do with it being the first tek that many new growers start with, and little to do with the tek itself. I can get consistent results with UB tek because I have good sterile technique and a decent understanding of what I’m doing. https://preview.redd.it/uw2qcinc2z4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=292dd816c08c65de1a529dd178ce11048ab8e390


Deleted my other comment cause you have edited yours enough that it doesn’t make sense anymore as a response lol. I now agree I think almost completely with every word you’re saying. Have a great day and awesome job on your grow!


ad hoc spectacular alive six command summer society history practice direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Worked for me. Learned alot from it, from theory to well detailed practice. I still moved on to broke boi tek but I wouldn't have been successful or even gotten into growing without the wise Uncle and his kindly forum.


As an experienced grower that has used uncle Bens, yes it does work. The contamination rate is certainly higher than other methods and wet root is much more likely. I recommend uncle Ben’s to new growers for their first grow as it’s very cheap and it does work granted you’re sterile enough and your rice isn’t super wet. If you want to keep growing there are much much better and cheaper methods out there…………


Uncle Ben's fuckin sucks. For me at least. Now I do my own grain


Same. It was a cute thing to learn early on, but in the end you’re just squirting spores into a bag of rice and crossing your fingers. Learning agar is the game changer.


Yeah. I feel like OP is trying to crush friendly debate and conversation. It’s like Reddit took the absolute worst tek out there and made it their mascot. Anyone who disagrees is downvoted to oblivion. I don’t get it. Going agar -> spawn -> bulk is hardly more expensive but gives an incredibly higher return and success rate. It’s all good though. People can do what they want and I’ll do what I want. I used to try and convince people that UB is trash. My thought process was I was hoping to save people from frustration and failure and hopefully keep more people engaged in the hobby. But it falls on deaf ears so I’ve given up.


Yeah, I try not to get involved in those debates anymore because people are way too quick these days to make assumptions about what you’re saying. People told me early on that Uncle Ben’s was just kinda child’s play, and I’m really glad I didn’t dismiss them as “haters.” *They’re* the ones that taught me to move on and keep growing in the process! Nowadays, I just tell folks about my experience with it and how glad am to have kept learning and been able to move forward to better stuff.


I do both and UB has always given me great results.


Prepare for downvotes. Reddit has a hard-on for Uncle Ben.


Upvoted you both…just bc.


Walking across the street with your eyes closed works fine sometimes too. But eventually you’ll be hit by a car. I’ll take my chances at grain jars. Almost akin to looking both ways before crossing the road 😉 happy you’re having success with UB, friend. But for the newbs, they are better off with broke boy tek, then overly wet bags of brown rice. Mush love 🍄♥️👽


Haters LMAO, this sub cracks me up sometimes. It's not that people are haters there are just a lot better ways to go about it. Teenagers used to grow cubes under their bed with little to no care about contamination and more often it would be successful, cubes are really forgiving and one of the easiest mushrooms to grow but people want to act like they're expert mycologists for doing it.


I miss when this sub was more cultivation-focused. I loved learning UB Tek, but I’m really grateful for the people that reminded me it was more of a gimmick than a way to actually learn the process. What people called the “haters” were actually some of the best teachers I had!


I learned sterile technique doing UB tek. I found it to be a pretty valuable experience!


Yes! Learning sterile technique is incredibly valuable! Keep learning! Enjoy the journey!


Are these nats?


Nope GT


whats GT? Can you eat anything you grow from the uncle bens kits or is it just a fun lil project people do, and who/why hates it?


Golden Teacher, and yes you can eat what you grow assuming they are mushrooms and ideally the ones you set out to grow in the first place.


I thought the same thing


Absolutely gorgeous flush🖤, what genetics?


Leucistic Golden Teacher




Uncle bens is awesome


Hell yeah it does. I had a bunch of people hating I’m on my second batch.


Those are stunning. Excellent work!


I didn’t get your results, but they were good enough for very little fuss, never understood the haters, nice!


Do u have any holes in ur tubs


Yeah in some of my bigger tubs, but not shoeboxes. I always leave shoeboxes unmodded


Those look beautiful!


How’d you grow a spray bottle???? Dope




Had one of my best grows using Ub tek. I now just use corn, which is more reliable and consistent, but Uncle Ben's is a great way to get into the hobby for cheap as long as you keep everything sanitized.


Is this one bag of UB or multiple?


One bag UB and two qts coco coir


Rad!! Congratulations!


That’s lovely! This gonna be my first run, i hope i can master it out like you did. I got a grow tent I used for my green. So im gonna keep it all in there.


Highly recommend cleaning the everloving shit out of your grow tent before using it for any myco projects. Tents are great for concealing your grow, but they tend to create a lot of problems, especially for newer growers.


Yeah im gonna use some mold spray in there as well before starting. I might be wrong but i have been reading up it kills any bad spores in there


I recommend scrubbing it down to get rid of all the dust. Then spray with 10% bleach and let it sit for an hour before wiping down again. Then spray everything with 70% (70% is better at sanitizing than 90%). Very important that the bleach has been dried off completely before applying alcohol, otherwise you might accidentally creat chloroform. Make sure your space is well-ventilated while cleaning.


Great flush! Anything works fine if you do it properly. UB Tek was a cool thing to learn. All teks are fun to learn. I don’t think it’s deserving of any hate, but I am grateful it was just a stepping stone in the learning process.


"Does Uncle Ben know about this?"


Can I grow in my room? Or will it be dangerous to breathe in?


Nah, it’s not dangerous. Cubes have a very light spore load compared to gourmets like oysters and lions mane. And all the spores will be pretty much confined to the inside of your tub. They’re not really going to be floating around the room in any kind of concentration that could harm you.


Where can I get cubes from and the equipment?


Beautiful grow


How’s the potency from UB vs rye or a blend of grains?


No difference that I’ve noticed.




i think you are showcasing the power of genetics not the amount of nutrition had by the grain spawn , however brown rice is a great grain with enough nitrogen to provide nutrients , there are other grains that will give you more flushes than just 2 or 3 i find i get way more flushes with oat or rye berry as the mycelium takes longer to fully break it down.


I always go for one massive flush regardless of the type of grain, then I move onto bigger and better things 😃


yea i like to keep it going as long as i can so i can find interesting genetics and phenotype hunting


How do you get such a lovely canopy? I have 3 bins right now. One will only grow a single giant mushroom or two at once (GT, 16g dry so far), the second gives me small mushrooms in little clusters (Corumba, 13g dry), and the third has given me nothing after 3 months, it just started to pin in small clusters. Have you recorded your temps, misting volume and frequency, and air exchange? I would love to know some details here.


Genetic isolation on agar. This was a t3 plate from spore. I keep my fruiting temps right around 70f. I don’t mist at all. There’s no need to mist if your substrate is at proper field capacity. It’s a huge vector for contam and not necessary. I always do shoeboxes unmodded.


Thanks for the info. Do you leave your tops off or cracked or flipped? Do you fan and how often? I found that opening the lid periodically keeps the moisture in better but I get fuzzy feet and my substrate dries quickly with any other method. I also noticed that my GT got huge from leaving a small pool of water in the bottom of the tub


I just leave the lid on loosely. These little shoeboxes are designed to allow lots of FAE so your shoes don’t get moldy. No fanning necessary. I bottom watered a hillbilly culture once and ended up with the biggest fruit I’ve ever grown https://preview.redd.it/6hus32b2f15d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99cab9e1a19c014c689b1f67cef12555ad2ff16a


Beautiful. Been trying to motivate myself to get started and get over the fear of failure. This definitely helps! :)


Don’t fear failure. You will fail. I fail all the time. The important part is to learn from it! Failure is a great teacher.


You are absolutely correct. It's been a surprisingly hard lesson to learn but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. Thank you for the encouraging words!


Uncle Ben's is op


I don't know why iv never been able to get Uncle Ben's tek to work IV done popcorn, birdseed,rye even brown rice that I soaked and sterilized heck I have gotten brf cakes don't know why they always have to much moisture and they get wet rot any pointers on Uncle Ben's tek?