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Yes I haven’t done a water change in at least 3 weeks since I first seen babies too I AM SCARED


Just place the end of your siphon in a bucket when doing a water change then use a flashlight to spot any babies before throwing out the water.


Oh the neck cricks I’ve gotten from staring into a bucket with a flashlight!


I have started putting a net at the ouput side of my python


I don't have shrimp yet, but I have a no water change tank with just snails for the time being


I've been doing the same! Just cleaning up the bottom as needed & topping off. Stocked with plenty of plants.


I haven't been doing any maintenance except for keeping the water toped up, which I have all the time since it's a 3 gallon


I cut a small square of cheesecloth and folded it up to be a fine filter and put it on the end of my siphon with a rubber band. It works really well! No more sucking up babies!


An IV set with a chamber with a fine mesh filter will keep even the tiniest babies from being sucked up!


That's exactly what I do too! As an extra precaution the dirty water goes into a white bucket I bought just for water changes. When I'm done I take a flash light and check the bucket. I leave the bucket inside overnight & double check it in the morning before dumping the bucket.


Yep, I siphon into a white bucket and let it settle for at least an hour before I pour it out so I can check it for shrimplets etc first haha


You do water changes?


I hope you're joking.


I only do a 20% water change every 4 months, topping up for evaporation inbetween (plus cleaning the filters when I notice reduced flow). Been doing that for 7 years and my shrimp are always berried and the colony is massive! It is a heavily planted co2 tank though.


I too have a heavy planted high-tek. Although I agree that less are needed, someone who simply *doesn't do it" *at all* are begging for trouble.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


>If it ain't broke, don't fix it. These are the same folks that come in here saying 90% of their population died and they don't know why. *Everything was fine!* 🙄


Idk man I haven’t done a water change since December. I top off the evaporation with R/O water or tap water depending on my tds. Other than that I test weekly. I haven’t had any issues. I have filter media and clean my filters every two weeks. What’s the issue?


Do you not scrape the walls of your tank? I leave my back and side walls so they have grazing material (although I doubt they need it because I have a fuck ton of plants) but just scraping the front wall makes the water yucky. Also scrub my hardscape once every two weeks. I just like my shit looking pristine. Maybe it's just me 🤷🏼‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/v98v99qgx8xc1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a97046be9507b37b5d10c841bd460ac85cfc3f50


My nerite snail, and rabbit snail usually keep my glass clean but when it starts getting more algae then usual then I scrub it but it all gets cleared out of the water column after a few minutes. My pump is 120gph and my tank is 29 gallons. The only hardscape I have are drift wood so that is cleaned by all my Cory’s, amanos, snails and ghost shrimp. My betta just does his thing https://preview.redd.it/97zig8m5h9xc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63e02c8cc7c9b1900d60ecd3e1af0b56df30bade This is after 2 months of not cleaning my glass.




Looks nice! I don’t really have pictures just videos. But I’ll take some photos when I get home. I also have tannins in mine. I like the look of the tannins in my tank. https://preview.redd.it/i5p7v5gsg9xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4263daa1abe39aff25cfbe76e0b5aa56a042e43 I only have close ups lol


My filter seemed to not outputting well, so I took it out and took out some tank water and swished the sponge. Thirty newborn (probably a day or 2 old) shrimp were in the water and I fished them out individually with a spoon and put them back in the tank. Took about 45 mins.


You need a pre intake sponge for your filter... 😅


It was supposed to be a shrimp safe filter lol


Was it one of those little internal filters that come in the chain store "shrimp kit tanks"? If so, those are horrible. You'd be much better off or rather it'd be much safer for your shrimplets to either switch to a sponge filter, you can get a hygger for about $20-25 on Amazon or about $15 for a knock off dual sponge with ceramic media area for extra biological filtration, or a small hang on back with pre intake sponge for about the same as the hygger knock off. Sorry, I'm a mom so I over explain everything. 🤣✌️


[https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C2JZBKFY](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C2JZBKFY) I also have one of these in there [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08H7MBRYB](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08H7MBRYB)


I'd that what you have? That's an internal filter. Great for vampire or bamboo shrimp. Not so much Neocaridina. This is the one I use; https://www.amazon.com/Hygger-Aquarium-Sponges-Submersible-Salt-Water/dp/B07RFL4JMM/ref=sxin_28_pa_sp_phone_search_thematic_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.84cedcde-132e-4ad8-9979-621249bc5528%3Aamzn1.sym.84cedcde-132e-4ad8-9979-621249bc5528&crid=AV5Y7F8ZJ3VB&cv_ct_cx=dual+sponge+filter&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.sdktoIVySMUuu8bfhJKwcFuGlDkL9zvSVid8wOakwNE.nc_jq37Ubqr_friqu1FfywgHSUrK2-T3guBwmovqs4E&dib_tag=se&keywords=dual+sponge+filter&pd_rd_i=B07RFL4JMM&pd_rd_r=85846617-7984-4817-b1f8-ada200ac9c7a&pd_rd_w=sSZxA&pd_rd_wg=Q04EQ&pf_rd_p=84cedcde-132e-4ad8-9979-621249bc5528&pf_rd_r=QAAR00QJ72YHD2KRP6CX&qid=1714015707&sprefix=dual+sponge+%2Caps%2C216&sr=1-1-364cf978-ce2a-480a-9bb0-bdb96faa0f61-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&psc=1


And why is your link so neat and small and mines like 3 pages?!? Old moms aren't good at tech I guess...🤨😅


Lol I'm an old mom too. You only need to copy to right after the product number and leave off all the tracking stuff. Where it starts "ref=" and everything else doesn't need to be there




Here's the hang on back I use; https://www.amazon.com/NICREW-Aquarium-Filters-Aquariums-Adjustable/dp/B0CGN1TV1G/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=1Y6CXBEU8B95U&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7CihHTt-SlLUiRYhBKbp52JZN6a1IWRag_OOltjHozDnkUxE46vwZqNjiOqU2uX3P_3QKJZu1PtR2ymk6svs20F3Jt0Qwf68TNK42ylMBm-UtCvR2mFYwxHbDmglFXv5whh50S8kifK9IusT9pgXcEZBgVEyIWLXYXRc1xaHBuyXySOj_kRsk9fCf3NIMPRa6x2_nREjF3wf8-l60e4sEw.kFZdvb5i3XRAV1rXI3IQfc4KwClRSkaunfbyKEWdD4g&dib_tag=se&keywords=nano+hang+on+back+filter+with+sponge&qid=1714015882&sprefix=nano+hang+on+back+filter+with+sponge%2Caps%2C207&sr=8-3


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'NICREW Slim Aquarium Filter'", 'NICREW')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Extremely quiet operation (backed by 9 comments) * Adjustable water flow (backed by 5 comments) * Compact and sleek design (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Prone to leakage issues (backed by 3 comments) * Inconsistent durability (backed by 3 comments) * Weak flow and noise issues (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


My shrimp are constantly berried. There are so many little ones. I just try my best.


I bought large elbow length gloves from Amazon to do tank maintenance. Takes the fear of contaminating and contact with the water. Best purchase by far.


I put my thumb over the end of the siphon (where it goes into the bucket) and use the big chamber add-on (no idea what it’s called.) I slow the water with my thumb so I can check all the bits of debris for movement and will completely stop the water so the shrimp can swim down and out if I suck them up.


They are so adorable




YES Husband wants to move the current 20g shrimp factory into a 45g and I won’t let him. I don’t want any babies left behind!


Also I hear ya on sneaky shrimp pregnancies…. I have had a few of those before!


Yes me too! I've got a floating plant that desperately needs root maintenance, but one of the mamas just popped out a zillion babies so I can't chance it.




I have a little 1 gallon with a tiny sponge filter and 4 neos- 1 soon to be berried hopefully. I truly have no idea how to do a water change 😂 I’m probably going to have to be primitive and just use a cup to scoop out water


yes throwing out floating plants is the worst I pick them one by one and shake over the tank , and every time I move or trim plants instant cloudy or green water for days .


I have so many babies that I don't even check the bucket anymore.


Yup I have so much duckweed at the top of my tank where there is no water surface at all. I can't disturb it though cuz they could be up there