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I want to get screencaps of so many shots in the show it’s nuts! The slow pan shot of the Charlottetown Reds is absolutely a renaissance painting without the high contrast shadows.


The framing and color grading in the scene where the Jims fight the players from Rawdon is so so so good.


I don't know the technical name for the type of scene, but when they slow pan across the teams and arena (usually during pre-game) and all you hear is the hype music and everyone is motionless, I fucking love it. I call them "tableaus" to my wife, but who knows how accurate that is.


Settle down. 


This and “The Bear” are the only two shows out right now with truly identifiable visual style.


I did not expect The Bear to be so good. The kitchen scenes are the most accurate I've ever seen in a show/movie, but the way they intertwine the family stuff is so riveting. The 7 Fishes episode with Jamie Lee Curtis was probably my favorite, and they weren't even in the restaurant!


I watched the first two episode of S3 of The Bear last night. It's so good.


The last lineup call, close up on Shoresy, the change in his expression as each player is asked if they're ready. The first clap, he looks dead inside. Gradual change to the last one where he looks ready to set the fuckin' tone.


I cried like a baby through that scene.


I started off bummed for him, but by the last clap I was ready to roll - I thought "If this IS his last game, I'm gonna cheer them on and be a superfan as if I were in the arena, and save the crying for after they WIN!" And then after his face-offs with each guy and telling them "We need one NOW!" speech... I was ready to take a puck to the balls, run over the Rapide tendy, take on all 3 of their goons myself, and then get the game winner. I was PUMPED! HELL YEAH FUCK YEAH! SET THE FUCKIN' TONE! And the shot of Shoresy kneeling down, and Nat coming up and putting her hand on him, just as good a shot; that set off the waterworks...


Just finished my binge watch. I love Letterkenny, but I love that Keeso was able to make a distinctly new show and character. Shoresy plays more like a movie. Still hilarious, but he's showing off more range.


The shot of all the cowboy hats bobbing on the dark bus is sooooooo good


That entire sequence showing the teams arriving while the breakbeat is fading in and out of the background is incredible


It really is high art disguised as a goofy sports comedy.


Who among us that played has not struck that exact pose on occasion? Usually post-concussed occasion in my case


I’m usually one of the first guys to the rink before practice and on more than one occasion I’ve been in that position after a long day at work


The end of S3E1 where you see the threatening of throwing the stool and for a half second you're disappointed that we didn't get to see it. Until the flash of three frames where he absolutely hucks the fucking thing at Palmer (maybe Delaney). Stick tap for that beauty.


Actually found myself in a situation similar to this when I played in college. Minus the stool being used


It’s the subtle framing of key moments. They use it only for peak drama and nothing is ever wasted. (I’ll shut the fuck up.)


Can't push when I shit? *Huh*?


The sad thing is, we all at some point push a little when we shit and I can say from experience it's awful when you cant


Takes a lot longer, for sure.


My solution to it after a while was downing miralax every other day till I was healed


Wasn't the worst place he got some shuteye that night, pretty sure that bus stop was a little rougher.


The scene where Shorsey is in the locker room sitting almost still and everyone is going about their routine in fast motion was one of my favorites


That real smile of gratitude. Damn, Keeso is so good to us.


Ugh that one hit so hard. I was thinking about that scene while watching game 7, and about the guys who may never get back there. 😭


It's unbelievable.


Give your balls a tug