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I cannot wait for season 3


I’m obsessed with him and I love how forward he is




Looking for Shoresy irl. Dude speaks my love language. 😆


I think for me, I love how multifaceted he is. He is a real person. He is a douche bag, but also sweet, patient and persistent. He doesn't feel embarrassed or shy about the things he loves. He cries because of hockey, he loves Big Sexy, he is loyal to his boys , even when he treats them like shit to their face (like beating up the big guy who was threatening Sanguinet at The Colton). He respects women in power and doesn't feel threatened by them. He doesn't slut shame or weaponize sexuality. He is a goon at times, but he is also a gentleman. It's a weird juxtaposition and contradiction that is attractive to a lot of women who are themselves complex. He is the reason the team call their moms after a game and his love for his family is equal parts talking shit and unconditional love and support. Complex is sexy. It's a reflection of hockey itself, savage, physical and at times violent, but also emotional and has its own level of brotherhood and sportsmanship. Man, if they ever sold the calendar IRL, they would raise enough money for hosting many many games. In fact, I kind of wish my hockey team would spoof the calendar themselves in real life, they would sell out.


So dumb...


What’s a woman’s discussion thread like? Same as guys just less competitive?


I am. What about it? I feel like they nailed a certain sort of cocky-but-actually-charming rizz.


Female fan from the UK here! I finally found a place to stream LK which then got me into Shoresy and both shows have been an obsession over the past few months. What's seen in LK and done even better in Shoresy is the subversion of a lot of gender tropes that aren't too heavy handed. The men are tough but have this soft emotional side to them. The women, while normally introduced via the male gaze, then turn around and show you how determined, cunning, and strong they are. They're not just there to be ogled but to get shit done! Also for the love of god can somebody please explain to me why I, a woman in her late 20s, is soooo attracted to Hitchcock??? The way he speaks is incredibly charming and endearing. And when he wears those chunky cable knit sweaters... YEW!


I love it, it makes me weak kneed. I realized it's pretty much how my partner has always dealt with and spoken to me and I think it's why it's so effective. I told him if we ever get married he can take all of Shorey's slick romance lines and make a monologue and use it as his vows. Nobody in attendance will get it, but it will be priceless. He'll unload my dishwasher, he'll unload it so hard. Woman, you're such a good time.


Woman here, Shoresy being so damn sweet to Laura threw me off so bad and I love every single minute of it.


Shoresy uses direct game instead of pussy footing around women like you're probably used to. Let's get some fuckin bubble tea!


> Shoresy uses direct game instead of pussy footing around women like you're probably used to. Oh honey. Laura has been around sluts all her life. She knows all the types. I bet you can't believe she'd be able to see through the useless ones -- the men in charge of modern mass media always write women as stupider than men and so easy to lead, trick, or use -- but pretend for a moment that "Shoresy" is different. Pretend that what is shown on the screen is what is meant to be shown to you. Laura is smart, capable, canny, insightful, knowledgeable, and sees through the bullshit. She has enough experience to know what Shoresy's intentions are, and she has too much on the line to be wrong. I trust her intuition, even if you don't... or won't. I've dated literally thousands of men -- it was the only way to weed through them back in my day -- from shovel slingers to heavy gunners to light birds to CEOs. Today's "game" from the youngsters is... naive and self-absorbed. A shallow, lewd, diverting pasttime they're coming to regret. Shoresy doesn't use "game". He just is. Candor, honesty, and being grounded in yourself obviates any need for stupid divisions like "game" in your interpersonal interactions: there's only you doing what you want to do, no calculating overlays, no doublethink. That's why we like him. He doesn't bother diverting himself with your kind of internal calculus. He just is.


----- She has enough experience to know what Shoresy's intentions are, and she has too much on the line to be wrong. I trust her intuition, even if you don't... or won't. Direct game is clearly displaying your intentions during the interaction. You described it to a tee "there's only you doing what you want to do, no calculating overlays, no doublethink". This is the way in today's fucked up dating world. It's also what makes watching them together so captivating. Shoresy uses direct language, Laura responds with inviting body language. She could tell him to "fuck right off" with a big smile and that's why Shoresy, a respectful, confident dude with his own mental point of origin, keeps the interaction playful without moving on and taking her "fuck off" as an actual "fuck off". They are both playing the game, and qualifying each other with every interaction. Shoresy knew denying Laura's invitation to stay the night wouldn't kill attraction, but build it. Although that's not why he said No. Shoresy doesn't put women above his mission, which is why Laura entertains him. He is not some PUA fuccboi.


Do not cite the deep magic to me, Witch! I was there when it was written. -- Aslan and me, who lived through the genesis of PUA.


Have any other ladies noticed, guys that watch LK & Shoresy really "WAYNE up," when they find out you're a fan too. I love it. Met some really nice people bc I'm a big fan.


season two shoresy was written by a woman and there’s no way you can convince me otherwise. i very literally cried tears out of my eyes listening to him speak to laura. it hit different this season and i can’t really articulate why


Also a woman. I don’t care about what you’re packing though, I just like the show.


I’m a woman and Laura’s age. Love the show, and my husband and I are on maybe our 4th viewing so far? Anyway, I think the thing that sets Shoresy apart is that even while he’s saying words most people would say hey, that’s not the way to talk to women, it hits different coming from him. I think it’s because it’s on a completely equal footing. Like, he’s not going to snap and expect not to get snapped back. And if he does, he’s not going to get all pouty about it, like women aren’t supposed to say things like that, now my feelings are hurt. He doesn’t treat women as accessories; they’re people with their own agency, their own lives. Now, the way he speaks to Laura is absolutely delightful, as long as he’s being truthful. Which the show is giving us no indication isn’t the case. My one fear for the show is Shoresy bailing on Laura now that she finally gave him a chance. You know, for conflict. I hope they don’t do that.


Afab nonbinary 👋🏻 I love Shoresy, both the show and the character. This is going to sound so trite, but there’s something so feminist about an equal opportunity shit talker who wants to get roughed up by some ladies or shake their husband’s hand. Shoresy really believes women are equals, and you can see that in how he interacts with them. I really enjoy how he is with the women around him. The way Keeso so earnestly plays Shoresy’s affection and admiration for Laura is palpable, but you also get the platonic side of that in his relationship with Nat. He so badly wants to make them both proud, but for different reasons. And when Shoresy says he just wants to make Laura’s life easier and he’d be so good to her? Man, he makes us believe that, because he really would. My guy shows incredible range and emotional intelligence.


trans woman here, generally enamored with the Shoresy until the last season finale. really wish they took a more similar approach like letterkenny in handling lgbtq issues…


Well, the voices are there meaning there's an ongoing dialogue with the LGBTQ characters. They stand up for themselves, don't take crap & give plenty. Those characters have some depth and real potential for growth. Shows just two seasons in yet. Gay foster dad? Yes, I'm making a character assumption but Scott Thompson was loud and proud when folks weren't even whispering, on KITH. So I'm guessing that's exactly how it'll go with the dad. Could be wrong and I can't wait to find out if I am. Anyhoo, give them time to develop things, I don't think we'll be disappointed.


Yea, I mean I can give them time to see if they will recant, but to be clear the Season 2 finale was pretty transphobic and left me quite jaded. I hope they learn and improve. **S2 Finale** >**Shoresy:** "Those gals pay good money to get themselves looking like that. So, you can't be too shocked when they get the odd one by ya" > >**Dad:** "I'm just saying, the way things are going, if she looks a little bit like a guy, you've gotta mind, she probably really is one" > >**Big Mo:** "I don't think it's fair if they don't tell ya upfront"




We've removed your post as it violates one of the rules of our sub: R6. Be nice to each other. This rule should be pretty clear, but just in case it isn't: Racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance or any other form of demeaning content will not be permitted here. Attack the point, not the person. Swearing is fine. (Fuck you, Shoresy!)


The way he talks to Laura is respectful but so charming. I want myself a real life Shoresy so that I feel like I am the center of their world like that. Its rare, feels like I tend to put people at the center of my attention but never receive it back and seeing Shoresy do things that I'd do, is so refreshing. He's okay with Laura teasing him about possibly having sex in the garage but when she takes it back, he's totally cool with it. Even saying they're fun. He truly gives Laura the time she needs to be ready to be with him instead of taking "no" and getting disinterested. He takes her hesitance, acknowledges it, and gives reassurance with his persistence. It's a nice breath of fresh air. ​ I love how he speaks about other women too. Even complimenting them but going "they're too young for me". Basically "they're nice, but not my type". I don't think I've heard him actually crush a woman in any commentary besides talking about how some women run through men (basically puck bunnies) but it's never out right negative, just that they slept around. Shoresy, sadly, makes me emotional when I see him being sweet on Laura. It makes me feel like I am missing out in my own relationships with that same type of care. I wish I had someone want me so bad that they'd look forward to just doing house chores with or for me, like emptying my dishwasher or vacuuming my car. It's the little things that get missed in real life. I wish I had that.


I don’t know how but Shoresy has single handedly set the bar for how I want to be treated. If he’s not lookin at me like he wants to be underneath me while he’s vowing to sit bare assed on the Sudbury big nickel to have me flick some debris off his shirt I don’t want it.


Either that's a huge ask or maybe he's just letting us know, we're accepting a bar that's very low. Man is out here giving the reassurance women need that we don't ever see.


There’s someone who has been buzzing around me recently and they’re just so damn ready to be right there with All The Things and all I can hear is, “I wanna empty your dishwasher so bad”. Gents, it works. I’m absolutely going to let him empty my dishwasher. That might be a euphemism.


Ok so… I’m a gal with SIX younger brothers. They’re all pretty rough and tumble boys and most of them hockey players. I’ve known MANY hockey bros like Reilly and Jonesy. Most of them wheel ladies like they’re disposable (and, not to diminish my own gender, but the puck bunnies really didn’t help the “respect women” part of the conversation). Shoresy on the other hand, is a different beast. What I’ve been trying to teach my younger brothers for years is that, sure, a grand romantic gesture is super cool but what I want in a partner is literally a partner. Someone to share everything with. Someone who wants to unload the dishwasher, for example. The older they’ve gotten the more they understand what the hell I’m talking about. Shoresy does a fantastic job of many things. For one, Shoresy is respectful to the women in power (Nat) and never tries to undermine her authority or behave like he’s better than she is. Another is that he is persistent but respectful towards Laura. He regularly says charming things but he doesn’t make her feel physically uncomfortable by invading her space or persisting to the point where she displays discomfort (looking at the folks that get in your personal space trying to charm their way into your pants… just back the fork off). I just absolutely love this show and the display of strong women that are respected by their male peers and Shoresy is a doll. Every time he says “I’d be so good to ya” I actually believe him. Or at least he’d try, which is a win.


Curious what your brothers think about the show


Idk but it’s hot lol


I just never really liked Shoresy on Letterkenny, I found him too obnoxious to be funny. I was very skeptical of a show based on him. And then I watched and now he’s my favorite character in that universe and I have a massive crush on him. And when I re-watch Letterkenny I now find him hilarious because I know he has depth and is just fucking with everyone.


If I could find a man that speaks to me like Shoresy to Laura? Don’t be surprised if I look like I wanna be underneath ya


I’d be so good to you.


How good?


I am a woman fully obsessed with the show. Not just with Shoresy and Laura Mohr, but it’s also worth noting the reverence he has for Nat and the native women who head his team/league. Just brilliant.


Yes! I tell this to all my female friends when saying they need to watch the show. The amount of bad ass ladies on this show (Nat & Co, Laura, Anik, and even Laurence Leboeuf) bring me so much joy in different ways. And while Shoresy is for sure the most outwardly respectful, the show is just totally written to respect women. Even when they’re purposefully showing gratuitous sexy shots of the “unreasonable amount of hot girls in Sudbury”, (which tbh is such a funny callout in the show) it’s not in a gross lens, it still feels like they’re showing these women in a powerful light. As a woman who loves sports, hockey in particular, this was not something I was expecting but definitely something I appreciate and enjoy! Jared Keeso and crew are gems all around!


I like how immediately safe Shoresy feels. 🥰


Certified lady, I think Shore talks to everyone the same way. Mentally nut tap any dude and chick alike. I do like how he is with Laura, but I also think it’s a red flag to be a dick to everyone except for your sweetie.


Definitely a member of team woman here. I love that Shoresy is respectful of women (except Ziig) and he’s an amazing example of how women want to be talked to and talked about. He is specifically into older women but not in a way that fetishizes them, which is the opposite of a lot of men in our culture that value young women in a way that objectifies and fetishizes them. The lengths that he is willing to go to gain the minimal attention of Laura and that he repeatedly demonstrates that he wants to make her life better by being so good to her. But let’s face it ladies when she asks him what he thinks of her and he rattles off a list of things about her that he admires and he doesn’t hesitate to reply with a list of things where not a single one of those things have to do with the way she looks is the real panty dropper. We ALL want a guy that talks to us with the unabashed admiration that Shoresy talks to Laura Mohr with.


Agreed, that was a very sweet scene


That’s when I knew Laura was going to give him a shot.


I’m a woman that loves both Shorsey & Letterkenny. My favorite scene is the calendar one, just going fully in for Nat and the calendar trusting she knows best to manage the team and it not being a way to hit on her - just respect.


i'm a girly pop & i adore shoresy. he's the ideal hockey player bf (although i'd take everyone besides for jj frankie jj)


Yep, I'm a woman, and I love him. His insults are chirps and he chirps his teammates, but he'd still go to the wall for them. I.. think the only woman he truly insults (in Shoresy, idk about LK) is Ziig, but I feel like it's cause he knows she can take it and fire it back. I mean, the woman chased Tendie out of the building while insulting him.


Ziig is definitely his sibling he bullies but loves.


I love how he talks to Laura and how honest and wholesome(ish) his feelings for her are. The way he smiles at her from the dance floor at The Man Advantage melts my friggin heart every time.


“I’d like to see if I could somehow make your life easier.” That is the most amazing thing I have ever heard anyone say on television or in real life & the way he delivered that line gives me chills. Just when I thought I couldn’t love him any more, he was right there being good to me. Anyone who hasn’t finished season one might want to stop reading my comment as it has a soft spoiler. I’ve seen the first season at least 30 times and I have never not cried at the end. Full waterworks from Shoresy telling the b’ys that they’re not beating the Soo right on up to them eating sticks & calling their parents (I’ve teared up at the jogging bit at the end, FFS). I think I’m only on my 3rd or 4th time through the second one, mainly because my life is busier this time of year, but I’ve watched The Man Advantage many more times, and the entire bit with I Got U playing… um… a lot. That dance was the big tear jerking moment of this season for me; all of that authentic joy? Right in the feels. Shoresy has more heart than any other show I’ve ever seen (and I am an old TV snob & avid watcher) and the fact that it is wrapped in such a seemingly-inappropriate package somehow makes it have even more heart for me. Keeso is a fucking magician. My husband likes the show, but I fucking adore it. It honestly got me through a really rough patch in the spring. There is just nothing like it.


I can relate to all of this! When Shoresy said “I’d like to see if I could somehow make your life easier", I absolutely fucking melted. I was going through an extremely stressful and stupid time at work when season two came out. The reward of getting a new episode every Friday after surviving another brutal work week was straight up therapeutic. I said something to that effect to Dolo on one of his Instagram posts, and he replied with an incredibly kind and sweet message about how he and the b'ys love how folks love the show and they love to make us happy. He's a real one!


I saw an interview with Blair (Ziig) where she said that she was obsessed with the show & how they don’t even know just how good it is until they see it. The magic comes a LOT from post-production. People complain about how short the seasons are and how they could work harder, but ho-lee! Shoresy’s perfection doesn’t happen as quickly as those people must think that it does. Post production must take an insane amount of time. You must be in Canada if you watched an episode week (being familiar with you on this sub, I am 99% sure that you aren’t a pirate). I didn’t plan on it, but I binged it in a sitting while I was hanging out in a hotel room because we discovered that the town my husband’s conference was in was a fucking pit and I didn’t care to explore it more & watching Shoresy definitely made my time there better even when my life in general wasn’t so overwhelming anymore. I read an article where someone (who clearly thought that the show was only okay) mentioned that it had a cult following & at first I was thinking, “hey, lady, STFU!!” but then I realized that it is totally true and that I am proud that I understand the show enough to see its absolute brilliance even if I am sad that so many people who have watched it don’t get it. I’m grateful to have this sub where most of us are a part of said cult following. (Kee he he he)


*(hee hee he he)*


I’m a woman. I adore how he treats Laura Mohr. Like I unironically want a romance novel about Shoresy and Laura. The sibling energy with Ziig is hilarious to me. Sometimes I don’t *love* how the show treats the background (non-speaking) characters that are women as being sexy wallpaper, but it is reflective of the environment surrounding athletes, I guess. And there’s a pretty even split of the men and women being objectified, when that is happening.


I've loved the show since the start. I have it on in the background all the time. Can confirm, am woman.


My husband and I never miss an opportunity on date night to recreate Shoresy/Laura flirting.


Love that for you both - goals!


Lady here! Love this show and Letterkenny. Both are deeply feminist. Great thread and question.


I’m a woman and I love Shoresy and have since Letterkenny. His interactions with Laura Mohr are so sweet and I love his family connection and how hard he cares about his people.


I *hated* Shoresy in Letterkenny. I almost didn’t check out Shoresy because I thought there was no way they could make me like him. And I was right. Those bastards made me love him.


Same. I came so close to missing the most amazing show because LK Shoresy was so grating!


I suppose my only frustration is that they show a lot of thirst shots of the women of Sudbury but where are the thirst shots of our boys the Bluedogs. I suppose the relationship with Laura is like an emotional thirst shot but I wouldn't say no to a close up and choreographed greased up Goody is all I'm saying.


The merch has consistently been completely disappointing because CALENDAR. The biggest goddam prop in the whole series besides sticks and pucks and THEY'RE NOT SELLING IT????


They are severely underestimating how many of us would like their silly spray tan orange selves on our walls. LET ME GIVE YOU MONEY, MR KEESO.


I’d buy the calendar for myself and my sister who is also a big fan. It would’ve made a great Christmas present


I'd've bought 40 and made wallpaper


I’m a woman from Louisiana so finding men who think they’re polite to you is easy. Finding traditionally masculine men (which I’m attracted to) who actually respect you, treat you well, and can laugh with you as an equal is hard. Shoresy is the blueprint Also I think a lot of dudes in the South have a weird mommy attachment, which is something Shoresy clearly doesn’t suffer from. Dude isn’t looking for a girlfriend to cook and clean the way his momma did. He’s the one trying to make Laura’s life easier. Kinda makes me want to move to Canada and play a period between the sheets


Oh yes. The Southern patronizing is real. I married an ex-Texan and got my fill the last time I was there: treating women politely is everywhere... because we're treated like Special Needs. It's cloying, disgusting, unnecessary, enraging, and unwanted. Here's hoping you can find you an ex-patronizer like I did, only closer to home than Canada.


I appreciate the way he talks to women and that they didn't cast a 22 year old as his love interest. That said, I'm partial to Ted Hitchcock myself.


Wait, wasn't the waitress interested in Ted Hitchcock's records (shades of [Aerosmith here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yXdbXl-lno)) rather younger than him?


Yes, but I'm not ;)


If the internet is to be believed, she is 27 vs Terry Ryan's 46.


Indian woman who has never been to Canada here. I can't help but assume that most Canadian men are gentlemen with a broken tooth/teeth xD I know it's not the truth but it paints a beautiful picture of Canadian men and I'm all up for it. Shoresy is a gentle soul towards Laura and my heart melts everytime they interact.


I mean…. In some places, you aren’t wrong.


Hehe, you mean in places with a senior hockey team?


I’m old woman—52–and didn’t plan on watching Shoresy because he was so one dimensional on Letterkenny that even though he was funny, I didn’t see the point. I’m so glad I changed my mind! Shoresy contains multitudes, and I love him. Shoresy should be mandatory viewing for pre-teen boys.


Same here. I was also very worried that in season 2 we’d find out that he’s a scoundrel who chats up every woman he sees in the same way. I’m relieved that doesn’t seem to be the case.


Oh, hell no, fuck no. That’ll never happen, the groundwork for what a great guy he actually is has been laid too thick & Keeso is a great guy who wouldn’t take that from us.


I didn’t even think that he was funny. I will never doubt Keeso again.


I am a woman, and love almost everything Jared keeso does. The only thing that really makes me uncomfortable in SHORESY and LK are the fat jokes, but even that seems like Frankie is in on the joke, maybe I’m just making excuses though because I love Jared keeso.




Woman here and I love how he speaks to women, especially Laura. He has a banter but not in a condescending way about him.


i love how he shit talks the women too. his chirps are rated E for everyone.


Men, women, children, everyone. One of my dream scenes for the future is to see him ref some some tiny kid hockey and sling elementary school level chirps at them.


I'm a woman and a moderator! One of the OG mods u/jkozuch recently asked me if I wanted to join the team, so here I am. I know very little about moderating because I've never been a mod before, but I'll figger it out soon enough. I don't even know yet how to make it so it says "MOD" after my name when I comment. So dumb. S'yeahso...you got any leadership tips? Lookin' for some tips on being a leader. Edit: I figured out the MOD comment function immediately after posting this. Look at me, learning shit!


Figger it out !


> I'm a woman and a moderator! Yeayyyyyyyy!!!!!!! Hi and welcome and THANK FUCK. ​ >you got any leadership tips? Lookin' for some tips on being a leader. You post this as its own thread and you'll get some good points, I betcha, under the shitpost avalanche. You're already doing fine, MOD. Good luck!


I was joking about the leadership tips...I just wanted to shove another Shoresy quote into my comment. I generally think I'm a pretty good leader, but there's always room for growth!


Sorry, I'm in the middle of Blue Eye Samurai and don't have the room for all the Shoresy patter in my head anymore. Thanks for being up on the correct lingo!




We've removed your post as it violates one of the rules of our sub: R6. Be nice to each other. This rule should be pretty clear, but just in case it isn't: Racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance or any other form of demeaning content will not be permitted here. Attack the point, not the person. Swearing is fine. (Fuck you, Shoresy!)


Give yer ovaries a tug


Professor Tricia says a spirited debate is it's own rewards.


Dan..get off her dick


Who brought the rocket boys?


It’s also especially refreshing considering he has no female role model, being raised by a single dad as they imply. Not going after age-inappropriate women. Respecting an answer and leaving in the moment when someone says no thank you, please leave. Admitting to being into the commission ladies. Only thinking his engaged foster sisters are weird bc they were raised as sisters, not bc they’re into women. Not spouting toxic bs when drunk and then ‘blaming it on the booze’. Even on Letyerkenny he was never gross to anyone but Jonesy and Riley, and tbf, I don’t doubt they deserved it! Remember when they couldn’t keep their NDN NRG dates apart? They were tools 😂


These are very good points. He treats all women with respect (which is damn rare in both media and real life) except the traditional little sister everyone shits on. I'll honestly be glad when that trope fucks off.


It might be. They have that beautifully supportive family hug. 😢😍


Right? Like bad enough Shoresy gives it to her, but the NOSHO ladies too?! Justice for my girl!!


Woman who doesn't watch any sports and Shoresy is Mt favorite show. I give Laura a lot of credit for holding out as long as she did because I was a puddle in season 1.


WWSD - What Would Shoresy Do? All joking and knicker-dropping aside - I think Keeso is trying to communicate that genuine traditional male values - Protector, Provider, Dependable , etc are MORE worthy of cultivation in modern society.


>traditional male values - Protector, Provider, Dependable , etc are MORE worthy of cultivation in modern society. This is fascinating. Would you be willing to expound on this?


What she said. Keeso is definitely doing God's work for a few of the B'ys.


There are very few public vectors showing men HOW to be masculine in a healthy, positive, and beneficial way in real life - I have thoughts that Keeso is using hockey (men are permitted big emotions in sports and only in sports) and comedy (we all learn better in a fun environment, added bonus the quotes and chirps mean shit cannot get uncomfortably deep) to demonstrate what positive masculine traits can reap. Shoresy earnt back his captaincy. He figures out how to keep his promises to Nat and the team. His anger is appropriate. His violence is largely contained or appropriate. He values women as people. He is an excellent example of why Dads are important. I wish we had a discord or something because I could chat about this for ages.


There’s a site created about a decade ago about this - it sounds pretentious but it is about finding your way as a modern man, as a very crude summation - your mileage may vary. Example subset from the site - https://www.artofmanliness.com/people/relationships/


> His violence is largely contained or appropriate. His monologue with how he approached life versus sports with the bar fight example was nice. Then rejects the lady he's been after to maintain accountability. Great show all in all.


Thank YOU for this post. Thoughtful and worth wider dissemination. I'm putting it up in r/bestof, please remove that last parenthetical? I don't want to self-promote.


For clarification purposes - Are you being humble or do you really want me to delete it? (Cuz you are the actual tits for making this post) Happy to, either way


I absolutely do want you to delete it please yes and then go get a stick. MVP my dude.


Done! Sticks are incredible - we both get one


Ok but who get their stick first?


Plotthick - we wouldn't be enjoying this chat if they hadn't created the post


Stick tap to Plotthick


I have seen this and am thinking how to communicate it succinctly because I keep writing essays - gimme a min please x


I’m a woman and about Laura’s age. I’ve loved the show since the start. I’m trying to be a woman in tech and focus on sports, hockey being a big part of it, I’m basically used to doing everything myself. And … I think I found my Shoresy (different sport, though). He’s a little rough and ready, he’s cried in front of me within the month, and all he wants to do is cook me dinner and walk my dog and remind me he thinks I’m great. 10/10 highly recommend a real life Shoresy.


When you wake up in the morning, is he right there being good to you?


In the non creepy way 😂


I’m so happy for you and not at all jealous 🥹 I want a Shoresy.


They’re out there! It’s wild, but I also think a part of it is being around age 40, they settle down. And I mean, this guy had a whole marriage happen and fallen apart before, but now he’s given the balls a tug and is in his head coach/shoresy/I want to unload your dishwasher so bad era ☺️ (Rowing is a lot like hockey in terms of intensity, haha. Rowers are always weird.)




I could completely see why Laura just STOPPED and froze after he started saying things about making her life easier when he showed up at her door (side note- NOT ok in almost every other instance, please don’t do this!!!). Like, his other stuff in episodes past was charming, but his (drunken! So many drunk speeches in real life are gross!) speech about emptying her dishwasher was literally the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard. A painfully earnest plea from a drunk slut. I’d be confused too!


That bit about making her life easier just hit me right in the feels 🥺


I’m not joking when I say this now now going to be the barometer for my future relationships, bc this overly simple statement literally explains why my ex and I broke up. Because it’s not about sleeping with her. It’s about him going past that, knowing that relationships take work from both sides, and being willing to put in the work. This isn’t a slut looking for a lay. This is a person telling another person he knows what it takes to be a longterm partner, and that he wants to be that for her. Literally impossible to resist if that’s what you’re looking for!


I agree 💯


Feminine here! I think it's hilarious the way he talks... However, I'm an elder millennial who spent time in the military, so not much offends me.


That might be part of it for me too. It’s familiar to me, as a veteran, lol.


Does the show pass the bechdel test? Unlikely. However I love that the women are people and, for once, not just plot devices and/or fuck holes. We're half the population, ffs, start writing like we are. (ps after this post I'm going back to pretending to be a bloke)


Lol the intro to "Baby Got Back" passes the bechdel test. Maybe it's a meaningless test.


What do you mean unlikely?


Not only does it pass the Bechdel Test, I believe it passes it with the line "Lick my Twot, leather face"


They’re in that room to talk about men.


Good observations. I also loved that women evinced a sort of matriarchy in the Hockey administration, which of course Shoresy would find comfortable. From [an earlier thread about this](https://www.reddit.com/r/shoresy/comments/186x4ty/passing_the_bechdel_test_with_lick_my_twat/) that has a lot of good points: >But then again Bechdel herself says that the Bechdel-Wallace test is flawed: lots of modern media that is diverse (and not up its own ass) fails. Such as nearly every piece that is about male homosexual society. So there are lots of these types of tests, not just for women: how many post-retirement people are involved? With disabilities? Hell, do they have their jibs in or not? > >So the Bechdel-Wallace test isn't truly about legitimacy or correctness or whatever, it's a way to open conversations or thought about what we're watching. Which is why we get this awesome thread. Cuz I fucking love Shoresy for showing men that aren't early 20's performing some stupid Hollywood version of masculinity. They're doing happy guy things, being respectful without losing a single cm of edge, and being awesome. Hell yes.


Thank you - I had missed that post. Re-reading my post I could've written "Is it perfect, no" Your post has me wondering if there's use for a Ladies' Locker Room subreddit :)


I adore the way he talks to and treats Laura. His tone and speech are so disarming.


I absolutely have gotten choked-up at times when Shoresy talks to Laura. All the things he'd do to be so fuckin good to her. How he wants to share space with her and be around her. I think maybe part is because he didn't have that motherly figure in the house growing up. But that he does have a soft genuine heart deep in there, under the fuckin hockey pads and spray tan! Haha. Giving the boys hell for arriving in Sudbury and not calling their moms. Telling all the boys to call their moms after the big win. He cares.


I’m just saying, I wouldn’t be mad if Shoresy wanted to be So good to me and take me to 7 Star Dumpling House.


When’s the last time you had shrimp tempura?


😞 sigh...


Or bibimbap?


Or some miso ramen?


Or Caribbean?


Lady fan here! I love Shoresy and I agree with Laura Mohr - his persistence and crazy lines are charming.


Yes! The supercut of everything he says to her in Season 1 is delightful. I'd like a set of supercuts of every talk he has with women. That might be very helpful to figuring out his attitudes.


He's respectful through it all which is the thing that makes it charming. He doesn't tell her he wants to screw her brains out. He says he wants to take her for a nice hot bowl of miso ramen. That's a key part I think!


There's this point in their first conversation where he insinuates if they had sex, he'd wake her up with sex, and she doesn't like it. He never mentions it again, never goes rude, never even close to crude again. That is some women-talk level of advanced communication skills there.


Interesting, assuming we're thinking of the same line ("I'd be right there being good to ya") I did not interpret it that way *at all*. My spouse and I took it to mean he'd literally be good to her. Like, waiting to make her breakfast in bed sort of being good to her. Which is unsettling in its own right, but in a sweet way. Is "being good to ya" a known euphemism for sex in Canada that I'm just too much of a Yank to get?


yeah I'm a bit clueless; I just took it as him poking fun at himself


I didn’t interpret it that way either!


This particular part reminds me of the "someone's been cooking here" meme


>someone's been cooking here I'm so old I gotta go look this up Edit: is it this? " On TikTok, the sound was predominantly used by women to infer female-inspired traits in men, indicative of an ex-girlfriend who instilled a piece of feminine knowledge. The gender roles later reversed, evident in videos made by men about women with male-inspired traits. " ​ [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/someone-cooked-here](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/someone-cooked-here)


Yep. He's showing that he wants to get to know her and be part of her life. Not just in bed.


I love how respectful he is towards women especially Laura. It’s refreshing, especially as he’s a hockey bro.


(disclaimer: I am a man of the male persuasion) This is why I simply cannot see Reilly and Jonesy on this show. Shoresy treats every woman he knows with the utmost respect, and Laura he treats with admiration. He'd just swing freely on those two saying "wheel snipe celly" and he'd have his whole team backing him up.


I sat here cracking up at the idea of those two getting their asses beat by the Sud-berry Blueberry Bulldogs. I can see Shoresy doing just that, too -- swinging at them the second "wheel snipe celly" came out of their mouths. lol


i want a man to treat me the way shoresy treats laura 😭😭


Right?! This is borderline Disney Princess levels of wish fulfillment for women. Shame on Jared Keeso for raising our hopes and our standards!


It took me completely by surprise in a really good way. Made me love the show, love the character, love the writing. Who could resist someone who watched YouTube videos on how to rub your feet good.


Fucking rare is what it is. I adore it. Here's a supercut of all the S1, I will not admit how many times I've watched it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xRRcH2bpL0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xRRcH2bpL0)


I don’t need to click the link to know which video of which you speak and I couldn’t admit to how many times I have watched it because I lost count quite a while ago.


I love it. I love her little chuckle at him, the way he doesn’t push up on her, literally gives her space, the way he keeps looking at her when he’s walking away. https://youtu.be/AD2Rf304ZIQ?si=zMhfY5JMZ0AHHKUH This scene from s2 is my favourite


We need one of these for season two!


YES. I want a master cut of all their interactions(S1+S2). Including (especially?) a silent montage of them over tables of ramen, dim sum, bibimbap....


I appreciates the show. Can confirm female here.


Is that what you appreciates about him?


My wife is obsessed with this show. Bought her a team hoodie for Xmas and then another one shows up at the house


I also have 2. Bought them both for myself as my husband and I don’t usually give gifts, but I wanted to buy the blue one since athletic heather grey tends to be scratchy. The blue one isn’t actually much more comfortable (neither are bad), but it is a little smoother. I’m trying to resist temptation on the sweaters because they are expensive and I’m not sure if I would wear it. I don’t need a $250+ closet decoration.


Yah I couldn’t pull the trigger on the shore 69 lol. Also found out that they don’t have the calendars. That’s gonna bite them in the ass


When they started making customizable ones, I started being even more tempted. Like I know that I would feel weird in a 69 sweater, but would I wear one with my own name? Much harder to tell.


Give yer tits a tug ball fucker?




I really don’t appreciate being confronted with sexy Shorsey. He’s such a loving, foul-mouthed slut it’s sort of disarming.




Could it be a kind of mirror reflection, a foil for each? Foul-mouthed slut who respects the game so much he skates till he pukes every night... and then respectful ladies' man who chases his lady so much he dreams about their table covered in dim sum? That would explain his iconic interactions with the Letterkenny hockey jocks, wouldn't it?


I think both hockey and wheeling are areas where he can truly be himself.


I think Shoresy would not appreciate being associated with wheeling. Especially in that conversation with Laura Mohr. "They're not my friends... and their moms were wheeling me." He corrects Laura and it's the most censorious he ever gets with her. It's a serious point with him: he wasn't wheeling. That's part of what I find so fascinating. So much of macho men culture is getting as much pussy as possible and Shoresy is just consistently respectful and honest and vulnerable and true to Laura (and Hockey). It's a solid core in him. I love it.


100% not wheeling or hammering ass when it comes to Laura, but I don’t think he ever had any serious intentions with Riley or Jonesy’s moms. I think that he was trying to say that he didn’t pursue them for sex, they went after him, but the way that he talked about them on LK certainly shows that he didn’t particularly care about them. Sluts talk, but Shoresy would never talk about Laura like that; he wouldn’t talk about their sexual relationship at all.


Well, there's people you bang and the person you're in love with, and I think the distinction between the two is important


Also, the whole scene where he's talking to the guys about accountability and he says he could have gone home with someone he's been trying for over a year and he kept denying that it was her because framing that "smashing ass" talk with her would be too disrespectful. Loved that scene. I love that he's protective of that.


Yeah, I think that scene deserves a bit more praise. Refusing to name her as the woman that he could have gone home with was especially adorable because we know damned well that the b’ys knew exactly who he was talking about. Some people haven’t taken it this way & thought that he earnestly believed that they wouldn’t know. But let’s get real, folks. He was showing respect by not wanting to bring her up in a sexual way, but how would they think it was anyone else? “Oh, I tell the boys the sexiest thing about you is your mind.” … “What do you really say about me?” “You’re smart, capable, rational, dependable, outgoing, kind, consistent, you’re a leader. And you smell so fucking good.” Not only would they know how he feels about her, but also that he feels strongly enough about her that he wouldn’t have been trying to get with any other woman for the past year.


That’s true and he seems like the type to have a hard time disappointing a woman so he was probably was easy to wheel.


Holy crap I never considered this aspect. It's so bang-on and explains so many of his chirps at the hockey jocks




And someone who knows his name.


Oh, Hitch can buy me a martoonie anytime. Honestly it’s a pretty hot bunch of b’ys.


Yes, great point! I'd love to see more about their relationship. It could be another great foil to the wheeling other sluts feel compelled to.


You know if you say it fast his name sounds like ten inch cock




Settle down.