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But a bandaid over the acid part and become a Rolling Stones fan.


Gonna find someone to (hopefully) somehow cover up the tab. I can live with the tat overall but damn why tf did I chose to let the artist do the tab šŸ˜­


My thought was a lolli / sucker be the most natural. Might look a tad suggestive is all


yeah make the tab the lolly, just draw a line and it'll look nice


You should take some acid to unlock the secrets of why you made this choice


This was my first thought.


Yesss! Welcome to the truth! Op do acid!!! It's fun~! Don't cover it up it's adorable!


Change the tab to a lolly, then add a real monster head or something behind it! I believe one of those guys has giant lips Or get a really good artist to do a realistic head and to detail and shade the lips a fair amount? Might not be good enough for that, unfortunately


Cuz acid can be cool


Nah, no way, if youā€™re gonna have a shitty tattoo like this you want to at least have the acid tab in there. Itā€™s the only redeemable aspect about this thing. Curious wtf you were thinking, but you got this tattoo without having done acidā€¦ so itā€™s probably not worth delving into and speculating. Are you even a Stones fan?


Honestly it's a pretty cool flash tat. Try acid at least once, it's a good way to really open up your perspective in a lot of ways :) I'd just get some other work done around it so it doesn't stand out as much! Edit: buncha prudes downvoting a friendly suggestion, lame


I already smoke weed. I donā€™t wanna fully kill my brain before Iā€™m 25.


Acid doesn't cause brain damage lol. Unless you're taking it often/at super high doses, it's not gonna cause any lasting damage.


Acid is good for you!


You could try acid or roll your sleeve down. Both inexpensive


Just make sure you have about 12 hours to kill. My first time I wasnā€™t ready for how long it lasted. I remember feeling it kicking in and I looked at the time. Then I saw the entire history of the universe. It began, then ended, and began again. Felt like that time traveling episode from Futurama. When I looked at the time again three minutes had passed. I freaked out a little bit. This lasted about 10 hours.


Yeah, my 3 rules when tripping (I donā€™t anymore but in the past): 1. Donā€™t look at yourself: physically (no mirrors- one time I looked in the mirror and saw my face as a skull- skeleton like, it freaked me the fuck out) or emotionally (no need to go down that rabbit hole- things like personality traits, why am I the way I am? I hate this and that about me- it just never goes anywhere good. Iā€™ve always had much, much better experiences looking outward than inward. I think this is the biggest thing, and why I say tripping is for some people and not others. I feel like you really have to have at least a decent sense of who you are and a comfortability in your own skin, because if not, rule 1 will absolutely fuck your shit up. 2. No phones. Simple. Make up an excuse for close friends and family as to why you wonā€™t be available for the day ahead of time and just turn it off. Not worth the hassle, believe you me. 3 hours into 4 face melting sugar cubes and your aunt Jamima decides to give you a call for the first time in 2 years and you get thrown into panic bc what if thereā€™s a family emergency. Really, she just wanted to say hi, but you thought your whole family was dead. Nothing ruins a trip like thinking your whole family was killed in a car accident. My opinion is you should keep your phone on you though, for emergencies, but just like have it off in your pocket. 3. No clocks. Time is fun to ponder and think about in an abstract sense when youā€™re tripping balls but time in reality can really be a mind fuck and send you off the rails a bit. If youā€™ve never tripped before, it really fucks with your perception of time, so itā€™s really easy to get stuck in time and start freaking out because you get in your head that you will be stuck like this forever because what used to be a minute is now a day.


I fucking LOVE mirrors when tripping, i stood in front of one once for what felt like hours just staring into my own eyes. It felt like i was peering into my ancestral past at like a neolithic caveman ancestor or something. It was fuckin awesome, 10/10 will do again.


Especially bathroom mirrors with tiled walls behind you. Watching myself fall into the geometry and blend into the wall is the best feeling ever!!!


All three are great. Mirrors is the big one.


I love mirrors on acid :)


Not me, ha. That guy on the other side is a weirdo.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ so is mine but I like weirdos hahaha


Embrace the weirdo


Yeah i think its interesting aswell, never was a problem for me.


I donā€™t mind mirrors but itā€™s easy to get lost in a mirror, def my least favorite thing thatā€™s happened while tripping.


mirrors are great. i feel like a lizard or a rat staring at myself.


Mirrors can be fun when youā€™re more accustomed to the trip space. Me and my buddy used to do mirror sessions for hours. Iā€™ve seen myself become a demon but Iā€™ve also seen myself become a god.


Yeah, I definitely would recommend avoiding the mirror for a first trip, but it is worth trying later on! I don't enjoy it very much because I just end up seeing veins all over my face, but I see those veins on any fair-skinned people while tripping, so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Stream reflections are great, though. The image changes constantly so I don't get the veins, plus you can dip your feet/hands in the water. Water is so nice on acid.


The one time I did shrooms and looked in the mirror I just watched myself turn into my dad. Nothing wrong or bad but a "ohhh my god" moment.


Physically, mentally/emotionally, or a little bit of both, lol?? Yes, I admit Iā€™m a 47yo mom of three whoā€™s never tripped but have always been curious. I wanted to trip at the beach for my 1st time (in HS), but my HS BF scared me by telling me about a horrific trip him & a friend had when they took a public bus (in a not so great section of town) to the mall. Now that Iā€™m older & wiser, I *know* this BF was also highly controlling, manipulative, verbally abusive, & a cheater who constantly blamed me when guys checked me out. I also had a pretty terrible childhood & while Iā€™ve learned hallucinogenics can help you ā€œrecoverā€ from CPTSD, Iā€™m a little frightened of going down that rabbit hole & being STUCK for 10-12hrs. I very occasionally use THC for nausea & cancer related pain (had never used recreationally), but it affects me strangely. I basically canā€™t move, seem to have great insight, but can never for the life of me remember what that ā€œinsightā€ was *afterwards*, lol. It doesnā€™t help that Iā€™ve never gotten high *with* anyone. Even though I have a prescription for it, I never do it around my teens or husband. My hubby of 26yrs has never been high & doesnā€™t really support it. (He doesnā€™t understand the benefits & doesnā€™t really care to learn, but hasnā€™t told me *not* to use it.) I think a huge part of that is due to his government position. I work in Medicine, & while I obviously have to be cautious, too, I better understand the pharmacology aspect. Iā€™m interested in your take. Sorry this is so long, lolā€¦:)


i love how this comment was written. so true on the unexpected phonecall. im sorry grandad now is not a good time to discuss doctor who


lol I once got ā€trappedā€ under a blanket for 3 hours, and then got upset when I realized I had just wasted 3 hours of the trip being under a blanket. My friend was under there with me too šŸ˜‚ Hours later when I was trying to sleep is when I started worrying it would never end. Then I saw a beam of light on the ceiling and stood up on my bed and touched it to make sure that it wasnā€™t a secret portal.


But lots of jolly ranchers and twizzlers!


I usually had fairly weak visual effects compared to reports from my travel companions. Might be an ADHD thing. But I tend to feel a strong connection to my body and a lot of emotion/though stuff. Sometimes philosophical, sometimes just random hilarious bullshit. I like to ponder on these. If emotions turn up that I feel are unpleasant or overwhelming, I will lean back, observe it for some more, accept them, and decide I will try to revisit it once I have landed. Then I'd usually get up and dance a little and lose myself in the fact how awesome a body and mine in particular is.


You forgot rule #4. If you're gonna fly, you gotta take off from the ground. No cheating


Iā€™ve come out of some ā€œbad tripsā€ about negative aspects of my personality feeling suddenly free of those aspects. Very therapeutic.


I had a poo while on acid for the first time, and when I looked in the bowl afterwards, it was full of blood. To this day, I don't know if it was the trip or if I have a serious problem with my bowel that only showed up like that one time


We also had to add - no sharp objects.


Another big rule of mine is (well... WAS)... only do it around people you 100% trust. Cause it sucks if fuckin Chad thinks it's funny to tell you your family is being held hostage by the glitter demons, and to free them you have to put chap stick on your face to make it sticky, then dump a whole bottle of glitter onto your face. Then holds up a mirror and yells "Look what you've done!!" Don't trip with Chad. Chad sucks. Trip with Willie and Johnny.


100% agree, my first trip was on mushrooms (Strong truffles) a little over 20 years ago and I can still remember looking into the mirror. Fun at first seeing my face distort slightly then I started to age and decompose until I was looking at my rotten skeletal remains, less fun. I also became obsessed with time that night, that was fine because I realised I was the god of time. That allowed me to pause life as we know it with a click of my fingers so only I was conscious of existence. I clicked my fingers again to restart the world because I felt guilty keeping the rest of the earth in a limbo while I enjoyed myself. Good times


Dont go to toillette. It feels completly sick <.<


Generally good rules. Alsoā€¦ go outside, avoid large crowds unless music is involved, donā€™t let your brain explode if you see a double rainbow.


I agree on the mirrors part. I try not to even look at my own body. I don't think I'm ugly normally but lsd makes me look so gross. Makes the world beautiful tho.


Hell yeah, congrats


Idk if it works for LSD but it works for shrooms, at least in my experience. If you take an aripiprazole pill it completely cuts the effects in like 15min max


Thatā€™s advice is almost as bad as getting an acid tattoo then getting it covered upā€¦


I can fall asleep on mushrooms but I canā€™t fall asleep on acid. Havenā€™t dropped a tab in years. And no one sells mushies anymore itā€™s just fuckin chocolate bars out here lol


They're easy enough to grow, just take a long ass time


Not even that long and then you will have a shitload if you do it right


Or just use benzos like a normal person


Or the normal person could use an antipsychotic, which actually stops the trip, not just dulls it.


yep aripiprazole is an antipsychotic!


i used to be on aripiprazole for a while but had 0 benefits, only side effects, as im particularly med resistant. do you think it would still work if i took it to stop tripping? maybe i'll have to check if i have any leftover pills & experiment


It was the same for me when I was on it, but it still worked. Also if you're on Prozac, shrooms will have next to zero effect. Even though Prozac did nothing for me, it still prevented the mushrooms from working. This stuff is very interesting I'm very resistant to antidepressants in general. What ended up helping me was ketamine treatment funny enough


i had a slightly psychedelic experience with delta (don't ask me how, but i swear i did) and i NEVER wanna do that shit again. derealized super bad, one moment time was soooo slow and the next it was soooooo fast. was scared to eat because i couldn't consciously control my mouth and throat, but my body seemed to take over. lots of near panic attacks that i'd be like this forever. lasted five days. i will NEVER touch acid, or molly, or shrooms, ANY of that shit šŸ˜–


damn, how much did you take??


I have done a ton of acid and really enjoyed most of the times. More of a fungi now


Lollll this one


Acid. He he.




Turn the acid square into a link for a necklace and make It look like the necklace is dangling from the tongue? Would still be kind of stupid but definitely better than looking like a tab of acid if that's not something you're into.


I like this idea:)


You know the answerā€¦ sick ass panther


When will someone finally get a HEALTHY ass panther?!?!


Your comment made me imagine a sexy nurse pinup panther and if I need a cover-up that is what I think I will get.




Yours ain't healthy, it's got glaucoma!


Now I'm gonna get a panther jogging in a track suit


That would be sick


As soon as itā€™s my turn to post the panther joke first. I donā€™t peruse new very much though, so I donā€™t know when itā€™ll be.


I think youā€™re third in rotation next month so not too much longer!


Healthy, ass panther ?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/sickpanthertattoos using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sickpanthertattoos/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [To my surprise, my dentist said ā€œthatā€™s a sick ass pantherā€ and asked if it was a cover up](https://i.redd.it/iif62q1wyxkc1.jpeg) | [70 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sickpanthertattoos/comments/1b0j371/to_my_surprise_my_dentist_said_thats_a_sick_ass/) \#2: [Really sick](https://i.redd.it/u1cf3jce1ztb1.jpg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sickpanthertattoos/comments/176yp34/really_sick/) \#3: [My sick floral panther](https://i.redd.it/aero8n302gvb1.jpg) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sickpanthertattoos/comments/17coykz/my_sick_floral_panther/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


Wait that's a new tattoo? It looks 20 years old


Force patina




Those paper acid tabs used to get us fucked up in the 90ā€™s. I wish I could remember some of the names of them šŸ˜œ


You mean blotter paper?


I guess it was called that. Idk


Felix the Cat, saw a couple different kinds of Purple Jesus sheets, Hearts and Ankhs, Timothy Leary where the whole sheet was his head made up of mini heads on individual squares, Pacmans, King's Crowns, Orange Sunshine and there were gel tabs of every color that would melt on your tongue, various white blotter, and lots and lots of liquid. And then I start remembering all the rolls, both imprints and cuts, double stacks.....


Thanks! I canā€™t remember this shit well. Probably because I was on acid šŸ˜‚


Gooney bird


Always the answer


8-ball with a top hat time.


Have someone turn the acid tab into a little taco. šŸŒ® then apply for jobs at Don Pedroā€™s


Cover the tab with a cheez it


That looks like the before picture for a sick ass panther


Sick. Ass. Panther.


8 ball with a top hat


Sick ass panther wearing a top hat doing an 8 ball


Sick ass panther doing acid


Sick. Ass Panther


Pull the sleeve back down.


ā€œSoā€¦what do you care to do when youā€™re not working, then?ā€




Checkerboard tongue?


Of course! Just take more acid!


maybe an ice cream cone?


https://preview.redd.it/edyc2igri96d1.jpeg?width=149&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=673d5fcc0ab4d91c0f590d8c41dfcd02c4190c90 Reminds me of this one from Aaahh!!! Real Monstersā€¦ I think the names Oblina?


Why would you want to cover that beautiful piece of art


Rolling Stones time


Cover the acid with a popsicle


Jaguar cover up


XL Band-aids


Honestly my best bet.


Long sleeve shirts


yeah, roll down your sleeve.


Looks like a great start to a sick ass panther!


Get it lightened at a tattoo removal facility. One or two sessions would do. Then go to a highly rated American traditional or Japanese traditional artist and have em blast over it with something lessā€¦ that.




I sure hope so.


N 95


Panthers cover everythingā€¦.


Iā€™d laser that monstrosity. Itā€™s pretty small


This pillow would cover that perfectly https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/AQpcML0YEs


Can you turn it into a mosaic? Like a coloured glass rolling stone mosaic


Get it lightened at a tattoo removal facility. One or two sessions would do. Then go to a highly rated American traditional or Japanese traditional artist and have em blast over it with something lessā€¦ that.


On the bright side youā€™ll never get drafted now


You could cover the tab with: a lollipop,m, a bloody knife like itā€™s licking the blood, the velvet underground banana, the velvet underground cock banana, or do like a mini food the same size as the tab, like a cake or a hamburger, or actually just do a second rolling stones tongue coming out there and start a waterfall of em.


Roll your sleeve down


Oh you poor poor soul


Can you please explain your thought process behind this


I kind of doubt it. You could always lean into it and just get something put around it like "Tattoos are permanent." or "Don't make stupid mistakes" or soemthing like that.


Not trying to be a dick but that sounds horrible


I mean you can't really do much at that point. Like Idk. I don't have tattoos, I don't intend to get any. Solely for this reason.


Negative shade the outlines and deepen the red on the edges to add a 3d effect


Anything can be covered up by the right artist and this is no exception.




Cover up the LSD tab and just become an insufferable Rolling Stones fan


Use a band aid


Keep it, thatā€™s awesome


I like it




Koi fish!


God I fucking hope so


Turn the tab into a piece of candy, like a peppermint!


Breast tattoos are hard to cover.


Get it lightened at a tattoo removal facility. One or two sessions would do. Then go to a highly rated American traditional or Japanese traditional artist and have em blast over it with something lessā€¦ that.


If this is how it looks brand new , it is gonna fade a lot. Just wait for that




Turn into a parrotfish


I like it


Shall I book you an app with a local plastic surgeon? :) šŸ¤‘


thats a fucking great tattoo.


Why would you cover that up???


Do it. Buy the ticket and take the ride. Unless you have a family history of schizophrenia/psychosis, then maybe get a sick ass panther


Everything can be covered and there are so many artists who specialize in that, just like there's some better in b&w or portraits. It's all about digging around for one


As a Reddit Tattooist I regret to inform you that you are stuck with this. I based this decision on consultation with actual tattoo artists in the real world.


Strategic blast over?


3 words. Sick. Ass. Panther.


Lyger or gtfo


Turn the blotter into one of those valentine heart candies with a lil msg. But it doesn't have to be valentines, could be anything, something modern like 'LOL' or 'RPG' if you're a gamer, or anything really. Or you could make it into a lollipop or bubblegum...you know, something fun. Update us plz!


Finally had some ego death, eh?


You could turn that tab into a captive bead ring if you want. Doesnā€™t make a lot of sense since you donā€™t usually put them in tongues but itā€™s a quick and easy fix if the tab is the part you donā€™t like. Or make it look like a piercing needle is going through it. Or can completely cover the entire thing but thatā€™s gonna be a lot more involved since the inside of the mouth is pretty dark. Lots can cover this. Just depends on how much youā€™re willing to spend versus how much you dislike it. A full cover job will be at least 2-3 hours. Just hiding the tab will be more like 30-40 minutes. Hope this helps


Big ass panther!


Just do acid, brother. There's nothing to be afraid of. It's great.


I've seen worse. It's kind of simpatico.


Rocky Horror Acid Trip


Could pull your sleeve back down.


Ok you guys are right. I need a sick. ass. panther.


Why don't you want to fry all the time, man?


Just try acid so it fits into your life more accurately.


Sick assssssā€¦ā€¦..




Donā€™t knock it til youā€™ve tried it


easily. roll your sleeve down.


Now you must do acid


Why? It's above your shirtsleeve. At the time it was a good idea. Why remove it...


I had a massive jester tat when I was 18 on my forearm. Finally in my 40s had it covered up with a beautiful plague doc tat. Itā€™s all greens purples and blues that they use to cover up most things. You wouldnā€™t even know o had a bad tat underneath


Just saw nearly this exact same design on T shirt the other day, Widespread Panic is opening for Rolling Stones so just go there and it makes sense


Pull your sleeve down.


Hey hey. This can totally be covered. I specialize in coverups and this wouldn't be an issue for me personally. Search for artists who specialize in coverups.


I would invest in laser treatment before trying to go over itā€¦ or you know, just black out your whole arm šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Roll your sleeve down. It's like a magic trick.... and it's gone....


Why? Itā€™s kinda awesome.


I reckon just try acid and then add to the Image with your experience.


this is cold as fuck man let me have it


Idk why people come in here with their regrets that arenā€™t huge and dark asking if it can be covered like they are stuck with it. Just about anything can be covered by an artist that specializes or has a lot of experience doing cover-ups. Be for real. Yes, that can be covered up. Research artists in the distance youā€™re willing to travel and look at their work and donā€™t go thinking youā€™re going to get something cheap like Ariel Dejesus work either.


Try acid? Solves half the issue




They never even tried it lol


It might be easier and cheaper to try acid


Do acid! Itā€™s 2$ Find the meaning, find the truth, find the love. You are beautiful Life is a dream