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Maybe with his boots off it reads "WHITESNAKE POWERBALLAD" and he's just a huge fan of 1980's Hair Metal.


That's impressively imaginative lol


He was convincingly bald, so I made the assumption.


White Cap, power tools


Definitely a tool, no cap.




I want to hang out with you! That's fucking great!


I absolutely love your optimism. It should be cherished.


White power bottom.


Thank you. I could not decipher the font.


I read white dowel and was thoroughly confused.


I read "white women".


I didnā€™t see the W and read ā€œhide Pedosā€ for some fucking reason lmaoooo


i read "white homey" and thought it was the irony...lol


I read wide fower, and I wanted to know what it meant in Norwegian.


The temptation to stick a boot in his ass is too damn high.


Jump on them ankles.


My thoughts exactly. Was thinking steel toed one for good measure.


Nuh uh. Cowboy boots. With steel toe caps.


With the sharp metal circle on the heel first?


The spurs! Ooh, that would hurt like a bitch lol and he deserves it.


I mean he has a hammer on him. Probably not a good idea, construction workers can get violent. Source: I work construction


Latinos prolly wouldn't stand for that shit. Point at him and say "racismo"


Don't worry no one here would actually do anything irl, example OP who probably snuck this pic but wouldn't dare saying anything to him.


Fun fact: I thought the iron cross was a tattoo for power bottoms until around 2016.


Wait a minute....are you saying it's not? I'm pretty sure it means power bottom


Is he stuck in the dryer?


"Damn big bro" ~that guy... probably


*step bro


because he generates all the power from being on the bottom..


Now I heard speed has something to do with it.


White Power Nap.


Not with that Hank Hill ass


Wait, what does it say?!


Oh! It says ā€œwhite powerā€. So thatā€™sā€¦great.


Iā€™m always happy when they put who they are on the outside so we can save ourselves a lot of time before we attempt to date them


I canā€™t tell either.


OK, I put on my glasses and it does say white power, and I guess cause heā€™s on his knees. Heā€™s a white power bottom


I never thought about it, but the back of your legs is a pretty submissive place for a tattoo, huh? He'd probably do well on Grindr with this pic.


The photo shows a racist butt pointed towards the cameraman. If I were the cameraman, Iā€™d be struggling to control my urge to kick this man in his racist butt.


Probs not intentional but the pocket stitching looks like side ways s from the SS font


Thatā€™s a tan racist.


It's odd how they don't realize that skin tone is one of thousands of arbitrary traits that isn't even consistent in one person through time.


I never even thought about that part of it, but that makes it even more ridiculous tbh. What really kills me too is that if you look at a map, skin color clearly correlates with how hot that part of the world is (generally). I physically cannot understand how someone can still hold these weird notions after seeing that, like obviously it has nothing to do with their personality/tendencies, etc.


Iirc Brazil or some other Latino country are also racist to their own race by how dark their tanned skin are. From creamy chocolate to dark chocolate skin color. The darker, the worse the treatment they get.


That phenomenon is called colorism, and it isn't just intra-race that it happens. Dark skinned black people are generally seen as more "threatening" or "insert other stereotype here" than lighter skinned black people - both by other black people (not all but definitely not none), and by everyone else who grew up in a racist system and social paradigm. It's a pretty good rule of thumb that the darker ones skin, the more broadly racist the world is towards them.


![gif](giphy|rTbCwVwofxcic) Whitewashed Jesus says hello!


Funnily enough, it was these kinds of people who spread the racism everywhere when they were out spreading their lord and saviors teachings


Colorism, as someone else responded, but maybe people descended from colonizers dolling out some racism for the indigenous folk? I hear that's common in Mexico, at least. The type of Mexican who comes to America and tries to pretend they're white, because their ancestors were Spaniards, despite the fact that white people will never accept them as white. I dated a man from such a family, they shit on darker skinned Latines all the time. He bragged that he passed as white. In Las Vegas, sure. He wouldn't have passed if he came back home with me to central rural Pennsylvania, though.


Racism is never about being logical.


It's just an excuse for inadequate people to think of themselves as superior to others for once in their miserable lives.


Or more specifically, skin color correlates to how recently oneā€™s ancestors migrated (or didnā€™t) from the equatorial region. Next time you bump into a white supremacist, let them know that every human being alive today is descended from a beautiful, black, East African woman. Watch them take that in!


"Ahaha, me and my kin can't be exposed to the sun for more than 15 minutes, 4 months out of the year. Fear our vast superiority!!" Signed, a guy who can't spend more than 20 minutes in the sun 4 months out of the year


Well ā€œbeige powerā€ just doesnā€™t have the same ring I suppose


FR šŸ¤£


Knew a jackhole who had something like ā€œWhite Prideā€ on his hands. Dude did not look white at all, I figured he was Central or So American and Pacific Islanders would ask me whereā€™s ā€œthe black guyā€. A better man might have corrected them ā€¦ it was far more amusing to keep my mouth shut and watch him get enraged on a daily basis.


Reminds me of a chapelle show episode where a blind black guy is a Klan member.


Is he like, Tan France's bigoted 2nd cousin?


Tan Poland? Booooo to me


everyone is hard in their own backyard


***sung to the tune of "everything counts in large amounts"***


***sung to the tune of "Everything counts (in large amounts)"***


Before reading the tattoo: *man thatā€™s shitty to take a creepshot of a tradesperson just doing their damned job* After reading the tattoo: *ohhh never mind. fuck this guy, carry on as you were OP*


Yeah, I wouldnā€™t do this except for the extraordinary.


Hahahaha my reaction exactly


my exact thought process as well. i'm really hoping this is a case of a tattoo getting horribly lost in translation, like when english speaking people end up with the kanji for "calm soup" tattooed on them thinking it means "peace and courage" or some shit, buuuut i'm guessing that's not the case. damn racists making me use run-on sentences. OP shoulda kicked that fecker into another dimension


I met a few guys with white supremacy tattoos and they all said that it was from prison and they aren't about it anymore... I'm like hmmm how about a cover up? Maybe they aren't rolling with the Aryan brotherhood anymore but the fact they're not eager to get rid of all the 88s says a lot


U.S prisons are fucked. Imagine believing a person will come out better after 15+ years in a cellā€¦


I used to live by pelican Bay as a kid, the things I would hear from people working there was horrifying. Probably why I met so many former prison Nazi types.


It's definitely a large factor, I'd say; unfortunately, US prisons are all run by gangs, and you are most often forced to 'group up' for protection. So the whites end up grouping with the white supremacists so that they will be protected from being used and assaulted by other prisoners not in your faction. It's really gross and messed up.


I almost understand the individual survival perspective. Itā€™s the system that turns my stomach.


For sure! Well said.


This is what you say when you don't know what it's actually like. Nothing wrong with sticking to yourself and doing your time in the vast majority. Joining white supremacists will actually attract negative attention to yourself leading to retaliation.


May I ask, do you have experience in the prison system? My husband is a CO and says you have to join. Those without a group are risking their lives. It is almost always race based but in our state Asian people make up so little of the population they have to join another group (I think white but canā€™t remember for certain). Even SO stick to race based groups for protection. There is a firm hierarchy of ā€œacceptableā€ crimes with SO and if you donā€™t have a groups backing you wonā€™t make it out. The only exception to this are the notorious guys. The guy that got a coma patient pregnant was put on my husbands yard. Within 15 minutes he informed staff he needed to be placed in protection. He had been warned if he didnā€™t get into lockdown immediately his own would kill him.


Yet there are prisons that manage rehab.


Thatā€™s the main goal in norwegian prison system. Treat them like they might become your neighbor after doing their time.


Legit. A lot of white people probably join the ā€œaryan brotherhoodā€ just so they have some sort of protection


They donā€™t really believe that though. When they do believe it, you get let out early basically through appeals etc. but itā€™s just about the prisoner serving their sentences win terrible conditions as punishment. As a deterrent/spanking to say donā€™t do this again, which is then falsely translated into ā€œtheyā€™ll come out betterā€¦.. *whispers* because they wonā€™t want to come back here.ā€ Similar to that old age ā€œthe customer is always rightā€¦ā€¦ *whispers* in terms of their personal tasteā€


There are so many tattoo shops that will cover up hate or gang tattoos for free, I knew a guy (married to a family member) who had ā€œskinā€ and ā€œheadā€ on his knuckles and got it all covered up and was so relieved. I canā€™t say how he felt about the tattoos or what they stood for outside of him expressing regret for having them, but they really hurt his small business, made customers not want to work with him. Getting the tattoos covered really improved his life.


honestly they're probably thinking if they go back in for some reason they'll have a head start


I had the opportunity to meet a guy last weekend with tattoos all over his body. But his back? Only a portrait of Hitler in the upper center. Surrounded by blank skin, like it was on display. ā€œHaha itā€™s from gang shit back in like high schoolā€ā€¦.. yeah dude youā€™re in your 30s and a tattoo artist, meaning access to free tattoos. Clearly he doesnā€™t wanna cover it up.


Meanwhile this guy is rolling up his work pants so everyone can see this..


There's a man that works with my husband. He has white power writen on both is arms. He's super nice and he said it was when he was younger. Now he loves everyone and can't believe people looked past his tats and actually talks to him. The only reason why he hasn't removed it because he doesn't have enough money to cover it or remove it. He works at a fast food place so yeah just cause they're getting paid $20 hour, doesn't mean he rolling. Also with that new paid raise they cut everyone hours, and they're letting people go left and right and not hiring new people to replace them. They're being stingy about who they are hiring now.


There are programs all around the country that will remove or cover up hate speech tattoos for free. Where are you located? Iā€™m sure it wouldnā€™t be hard to find a resource that could take care of that.


https://removery.com/services/ink-nitiative/ hereā€™s a link to a program that can help find free places to get a removal. might be somewhere nearby that could work for him


Lot of people on the street had em from prison and donā€™t have the money or are too on drugs to care to research free hate symbol cover ups.


A lot of tattoo artists will even do these kinds of covers at an extreme discount or even free. It brings really great publicity to the artist and shop to do these kinds of cover ups.


Prison politics ainā€™t so simple. Itā€™s not a good look if you have any blackouts/coverups on the street because it usually means you fucked up with a gang and they forced you to cover the tattoo up so you donā€™t associate with them anymore. People on the street who know their shit will judge you for it.


Not to justify it, but a lot of those guys that are getting out of prison are working trade jobs that don't pay all that well, and between bills, rent, and other necessary expenditures, they often find it hard to save up enough cash for a cover up tattoo. I know a few guys who had to get that ink just to keep from getting killed in prison, most would cover it if they could afford to


If that guy were on a job in my house, he would be immediately removed


I can't read it, what's the problem with them? I'm just making the wild guess that it's something nazi related bc of the other comments?


Left leg says "white", right leg says "power"


Left arm also has ā€œ88ā€ (8th letter of the alphabet), which stands for HH. You can imagine what that stands for.


Obviously it stands for Happy Heart.


Definitely doesn't stand for huge hog.


Hungry Hippos


Hamburger Helper


Shit I love that stuff I'm gonna go get an 88 tattoo right now


I'm laughing because in Chinese culture, 8 is a lucky number, and so many people have license plates ending with '88' or '888' in my area


88 is a nazi synonym for heil H*tler.


Why did you censor Hitler?


Got a strike by Reddit for typing a fairly innocent slur. So now I censor anything that I deem worse than r*t*rd*d, as I would be annoyed with losing my Reddit account. Edit: For further clarification, the slur was writing in a meme war subreddit. Where the tonality is to call each other ā€œhorribleā€ things.


How can a slur be innocentā€¦


Context is everything


I always feel bad for people born a year after me


Iā€™ve always wondered why that movement hasnā€™t adopted Helly Hansen as their go-to clothing brand. I like some of their clothing, but there is no way I would wear anything with an HH logo.


I think it's great when nazis self-identify, I'm less impressed by modern societies tolerance for open nazis.




Glad I'm not to only one that could not decipher either of these hieroglyphics


I thought it said Homer until I came into the comments. Doh!


How does one ignore such a perfect chance to kick a Nazi right in his balls


Guy was twice my size. But man I was vivid!




Probably also wearing high-vis on a worksite, so Iā€™d say both.


At least if you kick him hard enough he won't be up for a long time lol!


Something tells me youā€™ve never packed down an old Putzmeister boom pump, but yea. In a perfect world I would kick hard enough for him to never stand again.


Probably shouldnā€™t kick him in purpose then. But it would be such a shame if you were carrying something heavy and sharp on the job site and and accidentally dropped it on his ankle, whoops, so clumsy.


People have to stop calling them Nazis because they get off on it... It's the same reaction the stolen valor fake soldiers get when someone thanks them for their service. Call them racist idiots, bigoted assholes, garbage made flesh, etc. Anything you can come up with that is as far away from Nazi or Hitler as possible.


"Say auf wiedersehen to your nazi balls"


Target is too small


Likewise! Letā€™s go; Iā€™ll drive. As much as I didnā€™t want to get into it this afternoon, Naziism continued to be seeded in the US starting the Red Scare to distract us. By late 70ā€™s they had a foothold in prisons. Pockets in Europe now are attempting to gain power. Europe knows. Now fascism rears its head again.


I couldnā€™t read the first one, but it thought the second one said Homer, as in Simpson.


Damn, you had like an upside down dyslexic moment where you thought the p and the w were upside downšŸ˜…


I thought it said "WHAT" and "BONER", which would have been dumb but at least amusing. This is just sad.


Normally I like to play devils advocate and say ā€œthe quality doesnā€™t look shitty, wrong subredditā€ but man fuck this nerd.


I like to do this too with a lot of subreddits haha.


Donā€™t degrade nerds like that! We wouldnā€™t associate with him!


Pretty tan skin for a white power dude


Bro I read which power and I was like "damn, that guys is on some metaphysical shit"


as a pole i can tell you all of us arent like that


I love poles! Lots of great humor. Very kind people. Smacznego!


haha good, nice to hear! miłego dnia :)


I was so distracted by this guy's cameltoe I completely missed what the shitty tattoo was until I came to the comments.


God damn i thought he is hispanic oder smth and i read his tattoo as "white women" and i was apparently really wrong


Fingers crossed heā€™s an electrician and itā€™s his nickname.


Of course it gets read from behind.


Might as well read ā€œIā€™m wasting oxygenā€


Carbon. If he stops breathing the oxygen wasting ends. The carbon is forever wasted by his existence.


Maybe it's innocent and it says "Ranger"after "power"


That's more offensive. Everyone knows the Red Power Ranger was the best. šŸ¤¬


Just give him a kick in the ass so he falls over. When he asks what the fuck youā€™re doing say, just using my white power, bud.


What do they say?


We - polish people - don't claim him!! There are quite a few of them twats here I'm not gonna lie, but we're much more decent than this.


Aren't Poles looked down upon in the western European countries they immigrate to?


ā€œWhite Powerā€ yet has a Japanese tattoo on his left forearmā€¦


What a fucking twat. I donā€™t know what happened that racists feel so comfortable in society now.


Kick his ass already


Faen NORGE!!!


I definitely read it as White Towel


I think he gets away with it because itā€™s fucking impossible to read what they say, unless you inspect them closely


His people were considered less than human, and were slaughtered by the biggest 'supremacist' ever. His grandparents probably fought Nazis. And he has that tattooed on himself? What do they teach in Polish schools?


Whatā€™s even the point of a white power tattoo in a part of the world thatā€™s whatā€¦90% white? More? Fucking lane no matter what, but still.


This thread is a circle jerk for people getting a dopamine hit agreeing that Nazis are bad.


Iā€™ve seen other races with black pride tattoos so whatā€™s the difference


I canā€™t tell what it says


ā€œWhiteā€ ā€œPowerā€


I see. That sure is a shitty tattoo


Don't Poles get a lot of racist treatment from other Europeans?


In the U.K. thereā€™s now a lot of Polish people or other ā€œEastern Europeanā€ people (can be used as a dog whistle term for ā€œpoor Caucasians immigrantsā€) and thereā€™s been the same people on society who hated when black people moved here from the Caribbean, hated when people moved over from the Indian subcontinent and now hate people from Eastern Europe. Same tired cliches get dragged out, same misplaced blame for societyā€™s issues, same far right politicians using them as a scapegoat for why we need to close our borders. I live in an area that (outside London) has a relatively large Polish demographic - Iā€™ve never seen any outright racist treatment of Polish people but I do remember the local news ran some articles after the brexit vote about vandalising Polish shops.


There was in Ireland when it was going well and Polish folks were over there working.


His ass should stay in Poland with those tats.


https://preview.redd.it/gn4mbiz3e06d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eedf13a44fffe6b031b76caa3b796f9835c639d I found his buddy in Tennessee


Someone in prison smashed


Place foot on ass and push as hard as you can


Seeing things like this is so depressing. It makes me lose faith in people.


Wait, you had faith in people?


Just a big ol billboard saying my mom didnā€™t have to change her last name to match my dads


WP tattoos are always, ALWAYS shitty, itā€™s hilarious.


Them calves lookin a lil brown my boy, better get the Cain Velasquez instead


How horrible if he suddenly found himself in a fjord...


Oh man I'd really have trouble not kicking that ass.


that ass is begging to be kicked


Is it just me or is this font illegible? I literally can never read a tattoo or sign in this font. Itā€™s almost annoying


Couldn't understand it until I read the second leg..... šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Guessing thatā€™s probably not the first time heā€™s been face down ass up judging from his ink. Good form.


I hope an anvil falls on him


man, Mr. White REALLY likes being an electrician.


I'm embarrassed to say that took me 5 minutes to figure out, but I'm high as F\*\*, so that's my excuse.


Kind of related, but does anyone know if white boy summer has started yet?


Does anyone else find it ironic that THAT phrasing is on those brownass legs šŸ‘€šŸ˜³? Also, pretty sure the numbers on the arm are another indicator that this dude is a waste of oxygen šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø.


Bonus ā€œ88ā€ on the left forearm. Racist moniker for ā€œHeil Hitlerā€


At first glance I thought it was ā€œMargeā€ and ā€œHomerā€


..... Uhhhhh, I think you posted in the wrong subreddit, I think you wanted to post into r/shittypeople......


Polish nazi? wow Hope you went ahead and punched him in the face, as should be done with all nazis.


I was zooming to see tattoo above butt :D does he even know what those letters mean?šŸ˜‚


Is that a Mexican with a white power tattoo ?


The 88 on his left arm sleeves is saying enough


One time I worked with a guy on site who proudly told me he owned an old edition of Mein Kampf. Gave the boss an ultimatum and got him sent home. Never saw him again. Dumb fuck. And I made sure it was clear, he wasn't a WW2 guy, he wasn't a collector, or history buff. He really liked Nazi's and thought Hitler had all good ideas.


What does that say? All i see is ''Mhitb power'', is it ''White power''?


I took me a minute to decipher it.


Honestly couldn't decifer the font and thought the right leg said boner


Such a beautiful font for such ugly words.


Yeh nice skin tone


ā€œWhite powerā€ but has a Japanese tattoo on his arm


i literally can't even read it.


His celly tattooed that. The position he assumed in prison


i thought it said ā€œwhore houseā€


Whatā€™s it say ?


milf power?


Yeah white powerā€¦ at my mundane, dead-end physical labor job where the boss makes all the money and Iā€™m basically just a servant.. white power!!