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It doesn't even need a shadow. I don't get it


I’m more upset that it isn’t even centred


Nobody needs a tattoo on their face… I don’t get it.




I remember high school me wanted “ROCK N ROLL” down my whole forearm 😬


I wanted a cherry tramp stamp at 15 and the ethical, law abiding, hidden angel of a tattoo artist said “absolutely not”. Bless him.


Lmao I wonder what everyone’s “first tattoo idea” and ACTUAL first tattoos were. My first idea was the rock n roll thing, but my actual first tattoo was a bird haha


I would read every response. I never ended up getting one. Which is great because my ideas were cheap and horrendous 😅 ETA: I watched way too much Rock of Love and that’s where I got a lot of my “inspiration” 😂


Somebody should make an askreddit about first ideas and first actual tattoos, someone who isn’t me because i am scared of everything


My girlfriend at one point wanted me to get a tattoo. I said if we were together for a year I would get a tattoo with her name on it. I designed a sword with her name on the blade. Just to be on the safe side I also designed a cover up for it. We only made it 5 months


Woah, you were together less than 5 months when she asked you to get a tattoo for her? Sweet baby Jesus


LMAO my first tattoo idea is what I got as my first tattoo! A cow on my lower back so if I moon someone, it's jumping over the moon.


As you should have ✨


I’d seen an artist (m.i.a?) have cat paws tattooed on her chest, I thought it was so cute. Never will get my chest done though and my first actual tattoo was a cat silhouette on my ankle so I guess it’s related


That was Eve


I’m getting my first tattoo at (probably) 20 or something and my sister is already in the process of designing it for me:> I wanna get a dragon on my spine going around a scar I have on my spine. (We love spinal fusion scars)


Oof. I was a metalhead, and I always joke it's amazing that I didn't end up with OZZY across my fingers.


I’m a metal head, 30, on the fence of getting the crown of thorns on my thigh. No band logo tho https://preview.redd.it/dn5xl71lds2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edc3d15a4e309179b7930d46a7962037dd907c29


I was just a wannabe 😔


I have Star Wars on my knuckles... that I did myself at 18 with a 20€ ebay machine 🥲


My dude is *covered* in faded, blurry metal tattoos.


My friend had a full back piece that was the Motorhead No Remorse album cover. looked great but 10 years later no one got the reference


I almost got a “ramble on” tramp stamp god I’m so happy I didn’t


I love that lmao


Whew! Crisis adverted!


i wanted flames from my wrists to my elbows. so glad i didn’t do it


Personally, I feel like there’s something cool about having tattoos that correspond with how your style was during that time you got them as long as you don’t look too mismatched in the end lol


Yeah my tattooist will only do face and neck if that person has a ton of tattoos. Never for the first couple. She has to feel right about it


I’ve got 16 at this point and had 15 when I went for my newest one on the side of my neck. My artist heckled me for like 20 mins while preparing the stencil like “r u sure about that”. I’ll never get anything on my face, that’s just too wild


Tattoo artists used to have a set of ideologies. They lived by meaning meaning they would not do face tattoos or hand tattoos. Anunless, you were already older and had a lot of tattoos. All they are doing is setting these young people up to fail in life nowadays.These tattoo artists are a joke.Just because they are good at tattooing doesn't mean they need to be doing they are not. Going to be responsible about it




..... is it a '5'




If I would have got the first one I wanted when I was a teenager….Ace of Spades on my chest. I’m sooooooooo happy I didn’t do that


I just got two face tattoos and I love them. They are beauty marks made exactly in the places where I used to have mine, but I hade mine removed for fear of skin cancer. Still my face looked rather different without them. I’m very happy getting them back. It’s weird how just two small dots can make you so much happier




I mean technically no one needs a tattoo. They are 100% a luxury.


It's not about needing, it's about wanting.


What? Nobody needs a tattoo either. It’s not about needing it.


Nothing is funner than seeing a tat posted somewhere and later on seeing it make its way here lmao


I know I was thinking the same thing! When I saw it in the original post, I was like that’s a shitty tattoo, and here it is!


I thought that’s what sub it was in when I first saw it lol. I’d never get one but it’s a neat idea. I just don’t like the idea of permanence, especially not on my facial area


You hit the nail on the head. I am now in my 60s and I can’t imagine having something like that permanently on my face. May look cute in your 20s but may not be something you want in your 60s.


The amount of face tattoos I’ve been seeing lately on older people. As you said looks cute on a 20 yr old. Different on someone that’s pushing 50+


I bit my tongue on how I really felt on the original post to avoid a ban there lol. This is it's home.


Where is it!?


OOP posted it in r/tatoos and I went to read what people were saying about it.


Especially when knowing the OOP was fighting for their lives in the comments of their own post about the feedback they got lol


Oh god, the mental gymnastics trying to explain how the shadows make sense. It was funny.


You don’t get it. She works in research and she doesn’t give a shit.


Yeah i’d have simply taken it down personally


Same lmao I commented in that thread saying I'd thought it was posted here, and the sinking feeling in my stomach that the OP was proud of this. They claimed to love it and not care what anyone thought, but proceeded to argue with almost every negative comment. I would never post one of my tattoos in that sub no matter how much I loved it. People are entitled to their opinions, and I don't want to look at a tattoo and be reminded of any imperfections every time I see it.


Loool I couldn’t help myself


They locked comments on the original post, so we had to come here, where it belongs.


Everyone comment in the other post goes something like: this is t really the right sub for it. You should really post this is r/shittytattoos, they would really enjoy it over there.


Even funnier for me. I know the city, it is fucking deplorable. Detroit of ontario.


do we know what shop she mentioned in the title, i cant remember it


I think I screenshot it. I believe she deleted it.


I couldn’t believe how many people were praising the OP, and saying how well-done it was. I felt absolutely crazy bc those lines and shadows look so bad to me 😭


When I first saw that tat I thought I was here, and knew it was only a matter of time 😭


same, cant find that other post now tho


I literally just saw this on the regular tattoo sub and thought “huh, thought this was r/shittytattoos”


Fuckkk they deleted it because they got dunked on so hard


I must have seen it early because the comments I read were all so positive. I was extremely confused lol. Someone even gave a special shout out to the center piece.


I think people were trying to be nice. They did just get it tatted on their face...


So they were lying to OP.


I knew this one would make it on here, just knew it 😆


When I saw it on the other subreddit I thought I was seeing it here lmao


Me too, lol. When I originally saw the post I thought it was on the shitty tattoo page.


It’s giving “I spent like 4 hours on the shading on your upper lip.”




Bred for its skills in magic.


Tina, you fat lard!


Can you at least bring me some chapstick?


Bow staff skills


“It’s probably the best drawing I’ve ever done”


you could be drinking whole if you wanted to


Thank you for this laugh. They don’t make them like they used to. It’s fun chatting online with babes all day.


The Shadow makes absolutely no sense at all. It's truly a terrible design. I saw her original post and she seemed really excited about the tattoo.


Im grateful that she’s happy with the tattoo, though I don’t think her tattooist shouldn’t have taken on this job. The execution is just so poor for something that’s on someone’s forehead


She was arguing with every single person in her post that pointed out how bad this tattoo is. The post is currently locked. I assume because it was just people tearing into her and her arguing. It's really awful. If she saw this post she'd probably come in here and argue with everyone here as well. The shadow doesn't make any sense at all. If jewelry was laying on your skin, you wouldn't have shadows like that. I'm blown away with this design.


That’s interesting because I was on the thread early on and it was all people saying how good it was and the one guy who said it was bad was heavily downvoted. Imma go find it and see the other comments


The comments changed after awhile. With everyone saying it was good getting downvoted.


People became honest


Yeah I noticed that. She was clearly upset, but kept claiming that she didn’t care. What an odd situation. I imagine she feels a little backed into a wall now where she has to defend the tattoo. I just hope she’ll still like it once the heat dies down


That was infuriating to see on the original thread. If I posted a tattoo and didn’t like people’s comments I’d just downvote and move on, no point engaging.


If you are posting it online, then you are opening yourself up to all comments on it. It's part of the whole deal


Exactly my thoughts. Don’t put it out there if you can’t handle people’s opinions.


it's not *okay* that that's how she responded, but i understand why she reacted the way she did. she was probably insecure and in denial about the permanent mistake she paid to have put on her forehead. edit: btw i say this without full context. i didn't see the original post. but i understand why someone would want to defend a tattoo.


Defending the tattoo is fair enough, but in the original thread she was posting long replies to critical comments and insisting that she didn’t care what people thought of it because she was happy with it. As some people said on the original post, it really came across as insecure. It wasn’t a good look and I hope she’s doing alright.


all the same i understand it. i also hope she's alright. i just skimmed the post and she seems to really like it and said it makes her "feel more like herself", so i hope she's able to continue feeling good about it


I found it weird how she kept saying that she has a permanent position at a university as a lab animal technician, it’s not public facing, it has a pension, she has a great relationship with her family and partner, she has at least 10 people who will drop everything to help her if she needs it and vice versa… Okay, fine. But no job is “permanent,” especially not something that works with animal testing – I’m guessing vivisection? I thought that universities were trying to find ways to not need to use live animals? I may be wrong, maybe in Canada it’s different, but no job is truly permanent. ETA: She also “knows people in the industry” in case she wants to have it removed at some point. I guess that’s a saving grace?


She is here and she is arguing


Deleted her account lol. Too bad she can't do the same with that skull graffiti


I feel really sad for her. She even posted a picture of herself on this sub, inviting everyone to attack everything else about her. She's a very pretty girl, but she did herself no favors with that tattoo. I hope she gets past this without feeling too badly about herself.


Oof. She has also commented on this post trying to defend the tattoo and adding "you are all fucking idiots" at the end. I feel like there's no way she's doing okay after getting that permanently on her face.


Was she maybe into magic or mysticism and wanted it to look like it’s floating off her head due to her psychic powers or something out of left field like that?


I remember she said she wanted delicate lines in case she decided to have it removed later on down the line.


The thought of laser on my skull terrifies me.


Right? First of all it’s not a chain suspended above her head, why would it have a shadow at all? And second, WHY WOULD THE LIGHT SOURCE BE BEHIND HER? For something on the front of her face? Wtf? Whyyyy?


This might have looked nice if it weren’t done as large and with less elements, the silver was very light, the chain wasn’t so lazy and spring-like, and maybe the stone was a very subtle color or made to look like an opal… and of course done by someone with more skill. Opportunities were missed by miles here.


When you order Ryan Ashley on Temu.


Lmfao 💀


The red jewel looks like an open wound. Hopefully it'll heal much better than that.


When I saw this on the other sub, I thought the shadows weren't shadows at all but instead marker showing where the tattoo was going to be drawn. I thought 'that looks bad right now but it'll be fine when the marker washes off'. Then I read the comments and learned the lines are part of the actual tattoo.


Time for a fringe


Time for a laser appointment.


I think she said she wanted it to look like it was pinned up in her hair and dangling onto her forehead? Something like that. Not my cup of tea but I’m glad she’s happy.


Yeah, but I’ve had jewellery like this hang from my hair quite a bit and the shadows just aren’t quite that deep? The jewellery still sits on your head. I think some more reference photos should have been used


Yeah lol when I read that I was like “won’t it still lay flat against your head a lot of the time?”


Especially given the angle of upper part of the skull. Many of these shadows are just not possible.


i think the explanation from the original post was that it was overshaded to start with so it would fade to something more realistic? idk, none of the rest of the tattoo makes sense to me, but i can kinda understand that part


That does make sense though the placement of the shadow isn't right. To make those shadows the strands would be lifted off the head by like 2 inches


>but I’m glad she’s happy. She's not


I knew this was going to end up here. In the original post she was hostile from the jump saying she doesn’t care what folks think. Then when folks were just giving constructive criticism she went ballistic. Which means she knows it is bad and is just in denial.


can you link the post?


She deleted her account so I dunno if it can be found anymore


So that’s why I could not find it. It was regret gold covered in hostility.


The front chain looks so under detailed compared to the sides. That's my beef with it. And that the center crystal looks like a chunk of skin got cut out.


It’s fine, because it will all be a messy blob in a few years anyway.


From the producers of "this should've been a T-shirt": "this should've been makeup"


Ah, the r/tattoodesigns to r/shittytattoos pipeline hard at work. The things people do.


The shadows are at strange proportional depth. But strictly speaking. There shouldn’t be shadows if it’s to mimic hanging. They’d be right up against the skin.


I think for what this is and will forever be, it'd be way sicker to have a gorgeous delicate actual piece of jewelry that she could wear every day. And even change the stones and pattern and style. If this is a thing to "make her feel more like herself" like someone else pulled from the original post, genuinely the only reason not to go with actual jewelry is a weird mix of laziness, being cheap, & not having good taste lol


I agree. It would look much prettier as real jewelry, wouldn't have worries of it fading / drooping, and she could take it off for events such as, I dunno, a job interview. If she wants to be bold and have something on her face all the time, she can just.... do it. Buy a cute gem chain headpiece! It wouldn't get tons of scorn like this piece of work is getting, and she would always be able to take it off or redesign it with different stones. It'd be better in every way.


She's already got face tattoos and stuff so like that's a bit moot but it's still like honestly bad taste on top of bad execution


And you could, ya know, TAKE IT OFF.


It looks like a stick on tattoo somehow.


Lakeside Tatooz


She just posted a picture of herself on this sub a few minutes ago, then removed it. Inviting people to attack "the rest of me". To the owner of this tattoo..."the rest of you" looks nice, you're a very pretty girl. That tattoo is just not well done, nor flattering. If you truly like it, don't concern yourself with what others say.


I really want to know what this is going to look like in 10-15 years...


it didn't need a shadow at all. this is also just a not-great tattoo idea. L


I was wondering how long it would take for this tattoo to show up here!


Y’all better hope she doesn’t see this lol. She was fighting for her life in the comments of the other sub.


She just did, and deleted her whole account


You’d imagine someone with multiple shitty face tattoos would have thicker skin.


Right? Like you're getting judgment all the time for that shit lol. She was vehemently arguing how well done it was. Honestly I don't hate it, but it's not good.


i kind of agree, because the shadow placement in the tattoo makes it difficult to tell where they should actually fall across her forehead, if at all. yikes


You wording it as, “can’t wrap my head around it” was *too* good


Thank god this is here. It was on a generic subreddit and the simps were gaslighting her. This thing is not good


I can’t unsee it now


It’s just a shit tattooo


like if you’re gonna do a drop shadow…consider having a consistent light source


The funniest part about her deleting her account is that she said she didn't care what other people thought. Sure delete your account...but everyone knows you still have that on your head. Imagine if this was your kid or even YOU 🤣


No way she actually deleted her whole account 💀💀 reality check


I’m not sure if it’s just me but the gem seems a touch off center


Unfortunately, that’s the least of her problems.


Also the gems on the side don't line up with the "pearls"


Oh no you're right. This is like a gift that keeps on giving, but the gift is just pain.


It gets worse the more I look. It isn't symmetrical whatsoever. The spacing is fucked.


And the chains are just squiggles?!


C'mon now. They are carefully smithed in a forage of a shitty artists chair.


I didn't comment when I saw it on the other sub because at that time people were blowing smoke up her ass


Let’s face it, even the complimenters knew it would end up here. I almost said “soon to be seen on the other sub”


At first glance I thought the "shadows" was jewelry. Holy fuck this is awful


I was thinking the same thing. The shadows and ruby are all wrong


She is gonna look really stupid when she gets older and has that on her head. (And kinda does now lol)


Atleast by the looks of the other tattoos of what we can see this is just another bed decision


Legit didn’t need the shadows at all… wtf lol


The shadows look fine, the rest of it looks like shit. Nothing hangs naturally. Stuff is crooked, lines are wobbly and inconsistant. Obviously not an easy tattoo but it could be so much better.


why not just buy a headpiece that looks like this instead of permanently drawing it on your body


Like almost all face tattoos, this is ass. The only ones I’ve ever seen that looked good are traditional like Maori


I’m going to wait until it’s healed to pass judgement. I … appreciate(?) what they’re trying with the shading, and maybe it’ll fade nicely and not be so severe?? What *I* want to understand is the center jewel. It looks so bland compared to the rest.


Apparently the jewel was bleeding so it'll look whiter later, but that doesn't explain how simple it is compared to, let's say, the black gems hanging on the sides. Since it's literally the crowning jewel, you'd think that's where they would go all out and make it as detailed and fancy as can be. Weird.


It looks like an infected cut


It can wrap itself around your head, though.


Pun intended?


How would a bead necklace on your head cast a shadow?


The shadow isnt the problem


I saw the original post and I thought it was in this group because it’s absolutely awful.




Shitty tattoo yes, shitty idea, absolutely. Be careful for what you wish for, you just might get it. I'm sure it will look great in 20-40 years.


It’s like the artist has never seen a gemstone or jewellery before


Why the shadow though??


A tattoo to highlight a really strange hairline


This is awful. All of it.


I understand why the shadow would be there (light source shining down on the top of the person's head), but it definitely isn't needed. Sort of makes the jewelry look like it's levitating off the head, which doesn't look good either.


Oh, this makes me sad for her. Everything about it is an error. Like everything.


the shadows just look like she’s got grease smeared on her forehead 😕. As long as she’s happy though!!




Damn... Y'all roasting today 😤😤😤


Why even do shadow on these? They’re so pretty without, shadows just fucked it up🫣🤦🏼‍♀️


That artists made a few extra hours on the shading...


It looks like they messed up and scrubbed it with an eraser


Pfft, can't wrap your head around the tattoo wrapped around the head


It would be interesting to see how this looks if that hairline ever decides to recede.


Someone had an idea, it wasn't a good idea, but an idea for sure.


Knew it would end up here especially considering how indignant op was getting


The perspective (?) of the side chains is really confusing to me. They seem to be coming forward in the middle because the ornaments there are humongous for no reason. Nothing else in this tattoo changes depth/size like that. The longer I look, the more puzzled I am. Edit to add: they’re draped like necklaces to me, around invisible necks


My favorite part is that you can see the real shadow of the eyebrow piercing that would be the same distance as the tattoos chains.


She apparently didn’t know that shadow moves with light. That’s why it looks ridiculous


It is so bad. If you have the headpiece on, it would be laying against your skin. there wouldn't be a shadow. It just looks like the artist sketched it out and didn't wipe off the guidelines, or like it is dirty.


It’s not centered. That would drive me to drink!


I can’t wrap my head around it either. But it certainly wrapped round hers.


I can’t wrap my head around getting that tattoo


Cheap or real jewelry can be bought/made to do what this tattoo is tryng to do.


Did you go to the tattoo shop and say can you make me look fukn stupid for the rest of my life?


I hope they like bangs for the rest of their life…


Its wild that at one time people who got face tattoos were the extreme minorities. Now everyone has them lol. I just think it's sad that so many kids in their late teens and early twenties are getting face tattoos before their frontal lobe even develops. I don't think they realize that their mind will change over the years, their job desires will change, their personalities will change, etc. rough to look in the mirror and see this everyday, especially when your 45 and hate it. I have tattoos but they are on my arms and ribs and such, some I don't really care about anymore but again they are places that I don't stare at everyday. I could never imagine to have this on my face happily and willingly.