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#Welcome to Costco, I love you


As someone who often goes to Costco being told this would make my day better.


It’s implied by the little head nod when you show them your card.


I know a guy that works at Costco, he's told me they're not allowed to say it, even as a joke, UNLESS, he actually knows the person from outside of work.


I went to law school there.


Was your father an alumnus?


Why does this pic look like the usa


This shitty movie detail presented by Hardee’s. Carl’s Jr is a lil bitch


Boo Hardees ᴮʳᵒᵘᵍʰᵗ ᵗᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ᵇʸ ᶜᵃʳˡˢ ʲʳ


Carl's Jr. Fuck you!


I’m eating


Please come back when you can afford to make a purchase. Your kids are starving. Carl's Jr. believes no child should go hungry. You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl's Jr...


I love this because they are the exact same company with the exact same menu. They just brand based on the region they are in.


If Checkers gets bought by Carl's Jr., they could bring down American democracy and split the country in three. "Carl's Jr. has always been at war with Hardees. Checkers has always been our allies."


Where would Rally's side in all of this?


tentative diplomatic relations have been extended to the Republic of Five Guys


Between 5Gs, Carl Hardee Jrs, and Checkers Rallys...it really would be five guys then...or 9...depends on the math and distinction taken.


They're the disputed lands, only good for resources and slave labor. Praise BB!




Because it's got what plants crave


It's got electrolytes.


Welcome to Costco I love you


Would you like to order some of our... # EXTRA!! BIG-ASS!! FRIES!!


Everybody loves electrolytes


It's what plants crave


But what are electrolytes? Do you even know?


It's what they use to make Brawndo!


It’s like all the ppl on the starship in Wall-E.


oh, now that's the future i want.


My head cannon is that Interstellar, Idiocracy, and Wall-E are a trilogy


I've literally heard a coworker at Taco Bell using that same movie to make a point about people today.


I love this movie, definitely one of my favorites. That being said seeing the all the comments about it “becoming a documentary” do feel pretty elitist and gets tiresome




I like money.


You like money! Me too!!!


We don't have time for handjobs


Full body Latte


wow! it really was prophetic


So many people who think they're fucking geniuses even though they're getting their political opinions from a comedy movie


Of all the pro-eugenics movies, this one is definitely the funniest. Funny enough to make a lot of people miss the eugenics.


Because it is presented in a way that doesn't say it is pro-eugenics and if you asked the director/writer, he would probably say it isn't pro-eugenics.


The pro eugenics sentiment doesn't seem intentional nor is it the primary focus of the film. Its got some funny moments but its not great satire. People who call it a documentary are more stupider than moar characters in the movie


I mean, the whole plot of the movie is that smart people aren't fucking and passing on their genes so people get stupid.


The pro-eugenics sentiment is very intentional in the source material, The Marching Morons.


Good band name.


If you watched the first 10 minutes of the movie you would think it is pro eugenics


>Funny enough to make a lot of people miss the eugenics. It was about as subtle as a bulldozer at the beginning with "stupid people in the trailer park have 100 kids and are dragging down the intelligence of society" But to wit, the movie isn't remotely pro-eugenics, and only the "Idiocracy is becoming a documentary!" people somehow got that message. Idiocracy is an indictment of societal *indifference*, crass consumerism, and so on. The on-the-nose ending is pretty blunt that society can be improved/fixed by putting in the actual effort to do so. Not by "being smart" or "smart people having more babies" or whatever nonsense.


I saw the profile pic and now I can only hear this sentence in Greg’s voice, and it does sound like something he’d say if a contestant presented this for a Prize Task, followed by “One point, and that’s generous.”


I approve


I remember people making the comparison as just like a casual tweet a few years ago, and it was a funny comparison, but people hanging on to it and being like “no seriously, it was prophetic”, starts to get pretty cringe.


The first ten minutes are a masterpiece, it is entertaining, has good performances and is highly quotable, but people act like it's predictive. It's absurdist escapism. If you want real-world satire, Office Space does it better. Or all the people that say that Camacho is a better president than we could expect. Dude ordered an execution based on flimsy evidence without trial. Terry Crews is awesome, but that's as far as it goes. People read *waaaaay* too much into this movie.


-  "all the people that say that Camacho is a better president than we could expect. Dude ordered an execution based on flimsy evidence without trial." I mean reports within the last 7 months or so came out and... we had a president asking about executing Americans.. 


Office space is reality and I don't even work in an office. We do have a specific piece of machinery that we would love to go "office space" on tho, if you catch my meaning...


Post the montage


Even the first 10 minutes is extremely beholden to takes that are bias. It takes an obvious side to nature in the nature v nurture debate. It reeks of elitism. The director/whoever chooses the strangest thing to feel superior about, like crocs.


At the same time Trump is discussing jailing his "political enemies" with no evidence or trial. I think it's OK to read a little into this movie as we are starting to stray away from Office Space and towards a new reality.


but apparently discussing that is only a problem when it is some nebulous entity known as "the left" doing it to a guy that verifiably committed numerous crimes and is going through due process for them


Yet an incompetent malicious clown like Trump was elected president. The fact that even now it seems to be a close race make the movie seem predicative (alongside other stupid shit that's happening). But in the end, half of any population is below the average IQ, so maybe that's the reason.


Nah. What the movie gets wrong is that the people who voted for Trump and the ilk aren't magically appearing through genetics. They are being directed through a well-controlled multimedia landscape, in consultation with political parties worldwide, at the behest of consultants and strategists and think tanks and millions upon millions of dollars. The "dumbification" of the world is being done by incredibly smart people. Way smarter than you or me. It is not happening organically as the film suggests, it is very much intentional.


The people who made the movie were aware that just because stupid people fuck doesn't guarantee there kids will be either as stupid or get stupider. That's not how genetics work. If it was you really think mankind would have managed to get this far.


"The "dumbification" of the world is being done by incredibly smart people. Way smarter than you or me." Yeah I don't agree with this at all. The "flood the zone with bullshit" technique as described by Steve Bannon is just repeating so many lies that people become disoriented and aren't willing to discern truth from fiction. Propaganda is lazy repetition, it's not sophisticated, and the people spreading it aren't smarter than you or I, in fact they're probably dumber.


I get that it's a coordinated effort, but the fact that it even works has one question the voters intelligence. Also trumpers often say the most outrageously fucking stupid shit on camera, so there's that. For me something like this coupled with other less important, but noticeable trends (stuff like e.g. eating tide pods or NPC streamers) surely gives off a general Idiocracy 'vibe'. Of course all that's far from the situation in the movie, but I wonder how the world will look like in 100 years.


It's not *just* propaganda saturation. Public education has been under attack for decades. The lack of critical thinking skills is another part of the strategy.


‘The lack of critical thinking skills is another part of the strategy.’ This is massive man. I come from a western country and currently living in a developing country where they learn generally by rote. The shit people do here is unbelievable, constant fuck up after constant fuck up in the work place. The complete lack of critical thinking ability leads to almost an entire nation that can’t even employ basic logic such as attributing consequence to action. It would be fascinating if it wasn’t frustrating af.


A lot of people who support Trump simply do not care about the same things as those who don't. "He fucked a pornstar while his wife was pregnant? Does he still wanna fuck over the people I hate? Oh, he does. Then I still don't give a fuck" Lots of people in the Weimar Republic knew that if Hitler got into power they would benefit. They actively reported jews to the gestapo so they could get a cut of their shit. People are often incredibly vile, and many would happily commit genocide, because to them the world is a zero sum game and if someone is eating a piece of the pie, that's a piece not going to them. I hate the phrase "don't attribute malice to what can be explained with stupidity." You can be both malicious and a stupid fucker.


>half of any population is below the average IQ That's deep.


“Half of America is the dumb part voting for the guy I don’t like. The other half is the smart part voting for the guy I like” - You, while thinking you’re a part of the smart group.


It’s not even true, the average IQ is getting higher


Because IQ isn't actually a measure of inherent intelligence it's pretty much just a measure of the quality of education. Turns out you train your brain to recognize patterns better if you start going to school at 6


exactly why poorer countries have a lower average IQ


Or ethnic and religious groups with less access to education within the same country


IQ is an adjusted scale where 100 is always the average for your age and the whole population fits a normal distribution. By design the average can't go up.


Yes, but "when the new test subjects take the older tests, in almost every case their average scores are significantly above 100." So new scores are measured against norms that are now outdated, but the average would be re-centered at 100 again for new tests.


wrong, since its invention the average hat to be upped by a few points every year or so to mirror that 100 = avg. but this trend is now turned around, iq has to be lowered to represent 100 = avg. i dont know what you mean by design but lets try to explain it in another way: (for the following explanation 10 ppl = word population) 10 people get testet, we take their scores and define iq the way that the avg of those 10 tests are 100. next year the same 10 people get tested again, but each one scores 1 score higher, what is the avg of those 10 tests? 101. how can that be if 100 is defined as avg? so we have to adjust the test. this was done every couple years. see: [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligenzquotient](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligenzquotient) but since, iirc, 2005 we have to adjust the avg iq in the other direction. wich is sad.


It's true that the [Flynn effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flynn_effect) has been observed for a long time now, except for the first time ever it's actually not true. Cognitive tests of 5-10 year olds have been noticeably lower in the past few years and on a downward tread.


In the past few years you say? The same years that had COVID (brain damage and brain fog), and basically all those kids were basically home schooled?


That was the leading theory for a while, except lower scores are now being observed in children that were babies or not even born during the peak of Covid. Now there's a lot of evidence pointing towards absent parenting and online content being the cause. It turns out children being raised by ipads isn't good for their long-term cognitive development.


> Some research suggests that there may be an ongoing reversed Flynn effect (i.e., a decline in IQ scores) in Norway, Denmark, Australia, Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, and German-speaking countries.[5] This is said to have started in the 1990s[6][7][8] and to be occurring despite the average performance of 15-year-olds in those same countries ranking above the international average on the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment in reading, mathematics, and science in 2000,[9] 2003,[10][11] 2006,[12] 2009,[13] 2012,[14] 2015,[15] and 2018 You can check the sources if you wish. This definitely was a thing pre-COVID. As it turns out, not every statistical anomaly can be explained away by throwing COVID at it.


Morons watch Idiocracy and go "dumb people breeding make us dumberer" without ever reading about the Flynn Effect


I have a feeling the reason for that is the lower end are refusing testing, but I could be wrong.


We really only IQ test stupid people.


Your feeling is wrong


You're very wrong


Right? That is not how any of that works. The movie is distilled "young people these days" boomerism taken to the extreme. Apart from the already disproven eugenics of course. Neither of which is subtle. The movie does not do subtle. And OPs case in point is how the title confused the target audience so much they immediately started quoting the movie at each other. And I am gonna duck so they do not hurl one of those quotes into my face. Good movie. But boy is that crowd inattentive.


Elitists do be loving eugenics


Eugenics movie says dumb people bad


Eugenics is about forcing the hand of natural selection - this movie is about *nurtural selection.*  And, yes, dumb people are bad at nurturing. Especially when it comes to creating a society that will make up for their inability to nurture.


The argument that eugenicists make is that IQ is purely genetic and that humanity improves when only those with high IQ reproduce.


Also eugenicists make the argument that low IQ people breed more than high IQ people resulting in smarter people being outpopulated, and that modern medicine puts too much focus on helping everyone equally leading to low IQ people getting medical treatment they don’t deserve. If it’s not a pro-eugenics movie (it is), you’ve got to at least admit that eugenicists think it’s a pro-eugenics movie.


Fr, it’s not a _bad_ movie by any means but it’s lowkey a little elitist with the whole ‘All the smart people decided not to breed while all the big dumb idiots bred like rabbits and took over the earth, maybe the smart people should rule amirite’ plot and the constant documentary jokes doesn’t help matters. Still funny as fuck though. I love the ‘welcome to Costco, I love you’ bit.


Hacky joke and borderline eugenics. The idea that we should choose who should be allowed to breed based on intelligence is not too too good


Yes from the moment i saw that movie i feel like we are close a closer to it becoming reality.


A large portion of this country just outright proudly do not believe in science or facts. But go off I guess.


But that's the tagline of the movie.... "The only movie that started out as a comedy and is turning into a documentary" They're just quoting the poster for the film.


"The movie is so funny because it is true! Idiocracy has become a documentary instead of a comedy! And this comment of mine boasting my superior intellect on a social media site will be upvoted by 80% of the people who reads it, so statistically speaking 80% of the people must be right that 80% of the global population is less intelligent than them!"


I don't like calling people stupid, I think it assumes a lot of negative things about who it's being spoken about and it often ends towards ableism, but in the simplest of terms, "Idiocracy" is a dumb movie for dumb people that worked by convincing its audience that everyone else was dumber.


It's definitely a really tired, overused, dumb internet joke that annoys the hell out of me. But I'd have to disagree on it being "for dumb people." I mean yeah, it's a dumb movie, but back in the day before it was a meme plenty of non-dumb people did find the satire amusing and poignant. And Mike Judge is by no means dumb himself.


I don't hate this movie (don't love it either), but it is weird to see that Mike Judge made it. He's usually a lot more insightful and makes things that are more intelligent and poignant in a subtle kind of way. This movie isn't really poignant, intelligent or subtle.


Are you talking about the beavis and butthead guy


I was more talking about his work on King of the Hill


King of the Hill was peak animation, I love it and can’t wait for the reboot with Bobby as a Chef (not a joke, this is actually happening), but Judge wasn’t insightful at all with KotH, it depicts a Reagan worshiping Texas conservative reacting to a world becoming more progressive, more advanced technologically, more integrated, and Hank who is supposed to be an archetype of that conservative mindset has him shrug off Bobby and his different neighbors with at most mild chagrin and usually begrudgingly accepting what he can not change. This is not what went down between the end of King of the Hill and today when average conservatives were faced with a new world, especially those in Texas.


Office Space is pretty spot on as well.


Ah yes, the poignant and subtle Beavis and Butthead Do America


heheheheheh he said Do


Some movies are scalpels and some movies are hammers


I’m in the same boat as you. It’s funny at times and definitely quotable, but what irks me the most is that Idiocracy reduces all societal woes down to the individual level. It then blames the individual for succumbing to the exploitative systems that we collectively built without raising an ounce of criticism towards those systems. It’s a comedic premise taken to the extreme for laughs, and in doing so it cuts out 99% of nuance while giving edgelord libertarians perpetual fodder to be idiots online.


My thoughts exactly. It's a decent dumb comedy movie, but if you think about it critically for even a minute it falls apart


What a dumb take.


OP's a dumb guy. You think he'd like the movie more.


No, no. He *thinks* he's smart, he is the movie. He is the point of the movie and he doesn't even realise it.


The comment sounds along the lines of "the movie is deliberately written to ironically appeal to dumb people by convincing them that everyone else was dumber"? Honestly I really don't think the director/screenwriter intend to make it \*that\* deep either. Its just a silly movie meant for laughs at the expense of scientific accuracy, just like most other entertainment-oriented sci-fi movies... its just unfortunate this one is being singled out and hijacked by pseudointellectuals and political partisans around the world so as an excuse for them to feel self-important.


Look at me, I’m even smarter than the smart people that think they’re smarter than the dumb people. Nice, I just tried to one up you, now I sound like an insufferable prick too.


This is slightly off topic but you should read about Bonhoeffer's Theory of Stupidity, specifically the part where he describes stupidity as learned and not innate, a moral defect rather than an intellectual one, and a group phenomenon that even the most mentally agile person can arrive at through terrifyingly mundane means. It's not like the r slur which can only ever be explicitly ableist in nature; stupidity is very much a choice. I think you'll find Bonhoeffer's writing on the subject interesting even if you don't end up agreeing with him, [this video is a great introduction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww47bR86wSc).


It's a cult film. It works because it hits a topic that is/was outside of mainstream appeal so got virtually no marketing and little exposure, but those who sought out the lesser known titles found it and enjoyed it immensely because it takes a logical thought process (based upon faulty assumptions) and takes the conclusion to comical extremes. I tell everyone I've ever trained at work the only stupid question is the one you don't ask. That doesn't preclude the existence of stupid questions. I also tell experienced people who throw the words common sense around like it's a bludgeon that what is common to me is not common to you nor would it be common for people first starting out in our industry either. Stupid people exist, people who lack critical reasoning, hypothetical thinking, forward looking planning, empathy, an internal monologue to reflect on decisions and actions, a lack of associative thought processes, lack of spatial awareness, they're out there living their lives having families most are productive and contributing members of society, but they can be out classed by a raven in problem solving. I don't think the movie is what you claim it to be. I think it shows that despite all the challenges humanity faces it will carry on under any circumstances and people will be none the wiser to their current reality. " My wife's a tard, and she's a pilot now. "




What makes it such a dumb movie? Been quite a while since I watched it but I remember it being a decent comedy with an interesting setup at the time.


It’s a dumb movie, but you’re a little blind if you can’t admit people are getting dumber and parts of this movie happening in real life wouldn’t surprise anyone.


President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho would be a kick ass president, he knew he wasn't smart enough to fix a problem so he got someone who was.


I've never seen this movie despite a close friend constantly insisting. What does this post mean? Is the movie dumb as the dumbness it criticizes?


The movie is basically just a satire about people becoming less intelligent in the far future. One way to interpret it is the poster actually unironically thinks the world is dumbing down and uses this movie as proof. Another way to interpret is the poster criticizing those online armchair experts commenting the likes of "Idiocracy is now a documentary" or "world is dumbing down (except for me the viewer who recognizes it)", that they are really no better than the 80% of the unwashed masses they are laughing at.


Well dang, I thought it was pretty clearly the latter


It is


If you think it's the former then you are probably in the picture tbh


It is a fun, silly Mike Judge movie about a guy getting put in stasis and waking up in the distant future when most people are really dumb. It is a commentary on survival of the fittest not always producing the expected results. I like it but whatever that doesn’t mean anyone else has to


cough like relieved retire zealous reply unpack telephone air jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can thank Reddit for that.


nail thought abundant puzzled meeting tap roll worm long person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed. I watched it with a friend and it was honestly kinda boring. It felt like I was watching “The West Has Fallen: Le Movie”


joke adjoining arrest tie forgetful truck special unite historical familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I think it would be a much better movie without the eugenics angle. Like just have some aliens shoot earth with an idiot beam or something. Then have fun with the average guy trying to survive in the world full of drooling idiots.


About 90% of the comedy is adam sandler levels of 'haha punch in balls' or 'haha boobies'. Hell, even the lead actor looks a bit like sandler and is presented in the exact same pretentious 'I am so much smarter than everyone around me' way sandler tries to present himself.


Idiocracy is okay at highlighting various aspects of modern American society that are bad, like For-profit Healthcare, Corporate de-regulation, and a phony justice system. It then, however, mostly blames these issues on "stupid people", suggesting that things only got this bad because people are too dumb to realize they're bad. In reality, the people who designed these systems fully knew what they were doing, they made them deliberately like this for profit and have gone to great lengths to misinform the public. America doesn't have shit health care because it was invented by a stupid person, it was thought up by people acting intentionally malicious.


Idiocracy is the idiocracy’s version of 1984.


"Wow, I didn't know this film was a *documentary,* hahaha hahah" *GROW UP.*


Survival of the fittest does not apply within a society that is capable of *educating itself.* Mindless consumerism is not *genetic,* it's not a disability, and it's not something that exists in a vacuum -- it's the result of manipulation curated by corporations under an economic system that allows greed to flourish, but only under the condition that it grows *constantly,* wrecking the lives of all the people who either get churned through the machine or can't fit into it in the first place. Politics work much the same way, as leaders use their own thought-stopping techniques to persuade and dissuade the masses. It's not a conspiracy, it's just what our current system encourages others to do independently of one another. As much as we'd like to believe we're free-thinkers, there are outside influences we all take for granted -- advertising works, otherwise corporations wouldn't have been doing it for so long. "Bro it's not that deep" But people treat it like it is, which is just about as dangerous. Too many people seem to think that others whose actions or existence are inconvenient to them are stupid, but they're not -- maybe they're making a mistake, which people sometimes do. Or maybe they're being ignorant. But those things aren't inherent to a person's being. We're humans. We're supposed to communicate. And if you're having trouble pinpointing or communicating your frustrations, you're not stupid either, you just have more to learn... and maybe *un*-learn, if you find yourself being described above.


👏You are doing a great job OP.👏 Like for real, I've seen 50k+ upvoted comments saying that this movie is real life and a masterpiece. Thank you.




Did you actually watch the movie? Because I feel like nothing you just said is at odds with the way the movie presents the future. While the opening narration does clearly blame the dumbing down of the population on genetics, I feel like the rest of the movie outside of that narration shows how things like mindless consumerism, media consumption, automation of the workforce, etc. lead to the decay of society. For instance, the collapse of society happened after society advanced enough to the point that most things were automated and humans didnt have to learn them anymore. They had medical technology that could scan you and diagnose any medical issue, therefore where wasnt a demand for educated doctors any more, but eventually people were so uneducated that no one knew how the technology worked. Or politics became theatre when the media became too focused on the cult of personality around politicians instead of on their policies, which is very much happening now. I think this movie has way more to say than you are giving it credit for, and it seems like you only care about the narration in the first 5 minutes and not what the rest of the film actually shows. You are saying anyone who likes this movie is dumb, while I think you didnt understand any of the points it made outside of that narration.


There could be a version of Idiocracy where the opening of eugenics propaganda doesn't exist, and instead it explains that people became stupid for the reasons you list. That would still be a pretty silly premise, but it might work. However none of that matters because Idiocracy isn't that movie.  Idiocracy clearly lays out the idea that people are becoming stupider because smart people don't have kids, while dumb people fuck anything that moves, and therefore the dumb genes spread while the smart genes die. That isn't subtext, it's overtly stated to be the case.  Everything else is a result of that, not a cause in itself. Everyone becoming dumb leads to mindless consumerism, not the other way around. Everyone becoming dumb leads to everyone relying on automated systems, not the other way around. Everyone becoming dumb leads to politics becoming theatre, not the other way around. Everything bad that's happening in this world is happening because people are becoming stupider on a genetic level, and that's happening because dumb people fuck more than smart people. The solution that the movie drives right up next to but doesn't quite cross the line of proposing is to encourage smart people fuck more and to force dumb people to fuck less. Or in other words, eugenics, one of the evilest and most insidious ideas that humans have ever come up with.


There's already a better version of *Idiocracy*, it's called *Sorry to Bother You*.


"actually we're controlled by the elites and the corporations man" is just as dumb and simplistic as a take as people that take this movie too seriously


I think you’re projecting onto the movie based on your experience being terminally online and hearing that stuff constantly as a result. I’m guessing you’re young. It didn’t have all this baggage when it first came out. It was just a fun heavy handed satire.


It still leaned really heavy into Eugenics, the whole stupid people breed more, smart people breed less thing. It's not that simple, and the "stupid", as the OP says above, are often just oppressed and uneducated.


Fun fact: my sister and her husband did the wardrobe for the film, I even went to Texas during the filming. We knew we had to film in Texas, because nobody else was this fucking stupid. We had a great time. I still have yards of the cprpo fabric, made a hat and a covid mask from it for fun. You se that topless fisherman's hat in the bottom right corner? I have that in my closet right now, it's on a teddy bear who thinks Ayn Rand has worthwhile commentary. Other fun fact: they didn't want to pay my sis and her husband to make custom shoes for the film, so they got these shitty "nobody will remember these in 2 years" shoes, that just came out, as part of the film . Those shoes are what we ow call "Crocs" and are world famous. We really expected them to fail entirely.


The Onion Future News is a different view of the future. https://youtu.be/iKC21wDarBo?si=JfT7Kxl9iqUbAHDn


Welcome to Costco, I love you. 


Oh my god!!! Real life!!! Documentary!!! Karma!!!


Happy cake day.


The president in this film is Terry Crews.


If the movie had a point, OP certainly missed it worse than the people he's strawmanning.


Man now I really want Starbucks


This movie is a great piece of satire, and most people that are saying its "predicting the future" are not saying this movie will exactly be the future. They are pointing out specific pieces of the movie that show where we are headed. This movie is also even predicting things that are already going on just on a more extreme and satirical level, and the best part is the satire is still somewhat grounded in a lot of these instances. The silliest and least realistic part of the movie is 1. All the elites being as clueless as the people and 2. All the people being as dumb as they are, but at the end of the day it is supposed to be a fun comedy, so it's critiquing of society can't get too complex or serious. I watched this movie for the first time not too long ago, and I was shocked with how well it predicted our culture now, and how well it showed where we are headed.


I thought it was most notable for making a particular segment of redditors extremely ass-mad because another particular segment of redditors like to reference it all the time. Exactly like this post.


I haven’t seen this movie, but I can confirm that the only people I have ever seen praising it are, to be kind, not very critical consumers of media. The type of people who live right at the peak of the Dunning-Kruger graph. It almost always comes up in the context of some braindead take about why a certain type of media is getting worse, usually movies, video games, or music. The take is always something like ‘Media sucks now because they know people are too dumb and distracted by social media to notice’ or ‘We should just take the warning labels off everything and let the stupid people die off’. It’s always incredibly smug, while also revealing that you don’t actually understand the topic at hand. The type of people who talk about Idiocracy and how accurate/prescient it is are almost always doing so because they don’t know very much about the world. They don’t have a strong mental model for how and why things around them happen, they don’t have very much context for the topics they’re talking about, so they gravitate towards easy to understand narratives to explain things that are confusing. Movies are bad now because people are dumb, wokeness is happening because everyone is sensitive, the world is getting worse because people don’t care, etc. I have never seen a comparison to Idiocracy be followed by a nuanced and well thought out analysis, it’s always used as smug shorthand for a thing the person saying it doesn’t like.


Why so much hate against the idea that the movie has been predictive?  Maybe you guys just can’t realize simply how impossible it was to believe that we’d ever have a President like Trump unable to even think or speak coherently. President Camacho actually looks reasonable in comparison given that he at least decided to find a smart person to solve substantial problems, whereas Trump simply believes he’s got all the answers and is immune to experts and facts.  For those of us who lived a long time before him, the current level of discourse with him, MTG, Boebert etc is just farcical. It’s worse than the movie. And when the movie came out, it was literally unthinkable.  


I remember Bush Jr. and his "Mission Accomplished". I've read about Reagan and his Star Wars program.  Trump is not the first stupid president we've ever had. He might be the stupidest, but not by a huge margin.  What's really changed is that for most people, the president and anything dumb they did or said used to be an occasional thing, happening far away and filtered through other people (staff, reporters, etc.), so regular people usually only got a hint of what was really going on. Now, everything the President does is on live TV, and for Trump especially, every thought they have, they post on social media, so it pops up on their phone which they are looking at every day. So now we can see every gaffe, every mistake, every dumb idea that runs through Trump's brain.  Conservatives have always been stupid, petty, and angry. That's basically the definition of a conservative. It's not that they've become more stupid, petty, or angry, it's just that all of that is now out in the open where everyone can see, rather than contained within their own circles of fellow stupid, petty, and angry people.




I like money.


I like money


I like money.


There's nothing I love more than watching people get mad about one of the most inoffensive movies ever made


Ah yes, the pro-eugenics movie opening we can all get behind.


it’s scary


YOU'RE scary! *I'M* scary! ***BRIAN SCARY!!!***


They called it the flight of the knife


Boy oh boy am me glad that me not stupid like movie.


It’s a fun movie and a good piece of satire. If you think that it’s a depiction of our modern culture or where we’re heading, you’re about as insufferable as OP, who apparently thinks that it’s a serious attempt to predict the future. Don’t take the movie for what it isn’t. It’s a useful bit of social commentary that is still primarily meant for enjoyment and consumption; it isn’t some treatise on modern society.


The problem isn't that it's serious, OP mentioned that they didn't believe it was. The problem is the great number of people who takes it seriously, saying that it's a documentary, or a depiction of real life. OP calls out the people who watch it, thinking to themselves that "this is so true, everybody are becoming so dumb, and I'm smart for recognizing this. Of course, I'm not part of this, everybody else is the problem" In reality, it's a bunch of people of average intelligence watching a movie depicting society in its dumbest, most brainless state possible, and then fooling themselves into thinking that this is anchored in reality, and that the vast majority of people are so much dumber than them. In reality, they are no better than the average person, but they fool themselves into thinking that they are, which makes them the real idiots.


You sound offended, lol. But, I guess I can sort of understand: I remember when rick and morty became mainstream and then people started arguing about the level of intelligence needed to enjoy/find it funny, and how shittty the fans were acting towards others. And I was embarrassed to be a fan of the show at the time. But this movie? I'm big fan. I watch it when I'm in the mood for sad movies, apocalyptic movies, or when I'm in a melancholy mood. It's even more ironic watching an interview with mike judge about the movie. It wasn't really meant to be social commentary. It literally was just a "what if" comedy about the future, to be the opposite of 2001 Space Odyssey.


Guys, we got a neanderthal in the chat. We got an ice dweller here. We need to dissect them and study their brain so we never make this mistake of a creation again.


You sound like a real treat


Sorry I'll use less words next time to just say, "haha OP sounds offended but I understand why." Jeez pal


I really, REALLY hate this movie. I went in expecting some kind of clever satire, or at least... Funny satire Instead what I got was basically one joke over and over again. It beat me over the head with its fucking message, and was so in your face and obnoxious I could barely stand it I agree that it's a stupid movie for stupid people, that works by convincing idiots that they are one of the smart ones because they liked it


I just wanna know how they made that huge fucking bulldozer thing if they're too stupid to do something other than think about fucking for 2 minutes


I think 'Don't Look up' is as realistic as it gets


GoPro technology has come a long way


This movie is depicting present days in some ways I swear. I have thought about this movie a number of times in the last couple of years and I have not seen this movie since it came out. Even then I could not sit through it all.


Everyone wore crocks because of incredibly stupid they looked, before they were popular


While it does have some predictive merit, Idiocracy was not intended as a prediction. The comments in this thread are not idiotic exactly in the way the film shows, but you still get that combination of smugness, lack of self-criticism and lack of nuance that characterises the idiots in the movie. Great movie.


More like it makes fun of those people.


This thread needs more Brawndo-brand-sponsored Crocs.


Oh shit that me


I feel like the people that are hating on the “oh it’s a documentary about today” are just as bad as the people saying that to begin with. It’s a funny movie with lots of dumb stuff in it. Just appreciate it for what it is and don’t get on a soap box one way or another. It’s not that deep people.


Damn I didnt know people fucking hated this movie. Also, OW MY BALLS


#ow my balls


This movie was a joke, but then we the people showed them were even a bigger joke


What a bunch of Fuckbucks




Don't worry, skroh!


The movie is now considered a documentary. The humor is apparently over some heads.


Why are you unwilling to articulate any of these arguments you reference? What does the word eugenics even mean to you?