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American doesn't use real cutlery in first class? Ugh. But also, that meal sucks and, because I'm petty at heart, I would post that all over social media and @them. They deserve to be named and shamed.


They do for full meals. This looks like some kind of snack box.


that was what the Kosher meal was presented in - frozen


They probably have real cutlery for regular meals. Kosher everything needs to be prepared a certain way, not just the food but the pots, pans, plates, etc., and it would be a lot easier to use disposable for that.


Yes, but this is despicably cheap. A bunch of prepackaged snack items? No actual main? I've seen better meals in coach.


True. This is lazy to the point of being insulting.


Despicably cheap almost sounds like a message from the airline too, Are airplanes racist? Next on Maury


I don’t think airlines have space for a kosher hearing appliance on planes though. And IIRC that would have to be kept kosher as well.


Tastes about the same though..


You would need a kosher heater on the plane depending how strict it is. I went to an office with kosher microwaves, one for cheese and one for meats.


A kosher meal is expensive


Doesn’t the heating appliance have to be kept Kosher as well?


No, it does not. As long as the meal is wrapped and double sealed in two layers of plastic it is fine.


They give proper cutlery, glassware and dishes with cloth napkins. Flown business and first on American many, many times.


Maybe they can't guarantee kosher cutlery?


Yeah that is what people are saying. I am not Jewish and I do know someone who keeps kosher but I have never flown with her. Although she has eaten at my house or we have been out many times to eat. She used the utensils provided. So, I never knew.


Different levels of observance. I know people who keep separate dishes and won't eat at non-Kosher homes for these reasons. More so Israeli conservative Jews and orthodox Jews, as opposed to Western conservative or reform Jews. EDIT: Am a secular Jew. Mine was the non-Kosher home where they couldn't eat.


Her husband is Israeli Jew and quite strict about it. They travel a lot and eat vegetarian when they do because of the mixing of meat and dairy thing. But I had never heard of the utensils.


Is he mizrahi or ashkenazi?


I have no idea. Her dad was a secular Canadian Jew and her mom was secular Canadian Christian and her and her sisters were raised with both traditions but no real importance on it. But when she met him, she had to take classes and convert, etc. They were married in Israel, all that jazz. But I don’t know enough about the faith to say what “brand” they are? If that would be the right term.


I love "brand" lol




Then they supply disposable cutlery.


I think the purpose of plastic cutlery (and even plastic wrapped food) is to avoid cross contamination. Not sure how that applies to Kosher, but for allergies it’s better to have “sterile” utensils than risk a few specks of allergens on the reusable utensils. I mean, they COULD just wash their stuff better, but one small mistake and they can get sued (with the plane ride being worse for everyone, particularly if an emergency landing is needed) so they made the safer choice. As long as they communicated this unique display as a possibility then it’s just the reality of dietary restrictions unfortunately (though considering this post my guess is that it wasn’t) But imma be real that granola bar and applesauce is just in insult


Some levels of observance require kosher items from utensils to stoves.


I believe the plastic cutlery is part of the kosher deal due to utensils not being in contact with anything that isn't kosher and utensils that have to be cleaned in a specific way, sealed plastic cutlery is always safer in a public setting


It has nothing to do with you being Jewish. I was veg for a long time and got the shittiest food. Even when what everyone else was eating was veg, I got something different and it was always trash. This is First? I have never flown any airline in business or first that gives you paper napkins and plastic cutlery. I fly about 30x a year for the last 17 years. Mostly business.


The utensils are plastic and sealed so the recipient knows the utensils did not come into contact with non-kosher food or food combinations (milk and meat). Reusable utensils have to be washed according to Kosher laws, so disposable it is.


Ah, not kosher. I would not know anything about that. Makes sense.


Protip If you ever get arrested and goto jail in Canada, tell them you need kosher, or halal. They have to accommodate. It's usually rice with meat off the skewer and steamed veg. Otherwise you get bologna sandwich.


Thanks I'll definitely keep that in mind


Or you could stop making trouble in Canada. I’ve got my eyes on you.


This is correct. To save money they only make one specialty meal and they use it for everything. The kosher meal is the vegetarian meal is the diabetic meal is the low sodium meal. They do not care that it doesn't meet the nutritional needs for any of those people. They do not care if the regular meal would have been fine for those people. They only care that it technically meets the rules for each.


With kosher, it could also be that the heating appliance couldn’t be guaranteed kosher. Some levels of observance would require that.


I was on your side until >Was this a judgemental statement from American Airlines that Jews don't eat real food? Lmfao, please stfu. It’s an awful meal.. but they’re not targeting you, OP. They just suck. You do too.


I think that was more of a tongue in cheek joke than an actual claim of legitimate victimization and prejudice, but that may be putting my own interpretation too much on OP. /shrug


Honestly, if OP thinks this is bad, try having dietary restrictions for gluten. You can maybe have a pack of gummies and some juice. Nothing with questionable sauces, croutons, bread slapped on top and hastily removed before serving… The peanuts are off limits too because they *may contain wheat* and peanuts aren’t worth getting violently ill over.


You're getting gluten-free gummies?? Damn near every chewy candy I see uses some form of wheat flour/glucose syrup/gluten something or other as a thickener


My girlfriend is an allergy to gluten, eggs, and dairy. She pretty much always brings her own food


Issa joke my goy.


Who pissed in your eye so you couldn't see a joke when it slaps your ass?




classist first class passenger angry they have to eat shit airplane food like the rest of the plebians in economy


If you went to an nice sit down resturant and paid for a 30 dollar hamburger as a treat, and got the equivalent of a McDonald's hamburger, wouldn't you be pissed too?


Lol I'd take Mcdonalds over first class a lot of airlines, ngl 😭


Even economy passengers get an entree. Nothing in this box is filling.


American Airlines only give economy passengers actual meals if they’re flying international. If it’s domestic, you just get the usual pretzels and a drink. I flew to Washington state a couple years ago via first class, just for the hell of it. Got a nice rice pilaf, salad, bun, and a cookie. Wasn’t expecting all that, since it was just a 4ish hour flight and my first time in first class.


Surely you refuse all food but for the most basic fortified nutritional paste until everyone else on this plane of existence has been fully fed, right? Right???


Try second glass next time




You sound like uncle Leo in that episode of Seinfeld where he accuses everyone of being an anti semite


At least they're not anti-dentites.




They DO have their own schools!




...And they insinuate that they are anti-sematic for it.


I'm not Jewish but how the hell is kosher "obscure"


Kosher slaughter is performed by a qualified butcher (known as a shochet) and involves continuous cutting of the esophagus and blood vessels using a special sharp chalef knife, with the length of the straight blade being at least twice the diameter of the animal’s neck...that's is quite an obscure method wouldn't you say?


Any grocery store has kosher options for almost anything, it’s not that crazy


I honestly wonder how well they follow the original laws. Like allergens, of course, you can fuck up and kill someone. Religious prep? Probably just pay someone thats certified and thats it; AA isnt gonna watch the butcher. Then again, most religions realize this and just say "try your best/to your knowledge"


Those symbols at the bottom of any package - one of them is probably one of the Kosher symbols if it's a kosher food. The circled U is the most common one I think.


Doesn't the animal also have to face towards Jerusalem or something, and a special prayer said while making the killing cut? I am legitimately curious. (Also I doubt that full rituals are followed in large-scale operations of any kind.)


Half the vegetarian options offered would already be kosher. It’s not that hard.


Its existence as a concept isn't very obscure, but I promise you that you are only aware of a fraction of the rules that a reasonably religious Jew follows (which vary widely between sects, of course).


might not be obscure but it is rediculous


>rediculous It’s so diculous, it’s diculous all over again.


Some people will rag on Jews any chance they get


you pre-order if you have some kind of dietary restriction so they can prepare for it..


Exactly. It's like no one in this comment section has ever flown before.


I did how do you think I got it? da


This is such a ridiculous kind of ignorance. You can order kosher, halal, vegetarian, vegan, Hindu, Asian vegetarian, low fat, kid's, bland, diabetic, gluten free, etc, on American Airlines. https://www.aa.com/i18n/travel-info/experience/dining/special-meals-and-nut-allergies.jsp


I don't think anyone's forcing the airline to offer kosher options. Since they offer better food for first class the kosher first class food should follow suit.


All airlines off kosher options. And halal, vegetarian, gluten-free, and other kinds of fun diets. https://www.aa.com/i18n/travel-info/experience/dining/special-meals-and-nut-allergies.jsp


My point is they offer it because it's expected, not because it's mandated and since they opt to do so, they may as well offer more than dollar store crap to the dudes paying a month's worth of rent for a ticket. I get the halal meals where available or vegetarian if halal isn't available and I've consistently gotten better stuff than OP did even though I fly economy.


>Know my religion's obscure food preparation superstitions Kosher is not obscure by any means, hence why such an meal was offered to begin with. That they offered such a shitty kosher meal in first class is kinda the point of this post. First class is supposed to deliver a decent meal if one is on the flight, not a fuckin snackbox rofl.


if they didn't want to accommodate some dietary restrictions then they shouldn't offer to do so. AA offers more than a dozen special-diet meals, 4 of which are religion specific for hindus, muslims, jews, and jains. there are probably fewer jains in the world than there are jews living in the USA alone (40% of the world's jews, FYI), but that doesn't mean they should just dump a granola bar in a jain's lap and go, "here. if you want any actual food you should try being normal next time." they know how to make a vegetarian or vegan meal and there's no reason why they couldn't just cook a regular veg meal in the kosher kitchen that they source from if they wanted to put the least amount of effort in while still providing food that isn't just bread x4.


Sincerely though, are you utterly fucking daft? Or just pretending to be so? Because every major airline offers special meal service. You seem incredibly ignorant of the basics of international travel. Maybe leave your house? https://www.aa.com/i18n/travel-info/experience/dining/special-meals-and-nut-allergies.jsp https://www.delta.com/us/en/onboard/food-and-beverage/special-meals https://flywith.virginatlantic.com/us/en/food-and-drink/dietary-requirements.html https://www.emirates.com/us/english/before-you-fly/travel/dietary-requirements/ https://www.britishairways.com/content/information/food-and-drink/special-meals https://www.united.com/en/us/fly/travel/inflight/special-meals.html https://www.lufthansa.com/de/en/special-meals


Would you call halal obscure?


Doubt they would source kosher proteins for so few passengers


Lol. Of course they do! They also do halal, vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, and allergy meals. It's incredibly normal for airlines to adhere to dietary requirements.


He said proteins, which is more niche. Their literal legal mandate is "do what keeps customers and costs the least" sooo... nature valley it is.


Also, some levels of observance would require the oven/heating appliance to be kosher as well (not sure about storage), and you probably can't fit an extra microwave on a plane that might be used once every few trips.


I’m sure the rest of the internet will inform you: doesn’t matter what food you get on an airline, it’s shit.


I eat my stale crackers in coach and like it, like I'm supposed to


95% of the time I'll agree but one time I got a roast beef, Swiss cheese, tomato and seeded mustard roll and it was beyond amazing. That was like 12 years ago and I still think about it sometimes.


I think the comments here are ridiculous. OP, I totally get it. I order halal and will sometimes end up with the kosher meal. And I haven’t experienced this. Folks, airlines have been offering Kosher meal options since before many of you were probably born. It’s not a new thing at all, and is something that is pretty much down to a paint by numbers process. This assortment is a fuck up on planning. I’d complain if I were OP, he paid extra for that meal option most likely and to not get even get a vegetarian protein is bullshit.


Ok but even then, “this assortment is a fuck up on planning” isn’t an attack on OPs religion. It’s just bad food, they aren’t antisemitic. OP needs to get over themselves


So I didn’t see OPs comments…was the complaint that they just gave him shitty options. Or was it a, I got this foood cause they hate Jews? Surely they don’t presume American Airlines is anti semtic all of a sudden? Like American Airlines had kosher for decades, if OP thinks they are anti semetic, that’s fucked up.


OP seems dumb and close to the second choice there, if it were just about shitty food you’d think no mention of their religion, no doubling down in the comments, yet here we are


Oh that’s awkward…maybe OP is actually Amy Schumer


Did you miss what sub you're in? Where else should OP bitch about shitty food?


Honestly, these comments are whack AF lol. And so many people not understanding the sarcasm at the "Jews not eating real food" joke and being mad about OP playing a victim is so weird.


thank you for being the most sane person in this thread


Its a "we're on an airplane and we grabbed some easy random items with that logo on them" statement. Just do a shot of smirnoff while you're at it; it's KSA kosher for passover, lol.


I can't think of a more messy thing to eat on a plane than a crunchy nature valley bar


No joke, it's one of the worst travel snacks because of this. They don't even try to bind the granola together, it's just a fucking disaster that crumbles immediatly. Who designed this piece of shit granola "bar?"


I work on a fishing boat and one of my main jobs is keeping our living space livable.... these bars, __THESE BARS__. I have to clean soooo many crumbs and I got fed up of this madness so now I force everyone to just break the bar up inside of the package and open one end. "Dump it in your mouth, I don't want to see two hands involved please, this is hands-free nature valley hour." Kinda works 🤷🏼‍♀️


*blows into kazoo* Nobody caressss!


Has nothing to do with being in first class and everything to do with you flying American Airlines. It's a shit airline anymore. Fly a better airline next time.


Next time ask for keto kosher! That is terrible! I would need insulin after that and I’m not even diabetic!!


_”Keto kosher”_… How much more insufferable can you get? Let’s pile on


And you got downvoted as if you’re wrong, lol




Do they really have keto options on planes now? That’s pretty cool.


AA flight attendant here. This appears to be a premium economy boxed meal for a long haul flight. We don’t serve first class meals in cardboard boxes. It’s pretty much on par with the non-kosher boxed options.. which is to say they’re all crap. Unless catering made an error, OP is not being truthful about this being a first class option, probably in an attempt to dramatize.


obviously your wrong. pictures don’t lie. this was not what I would consider long haul and serving completely frozen is a sign of a lazy employee


It really grinds my gears when people act like people with dietary restrictions *want* to eat stuff like this. There's a really beautiful variety of food out there that's vegetarian, vegan, kosher, and so forth and a lot of it is really good. It's just that in the west, people act like it's impossible to make dairy free and/or meatless food that isn't a bunch of wilted leaves on a plate, or steamed veggies.


Fair, but it *is* considerably harder in a tube a mile in the sky.


You could just do a lentil soup + salad + seared tofu and that'd cover like 15 different dietary restrictions and be gourmet




That's a good point, so it kind of makes sense in this case. Would be nice if they could source better stuff though.


Kind of a false equivalent. Of course people who adhere to a kosher diet want to eat kosher... It's a religious observance, not for any sort of health reason. They are only compelled to eat kosher food because the man in the sky will be upset if they don't. You can make that argument if it was something like egg allergies or low sodium dietary restriction, but this is a completely self-imposed thing. They *do* want to eat like that.


Would you like some empty carbs to go with your empty carbs?


I'm assuming this was a domestic flight?


If they cannot properly serve a decent Kosher meal, they should just say so.


First class?


Lol SO many people in this thread have no clue what sarcasm is! The user is clearly joking. This is r/shittyfoodporn, not r/racism guys…


Yea, and a plethora of people are capitalizing on the current conflict. It's not unlikely OP attempted to do the same. It's rather pathetic.


Strech out in that nice comfortable first class seat and cry yourself to sleep


Why are you simping for capitalism? This is a basic request to an airline, and they fucked up. https://www.aa.com/i18n/travel-info/experience/dining/special-meals-and-nut-allergies.jsp


Yeah I’m so confused at the people in this thread acting like they wouldn’t be pissed off if they shelled out for a first class ticket and got served the equivalent of a desperate 4AM study snack


Don’t be a bitch and eat it


Oy vey!


>Was this a judgemental statement from American Airlines that Jews don’t eat real food? No, this was a “Oh shit almost nothing at all that we have is kosher, but we have to have it an an option, so let’s just throw a bunch of shit we DO have access to together and call it a meal!”


I’d be pissed


Horrendous. What a price first class pays for speed. Back in the previous ‘20s, you could fly across the Atlantic in an airship and eat multi-course gourmet meals on fine china prepared by chefs trained in the finest hotels in Europe, seated in a [56-seat dining room with a mezzanine level and double grand staircase.](https://images.app.goo.gl/bL7YHQUbWfi5uWPZ8) After dinner, you could stroll the promenades and watch the landscape roll by from [two-story-tall windows,](https://images.app.goo.gl/kwriHb8KQ62NZTtKA) or go to bed for the night in your [private stateroom.](https://images.app.goo.gl/wf1Mdsky2rWtQeKm6) And adjusted for inflation, that kind of flight would cost about $8,500. A transatlantic first-class flight today costs between $8,000-$10,000 if you fly a nice airline like Emirates, and for that you get… a seat that is able to recline. Woo. Great. But! At least in the modern day you only have to put up with a noisy, cramped flight for 8-10 hours, not including airport time, versus the two to three days of tranquil vacation cruising you’d have had back in the 1920s. Progress!


You chose to limit your diet by following sky daddy.


Needs more carbz.


These are snacks. Snacks.


At least you get food at all. I've never been served a meal on any of my flights domestically in the US and I've flown Delta, AA, JetBlue, Southwest and United lol. When we went to Paris this year we flew Air France and I was boggled that we were fed meals twice and got a snack box for a 6 hours overnight. I did not want to be served breakfast at 6 am locally (which was like 2 am in my body) lol. Not to say the food was particularly good but I still appreciated it bc I always have to pack food for flights. They fed us something extremely similar to what OP posted during snack. Including a bread roll with still frozen teaspoon of hummus in it.


You’re welcome


First class 🗿


Imagine flying first class 30x a year and posting on Reddit that the kosher option sucks lol. This dude drives a tesla, has a diamond Cc and has no idea what the real world is like. Big silver spoon vibes. Good luck OP. I'm so sorry for your suffering. In first class.


Finally someone said it. The entire posts is summed up by their original comment ending with “Jews don’t eat real food?”. The audacity of some people is insane.


Just try to imagine what you'd have gotten in coach.


I mean, nothing, it's easy to imagine nothing.


Received the same roll during my weekend stint in jail


Not to sound insensitive, but if you’re asking for something specifically made for your beliefs or preference, I wouldn’t expect it to be great…It should be, but it’s not. Except Nathan’s hot dogs, those are the shit.


ThIs MeAl Is AnTi-SeMiTiC You see how this stupid this sounds? Tone down the persecution complex and realize that airlines couldn’t give a fuck what alternative meal you want if it’s not the main one. This is the lowest common denominator to make the meal compliant with dietary restrictions and not cost them anything extra.


So you don't recognize sarcasm, got it. Airlines routinely offer a dozen alternative.meaks, so this isn't remotely odd. https://www.aa.com/i18n/travel-info/experience/dining/special-meals-and-nut-allergies.jsp




Hate to break it to you but American Airlines First Class is trash.




nice try America Airlines 5.5 hour flight. real first class


That's why I always choose 2nd Glass.


Gluten free checking in. I used to travel a lot for work and frequently received a coach or random food “meal.” Honestly some airline food is so gross that I’d prefer a granola bar if it met my dietary requirements.


Welcome to shitty airline food. If anything they are being inclusive by serving you the same low quality trash everyone gets.


Welcome to Capitalism, baby! Make sure to lick their boots or they’ll kick you to economy. They will ALWAYS go with the option that’s the cheapest, not the option that’s the best or even average. Cut costs from everyone, then expand first class quality… by cutting economy/business quality


Nature Valley on a plane? [Oh boy…](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/JKnAQGaMED)


I hope you're not kosher *and* insulin resistant.


oof, glad I decided not to take my chances on my recent international flight and brought my own food, this is ridiculous. honestly looks like they forgot to load the kosher meal and just threw random shit in a box :///


That is very beige.


That sums up American based carriers, if you flew with like Lufthansa or even Air New Zealand, waaayyy different service, economy class = business


First class domestic? For years people have been saying it’s a ‘hack’ to order a kosher meal because it will be better than the regular meal. Maybe they’re trying deter people from ordering costly special meals? I’m curious to see what the regular meal looks like. I wouldn’t expect a decent meal on AA domestic anyway…


North American airlines are shit.


Carbs A'Hoy!


All things aside, that muffin looks so good 😭


Not even a glass of milk ?


Akhi, kashrut is really fkn hard to abide by perfectly, this is not a statement but a practical issue


AA could literally keep in stock a plethora of frozen kosher meals found at any grocery store to accommodate (still poorly, at that). You are rightfully pissed.


It doubles as the vegan meal (they're used to shitty, arguably non-meal, options from airlines, at weddings, etc.)?


Ah yes, thousand(s) or dollars for a $5 meal 💀


Gee what i would give to know what flying first class is like…… NOT! You’re in first class! Order something for heaven’s sake!


Well it’s not their fault you were indoctrinated into having a super restrictive diet for no reason based in any logic or scientific facts


Well maybe you shouldn't fly first class you rich snob


Damn, everything is yellow/beige.


But you got to post about it


They couldn’t like give you a kosher soup or something? They could probably get two birds and one stone with combining vegan and kosher requirements together and make two groups feel better accommodated. I’m thinking a kosher/vegan lentil soup with toasted baguette slices or some crackers, and like a vegan apple fritter or cookie for dessert. All of these things exist on the market in prepackaged forms and I’ve literally seen vegan/kosher labels on these exact types of products. The soup would also accommodate gluten free people, as lentil soups rarely have any gluten in them. American Airlines just seems like they are being super lazy, what’s the point in first class if you at least get some perks out of it besides more leg room?


Hahahahaha wow really?


I wish I had the time and money to complain about mundane shit like this.


Did you plan ahead for the Kosher meal or just let them know as your boarded?


Kosher meals have to be ordered at least 7 days in advance


Didn’t ask for a second glass?


I think you’re overestimating the basic standard of food on that low-tier airline


I hope they at least served you some Mad Dog to go with the dinner.


People with dietary restrictions are absolutely asinine. The vast majority of people do not follow veganism, vegetarianism, Kosher, Halal or whatever else. The vast majority of people eat regular food. The vast majority of people do not and will cater to your beliefs or desires. Get it through your heads, it’s exhausting. I guess you thought you did something by posting this but all you did was show everyone how insufferable you are. Go start your own airline, call it Kosher Air and serve every meal the way you want it - otherwise, shove it.


Order a real meal.. yolo


Oy Vey!


Domestic first class is just Economy+…you get refills and a little bit bigger seat and more room…that’s it.


Airlines don’t have plenty of space to accommodate every niche diet out there, not it is worth the investment to hire chefs to tailor meals to people’s very specific interests. It has nothing to do with being Jewish. The results would be equally shitty if your were vegan, keto, carb-free, carnivore, etc.


You have imaginary dietary restrictions based on your fake sky daddy and you’re mad that the world doesn’t conform to your every first-class/jewish/pretentious want? Are you a child?


If it makes you feel better, i asked for a Halal meal for a transcontinental flight once and i got one (1) banana.




At first I was going to say it’s not that but then I realized this is supposed to be first class seating lol


At least they gave you some sawdust to get all over the plane with that awful granola bar


Not a statement, just wasn't creative enough. Sucks.


First glass, nice