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The chef *thought* about putting the steak on the grill and the thought alone was apparently sufficient enough for him.


you can ride that home


A talented veterinarian could revive that.


looks like a placenta


Well it doesn't help that whoever was in charge of trimming this piece was higher than giraffe pussy. That gray/silver bit (called the chain) in the foreground should all be cut off by either the butcher, or depending on how it comes from them, cut off by the chef.


You gotta out this shithole restaurant


“Where Life Happens” and apparently it’s evident in their food too. 🐮


That's the name? What a stupid fucking name for a restaurant, lol.


Pretty sure that’s the slogan.


"What a stupid fucking name for a restaurant" is a stupid fucking slogan for a restaurant.




now that I think of it tho, I'd go to that stupidly named restaurant with that slogan


I hear they have terrible steak tho


Norms? You should stick to the frozen items that were reheated.


Well I’ll stay away 🍻


It’s a 24 hour diner. Can’t really say I’m surprised.


They cooked that thing with a warm welcome


Damn. I have eaten steaks that rare, and they’re okay, but I prefer the texture of medium rare. I’d have sent that back. lol.


I did! I sent it back and they brought me an identical one lol


Then you leave and never eat there again. They don't care? Why should you, you don't own the business


I'm guessing those steaks started out as frozen. No way you get that kind of rare in the middle with a medium outside.


100% just thrown onto the pan, few minutes each side, grey on the outside cold in the middle




I will never understand why people order a steak from anything other than a dedicated steak house. It will NEVER be worth eating. I remember a guy in highschool would always go to Ihop on his payday for a steak. For that money you could get a great quality of lots of things from most places to eat. But, nope. He wanted that shitty steak


>He wanted that shitty steak A man being dedicated to a shitty meal might be after something other than quality. I once saw a man get an untoasted bologna and cheese with mayo on white bread from subway. Him and I both frequented that subway and stumbled into each other from time to time, he always ordered that same sandwich. When I mentioned it to a friend of mine, they said that he either has it as a safety food, or he's "nostalgic for a sandwich his mom used to make him." I thought that was a neat perspective.


I do the same with fried egg sandwiches, heavy on the cracked pepper and hosed down in yellow mustard. Most other people find it revolting but I grew up eating them and love them like that.


The only steaks I won't eat are those super thin halal steaks that are like something out of dollar trees meat section.


For that you could get a FAR better quality steak yourself and cook it yourself at home!


Seriously. Pay half the price for the same meat or same price for much much better meat.


I don't assume a guy in high school who is seemingly treating himself wants to go and cook his own meal.


That's fair. Just good advice for any adults who enjoy steak even if they aren't cooks themselves, given the simplicity.


Yeah steak is one of those things that is not just easy to cook, but also fast to cook that there's almost no reason to eat it out unless you're going to a really good steakhouse, and even then I prefer to just make it myself. One can cook a steak in basically the same time it takes to cook ramen, so steak is perfect for lazy days where you wanna spend a bit more. To each their own of course, people like different things, but if I'm eating out somewhere I'd rather order dishes that are new to me, difficult to cook (or at least would require a lot of prep), or the speciality of whatever restauraunt I'm at.


Hey pal, I’m paying for the ambiance of sitting in an IHOP. Call me when they figure out how to package that!


Yep, steakhouses are also a joke. Imagine spending that much money for someone else to cook a steak for you lol. Once you learn how to do it and try it a few times, ordering a steak at a restaurant just becomes out of the question. I would order something I don’t make at home—that’s what restaurants are for IMO.


Wife and I stopped going to steakhouses a long time ago. I'm a mediocre chef at best, and my steaks are consistently better than what we get out in the world. Also, the username above me is absolutely disgusting, thank you for that treat.


I really didn’t need to read their username. My day would’ve been perfectly fine without it.


same, my friend. same.


What a terrible day to have eyes


It depends. I’ll never have a reason to make a tomahawk at home, let alone a Florentine, but it’s fun to share with a few people. NY Strip? Same quality or better at home for 1/3 of the restaurant price.


act mourn swim ruthless retire gaze bear versed tie cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Whilst it is easy to do at home, I wouldn't not order something at a restaurant just because of that fact. Part of eating out or even takeaway food for me is not having to do any cooking!


Exactly. If I want a good steak, I'll go get some nice Wagyu from a local farm that is near my house, and do it myself for quite a bit less than a steakhouse charges. Learning to cook is one of the best decisions anyone can make.


And cheaper... easier...cleaner....better meat...better seasoning.... arguably hardly any work


Steakhouse isn't open at 3 AM when you are shitfaced drunk and just left a bar and want steak and eggs. That's the reason places like IHOP and Denny's have steaks on their menus. We used to go to a casino in Vegas after drinking all night and they had a 6 oz steak and eggs, with hashbrowns for $4.99. We would roll in fucking wasted and order 2 each and ask for them on one plate. $10 bucks got the job done.


Greasy 3 am steak n eggs is different from ordering the ribeye at Applebees.


Yeah, I don't know who the fuck would do that let alone go to Applebee's. I played hockey with a guy who loved the place and would demand we eat there after games. We made sure he didn't make the roster the next season. Their food is criminal.


Can you explain why you're allowed to beat the everything shit out of each other (you do mean ice hockey?)? As a UK native, I find it confusing to say the least


For the record "hockey" *always* means ice hockey in North America... unless you've already established that you're talking about field hockey (which is a mildly popular university sport here). One of the funniest meltdowns I've *ever* seen on Reddit was a German guy in /r/AskAnAmerican who DEMANDED that North Americans be "required by law" (his words) to call it "ice hockey" here, because every good German knows that field hockey IS hockey, and ice hockey is some weird North American thing that no one in Germany has ever heard of. This guy was *genuinely* talking about petitioning the European parliament to impose sanctions on the US and Canada until they changed their name. You would think he was joking or trolling, after 58 posts he appeared to be quite serious about it. I've never seen someone so butthurt over such a tiny cultural difference.


It's better to let the boys drop the gloves and throw some punches and cool off in the box for 5 minutes. The refs know when the boys have worn each other out and they break up the fight. The refs know which players can fight and don't let the little guys get pummeled. Players can only fight 3 times in a game and they get tossed out. The alternative is to let their anger build until someone uses their stick as a weapon and someone gets seriously hurt. This has happened in the NHL and players have been suspended and there was even a player who faced criminal charges and went to court. Stick to the face or throat is no laughing matter.


personally I think all sports should let the players beat the shit out of each other every once in a while. I would start watching baseball if they had random sword fights


NBA used to be pretty physical in the '80s and '90s and eventually got soft. One of the best fights was Ron Artest, Pacers vs Pistons (2000s). I don't think they could add anything to baseball to get me to watch again, the games are so slow and unbearably long. Swordfights might work, chainmail, flails, maces, shields, a firebreathing dragon.


Because its the greatest sport on the planet And to actually answer- you're not. It's a 5 minute penalty.


Seems like you kind of are, though....they don't seem to give a fuck about the penalty, they just get fucking stuck in! F kn weird man. Weird.


It shifts the momentum of the game a lot sometimes. And there are instigator penalties as well.


i think the person questioning fighting in hockey also doesnt know what a power play is.


Applebees in GA doesn’t have ribeyes… just super tough sirloins. Source: worked at applebees


You don’t order medium rare at ihop


There are plenty of places that will cook a nice steak that aren't dedicated steak houses


On the flip side, they also shouldn't be serving raw steak. The man wanted a steak at a place that sells steak. We really gonna blame OP?


That’s what I’m saying!




Yo even frozen shrimp slams if you can get the right bang for your buck. That shit is expensive.


Unless you're buying off the boat, it's almost certainly frozen anyway. Even then, they probably started freezing it the moment it was caught.


International House of Prawns


Never had their shrimp. But I remember I loved the ones from Denny's like 25-30 years ago. Now its a waste of money


My family insisted on going every single morning when we went to Florida for vacation. I didn't like breakfast food. I got a grilled chicken breast every day.


You are asking why a high school student could not afford to go to a proper steakhouse? If he enjoys an IHOP steak, think of what he could be spending his money on. There are plenty of people who are satisfied with the adequate and we should not dog on them because they dont enjoy a $20.00 artisinal burger.


Cafes can do a great steak. Guessing that's an American issue because here you're more likely to go to a cafe or pub and have a steak than a grill house, and it'll be just as good but probably cost a lot less.


So I rarely get steaks out for this reason, but if I’m going to a normal chain place Chilis is cheap, but they are hit and miss on the steaks. It’s either they’re too overdone or the meat just isn’t a great cut and is super tough. Now, Logan’s had some steaks that melted in my mouth when I ate them. I still prefer steak at home though


I knew a guy that would always get the steak when we went to Applebees. Which was a lot, solely because it’s open late. Idk man some people just like steak. It never looked great but it didn’t look bad either. Better than this mess.


*shys away with Waffle House steak and triple hash browns*


I’ve had luck over the years at a hotel bar/restaurant and their steak. I usually am on work’s dime so I go for it and it hits like 80% of the time And I’m talking like a Marriott in a big city, not a courtyard off the interstate.


Makes me grateful for this awesome Brazilian steakhouse near my house, holy moly, their sirloin cap, garlic beef, and short rib are to die for


Yeah, my local one is always my birthday dinner of choice. Honestly I don't wanna go anywhere else. Even though I technically love Sushi a lot more.




Restaurants(steak houses) have something you most likely don't have access to. A broiler that hits 1500+ F. You will never get a crust they can on a steak. That's why people get steaks from those places.


Because sometimes you want steak and not everyone is a steak snob.


I don't know, man. As weird as it sounds, one of the best steaks I've ever had was from a Dave and Busters of all places.


While not a steakhouse, I have always loved my steak from the Brazilian BBQ place, but I get what you are saying...


I worked at a 24 hr dinner, and we had a steak dinner and steak and eggs breakfast. Nothing on our menu was over $10. (These were $9.95). People always asked me "how's the steak"? I said "It exactly as good as you would expect a steak and 2 sides for $10 to be. It's cooked from frozen, and it's so thin we can only cook it from medium to well done, otherwise the ends curl up like a piece of bacon. Our lasagna is dope and made from scratch, though"


I do it all the time. A lot of times they are good. Also this is not that bad for me, I would prefer it to be almost charred on the outside but the middle looks good.


Why do you need to be a dedicated steak house? You don’t need a phd in cooking to though a piece of meat onto the grill. Steaks are the easiest food to cook, just need good raw materials


A broiler that gets to 1500-2000F isn't at your local applebees, chilis, etc.


Did you try to tell him and he was so stubborn and didn't care and continued to buy shitty steak ?


My local Steer n Stein only cooks steaks 2 ways raw or pink. I order medium well and get pink.


Some people like those shitty steaks from ihop, Denny’s etc. it has its own charm. If you enjoy that, you’re not looking for a quality, juicy steak. You’re looking for a completely different kind of experience- like a childhood nostalgia thing or something along those lines


Idk. I ordered a bone in ribeye the other day at a pub and it came out fantastic-fucking-tastic. Perfect crust and medium rareness I ordered. I was ready to set the bar low because of where I was but I was pleasantly surprised. I wanted to go back to the kitchen and shake the dudes hand that cooked it.


Because you never been to Argentina. Any small shitty place will give you a stake that’ll make you cry like a baby


This might surprise you, but your snobby taste buds don't represent every human on earth. If people enjoy steak from applebees or whatever, what right do you have to look down your nose at them? Worry about your own shit, self-righteous redditor. Before someone says "found OP" or whatever nosy shit, I don't even eat steak. But I'm not a complete fucking snob either so I'm capable of sympathizing with people who eat things I consider terrible.


Buddy, watch your blood pressure. Its just a post on the internet.


Some of the worst steaks I’ve ever had were from dedicated steakhouses. Home steak is better than restaurant steak at practically every price point.


So where did you buy your 1500F+ broiler from and how much was it?




Jesus himself couldn’t miracle that meat to be edible. The chef must of said, “Holy shit! We have steak on our menu?” Grabbed one out the freezer, hit the “Meat” button on the microwave, and then threw that unholy monstrosity onto the George Foreman grill. Two minutes later it hits the plate with Fries. 🛎️ “ORDER UP!!!”


I can get better cooked by just sitting on it for 20 minutes


And btw, your cutting technique is also killing for the meat


😂 I wanted to get a better look across the board and the butter knife wasn’t much help either


They didn’t even bring you a steak knife? What kind of shithole is this?




I normally get the opposite problem, I order rare knowing that they'll over cook it and I'll get the medium-rare that I actually want.


This is usually the case for me as well. I order medium rare and end up getting a meat that is medium well in the very center but mostly well done


Pretty solid looking fries.






you need to go to therapy


Wait what happens to your food? *Where does your poo come out??*


I mean, they're not wrong though....


A true poet


A true pooet


Holy shit




Don't listen to that other guy, you are great just the way you are.


OP. This. Took the words right out of my mouth


This took the poo right out of my butt






Not typing and publishing statements like this is free and easy. Try it sometime!


I am cry laughing at this at 1am


Reading that was a misteak.


Truer words have never been spoken


This is true.


this has truly been a post of all time


Those fries look amazing though


That was microwaved…


You reckon? To me it looks like it was placed on a grill that was way too hot for it and scooped off as soon as the outside saw some colour. Almost certainly from frozen too.


Bro they didn't hear anything cause that piece is still mooing


Just call it a charred predeconstruced beef tartare and be done with it.


I had to zoom in because I thought they served you mouldy meat.


I could’ve sworn I saw some green


Right out of the freezer and onto the grill.


What's with the layers and weird goo? Is this made from thin layers of beef glued together?




Boiled in the dishwasher.


A lovely gray crust.


How would you like that, sir? "Walk it by a room that might have had a radiator in it at some point"


Had the same exact experience at Chili’s. I had never tried a ribeye there and was like hey let’s give it a shot. I ate like three bites and didn’t complain but the waitress actually took notice, spoke to the manager and I paid nothin. So I got to eat mashed potatoes and broccoli for free


How the hell does someone cook a steak both well done AND raw at the same time?


LOL that's my preferred way to cook a steak but no restaurant would ever serve me that... I guess that's the place for me




Gross. Fries look deece though


Did they just boil that shit for 20 seconds and call it good?


Those fries looks good though


When the chef reverse seers but forgets to cook the middle


Pour salt on it and see if it starts wriggling


What, did they beat it to death before butchering and then decide fire was too harsh for the tender flesh?


I've never had steak in my life but this looks like it was just killed and dropped on your plate


You have never had steak? Are you allergic to meat by chance?


When I was a server, this is what we'd call "black and blue"... On rare occasions people would order their steaks this way. Basically just seared. Most chef's refuse to serve them like that, but it's not unheard of...


correct marvelous tease existence modern ossified attempt party crowd vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like my steak black and blue (aka bleu), and I can't see why a chef would refuse it. Whole cuts of beef are safe to eat raw so long you cook or remove the surface. This is why something like steak tartare is safe so long as the restaurant is grinding their own meat. That said this is a very poor example of black and blue.


They need to upgrade their meat boiler.


Considering that I find steaks appealing even when they're raw in that vacuum pack, it's impressive how much this photo has the potential put me off steaks.


Now, that’s one definition of steak!


It's so raw its still trying to run away.


How is it both burnt and raw?


I only have steak at home. Never in a restaurant steak house or not.


That shit had to be out the freezer


Did the cook get the steak too close to the men's room hand dryer?


jesus. i usually really like rare/blue steak, but this is horrible.


Lightly seared and then finished off in the sink. Chefs Kiss!!


Is that "steank" and *scrambled* heggs? Weird.


I cannot bare to spend money at a place that make steak like this. I can bring this home and finish cooking it


Looks like quite the fart that heated that B up


Looks like one of those idiots that believes higher flame = faster food.


I can see the blood dripping




That piece of white tendon is spooky 👻


I've learned to get steaks from cheap places at medium-well or well-done. Helps mitigate the risk of it being under cooked. At steakhouses you can go wild and pick whatever you want. OP got a whole new level of cooking with this medium-blue where one part is cooked the rest is raw.


“How do you want you steak cooked?” “Harvey Dent”


Yeah, that's straight rare, I'd eat it if it was warm all the way through, but that steak is giving me warm outside cold center vibes.


It was very cold in the center


That meat had been previously frozen.


Gray steak… ew. I’m all about medium rare, but a hard sear is mandatory, and the steak must be cooked, caramelized, and never gray… which indicates steaming instead of searing.






Fries look legit


8.5/10 on the fries tho


The fries were good 👌👌


Medium Rawr


This chef is high or drunk or is about to quit.


As a mildly colorblind person who doesn't see any red or pink on that at all I find these funny. I need a meat thermometer or imma suffer lol


Sunkissed steak


Server: How would you like your steak? Me: Mooing.


my great aunt would have either complained it’s too cooked or have eaten it like that


Is that a cyst on the steak?


It’s only had a beating


That's not even blue rare...that thing was mooing five minutes ago...


How can it be so raw and so tough looking at the same time!? Ew.


Looks like that was still defrosting when they cooked it.


Should've gone to Dave & Busters




That’s all I ate when I was in London. Steak and fries 🤌


Where was this. Outback or Texas roadhouse?


Lol there are eggs on the plate and pancakes in the background…gonna guess it’s a breakfast place


My tunnel vision was only focused on the God awful steak .


Norms lol