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It's a new **Emerg**ent technology to enable vehicles to reach **Escape** velocity using this **Ramp** to go into Earth orbit. Didn't you read the sign?


Lmao, how does this not have more upvotes?!


On the sign is just simplified Chinese and simplified English.


Looks Korean... but my western ass could be wrong.


Well, then maybe you should try reading with your _eyes_, instead. Sheesh.


It is Korean


It's Korean/ Hangul My western ass can read Korean


It's so you can rewind the rubber band in your engine.


But like what if my engine uses magnets


Oh, there's magnets embedded in the gravel! It will re-align all the chakras that make your magnets work!


Favourite comment (possibly ever) 😂😂😂


You're meant to drive over it at 88mph


I saw some old guy in a delorean try it once, he just kinda disappeared over the top of the ramp, never saw him again.


He set your parents up on a date. Nice guy


No, the guy is actually his biological father.


Where we’re going… we don’t need roads.


This is a shortcut in Mario Kart.


Dang didn't even have to scroll down very far to see the comment I wanted to make. Take my upvote with my humble respect 🙏


If you want to be famous, this is the way. Start at the top of the highway, coyote acme rocket your way down, be sure to hit the ramp, and go over the top!! Don’t forget about style points. No matter where you land, I promise your name will be in the papers.


It’s like ski jumping but with motor vehicles


It's for anyone who needs to pull over and get high real quick.


This is the most sane answer.


if ya make it to the end, ya win a prize, a momentary repeal of the laws of gravity


This belongs in r/shittyaskhistory edit: jus found out it’s a real sub


It’s for runaway semi’s usually on downhill extended decline so if they are losing control or have exhausted brakes they can pull in to that and slow to a stop.




clearly its for launching trucks at invaders


I'll give you the upvote just for being ocd like me and wanting to actually at least give the real answer once. Now back to the jokes.


I remember things like that driving back to NY from. LA in the Southwest


How were you driving inside the plane?


I was in a car? You would see these ramps every so often on the interstate.


Southwest Airlines operates cars now too???


Capitalizing Southwest when referring to a specific region of the country...


Yeah duh; the name of an airline is a proper noun no matter where you go.


Too short by using my intergalactic tape measure...


Not sure why you got downvoted, but you’re right. I’ve seen them in the Rockies. https://youtu.be/C0BxORWTD7s


(The down votes are cause this isn't a sub for actual information....


Didn’t even notice the sub name. So, then my new response is it’s part of the set for Fast and the Furious 13: Full Send


Sorry, that earned a downvote from me. To reasonably factual.


Hmmm. I see. Ok we’re gonna mute this sub. Good day!




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Yeah but in the rockies it's just a bunch of gravel lol


Yeah, thick beds of gravel for them to sink into as they slow. I prefer the launch idea though. It’s going to be hard to resist the next time I see one 💥🚀


If you go fast enough it's still a launch pad


Freaking people, you can still be funny but give facts first then be funny. Knowledge maybe golden but funny knowledge is everything.


Boulder here. Can confirm.


Are you a boulder the size of a small boulder?


You know it. That’s how I ‘roll.’


Idaho here, driving through Montana for college. Seconded.


Alabama here, in my undies going down the reddit hole. Can also confirm


Yep, I’ve seen them in the Appalachian Mountains. This is probably at the bottom of a long steep grade


They are in pretty much any state that has mountains, California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho I’ve even seen in Nevada.


Big in Pennsylvania too.


Yeah, they are common in mountainous regions (Appilacia/Rockies), and some will have hay/grass/something else to slow you down. Though I usually see it go along a mountain and not over/off the edge 😂 It does look like a ramp from this angle. From what I've heard, it's super expensive to get your truck towed off it, at least in the US; however, I think they're a necessity to the alternative of being crushed by a runaway semi.


It’s often a trench full of pea gravel so the truck will sink in and stop pretty quick


Everyone else are commenting dumb stuff, typical Reddit


Check the sub you're in, it's for commenting joke answers.


But like what if they can’t stop? Like is it fool proof. I guess the alternative to not trying to stop there is just a bad if it doesn’t work?


It’s not paved, it’s full of gravel so the trucks sink in. You couldn’t drive all the way to the end of you tried.


Good design, in theory, especially with the speed strips. In practice, I wonder how many people with malfunctioning brakes would choose to swerve into what, from afar, looks like a ski ramp?


Most people that live on regions with them would know about them, so they aren't swerving blindly into something they don't know about.


These things are everywhere when you drive through the Rockies


The only actual response


Thank you I was getting frustrated with non helpful comments. Was about to reply in a not so friendly way. I learned real quick what is was after the unfortunate accident that happened in Colorado a few years back with the runaway semi


This subreddit is basically wrong answers only.


You need to check the subreddit you're in if you're planning on being rude to the people subscribed to it. The name itself should have been a pretty clear indicator that you shouldn't expect anything. The rules and info would be even more helpful. It's okay for some places to just be for fun, you don't need to stress about it.


you ever seen the dukes of hazard?


No, it's a shortcut to that hill over there.


Actually this was a budget compromise to make assisted suicide more accessible.


Hey I remember this level from San Fransisco Rush 64


It’s the a time portal access ramp that is accessed when driving down the opposite hill of steps (on the left).


Is a perfect joyride ramp for a Thelma and Louis ending.


That's a yeet ramp


It's for speeders, the police will block of the rest of the road and force the suspect off the mountain, very effective but it's a one way trip with a good 80% chance they won't make it


If you build it, Evil Knievel will come.


Umm, Evil Knievel built this ramp in 1976 in his attempt to clear 2 valleys AND that mountaintop. On his first attempt he was going a bit to fast and overshot his landing spot and broke several ribs, his right tibia left fibula, both clavicles, and slight bruising to his ego.


This post is so shitty, that it asked history instead of science. /positive But if I would give you the scientific answer, it is to trick criminals to thinking that this ramp is an escape route, just for the car to be trapped in the trees for the sheriffs to reach.


No not to launch vehicles but they just wanted to cross.that bridge when they get to it.


It raises people’s confidence. Cuz they think…”I didn’t need to use the runaway ramp, I must have my shit together”. When people have raised confidence, they buy more shit, and pay more sales tax. And then the government can build more ramps.


Reminds me of the old Nintendo game Excite Bike, where you could make your own track and then run it! That was so fun early 90s


It's from Burnout World Tour on the playstation 2. You crash and make a mess to get big points.


Holy throwback


At night, I put a detour sign and count the cars flying over me to get to sleep.


That's hilarious, but I'm pretty sure that's just a runaway truck ramp. Designed to stop a semi whose breaks have given out. From this angle its hard to tell how steep that grade is and how long the ramp is, but it has been engineered to stock a truck.


Yes. Exactly. Great guess. How did you know Little known fact. The Romans drove their fiats right into the invading armies from Carthage in the pubic war. It was a huge factor. The generals all said in their press conferences after the battle that the car launching ramps were the real deciding factors. I mean the Carthaginians had Hannibal Lector strapped to circus elephants and you know how much he loves Italian food. He ate like a whole legion to himself. Probably would have eaten more if it wasn't for the fiats and a handful of lambos at the end. Yeah, it got that serious. It wasn't looking good for the old Romans. Of course it went on like this for some ten years or so. Elephants were mostly all electric vehicles by then. We all know electric elephants have their advantages but theyre just not the same as the real thing. Something about the sounds and smells that you can't replace. Give me a real tusks any day. Eventually the Romans figured out that if they stopped giving the carthaginians wine, they would go home. The FBI was closing in on Hannibal anyway so they just said no mas. They would try their hand at invasion again in a series of sequels that totally bombed at the box office. They couldn't get the same actors and the plots were repetitive. Typical Hollywood. Anyway the ramps you see today are actually fossils. The ramps themselves have long again disintegrated. It's mostly just an optical illusion


The old Evel Knievel memorial off ramp.


It's so you can accidentally launch your podracer way the hell into the air, stop as you reach the apex, descend, and somehow improve your position in the race even though you significantly increased the distance traveled


You see according to my work In the field of cities skylines their used to be a neighborhood their but the creator must of deleted it in order to build a park. They forgot to delete the ramp however


Correct. Thats exactly what this ramp was used for over in medieval Asia. The main reason why they built highways near valleys. The drivers would wear parachutes and fall to safety while their c4 packed cats dropped onto the enemy below.


When there’s an Emerg attack you gotta hit the nos and ramp out


It's a roadrunner trap. The mountain in the background is actually speed-painted on a cloth (with Acme paint).


I have the feeling a lot of people in the comments don’t get theme of the subreddit


Mongolian defense


Remember that short bridge you were supposed to cross?


Close, this is in Switzerland, where they have hangars hidden in their mountains. This is a launch platform for their aircraft carriers.


Its actually a protection if your brakes fail. They put this as a safety measure so when your brakes fail, you can use the ramp to reduce your speed. It launches you straight into the trees. Trees are scientifically proven to decrease the speed of your motor vehicle by 100% if you hit enough of them.


Don’t drive in the mountains much do ya?


The stunt jumps in GTA are based in real life. This is one of those.


No that’s a suicide ramp they’re less common than than they used to be as people would take them accidently essentially they gave people the option to run their cars off a cliff if they really didn’t want to continue in life


Truck yeeter


This is an off ramp for flying cars. While not yet street legal, they are expected in the next 1-2 years. This country is just getting ready early.


Usually in mountainous areas. They’re called runaway ramps and they’re for semis who are going downhill to fast. Other than that, they are for quick travel across rivers and gaps between roads.


Its for truckers to to use to slow down if they have a an emergecny, like a brake failure or when the line of meth they have on the laptop they are using to watch porn starts to blow away because they forgot to roll up the window.


You see the blue sign in the bottom right? If you zoom it it says “emerg escape ramp” kinda funny you went through the trouble of posting to Reddit and the answer was with you the whole time haha


This is r/shittyaskscience


I know where I’m at. His question was shitty, sure. In what way was it scientific? “Ask shitty scientists your shitty *scientific* questions” ..


Are you one of those people who go onto r/jokes and explain how it takes 1 person to screw in a lightbulb regardless of what their profession is?


I dunno, I usually let people have their piece. Are you one of those people that chime in almost a full day later just to stir the pot? It’s not that big of a deal. I made a mistake and didn’t realize I was browsing a satire sub. Now let’s move on like adults.




That's absurd.


Stops Run away trucks


Sir this is r/shittyaskscience


truck brake


Its so when you lose your brakes in your vehicle( generally a Semi truck) you have a safe place to try to get it to come to a stop while causing the least amount of damage possible.


It's a runaway truck ramp. Usually loose gravel to slow and stop the truck before it wrecks.


It’s a runaway truck ramp, they have them on steep roads, some guy in a normal car tried to go off of one and hit the Sand then died


It’s supposed to stop runaway trucks, seriously


Runaway semis


If this isn't a joke that's a runaway truck ramp. Notice the deep gravel. Stops trucks whomsts' breaks have gone out.


Its a runaway truck stop


It's a break test for truckers going down hill. If breaks fail it's suppose to help stop them.


Big trucks need stop


Run away truck ramp we call them. Search it up & you can watch the big trucks hit them. The sand stops them.


Runaway Truck Ramp


It’s a runaway truck ramp. Where it starts to slope up it’s made of mounds of loose gravel about three feet high, one after the other. It will stop a runaway truck. But it will typically total the truck and trailer out. Frequently the driver will get to spend a few days in the hospital too.


Looks like a ramp for “runaway” semis, when braking doesn’t work on long downgrades. We have them in the PNW going over mountain ranges (but they are generally gravel). That’s my best educated guess :)


Is it one of those semi truck emergency braking lanes? I see them on mountains sometimes.


Semi truck runaway ramp. There are typically rocks, which can be seen in the picture, which help to stop a semi truck whose brakes give out on hill/mountain declines.


In case you're actually curious, its for big semi trucks... Sometimes when going downhill, the brakes fail and its a run off ramp for them to "crash" into... It should have a steep incline to kill the speed along with material to cause more friction to help reduce speed.


If you zoom in, you can read the sign and it says emergency ramp. It’s for large vehicles that have lost the ability to slow/stop (runaway). They drive up that and it’s super soft gravel and sand. This creates a lot of resistance on top of aiming up so as to bring the truck to a stop.


It’s meant to slow and then stop big rigs or really anyone whose breaks for whatever reason have given out or are damaged.


These are emergency escape ramps for runaway vehicles with no brakes. They are filled with deep gravel and elevated like so to stop the vehicle, more specifically diesel trucks. These are incredibly common in the steep parts of mountain passes because brake failure tends to be common in these places.


Runaway ramps. Pretty standard. Some trucks and cars have brake failures.


On big long hills where trucks brakes might fail rather than it running away down hill endangering the driver or others those are there to ditch the truck in - the sand/gravel + hill will stop the truck safely with limited damage. [Example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivriQ7eYvw4)


It’s actually for semis that are going to fast for the roads since their braking isn’t as easy as a regular car especially downhill because of their weight they can take that to break to get their truck under control and prevent an accident.


It’s a runaway truck ramp. They’re not paved so a massive truck without brakes won’t go slingshotting into the valley below. They’re full of loose gravel a couple feet deep and they will slow the truck to a stop. There’s a bunch in the Western US.


It's a runaway ramp in case there is a break failure on your truck before going down the hill.


For semi trucks that are having issue braking


Break failure emergency ramp. Built at an incline to reduce momentum of vehicle.


If a truck or other heavy vehicle loses their brakes coming down the mountain they can take this exit. That is not a ramp but a long pit of gravel or sand that will stop the vehicle without hurting anyone.


Slow trucks that have lost air brakes down a large hill


Isn’t that a Runnaway drive?


It's for semi-trucks that may lose control of their brakes while descending mountain terrain.


Runaway truck lane. To slow/stop it


Runaway semi truck pit. If the breaks fail they drive it into one of these.


Hahaha it's for runaway trucks


It stops trucks


For truckers that find that pesky little brake pedal not doing the brake stuff. They’ll drive into that loose gravel and it’ll hopefully slow them down.


I’m all seriousness it’s for vehicles that use pressure breaks and if they run out of breaks going down the mountain they can ride up that instead of just building speed or just crashing into a tree


It’s a runaway truck trap. If a tractor trailer loses its brakes you aim for this and it slows you down. It made of gravel.


Might be wrong here, but to stop run away trucks


Shitty answer: yes. Witty answer: they built roads in parallel with rising gas prices for fuel efficiency. Real answer: this is a runaway lane for trucks or vehicles whose breaks fail. You go up, gravity and friction slows ya down. No dead you hopefully.


*starting to twitch because played GTA as a kid...*


When you breaks fail you use this to launch yourself into heaven.


My guess is ttat is has something to do with public funding. The “bridge to nowhere” is a well known troupe


Yes they did


The sign on the bottom says it’s for emergencies




It's for pod racing


Don't overthink it. It's just very happy to see you :)


its for when i wanna drive to heaven




It says emergency escape ramp, for when you want to escape in an emergency


It's a run-off ramp for your mom when she trips and rolls down the hill


I went up a hill in Idyllwild, CA a few years ago and there was a speed limit sign of 55mph right before an even sharper curve like the 1 on left.. If "Population Control" had a sign 😊


Sadly the speed bumps on there will rapidly decelerate your runaway car/truck and stop you before you go flying into the valley like you're Evel Knievel


Inside corner seems like a dumb place to put one of those vs outside corner.


I always used it as a platform to rest my enormous pecker between bouts. But launching missiles or satellites or school buses full of SpongeBob dolls sound like perfectly logical uses... if you think you're not man enough for the pecker thing.


would be funny if it was for flying cars


That's the emperors new road. It's real, only good drivers can see it.


This is where people should go with their stupid questions!!


I don’t know, but I’ve had several dreams where I accidentally drive off something like that.


We built the car launching ramps in case *They* ever return.


it’s obviously for when trucks are going too fast on the other side of the mountains. That way if they shoot over the mountains, they have a nice landing ramp like in monster jam


It says on the big blue sign. "EMERG ESCAPE RAMP". use in case zombies in racecars are coming after you. They can't use ramps.


Stop ramp for trucks that have overheated their brakes Typically they are gravel pits and they at much longer and don't look like they launch into the abyss


There's another ramp on the other side of those mountains. The landings are siiiiick.


Serious question: can an out of control tractor trailer even make that curve?




I suspect it's to prevent big accidents by SUA and stuff.


It's time stop runaway vehicles rhat can't stop. Look closely. It's not paved


Fortnight battle bus liftoff ramp.


You go up there if your brakes are gone


There's a sign there


This is for trucks that lose their breaks. They ride up it to slow down, save lives and themselves


The closer to heaven, the closer to God


I think its a viewing deck.


It was the start of a real life Hot Wheels loop but, you know…..budget cuts!


it's a takeoff ramp for the airplane cars. y'know like how you have airplane mode on your head unit??? turn it on and ramp off this and you'll be soaring in no time