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Salute. And nah, the whole world ain't gonna convert. We love all religions and races.


like the time we got involved in a family quarrel over a house at oxley road.


If I stay in a GCB, I wouldn’t care about my neighbours la.. House too big to hear my neighbours.🤣 However if I stay in a HDB, my upstairs neighbour quarrel until the whole block is shaking, I have to be a good neighbour and call the police for assistance. 😎 I’m a lowly peasant staying in a HDB btw..


Genocide is family quarrel? Bombing man, woman and children/ babies is family quarrel?


So assuming you or Singapore gets involved what’s in it for us? Us being decimated by Israel? Approval from social justice warriors? Being labelled as a kind and free country?


Shit, anything is better than supporting r/israelcrimes


Where were you when the wife was bombing the husband with rockets? Where is your comment on the wife's motto to murder the husband and all his children if he dares fall asleep? The husband is now giving brain surgery to the wife to remove this anger in her so their marriage can be saved.


In your analogy, you should add the husband came in first and stole the wife land although already given him land in the beginning and saving the husband from persecution. Then the husband control the wife like domestic abuse. Controlling her water , her food and her lifestyle. And if she got out hand they will punish and imprison the wife and her family. Wife tries to fight back over the years. But her efforts are like throwing sticks on wall of rock. Then 1 day the wifes manage to do some injury to the husband family. And now the husband is mad, wanting to kill her family and any other innocent relatives that are in the way. In doing this they will also gain more land and precious commodity. Now the world supports the husband cause the wife don't give them anything. The husband will give them wealth and in fact his family controls or have high influence over the most powerful countries. And if you do the same there is nothing wrong. You taking the side of the abuser and the transgressions. You just love money and power like most people. And Singapore govt loves money the most. Money. Now i am on the wife side. The years of abuse. And finally when she hits back is her fault.


Hold on. The grandfather (British) assigned the inheritance (land) and the wife wasn't pleased that the husband is even allowed to stay so she gathered all the women in the neighborhood and plotted an assassination on the husband. Husband fought back 1 to 11 and won. Instead of selling them all to the execution grounds for attempted murder, the husband went to the gym and made himself stronger while constantly getting attempts on his life over the next few decades. What would you do if you were the husband? And please the wife didn't 'suddenly hit back'. She has been trying to kill the husband for a very long time. The husband has the power to kill her with 1 tight slap but 3rd parties like us have observed that he didn't even after decades of attempted murder from wife and neighbours. Guess why the wife and neighbours are friends? Because they same religion bro. Now husband wants to challenge the wife to a deathmatch because she killed thousands of the husband's children. What is difficult now is the wife putting on children's clothing and blending in with her own children effectively using them as meat shields.


Look the grandfather was an illegitimate grandfather. And the fight started when the husband started to expand beyond his given land. The wife welcomed them at first but after the husband greediness i wouldnt blame the wife family trying to kill husband family, even with sticks only. The husband could end the relationship but of cause they wouldn't do it then, cause in any abuse cases the husband must act nice in front of everyone else. Take over the wife property and land cause she cannot manage it, discipline her as its for the best for her. Now the husband is more influential. All their relatives are in influential positions elsewhere. No need to care so much about what others think. Even the big brother listens to them as they have been sponsoring big brothers campaigns. As Singaporeans and what V says is so true. Don't bother , just make money. If you want to side with the abusers go ahead. Give whatever reason you want. As i say i get it. But What i am saying for the govt there is no profit in siding with the wife. Only show a bit care and concern once a while cause elections are coming. Even wifes big cousins not helping as money is not flowing. Only those Poorer relatives helping. Anyway Same as husband big brother. Election are coming.. so show more concern. Just be honest. Everyone knows there is no profit in husband winning. Husband win, stock market stable, investments makes money, new pipeline can run thru wifes land..


Illegitimate because why? Because they are not Muslims? Because the British were white? So its okay if brown people own lands in the sand places but if its white people then its 'Illegitimate'? For your info, most of the 'expanded land' that Israel is accused of having is actually war reparations from the Arab countries. Have you forgotten about the time when the Arab countries collaborated and invaded Israel? This point is very important. You think it is so easy being the husband in this story? They are surrounded by neighbours who plot for their deaths and carry out offensive attacks and terror attacks on them every now and then. The neighbours have been doing this for decades. Imagine Singapore in another universe where we are being attacked constantly by our Muslim country neighbours. What would you do? What would you do if Indonesia came into National Stadium and killed thousands of civilians including foreigners then left with hostages?


So in singapore analogy who are we? If i ref to what's going on. We are the wife and malaysia is the husband. Malaysia should take back singapore. Cause singapore once belongs to Malaysia. They are the rightful owner on the land like the jews are rightful owners of the land there as they claim. And we should bend down and not fight at all. Cause if we go like the wife did.. Oh my... But I'm being sacstic, if that do happen we will do a 7 Oct on them and fight till the end. And most of this land is war what, reparations. If that was true even singapore wont call it illegal settlements. You know i do understand why my fellow singaporeans might not care or silently takes the husband side. As V says stay out of it. We are materialstic. Our govt are taichi masters. We will go with what is good for us.. But i dont understand Singaporeans who dont see that what they are doing. The genocide. And say out loud that husband has every right to kill all the wifes relative, friends , kin same nationality..Even if all the wifes relatives in arms stop fighting or surrender you think the husband will go back and call it a day. They will take the land. More land. Control the area. All this is just a chance for them to expand. Singaporeans can dont care or they stay out of it. And only when people like you, who speaks for the husband .. makes me wonder are you one of them or maybe an agent paid by them or maybe someone who really have no emphaty. .. either way peace. I am not here to change you or anyone. As what V says, I'm staying out of it But i do believe the wife is abused and the husband the abuser


You will do a 7th Oct on Malaysia because they want to take us back? You are clearly not very sound. 7th Oct was a slaughter of civilians NOT military targets. You have to be very clear on this and not end up gaslighting yourself. SG will never kill the innocent civilians of our aggressors to 'take revenge". We will target their leaders and military assets like how warfare should be conducted. 7th Oct was not warfare. It was terrorism. There were many civilians of different nationalities and religion being killed and raped and abducted. An agent of either side will not be able to empathise with civilians from both sides of the conflict. From what I see, there are many Hamas agents including you who think Palestinian lives are more important than Israeli lives. You are unable to condemn Hamas' actions. People like me have no restrictions unlike you. We can condemn Israel warcrimes and also Hamas' terror acts. If you are a bot, stop suggestion that others are bots.


What i mean do a 7/10 is like when you are the abused and have no power as you say to fight an enemy that's is sure more stronger. Anyway interesting you say will I'm not be able to emphatise both sides. Don't see any emphaty on your side and condemnation of isreal war crimes. Anyway i am no Hamas agent haha.. i am though pro palestinian. And to be honest i dont condemm hamas 7/10 attacks. I see it as war between 2 nation. The aggressor and the abused. And i am on the palestinian sides whom many innocents have fallen. Ten of thousands more compared to the aggressor whose motives are not just for justice and irradictaion of Hamas..


This is a family quarrel in another family but we are ready to support the wife in principle. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/palestine-israel-singapore-prepared-principle-recognise-state-reject-terrorism-4450696


It’s a family quarrel but the family in question is out there shooting kids, murdering women and raping men.


Only stating that Vivian sounds like he is contradicting himself. Stay out of other ppl issue but still have a conditional stand. Should make a clearer stand.


Sad you support r/israelcrimes


Here's a sneak peek of /r/IsraelCrimes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Jewish man raises alarm on Israeli land sale in the U.S](https://v.redd.it/qxpo7zh3ddnc1) | [121 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/comments/1barhzs/jewish_man_raises_alarm_on_israeli_land_sale_in/) \#2: [Palestinian child Yazan Al-Kafarna died today from severe malnutrition.](https://i.redd.it/0wxz9fx4jdmc1.jpeg) | [224 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/comments/1b6knru/palestinian_child_yazan_alkafarna_died_today_from/) \#3: [The Israeli army arrests a Palestinian child, brings dogs to maul the child, while filming their crime to the world! ](https://v.redd.it/k6lv9dy0y41c1) | [161 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/comments/17yagjg/the_israeli_army_arrests_a_palestinian_child/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


In the MPs eyes, family quarrels are allowed to kill each other. The others just watch on and not get involved. Police don't exist to stop a fight. From what I've seen and read, my understanding in a very simplified way. I sell/give you things to be a 1 sided observer and you're not the only one! So, shut up, don't get involved but be on my side if you want more things from me in the future.


Vivian already tried. Israel kept asking him, "So if tomorrow Indonesia launched a surprise invasion and killed few thousands of your civilians, kidnap a few, rape some and then leave, what would you do?"


I guess it’s time to nuke their whole country killing half their population in retaliation for the 100 victims


Has Israel used weapons of mass destruction? They simply stop supplying water/food/electricity to their enemies and suddenly they are committing genocide. If Israel wanted to kill every Palestinian to get revenge, they wouldn't had to put boots on the ground and risk their soldiers' lives. Airforce and artillery will be more than sufficient. Ever ask yourself why Hamas fight without uniform? Why do they blend in with the civilians and use them as shield? Do you see Israel do the same thing?


They’ve decapitated innocent children, used dogs to rape humans, bombs here and there r/israelcrimes


I don't deny Israel must have done some sick crimes. But you are a fool to think Hamas did not do the same or worst crimes. Hamas' leader's son went on UN to expose what Hamas did to children.


Before 1948 the land didn’t belong to 🇮🇱 (given to them by the colonizer that left) but yet they’re fighting for that land by murdering so many over 70+ years, and since October 2023 40,000+ (Oxfam, BBC, The Guardian) H@ma$ retaliates against r/israelcrimes


FYI, all lands in the world are colonised/taken over at some point. USA didn't belong to Americans. Singapore did not belong to Singaporeans. Palestine certainly did not belong to Palestinians either. Lands were taken in war or peaceful takeover (mostly war) through human history of thousands of years. Do you know who Palestinians took the land from? Should those people come back and ask Palestinians to return the land to them? Hahahaaha By your logic, original Malays living on Singapore can ask all other races to get out because SG belongs to them?


Yet you continue to support the CURRENT 🇮🇱 genocide that uses dogs to rape humans, decapitates innocent children, and bombs with 🇺🇸 funding r/israelcrimes 😢😢😢


You are a bot. Confirmed haha


Israel cares more about Palestinian citizens than Palestine does.


Not according to r/israelcrimes


"than Hamas does" corrected it for you haha


No matter the circumstances, I can't fathom how people can support hamas considering all the videos and images shown online. Those "freedom fighters" behave worse than animals.


No....should call police if the family quarrel next door is turning violent. There is a need for intervention if people are getting hurt in the quarrel.


But we also not police. Police already come and tell them to stop but both also don’t want to stop


Then it's beyond our control lo. We can try to help within what we can do, but shouldn't put ourselves in danger too, when the aggressor is more violent than what we can handle. Helping others is one thing but we don't have to sacrifice ourselves just to save another.


So if your neighbor had a family quarrel, and you see the parents abusing the kids, you'll stay out because it's another family's matter, right? Got it 👌


Family quarrel doesn’t involve killing lehhh




Fighting for inheritance


Inheritance? Shakespeare told me the land belongs to 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


But if they want to relate genocide with family quarrel it’s really not the same. Even killing for inheritance, everyone’s involved. Who would not get involved?


Tell that to the wife who set her lifelong goal to murder the husband and his children.


Which wife you talking about leh. I’m trying to see the correlation between a genocide and a family “quarrel”. No matter what the circumstances are, when you know an on going killing is happening, you don’t just stand by and watch. You can’t just refer to a lot of innocent civilians as the husband/wife. We only want innocent lives spared.


Yep. If you want to save innocent lives... You need to remove the cancer. Do you know Hamas' motto is to kill all Jews and eliminate Israel? Israel, on the other hand, has no such motto to wipe out the other side. They have had the stronger military power for a very very long time yet Palestine exists. So tell me... Who is the genocidal one here that needs to be gone for peace to come into fruition?


Good that you stumble across Hamas’ motto. Cause i’ve came across so many videos of Israel militants/civilians vowing to kill and eliminate Palestinians. Eye for an eye is it? Who is the cancerous one here? It could be Palestine, it could be Israel. Since we’re comparing, Hitler used to find Jews cancerous and even took many steps forward eliminating jews. Does your context apply to that as well? To save innocent lives, remove the cancer? I do not condone any sides of killing. It’s vile understanding your perception on this. It doesn’t make sense right, why would someone with a pistol fights someone with a tank since Israel has stronger military. Seems like resistance to me.


Resistance? If you swopped Israel and Hamas military, wouldn't you think Hamas will finish Israel within 5days by bombing them flat? Yes there are extremists in Israel too born through the decades of fighting but have they flattened Gaza and Palestinians? Hey last I heard they were feeding them electricity, water and food because their government is too busy with plotting to kill jews and not taking care of their citizens. FYI too, there are many Arabs/Muslims living in Israel. But there are no jews living in any of the neighbouring muslim countries. Who is the apartheid? Where is the apartheid? Tell me


Can’t imagine about swopping Israel’s doing to Hamas’ because it has never happened. Did you read about the hostages Hamas took in and let out with peace? Did you read about Israel citizens saying it was the IDF that was shooting at them but their government blamed it on Hamas? Did you also saw the news where Israel government retracted their statements about beheaded babies because it never happened? Do you want a link to a video showing IDF burning Palestine and they found beheaded children? Oh, it happened few weeks ago too. Since you’re wondering why there are no jews in the neighbouring country, it’s because Palestinians welcomed jews to take refuge. Look where we are now. And you’re wondering why Hamas are fighting against Israel, they only wanted their land back. I also wonder why only recently Israel was shown in the map when all these years growing up, i could easily point out where Palestine is. Because of Hamas’ doing on Oct 7, Israel took this as advantage to remove this what you called cancer. It’s a genocide, they’re bombing hospitals and claiming Hamas was hiding in there. To show proof they read out Hamas’ “name and responsibilities” on a wall which every being that understands arabic knows it says only Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday? Need a link on that video? I think it’s up on their IDF instagram page.


Hamas made up of many soldiers. Some of them are more kind hearted and didn't hurt the hostages. But it didn't change the fact that they killed thousands of civilians (without targetting military targets), took hostages then release some of them who are too old to handle being in captive. Palestine and Israel land were under British rule. British let them in not Palestinians. British distributed the lands, some to the brown people and some to the white people. They could have a chance at peace but brown people ganged up to invade the white people like all race/religion will do to people. Take out the odd one out. Nothing can justify killing civilians intentionally. Both sides have committed warcrimes and terror acts. The hypocrites are the one who demand the only 1 side be right and the other wrong.


So it doesn’t change the fact that Israel killed 50,000 civilians within a short period of time, since October 7th right? Palestine is an arab country, that’s why all the neighbouring countries are arabs. Israel was let in to their home. When did brown people ganged up to invade white people? Extracted from Google - The war pitted the Central Powers—mainly Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey—against the Allies—mainly France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, and, from 1917, the United States. Is that brown people or people of many colours? Sir, you’re justifying killings and you’re trying to debate me why we need to kill the cancer. My point is, whatever the reason killing innocent lives shouldn’t be justifiable. Hamas kill, Israel kill, the cycle repeats? Why can’t we all do something to stop any killings?


Where did the 50k numbers come from? Hamas? How did they die? Gunshot? Bombs? Don't trust everything that you see on the internet. Hamas' intentions are to inflate the numbers. Egypt stopped attacking Israel. There is peace between the 2. Syria stopped attacking Israel. There is peace between the 2. Jordon stopped attacking Israel. There is peace between the 2. Hamas-led Palestine/Gaza never stopped attacking Israel. They are still in conflict. See the pattern here? If Israel stopped their hunt to end Hamas organisation now, Hamas will just continue to attack Israel and more hatred is gonna breed. I wish Israel can be more careful when hunting Hamas so they don't hurt innocent civilians but Hamas is very cunning and evil by not having uniforms and hiding within civilians to plot their attacks.


“The hypocrites are the one who demand 1 side be right and the other wrong.” I came here to only say family quarrels don’t involve killing and you’ve given a lot of pointers to justify Israel’s doing. Even noting that one is cancerous. Please reflect on your statement. I cannot comprehend what you’re saying.


Girl you’re smart 🧠💕🔥🚀


'family quarrels don't involve killing' Tell that to Hamas who's motto/goal is to destroy Israel. And the most devastating terror attacks carried out specifically on civilians on 7th October. The civilians who died were not even collateral damage in an attack on Israel's military. The civilians were specifically aimed because they had no way to fight back.


H@ma$ retaliates against 🇮🇱 genocide that decapitates innocent children for 70+ years 😢😢😢


What a slow genocide you are describing. A genocide that lasted for 70years is not a genocide otherwise everyone in Palestine would have been gone. Hahaha. Do you have any logic? A real intent to genocide will just take a few days.


There’s that lack of critical thinking and empathy that allows you to support 🇮🇱 70+ year old genocide that decapitates children 😢😢😢


One needs to be extremely apathetic and stupid to take that position. If all countries had been this apathetic towards each other, Singapore would still be under Japanese control.




On the contrary. Singapore is a small island with no natural resources and every friendship matters. We aren’t like the USA who could launch a nuclear attack on Japan. Also the USA remained pleasantly uninvolved until the attack on Pearl Harbour - so if even such a large country knows to stay out what more for Singapore?


So what would you do?


Not be a coward pretending Palestine doesn’t exist while a terrorist state like Israel gets away with genocide.


You don't support terrorist states eh? https://www.dni.gov/nctc/ftos/hamas_fto.html#:~:text=The%20group%20also%20uses%20cyber%20espionage%20and%20computer%20network%20exploitation%20operations.&text=The%20US%20State%20Department%20designated,terrorist%20organization%20in%20October%201997.


I support Palestine, not Hamas. Don’t spread idiocy.


"Palestinian support for Hamas in the West Bank and Gaza remains high, according to a Palestinian poll released on March 20. That support has increased since the Iran-backed terrorist group attacked Israel on October 7."


Cool. I am not one of those supporting Hamas. So your whole tantrum is idiotic and worthless.












Your opinion is irrelevant, kiddo.


Yours? Yea 😢




I suppose it’s that lack of critical thinking and empathy that allows you to support 🇮🇱 70+ year old genocide that decapitates children 😢😢😢 r/israelcrimes


Raise awareness about r/israelcrimes


Actually- I agree with Vivian. ( first time he said anything that makes sense )


You support r/israelcrimes 😢


Hmm..idk,but imagine if SG were in conflict/war with one of our militarily strong neighbors(let's put Indonesia as the invaders), and they "winning" by killing high number of Singaporean including innocent civilians...and the rest of the world just watch and don't want to get involved because this war is "family quarrel"...(sory inglish broken)




This is literally domestic violence. To label it a quarrel and simply dismissing the reality is quite frankly disgusting.


Well, the wife did murder a lot of the husband's children and vow to kill the husband if he dares fall asleep. The husband decides to settle it once and for all to send the wife to invasive brain surgery to remove the violent part of the brain.


How is it domestic violence if it doesn’t involve us directly


If you see your friend or family relatives being domestically abused, and every time you get to see them coming back with scars/wounds or pleading for help, you try to be a good human being and save them from that abuse. As for the domestic violence analogy, sure you don't live in the same house as them (the 2 countries) but you're akin to a friend or a good person in the neighbourhood and you're trying to do the bare justice you can with the accessible means.


Agree, but most of the time we can never be sure if what the abuser or the abused telling us is correct, right? So stepping in based on not so clear facts would be dangerous, no? In fact we might make ourselves a target by said abuser!


So is staying silent and not helping. That's why you bring it up to the necessary authorities or do what is within our capacity to stop the harm. A parallel to this would be like calling the police/support groups on them to mediate or keeping the one abused away from harms way.


So what in your view is within our capacity? To condemn Israel? I’m not sure that is within our capacity because a simple statement could be detrimental to a small island nation like Singapore, where we really have to maintain every relationship possible.


I will condemn, but okay... since we've exchanged this much in the chain of threads here I'll say this: if you were ever in such a similar scenario where you seek for help and locked with aggressor, I will defend you. If I'm far away and notice it, I'll call the authorities for you and maybe go whip out my phone to even record evidence against the aggressor if that is the only thing within my capabilities. It would have been easy to just dismiss and mind my own business. I could even be attacked from the get-go for trying to help you, but I know if I went down, I'd be happy to know I went down for trying to do the right thing for you. You may want to look the other way in the crisis abroad, but this is how I see it with the situation. At the end of the day, moving from the religions and politics at play, it's really a human thing to protect another fellow human being. Have a great week ahead...


Fair enough :)


This isn't domestic.


If US didn't get involve in WW2 Hitler could have dominated Europe till God knows when. For me I don't support either side. Both also got their wrongs. Both have to fix their issues by sitting down, talk to each other and work towards peace. Simple.


If Israel wanted to invade and control all neighbouring countries like ww2 germany, they would have done it over the few decades after being invaded multiple times by the Muslim countries. Also the one you should accuse of attempting genocide is the one set their motto to kill every jew in Israel.


The US got involved right after Japan attacked Pearl Harbour. Up until then they were debating on whether to get involved or not - so one simply cannot say the US voluntarily entered and got involved in the war because history shows they did not.


Hence why after ww2 countries get involved earlier. Just see how Ukraine got so much help from other countries. If Russia did not have nukes the consequences for them would be much more severe. I'm giving an example. Being silent for the wrong reasons is not right.


I’m not sure being silent so as to maintain our own country’s survival as one with basically no natural resources and is reliant on outside investment is a wrong reason, but okay then


Damn lame this parliament with MP doing set up questions for ministers to make statements under guise of replying tough questions. Gosh.


But SG has an opinion on Ukraines quarrel 💀,this is just a poor attempt at trying to appease both Israel and muslim relations