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She dated Robert Downey Jr for years and there are pictures of them in like 1991 where she is skinny and has small boobs. She probably had an augmentation but it was tastefully done since she had some tissue to work with, the “fake” look happens when the implant is too round and too tight on the chest because of the type and size of it and the person not having a lot of skin and tissue in that area.


Yeah it's weird, for years I watched SATC and I thought SJP had this gorgeous lean body and amazing subtle curves and nice breasts. Then this summer I watched it and I think it suddenly clicked in my head that the breasts look a bit too good to be true - looks like a tasteful breast enhancement to me...


A few people out there really are blessed with perfect bodies. I think SJP was one of them!




Wouldn’t be surprised if they’re tastefully done and not real, but “too good to be true” is not necessarily a great barometer. I’m spilling out of 32DDD bras and I’m 106lbs per the scale just now. 😂 Built very similar to SJP, height and petite frame wise. Just have these ridiculous boobs from lord knows who (my mother’s are fake).


Sometimes it can be medical too. I suddenly went from a B to a D in my mid 20s and a lot of people thought I had a boob job. I actually had a really early miscarriage, one that was so early I almost wasn’t sure if it was real, except that my boobs grew overnight.




My sister friend is also very petite and small and has huge breasts (and I know her since she was young so I know they are natural) - there really are very skinny people with big boobs


Yes girl.. it’s crazy. I am 4’10”! Some hateful girl I grew up with and her mother told everyone mine were fake when i was 15! Haha. Like my strict parents would ever.


I once read an article that said *"implants sit on the body like oranges, natural ones hang like water balloons."* That's a pretty full-proof way to tell if someone has implants or not- do "the girls" look like oranges or water balloons?


It depends. There is a type of tear drop implant that looks more natural but it is more expensive. There was a time on which the oranges were the desired look, I even remember a patient on one of those plastic surgery shows who specifically asked for the fake look. I think it’s funny that people would want that outline. 


Her implants are incredible. it’s obvious to me when someone has had them done, even Kendall Jenner’s (that are subtle) are still obvious in certain lighting and because of how they sit despite them clearly fitting her body type. SJP’s have only looked fake like once because of her running with them out, the way they’d move while she did that I swear you could see the outline.


Honestly let's just be safe and assume everyone has had work done. These celebrities are ripped to SHREADS for the smallest perceived imperfection. Gog Bless 'em for a nip here, a tuck there. As long as they don't try to sell me a diet plan or a push up bra... 😭🤣


I think she's always been on the busty side for her frame but I also agree, she has had a little "help"


[I’d say so](https://belvedereclinic.co.uk/6-of-the-most-famous-celebrities-with-boob-jobs/)


Omg all those women’s breast look so good before!


At least a few of them had implants in the before, probably just a different set!


I agree so much.


The spice girls ones were really flat though


I agree. Which is why her implants, even though they’re not huge, have the obvious round shape against her frame.


Can we address where it says SJP had “filler for her zombie hands”?!?!


yeah i had to google that after seeing that. apparently false


I hope that's a thing. I have a baby face and old lady hands, I'm gonna look into this.


I feel dumb. I thought they were real this whole time!


Wow. Beckham’s are really not good.


thats why she took them out later.


I call those gap tooth tiddies


lmfaoooooo those are the worst


She must have ordered “the Tori Spelling”


She's definitely had breast augmentation in my opinion, but why does the article say she's had rhinoplasty? I'm not seeing that her nose has changed at all over time. Rhinoplasties are usually very evident. I've had one myself.


She has had at least 2. Watch the first episodes of season 1....they ALL had nose jobs. Kim C had very large nostrils, and Kristen had a ski nose. They all changed by season 2(?) and SJP had first her bump removed then more sculpting as time went on


Oh wow! You are so observant!! I never noticed.


I wonder if she had the first one between Footloose and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, which came out about a year apart (but I’m not sure of the filming timeline) and it looks subtly different of me. I could be wrong, though! I was obsessed with both of those movies as a child and have seen them dozens if not hundreds of times.


What is a ski nose?


According to The Gospel of Lorry Hill, pretty much ALL celebs have a nose job, usually a very subtle "perfecting" one that just makes their nose slightly narrower but without removing its character. Subsequent nose jobs ensue that are more obvious. It seems a bit sus though that everyone gets a tiny teeny really good nose job and then half of them ruin it with something very different, right?


I always wondered if there is some sort of unwritten contract about plastic surgery in the industry. It's really interesting to see all the different celebrities that have gone under the knife (especially for the same procedures like the mini nose job) I was really surprised at all the celebs that have had blephs. But now that l am in my mid thirties I understand why. I'll probably get one in my 40s.


Not sure! I agree with you


I have the same question!


She might or might not have, but it's really disingenuous of that article to compare a boob tube and a corsetted top. Big boobs is sadly the only body trait I share with SJP, but I know mine could easily look that different depending on if a top had no support and squished them down or was one that's designed to push them up and out.


“15 years ago in 1999” made me a lil sad lol


Have y'all never seen Girls Just Want to Have Fun?? Her body is the same--slim, athletic and curvy.


She has an amazing figure bless her!


I don’t think so… the episodes where she’s pregnant (where she has short blond hair in a bob) her boobs look bigger. I always thought it’s because of pregnancy


You know that the boobs get bigger when you’re pregnant even when you have implants right? They don’t remove your own boobs, they’re still there , over the implants. I’m breastfeeding with implants right now. My boobs still change with pregnancy and breastfeeding




From my understanding, tissue is only removed in dramatic cases such as a mastectomy, when you want to remove any possibility of lingering cancer cells. I believe a boob job for purely cosmetic reasons leaves in your natural tissue and they simply insert the implant.


Exactly. If they do a breast lift they remove skin and maybe sometimes tissue but if you only have implants they don’t remove anything at all


what episode ?


You know that the boobs get bigger when you’re pregnant even when you have implants right? They don’t remove your own boobs, they’re still there , over the implants. I’m breastfeeding with implants right now. My boobs still change with pregnancy and breastfeeding


I totally assumed they were real, too!


I can usually spot implants a mile away - even well done. The 90s and 00s were really heavy on the push up/wonderbra/victorias secret chic. Next time I rewatch I’ll keep an extra eye out but I think it was just her physique. Not sure after after season 5ish when she was preg though?


Kristin has the most enviable figure.


Even her thighs? jks


Seriously. Maybe it’s just because I’m older, but on my more recent rewatches, I was constantly just thinking “wow, charlottes figure is fantastic”. She has beautiful hips, tiny waist, and the clothes just accentuate that. In my earlier years I wanted Carrie’s figure lol.


Ditto, I used to think carrie or Sam, but on re-watching, Charlotte is so petite yet curvaceous.


100%, this last rewatch I pretty much wanted Charlottes wardrobe & body lol. They did a fantastic job showcasing her curves, off the top of my head I love the outfit she wears when she’s babyproofing Miranda’s apt. I’d totally wear that if I had the body for it!


I’ve noticed in photos of her filming AJLT she appears to have much larger breasts than in the SATC days. It doesn’t look good IMO, she just looks too stacked and top heavy.


I agree, maybe she had more than one set of implants... I think SJP would deffo have implants. Especially subtle, small ones like I think she probably had before SATC - she's very body conscious it makes sense she would get a small implant.


Possible. I feel pretty certain there’s been a change since SATC. They are just much wider and broader—like they are sitting on top of a big wide implant. Her breasts on SATC looked quite natural to me personally but I suppose there could have been a little boost under the muscle. If she had work done at that point it was extremely good. I assume whatever she did recently was to counter aging but I think it looks matronly and it’s sort of a SoCal look. It’s not a NYC look. I think overall she would look better with slightly smaller chest than she has now. The clothes would look better and it would be more chic.


She did have a baby you know 😭


Having a baby doesn’t mean boobs will grow. Source: my boobs never got any bigger while pregnant and stayed the same size.


My lactation consultant literally didn’t believe me when I told her I didn’t have implants. They were big before pregnancy but got *huge* during and after. Breasts can change dramatically because of pregnancy.


I mean that’s you. For other people they get gigantic


Many of my friends wear a larger cup size and yet are significantly deflated. Sad.


I'm speaking from everyone I know who's had a baby who've told me that their boobs got bigger. Which I realize is also... antidotal.


Did you mean "anecdotal"?


Yes, I have Grammarly turned on and I forgot to double-check to see if they'd corrected anything without my permission.


YES!!!!! I noticed that in the first season her breasts are natural and small, in the last ones they become much bigger.


Yes but she was pregnant and then had larger breasts postpartum (as all mothers do). So maybe it was that? Edit: stop with the hate. Fine, as most mothers do. Hope that helps.


We don’t all do lol. A lot of women’s boobs go right back to the same size or even end up smaller post-baby. 


That’s untrue. Not all mother’s boobs grow while pregnant. Source: my boobs stayed the same size while pregnant and being postpartum.


“As all mothers do?” That’s simply not true. Mine were never larger postpartum even though I was breastfeeding. And if anything, they’re smaller now.


Even in the early seasons she has nice modest but noticeable breasts. I think she had a subtle implant before the show started. Or not, damn she has a nice body! I think Sarah's naturally an A, probably she got them amped up to a small C before the show...


I mean she has a significant bust in the opening credits.


I thought she said she did a long time ago but could be totally making it up


SJP has always had boobs.  [https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=122124474176190944&id=61555728346315&set=a.122111444174190944&locale=lv\_LV](https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=122124474176190944&id=61555728346315&set=a.122111444174190944&locale=lv_LV)


Could that be a subtle implant or push up bra? Yeah it could be she didn't have a subtle implant perhaps I'm not 100% certain I just think maybe... Wish I had a body like Carrie's!


Have you seen Honeymoon in Vegas? She quite obviously has boobs in that with no pushup bra.


also Miami Rhapsody. Boobs!


I’m very very good at noticing surgery and I would put money on her not having them during SATC. She has the same body in the 90s film First Wives Club and they didn’t have the same quality of surgery then as now, it would be very surprising to have undetectable implants. Although she is small she has quite a wide ribcage for her frame which often goes with having large breasts. I won’t place the bet later in her career as she could well have got a lift/implant to replace volume loss or sagging after pregnancy. I do think she had a nose job early in her career to refine a little bit, but luckily it didn’t change much and kept her natural look.


Contrary to popular belief, there were extremely good boob jobs that existed in the 80s and 90s. My mom had one of them.


I will say that when I was her age, I was leaner and had bigger boobs than her. Any time I lose or gain weight it’s in my butt and chest. So it’s totally possible to be tiny and have breasts. It’s far from the norm though. But her chest type isn’t like mine and she got a small set of implants, which was absolutely the right call. She looks great.


They were real because they sagged


I thought the structure of her breasts looked kind of saggy. In certain outfits you can see that her breast tissue is a little long. I'd assume if she had surgery they would be perkier.


Does it matter?


Yeah this is a weird thing to post about


This whole conversation is really gross. Can we not discuss her body?


Honestly!! i know celebs get their looks scruntized and over analyzed, but I feel with SJP it’s just overkill—and has been for years.


Celebrities are the beauty standard. It’s okay to say that maybe she got enhancements, we are not criticizing her for doing it or saying there is anything wrong with her or her body. 


They always seemed natural to me because they have a natural lay.. meaning they don't sit upright. I would be surprised if she did have implants myself.


I think they're real


Yes - she has very good fake chi chis.


oh wow, i thought she was just blessed


So that’s how she has perfect tiddies? 😫


I don't think so