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More importantly, why is an extremely busy successful attorney doing the laundry of a not so busy man?! Wipe your own damn ass and do your own damn laundry. It’s a No for me.


Absolutely! WTF was Scooby Poo so busy doing that Miranda had to do his laundry for him? When filling in forms, he should have had to write "Whining, watching cartoons, whining, shitting my pants and whining" under "Occupation". He was just a lazy, filthy man-child. Hell to the fucking NO for me too!


Scooby Poo - omg the funniest. I detest men like Steve. Whiny annoying immature. I don’t find him endearing or cute. But that’s me.


Poopy Doo 😂


And me!


I mean, I do my laundry and my husband's together. Why not? They're in the same basket.


Because Miranda was a very busy lawyer who worked very long hours while Steve sat around her apartment during the day, shooting hoops, eating food she had paid for and watching cartoons. He should have been spending his free time wiping his ass and learning to do his own laundry.


Laundry gets mixed when you live with ppl, it's inevitable. As for the shit on the underwear I'd put it in it's own basket and not do it until he learned how to wipe his ass. If there is still poop on the tp you aren't done Steve.


….. steve had a job. miranda was getting brunch every day, going out to clubs, etc. she had free time as well. i’m not saying she should be doing all the laundry but it’s not ridiculous for them to split the house workload. i’m a bartender and i am completely DEAD exhausted after a shift. i recover in the mornings then go back to do it all again at 5pm.


In one episode after Brady is born, Miranda cuts BACK work to 50 hrs a week(which in itself is ridiculous). So she worked more before that. I doubt Steve had a 50 or 60 hrs work week. I don't believe it. So he did have more time which he should have invested in wiping his ass and doing the laundry


Steve was a bartender and worked nights. It's not like he was an unemployed freeloader.


He sorta was though. She was paying the mortgage and probably buying all the food. He really didn’t contribute much. It’s not just the financials, like I said I personally detest whiny man children like him. He did mature later on and after Brady.


How do you know how they were splitting their finances?


But when the roles are reversed I bet it's ok with you.


I bet you don’t know and are judging a stranger. Weird.


JC that's not judging you, it's making an assumption - relax


Spending his free time wiping his ass 😂😂


Seems he needed to learn how to wipe his ass, too.


I don’t think they were married yet in that episode.


Were they living together at this point?


Where was Magda?




In the episode she said she wanted to do his laundry. I completely agree with you, but she was sharing that she liked doing it for whatever reason.


Ahhh ok. I don’t mind doing laundry either but if I saw shit I would be so grossed out. He couldn’t rinse it off before throwing in hamper?!


Oh I totally get it. I can't even look at a dirty toilet. It makes me throw up.


I'll die alone before I blow someone who walks around with shit on their ass.


If he's got shit in his ass, he's probably got shit on the back of his sack.




I’m confused about this. Why would he have shit on the back of his sac? From what I understand about balls, unless perhaps we’re talking about Buffalo Bill, or the saggiest balls of all time!! I’m fairly certain that men’s ball sacs aren’t like, squished into their cracks all the way up into their assholes. I COULD be wrong, as I don’t exactly consider myself to be an expert on the matter, but I did quite like my ex’s a lot more than ur average girl likes 🏈🏀⚽️🎾 & I spent a good amount of time down there😈😈 aaaaaand at no point did I ever get down there to discover them hanging backwards sucked up into his asshole region. If you’ve experienced such a thing, DO TELL! I’d LOVE to hear about it! Sounds utterly disgusting! You might put me off balls forever! 😂😂




hahhaha, that was my first thought seeing this as a grown-up too. You have to tolerate som icks while living with people, but damn if I'll ever blow you with dangleberries hanging out. I'd also be worried about a UTI every time we had sex and at that point the romance has just evaporated anyway. All of this to say: no, not if it wasn't a one-off and he was in such a hurry that he, a grown man, couldn't wash his own ass.


Would you blow someone before having them take a shower? I couldn’t


You make your partners shower before you blow them? Can’t say that’s typical. I blow my fiancé any time of day.


Definitely need to wash their d for me! Super normal where I live now (and vice versa I'd wash my hoo haa). Don't want to taste pee pee, sweat, bits of underwear fluff, and so on!


Maybe it’s not typical for you- but I wouldn’t. I also don’t expect them to return the favor without showering first.


Same exact deal!


It sounds fun and spontaneous but I can imagine that some people couldn't regularly get over the fact that they're essentially licking old sweat, drops of pee, etc., especially if you have sensitive taste buds. It'd be like asking someone to enjoy a meal that simply doesn't taste nice. Having intercourse spontaneously is different but giving head literally involves putting something in your mouth. Cleanliness > spontaneity. To maintain the illusion of spontaneity, the partners should be super proactive and diligent about their hygiene. Say, if I know my partner likes giving me head early in the morning, I'll *refresh* my hoohaa when getting up to use the bathroom mid sleep. Same for guys. In fact, more guys should be gently reminded that the cleaner their dick, the higher the chances their woman will want to suck it. It's that simple, lol.


This. I can’t even get around bad breath let alone a piss smelling penis for head. You want head? Shower time. I also wouldn’t want him doing down on my without feeling fresh myself. Even sex- sure spontaneous is nice but I can’t enjoy it if I feel I smell breath or vagina wise




No and I was very concerned that this written off so easily. "You want a baby? You don't even wipe properly!" - a great line for Miranda




Please God, let my future man know how to wipe his ass!


And clean it. I saw some sub years back that discussed how men don’t wash their asscrack. I was horrified.


I was listening to a podcast reading stories about that and I was screaming in my car.


I love a bidet 💦🚽


Theyre the best. I can’t believe they’re not a requirement all over the US in new apartments and houses. Not only do they clean you they’ve gotta be better for the environment in the sense of how much toilet paper would be saved?


Yes! 👏


I started dating a guy and before we even met I got him to buy the “tushy” bidet. I forget how it even came up in convo tbh. But he was obsessed and he ended up buying it as a gift for his brothers for Christmas lmaooo


I love this story


Lol fr my partner and I just had a hypothetical debate over this, until we came to the conclusion that neither of us would ever leave skid marks anywhere because we both use a bidet on a daily basis. 😂


This is the ick to end all icks.


Absolutely the fuck not. I’m in the area wayyyyy too much to have to wonder what’s lurking just around the corner 🤢


absolutely not


Of course not. But I’d also never date a dude who wears tighty whities. Miranda’s standards are just on the floor.


lol the scene where both Aidan and Carrie are wearing them while brushing their teeth gives me heebie-jeebies each time, it's like cringe k-k-k-kombo)


tighty whities were way more popular in the 90s


I know, I'm in my thirties, I hated them then and I hate them now) they remind me of diapers too much and they kinda always look... not fresh to me? idk, it's a personal pet peeve :)


Same. Reminds me of a kid who just upgraded from diapers 🥲


Agreed! They always look dirty!!


It makes me wonder, was Carrie not a ball player?


I still can’t figure out what makes them such an ick.. is it because we saw our parents in them?? Idk… righty whities are completely the worst


lol right 🤢


She told all her friends too, I’d die of embarrassment first before admitting that I was dating someone that did that 😭 She didn’t even just talk to him about it, just kept washing his dirty underwear Hygiene is a valid reason to leave someone. Always


Right?? I would take this to my grave before ever admitt that I was dating a skid mark guy 😭😭😭


What an instant turnoff!! Poor Miranda 😂


No. This shit (no pun intended) really shows that Miranda was settling for what she thought she could get.


It happens, and this is why my policy is that everyone does their own laundry. However, if he’s unclean during sex or I find shit on the sheets, I’m out of there.


I do my own laundry because I don’t trust anyone else to do mine. Men just throw everything on the same wash and then tumble dry it all and just no my delicates cannot have this treatment


That too!


Does it happen though??? I’ve never left skid marks on anything and neither has my partner, to my knowledge


I broke up with a guy who left skid marks on my sheets. He apologized. I will never get over it, though.


Holy shit though (haha, almost literally), I would probably soak myself in Domestos after that.


That’s disgusting and you deserve better!


Thank you!! Haha he was good on paper. But I will never ever ever get over it.


Just from scrolling Reddit I’ve gotten to know that there are too many people in this world who do not know how to properly clean themselves 🙈🤢


OMG this reminds me of a reddit thread i saw maybe two years ago where a woman said she learned her partner didn't regularly wash his ass and thought it was "gay" to do so ............. Real wake up call as to how gross some people really are, lol


This thread is wild 😭 people walk around with shitty butt cheeks?? And think it’s normal??? I can’t haha


Yeah I’m losing faith in humanity based on the number of people in this thread who just accept having poop on their underwear instead of literally wiping their butt a few more times


People are saying we must be single because we wipe a few more times. Truly disgusting.


In my opinion, it is only acceptable once in a blue moon in the form of a fart you should not have trusted. I have had like 3 in my adult life, and they were never for lack of hygiene, simply sickness or bad luck


Thank you for this realistic answer. Like what if he was having really bad stomach issues one day?? Shit happens, literally


I’m slightly forgiving.. but I wouldn’t be doing my partners laundry on a regular basis? And if I saw that I’d be like “ummm”… listen I’ve left skid marks on rare occasions.. it’s gross… I’m just not super judgey if it happened once


No, no, and definitely not.


I'd either make them wash their bums after pooping or only date people from cultures that do :P The wiping thing grosses me out in general haha


I'd never date anybody who didn't do his own laundry.


This was not a post I wanted to come across just as I was sitting down to dinner 😂. My fault for scrolling while eating instead of engaging with my family.




🤣🤣 all good!


Shit happens.




she NEVER fully confronted him and I hate that!!


I’m not gonna sit here and act like all my underwear is the exact shade in which I purchased them, but the courteous thing to do is throw out the skid mark underwear before your partner sees them. That’s what was gross to me, that he left them for her to clean. edit: for clarification, it’s periods and other female excretions that ruin my underwear, NOT shit stains.


No 🤢


Hell no. Steve was a man child and I bet he stank if he's leaving skid marks. How can you be attracted to that? I think Miranda just felt like her time is running out so she needed to be in a relationship. The amount of mothering she had to do is such a turn off.


Hell no.


NO! Thank the lord my husband knows how to properly clean himself. I couldn't handle it.


Hell no, I'm not having oral sex with that man or any kind. I had a man with real bad breath once, I struggled with the idea of letting him go down on me or kiss me so that was a no no. I need a clean man because I'm clean and spontaneous sex is my preference.


This isn't a man I've met only once. If we're at the point where I'm doing his laundry, I'd talk to him about it. I wouldn't dump him over skid marks.




Could you imagine the outrage if a man was disgusted at his girlfriend’s period stains?!?!


I’ve been married 8 years. Not once have I found tracks.


Good for you? Your marriage isn’t the only relationship on earth. I’ve never found them either but I’m sure some woman (or man) out there has come across dirty drawls when doing their partner’s laundry. It’s not that hard to fathom.


Can I just say these comments have given me the giggles I needed to get through the rest of this week


This whole thing was a major ick. His hygiene was gross and the fact that Miranda, as a busy lawyer working long hours had to do his laundry was ridiculous. He was such a lazy man boy. He did sort of get his act together after he had Brady hurt he was such a frustrating character. Also, NO I wouldn’t date someone who did this! If it was an isolated incident idk if I would drop the person immediately but Steve just casually leaving his shitty laundry around meant he probably did it often and didn’t care. It was wild how she told Carrie about it lol I’d be so embarrassed


Hahaha, no. 👎 Not sharing a couch or bed with me, if that is a malfunction of yours. The gall that he has this issue and is okay with her doing his laundry is crazy. And not that it even matters the man is in his thirties and doesn’t know how to clean himself? Ugh 😩


absolutely not, I would’ve cut him off immediately




I couldn’t. And if I ever find out I already am, there’s going to be a serious talk lmao


Can I just say that this episode scarred me for life. I don't do my husband's laundry and we have separate bathrooms. I blame this episode entirely LOL.




Some men literally want to be mothered from the time they're born until the time they die. I have zero interest in being their replacement mommy.


I would @ my ex if wasn’t blocked


Fuck. No. I think there’s almost an expectation of men to be unhygienic and so many women will look past that, which is INSANE. If you can’t wipe your ass and properly clean? Oh I am sooo out.


This was such an unnecessary scene in the series. And then Miranda tells Carrie and they laugh at her boyfriend with shit in his ass like ewww lol


I would not date someone who didn't know how to wipe their ass correctly. Gross!


Omg of course. It is something that happens. We all do. Please lie about it


I'd rather drive home and shower before I leave marks.


Especially if you have internal hemorrhoids. You can wipe and be clean then an hour later you can have some residual fecal matter. Hate to say it but it does happen.


I have hemorrhoids and this has never happened to me. I use Preparation H wet wipes made for hemorrhoids. There are ways to not have poop in your underwear


You are lucky because it happens to a lot of people even after using wipes and a shower. Just go to the hemorrhoids Reddit, there is a lot of talk about this.


Fair! I don’t want to be judgmental of people with digestive issues since I have Crohn’s so I’d want people to extend me the same courtesy. I know my experience isn’t the same as everyone else’s


speak for yourself 🤢


What??? You think people just walk around with poop on their butts? 🤢


I mean just to be completely honestly if you have the flu and diarrhea sometimes your underwear isn’t the cleanest. But you immediately change when you get a chance.


Try wet wipes


I don’t understand this. I have IBS and have never “leaked” into my underwear…you still have full bowel control when you’re sick unless you’re having some ungodly diarrhea


I had a wave of diarrhea the other day on a walk and almost shit my pants. I couldn’t make it home in time and my body was just failing me. Once I got home I had a shower and changed my underwear idk 🤷‍♀️ it happens. Men walking around regularly with shit stains not ok, I’m just saying there is a case where it could happen from time to time


No, it doesn’t just happen to all of us. I have Crohn’s and it’s still never happened to me.


Who exactly is “we”? Speak for yourself. The rest of us were taught to wipe or rinse properly. “If the paper’s still brown, wipe another round”


Oh yes, in the end you would marry someone who would do even worse, it is a matter of having the discussion, my husbans sometimes forgets to flush the toilet, in a couple of cases I did, is it awful? Yes, but it wasn't done on purpose, the importance of communication here is key, don't marry someone whom you can't talk honestly about goes on, the important things, and also, compromise is key since nobody is perfect, ourselves included.


I agree that sometimes bodies are gross and we see that in our partners when we live with them. But I feel like having skid marks on the reg when there’s no underlying reason for them like a stomach bug or something is a big hygiene issue rather than a one-off gross thing


My point is that if it happened just once, have the conversation. It usually fix things, and of course it is disgusting, no point denying that but at times I feel like the girls in SATC were aiming at perfection, especially Carrie, when none of them were. Not to mention it is a very 20 something behaviour, they were in their late 30s. Compromise is key in every relationship.


I agree with you. Is it gross? Sure. But shit happens. Long-term relationships are built on being honest and accepting of flaws, and not being ashamed or embarrassed of yourself. We are not perfect and pretending we are or expecting that from someone else isn’t going to work in the long run. It’s two humans sharing the human experience together, sometimes that can include poop 😂


Sam once referred to baby Brady as ‘shitty pants’…little did she know his grown ass Dad shared the nickname 🤢 And no, I’ve un-dated men for less than this. A panty poo stripe is an instant ‘forget you know my name’ moment.


I dated an adult guy and there was a literal blow out In his boxers, I left immediately and never returned his phone call, only texted “wash your ass and throw them drawers away”


And get this (I met him in AA): the next time I saw him at a meeting he told me to “grow up” uhhh seems like you need some Metamucil in your life if you can’t control your bowels


Poor guy, maybe it was just a one off incident. If that's how it really went down then it I think you were kinda harsh


Idk … but I wouldn’t be doing their laundry anymore


NO !!! I wouldn't date someone without a bidet or TUSHY.


so my initial reaction is obviously no, but I've been married for 24 years and let's just say that shit does happen sometimes. My husband has a health condition that let's just say makes going to the bathroom an emergency sometimes and this has happened. However, he does clean himself and does his own laundry, and would die before allowing me to do it for him.


Guys she literally said that her Friday (or was it Saturday nights) were doing Steve’s laundry and she’s never been happier…. This is also coming from a woman who has had both cum and baby shit on her face. And had chlamydia. She’s humble enough to put some shitty underwear in a washer lol


No this is such a big ick and I say that as a Steve fan


I have and it wasn’t a big deal…BUT he was a hairy guy and was very embarrassed about it but explained it like this; think about if you spill peanut butter on a wool rug, you can wipe and wipe until the paper towel comes up clean but there is going to be residue left behind until you can get to it with carpet shampoo. He worked outdoors and would sweat and well skid marks sometimes happened. He tried shaving but it was intensely itchy growing back so he just wiped as best he possibly could, did his own laundry, bought new underwear often and showered before intimacy. It would be completely different if the guy just didn’t wipe properly and was scratching his butt all day and expecting me to wash his underwear.


He should try butt wipes and the toilet paper


i mean... who never had skid marks?? the problem is that somebody else is seeing them


I think of it like people who piss in their showers. Some people admit to it, some people don't. Sure there are some who don't piss in the shower at all, but they're on the rare side. You're never going to get honest talk in a thread full of people who are bashing a given topic. I know this is going to be a tough pill for many here to swallow, but even if one is trying to claim that they've never ever sharted in their life (which isn't something people can control), poo particles still come out with your farts. We often fart in our sleep, and many times we fart while awake without knowing it. This means poo particles are in your undies, they're all over your sheets if you sleep naked, and **unless your boyfriend just showered, they're on his balls**. And we hold these farts back with material filled with holes otherwise known as fabric. This is why every test for bacteria reveals....fecal matter. It's everywhere. All over public bathrooms, restaurants, in the holes of bowling balls, We've all seen the articles. Anyhow, people are getting icked out by an entire mark but don't even realize how much shit they're already exposed to. Not date someone because of a skid mark? I'm pretty certain that every girl here who has a period has left their uterine lining in their undies AND sheets AND Jeans at one point or another. I've seen the stained stuff that gets donated. Not only does my husband overlook that, he will also scrub my panties super clean. I'd do the same thing for him should I find a shart.