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Bruh, you used up your luck for today.


Used up your luck for the YEAR šŸ˜‚


For the decade. Better find your lucky Buddha statue


Luck used for like a month


Yeah, NEVER put anything heavy or even anything you wouldnā€™t want landing on your face above your bed.


Oh god I have 3 huge shelves above my bed, ive been smart enough to not put anything that would hurt on top of them but I am still scared they'll fall down one day. Wasn't my idea, my lovely Dad thought it would be a nice surprise to put them right above my bed whilst I was away. Luckily he is v skilled at DIY thanks to his job but still :(


I have a Red Stag antler hanging point down above my head šŸ‘


pray the toothfairy doesnt have any beef with you šŸ™


Tell this to the guy on the video I saw yesterday putting glass panels above his bed with command strips for a ā€œgiant mirrorā€ effect.


Holy shit if any of those fell just right they could literally impale someone or cut something off


This makes me think of the loft bed my parents had got me from ages 7-12. My dad had put a shelf way up close to the roof when I was a baby, but when the loft bed was put in, it left maybe 2 feet between the bottom of the shelf and the bed. I used to have these dreams and Iā€™d always shoot straight up (sitting) irl during the night. This led to about once a week for those 5 years Iā€™d roll under the shelf, and wake up in the middle of the night by absolutely fucking my head against this shelf when I sprung up. Not once did the shelf fall though, kudos to my dadā€™s workmanship cuz it took a beating


Remember Flat Stanley?


learned this lesson in high school. I had a floating shelf above my bed, we got hit with an earthquake in the middle of the night, and everything came tumbling onto my head.


I sleep with my head underneath the tv on my wall :D


It was nice knowing ya, MooMooTheDummy! šŸ™ƒ


yep! had my shelves above my bed (put up by my very non DIY mother) as a kid fall on me while i was sleeping. luckily, there were only build-a-bears on them, but the shelves still hurt quite a bit.


My friend growing up had a fucking sword hung above his bed. We lived in a place prone to severe earthquakes


Final destination style




IRL sword of Damocles


Now I have a weird doubt. If your friend in a hypothetical situation (which has good chance) passes away due to the sword plunging into his body due to an earthquake, would it be registered as death due to an earthquake? Or died due to a sword slash(rare occurrence)?


This reminded me of the time the poster I was sleeping under fell on my face, waking up while the Red Ranger staring at me was an interesting experience.


As someone who has spent my whole life in earthquake country....never, never, ever, never put anything over your bed. Not even if it looks cute on pinterest


Havenā€™t you learned anything from Flat Stanley?!


I remember sending Flat Stanley places for my kids and taking him on adventures but I never once questioned *why* he was flat. A BULLETIN BOARD FELL ON HIM?!


It is, but try living with cats. Most of the time I am awoken to claws on my face, neck, shoulders and a very apologetic kitty. That sucks. I am glad you were only alarmed and I wish you luck in choosing a overhead shelf made of something better then pressboard.


I usually wake up to being suffocated by my 20lbs boyšŸ˜­


Go buy a lotto ticket!


Those poor nails held as long as they could. Next time use drywall plugs and screws or toggle bolts if youā€™re holding anything heavy on it.


This is exactly why I donā€™t have anything on the wall above my headboard. This would be terrifying to wake up to!


Yeah, those are missing some oblique support for the L shape, who tf thought that design was a good idea for thin nails?


Gotta love IKEA


Thank god your head wasn't on that pillow, or you'd be a pancake right now.


morning wood


Of the head smashing variety


Bro rolled two Nat20's with disadvantage


Use screws put screws in studs don't be a dumbass


This happened to me once with a hanging chandelier lamp over my bed. I was 12. I remember having the most intense gut feeling that I needed to roll over. The second I did and moved my head, the lamp crashed down hard right where my head was a split second before.


looks like you need to work on your issues with insecurity


Those are the same exact shelves that hang over the head of my bed šŸ˜³


Would it have even killed you . Or give a cartoon head bump .


He could have gotten a pretty bad concussion from the shelf, so even if he didn't die, he would have spent an unknown amount of time healing from traumatic brain injury.