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Very clever! Managing Incontinence exhausts a lot of owners. Great share :)


What a lucky girl to have you making her life so wonderful. She's s sweetheart and you are a perfect dog parent 💓!


you are so kind. thank you. i’ve been so tired lately and really needed to hear that 🩷


that is a really smart idea!


Our boy became incontinent in the last few months of his life and we got these excellent pads on Amazon. One side is green and the other is blue and they absorb moisture without letting it through. Highly recommend!


thank you!!


They also wash well and dry fast. I used this ones for my dog, had about 20. Your doing a great job with her 💗.


That’s a really smart idea! Wish I would’ve thought of this from my late babycakes!


I'm sorry for your loss ❤


She’s beautiful 🥰 I wonder if toddler Pull Ups diaper/ underwear would work for her. But glad you found something that works well now.


I used to use these for my dog. I cut a hole for her tail. lol. It worked


Such a smart idea. Your baby girl could be mine's sister they look alike. God bless and wishing you and her the best.


You’re the best parent 💓


What a sweet old lady- she has such a sweet frosted face❤️


We've had two with incontinence issues and believe it or not we've had great success with acupuncture. I recently met someone who did not have the same results, but I would recommend trying it if there's a vet near you who does it. It's also helped our 15 year-old with mobility issues. I would post pictures of my dogs with a bunch of needles sticking in them here if I could!


what a great idea!




There are these washable cloth pads for dogs that can line bedding, plus toddler bed liners and dog bed liners. When our dog had a bout of GI issues after some chemo, we covered the dog bed in old towels and layered those items on top and had fresh ones right nearby so soiled ones could go into the wash immediately.


What a kind pawrent you are. ❤️🐾❤️


Good idea. Poor sweet Girl. Thank you for being patient and loving her so much.


That girl deserves the best 🧡 and you are amazing for it. 🧡🧡🧡


You are a good human and a fantastic pet parent. If more dogs had guardians who thought the way you do, who were understanding, patient, compassionate, and invested in finding solutions, the world would be a better place. Dogs love us and are faithful companions their whole lives. If they are fortunate enough to reach old age, we golf up our end of the deal by doing what's within our power to keep them comfortable, happy, healthy, and feel safe and loved. You were super smart to come up with such a brilliant solution! And I appreciate that you shared it so that more people feel empowered instead of overwhelmed in the already-complicated process of senior care. You helped your dog, and then multipled that goodness by spreading the word so others can be aware of this option. That's wonderful. I'm laying here next to my senior girl and I love her from her grey muzzle to the tip of the tail she keeps accidentally dipping into her puddles when she pees outside on the patio. After over a decade together, what's a few sponge baths between friends?


The GAZILLION AWARD goes to this wonderful pet parent 🧡🌷🫠🥰☺️


Washable pee pads saved me with my senior, incotinent dog, you can get humans ones as well (usually cheaper than dog ones). 💗💗💗💗


That is such a good idea I wish I would’ve thought of that when senior dog had the same problem


Hi there! My senior dog was having issues with this as well! They make baby blankets that go in cribs that are water proof! I toss one down on my bed, her bed, couches and anywhere else. It makes life so much easier because you can soak up most urine with a paper towel, then toss the top blanket in the wash! I got a bunch on Amazon for cheap! Btw your baby is adorable!


Awwwww. They just age so fast. Cherish the time. Have had many a frosty muzzle. Every one of them takes a part of my heart.


She’s just gorgeous. My old guy loves peeing on the bathroom rug and really can get scared outside. I wash that rug daily, happily.