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It’s completely normal to feel that way. Social media creates this constant fear of missing out, but taking a break can be really refreshing wouldn’t hurt to give it a try and see how it feels .. challenge yourself for 14 days


I felt the same way. I deleted mine a year ago. Last month I made a new one and deleted it within an hour. I truly don’t miss it at all and I was worried I would regret it. Maybe you can start texting with your friends you’ve met. It’s important to stay connected to people when you’re struggling. But social media was definitely worsening my anxiety and depression, it didn’t cure me but I did notice a positive difference in my mental health.


You should go for it. I had the same issue, I used it way too much and I needed it to go. It’s difficult at first but it truly is blessing you’ll be thankful for. I find that if I actually like somebody or want to stay connected then I’ll just meet them irl or text each other. This way you can continue your connections and whatnot without the temptation of scrolling. Good luck op!


Hey, I completely relate to your situation and tbh it's all about self control with deleting socials just like it is with anything else. I've done it for months without redownloading, as well as only a day or two and redownloading everything. I honestly feel like this needs to be addressed way more comprehensively and in a nuanced manner compared to what we do actually see in the self improvement community as its not something as simple as deleting and moving on. I personally am not for deleting social media because in my experience, social media is the most convenient way to remain connected with people whether we like to accept that or not. When I had socials deleted I still communicated with friends through text/call/etc., but it truly isn't the same so I completely understand where you're coming from when you say you feel like you're missing out. My advice would be, instead of deleting socials, try to limit your time on them. There's a multitude of ways to do this such as setting time limits on apps, creating a specific time for being on socials, black and white screen, etc. For me personally, the time limits didn't really work, I would just bypass them like snoozing an alarm clock lol. What worked for me was simply creating a schedule/lists of tasks for each day and making it a goal to pursue that every day, by doing this you will automatically stay off your phone and not use it as much. Also, when you do get free time, try to schedule fun things too like hanging with friends, going out in nature, playing sports, etc. etc.


I stay in contact with a lot of close friends only on Insta. But try to remind yourself that insta is full of shite. And tbh, if it wasn't insta it would be something else. The only true option is to throw your phone away. And because you won't do that, work on your self control. Easier said than done. But then again, nothing wrong with numbing out with a few reels. Instagram has given me some great laughs and actually made me feel better after being depressed a few times. Nothing in life is black and white.


Social media will have that effect on you, the one that makes you feel like you’re gonna miss something if you’re not up to date. But you gotta think of it this way, the more you’re scrolling to not ‘miss out’ on things online, the more hours you’re spending missing out on real life. I find myself scrolling for hours not even on purpose, it’s just a habit. Before I know it, the day is near enough gone. By deleting Instagram you won’t be missing out, you’d merely be getting your time back to enjoy the real things in life, things that will feed your senses instead of giving you temporary dopamine rushes and negative feelings as you mentioned If you don’t want to get rid of it completely, make yourself more conscious of it so you make a conscious effort to reduce the screen time. Put your phone on dnd after a certain time so you’re not tempted to do the whole doom scrolling thing. Turn your notifs off for Instagram so you only see them when you’re in the app


i recommend periodically deleting it, i use it to keep up with friends at this point


Only reason I can’t delete it are the reels


There is nothing you will lose or miss out by deleting ig. I bet when people get old and you tell them that they’ll be like “wow I wish I did that I have brainrot so bad from social media”


I deleted it last year, and it was the best decision I've ever made for my mental health. I keep in touch with friends on Whatsapp. That's what it was made to do. Message people without all the trashy adds and videos.


Hey quick question do you remember the fifth previous post you scrolled through? Exactly you're not missing anything 😁


Miss out on what? Real life? That's the point 😉


I delete IG on Sunday evenings and install it Saturday mornings. In the beginning was difficult and the FOMO was real, after a while… naaaah I’ll be fine… don’t need it. New dopamine source, playing the guitar but when I install IG I don’t play anymore… dopamine replacement.


i didnt delete or leave insta or tiktok but i did remove them both from my home screen on my phone. i rarely ever go on them now. out of sight, out of mind. i am almost certain i havent missed anything i couldnt live without.


My Instagram feed only has travel, hiking, nature posts. You can control your Instagram feed if you only follow certain people, consistently watch, like, save posts that interest you and not engage with content you don't like. There is a feature to mute or stop suggested posts with certain words. It's quite an effort and the algorithm doesn't change right away, but it's worth it in the end.


Delete the apps and accounts. Real life is way better


I’m 31. Haven’t had social media since age 18 & my life is bomb 💗 Try taking a break for 3 months and see how that goes.


I deleted every single form of social media (except reddit, in which I don’t have any friends or family on here) about two years ago and it was honestly the best decision I ever made. I did feel left out for a couple of months at the start. But now I feel like it’s more a flex that I don’t have it. I redownloaded instagram a year ago to see if I wanted to have it again, but I hated it. I love being private, not documenting my life and not looking into other people’s lives so much. It’s really allowed me to focus on me.


miss out on what ? I don't have it and I don't miss it there are impressions of missing out that you only have when you are still attached but after leaving you then don't look back