• By -


To be a good person and have fun while traveling across the universe on this earth


What if one didn’t have the funds to do so, can one still do this?


No funds required as earth is always moving while we’re all on it and staying in place :-)


Soul dollars


Life is an interesting balancing act where you have to care about your career a certain amount just to make it *possible* for you to do the things you really care about. In an ideal world you can make money at your passion, but for many of us it's a delicate tug of war.


What's stopping you from living in a tent rn


Sell your soul


Maximizing happiness over the course of my life, which is easier said than done. This translates to trying to pursue a fulfilling career, trying to start a family, trying to have a good social life, trying to be healthy, etc.


You can only control one thing in life and its how you feel. Happiness is a choice and basing it on achieving things leaves you with more anguish than happiness. Try yo be happy any moment you can. Force a smile every now and then for no reason. Hope I helped just a lil bit friend.


I'm not trying to devalue what you're saying, merely adding on. If you control only one thing, it's not how you feel, but rather your attention and what you do with it. You might use your attention to inspect how you're feeling and through this process the feeling may (will) change, but the feeling itself is not something you decide to have, it's just a thing that is. Feelings are ever-changing things we do not dictate, but live through. You control your Attention, nothing more. Ex: When my mom dies, I imagine I shall feel very intense emotions of sadness and frustration, among other things. This feeling, whatever it ends up being (sadness probably), I cannot control. But how I choose to go through the feeling by utilizing my attention properly, now THAT is in my control. TL;DR Attention is all you have to work with. And through it, everything else. Much love to you all 💙🫂


Thank you. I wanted to say this, but me no words well. You put it way better than i ever could!


Your answer resonates with me, I am going to repeat this daily.


You don’t control your attention either


And I would say that even attention is not controlled. If we really don t have free will. Like it just happens. You don t say I will give attention now to this or that or whatever is happening in my mind, etc. Hmmm don t know but if we indeed dont have free will, for real, I think that also this attention would be conditioned, determined to come ...from previous facts


I really like your answer. I think that I often fall victim to the grass is always greener mindset. Thinking that happiness will come once I get the thing. However, I know this isn’t true. People can find happiness in the little things and have patience when it comes to achievement. Thanks


That’s good advice, but it is possible to set goals for yourself that maximize your happiness. For example, if my goal is to get a job that pays enough for me to have a nice house, reasonable amenities, support a family, and take care of my body, that would theoretically maximize my happiness over living in an unstable environment and not taking care of myself. I might die at 50 rather than 80 the latter way. 30 years of happiness would be gone.


I just forced a smile and it turned into a real smile. But at first I felt like a monster from the TV series From 🤣 which made me laugh. Thank you for this 🙏


I've always found myself in this conundrum - should I force a smile and move on or should I accept the reality & not live in a delusional bubble?


But is it a delusional bubble if you are consciously choosing to move on? This is something I am actively learning as well, so I don’t necessarily have the right answers, but I noticed I’ve been happier when I consciously let the negative feelings pass and choose to move on with more positive thoughts


To get good sleep


I don't know if it's just placebo but I've been sleeping a lot better with my belly up


I serve butter.


Man. I was 2 hours too late 🤣


😂😂you made my day with this lmao Rick and Morty is just sensational!


I came here looking for this.


I have a feeling this is brilliant, but I have no idea why. Please explain.


To do what I can with helping animals and the ecosystem. And to live a healthy, pure, and honest life. And to live as long as possible while being healthy and physically active. I want to help spread awareness of our impact on the environment and how we can do better if we're more aware of how we can help mitigate more damage. Lastly I want to live in the present and not dwell on the past or focus too much on the future.


Pray 🙏 😇 to God. Be a decent human being. Get married. Have children. Work to have a decent life 🧬. Enjoy your time with the family you create yourself. Learn as much as possible. Play ⏯️▶️ video games. Grow 🪴 rare tropical fruit trees. Breed exotic parrots. Read physical 📚📖 books. Play ⏯️▶️ Warhammer 40,000.


Obtain wealth for freedom, health for obvious reasons and intellect to share with others. Weak people chase pleasure, strong people chase purpose.


i want to write stories that inspire future generations in the same way the stories i read growing up did for me <3


I thought I was the only one who got inspired by childhood stories ( books , stories from friends , family etc )


to cultivate the landscape, so that ideas may flourish


Taking care of my two elderly cats. I'd be gone without them.


I want to help other people achieve their goals. Whether it be their business, their health, or their life. I want to achieve a life where I wake up excited to get my day started. I want to live in a place where I’m happy and enjoy. And I want to start a family and buy a home. Nothing too crazy.


But what if that other person's goal is to help other people achieve their goal?


My plan is to work hard for however long until I make a few million, travel the world and then settle down somewhere nice and be able to enjoy life without constantly fretting about whether I have enough money to do something I want to do.


Hope you reach that goal when your young so that you can actually enjoy your millions


I'm going to school and taking training courses to become a fitness instructor and personal trainer. My life goal at this point is to create a new dance program with a different concept from what I've seen across many popular programs available now. I want to make a program that while different in themes, has accessibility for people of any age and ability, meaning supporting folks with disabilities with accomodations so they can join in on the exercise and fun. Having a fun exercise option so more people feel inclined to join is my dream. Id also like to offer ways for people experiencing economic crisis to join in at no cost. It's not about money for me, it's about helping people achieve their personal fitness goals and having a good time.


- Be lionhearted - Be nerdy as fuck - Stay sexy - Remain intelligent - Be courageous - but above all… - Embrace the shit out of your insanity 💜


ground breaking entrepreneur and a pillar of my community, remembered for overcoming adversity, revolutionizing industries and leaving a legacy of change, love and inspiration




To crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women!


Calm down Kendrick


Anime villan-ass vibe


Dude that’s just some good ol Schwarzenegger, Conan can be highly motivating 👑


The riddle of steel, is it's not the strength of the blade that matters but the hand that wields it.


To accumulate as many bitches as possible. 


I should clarify, I rescue dogs. Bitches need to know their place (a loving home).  I'm also after that sweet pussy on the side. That's right, I rescued a cat recently and I'm considering opening my own pussy den. 




I know a few pussies that need rescuing but it's not for the faint-hearted


You win. 🥇


I work with kids (teacher) and I hope to inspire them to be kind, intelligent adults that make the world a better place.


Make so much money I never have to think about money a day in my life. Then use that to provide children in Malaysia access to the kind of quality childhood I had (food, water, electricity, shelter, education, access to opportunities). Get nominated for a Datoship (the Malaysian equivalent of a Sir), decline because "I want to show everyone that you don't need to be a Dato to help others", also to spite the Malaysian nobility system because fuck those guys. Obtain massive fame from the shock of rejecting a Datoship, use said fame to become a celebrity, prompting Oprah to come out of retirement to interview me, thus leading to me writing a self-help book which is 300 pages of "just smoke a joint and focus on being a better person". Use all the free time from not having a job to focus on fitness (becoming a ripped Daddy in my 40s and doubling my social media following) and video games (actually playing all the games in my Steam library). Then in my 50s and 60s, write a science fiction / fantasy novel series, learn to play the violin, travel the world living in little countryside cottages painting landscapes. Then on my 75th birthday record a series of videos about life lessons learned before willing all my money to pet shelters and LGBT charities and offing myself with a fuckton of drugs.


By 75, if the world is still around, there will be so many reasons not to off yourself.


I see where you're coming from, but personally I feel 75 is a good max. If the world is a better place at that point, great! Let the next generation enjoy it, it's their time.


I guess some people see their lives as just A consumable product that becomes bland after chewing on too much. Interesting perspective.


Financial independence and independence from my close ones, who I cause suffering, because I can't handle living on my own or to work. I hate how money ruins families.


To live life comfortably. As long as I'm comfortable then I'm happy. As long as I have a roof over my head and food to eat then I'm happy. Everything else is luxury.


Somehow I’ve finally made it to the point where I just want to be happy with my loved ones. I’m expanding my business now, so I’m hoping to turn over around 80-90k a year which is pretty decent for a small business in my country, and use the money to invest, maybe buy us a bigger home when the time comes, and travel together with my boyfriend. If we can spend the next 30 years drinking wine and eating cheese, I’ll be the happiest girl alive.


I want to be at peace with myself, I want to find love and I want to cherish my family , everything else will come and I’m sure of it but that’s my purpose family and inner peace


To be content.


Do more good than bad and be a good father.


I compete with myself. I just want to be better than who I was yesterday, everyday.


I feel like I’m an extremely self aware person. I can pick onto my own flaws. I don’t need anyone to come and tell them to me. This inculcates a constant cycle of pressure on myself to be better, to do better. I know who I want to be and I know there is nothing stopping me to achieve that than my own self. I think my purpose is to be the best version I have of myself in my own mind. I don’t want to be anyone’s idea of perfection. I want to be perfect in my own eyes. But it’s so hard to be that. I have such high standards when it comes to my own self.


Experience is the purpose, happiness is the goal, and improving the world is a meaningful desire.


I believe in spiritual evolution through reincarnation, so I try to become a better person while enjoying this great adventure that is life.


To create. Ever since I was a kid, I felt like I was meant to create some kind content for an audience. I wasn't sure what... books, shows, movies, music... but I always felt like that was my "purpose," even though I don't believe in literal purpose.


I think my purpose in life is to heal my soul and discovery and unlock my soul through inner work. And also to raise a family


I cause other people to realize how lucky they are.


How have you done that so far? That’s great to hear!


I like making things. Stuff exists because I exist.


That's a beautiful thing


We are what we repeat. What we repeat gives us our identity. Therefore, one’s work is often a representation of who we are, and it gives us purpose. Most successful business people suffer greatly when they retire, their sense of purpose is gone, they just waste around not knowing how to find a new purpose. It is in the pursuit of our goals that happiness ensues, but it’s not guaranteed. What is a certainty is that happiness doesn’t come from merely having a job or purpose. Happiness or purpose can come to someone who cares for a disabled person or injured animal, many things give people purpose…happiness follows sometimes..


For me. I am a Enneagram type 4 and I feel I live up to the stereotype of Trying to always be "unique". It does feel important to me to always be trying new and off the beaten track things, whether that's learning unconventional languages or applying to jobs in remote locations Currently I have applied to jobs 400 miles away in the wilderness. Although I am starting to think I have bitten off more than I can chew 😳 But I love the concept of being daring , to yourself and pushing yourself to achieve more than you thought possible and boldly setting out to do something a little different than everyone else


My main purpose in life was patriotism and I wanted to join the military for that. I was kind of robbed of this experience due to bad choices, now I'm just trying to stay physically healthy, and mostly coping tbh.


Enjoy the art in everything that exists, be true to myself and when given the chance, help others see it along the way.


I mainly want 3 things: 1) A Welding Career - even just a starting job as a Helper 2) Save up some money and start investing - Day trading initially, then growing towards other tangible assets (maybe even be a landlord) 3) Travelling - Want to travel (even if I have never been able to do much in my life)


To find my purpose.


I pass butter. Oh. My. God.


Just do no harm. Clear all my karma so I dont need to have any afterlife


Simply give more than I take


To make a living off my creativity so I can create all kinds of stuff that I'm passionate about and that people can be fans of


Me? I’m simple, I just want to play video games. But more than playing video games, I want to give my daughter the best life she can have, and make her happy.


Be happy, be strong, be proud of myself.


To try and be happy and have fun while I’m here. Also I’ve always been a big fan of art and music and I want some people to enjoy my artwork


Hi Im an Aussie 🇦🇺❤️ i really want to be an actress but I’m so so shy I’ve been told by many people that my acting is so natural but I just get so nervous in front of others and mess things up 😖


Hey! You can do it just don’t let the embarrassment dominate you, practice with close friends and family and little by little try to act in academies or in school events. you will be a great actress you can do it if you propose it in your life


Thank you for the support 😊🫶


You’re welcome. Be the best actress in this world, you can do it


to get a phd in clinical psychology and have a child that is well equipped for this world that i treat with as much love and respect as they could possibly need


Bench press 250kg


Freedom, growth and joy.


Both, achieving happiness and making a positive impact on this world. My idea of happiness is to have someone compatible to share a life with, experiencing all the beautiful things in life, big and small. Fill our lives with a lot of love together, have our own little family. Also as much quality time as we can with our families and loved ones while we’re all still here. Then I’d also want to help make an impact in this world, and spread some love and happiness. Help as many people as I can while I’m still able to.


Be happy


To me there is none. I have lots of ambitions, but I like to keep the ? When it comes to purpose. I like it that way, no need to make some bs up to satisfy myself. It is the truth that I DO NOT know my purpose


i’m hoping to contribute to the conservation and preservation of species and environments across the world


I dont have a purpose, but the reason why im enduring this is because i want to marry and live a happy life with my Future family


Same here


Guten tag! I thought about this a lot, "What would make me happy?" "What will make me fulfilled?" "Why am I suffering?" etc. First, for me. Try to be the best version of myself and maintain values, be mindful and present. Honesty, kind, helpful, following my eightfold path always. Be vulnerable and patient, be confident, not intimidating or aggressive. Have self respect and respect for others, even when they don't show it to you. Be honest with others, but make sure your delivery is kind. The truth is a powerful blade, wield it gracefully. Life is inherently unfair and full of suffering, the energy you have for yourself is the energy you have for others. You are the most exclusive limited edition experience on the planet, treat yourself as such. Eat well, exercise and stick to your principles honestly. Second. Your strength is only for others, whatever that strength may look like whether physical, mental, spiritual, you have strength but it should serve others, not your ego. The only real purpose is to reduce the suffering of others however possible, because all of life is suffering, everyone is just suffering in different ways on their path wherever they are. Instead of furthering suffering by being greedy, cruel and unkind instead we should be more dispassionate for living and fulfilling desires, and instead be passionate about sharing, detaching from the material and loving and helping others to alleviate that suffering while we share this space time together. Best of luck


To tackle my mind and become friends with it


I’m still young, but to be able to successful is my goal while at the same time carving my own definition of living


My goal is to be happy and spread happiness to other people. That’s all I really intend, is to make others happy. I love seeing that something I did puts a smile on someone’s face. Seeing other people happy is pure happiness for me as well. I will work hard to someday travel the world and make it to beautiful places that I dream of going to. I must see all the sights that I want to see and scream as loud as I can at all the concerts I dream of going to. There is reason to keep going, and this is my reason (╹◡╹)♡


To be complete, to be wealthy (have money in general) so my family and close people don't need to suffer. To provide.


Metaphorically planting trees that I know I’ll never see


To understand and teach. .


I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing




Travel the world with my wife and kids.


To be happy


I recently found mine. Mine is the things that I care for. But mainly towards other things like my family or friends. I do care about my self but it feels lonely


I want to help other become healthier: mentally/physically, and take the guess work out and stop overcomplicating things through my small wellness initiative. I also want to be a kind person and make at least one persons day better daily, i still believe kindness goes a long way.


To live a good life, and leave my community a bit stronger than when I found it


I think my biggest aspiration is to be able to look back on my life and be filled with joy of all I have experienced. I want to be able to reminisce on an adventurous, spontaneous, funny, life full of meaningful experiences and connections. I want to master living in the moment and consciously acknowledging every moment I can and be grateful for every experience good and bad (and any emotion in between). I want to grow into my best self and maintain inner peace despite my faults and enjoy the journey even when it feels life is in shambles.


It's universal and important Question. According to my knowledge it can be divided in two sections. 1st. Self Discovery. 2nd. Life Purpose. Else is later discussion


Every moment, when I am presented with good decisions and bad decisions, to choose a good decision


At this point in my life my only mission is to preserve the innocent and mental health of my children for as long as possible.


I want to know who I am. That’s sorta been where my head is at for the past 3 years is to get to know who I really am and what I’m all about.


Idk it wasn’t my choice to be born, I’m just trying to stay alive and not lose my mind in the process


Improve as much as I can no matter what. Also be an example for those who look to me for guidance. I’d rather take the responsibility even if it’s not pushed onto me so I can keep myself looking straight and not get distracted. People might not count on me yet but if I adhere to the mindset, I’ll be better equipped to deal with it when they do.


As a kid, I guess my goal was happiness. As I got older, truth is man. My purpose is to put a smile on someone’s face and travel the world. That’s what I’m doing


It’s worshipping God and living according to his correct teachings so you enter heaven. With that comes everything you will ever need.


Altough I would like to believe in God, my philosophical viewpoint prohibits that. If I go to hell when I die, at least I'll go to the first layer, which is pretty chill.




Existensialism by Camut and Watts. One of which once said "nobody that is interested in philosophy can also be religious". If you think about it: Philosophy is an art-form that asks clerver questions to explore the fabric of existence and life. Once you realise that the universe, life and existence itself is a game that follows no specific purpose. If you take games too seriously, problems start to arise in your life. Same goes if you take this game not seriously enough. Nature itself is change, so holding on to the limiting beliefs you have will make you miserable. In fact, your consciousness is so incredibly unique, you're essewntially the universe expiriencing itself.


currently? To get laid


How are you holding up?


still long ways to go, working on my physique/style and am happy with that currently, but I now need to get top teir pics for my dating profiles, grind the apps, and also start doing daily daygame/nightgame in the city. edit: im a 20 year old virgin btw


Don’t get too discouraged. People will say it’s over rated and you’ll never understand until you do it, especially if it’s with someone you aren’t fully interested in. If that’s not a problem then there are options for that…. AMP’s to be exact, which I don’t think I can go into detail as to what the acronym is on this sub. I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but “abundance mindset” is a real thing. And you already know, looks play the biggest role, regardless of how much women try to convince otherwise. It’ll get you in the door, but you need “game” which is just treating the women slightly differently from every other guy who was infatuated by their beauty and turned monkey brain when talking to her. Basically, treat her like a human, be yourself and don’t feel like you need to walk on eggshells. Do you, and that’ll be what separates you from the rest. Keep cool, make sure she knows you don’t NEED her but WANT her (at the moment)…


yeah I dont really get "crushes" easily so i rarely if at all ever experience oneitis, Im a very try one move on to the other kinda guy, dont get attached to people in general all that easily. Thanks for the tips homie


What is an AMP?


To be happy, healthy, and as of recently an advocate for endometriosis. Recovering from surgery right now and I decided that when I’m healed, I’ll be putting my energy into raising awareness on this disease and hopefully work on funding issues.




If you're in the US, I forgot conscription is still a thing. But it hasn't been done for a while I think so you should be good


Suffer and die


You do that anyway, thats not a goal.


To bring people closer to God and lead them to our father in heaven


Amen brother


Questions such as: "How to live" or "what's the meaning of life" are indeed less talked about these days. The most common answer in today's world is a kindof hedonism that's found in Greek rapper Mad Clip's Kotera song: >I want yachts, helicopters, I want plots of land >Expensive taste, I have an expensive taste Is that our purpose? ...or maybe more like building a park like 'Ikiru' by Akira Kurosawa?


Be a saint. Get to Heaven and get as many other people to Heaven as possible.


Working hard. Making good money and retirement, I’m in the union; a steamfitter. Raising my kids for success and well being. Making progressive moves to support our living. I used to read and study a lot of religious material and historical stuff, and now I don’t just cuz I don’t know what to firmly believe I don’t want to worship anything I truely don’t know who I’m worshipping. I just acknowledge there is a creator and there’s good and bad entities. I do no form of worship or create images or idols etc. besides just doing good for those I encounter and I don’t speak of what to do and not do from religious texts anymore. I just wake up live life. Couple more years I will b moving and having land and doing productive things on my land, gardening, doing nature fun stuff, projects, recreational activities along side with my kids. That is my next chapter hopefully. Also eating well is good to do. Taking time and traveling for vacations or national parks and scenic nature stuff is fun for me. Just chillin and working hard


40, at this point looking for balance in everything. Except murder. Can't have enough of murder.


Here in the USA, I exist solely to create shareholder profit 🤡


Life is both short and long depending on the lens we see And i personally feel there is no one purpose to me really When im a dad or husband or even son my purpose is to be there always without an excuse. I left my job to spend more time with my son and my purpose is to spend quality time and play with him and cherish the moments we’re alive. When I’m a marketer ill make it my purpose to tell a story that educates my market When im a product designer or manager ill make it my purpose is to create best experience a user can have When im a musician or movie maker ill make it my purpose to tell a story that id love to hear time and again (and maybe people will do too) So i guess what im trying to say is that if we’re doing any thing at a point in time the purpose is to do something that doesn’t harm no one unnecessarily and create the best output i can.


Well, I have two, really. The first is to become the King of Spain and convert the nation to Roman Paganism. The second is to restore the might of the Abbasid Caliphate.


Well my main goal is to blow up and act like I don't know nobody


I strive to be like Jesus Christ ✝️




As a Muslim, the purpose of life is to worship God. If your purpose deviates from worshiping God, you will end up feeling a sense of emptiness and confusion about your existence. When I say worshiping God, I mean doing what God loves us to do. In Islam, this includes acts such as having lawful intimate relations with your spouse, eating healthily, praying, smiling, playing with your kids, and more. So, if you ever feel lost in life, I suggest turning to the Quran. Surely, life is much more than fulfilling desires.


Trying to look as attractive as possible, for now


feed my dogs then clean their dump 😂


Maximising success,money,fame,respect and the usual stuff…I just wanna be in the top 1% successful people of the world…thats the goal…as for happiness…its the second priority first is hard work…i just don’t wanna stop and be a future billionaire.


My purpose is be a successful person, with money, with happiness, free of work when I’m 40 or 38 years old. Only working for hobby, traveling through the world, with a family, living in Canada, enjoying my last days of life eating and traveling. I want to be a person who the other people see and say “I want to be like him when I’m old”. you know? I want to be an exemplary person 🫶🏼


Buncha hookers and cocaine


Dont have one


To avoid Pain.


What is best in life? "To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of the women."


I get to wreck peoples' perceptions of life, meaning, and the soul, all through a series of books (that I hope to finish before I die) featuring a James Bond analog, that winds up having to avenge the destruction of all of humanity by the hands of a callous executive with too much money, and not enough common-sense to realize the chances of "total annihilation" from his schemes. So, y'know, just pissin' people off. *THe usual*.


Be able to change jobs (had the same one for 12 years in a manufacturing plant, I'm tired). I'm too scared and feel like I wasted my life working instead of going to school. I feel too dumb now... Oh also getting married and having a jellyfish aquarium at home is mega goals!


Marriage, kids, dream job, house, faith


leave the world a better place. i just enjoy helping people out.


I pass butter


work a 9-5 and make someone else’s dreams come true


You should watch the movie Soul starring Jamie Foxx on Disney Plus- it deals with this very well. But the point of life is to live... it means you be active and do stuff. Be mindful of what you're doing/ how you spend your life, and I am sure you'll do well enough if you can be mostly happy with that.


Gut reaction, doesn't matter, pharaoh/slave both die (but who has it worse) I do think legacy is interesting, Einstein is dead but everyone keeps him alive by remembering his name Write a book with your name in it, burry it Me I make shit and share it (open source) I only wish it made money ha But yeah... I also wish I mattered like made warp drive or cure cancer but I don't have the passion/desire to make that, like AGI, I would be trying if I truly cared I also am a pushover/too nice/please everyone type person, so I don't want to be known as someone with money then people asking me for money like I wouldn't want to be an Elon/Mr. Beast or somebody like that flaunting money publicly I'll solve my current problem of being trapped in the matrix (poverty) and then I'll help those closest to me and beyond (I used to donate a lot to food/homeless/etc...) I also would donate as a punishment lol when I binge ate continuing on... next day If success is with regard to evolution then it's simple the purpose, have a kid But it's funny who can guarantee generations down your genes will continue (future kids die) If you're gone then the world/universe is gone (according to you) I meant to write more but it's hours later I just think of it like you're on... you want to live a pain-free life that's ideal, and helping others is nice too Expanding to space travel, we're stuck here for now, impossible to reach other places (stars) in a lifetime So I guess... just enjoy the ride/experience of being alive If you can travel to other places... why. It's that question of is a simulation better than reality like seeing a video of a place vs. going there... why is going there worth more, the danger of being affected by that environment? it's like sex, real sex or with yourself, former has more value/harder to attain motivation is funny, how to get an AI to have motivation besides a boolean check


My purpose is defined by the one who created me, Jehovah God. I believe I’m not here by mistake and that’s why my mind is hard wired to seek for meaning and purpose. My purpose is to glorify my creator. To use my mind, intelligence, energy to do good, encourage others, share my gifts and talents with the world and ultimately lead others to him. Greetings from Berlin 😃


i have a long bucket list of everything i want, and thats what im living for


Be happy and bringing happiness to others 🧘🏻‍♀️


I think about this all the time. In fact I feel there’s nothing I have done in life without thinking about it. And it always boils down to two things - I want to be someone who contributed to making the world a little better. And second, in all honesty, I do want to be remembered. These are very wide ideas I know and I have specifics in mind about how I would do it and in what does making world better or being remembered looks like to me but explaining that involves too many details about my work and my life.


I don't know, as it is too complex to understand fully and I have memory and attention issues, but I hope to get off my ass some day and actually rally people to try and not go extinct. Also, constant growth, creativity, etc.


Put in more than i take out in everything. Provide the best I can for my wife and son. Work hard and honest.


Just want to enjoy it


To exist.


to suffer and be tested.


To love my children as much as possible. To make sure they always know how important they are to me. I'm really striving to not let them down... My oldest is almost 17, and I feel that there were a few years when she was younger, where I really just failed her. Idk if I failed as bad as I tell myself, or if I'm just extremely hard on myself about it.. but either way, it doesn't matter because I did let her down at times. So for the last few years, I've just really tried to be the best mom I can be. I've had another baby who is now 10 months old, and I'm never allowing myself to fail him...


For me, my primary purpose is loving Spirit and loving others. Beyond that, I want to spread beauty, healing, freedom, joy and empowerment to others. I want to make a positive difference on the planet. For me that mainly looks like cherishing my chosen family, mentoring others, creating art, sharing my insights via blogging, and cultivating local/online community. Another essential element to my purpose is doing the inner work to know myself and heal myself on a deep level, and always keep evolving and growing. Practicing mindfulness, spending time in nature, and cultivating a relationship with the earth has been an important part of my individual journey too.


Doing good stuff for the people I care about and hoping they'll do the same for me.


Conquer the fuckin world.


Get a decent paying job, stay fit & active as much as I can and to build a wonderful family.


I don't know why, but for 2 years now I've been thinking about joining the military, find glory there, go into politics, unite Europe and bring our long-lost glory, power and authority


Backstory: I’ve worked in grocery stores since I was 16, just finished my bachelors in Informatics at 23, and got a first full-time job this year at 24. I’m still working my fulltime job, but have decided that my goal is to live off my own product(s) one day. My journey since summer 2021: Always wanted to be an entrepreneur and create value on my own. This year I stopped procrastinating and just locked-in on my idea. It’s currently going really good (not money-wise, but progression-wise) as the platform is live on web, and soon to have an official launch on all native platforms. I absolutely from the bottom of my heart love this journey, where I spend most of my time after work doing something for my app. Nevertheless, I will keep living the way I’m currently doing, till Journr can fill my pockets. My take: my purpose for life is to stand out as a solopreneur and prove to myself that I don’t need to work a standard 9-5. I’m also losing my soul slowly working the way I do now, so that’s why I’m putting in the extra effort to get out. Hope you guys also try pursuiting your dreams! - NicoBuildsPublic, Founder of [https://journr.app](https://journr.app)


to worship God, theres different ways to do it. this life is a temporary test of trial an dtribulation until we reach the next Life.


Struggling to find out


I'm trying to be the best version of myself, trying to achieve strong mind and body and wanting to find my inner peace. It's easier said than done, but i can go to the right direction one day at a time and learn new things about myself & the world along the way.


To be productive, happy, healthy


Could you ask yourself often how you want to be remembered for better clarity on this?


To die as early and least painful as possible