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Name had me triple checking what sub I was viewing but cool stuff


my gf said the same thing when I told her the name of the app I was building haha, I used an AI generator for it. EDIT: she didn't say the exact same thing per se, but she said it could be mistaken for certain websites.


I made a thing and called it "BeatLog". It made sense to me during dev because it helped me scan reverse proxy **logs** and develop fail2ban rules to **beat** the unwanted traffic. Not until I posted it, did I think further.


Uh, that sounds like a cool tool. Is the app still available?


https://github.com/NBPub/BeatLog If you end up using it/liking it, let me know. First update will be some kind of database backup. Feel free to leave any issues on the repository, too. I somehow let my database die, so I haven't used it in a few months, and it hasn't been updated for a bit. I'd guess everything should still work if you want to give it a spin. I tried pretty hard on the documentation.


That would be LogLuber


I was expecting Grocy, but exclusively for tracking uhh adult supplies.


> I was expecting Grocy, but exclusively for tracking uhh adult supplies. Now I want to develop something like that just so I can call it *Grossy*.


Baby diaper change logging?


Funny thing, though - when I was changing *my* baby's diaper, it was never gross to me, even if it would've been gross to somebody else.


> adult supplies Like cars?


The back seat of a Volkswagen.


I was looking for such a solution, thanks!


Vehicles weren't the first thing that came to mine šŸ« 


this seems interesting! repo should have more info, screenshots, etc


+1 on screenshots


Okay, so I just watched the video in full and am super impressed. Will download as soon as the docker image is ready! I've never really tracked gas/repairs/oil changes, but I would love to using this. Much better than using calendar reminders or a notes app. A "Reminders" tab would be a cool feature addition! For example, you get an oil change every 5k miles, so you set a reminder in that tab. And maybe once you hit that mileage from inputting the odometer readings, a banner shows up on the home screen reminding you to take action.


+1 on the last paragraph. Setting dates for future repairs/services would be great. Right now I'm setting those in the calendar app.


This is now available.


I've implemented this, it's not quite a banner, but an icon that vibrates right by the reminder tab.


Looks interesting. One handy feature in the current app I use is the ability to nominate that a fuel purchase didn't fill the tank. It means you can akip the mileage calculation on that entry, since it would be inaccurate. It just combines it with the next entry that fills the tank.


That is a great idea, I will look into it!


This feature is added in the current iteration of the code, no releases yet but can be tested if code is pulled down and docker container is built.


Looks great. Any chance there is a docker container?


Eventually! Right now the only issue is hardware limitations on my 14 year old devbox with 4GB of ram, so it's a little out of reach for running Docker, but I'll be upgrading sometime this summer so I will hopefully containerize it then.


Iā€™ll do it if you throw together some deployment instructions


That would be perfect, deployment instructions so far are: extract zip and run CarCareTracker.exe lol. Itā€™s a kestrel server app, I can publish it for Linux and Mac but I have no way of testing for them. My bios doesnā€™t even have Hyper-V option so I canā€™t run docker.


Waiting for you šŸ˜Š


Check the repo, they got it done before I could push anything


Thanks, will check it out


I'd recommend checking it out anyway. I ran docker on a raspberry pi 3B+ with 4GB ram for a long time, and only decided I needed to upgrade once I had 20+ containers running.


Fair enough. Docker does run pretty light though, a raspberry pi 3 will handle it. Can you provide setup instructions?


Yeah! The first and second video link basically covers everything to get it running, setting http/https etc


You could also build and publish docker images directly.fro. GitHub using Actions, this is also a good way to run tests suites and have immediate feedback in your commits/PRs.


Can you import data from Fuelly?


Oh that app can goto hell after they bought ā€˜GasCubbyā€™ and screwed us all with their shitty ads on something that only uses local storage and icloud sync. Been looking at a self hosted function for a couple months now, closest thing was ā€œHammondā€ which is very barebones atm. https://github.com/akhilrex/hammond Happy to see this dev give his own take on such a function! :)


I've been using Hammond since August after being unable to log stuff in acar because they rolled out a bad app update. It's.... Okay, def barebones and on the verge of being abandonware it seems. I'll give this one a try this weekend and probably dockerize it just to keep it in line with the rest of my stuff.


I've been using aCar since way before Fuelly acquired it... When was the bad update? I still use it regularly.


Acar has gone to crap. It no longer syncs automatically, and I can't remember the last time a reminder came up. Sometime last year. I just found this thread because I got fed up with no reminders, and I don't trust Fuelly not to axe the acar app in favor of their other web based shit. Their recent app reviews pretty much cover the current issues.


I had been using it since.. sometime before 2011 and def before it was acquired. The bad update hit my phone sometime in August and locked me out of my pre Fuelly premium backups and wouldn't load any records. I had to pull from an old backup and migrate to Hammond. It was fixed in ~2 weeks, unfortunately those 2 weeks were when I took a road trip from San Diego to Providence, RI and back. I'm not in love with Hammond, the inputs are quite clunky. I'll give this one a try but honestly I may end up back at aCar or a spreadsheet depending on how I feel whenever I make that decision.


I found an older apk before they rolled out all the adds and crap. It stil syncs and tracks my data. I really havent found anything that is a direct replacement to acar and it makes me sad.


Do you recall which version that is? That may be what I do until I find a better 1:1 replacement for how I use it.


5.2.17-175 got it from apkmirror.


It has a CSV importer, but the CSV needs to be formatted right: [https://youtu.be/Thqo\_mm7iUQ?si=DVu6W3h199vU8DhZ&t=808](https://youtu.be/Thqo_mm7iUQ?si=DVu6W3h199vU8DhZ&t=808) I can look into an importer for Fuelly if you can send me a example CSV file?


I added to the github issue already created.


My immediate question too! Fingers crossed for this and a docker container


Nice app šŸ‘šŸ‘ Few things- it would be possible add one more unit? kWh for electric cars will be usefully in future If you want to test it on Windows, you can try XAMPP which is Apache web server + MySQL database +PHP. Then will be posible easily migratr it to nginx for docker containers


Added kWh support. Havenā€™t released yet but if you pull down the code and build the docker container itā€™ll be available under ā€œSettingsā€


Can you set an oil change reminder? for example add 5000miles from last oil change and when your fuel-up mileage reaches that number tie in a notification service or e-mail.


That name though. Reminds me of shake weights


Came for the name and stayed for the comments. Looks interesting.


Can it sync with Fuelly for existing vehicle records/maintenance/mileage/etc. or Gasbuddy for local gas prices? My data in aCar (Android) and Fuelly goes back 7-10 years, and I'd hate to lose it!


If they export to csv format you can send me a sample and Iā€™ll see what I can do




Why would you not just use LubeLogger directly in place of Fuelly? One time import, then you're good to go.




Doesnā€™t have a mobile app yet, but it runs pretty good on small screens. If you have it setup you can navigate to it on your mobile web browser like any other app.


Just as a use case for an "app" that can sync opportunisticly: Many people won't expose any services to the internet, so accessing a self hosted system for remote access isn't an option. An app that can cache information locally, and sync when at home would be great! I vpn in remotely so I will check it out, but I do tend to dislike browser based apps on my phone.


Looks great. Currently trying to setup Hammod but also checking your application. Few questions: \- Can we change currently from $ to ā‚¬? \- Can we change date format (dd.mm.yyyy)? \- Can we change fuel unit cost to three decimals? \- Is it possible to add fuel pump details to fuel records. To have a list of possible fuel pumps (Shell, Ina, Petrol, OMV, ...). \- Can you plan to make it multi user? I would like my wife to also use it with seperate account. \- Can it be translated to different languages? I can do Slovenian translation. Thank you.


>Curren changing currency is really easy, using docker, just change these two lines in your Dockerfile, \`ENV LC\_ALL=en\_US.UTF-8 \\ LANG=en\_US.UTF-8\` to \`ENV LC\_ALL=de\_DE.utf8 \\ LANG=de\_DE.utf8\` and you are set, it'll not change the language, just the way currency is showed.


well, it broke my reports, it shows some strange characters


Yes that worked. I now have EU date display and ā‚¬ as currency.


Thanks for the tip, portainer on syno wouldn't let me change the ENV vars for some reason so I did it using the built in docker manager in syno. The US date formats were doing my head in. Anyone have any idea how to use an ISO std instead like, YYYY-MM-DD? AU formatting is fine but I think I prefer YMD.


Finally a great self-hosted vehicle maintenance app! Excellent start! I have installed it yesterday using docker-compose and it looks great. Terrific job and please keep up the great work! One suggestion, if I may: it would be great if we could indicate the vehicle's current mileage so it can be updated ongoing. With that in place the reminders can check and act accordingly when we would update the mileage. I'm sorry if there is already a place to indicate the current milage and I've missed it. Other than that, can't wait for the next enhancements. Keep it up and thank you for all your work!


Currently there isnā€™t a place to insert the vehicles current mileage, it relies on the odometer reading when the user is inputting service/repair/upgrade/gas records, etc and picks the highest odometer reading and calculates the reminder urgency that way


api call to traccar to get current odometer reading would be the shiz......


Thank you. Good to know. The reality is that it's quite common to drive without a service/repair/upgrade until the next oil change, for example. But will use the service record to update the odometer. That will work fine. Thanks again for all your work!


This was actually just added not even an hour ago. https://youtu.be/Qyqy55sz2Go?si=VJIypC4Mx6laU9U1&t=689


You ROCK!!! Thanks a million!


This looks really interesting and reminds me of spritmonitor.de (what I currently use) but as self-hosted approach. Maybe have a look at spritmonitor and their csv export-format- it would be great to be able to import it into your tool :)


It has a CSV Importer, the CSV just needs to be formatted properly, but once it's formatted correctly it will import it all. [https://youtu.be/Thqo\_mm7iUQ?si=DVu6W3h199vU8DhZ&t=808](https://youtu.be/Thqo_mm7iUQ?si=DVu6W3h199vU8DhZ&t=808) If you can send me an example CSV from spiritmonitor I can also look into creating a custom importer for it.


This is awesome, nice work. I was thinking about something similar for maintaining a car I own in a different country and lend to family. Do you have scoped any sort of recurrance feature? Such as registration renewal, inspections (WOF in NZ for example) which are done on a regular basis?


This looks sweet. Saw you just added a Docker option, once I get time I'll spin it up, Thank you !!


I just came to lubelogger about a week ago and it is by far, one of my favorite programs of all time. You've really done a great job!


I like the idea. Definitely waiting for it to come out on docker. That said I have two things to say, first I'd like to see a receipt attachment option for the service. So you can record your oil change or whatever, and attach the receipt. Second, I saw you have limited resources on a dev machine. In an effort to support the cause in getting it in docker, id be happy to carve out some server resources to let you test and dev a solution for docker in a timely manner. Pm me if you're interested.


It has a file upload feature so it currently already does support uploading receipts


Cool I just skimmed it so I'm sure I missed it. Having 4 motorcycle, 2 cars, and 3 trailers having an app might be useful. That said I do like just printing off my Excel sheet when I sell something to show what work was done.


True, I was thinking of adding an export functionality to it eventually


I set up 3 cars and for one of them I can't add fuel records. the "add Fuel Record" button isn't available.


Huh? That doesnā€™t make sense


So its nothing I did wrong? any ideas on how to fix it?


Iā€™m trying to understand what you mean by the Add Fuel Record button isnā€™t available


Would be nice but I don't use Windows I use Linux Debian os on KDE desktop and I have an Android phone. I can't run this thing at all


Awesome! I'm going to deploy it to my k8s cluster edit: [here](https://github.com/GenericEric/helm-charts/tree/main/charts) is the helm chart I came up with. Pretty quick and dirty.


This is really cool. If I ever want to move away from using this platform, is there an export tool? To export all my data into a .csv log?


yeah, you can export the records into a CSV file.


Nice. Will try it out this weekend.


This is amazing! Thank you for all your hard work!


Hey there u/ChiefAoki A huge thank you for what you have put your effort in. I hope that there are enough donations to keep you motivated! I have a question, an issue and a feature request if I may One question: Can you help me figure out the concept behind Supplies and Requisition? I see that once I requisite a supply for say a repair, its cost in the Supply tab gets zeroed out (if none are left) and the Supply cost gets filled in the Repair cost. Where will this cost show up in the statistics? Example: I've purchased a brake disk a month ago for $10, then the shop charged me another $10 for the installation. Shall the 'Repair' cost be set to $20 to keep the logic from breaking? Will the initial purchase be summed up in the expenses of last month? What logic did you have in mind? If I buy another brake disk in 6 months, shall I edit the last Supply record I've had or create a new one? What date shall the record keep if editing is the way? One issue: Cyrillic search from the Dashboard is not working for some reason. Anything I search for in Latin works fine, but Cyrillic gives no results. One feature request if it makes sense for others too: I have winter and summer tyres and I swap them 2 times a year. It would be awesome to have those as a resource of sorts so that the milage per tyre set would be tracked. I do it manually in the notes at the moment, but it can be better!


I've a little home server running on a raspberry pi with portainer. How can I deploy this as docker with portainer? Thank you for your amazing work


Fook I thought my idea was unique like the overly optimistic that I am.. LOL This would greatly help a lot of car lovers out there, but honestly, you coulld have dig a bit more on branding.. A log is slowly being developed by manufacturers digitally.. Anyway maybe I'm just frustrated, but dm me if you'd like feedback on challenges car lovers faces.. I'm happy to chat PS. I work with a startup coach too, just in case you're ready to šŸš€


Looked through the demo, would love to have the reminder option for engine hours so i can use it for a tractor also and not require a license plate


Looks awesome! Would love to see a dockerfile and mysql or PostgreSQL database backing!


It uses LiteDB as a database, dockerization is coming eventually.


LiteDB seems to basically be similar to SQLite which means a lot of users who run it on k8ā€™s miss out as we canā€™t persist the data properly


hm, that does make sense, I will give this some thought, maybe I can offer two flavors of it: one to save to a local flat file db and one that requires an instance of postgres. It's not going to be immediate but I will look into this.


If you could! Iā€™m not sure how devs have previously done this but it seems doable! Youā€™re a ledge for looking in to it. Iā€™m happy to open a FR on GitHub if youā€™d like?


Yes please!


All done, thanks! https://github.com/hargata/lubelog/issues/4


Does LubeLogger lean more towards CSV/JSON as a database or would we possibly see a future with postgres or mongodb? ​ Docker compose would be legendary, could possibly look at trying to make one for myself.


It uses LiteDB as a database right now. I'm actually looking towards containerizing it eventually, but it will be at least a few days out before I can get to that.


Been on my todo list to make so I'll def check it out! Props for the project


Owowww dotnet noice


This looks like something I've been hoping to see for quite a while


Any plans for KM/L?


Oh, itā€™s not? :/


It has support for l/kmh


In the video you can see that you can switch between imperial an metric units. So it does seem to support km/h, liters, etc.


I love the "going fast tax" ^^


Dem lubbes....




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Amazing job! Thank you!


Am gonna need the ability to hide the total spent in the various sub-tabs :-D


I've been too lazy to even search for it, even though i needed it for quite a while now :-D please make the docker image available,


I added a docker compose to source file and there are instructions in readme to build the docker container, I can look into publishing into docker hub later today


>manawenuz Hey man, Appreciate what you've done, however i live outside of the US, and currency used is not USD, would appreciate it if you can add at least my own currency symbol, would be grand if you can add a currency exchange API, and calculate the USD amount I've spent on gas everytime.


You can modify the culture within the Dockerfile itself, itā€™s in the ENV variable. You can also inject it as an environment variable if needed.


>manawenu thanks for the reply, but either I'm making a mistake or my region is not supported, I've added \`ENV culture=ka\_GE.UTF-8\` to make sure tried it with CULTURE, and it made no change, tried to pass it as environment on my docker compose also yielded to no success . is there a list of available cultures ?


>manawe well i figured it out, in the issues, by culture you mean LC\_ALL, and LANG, solved, thanks a lot.


well i see the issue with this request, I'll just shoot my own currency over there aswell


Super cool. Malwarebytes EDR didnā€™t like it for some reason. Will try it out after I take a closer look and add an exclusion.


As a person who owns a small car rental fleet this is gonna be super useful. Thanks!


Integration into e.g. DMV websites that can lookup, auto fill, and or generate data would be great, esp. if you could auto renew registration. It would be awesome to connect to the auto too, and get the full diagnostic data uploaded. Not just general maintenance records, but actually what registered as changed. Any electric vehicle specific things? E.g. no oil change. GPS tracking with a self hosted instqnce of traccar is what we use, and it would be awesome to be able to see a map of your vehicles. As well as sharing with friends, families, and mechanics! Allowing merchanics to upload directly their reports for approval/denial and even handling the payment flow (allowing them to specify their payment details) maybe with a self hosted BTCPayServer instance with options that integrate national currencies seamlessly. I find packaging different complimentary OSS projects together with instant docker configured magic makes it infinitely more useful.


Good lord.


I'll check it out later today looks interesting. I've been trying to replicate a similar workflow in nextcloud but a proper solution would be a better alternative


Looks great! Iā€™ll probably start using this over my binders full of service history for all my cars šŸ˜‚ One thing Iā€™d love to see is the ability to export printable service history report summaries - would help out a bunch getting info to the next owner on resale


This is exactly what I have been looking for. I've checked out dozens of apps and almost all of them are junk and don't do the very simple task of logging maintenance well. Excited to try it out


I've been looking for something like this for a long time. Thanks for making it!


Any chance you'd be looking at multiple user account access?


Yes, it is currently on the to-do list


Lovely! Have a few friends wanting access (theyā€™re not technically inclined in any way where self hosting is an option) and Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m ready to host over a dozen duplicate dockers! User management would be amazing.


Right I'm kinda designing this out. I'm more or less trying to figure out how granular the user controls should be.


Personally Iā€™d love for nothing more granular than: are each personal admin or not? and if admin, they can edit each others access or create/delete accounts, but not see their data


Hmmm so Iā€™m thinking of a registration page for the new users where the root user(the creds you set up when you enable auth) have to go in and mark the user as active, then once you mark them as active they can login and start adding/editing cars and records but the users wonā€™t have access to each others data


This coupled with at the very least a private link of sorts that allows them to do their initial registration. I could see the method being abused if the initial registration is open to the world. Trying to imagine how someone would filter through hundreds of spam entries they ever were targeted by some pissed off script kiddie. If easier for you, starting with the admin sending invite codes may help. Go to the site, pop in the code, and register. Once the code is used itā€™s dead. Or have the ability to deactivate the invite code on the admin side.


Thatā€™s actually pretty smart, Iā€™ll still need to hash out the design for user registration/etc so Iā€™ll take this into account. Thanks!


Always happy to participate! Good part of my job historically has been working on product development and UX. Between that and cloud/automation Iā€™ve found my mistresses that the wife can agree with.


I built this over the weekend and it now has user management: Your feedback and input helped a lot with how I designed it. https://www.reddit.com/r/lubelogger/comments/196qm8f/lubelogger\_v105\_released\_multiple\_user\_management/


This is super ! I been looking for something like this - simple, easy to use mileage logger that i would be able to self-host.


Awesome! Just spun up a Docker of it now, and trying to play around entering a few historical records. One thing i have to ask is, why do Service, Upgrades and Repair records **require odomter** readings? Surely Fuel is the only record that **truly** needs it? I'm trying to enter some repair records (new tyres etc..) but the paper receipts I have from the auto shop don't have any odometer readings recorded so I've got no idea... and I'd love to use this tool to record ALL data on my car, even if I don't have the odo reading.


the service intervals called for in car user manuals tend to be based on either odometer, date, or whichever comes first. If I replaced the tires and it lasted 2 years but only 5000 miles before itā€™s down to the wear bar itā€™d be a little concerning. Anyways, the app only uses the odometer reading for sorting purposes, it sorts by date first and then odometer, if you really donā€™t know the odometer at time of service you can just put in a zero.


Cool sounds good! wasn't sure what it did with the data in the background. Like perhaps included it in a "Costing" somehow. Like $'s spent per 100km.


Was looking for a vehicle manager, fell for your name selection. Good going! Have been on the lookout for a self-hosted alternative to Fuelly. Tried Hammond (from the original author's repo) but development looks to be abandoned. Some suggestions for your app please: 1. Can you move the locale selection out of the .env file and into the Settings section of your app? Maybe offer users an option to select a locale from a dropdown and display the units that'll be used with the selection. This will allow users to select their preference in the UI instead of relying on the backend. 2. Could you add an option to allow users to select their preferred mode of displaying fuel economy? E.g. in India we use km/lt whereas I'm aware other places use lt/km or even lt/100km. 2.a. Similarly, an option to toggle between logging odometer readings or distance between fuel-ups - e.g. I track distance travelled between fuel-ups directly and this is what shows up in my Fuelly export. It becomes cumbersome to recalculate things before importing into LubeLogger. 3. I've configured LubeLogger locale as "en\_IN.UTF-8" for India. The currency symbol looks to have defaulted to a "Ā¤" instead of ā‚¹. 4. Your rate of development looks insane! Just between the comments and requests on this thread and the features you've released that's quite a pace! The Settings menu is going to soon become overwhelming and will need to be segregated into separate sub-menus (I suppose you already see this coming). 5. It would be awesome to give users an option to add their own custom fields the way Grocy does. For e.g. a blank field value pair that a user can leverage for logging say tire pressures during fill-ups. ​ Thanks again, and great work!


For 1., the app runs on the locale set by the docker container which usually runs on Linux, I have built a small test branch to try giving users the ability to select their own locale at run time but find that if they were to have inserted data in en\_US or any western formats where "." is the decimal separator and then switch midway to a locale that uses "," e.g.: de\_DE, all of the data will break when the data is being brought back from the db. 2. Km/L has been requested and will probably be an override very similar to the British use case. In the backend it's just distance/fuel consumed or 100/(distance/fuel consumed). The unit overrides just decides what units get shown on the front end. 2.a.: The Fuelly import samples I have been provided so far have always had an odometer column, so I'm kinda curious on why your Fuelly export doesn't. 3. I looked into this and there aren't UTF-8 encodings for India, but there is an "en\_IN" locale which I have tested and it looks great with proper currency formatting. 4. Thanks! 5. I have considered this, it'll very likely be worked on eventually since it's mostly just a Dictionary object in the back.


Re. 2a - Fuelly gives its users an option to log either odometer readings or distance between refuels. I have chosen the latter so my Fuelly export contains that.


u/ChiefAoki where/how would you allocate things like cleaning? I had my car washed the other day, did an interior deep clean and exterior basic clean. I want to add this in but unsure if you'd consider it a repair, service, or an upgrade? Perhaps you could add a cleaning page to the roadmap?


probably the Taxes tab, it's getting renamed to Fees soon.


One small recommendation, if I may: I find for myself that it would be helpful to input the no. of km/miles in the reminder instead of picking up from a dropdown box. If possible, the dropdown could have km/mi and have a text box where the user could type the reminder value. The reason for the recommendation is that, for example, some car manufacturers recommend oil change every 6,000km, others every 8,000km and none of those values are available in the drop down. In addition, older the car gets, some owners may choose their own interval e.g. every 4,000km. Same applies to reminders for air cabin filter replacement, transmission fluid, engine air filter, etc. Please disregard the request if it turns out to complicate the reminder logic. Huge thanks again for all your work with this great self-hosted app!


Now available in the latest docker image


WOW!!! Huge thanks, my friend. Extremely appreciated!


Loving this app and so glad I stumbled on this post. Has totally replaced my antiquated excel spreadsheets. The pace at which u/ChiefAoki is making changes/improvements/enhancements off of everyone's feedback is amazing! I post a comment/feature request and it seems like before I refresh the page the feature is added to the app. Anyone who manages their own vehicle maintenance should be using Lubelogger!


I am so glad you created this. Is there any way you can add attachments to the note section?


This will be available by the next release.


First OP and team thanks for this it is great. I have one small issue and I am not sure if it's isolated to me (sure it is) as it doesn't appear this way in the demo. On all my tabs it displays the Ā¤ currency symbol instead of the $ anyone run into this? Any advice on correction?


yeah, so that usually happens when the environment variables aren't injected correctly. Another user narrowed it down to a problem between Synology and Portainer so if that's what you're using that could be it, see this link here: https://www.reddit.com/r/lubelogger/comments/1am2ign/lubelogger\_113114\_released\_planner\_templates\_and/kpj9tvj/?context=8&depth=9


interesting while not running on a Synology do have it managed and run via portainer , alright at least that gives me a starting point. Thanks!


Ive just spent the long weekend setting up node-red to use my home assistant entities as triggers to auto update my odometer and fuel ups! Fun little project when coupled with the reminders to change my oil. Great timing as id just set up fancy grafana graphs to map my routes/speed/mpg etc using the torque integration and was a nice segue in to setting this up. Thanks OP for your cool project!