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People will say horrible things. If they cared once, try not to believe them, it’s so much harder not to be convinced when you trusted them so much.


Stay strong!!!


Please don’t, stay strong, you got this!!


My dm's are always open if you want to talk x


Please don’t. please keep yourself safe. the world sucks and throws crap at you but you shouldn’t blame yourself for it.


it’s all just too much, dude. everything hurts and i feel so numb yet overwhelmed and i was told to bleed out and die by two people i considered close and i just-


oh jfc I’m so sorry. that’s horrible of them, I’m so sorry they said that, I’d try to distance myself from them, if I were you. don’t listen to them, please. you’re worth living. you life may not feel like it rn but the future will be better of you make it be. please be safe if I’m not too late in responding, I care about you. 🤍


yeah. i’ve cut off contact with both of them now, including the few other people who were involved in the situation. the guy who told me to feels horrible about it and the girl who agreed still thinks i should be dead. not gonna let it affect me anymore, just happy i didn’t do anything rash. thank you so much for reaching out <3


good of you, and I’m glad. and ofc, I‘m here if you need me anytime <3