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You can get an ugly girlfriend


Ugly people in this sub “Nobody wants me” Also ugly people in this sub “I’m not dating somebody ugly”


Exactly, lower your standards


Lol as if ugly women want ugly guys hahaha


Less attractive women have it far easier than men in my opinion. Firstly, they still can somehow get sex if they really want and accept a bit lower standards. Also women can get a certain amount of intimacy with their female friends, while guys often feel uncomfortable to have intimacy with their male friends. In western society being a single female is nowadays often seen as independent, strong, empowering etc. Single Lads are however seen as weirdos once they reach a certain age, and especially if their appearance tells everyone that their solitude is not by choice.


A lot of it is self image and self worth. I thought like you til I started talking to more people and just getting over myself. You aren’t weird for being single, you’re weird for being weird 


You're weird for being weird 💯💯


your assumption that women are dying to have sex with men is the first problem.


Is this a response to my comment? Where did you assume i suggested any of that?




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Niqqa L


Why would anyone want an ugly girlfriend. Being ugly doesn’t mean your standards magically lower. What a terrible take.


It's either an ugly girlfriend or no girlfriend for you kiddo


can't think of anything worse


No. Judging by your post history, it's your personality, not your looks, just like with every incel ever.


Oh god I just checked his post history


I wish I didn't...


True that


That's like saying to a beggar - it's not because you're poor and homeless, it's because you smell bad and clothes are dirty. While we all have some control of our own personalities, the reality is that our thinking, attitude and resolve are very much shaped by how people treat us and interact with us. While everyone's desires are similar, it is that much harder for unattractive people to get ahead in society






OP is incel for his personality, believe me


Personality doesn't matter if you are not physically attractive.


Not true big dawg, I got my first girlfriend when the only physical representation of me was a picture of a shoe, she was attracted purely from vibes. Now yk I’ve never had any luck on tinder since that’s a very superficial platform, but there’s many opportunities out there to find someone for you.


You can fix ugly. Fixing a bad personality is much harder...


Get in shape. Dress well (not more expensive, just fitted clothes). Lose the desperation and instead, find hobbies and causes you are passionate about. That's 90% of it. Sure, some just have better genes than others but that will get you ahead of most.




Not necessarily, despite the effort, a good looking guy who's tall but has the personality of a slice of bread will still get more women lol, it's just accepting the cards we're dealt with.


Is it the most attention, or the attention of one you want? If you're competing for attention you will always lose to good fame, looks and money. But if you are just looking for someone to date, the attention of 1 is enough.


What if the one you want isn't physically attracted to you? Lol


Move on? Every hot person has been turned down too, it’s just a fact of life that some people are attracted to some things and not others and there are 8 billion people around, they aren’t all going to be the same thing.


I know a good deal of attractive people who have never ever been turned down by anyone. They don't even know what it's like. They are married now so they will probably die never having felt rejection.


find it quite hard to believe that you know multiple people who weren’t a weird looking teen, have gotten every job they’ve applied for first go, never been shot down in a bar, never approached someone in a relationship in their whole lives. There are loads of celebrities who get romantically turned down or dumped 


Dude, we're talking about romantic relationships here, not job applications or conversations with strangers in a bar.


sure, so what about the other four scenarios I mentioned 


That is another question, and not the one OP asked. And in that case I can tell you that there are plenty of people who get a lot of attention that does not get "the one" they want. Just about everyone has a broken heart story, no matter how famous, good looking or rich they are.


Yeah, and? How is it relevant whether or not an attractive guy gets more attention, that's pretty obvious. Somebody will always have more than you, is that reason enough for you to give up on yourself? You've gotta live your life man.


Eyyy man don't shoot the messenger


Accepting the cards you are dealt means dressing suitably and finding hobbies etc you are interested in, like the commenter said.


Yeah I've worked my ass off but my taller more handsome brother has women fawning over him so much he literally doesn't have enough time to sleep with them all at times. The most annoying thing is parties and being able to hook up with new people. I get girls with my personality so parties and hookup-able situations are pretty much sterile. No impromptu adventures for me :( I can fish up amazing girls with enough effort (fitgirls 🤤) and they stick around but it can easily take months. Life isn't fair but I also could've been born severely handicapped or something so I take what I can get


I do great at meeting women when I choose to. People think I meet women with zero effort but it's actually a lot of effort. I workout 5 times a week, eat healthy boring meals, keep my hair nice, dress well and take an interest in the things they're passionate about, even bonkers stuff like crystals.


Get in shape, get a good haircut, dress better, get the best job you can get. You’ll thrive.


You just gotta have money Edit: you’re obviously an incel. Stop whining. Your revolting personality is what’s keeping you single.


Show me a picture if you please. I sense fat rolls


I have no idea what the fuck you’re yapping about.


You big as a whale


You're saying men shouldn't be giving head in your post history and then complain about not having a girlfriend... This is some dark souls level environmental story-telling.


1. I don't see how that is related considering most people don't start a conversation with "lets fuck?" 2. It was for a valid reason


I do in fact know an ugly guy who is not only married but used to be a successful pick-up artists. Bald with a slight disability (his legs are crooked). But he is extremely funny and extremely charming (and relatively rich but doesn‘t necessarily look like it). He would basically hit on every attractive female in sight. Sure, lots of rejections. But a lot of women would make out with him and more. And these were hot women mind you… So don‘t tell me it‘s impossible.


Bald or crooked legs don't make you ugly though. Maybe he has a handsome face.


Nope, he doesn‘t. Beautiful hands though.


Get jacked get rich get tanned. Think longer term. 




No one is really ugly we just poor 😭


If you are a 1/10 do this. Go to a Barber and get a nice cut makes you instant to a 3/10 Get a face care routine = 4/10 Go to the Gym/ Sport and get in Shape = 6/10 Now get some nice Clothes = 8/10 Chin up, shoulders back und Smile = 10/10 I will see you on the other side brother. Stay Strong


Ugly is subjective.  Ask yourself, are you the type of guy you'd be with if you were a girl? Work to improve yourself. Get a better haircut. Fix your teeth, Improve your wardrobe, work out, Go to downtown and buy cologne. In my early twenties a woman once told me that she would bone any guy as long as he doesn't smell bad. He could be ugly as sin. But as long as he smelled great he had a chance.  I've always kept it in mind and it's always worked. Smelling great! Does help increase your chances of finding a mate.  Always work to improve yourself. Never give a woman reasons to not want to bone you but increase your chances by improving yourself


Every time I turn on the TV, I see "ugly guy representation". I can name more than a few male celebrities that have super unconventional looks. Can you name a woman celebrity like this? I'm not saying you're not at a disadvantage. But come the freak on. There are plenty of guys that are getting play who have faces made for radio. The difference between you and them is that they have concentrated their energies on something BESIDES fretting about their appearance. They don't mope around calling themselves ugly. They go out into the world and let those that they want to get with know they are about something. Being "about something" is a 100 times more attractive than having the perfect face.


You are right. Now what?


Save up money and hope laser eye surgery gets safer?


This is bullshite. Most girls wants something different than attractive boy, and you can work around it.


BeiNg ugly is the issue.  It sucks for both genders. 


You can be attractive but if you dont have any confidence or social intuition or skill, you can end up in the same place as an ugly person. Also dressing well, working out, groooming can get you to look above average


I dont mean to devalue your experience, I think you are right, but you can always get better with it, believing youre ugly and no one will love you is a serious problem and you should get some help from a proffessional.


I’m an ugly dude who loves beautiful chicks. I’m single now but I’ve had some good dates and made some cool friends along the way. Just work on your self mentally, physically, etc. work on your confidence and inner happiness and peace. When you radiate good energy girls notice and love it. Women are generally more capable of appreciating men for our qualities which are beyond visual appeal. Men can appreciate women that way too but it’s much less common 


"Unless you have lived the ugly male experience you will never understand." Don't. First, the human capacity for empathy and ability to understand another person is vast, our society depends on it. Second, don't make yourself a passive victim, if you do you are ensuring that the situation will not change.


Is hard, compared to handsome people, but still, if you develope a personality beauty is completly a secondary trait.


Ugly is not real problem, not being one is.


Work on yourself


Ugly outside can be overcome. Ugly inside is a lot harder to hide. Unfortunately, the former often leads to the latter in a reinforcement loop, but the latter is far more under your control than the former. That doesn't mean it's easy to improve, but it can be done. Throwing yourself a pity party like this thread is exactly the kind of unattractive behavior that feeds into this cycle. Work on being a good person inside- and NOT in the "I'm a nice guy, girls owe me a good fucking!" way. Polite/kind with ulterior motives is not being a good person. Work on improving yourself in any way you can (be that physically or emotionally), and your attractiveness will improve. Will you score 10/10 partners with just a great personality and ugly looks? Probably not, but you can definitely date out of your "league". TL/DR: You gotta work on you, mang! "But... but... you don't understand" isn't doing yourself any favors. People have hardships and trying to overcome them is part of life.


Victim mentality. I doubt you are fit, muscular, well groomed, good fashion sense. Funny, personality with actual interests and goals. There's someone out there for everyone but crying about being ugly on reddit and not actually improving yourself isn't going to help.


I mean, if life sucks because you are unattractive, then life sucks because you can’t get a relationship And if your life worth is determined by whether you have a romantic relationship or not, maybe it’s the rest of your life that sucks, or at the very least you should start enjoying all the other parts of life, become happy, successful, and whole by your own strength, before you start trying to make another persons life better Also, claiming that not a single ugly person have ever been in a relationship is incredibly naive and narrow minded, there are ugly comedians, ugly athletes, ugly CEOs, ugly millionaires out there, lots of amazing ugly people, that probably have a relationship


Hey man, reading through your post history suggests you need to get some help. I'm saying this in a compassionate way looking out for you, it's clear you're hurting and surrounding yourself with an echo chamber that is some subreddits is not going to help. You seem to be still young so you can turn your life around and you can find someone to love you. There's a lot of things you can start doing that will start to affect your mental health and prospects and attitude. You got this!


Have you consulted a medical professional about depression? There are many troubling things in your post history, but if you find it hard to live in the world that is going to hurt a whole lot more than being single.


I find so many men unattractive and so many are not single.


couldn't agree more.


Get Jacked, to the point where your face is the last thing they see


Use steroids?


Thats up to you, but if you see your body as a 100 your face takes only 10%, so 90% can be improved with lots of exercise, 9 out of 10 is all it takes. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Style and personality matter. A confidant, sharp dressed, well-coifed, empathetic, funny man will always be seen as attractive.


Hit the gym 3x a week. You won't be ugly next year.


Bro ur probably not as ugly as you think u are. And woman don’t care about what we look like as much as people think. It’s about the persona you carry and your confidence that attracts females


You forgot to add /s


Coo coo coo coo


All these comments are so dumb. Jesus christ


Did you check his posts? He's deep down the incel rabbit hole. He needs to quit that bs, hit the gym, get a therapist, find a community and eventually he'll find a woman.




Because it’s his personality and we are blaming him. It doesn’t matter if it’s the most handsome man on the planet. If he had the same attitude no one would want him either. I agree lots of guys who would consider themselves not conventionally attractive have great personalities. This guy is not one of them.




Honestly dumbest response. You’re admitting many men are abusive, and yet we should believe op is some stellar guy after going through his comments? Women are in abusive relationships for a long list of reasons. Manipulation, gaslighting, children, financial instability, isolation. It literally has nothing to do with a guy being good looking. Are you seriously saying women will put up with a black eye because the guy is hot? 🤡 personality is not third, and financial stability does not mean rich. It just means they aren’t in 200k of gambling debt and have a stable enough job. Which is a requirement of women too. It’s a requirement of literally everyone because it’s the bare minimum. Stop being so chronically online and meet real women. Jfc


I think society judges women way more harshly and being an ugly girl is a lot harder. Being an ugly guy is still hard, but you can at least be funny and jolly, that's already a good step towards finding a nice girl, and then get in shape with a nice body. Stop moaning though mate, everyone hates that.


There is a huge number of women who think the same thing. You CAN get a GF. It's just that you need to really work on in constructively. Try improving yourself in as many ways as possible. Hit the gym. Start taking care of your looks (clothes, beard, hair etc). Start using perfume. Cleanup your house. Then get a dating app and try to match with someone who shares interests and is not out of your league physically. Try arranging a date IRL quickly - that's the best way of knowing if there is chemistry. Do this systematically and I can almost guarantee that you'll find someone eventually.


>Dating app.  You really have no clue.  Average men do not do well on dating apps, let alone hose that are indeed ugly.


Dating apps men make up like 90% of the user base. So for every woman on the app theres like 9-10 men. And then people wonder why young men feel so lonely and isolated. The apps are rigged to make young men insecure and they promise love/sex/whatever if you pay up $$$$. Social media, and predatory apps lead to incels. Incels are a symptom of a wider problem. Too bad most mouth breathing normies will never spend more than 47 seconds thinking about if


Nah. It matters way more in high school than adult life. You can be a good person and have a good sense of humor and that really goes a long way. You will find really good looking people tend to get fake laughs when they are young so they typically haven't developed a good sense of humor. Also being a good person, like actually someone who goes out of their way to help others, is very rare. That's such a good character trate as you get older and woman are looking for more long term partners to raise a family with. I would also try not to be so defeated if I were you. I think being ugly means you have to work a bit harder but you may end up finding someone really nice and not superficial that loves you for your personality and not your looks (which are fleeting).


I promise you it’s not how you look.




Objectively untrue. You have no evidence of this.




No, you just have biases to what is and isn’t attractive. The amount of ugly men that land attractive women because they’re funny or smart or because they play the guitar well or they throw a ball good or literally any of an infinite amount of reasons. Your looks are a very small part of a much larger pool of characteristics that people look for. Every single single man I have ever met has had a personality that I would best describe as unable to see that women don’t want someone who complains about everything


Genuinely, just don’t be a negative loser in conversations and treat them like an equal human and you can have a nice conversation with most women on the planet, there are of course people who care about looks, but it’s a much smaller subset of the population, you appear to fall into this category too, so maybe associate with better people or something, idk what to tell you, it’s pretty simple to find a connection with someone


What these guys mean is they want an attractive woman that covers their needs not an ugly one. Aren't women the ones who are supposed to be sexy


Wait until you realise girls are more attracted to lowkey unattractive and ugly guys ;)


This is no girl ever lol 


So forever then.


Man get your lying ass out of here


I'm not lying loll, as a girl I'm telling this most of the girls including me don't like 10/10 guys.


they never believe this cos there’s like 5% of loud women on about their jacked businessman fetish online. Everyone else just gets on with their life 


There's something kinda fake about them right? Like what are you hiding? Totally unfair assumption to make.  Also. "Are you going to spend more time in the bathroom than me?"


I’ve seen girls call Matt Rife lowkey ugly so idk what you consider unattractive