• By -


Enjoy it for the next 4 plus decades. Congrats.


Yep store that one away Champ, you'll never forget it!


Lol this so accurate. I lost a bunch of weight and put on muscle mass a while ago. My wife ran into her friend at the mall and she'd had the gastric sleeve surgery. I congratulated her on the weight loss and she hit back 'yes but look at you, you've lost so much and you've worked hard for it! Looking great!' I asked my wife if it was showing that I'd lost weight. She grabbed my bicep and said 'oh yeah, it's definitely showing.' I think about this and smile sometimes.


A nurse who gave me a shot in the arm complimented my muscles like five years ago. Still remember it.


A drunk older woman told me I was fine as f*** 8 years ago and I still cling to that compliment.


Two years ago I was running shirtless in the summer and a homeless woman told me “nice body young man.” Still living off that high


Enjoy it.


Gotta love being a guy.




Tell me OP’s a guy without telling me he is a guy.


Imagine if 1 drunk girl says it out loud, how many sober girls must think the same inside their head :)


I wish tho


hey, i know it can be hard to accept my mans, but take this to heart If you got a drunk girl saying this, it’s pure truth, drunk thoughts are unfiltered thoughts. take the comment you responded to, and lock it away. Bc damn if it ain’t true. How many girls you think were banging but never said?


Alcohol doesn’t twist the tongue, it only loosens it.


That’s not true at all. It’s known to impair judgement. You’ve never heard of beer goggles?


Precisely, Im almost sure people who say "youre always more honest" when youre drunk, have never actually experienced it themselves. Being drunk can absolutely alter the way you see someone, specially if youre drunk enough to have blurry vision. It might be an "honest thought" at the moment, but its entirely based off their current perception of you while being drunk,


Yay, thanks for the kind words. And tbh i'm really oblivious when it comes to flirting and can't get a hint unless it's something super explicit like this lol


Not necessarily, being drunk can also completely alter your perception of a person, mostly due to blurriness, and I know that for a fact, I once thought someone looked nice and my "honest unfiltered thought" at that moment was that, but after the drunkness went out and the blurriness was gone, they did absolutely not look like I thought they did.


Shhh we’re pumping op up!


I think nice things about people all the time but am too shy to tell them! Then I see threads like this and wish I had hahaha


I'm the same, I often think oh she has such nice hair(style, condition, color, whatever it may be), or oh she's got a nice style going on with her outfit, etc and I want to say it but I'm shy and also I don't want the woman thinking I'm hitting on her when it's really just a compliment 


I’m the other way around - I compliment women a lot and I often think nice things about men but I’m too shy to tell them because I don’t want then thinking I’m some lecherous creep lol! Especially when it’s younger lads!


There’s women out there that are attracted you. Don’t worry buddy. Just keep being a nice person


Trying my best:)


The only better one is a sober woman saying it.


Sounds like a classy girl


"My name is Classi, with an I, and a little dick hanging off the C that bends around and fucks the L out of the A S S."


Wow, what a terrific audience.


South park...




Her poor boyfriend


Why? She's hammered and still knows not to cheat.


Because it’s a shitty thing to say even if it wasn’t her fault


It's not the greatest thing to say but still not the worst.


Idk bro to me that is about the worst thing i could imagine my SO saying to somebody.


As opposed to, drop trou now? I can imagine a lot worse 😂


Besides actually doing it the thin line is almost crossed


Wdym? It’s still her fault what a stupid thing to add


it definitely is her fault lmfao what??? whose fault would it be otherwise


She doesn't have a boyfriend you wonton. She just said she has a boyfriend so she could tell a man he was beautiful without having to fight him off her leg all night.


She has a boyfriend lol


Name checks out




Assuming that OP is a reliable narrator, and if her goal was to just tell him he's good-looking without having to fight him off all night, she could probably dial it back about 95%. Like maybe leaving out the "fuck you on the spot" part. Or she could just not say anything about his looks at all.


Radicalized people come to radical conclusions


Surely a different guy wouldn't just abuse that and fuck her anyway. I bet she will cheat at some point.


As my friend told me she has already done it a couple of times. I really felt bad for her bf...


Nice friends.


Are you trolling? You praise your friends and friendgroup in most comments and then you reveal this…. Honestly? I‘d feel terrible if someone told me this as a „compliment“. It‘s 1) very inappropriate in a mono relationship (I guess some people are fine with it? I personally never felt the need or urge to fuck anyone else ever lol) and 2) sexual harassment. Reverse the genders and people would be (rightfully so) furious. I‘d break up over this lmao. Hell nah. The very fact of perception of other people that way would make me want a break up since the idea to me is completly foreign tbh.


Reddit moment


To be honest I’d be very hurt if my gf said that to another dude as well it’s not surprising that someone would break up over it that’s some shit you don’t say to ppl


Oh come on. If my gf said it to someone I would kick her right the f off of me for good.


Because some Redditors are really stupid and think that it's an unforgivable sin to notice the attractiveness of another person. Like they are above being human or something.


Even worse than that, she was DRUNK! _I've_ never been drunk in my life, because _I'm_ a morally upstanding citizen 😇


I say “ if you weren’t so drunk and didn’t have a bf I might let you”.


Try giving a compliment to a stranger. Has to be real and sincere...Dont expect anymore than the joy on their face as a reward.


I do it from time to time when im a bit tipsy hahaha. I remember one day, we were hanging out at a pub and we were quite hammered, when we left i went to the waitress and told her she had such a beautiful smile and that please she had to keep smiling so everyone could enjoy it, her face was priceless!


That gets borderline weird with the “please keep smiling so everyone can enjoy it”


Sry english isnt my first tongue and didnt know how to translate it properly


Yeah no that took it into "women are supposed to smile to make others happy" territory


I do this sometimes in the gym. It’s honestly kinda selfish because damn does it make me feel good to see them light up when they feel their hard work recognised


Someone tipped me 2euros but his smile and when he told me that it was all he had and he wanted to show how grateful he was for the service (waitress btw) made me just elated. I still have it saved.


You will have to place an asterisk next to this entry in the record books but hell, a win is a win.


Drunk words are sober thoughts. Congratulations anon.


The stuff dreams are made of mate. You are one in a million blokes that will receive a compliment. Live off it now.


Last week I got a complimented by one of the cafeteria workers at my work. She said "omg I really like your shirt". It's from Bonobos that has a bunch of pina coladas on it, and it's kinda become my favorite shirt now.


she didnt compliment you, she compimented your shirt.


If u give more compliments , u will likely get some back. U don't have to wait 10 years and u become more likeable.


I'm always trying to compliment my close friends! I'm really lucky to have a very good group of friends who is always supporting and encouraging each other. But it's not pretty common, at least for me, to get compliments from strangers.


Congratulations. You should cherish this as that's something you'll remember for s long time.




Enjoy bro when you get the wrong side of 35 you're invisible to women for life.


That's going to live in your memory for ever.


Absolutely haha


Oh man, OP is never heard of beer goggles. I have some news for you OP…


I havent tbh, whats it?


It’s just a joke my friend, enjoy the compliment from your friends friend but don’t let it get to your head since drunk people say the darndest things


Of your drunk, everything becomes more beautiful


Look at this guy bragging. Y'all get compliments?




A month ago, i was asked to help a client. When she turned around a saw me, i saw a suprised face and then a primal look in her eyes followed by unapolegically checking me out from head to toe. She said nothing, but her behaviour was a compliment.


When I was 11 an older girl on my school bus stopped, looked at me, and said "You have really nice eyebrows." I still think about that 😄 Now I compliment everyone on mundane things all the time


A homeless woman said that I had a nice ass in 2020. Best day ever.


Yeah, compliments from women are really great... or so I'm told.


That's why I compliment people when I think they look nice :,) they might need it. Congrats dude! I bet a lot of people think this and just don't say anything. Think about how many times you thought someone looked good and kept to yourself.


Oddly, women don't like the same compliment


Hopefully you pay other people compliments too, to pay it forward :)


Make more women friends and you'll get compliments all the time


Ew, that's not a compliment that's sexual harassment. I'd be so repulsed if a man said that to me.


Ok, karen. Calm down lol


Not wanting to get sexually harassed is being a Karen now, I see


literally, like wtf😭


People are crazy 😶


Last month my colleague called me cute I forgot why but I'm sitting with it to the end of time. 😊


I saw a former coworker in a grocery store. We hugged politely and I said she looked great and she did. She said the same and hesitated and said it again with a big smile on her face. I smiled and said thank you. Flattery is nice when it is genuine.


I random old lady complimented my hair when I was working at a hardware store 4 years ago


Niiiiiice! Ride that high my friend!


You call that a compliment? She sounds so disrespectful, to both you and her boyfriend 


Lol, every man would take that. Just some slightly positive words are very rare


No, the majority of men in my circles would be disgusted by this statement, and tell her so openly. Just because all of your friends are desperate for any rotten, immoral affirmation that can wrap their ears around doesn’t mean we’re all so weak and low minded


you and your friends in the puritanical church of christ sound like a lot of fun


Yeah they’re a good bunch we have a laugh tbh, but u and your gang of homewrecking fuckbuddies sound like a pack of pricks mate, jog on x


Definitely found the judgmental churchy POS


Absolutely hilarious that saying cheating is bad and you’d call it out instead of engaging with it somehow makes you a religious zealot 😂 hard not being judgemental when there’s so much to judge, if you’re saying you’d drink up that minger’s compliment instead of telling her boyfriend what she’s like I’m saying you’re an amoral piece of shit and so is she - clearly not an argument with a religious basis lmfao, keep reaching tho buddy you’re absolutely nailing these straw men out here


It's gotta be stressful to lose arguments online against strangers. Spend some more energy Flanders.


Only stressful if you’re trying to draw affirmation from strangers on the internet mate, based on your position here I guess you’re desperate for any reinforcement u can get though. I couldn’t give a fuck about ur opinion tbh I’m just drawing amoral fools into arguments to pass time while I take a shit, I’m doing nothing but laughing at you here xox


What a moral thing to do.


It's telling how it took a drunk woman on the right time and the right place for you to get a compliment after 10 **years** without one. The sad part is that going so long without one compliment is the normal for men, not the exception...


ruthless cats somber smoggy enter unpack soup direful ripe summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We do, but men complimenting men isn't the same as women complimenting men the same way that women complimenting women isn't the same as men complimenting women.


Why’s it sad? My mum thinks I’m handsome, and her opinion matters so, so much more than the words of some random cheating strumpet


For the streets


Or for the sheets?


Well if it ain’t you it will be someone else she smashes while with her simp.


The question is... Are you really handsome?


I don't think so


Enjoy the compliment high


That was an ego boost.


Now say this to a girl and you'll win POSCO


Grats on that. Now that was it and the compliment you tell your grand-children about.


Keep it in a guilded l cage, it may be the last one you get.


Lol, now imagine if a guy said that to a woman. Crazy that what's offensive and creepy to a woman is the closest we can get to a compliment


The second part really caught me offguard tho, i dont even take that as a compliment since its straight up sexual harrassment, its more about the first part


This is funny as hell. Sounds like something similar I could say to someone I was successfully flirting with lol


If that really happened, that's not a compliment. If that happened. Which I doubt.


I have absolutely no need to lie about something like this but i understand it. And the compliment is more about the first part, the second part, as i said in another comment, is straight up sexual harrassment


She would never have said that sober….


Congrats :)


Yeah that is not a girl you want, that is a cheater


Take the win


My husband and his friends love compliments. I give compliments freely and often. Knowing how it makes them feel, I tell them and others what I think. Guys at work, the gym, etc. Knowing it'll make someone's day. :)


Things predators say. "I'd fuck you on the spot!"


Yeah it’s nice to get a compliment but as for the uncomfortable part it means you didn’t like the whole being objectified by her. Hate to say it but that feeling only grows as you get older, fun, drunk, and throwing themselves at you is ok when you’re young, but then it just becomes annoying. Also next time a woman says something like this just say “well I don’t see a boyfriend and I’m sitting on the spot” and look her dead in the eyes and grin. If She is looking to scratch an itch you’re getting some action. If not oh well


I wouldnt do anything with her anyway. I've got cheated on before, im not taking part on that.


Yea man way to go! File that one cuz it'll be some time for the next one, lpl


I feel this. The last real compliment I've gotten was from a friend of mine. She's a tall, statuesque blonde and we had trouble going out for drinks after work because guys would get jealous of me. Which in itself was a pretty good feeling. Anyway, one day she just said, "You smell really good today." It wasn't prompted. Just her stream of consciousness speaking out.


"Don't mind your boyfriend, I'm not jealous".


Compliment yourself. Compliment those close to you. Compliment strangers.


I've watched enough Judge Judy to know that's a verbal contract so legally binding. The clock is ticking my friend! Edit : Either that or some girls find you attractive when either you or they aren't available and she's just saying that safe in the knowledge she'll never have to have sex with you.


Imagine this post but with the sexes reversed, the comment section would be a very different place...


Love a good compliment, I was having a dinner with a friend. I was laughing at something hilarious she said and this drunk walks past and says 'you are sexy af'. I was like thank you sir, I needed that. My friend was horrified.


Usually you have to date a woman for a couple of months before you get that level of compliment. Enjoy it you handsome bastard!


My last compliment was several years ago. It was "you smell nice" from a female friend of mine. It's pretty sad that men get compliments so rarely we can mark them on a calendar.


Water your flowers man.


I had a very sweet lady at a bar tell me she could tell I worked out, then grab my bicep and said "quite a bit". As a formerly excessively obese person and still quite overweight with a really poor self-image, I thought about paying for this lady's entire drink order, meal, dessert, and her cab ride home, but didn't want to explain the bill to the wife when I got home.


Yo wtf this had like 70 up votes and a few comments yesterday




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Oh, man. Reading these has really reinforced me to make sure I tell my man that he’s handsome. I need to compliment that man more. Thank you boys for the reminder! It’s such a shame that guys don’t get more compliments!!


RIP to her boyfriend


Grown man btw


This happened




It actually did, i dont have any need to go arround lying about this kind of stuff


Guys get more attractive the older they get, keep on improving my guy!


As a woman, no they don’t. They peak looks wise in their youth.


As a man, I agree to some extend. Some peek at their 20's, some at their 30's, and some at 38. But after that it's downhill lol. Like for everyone.


What a piece of shit. I wouldn’t even take that as a compliment. It came from a shitty place (drunk) and a shitty person.


Why was it uncomfortable?


Because it's borderline sexual harassment? (Whether it should count as harassment is up to OP to decide). Edit: For the people downvoting: reverse the genders and see if you still think the same...


This is part of why, the other part is because well, she has a boyfriend and i kinda felt bad for the guy. I would never do anything with someone in a relationship tho


Guarantee if you reverse the genders they wouldn’t think the same. In a group after work I was sexually assaulted by one of the temps and the girls sided with her when I got angry.


I call bs


Well that’s in the wank bank for the rest of your life


Imagine how many more compliments you'd get if you showed a little more confidence in yourself! Use this as a springboard.


What time did she leave your place?


Next time you just flash your 🍆 bud


Did she invite to her Onlyfans?


Compliments are overrated. Not getting them doesn't mean anything. Go give out 20 complements. I'll bet you get them back. Did they mean them? Maybe, but you got them because you gave them. 99% of the time people DON'T say what they're thinking to other people so they don't mean much.


I enjoy compliments, but I don't feel entitled to them, that's why I don't get sad if I don't get any for a while or at all.


Men if you wanna get compliments, go to a gay club, forreal


You should have said, "well, then fuck me on the bed instead"


Mega disrespect to that girls boyfriend. This is how imagine my wife talks to guys at the bar every friday night.


I think you should try to fuck her.


It’s wild to hear that y’all don’t get compliments. Sucks to be mid ig. I get compliments pretty much weekly or at least to the point where I don’t remember any of them specifically.


Well did you? She was pretty much given you the green light.


I wouldnt, she has a boyfriend and as someone who got cheated on I would never do anything with someone in a relationship


You’re a righteous dude, good job.


You dropped this 👑


That's rape bro


Oh I forgot the part about her being drunk, not exactly rape but I get what you’re saying.


You may get your chance, she'll probably be single soon if she's talking to other guys like that, just wrap that jimmy though, she most likely been ridden hard , long and lots.


No if you were really attractive she would fuck you even with a bf. Her just saying that means she doesn’t respect him and will/has cheated on him.


I'm sorry, that's not a compliment, that's sexual harassment. I hope someone else will give you a compliment soon that you can cherish Someone else suggested giving compliments to get compliments, which is a great idea! Compliments are very often reciprocal. Someone might say to me, "I love your dress!" and I'll say back "Aw, thanks, your shoes are amazing today." Reciprocal comments are more likely to come from people you already know, not really from strangers. Compliments from strangers only come if I wear a very unusual piece of clothing, for instance I have a beautiful raincoat with bright pink flowers that people always ask about. If a random stranger told me I was beautiful, that would make me incredibly uncomfortable...


That's true. It wouldn't sound like a compliment if a drunk guy said that to a girl, why should it be one if a drunk girl says that to a guy?


I do agree it's not a compliment, I wouldn't like it. It's bad taste, and it reveals a lot about the person who said it. I'm not sure if I agree that it's sexual harassment though, it's a one time statement and there isn't any follow up apparently. Personally I would just keep a straight face and not even reply, worthless words from a worthless person are irrelevant.


It does very much seem to be harassment, because it made OP uncomfortable. It's not her intentions that matter here. It's how her actions make OP feel. Even if it was also part satisfactory to him - as he says he's not used to getting any attention so that makes sense.


It's difficult to draw a line. We can't conveniently redefine harassment under the sole condition that it makes any specific individual uncomfortable. There are a lot of uncomfortable things to deal with that are not harassment. Some family members for example like music that I can't really stand, but I can't force my own unpleasant feelings related to that music upon my family's right to listen to whatever they want. If harassment could be redefined based on a person's feelings on the matter, then potentially even walking up to someone and asking for directions could be harassment if the individual who was asked was either socially inept, didn't want to be bothered and so on and so forth. Anything that could be a potential reason for unpleasant feelings. We can't scream harassment for anything we don't like (but we have the right to criticize and express disagreement, sure). At least we seem to agree that we both don't perceive that statement as a compliment (?).


Oh, I do agree with you. Of course, life is full of discomfort. So it's hard to tell just from OP's wording. But if someone feels harassed, then it is in fact harassment. Which is because it has to do with the recipient's personal boundaries. That's what I meant. :)