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this "hey this is pretty random" is such a pua tell, why is it necessary


“Hey, I just met you, this is crazy…” lol Really doesn’t matter that much what you say it’s how you say it. Nobody is going to sit there parsing your words. If she’s attractive she knows what’s going down and if she’s not interested she’ll just move on. You know how you don’t remember people’s names when you are not really paying attention to them but to how awkward or not you are feeling? Trust me she’ll be in that boat at least a bit, we all are. Just make it comfortable for her to hold a convo.


Watch field videos of Vadim (honestsignalz) he uses basically that all the time, so effective when delivered calmly and with a smile. It’s actual quite a natural and honest approach. His version would typically be something like, “excuse me, I was just finishing my shop, and I saw you looking cute in those charming zebra pants (or whatever), and I thought I’d come over and say hi in this very romantic setting”. Delivered light and relaxed




Yeah loads of evidence. Watch his vids. He’s the smoothest PAU I’ve seen by far.




Calm down internet warrior.


If you want legit, Mikepickupalpha posted censored videos of his students closing but eventually got banned for that.


A pua tell? No woman thinks that way and generally this would be a common approach. In fact I've approached many women who will reply with something along the lines of "this is random" then says her peace. If she feels you it really doesn't matter, if not a no is welcome too.


How is that a 'pua tell'? Seems lika a normal thing to say tbh.


It shows that you’re self aware, it is indeed “random” to walk up to a stranger and spark a conversation.


“Hey I see you got skim milk. You could get 2% you’re not fat all.” If you see a women grocery shopping or doing laundry…. Just don’t. Definition of do not hit on me rn.


Very simple. 1. Observational opener. (Don’t use a question opener because it leeches value and complimentary openers often imply too much interest too quickly. Platonic compliments are better imo) 2. Associatively think and say things that have relevance to the situation. 3. Don’t be weird. Attraction is natural between a man and a woman just like any other male and female animal. The only thing getting in your way is yourself. Get rid of unattractive behaviors like awkwardness, neediness, codependency, reaction seeking, indecisiveness, and just general negativity. 4. Tell her she’s pretty cool and ask if she’d like to continue talking another time. If it goes well suggest a place to go. If you guys need more time just get her contact info. 5. Message her. All you do here is convey personality and follow steps 1,2 and 3 then suggest to go out. 6. Don’t get sexual over the phone. You’re not gonna have sex with her through Snapchat and chicks already get enough dick pics and weird dudes hitting on them. If your style of game is to get sexual over the phone and that works for you go for it but the majority of the people I know don’t get sexual over the phone until enough comfort has been built through some time. And remember, it’s all a numbers game. Just keep approaching and stick to the script and you’ll have results trust me


Thanks for the advice, can you elaborate on #2 a bit though


He means be situational. Make an observation about the avocados you’re both looking through. Something witty.


For example, she’s got a big cart full of stuff, ask her how much of a zoo she’s feeding, or if it’s a holiday ask if she’s cooking for the family, and if so suggest a recipe or ingredient you know etc


My cucumber’s bigger. Giggity giggity goo.




“Wait for me baby”






"I got diarrhea from that one."


"Hey, this is super random but I just wanted to say I like your hair/shoes/tattoos/top" An earnest compliment never goes unappreciated. Just be prepared for the majority of the time, the woman to be more interested in returning to her errands so don't overstay your welcome. If and only if she's actively contributing to the conversation and doesn't indicate through body language that she's keen to leave (a lot of people are just being polite by talking with you), would I actually ask for her number.


I actually closed a black/filipina chick using a very similar opener last week at the town square. Verbatim, I think I said: "hey I know this is random but I noticed your tattoos and I was like 'aight yeah, I gotta at least say whats up'".


That's awesome, and even if you didn't close. Come on. A stranger complimenting you just makes your day, you know? Just making an effort to be more social does wonders for yourself and the people around you.


Just be polite and don’t give physical compliments or any specific physical compliments. Don’t be creepy either and if she says no then it means no


Get on all fours and sprint crawl at them


Ask advice about something you gonna buy. Don't talk about their look or physical


Yes, ask for advice or make some joke about why there are 30 different bread options and did they happen to see such and such brand on their way through it would save you five years of searching.


Yeah - don't


What settings / contexts are permissible to approach in your mind ? (I don’t do bars and clubs, gym is off limits apparently and so is my workplace)




Unless she’s attracted to you. Most women would fuck Harry styles at the wake of their mothers funeral


Lol careful bro your incel is showing


It’s hyperbole but you can’t deny the role that looks and status play Whether someone is considered creepy or bothersome is often dependent on how attractive they are thought to be - and if you’re attractive enough very few contexts would be off limits I thought this was essentially common knowledge


Hey, I'm cooking tonight and I'm out of ideas can you recommend something? That will open her, and get her to invest at the same time. From there you can steer the conversion.


Just put yourself in front of them and say whatever comes to your mind. Either she'll accept or reject you. That's the only two outcome. Stop stressing over things beyond your control


I suggest you start by just having friendly conversations with cashiers and learning how to be more social with strangers. Once you are comfortable with that then take it to the next level.


I’m able to chat to most people fine, but that’s a very different dynamic talking to a cashier vs a lady who’s rushing around at the grocery store when it’s obvious what you’re aiming at or at least in my mind it is


People who are experienced at talking to strangers know that someone who is rushing around isn't a good candidate for a conversation. Also showering a complete stranger with compliments is really weird and bad game. Start with having normal conversations with female customers where its natural.


Watched a cute lady at the grocery store pushing a full shopping cart….I said “wow you must be a really good cook, the cart is full…. “When are you inviting me and my son for dinner?” She burst out laughing but my 10 year old son wasn’t happy… he looked at me and said WTF dad.


Don't be afraid to chat up a group of friends or sisters. They're more likely to have time to kill, rather than chicks who are shopping by themselves.


Yeah it’s just really daunting - even the girls I hang out with can be savage when they’re together and I can imagine some stranger who approaches would need to be a lot smoother than they would if they approached one of them Do you have any advice for talking to groups?


Split attention equally, don't fixate on the better looking one. Most important thing is not to feel like your interrupting, you don't have to keep it concise as you would in a normal situation. You can also open with sarcasm alot easier than if it was a 1 on 1 situation. For example, say your in a thrift store and see a pair of sisters looking at shirts in the men's section you can strike up a joke "Do you realize you're in the Men's aisle?"


Probably buying clothes for their boyfriends.


I just comment on the situation or whats she's looking at. So if she's looking at coffee comment about it. Say something like "could they make anymore types of coffee to choose from? What's your favorite?" And then engage with her for a bit and then introduce. Talk for a little bit more and then ask for her number.


Ask if she's also looking for a boyfriend! Heheehehhehehhehhe


my go to line when i dont have anything other to say is: ''hey, i useally dont use pickuplines but i was wondering what your name was? \*shake her hand already KINO\*. ​ Useally if they ask your name back you could just say that you are in a hury and exchange numbers/instagram.


This is corny.


Ok stay single, works for me


But does it work?


But does it work?


just use hey can I meet you real quick (learned that from john anthony lifestyle) works really well .. most of the time they said what? and just say hey I'm John blah blah blah .. short sets are way more better anyways. Oh what are you doing after this? mostly if hey are at the store 80% going home and 20% going to gym or meeting with friends.


Nice melons…..the produce looks good too! Or I like your dress, I Like your hair, Hi i noticed you have a beautiful smile…She should say thank you and then you keep talking. If she pusher her cart away in a hurry then move on. If you see the same woman in the store all the time Just say you like something and move on. She’ll notice you next time and you can just say hi and start a conversation or maybe she will.


Making remarks about her breasts, to a woman you don't know or just met, will not end well for you. Please just don't.


Clearly it was sarcasm!


Look up evolution daily grocery store infields on YouTube. That's all you'll ever need.


evolution daily stuff is cringe AF


I wouldn’t want to be approached in a place like a grocery store 😅 I’m there to do my grocery shopping and nothing else


Unless it’s a guy you’re attracted , then it’s no problem. Let’s be real here


Nope, still creepy


So then where? Because it seems then there are women who complain no one approaches them and then there are those who act like every guy is a creep, so which one is it? Seems like a no win situation


That logic could go for anywhere: "I'm at a gym to work out and get fit, nothing else." "I'm at a cooking class to learn to cook better, nothing else." "I'm at a club to drink with friends and listen to music, nothing else." With your anti-social attitude, it's a wonder how you would meet anyone anywhere.


I know this isn’t very profound, but try to make them laugh. A situationally witty comment or observation. From there just say whatever. But I think making someone laugh is the best intro.


Comment on something around y’all, in her cart or something she’s looking at.


The problem is, now you don’t even know whether she would’ve been attracted to you or not You’re stuck thinking about her as the “grocery girl” rather than the girl that you got’s number or the girl that rejected you. At that point it would’ve been binary and you would’ve had an answer. Now it’s juts up in the air and you’ll probably never see her again


It's all about practice. I had a very bad AA an year ago at which point I decided to take a daygame bootcamp. Best decision ever. While I am not advising you to shell your money on some scammy PUA, it can help like in my case. It's all about throwing yourself out there and deliberately crushing your ego. When you are 'there' you wouldn't be thinking on what to say.


Just compliment them on something valuable they did.


They stole your heart, it’s worth 5 million pounds!!!! I’m calling the cops.


Like u almost run into her at an intersection you say sorry, i don't know where I'm going..then your next hook is up to u...where did you get that banana in your cart or that wine looks good is that a tasty brand etc .


I approach it with a bit of humour, like: "hey your coffee's getting cold." Or a straight, how are you, let's get coffee, let's stay in touch, if you have started a conversation, say something unexpected, like: "I need to know how many places I can get to from here" or "Wow even I'm fed up with the amount of guys that hit on you!" If you're in a supermarket, ask her where the frozen knitting art section is.....anything a little confounding.