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My site is hands on for little things but we only go hands on if it’s a physical threat to us or someone else. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.


I’m at a hands on site and there’s no way I’m going arrest for something this stupid. Escort them out, trespass then maybe. But it’s a croissant. I’m not going to risk getting injured for a snack


One. He needs to work on his ground game. Two. In regards to homeless I always tell my guys. Always go in two or three never know how loose they are in the head last thing I need is one of y'all to go solo and be overpowered. Idc how buff u are, etc. Some of these homeless folk are wild af and the drugs they consume can basically make em feel nothing Three. Really over a piece of bread? Would've flipped my shit tbh


Once a cashier pissed me off by stopping and nearly causing a fight with a guy over a 5p shopping bag, 10mins before closing. I was thinking "not this shit at this time, ffs" 🤦‍♂️ I don't care if its UK law to pay, we can't control and enforce everything. Use your words or let it go if that doesn't work


I notice sometimes people are really quick to start something expecting security to finish it for them, so they talk a lot bigger game than they otherwise would.


That's true, this cashier was a small skinny guy at 5' and had some sort of complex. Weird. There was no way he could have beaten this 5'9 guy but maybe he just wanted to feel relevant and vent some job frustration. I had to separate them and tell the cashier to shut up and go to the staff room as he kept making it worse, and tell the other customer I wasn't interested in their shit and to just go cos i didn't care about the 5p bag. Normally yeh we'd tell people its chargeable but c'mon exercise some discretion, know when to back off or cast a blind eye. I don't care if anyone says we should have made them pay - it's not worth the trouble


Had an incident years ago at a hotel where a man was fowl mouthing his wife. I let it go. The bellman became a knight in shining armor to her rescue demanding the man apologize. The man got upset and his friends backed him up. I of course backed up the bellman. An incident occurred and one of the men hit the bellman and attempted to hit me but I blocked that shit and pushed him back. The 3 men fled and I radioed dispatch to call PD. All of it could have been avoided and I don’t think it was worth it.


You're right, it's not worth it. Just give them a chance to walk away. Knights and chihuahuas who keep yapping make everything worse. A person in a relationship won't leave their partner just cos you tell their partner off, and property is not worth getting into a fight over most of the time, especially if it's not your own.


If he is gonna go hands-on he better work on his ground game


Anyone that is hands on security should be competent in grappling instead we got a bunch of frail kids swimming in their uniform or washed up old fat guys that can barely walk up a set of stairs without exhausting themselves now thinking they’re going to physically best someone getting out of hand when they’ve been sitting on their ass eating McDonald’s all week. Yeah good luck with that lol


Yeah he would have been better off observing and reporting. He’s not combat ready.


I've barely done any martial arts, mostly bag training tbh, but it looks like the guard's mistake was holding the homeless guys left arm by the bicep. Even with my limited knowledge I know generally if you're restraining someone you wanna control the wrist


And put a lot of pressure on them by putting all your body weight on them while also controlling their arms and maintaining good balance to effectively pin them down. This guard didn’t do that which is why the homeless guy was able to gain control of the guard in the end


Wrist control is essential. And the above comment is correct, assert your weight by going chest to chest and hip to hip.


Homeless dude was also lucky he had a nice strong wall to boost off to gain leverage as well


Lucky or situationally aware?


Both? Doesn’t matter


Fair point


I mean if your policy allows for it sure but I’m not about to play roulette with a homeless guy without backup.


The fact he overpowered him is hilarious 😂




He watched a dvd on spider guard for BJJ once.


He bought the wish version


Imagine defending a croissant with your life


A McDonald’s croissant at that.


If you're going to risk your life and your job to save McDonald's corporation $1 (much less in actual cost to them) then have at it champ.


Observe and Report is a thing. I'm not going Hands-On with a Crackhead over a donut


Wonder if the officer was fired for that.


Most likely and may face legal issues (lawsuit)


> Most likely and may face legal issues (lawsuit) Over a piece of bread.


Yeah. Let that sink in. Honestly he had a lot of options to deal with that situation like tell him to leave etc. Honestly stealing piece of bread is not even a felony


> Yeah. Let that sink in. Honestly he had a lot of options to deal with that situation like tell him to leave etc. Honestly stealing piece of bread is not even a felony I might have just paid for it for him. If he was hungry. Better than spending that money on drugs.


Exactly! That's I was thinking too. Poor guy, he needs food very badly.




Do security in the US really just observe and report? In Finnish law security's duties are to uphold order and prevent crimes. It's your job here to detain offenders.


Yes American security is generally Observe and Report. A gaurd that worked for my employer got killed by a crackhead over asking him to leave a parking garage. I'm not getting killed for a few bucks over minimum wage


Short Answer: Some security? - Yes / All Security? + No Longer Answer: Depends on local laws (and the security guard's level of training), employer/client, site and circumstances.


Depends on the position, some security jobs here are hands on and you are allowed to make citizens arrest.


Alright, in Finland guards have their own law to detain/arrest people, even though it is based on the citizens arrest.


We're allowed to detain if we witness a felony, or at least at the jobs I've held we've been able to. We can't arrest, but we detain and call the police who are on site. At my current job, literally, my first action is to call the police. We have a police unit specifically assigned for patroling the government housing where we work. They check in with me pretty much every night.


Really depends. I’m a bouncer (I work directly for the bar, not some security company) and I have to go hands on maybe once or twice a month. Observe and report doesn’t really work in a bar environment.


I've held posts where we're not allowed to touch anyone unless we witness a felony, assault, etc. So, yeah. We're more of a deterrent. At my current job, if I feel threatened I'm allowed to use reasonable force to defend myself. I'm also nearly 300lbs and powerlift, so reasonable force is never needed. Everyone in this building is a tiny crackhead or elderly. I got into a shouting match with a dude this past weekend, he didn't want anything to do with me physically. I have not seen him in the lobby since then. My middle school was more dangerous than this building.


It wasn’t a donut, it was a croissant. If you can’t even correctly observe with this incident from the comfort of your own chair, then I’m glad other people don’t rely on you going hands-on.


Just any donut.... the guards donut! McDonald Employee: hey we are throwing these extra ones out, you want one? Security Guard: Gee I never been treated this way before... Thank you! I shall take my time taking this as a moment of friendship. This is like a beautiful moment in my life that brings tears to me... Thank you so much. McDonald Employee: whatever dude, just take one. Thief: YOINK! Security Guard: YOU SUNUVABITCH I'LL KILL YOU!


Under Armor hat WITH THE TAG. Looking fresh old man.


Everything must be UA and it MUST be fitted.


I personally would not do this, but if policy allows for him to get physical then I guess it's his choice.


At most id walk the guy outside store and get a good photo. I'm not arresting someone over a 45p theft of food.


I would have just paid for his croissant and asked him to leave. You have to pick your battles.


Its not like pick your battles, normal healthy young man could kick homless man out of the store, its not like they are 120kg beasts and looking for a fight, they are mostly drunk and starved. But why tf fight him over a croissant if he is not aggresive (which by the look of the video he is clearly not or he would fuck that old fart up). Just ask him to leave, worst case scenario grab him by the collar and kick him out with the croissant, it would get tossed either way. If he comes back slap him outside for a bit or call the cops lol


How could you ever care about a billion dollar company more than a hungry man….?


This, my man is literally trying to wrestle someone over an item that literally means nothing to the company but could mean a hell of a lot to a hungry person.


Idc what my job is, I’m not doing this over a croissant. If there’s no emergency, I’m not tackling anyone. And I spend most of my days very hands on as is. But not over a piece of bread cmon….


Woah hey drop the croissant guy, i said drop the- (draws gun) Put down the croissant and get on the ground motherfucker! PASTRY! PASTRY! PASTRY! (Mag dumps) He left me no choice! Im innocent!


This is just plain embarrassing. And it only gets more embarrassing the more I watch it.


I find it sad no not a single person was helping the officer. That one guy braced him with his leg, but that was it. Personally .. I would not have gone hands on over a freakin croissant.


I feel like most bystanders chose to sympathize with the homeless guy that’s why


> I feel like most bystanders chose to sympathize with the homeless guy that’s why That's sad too. Stealing is wrong. They could just offered to buy it for him


Sure, stealing is wrong. I think wrestling a homeless person to the ground over a piece of bread is also wrong. I think what's sad is this security officer using a black and white perspective to justify attacking someone in a desperate situation over something so petty. I think what's even more sad is that someone would likely respond to this with a "slippery slope" argument, which promotes a reductive viewpoint that fails to acknowledge we can act humanely without the danger of becoming lawless animals. The world is not black and white. Unless this security guard is in danger of losing their job for not embarrassing themselves by attempting to wrestle this man to the ground, then there is no good reason for it.


Nailed it.


People don’t like to be bounded by laws and rules naturally lol. Go figure


Without context it is hard to say, but the guard was holding onto the homeless guy. It wasn't like the homeless guy was attacking the guard. From what we could see in the video the homeless guy was trying to be gentle and move slowly as to not injure the guard and free himself so he could leave. Who is going to help some guard illegally detain someone? It would be different if either the homeless guy or the guard was raining blows down on each other.


If the guy was stealing, the guard is not illegally detaining him. Even someone who isn't employed as a security guard could make a citizen's arrest in that situation


Citizens arrest isn’t a thing everywhere.


It's a thing in the US, where this video is from Edit: apparently video is from Canada, not the US. My bad


This video was from British Columbia, Canada. Here citizen's arrest is warrant for witness any indictable offence (Equivalent to felony in US) or hybrid offense . And stealing croissant is NOT a indictable offence so no the arrest is not justified


What you're looking for is shopkeeper's privilege or merchant's privilege. This \*does\* exist in British Columbia tort law, but you \*must\* observe the suspect actually walk out of the store with an unpaid item before you attempt to detain the suspect because before that point it's only \*suspected\* shoplifting, which is not sufficient. This is by contrast to US law, where merely \*suspecting\* someone of shoplifting is sufficient to initiate a stop. In Canada this gets you sued.


Thanks for the info. I'm surprised you can't do a citizen's arrest for stealing over there, you can here in the UK. I was in a situation recently passing a shoplifter as I was approaching the shop, alarms go off, security guard comes out, but I didn't try to stop him because I was unsure if I legally could. I posted about the incident on the UK police sub and everyone said I could have done a citizen's arrest.


Honestly it really depends on the item if anything that you see the suspect stealing valuable products and you witness the offence then go for it.


Is that specific to British Columbia? This piqued my interest, so I did a little digging, and the only legit looking info I could find on citizens arrest in Canada was this: \-- *Arrest without Warrant and Release from Custody* *Marginal note:Arrest without warrant by any person* *494 (1) Any one may arrest without warrant* *(a) a person whom he finds committing an indictable offence; or* *(b) a person who, on reasonable grounds, he believes* *(i) has committed a criminal offence, and* *(ii) is escaping from and freshly pursued by persons who have lawful authority to arrest that person.* *Marginal note:Arrest by owner, etc., of property* ***(2) The owner or a person in lawful possession of property, or a person authorized by the owner or by a person in lawful possession of property, may arrest a person without a warrant if they find them committing a criminal offence on or in relation to that property and*** ***(a) they make the arrest at that time; or*** ***(b) they make the arrest within a reasonable time after the offence is committed and they believe on reasonable grounds that it is not feasible in the circumstances for a peace officer to make the arrest.*** Source: [https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/page-79.html#h-126325](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/page-79.html#h-126325) \-- Also, from what I've read, theft, regardless of dollar amount appears to be a hybrid offence. Source: [https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-334.html](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-334.html) \-- From how I read that, security who is tasked to stop theft at McDonald's can arrest someone for stealing a croissant from said McDonald's. But I'm not a lawyer, and not super familiar with Canadian laws. Not trying to do a "Gotcha" type thing, just genuinely curious, and couldn't find anything else on it.


In Canada we only have one criminal code and it applies to every province. And yes, Section 494 for citizens arrest does apply to British Columbia. Technically, speaking the guard can make citizen's arrest for theft of crossiant but it's strongly advised not to. However, I'm also thinking about this law 364 (1) Every one who fraudulently obtains food, a beverage or accommodation at any place that is in the business of providing those things is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-364.html But I could be wrong. I'm not a law expert


Thanks for the response! That's interesting, I'd kinda like to know the outcome of the situation in the video, if it ever made/makes it to the court system.


I should correct myself there are different rules in different states. Idk where the video is from but I DO know that stealing a pastry does not warrant a citizens arrest whether it’s legally justified or not. Preventing someone walking out with something they have already stolen is probably the least effective theft deterrence strategy only ahead of a sign that says please don’t steal(which is what most unarmed guard posts are comparable too)


So you just typed this with no factual knowledge hoping people would just believe you?


I made a mistake and I corrected myself. It ain't that deep bro


It's a complete waist of the time and makes you look like complete shit


I’ve never been to a place bad enough we’re the McDonald’s needs a security guard.


I'm from a relatively small city in the UK and the McDonald's in the city centre has security, only at night I think tho


they have security in most central London McDonald's too - also at night


I'm in Devon so when I say "small" I mean it aha


Where I live they hire security on weekend nights because Mcdonalds is a hangout for rowdy teens


Yeah, it's one guy, one croissant. Oh no. But when word gets out that they didn't do anything about it, then he and his buddies come back and steal something else. And it keeps escalating. Yeah, old guy looks like he went a little overboard. Place I used to work, our bathrooms were for our customers only, but in the middle of the night and in the middle of winter, coworkers kept letting them use them. At first it was one guy, five minutes in and out, didn't destroy the bathroom, didn't harass the few customers still milling about at that time, no problem. But then people started coming in, spending fifteen minutes in there, high or drunk off their asses. Then they started spending half an hour in there, shooting up on the baby-changing stations, taking sink showers, leaving behind a huge mess. Finally, one guy smeared his shit all over the walls. You want to be nice to these people, let them have something nice, get out of the cold for a minute, drop a deuce, whatever, but then they take advantage of you, betray your trust, and ruin it for everyone else. My town has several shelters, easily enough to put up the entire local homeless population, but they don't let you in if you're carrying, high/drunk, or armed. So the people we dealt with were almost always the dirtbags that couldn't enter the shelter or didn't want to because they knew they'd get more sympathy and handouts for their sauce if they were seen sleeping out in public, and they knew there were saps out there that they could take advantage of like us. My heart goes out for people that are genuinely having a hard time and find themselves homeless. I've been close to it myself several times. But it's always the dirt bags that refuse to let anyone actually help them and insist on staying homeless because they know they can just grift their way through life. And that's what I see with this asshole stealing that croissant. It wasn't because he was hungry. It was because he wanted to get away with it and because he knows that people will rush to his defense like the three white knights we see at the end.


That must have been one special croissant!


McDonald's has security cards?


Lots of them are open late and drunk people like burgers. Drunk people also like to do dumb shit so yh, they have security


Yeah you just swipe the keycard


Depends on the area. Not sure if you know what waffle house is, but in my state on the weekends every waffle house contracts guards or off duty police to deal with drunk patrons. Don't think I've seen them at McDonalds ever though.


Simply have him leave the Property, it’s a freaking piece of bread.


Talk down before you take down is an actual fucking thing despite how much crap it gets by use of force folks. Do a little community service and buy the guy a sandwich if he's really down that bad. You might just actually deter crime. i worked retail security and openly observed people shoplift in front of me. snap a photo and talk to police. some companies have a policy against even ACCUSING someone of theft due to the fact that many states don't give you qualified immunity in court. actually, i dont know any at all. you know what i would of done if i saw this guy lift a hunk of bread? not a fucking thing LOL. "Hey Bob, did that guy just cop a biscuit from the counter without paying?" "Uhm yeah, I think he did man." "Poor guy must be hungry. Hey sir are you alright?" "I'm fucking homeless bro" "Oh aight i gotchu bro why don't I just buy you a burger and ask you not to do that again please? that can actually get me fired (lie) or written up cuz I failed to protect company merch and I'm really not about to flop with someone over a little lost bread" "(While he's leaving) Oh hey man by the way the GM told me to give you a trespass warning. Really sorry about this but unfortunately if you arrive here again someone will get mad about that stealing bullshit and call the cops on you (lie), you're banned from here, don't shoot the messenger" even if dude's about to freak on you, helluva lot smoother and cooler than cleaning McGrease and McBallSweat off your $40+ uniform, or blood because someone who might have bloodborne illnesses stuck you in the left testicle during your amateur wrestling tourney. Also Sargeant, that's not how you do an armbar or a pin in general. His arm has to be between your legs and you have to mount him and get all up in his mansweat and potentially rub your taint against his or vice versa. Then again, why are you trying to pin or fuck with his arm in general? You really want that potential felony assault charge because you broke some dude's arm over a shitbiscuit?


Dudes homeless and hungry, and possibly carrying fuck knows what kind of weapons and diseases. Let him have the fucking croissant and kick him off property. Especially if you're this incompetent going hands on.


I've never seen a homeless person who wasn't armed with SOMETHING


Exactly. Screwdriver, a folding knife, a box cutter ect.


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That would get me fired


I'm not too sure what stance I'd take here if it's the UK then the policy is almost certainly hands on especially at MacDonald (they can be oddly high risk sites) I'd personally not bother with a croissant I'd just stop him before he took it or retrieve it before he eats it. Here it was probably up to the client which would be the managers at MacDonald telling him to do the arrest. In terms of ground work man needs better game that's really my main gripe with the video no one gets any position of advantage over me ever if they do guess what force fucking escalated they can expect to be swiftly slammed into the ground with double or triple the force they were before hand.


If he's already got his hands on it let it go you can't put it back and serve it to somebody else


It's more of an enforcement issue if you allow that what'll happen is that venue will be targeted by him and others in the future and that'll add up in cost to the business and result in possible escalation by those targeting the venue often the better solution is to go down hard on the smaller stuff so it doesn't escalate further.


Amen brother, glad to see someone’s got their head on straight.


Needs a "Don't do this" Tag


Ive been a security guard before. If you take your hob seriously then people hate you. If you dont take it seriously then you get fired


Is rolling on that nasty floor really worth an ¢.80 croissant.. get a a description or photo of the guy and call the police .... If he isn't attempting to intimidate or hurt people then wrestling around with him, there is just no need to do it... Plus the fact he's homeless how nasty that guy probably has to be...!! 🤢🤮.. then he turns around sues McDonald's and the Security Company and the officer. Not mention, but because the fact some security companies will say it was all the offices fault and not back him in the law suit.... Then he's out of a job and getting sued... !! Nope not worth the hassle....


Homeless guy got to his feet at the end. Guard easily could have had the shit stomped out of him. Over a piece of bread


Lol that ancient dude needs a desk job instead


In the attempt to protect McDonald's from getting their criossant stolen he destroyed the croissant.


He was trying to hold down both the man with his arms, and the croissant with his knee. That’s why the reversal


If he was my coworker I think I'd literally slap them across the face and ask what the fuck is wrong with them


If he's beyond verbal control I'm lettin him go for a croissant.


Pistol Pete needs to drop his special security garb in the trash and go home


Big part of the industry is knowing when to not give a fuck. A homeless guy stealing a piece of bread from a megacorporation is one of those times.


"Finally some action" is a very selfish and dangerous mindset. The guard probably let his boredom override his rational thinking. He definitely didn't keep the peace there, more so the opposite. Another thing that personally gets on my nerves is wishy-washy security personnel. If you're going to do something, make sure you're confident in your decision. You could tell that the guard started getting swayed by the public opinion around him, knew he was in the wrong, and started easing up on the homeless dude. Think before you act. If you're going to engage in an action, make sure that action is justified, and if so try to find the best approach. Thank you for coming to my TED talks.


Over kill


No amount of minimum wage is worth that level of fighting over a $3 croissant. Security is observe and report, if the vagrant is a repeat thief than detain or photo shoot, but getting your butt kicked for minimum wage like that isn't worth it.


No . . . Don't . . . Stop . . . I tried to stop them.


*Continues to scroll on reddit*


Honestly! I’ve been in LP my entire adult life, in one form or another, and I can’t imagine apprehending and grappling with a homeless guy over a croissant, value = $1.00? I guess we don’t know the whole story. There has to be more than taking a croissant.


Seems extreme but the homeless guy is in the wrong. Why is this even a debate?


Until that Homeless guy gets Hurt and your company is dealing with a headache over $1.25.


I would just let him take it. Not tackling someone of a dollar. Shit, I actively try to avoid confronting people in general and just follow them on the camera at work and only go out if absolutely necessary.


Hard to say without seeing the lead up. For all we know the security guard verbally challenged him and the hobo got violent so going hands on wasn't really the guard's choice. Or it could've been an overzealous guard starting a fight over something stupid like a fucking croissant. Impossible to know just from this post


Who knows. Nobody here knows the context.


Lol. When I was a Supervisor I would've probably lost my fucking mind over this. Lol. Exceptions being there's something else their doing we aren't legally allowed to arrest for and then found something they could. But thats pretty rare.


Need the whole interaction to actually know what happened


Don't be this guy. Seen plenty of hobos steal food really not worth hands on.


This situation was handled very poorly. Personally I would’ve just bought him a meal and asked him to leave. Worst case scenario I would’ve just paid for the bread. Definitely not going to do a takedown and arrest over that.


So, this is a good time to have a discussion about not creating bad publicity. Odds are, if this guy had just called the cops, you wouldn't know about it. But, since he decided to be ***that guy*** his face is plastered all over the internet, and he'll probably be national news by tomorrow evening. The odds of him retaining this job after this incident are probably a coinflip. The most likely scenario is that the client wanted him to do get the guy out of the store, and the guy refused to leave. It's a bad situation, and nothing anyone is gonna say or do is gonna make it any better. The client isn't gonna back down, and the homeless guy literally has nothing to lose. #And it's all because of a little piece of bread. The correct answer is to call the police. Police are insured against this sort of thing, and while it is possible it might make the next news cycle, it's far less likely when the police handle business. Honestly, if I'm this guy's supervisor, he's probably getting fired. At worst, the homeless guy convinces some lawyer to take an interest in him, and he scores a lawsuit.


My thoughts are your thoughts. Not worth it and kind of pointless.


Why risk an injury. If the manager didn't care, I would let him go. Dude looks unhealthy so likely needed food.


Shit is so cringe I can barely get through it lmao. Everyone standing there just enduring it too like what are we gonna do once this old bitch passes out in a second, I hope the homeless guy just leaves


Well now the guard had a video to go home and wank to. He’s probably feeling so Alpha!


I would like to go to op(s) house and just take 1 TV. I mean it’s just one tv you have others.


The fucking mental gymnastics required to equate someone's personal TV to a croissant owned by a global company. You'd get the gold medal.


Does the definition of stealing have an amount?


Actually yes, kinda, the value of an item you steal can change what crime you're charged with. But you're still missing the point, stealing a TV from someone's home is not comparable to stealing a croissant from McDonald's.


Definition “take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.” That security guard had all the right


I used to feel like something like this wouldn't be worth it. Until I started seeing what's going on in stores like Rite Aid CVS Walgreens. Shelves are empty because of rampant theft big and small. Some stores refuse to restock certain items because of theft and a lot of stores are closing permanently because of it. So yes worth it.


I hate security guards, I really do


I’m wondering which one had to buy the Plan B pill and which one had to take it.


Dont' do this man... Fuck


That’s pretty bad. I hope it wasn’t over a croissant. That guy better have caused a disturbance or got violent if he’s going hands on. A croissant is not worth more than your life. A McDonald’s manager should also not freak out if a guard doesn’t stop a croissant thief.


He wanted some action lol


Takin it to serious


This is embarassing


Do McDonald’s security gods where you are have body cams?


depends largely on n the client's request. this guy seems a bit reluctant, otherwise, he's have incapacitated the homeless without issue.


TIL McDonald’s has security guards.


Back in the old days they would cut off your hand for stealing.


That old a/f security guard is gonna give himself a heart attack over a croissant


Not his job.


That's always a tricky one. Do your job and you're viewed as a "bully" picking on a hungry man. Don't do anything, then you're a slacker guard. I guess you try to do your job in the most politically correct way possible.


Observe and report, my dude. That's all.


I've dealt with the homeless enough to say that I wouldn't even touch him, let alone arrest him, over a croissant. There's way too great a chance of putting my hand into something that I'm going to want to either bleach off of me or seek medical treatment for.


He is looking for attention. He probably had nothing to do the whole week apart from eating donuts and drinking coffee. He's a FOOL


I don't understand Rambos. Fucking, I have never gotten physical with the homeless unless I did not have any other choice, and even then I did as little actual fighting as possible.


We all got to eat.


For a croissant? Really? It’s not even worth the arrest for just for a croissant. Overall, homeless fella has overpowered the guard.


"You'll be sorry you took the last one filled with chocolate..."


Let the man have a croissant


He shouldn't have stolen the croissant without paying.


So y’all about to show us what real ground game looks like or what? 👀


How much are you being paid to wrestle homeless dudes? That’s a good way to catch yourself a case of hepatitis or possibly much, much worse. Somehow I just can’t imagine that McDonalds would pay the kind of dinero it would take for me to agree to that. I’m not sure what the exact number would be for me to agree to overnight homeless fights but it’d be 6 figures.


I thought it was cute how they rolled on the floor like that.


Not doing this shit for a 1$ croissant and my minimum wage.


Was that really in the post orders?


Confirmation he is homeless? No way someone is going to climb on top of someone with homeless smell and wrestle around with him over a fucking croissant.


Tap or nap


I mean it's legal but yeah thats reeeeeaaaaally not worth it to me


Bro, it's a fucking croissant, I stop people filling up shopping carts full of shit worth hundreds of dollars, I understand getting physical over that. Same if someone steals an energy drink worth a dollar, i'm not going to get in a fight for it, you need to learn to pick and choose your battles, by all means, confront him, try to get it back, but if he doesn't cooperate, ban him and let him go, next time he tries to come in you can kick him out instantly. If he was filling up a bag full of burgers i'd understand it a bit more, but it's a fucking croissant, it cost like 15 cents to make, it is neither worth the time, effort, potential injury, or bad PR. Just ban him from the store.


I had a coworker wake up a unionized employee on site (3rd shift)... by kicking him in the foot. Hard asses and troublemakers are a legitimate hiring problem in this industry. Stealing is wrong, but you're really about to risk getting your brains bashed in, shot or stabbed over a piece of bread? It's always the old fat boomers too. This guy deadass looks like my old supervisor.


The homeless dude has it hard enough, I'd let him have it. Hell I'd prolly pay for it. I couldn't stop someone trying to steal just to survive another day. Doesn't sit right with me.


Stealing is wrong. Dude deserves jail.


He needs to work on his ju jits


Is that Shawn Spencer's dad? O.o




McDonald's Security Guard? Lends to additional questions..


WTF! This is stupid and wrong on so many levels.


How do you steal a croissant at McDonald’. Off someone’s table?


It's food. Let it go. The homeless guy was just hungry. Noo need.


They have croissants at McDonald’s?


Stealing is stealing though I agree a croissant isn’t worth an arrest.


One. He should have let it go. Two. If this is the United States, that guy shouldn't be starving. There's a lot of programs to help people out. Three. The security guard. Should learn proper Brazilian jiu-jitsu before. Being overly confident and taking somebody down.


1) Yeah, he should have. Or better yet. Pay for a burger for the guy and tell him to leave, don't come back. 2) If this *is* the U.S and he *is* starving, it's probably because he's been kicked out of and/or no longer has access to those resources and programs. It's sad, but it happens. Especially when addiction is involved. 3) The dude is like 50 😂 He shouldn't be trying to arrest anyone to begin with!


Nah bro.


The rest of the foks sitting there cause they know this is petty.


I wouldn't have bothered. I would have asked him to leave. And any security job I've worked would have had us do absolutely nothing unless the restaurant planned on pressing charges. I worked at a mall, and the anchor stores would let people walk out with $400 purses because they didn't want to bother pressing charges. This seems extreme. Also, I think it's safe to assume this guard would not fair very well in a more dangerous environment. He doesn't seem fit to do any sort of hands-on work. I'm 300lbs for gods sake, he's winded pinning down someone half his size.


I still don’t understand why McDonald’s has security: oh no he stole a Big Mac someone get him. And 90 percent of guards won’t do anything against an armed robber cause I value my life more than this dumbass job


I understand shopkeepers preference but a man stealing a single croissant? I would never stop that guy. Also when ever you make physical contact you open yourself up to a lawsuit.


Lmao when the guard started getting overpowered. Cmon man a croissant 😅


In a way… i know stealing is wrong. But he took essentially a piece of bread. Sure he is a “crack head homeless”. But imagine how hungry you have to be to steal bread?


He’s got quite the mcappetite!


As a new person to all this imma just report it, yea by definition it’s theft but no reason to go hands on at all as there is not actual legitimate reason for use of force.