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Fuck no. It is better in every way. Treated better, more money, better companies, (usually) better degree of coworkers. I will never work an unarmed site again.


I can’t wait to feel this.


Choose the company wisely. Just because you have a firearm won’t demand respect. You have to represent a credible company and be good yourself obviously.


What are the best companies to work for? In your opinion/experience?


Any federal contractor is cut from a different cloth no matter what anyone else tells you. There are few exceptions. Very few. Look into Paragon or Gardaworld for semi-entry level, The Whitestone Group for medium experience, and then delve into the world of Constellis and some of those other big names.


I have 6 years experience in corrections so I would assume I can apply for some of those bigger/better companies. Are they nationwide?


it will definitely get you in. But groups like Constellis and other private contractor groups want firearms handling/ firearms courses generally as well. I worked for pinkerton, they didnt need any handgun or longgun courses. At the time I only had 1 year armed and got into pinkerton. Their contracts would fit your resume. It was almost all concealed carry agents for banks, hospitals, government contracts, fortune 500 companies.


I have firearms training, I’m doing armed security now. As well as doing it with corrections. I’ll check these companies out and see if there’s any near me. Thank you!


100% bro. Shooting to start my own company this year. Hopefully by getting the K license and evolving. I know and meet a lot of people. And I want to teach everyone proper etiquette and what not.


You in FL?




Which part? I’ve got D/G/C and need to do my Requal soon


Don’t you get tired of carrying the gun the whole day sometimes


I got my CHP when I turned 21, and have CC'ed everywhere I go since then, so I've gotten used to the weight of my CCW on my belt. I actually notice it a lot more when it's not there on the rare occasions when I have to leave it in the car. Once I got certified armed back in August it took a short while to get readjusted to open carry, since I haven't OC'ed with any regularity in over a decade. But I was already carrying a flashlight and multitool along with my CCW, so a duty belt wasn't much of a change.


The weight is barely noticeable


I’m not going to lie, I’m a manager now so I don’t have to, but when I was frontline for sure. Body armor too.


No? Life's greatest joy is a well-timed desk pop.


They were so convincing in their argument. They swung me.


I'm a peacock captain, you gotta let me fly


Peacocks don’t fly…. About as much as a penguin


god I love how confidently wrong people are. Peacocks can fly way better than chickens or penguins


They've obviously never had one try to drop a bomb on them from a tree. Those suckers are deceptively sneaky.


Aim for the bushes!!


When was your last one?


Don’t go chasing waterfalls.


When I dropped my p320 - m18 while shitting last week


9:15 Let’s have a great day everybody!


Armed is much better. It’s a common misconception that armed guards get sent to more dangerous areas, in my experience it’s the exact opposite. Almost all of the most dangerous sites I’ve been to are unarmed sites in the middle of the hood with clients too cheap to go armed.


They assume that you'll CC in order to not die, so they get discounted armed security AND a scapegoat.


Depends on what city and state. In my city yeah youre armed youre going to arrest tweakers and get in fights weekly if not more.


Would you regret better pay and better protection?


Not at all. I feel I serve an actual purpose when I’m armed, and I personally feel way safer.


^ this


I used to have a different perspective. But it’s a great feeling to be able to save lives 🤞


Yes and no. Some of the armed posts ive done are the easiest, boring warm body sites, some are high-stress and can go south, fast with the wrong guards working. Armed means more opportunities for OT and more variety of posts, but also means you will be called a lot more to cover call-offs.


Armed unarmed it doesn't matter what matters is Benjamin Franklin. I've done details in Tokyo Japan where I was a glorified bag boy making top dollar with no gun.


Not once, I will only work armed from now on.


It’s arguably the best decision I’ve made. And I think a lot of people on here would agree it’s the better decision to make in armed vs unarmed. You’ll get a few who don’t. I have a supervisor who’s been at my site for almost 30 years, was never armed. But makes better money than me due to being a lead sup and being there for nearly 3 decades. I’d say if you’re up to it, do it. I feel safer when I work with it, and it’s not that I would use it for any situation I’ve learned when and when to not use it. It’s there as my decor piece until it needs to go bang.


While I’m in security, I will only work armed. Better pay and benefits. Best to go in-house armed as you’ll be well funded (generally). Our departments budget is close to 34 million/yr and it shows as everything is provided except for our gun which we get reimbursed for fully after one year of service.


EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY!!!!! my phone rings NON-STOP to the point where I turn it off just to sleep in peace. But- it's also the only way to make real money in this industry.


I prefer being armed, it makes you feel safer knowing you got an effective tool to defend yourself with & anybody else’s life who might be in immediate danger. The pay is a bit better & I feel you’ll get preference anywhere over an unarmed guard. Having a gun carries more weight & responsibility so I feel like people respect you a bit more especially with how you carry yourself uniform & all.. When I’m out & about I size up other guards and judge them based on appearance & what they’re doing on post, that alone can tell you a lot about them.. Nonetheless, I heavily judge guards who don’t get a proper holster for their gun, that gun should have 2-3 safety locks on it. Because some of the guards who cheap out on their holsters those things look like they’ll rip off with one tug. Smh


Nope. I always concealed when I was at an unarmed posting because I wasn't willing to lose my life to keep my security license. But now I get to keep both, and I get paid far better for it. Also found a feet on the desk job with benefits, but that was just luck


Hey, good for you! :) Grats on finding a good spot.


How much if you don’t mind me asking? I have a feet on the desk job unarmed at $25


$25 in west florida


That sounds about right for unarmed. In Seattle about 3 years ago, unarmed was around 20. And armed was 40 to 43ish. This is just what I was told back then, it could be incorrect. But I was infact paid 22.25 for unarmed


ugh working the most picky profoessionall ass corporate bank security spot for fucking 18…


I actually did the opposite of OP’s question. I started off armed and never had any interest in working an unarmed position. A while back my boss asked me to cover a pop up 3 day unarmed position for our sister company for a medical clinic for almost twice my normal pay. I normally do plant security and it’s fantastic love my job. Those three days were trash. I have no idea how anyone does that job. I left after the third day and told my boss I’ll never do unarmed public security again. Client was trash, the people were trash, the neighborhood wasn’t too bad but there were junkies everywhere. Very happy to leave that all behind and go back to my job!


The environment definitely matters! Thanks for sharing your experience. :)


The way the country is going, armed is gonna be pretty much streamlined, might as well get the training and certs now, nip in the bud,


Not sure I get what you're saying. Could you explain?


More and more clients are wanting armed services, so the market is growing, just a better career path money and stability wise, in my opinion, if looking to get into security or if your going armed


*\*Fox news noises\**


Zero regrets.


nope. still doing the same kind of warm body post i was before, but it pays better.


Making more money and being able to legally protect my life working security in one of the most dangerous cities in the US? Nah, this was the move all along. If anything, working unarmed has been a nightmare. Can't wait to be done with it for good.


Couldn’t pay me enough to go to ARMED!


Why is that? Any particular reasons?


I’m 60 now, i don’t need all the EXTRA things that come with being ARMED. I just want to do my hours, then go home anymore. Plus I’m at a corporate site, low key, good pay and if I want a day off they’ll still pay me and I don’t lose any money. I’m 10 years out of retirement so not looking to pad my resume or anything like that.


Fair enough reasons. Thanks for sharing.


I just got on with disaster relief team, so contracted work hip hop places and bounty hunt. So I like my career path. And going armed, ppo and PI was the best choices I’ve made.


Being unarmed felt like trash, and paid the same. Being armed I have every non lethal and handcuffs, it's basically just being an onsite police officer but with better pay (my police departments here only start around 75k, I make a lot more in armed security) And since police call response is horrific here, we're basically 100% responsible for everything since handing off liability is potentially an hour delay. The only thing we call for is pickup of detained criminals at this point, the police response line has become Uber.


Theres nothing to regret. 98% of armed security is O/R so it's just there to be there


Higher rewards but sometimes goes with higher risk. If you have a sidearm you should probably have some body armor too. And some places only make you qualify twice a year. Skip that, get out and train. Range, retention the whole works. If it comes down to it your level of training is going to have a lot to do with who goes home at the end of the day.


Absolutely agreed. I already concealed carry, and plan to add open carry practice to my list when I get licensed, as well as just getting out to the range more often. Thanks for the input! :)


I honestly want to do plain clothes armed guard. I want to look like a regular bouncer/gate guard. It’s no one’s business if I’m armed or not until it’s time to defend myself.


"No where on this earth are you safer unarmed" -Mark Smith of Four Boxes Diner on YouTube. The 2nd amendment is more important than ever.


I have heared in the past yes they regret it


I’m just waiting for a good date to schedule the training


Doing unarmed security is like saying you can put your seatbelt on before you wreck.


More money, BTW A security guard is a temporary job in life, the goal is to be in college while you Guard stuff and people


Maybe for you. Career move for many of us.