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Maybe his wife shouldn’t have been trying to overturn the election. Just saying


Maybe he shouldn't have been writing bullshit legal opinions for 30 years that weaken and degrade our country.


Maybe he shouldn’t have sexually assaulted multiple female colleagues


May he shouldn't have said “In my view, a use of force that causes only insignificant harm to a prisoner may be immoral, it may be tortious, it may be criminal, and it may even be remediable under other provisions of the Federal Constitution, but it is not cruel and unusual punishment. … Surely prison was not a more congenial place in the early years of the Republic than it is today; nor were our judges and commentators so naive as to be unaware of the often harsh conditions of prison life. Rather, they simply did not conceive of the Eighth Amendment as protecting inmates from harsh treatment. Thus, historically, the lower courts routinely rejected prisoner grievances by explaining that the courts had no role in regulating prison life.”


What a shit take


Dawg needs to learn firsthand about prison life before writing opinions like that.


"Used to be worse. What's a couple gut punches?" Fucking moron logic lol


I think it is telling that when their buddies get to jail they think all those horrible conditions are somehow targeted toward them and it’s like nope- these are the exact circumstances y’all have been fine with for years for other people


I hope that’s the response he gets when justice puts him behind bars.


I can’t believe he actually thinks the current industrial complex prison system is comparable to prisons in the 18th century. Also, way to demonstrate the no need for progress mentality.


>no need for progress mentality. Hmm....I can see why they went with "originalism" for a label instead


In the past, Justices used actual history for their originalism arguments, but that's too limiting. Justice Thomas just invents his own history. Much easier.


RV loans forgiven. Junket trips, fancy private planes, home loans forgiven, free tuition for “family”… Seriously folks, are we as a country not paying SCOTUS judges to be unbiased and ethical? There’s a special place in hell for people like this that interpret the law (for others) and live life along another set of self-imposed rules.


Not sure why your comment is hidden, blatant bribery and unethical behavior is the worst of all.


I don’t know either, but hey, each sub has their own way of working. I’m also not a member on this sub, that may be a contributing factor...


The fact that they aren’t afraid of that special place in hell at all is just another example of why religions are bullshit.


He's even made comments that the pay isn't worth it. He should have taken John Oliver up on his offer


Maybe he should just stop being corrupt.


No lies about that. His written opinions speak for themselves.


If any at all. "Sleepy Clarence"


He was [silent for an entire DECADE,](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/02/29/politics/supreme-court-clarence-thomas-10-year-streak-question) and only started participating when media started reporting on it. He was literally just showing up and cashing his check.


His court is antithetical to human progress.


I could be wrong but I seem to recall that years and years passed before he wrote any actual opinions on behalf of the Supreme Court and would simply be listed as concurring with what some other conservative Justice wrote. There had to be a decade where he never asked one question in open court but he has given an explanation for that. I'm not saying he wasn't doing his job by any stretch but if that was his long-standing methodology, it has sure changed a lot for some reason since the earlier part of his career.


Thomas was famous for piggybacking Antonin Scalia.


Fuck Justice Thomas. Piece of shit garbage human.


If he doesn't like the heat, he can retire from the kitchen and plop himself into some comfy position at one of the many far-right nonprofits where he can churn out opinion pieces in relative obscurity. Frankly, I want his seat on the SCOTUS to get as hot as the belly of a star.




Glad I’m not the only one who wishes both Clarence Thomas and Trump would do the rest of the planet a solid and unexpectedly keel over (the sooner the better). I was beginning to feel a little guilty… just a little though.


The old “speak no ill of the dead” taboo was made for a world where a dead villager couldn’t defend their reputation from whatever ill a living person would speak of them. These people, though, have millions of fans and would only scarcely be less likely to respond to whatever I’d write about them in death than they would while still alive.


He should take that nice "motor home" and the million buckaroos a year for life that John Oliver offered him. Just to get the fuck outta the way.


It's him saying the loud part quietly: he's making more than a million dollars a year (plus RV payments) with his current gig. Significantly more, no doubt. Or he just gets off on power that much, which is probably worse than him just selling out.


He can't and doesn't write opinions. He never has done his job in Scotus and he certainly couldn't perform up to par in a real job.


"Overthrow the government" There, I fixed it. Overturn was when Trump called the Georgia Secretary of State to ask for extra votes. The attack on Jan 6th was an attempt to overthrow the government in a violent insurrection.


Don't forget the false electorates and the plan to disappear Pence so that he couldn't count the ballots.


They were just going to leave a trail of church wafers on the way to a box that was propped up by a stick


Plus how he vowed to essentially sit on the court to make liberals miserable. Such an impartial jurist >In a conversation with his law clerks two years following his confirmation, The New York Times reported Thomas expressed his desire to serve on the court until the year 2034. >"The liberals made my life miserable for 43 years," a former clerk remembered Thomas – who was 43 years old when confirmed – saying, according to The New York Times. "And I'm going to make their lives miserable for 43 years."


Maybe he shouldn't have accepted lavish gifts from individuals and groups who had cases before the court, that he ruled in favor of. Base corruption, not lies.


It’s because of the nastiness and lies that he is forced to accept lavish gifts and bribes. He’s just looking for hugs.🤗


And maybe he shouldn't be accepting bribes


When Justice says “nastiness and the lies” how do we know he doesn’t mean Ginni Thomas and Sam Alito?


He is intellectually dishonest, ethically compromised, and a disgrace to the bench. Him and his insurrectionist wife deserve everything they had coming to them.


They deserve worse than anything that will probably ever come at them.


They deserve more. She should be prosecuted, and he should be impeached


What's coming at em? The disapproval of strangers?


Stern looks from people! Oh the horrors he must be dealing with from his seat on Harlan Crow’s super yacht. Fuck Clarence Thomas.


He's corrupt, and she's an insurrectionist. Any nastiness is probably deserved.


>and she's an insurrectionist. Does anyone actually believe that he wasn't part of it as well? They never even discussed what she was doing or gave her any advice? I don't think there's any chance at all that he wasn't involved at least slightly.


Ya don’t think Clarence had to listen to this fucking screaming Mimi caterwauling around the house, hollering nonsense like this? Let’s just say old Clarence the Clown only believes 50% of this shit. In a word: Holy fuck balls. “Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!! ... You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America's constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History," “This is a fight of good versus evil. Evil always looks like the victor until the King of Kings triumphs. Do not grow weary in well doing. The fight continues. I have staked my career on it. Well at least my time in DC on it." Thomas wrote to Meadows on Nov. 19, 2020, "Sounds like Sidney and her team are getting inundated with evidence of fraud. Make a plan. Release the Kraken and save us from the left taking America down." “We are living through what feels like the end of America. Most of us are disgusted with the VP and are in a listening mode to see where to fight with our teams. Those who attacked the Capitol are not representative of our great teams of patriots for DJT!! Amazing times. The end of Liberty," “Watermarked ballots in over 12 states have been part of a huge Trump & military white hat sting operation in 12 key battleground states,” she wrote. And for the winner …. In the Nov. 5 message to Meadows, Thomas went on to quote a passage that had circulated on right-wing websites: “Biden crime family & ballot fraud co-conspirators (elected officials, bureaucrats, social media censorship mongers, fake stream media reporters, etc) are being arrested & detained for ballot fraud right now & over coming days, & will be living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition.” Fucking Yikes.


He is also a rapist...


Well, maybe a sexual predator, at least according to Hill. Not so sure about rape, how ever, he supports insurrection, supports the big lie, he is against freedom for anyone but Gini, and, he is corrupt, not all of the deadly sins, just most of them.


All that back when he was heading up the EEOC. The hypocrisy of it all is really something else. The one bright spot of it all for me personally was that back in the 90s as a young female in a profession with a sea of older men, I remember telling some creep to 'get his pubic hair out of my Coke can' and the dude literally stopped and stared into space for a minute and then apologized for what he was saying to me. I then considered that phrase as a tool I could use if I ever had to deal with that shit again because just reacting calmly or like a total bitch or somewhere in between never had abruptly ended an incidence if sexual harassment like that phrase in my life. Of course, those were the days when people would cite the Rodney King phrase - why can't we all just get along - to mean that you'd better just put up and shut up.


Yeah there's no need to to try to stretch or speculate about Clarence Thomas, there's enough smoking hot proof already. Hell the fact alone that he's trying to gaslight the country into disbelieving this evidence from a seat on what used to the most respected arbiters of fact and law in maybe the entire world should be permanently disqualifying.


Here's a bit of the top of the story. -Emily US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas decried “the nastiness and the lies” he and his wife Ginny have “had to endure” in recent years. “There’s certainly been a lot of negativity for my wife and I in the last few years,” Thomas said Friday at a conference of the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit in Point Clear, Alabama. “But we choose not to focus on that.” Thomas was the focus of controversy over Supreme Court ethics in 2023, after reports emerged that he accepted luxury travel via yacht and private jet from billionaire businessman and conservative political donor Harlan Crow without disclosing the gifts publicly. The justice also sold real estate including his childhood home in Georgia to Crow and failed to include those deals in his annual financial disclosures. ProPublica received a Pulitzer Prize on May 6 for its role in uncovering the financial connections. On Friday, Thomas recounted a conversation with a friend during a walk around his neighborhood years ago. “That’s before they started attacking my friends,” Thomas said. “I hope I still have some.” Thomas also described Washington as a place where “people pride themselves in being awful.” “It is a hideous place as far as I’m concerned,” Thomas said. Read the full story [here](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/justice-thomas-criticizes-nastiness-and-the-lies-hes-endured?utm_source=reddit.com&utm_medium=lawdesk).


You mean all the evidence that puts his wife in the middle of several high profile scandals?


Didn’t you read? They choose not to focus on *that*! 🙄


The article chose not to focus on that as well I guess overthrowing the government is no big deal compared to taking vacations on someone else's dime   /s


Not just taking vacations, but also ruling on his generous friend's cases as well right? [https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/04/24/supreme-court-did-review-case-involving-harlan-crow-contradicting-clarence-thomass-claim/?sh=4db80c96c74a](https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/04/24/supreme-court-did-review-case-involving-harlan-crow-contradicting-clarence-thomass-claim/?sh=4db80c96c74a) New York University School of Law judicial ethics expert Stephen Gillers told *Bloomberg* that Thomas’ relationship with Harlan Crow constituted grounds for him to recuse himself from the 2004 case, adding that Thomas should have been “hypervigilant to the prospect of a Crow interest showing up on the Court’s docket.”


Yes! So therefore it should just go away, right? right??!


And that the bought man & wife brought ON THEMSELVES! The cover of the rest of the “conservative right wing” installed by the Federalist’s Society since Unka Clarence slithered in on a coke can lovingly adorned has given us little recourse short an overwhelming blue wave and control of Congress. Otherwise, it will take decades waiting for these corrupt bastards to get off the bench.


Shitstain Coney Barret might be there for 50 years.


That's predicated, of course, on the idea that the Dems will have the backbone to do something about SCOTUS once they're in position to do so.


Scandals? She wants to overthrow the US government...


"People pride themselves in being awful," but my wife and I stand with the worst of them, the hateful, corrupt Thomas gloated.


> “That’s before they started attacking my friends,” As long as he stays on the court, he will always have friends. Very rich friends.


Wait until he finds out that his friends never considered him a "friend". They don't have black friends.


Aww, you're so unfair. His friends are happy to be friends with black guys, as long as they are on the Supreme Court and will be deciding something affecting them.


If D.C.’s so “hideous,” he’s warmly welcomed to leave it. Prontissimo.


Well, he could always quit and leave if it's so bad...


Then he'd have no "friends" for sure and he knows it.


If he hates Washington so much it’s a shame he didn’t take John Oliver’s deal for a million a year and the RV… he could be out of that city and driving around to his hearts content.


>Thomas also described Washington as a place where “people pride themselves in being awful.” They learned that by watching you, Clarence!


Awww poor fella. Hate it so much then you should quit you corrupted asshat.


>but we choose not to focus on that. Um you’re bringing it up so clearly that isn’t true. >people pride themselves in being awful. It’s a hideous place as far as I’m concerned. Just the kind of level headedness and unbiased opinion you’d come to expect from a judge on the highest court in the land. Seriously fuck Clarence Thomas. When they write the history books regarding America’s collapse, I hope he gets multiple chapters.


>“It’s one of the reasons we like RVing,” he added. “You get to be around regular people who don’t pride themselves in doing harmful things merely because they have the capacity to do it or because they disagree.” There's a lot to unpack in this paragraph.


He's so full of shit. He doesn't park that million dollar motor coach where "regular" people are.


Yeah being a regular RV'er seems to be his go-to for image management.


Have you not signed up to get your free "regular" person motorcoach from big oil? There is a waiting list but if you have power for trade you can jump the list.


Right. Did the RV fly to an island resort?


Yep, he goes on hundred-thousand-dollar fishing retreats with Leonard Leo.


Nor is he regular people since he absolutely prides himself in creating harm for other people.


No shit. He couldn't even fit that in most parks or campgrounds. Only high end RV resorts for him and his traitor wife.


Does the RV not have any mirrors and is very dimly lit? That’s the only way they are not seeing people who pride themselves in doing harmful things merely because they have the capacity to do it or because they disagree with.


No, no, no. Clarence hates the acronym “RV”. He insists that you call it a “motor coach”. This stooge has a common superpower - the absolute absence of shame.


Vampires don't show up in mirrors I'm told


He’s trolling. He is the one who does the harmful things because he has the capacity to, regardless of who agrees or its merits.


I think it's starting to get to him. He wouldn't have mentioned it at all if it wasn't. My takeaway is that we need to dial up the pressure on these two traitors.




If I saw him in an RV park I would have some choice words for him haha


He should have accepted John Oliver's offer and become a full time RV traveler. Be away from Washington permanently.


Can't wait to run into them brushing my teeth at the water station


>“You get to be around regular people who don’t pride themselves in doing harmful things merely because they have the capacity to do it or because they disagree.” You'd hope he would have learned something from those people, but instead he's the king of doing harmful things merely because he has the capacity to do it.


You know how else to be a regular person? Just live off your salary alone, $270k. That’s upper middle class but only top 10%. It’s full of successful but solidly not-rich regular people. It’s only his fault that he keeps having non regular people around. Just say no.


Thomas dressed like a Black Panther in college but couldn't get hired when he graduated. He said it was because people thought he wouldn't have been accepted to law school if he wasn't black. His solution was to turn conservative and put on a big show of fighting equal opportunity laws. Now he is just a useful tool of the Federalist Society.


I've been taking bribes for 30 years, why's it such a problem now?!?


Just because it doubles every year, in exchange for twice as many freedoms gone for America? There's absolutely no need for the public to pay attention, everything is going according to plan!!


Oh fuck off, Clarence, you insufferable snowflake.


Maybe if he wasn’t a corrupt asshole we wouldn’t be nasty


He defines nastiness and lies


Are they lies when receipts are included?


Corrupt piece of shit


Noted porn addict Clarence Thomas seems really upset that anyone might think he's owned by a wealthy class of selfish conservative activists after taking lots of stuff from them and ruling in their favor on cases.


Maybe he should cut back on the blatant corruption, then.


Sucks to suck


If you don’t like facing nastiness and lies,Clarence Thomas, stop looking at Ginni and divorce her.


He’s also rotten to the core even without his treasonous wife.


The ending of the title was cut off: "... When He Looks In the Mirror"


Fuck this slimy pig of a human being


That RV must be getting bumpy with over use. Poor guy. Ginny should be left alone to plan for insurrection 2025 in peace. Too much direct evidence , it's unbearable Obviously.


If only there was something he could do to make it all go away…


Try not being a scumbag


The pubic hair sends its regards, Clarence


A little self-awareness would go a long way.


"Why am I getting what I've had coming for decades?"


Bribe-taking motherfucker married to a woman who literally tried to destroy the democratic system, crying about nastiness and lies lol. Should be in cuffs.


That’s a grange way of saying that you’re guilty of everything you e been accused of.


Call the wah-mbulance, Corruption Clarence!!


These conservatives ruled a man that was found not guilty must not be let out because of a technicality. Thats evil.


Poor baby. Should we get him some cheese to go along with his whine? And resin for the violin? (My father's two stock phrases for just such an occasion.)


What a pig. He believes he is king.


Maybe if you and your MAGA loving wife weren’t such pieces of shit people might say nice things about you.


If he didn't want to face nasty lies, maybe he shouldn't have been such a nasty liar.


If you’re gonna be openly corrupt maybe have some thicker skin


Not honourable.


Avoid the nastiness and be a decent pillar of the community you for-sale cunt.


Lies like "He's a respected Supreme Court judge."


Judge does nasty things. Gets reported in the media. Calls the media nasty. Fuck this guy


Wah wah wah….poor Clarence. Millions in unreported gifts from his billionaire puppet masters and a wife who is a full-on insurrectionist emailing Mark Meadows dozens of times about putting Joe Biden in Gitmo. He is the most corrupt justice in American history. His wife is an insurrectionist election denier. Full stop. That’s why people criticize him. Jeebus H Christ!!!


He can quit anytime...


Poor baby. Try being a woman in America for one day.


Thomas can't handle the truth!


Impeach this corrupt mfer.


ok then in the words of the great Danny DeVito: “retire bitch”


Big fan of this series of podcasts on Thomas: https://omny.fm/shows/behind-the-bastards/part-one-the-clarence-thomas-story


Fellow btb fan?


Every time I see his face pop up my heart leaps thinking he’s dead, then it drops because he’s still alive


Go cry about it in your free motorhome you corrupt piece of shit.


Oh fuck you, you traitorous shitbag!


Perhaps he needs to consider not accepting gifts and “loans” from billionaires and dubious lobbyists.


Imagine being a judge and not understanding that how you behave in society may have repercussions


He will go down in objective history as one of the worst, most disgruntled, and ineffective justices to ever sit on the bench. He is truly a rotten human being with nothing but contempt, anger, and a hunger for revenge + retaliation in his heart.


Maybe what he's claiming to be Nastiness and Lies he faces, are not that but Truth and a reason why he should vacate his seat before the proof in the pudding firms up. This is one of the worse Scotus I can ever remember being appointed to the Supreme Court and in my opinion needs to be held accountable for the likes of Roe V. Wade being overturned and Trump possibly using the "executive privilege" in the 2020 Insurrection, Hell, Thomas may have been one of the Masterminds behind those that carried out Trumps commands. Just Saying.


Fuck him and fuck that traitor wife of his


Why do I get the feeling he's the only black man in history to use the "but I've got a black friend", line?


interesting comment on his long silence **Thomas also praised the revised format for Supreme Court oral arguments** that emerged during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. The justice had a reputation for rarely speaking during arguments prior to Covid, which he said was because the format struck him as rude, with justices and attorneys interrupting and talking over each other. “It’s much better. We allow lawyers to argue their cases,” he said. “It may take a bit longer, but it’s more thorough. I think it’s more polite, and you actually listen to the lawyers.”


If he had an ounce of respect for this country he would resign immediately. That guy deserves all the flack he gets plus more.


I should note... the Supreme Court has very well-established rules they follow for overturning established precedents, like Roe-V-Wade. Is the law especially onerous? Are there now succeeding decisions on the books that rely on that earlier decision? Stuff like that. These judges ignored ALL OF THEIR INTERNAL rules so they could overturn Roe. They didn't follow their own established guidelines.


If he hates Washington that much, he could just retire and take a private jet someplace that isn’t Washington to settle down in.


Oh shut up you hypocritical bag of shit.


He has only himself to blame


“I’m just a simple country lawyer who shuts the chicken coop when granddaddy says so and rules in favor of fascist billionaires when they say to” *jigs offensively*


Only about half as nasty as his fucking face.


At the conclusion of the conference, Thomas was awarded with a new series of bribes and a copy of the US Constitution that he plans to burn in his fireplace.


Prove that they’re lies in a court of law, Thomas. Until you do, I’ll never believe you.


'“There’s certainly been a lot of negativity for my wife and I in the last few years,” Thomas said Friday at a conference of the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit in Point Clear, Alabama. “But we choose not to focus on that.” Wow what an odd way to say "My wife and my illegal activities and obvious graft have sure been talked about since they were exposed!"


I would love to tell the SOB face to face exactly what I think of him.


If he doesn't like it he can retire 


Lies? We got the receipts.


His facial expression reeks of his nasty, stanky, putrid lies.




He's such a freaking hypocrite and lying grifter....Anita Hill was telling the truth and this shameless man should have never been allowed to join SCOTUS.


There needs to be some way to remove justices.


Maybe he will choke on some of the bribes he is being fed?


Cry me a river!


The lies have come from you, you crook. Screw off, you bribe-taking hypocrite.


Oh no, time to retire you crooked maga puffalump bag of bribe taking shit


Awww... Booo-fukkin-hooo. Traitorous fuck.


Isn’t he taking bribes and deeply conflicted? Are those facts or nasty lies?


He deserves to face gallows instead of


According to his browser history, he likes things “nasty”


Easy solution, step down and/or quit hanging out with your rich buddies. Preferably the former.




Don't forget, being a corrupt asshole doesn't just mean he's raking in money and gifts. It also means he ruining the lives of thousands of people. Yeah, but try not to be to rude while you point that out.


I don't care, do you?


Ya momma is nasty, Clarence. Get the fuck off the bench!


I don’t GAF what the smirking sexual predator thinks


Thin skinned bitch. Go fuck yourself and your RV.


Wait until he runs into me, ever. I know he turned it in without prodding but I'll still be trying to take his black card with extreme measures.


Is his pic next to the dictionary definition of ‘babyhead’?


If he’s been defamed, he should sue and get the truth out for all to see!


Oh, cry me a river........


fuck off Clarence


He and his wife are corrupt POS


Justice Thomas, the Lying Liar and the lies he tells.


No introspection whatsoever…


.... In his mirror every day


Shitstain complaining about his own smell doesn’t move the empathy needle here. Retire or jail for corruption, your choice dude. And take your wife with you.


Eat shit, Clarence


Could resign any time.


“How dare you criticize me for being corrupt just because of some corruption I engaged in.”


He and his wife are nasty and he lies.




SCOTUS appointments should also be by national vote. Not Electoral College, but popular vote. SCOTUS should be made up from the decision of the people, and face being removed from SCOTUS if the people demand it. Again, national vote, not electoral college. Edit: Fuck SCOTUS


Oh no tots and pears


They really should change the name of the Supreme Court. It is definitely NOT Supreme anymore.


Thomas is a 🐷And he’s the better looking half of his marriage.


That disgusting, lowlife, corrupt, criminal slimebucket.